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NatioNaL GLider academy

During the AK WingGlider NFA at Clear 2021 cadets worked as a team to secure smooth operations. Cadet Por ter (top left) is ready for take-off in the Blanik L23. Pushing the gliders back to the starting position after landing and connecting the cable are necessary tasks during glider operations. Cadets did very well in the air during learning to fly. Maj. Kaden, CFIG, (lower right) flying in the the ASK 21, has a big smile on her face acknowledg ing the good work cadges are doing. 12 CAP AKWG

During the AK WingGlider NFA at Clear 2021 cadets worked as a team to secure smooth operations. Cadet Porter (top left) is ready for take-off in the Blanik L23. Pushing the gliders back to the starting position after landing and connecting the cable are necessary tasks during glider operations. Cadets did very well in the air during learning to fly. Maj. Kaden, CFIG, (lower right) flying in the the ASK 21, has a big smile on her face acknowledg-

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