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Educators Program
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Aerospace Education and outreach to the K-12 community in Fairbanks 9th Composite Squadron
The 9th Fairbanks Squadron hosted an Aerospace outreach event on April 4th, 2023. Teacher Marcie Ward came with 22 elementary students and parents to the CAP hangar for a fun filled and hands on afternoon to learn about CAP and why aircrafts fly. Cadet Weise , Cadets P and A Smoot, Maj Low, Maj Kaden, and SM Moore supported the event.
Future pilots
Gyroscope Activity
1944 Preflight Study Manual for Cadets
Forward by General Henry (Hap) Arnold
America need not fear for the future so long as her young men and women are air-minded. Civil Air Patrol Cadets, and others like them, will assure for this country a place of leadership in aviation. Among you are those who will design, build and fly bigger, faster, and more powerful airplanes than we know now. But a man must walk before he can run, and he must work hard and long before he can fly. Those of you who want to become flyers must begin now to learn the fundamentals of your chosen profession.
Your CAPC training program, for which this manual is a guide and aid, has been carefully planned to give you a solid foundation of aviation knowledge. This will be of decided advantage in flying training. It is important to your future in an aviation-conscious world. Flying demands a lot of you in return for the thrill and satisfaction it provides. You must study hard, be patient, and be thorough. Be greedy to learn everything you can about aviation. Your goal is well worth the effort.
In this section of your manual, you and your friends will find the answers to many questions about Civil Air Patrol Cadets, you will learn how your own particular unit of CAPC is run, and how it fits into the national organization. You will discover the type of Instructors you are to have and what they will teach you. You will read with pride of the Civil Air Patrol's record, and learn what Is being done for cadets by the Civil Air Patrol League, if those friends of yours who are not yet cadets can read here how they may qualify for membership in CAPC and learn of the advantages it offers. By letting them read the answers to their queries about CAPC you will thereby introduce them to your manual and the fascinating store of aviation facts It contains.