Ambalantota Report

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Welcome to Uhapitagoda p g Village g

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Background g : Site Location

• Originally a scrub jungle • 35 families occupied this area before tsunami

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Background g : Post-Tsunami Housing g Construction

Three types of tsunami affected people (direct, indirect, non)

Everybody e ybody was as a affected ected in some so e way, some negatively, others positively

• Originally, there was already a plan in place set up by the government to house the poor since 2000. Government saw tsunami as an opportunity to use outside aid to also relocate and house the poor.

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Background g : FORUT • • •

Architect: N.D. Nawarathna 100 Housing Unit Floor Area: 674.5

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Background g : Bonn • • •

Architect: Harsha Prenando 50 Housing Unit Floor Area: 487.5

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Background g : Samadhi • • •

Architect: Sudath Mohotti 300 Housing Unit Floor Area: 555

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House Visit

Process: •

Went house to house to gain insight on peoples recovery process

Connected with the children of the village for they seemed more open to our presence in the beginning

Uncertain of perceptions and translations: “Collecting sad stories”

Early reliance on Sadeepa, later became conflicted about our use of her translations

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Individual Stories:

Tsunami Directly y Affected FORUT

Man and woman lost their spouses in the tsunami

Received two houses, but…

Can’t get married yet because no deeds, fear of losing one house

• Couple runs a small general goods store out of one home

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Individual Stories:


• 6 people: husband and wife, his mother, three children • House not destroyed by the tsunami but government seized their land because they Lived in unauthorized construction within 100-meter area of ocean • Husband works as a fish merchant, bicycles 11 km to harbor •

Kids go to the same school as before tsunami (6 km away)

• Lacked water for the first year, electricity for six months • Built brick storage space for ill father-inlaw; used it for storage space after his death • Able to sustain economic level due to minimum affect of tsunami

Tsunami Indirectly y Affected

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Individual Stories:

Non-Tsunami Affected Poor


Moved to area in 1986 from north because of the LTTE conflict; they were not affected by the tsunami.

Received the house because they were living in improvised housing 1/4-mile away

Works as laborer; wife sells fish from house and small general shop in front

• Bathes 1/4-mi away because of the water situation; lack a water storage tank. Live at bottom of hill; water ate remains emains fo for use. se •

More permanent additions such as kitchen and porch

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Recovery y:

Psychological y g


• Deeds – permanent vs. vs informal housing additions •

Dependency of NGO for maintenance of organizations, such as youth

• Adaptability - Kitchens not as big of problem as they first seemed. Many of these villagers built their own outdoor kitchens before • Fisherman changing occupations to ease children's fears and insecurities • Continuing to use old social networks • Satisfaction: Tsunami Affected v.s. Low income

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Recovery y:


Observations: Religious networks: • 11 Christian families in a predominantly Buddhist village • Religion as barrier - Christian man received house

from Taiwan Buddhist Foundation, but key was taken away when he refused to participate in a Buddhist ritual. Returned to temporary housing, but in FORUT house now

Contradicts Buddhist monk’s statement that Samadhi village housing selection was not based on religion.

Inside vs. outside village:

One house told of threats from villagers outside the junction because they weren’t affected by the tsunami

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Recovery y:




Majority of village was low-income before the tsunami


Few permanent employment opportunities or training facilities


Businesses within village: bakery, hopper stand, barber shop, general goods store, construction working (roofs created jobs for people), bi-weekly pola, automobile repair place (right outside village), brick making factory, buffalo herding, waste container factory, fish stand, private bus driver textile weaving, driver, weaving clothing merchandising

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Recovery y:



Limited market and duplication for fair (grow own produce, more expensive than in Ambalantota)

Large loans given out to villagers to start own business , yet no training on how to manage or maintain it

Ashen’s mother: had a general goods shop in her house when we first met her. Now she has shut down her business and gone work at the paddy field.

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Recovery y:

Signs g of Agency g y


Early in the village’s development, approx. 50 residents went to Colombo to protest to the chief of FORUT about problems with poor construction and leaky roofs – NGO agreed to fix

Roof tiles in roads


Individual fences, gates, thatched roofs for shade

Home gardens

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Recovery y:

Village g Politics


You can’t build without dealing with politics, b th external both t l and d internal i t l

FORUT - “development policy” is to mobilize the community and “establish organizations that are capable of taking over the challenges themselves ” Did the NGO succeed? themselves.

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Recovery y:

Village g Politics


Vebry: Housing as process, not product

Products are important (roads, roofs, etc),

More holistic look needed at other social, cultural, economic factors.

Avoid duplication of services (e.g. library)

Process also important to deal with corruption (real or perceived): How can (or ( can)) the th process be b structured t t d to t attempt tt t to t reduce d and d eliminate corruption?

Politics matter:

Connections helped some people get houses, pressure in numbers helped with the NGO early on.

How does the Sri Lankan p political system y work in response p to citizens’ concerns?

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Workshop p


• 70 adults from all three villages turned out to the workshop • Women sat separate from the 8 men, men who were in back rows • Day meetings may prevent higher numbers of men in attendance for many are working outside of the village

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Workshop p

Economic • Lack of job opportunities • Lack of permanent income • Land not large enough for cultivation • Women have to travel far for work Social • Lack of deeds for houses • No religious place (temple or church), post office, burial ground, marketplace, or training center Infrastructure • Not enough water • Transportation is difficult • No street lamps • Solid waste disposal • Storm water drainage Housing • Toilet pits overrun when it rains • Small kitchen, need one suitable for firewood • Lack of fencing • Doors/windows, houses not strong enough

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Overnight g House Stay y


• Observed frequent problems brought up in the house visits i it and d workshop k h iincluding l di water, t li lighting, hti improper road drainage • Introduced to Sadeepa’s dad’s water system • Observed social spaces such as the pola, pola playground, playground community center, library, canal, etc. • Paid an amount to family for stay to try to lessen financial impact of our stay

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Survey y


Build the agency of the people by generating ideas and suggestions from the people for potential solutions to some of their problems

• Decided to focus more on Forut for our final project because the 101 houses seemed more manageable • Instead of doing a sample survey, we wanted to give every single person an opportunity to be apart of the development in their community by giving their suggestions • FORUT NGO was pulling out their support very soon so villagers would soon be forced to solve their own problems • Identify the strengths of the village • Identify people in the village willing to be apart of the solution • Analyzed three different types of distribution processes of the survey

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Survey y:

Scheduled Meeting g


• Good response rate • Some people filled surveys out together • Opportunity for clarification • If these villagers cared enough to come to this meeting in the first place, they were more likely to care about making change h iin their th i village ill • Seemed eager to fill out forms

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Survey y:



• Time consuming with no noticeable improvement in quality of answers •

100% immediate return rate because the survey was completed when we left

Built familiarity between us and the community

O Opportunity t it for f clarification l ifi ti on questions ti or answers and d

• With more time, allows for follow-up questions

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Survey y:



• Delayed response •

Time consuming process (multiple returns)

Lower return rate,

Similar quality of answers

Increased knowledge of and familiarity with the community

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Suggestions gg :

Community y Center Uses

• Reception hall • Industry or factory • Classroom space • Training center

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Suggestions gg :

FORUT Library y • Provide daily newspapers • More educational books and programs • Maintain regular hours • Provide a salaried librarian • Broaden services to include adults, not just students • Add a hotel

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Suggestions gg :

Playground yg

Provide equipment

Build a wall or net around the playground

Add a pavilion

Plant grass

Organize sports events to increase use

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Suggestions gg :


• Improve access (roads, infrastructure) to inhance business in existing pola • Add a Pola in the FORUT section • Move near the main road, the FORUT tower, or the preschool

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Suggestions gg :

• Death Donation Society y • Elders Society • Alleviate poverty • Loan L assistance i t

Community y Organizations g

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Suggestions gg :


• Provide a tank central to village for supply, possibly connect with canals • Use the existing water tower • Connecting rain water collection to the toilet • Provide water longer periods of time • Provide water during the day • Digging a well

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Suggestions gg :

Strengths g of the Village g

The youth y

Labor force


C Community it Development D l tS Society i t


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Suggestions gg :

Development p

Improve quality of access roads

Add street lighting

Improve safety

Stable income opportunities

increase participation


Self-employment training

Improved playgrounds


Improve bus service

Establish strong community organizations

Hold deeds (improves access to capital)

Plant shade trees along access roads

These short and non-descriptive answers to the survey questions raised more questions than answers!

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Water Manual


• • • •

Observance and documentation of water harvesting a est g solution so ut o from o one o e of o the t e villagers age s We provided the materials and villagers provided the labor Create a “How To” manual which could be viewed and used by all in the villagers Implementation of this water system could potentially provide jobs in the village

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Children’s Exhibition


• Through engaging the children of the village, we created community activities which united and brought many villagers in the community together • Kids showed their willingness to help and take charge of their own project

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Children’s Exhibition


Through the display of their work, we aimed to reflect pride back to the village.

During this final exhibition, a meeting was held with the parents which addressed the results of the surveys

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Children’s Exhibition

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Children’s Exhibition

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Children’s Exhibition

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