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California Association of Pest Control Advisers www.capca.com

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Cover photo: Luis Espino, UCCE Colusa County | Photo this page: © slobo, iStock

Table of Contents LEADERSHIP 06

Leadership Update

Rick Wescott


Government Relations Update



Kristina Short: A Passion for Agriculture and PCA Advocacy



2018 CAPCA Spring Summit Recap



CAPCA Annual Financial Report


2018 Renewal Information for DPR License and Certificate Holders


Areawide Monitoring of Armyworms in Rice: An Update

Luis Espino and Michelle Leinfelder-Miles


05 From the Editor


CCA Update

14 Pathway to PCA


Featured: Organics



Career Opportunities



Continuing Education

Featured: Nutrients



Dave Van Groningen Van Groningen Dehydrator Visalia, CA

Protect what’s important with the proven performance of Assail®. Every year, walnut growers across California choose Assail insecticide for husk fly and codling moth control. Growers know by choosing Assail, they will protect their crops, their livelihoods, and the traditions that have been nurtured for generations. Growers are loyal to Assail because Assail is loyal to growers. Just ask Dave Van Groningen of Van Groningen Dehydrator. To place your order, contact your UPI distributor. Assail is a bee-friendly insecticide. Always read and follow label directions and precautions. Assail® is a registered trademark of Nippon Soda Company. UPI logo is a trademark of United Phosphorus, Inc. ©April, 2018. UPI, 630 Freedom Business Center, King of Prussia, PA 19406. www.upi-usa.com.


From the Editor Enduring and Advancing: Member Engagement CAPCA has been marching towards change for a while now. Some of CAPCA’s most influential members are retiring and stepping down from leadership positions. The insight, historical knowledge and professionalism that built and sustained CAPCA for so many years is stepping aside to make way for the next generation. These retirements hit me with mixed emotions as the leaders who were foundational for me when I joined CAPCA five years ago will no longer be just a phone call away. Those who built and established CAPCA’s reputation have had an incredible impact on how I approached telling the story of the PCA nearly three years ago when I took over as CEO. But I am also optimistic as I watch the reins being passed to new leaders with innovative ideas and fresh vision for our industry. This bridging phase, between the next generation of PCAs, fresh ideas and methods, and the retiring generation representative of the values that built CAPCA, is not unique to CAPCA. Other associations are also grappling with this same transition. The implications of the 2015 demographic survey, the healthy push from the CAPCA Forward Committee to continue our relevance as a source of information, the cultural climate and ever-present expectations to do more with less, continue to add pressure to our industry. CAPCA leadership has responded to each of these as opportunities to evolve and educate through joining the team of agriculture and engaging in proactive ways. In 2017, rebranding brought a fresh visual image and packaged talking points to the Capitol, members and industry at large. Our message is focused on PCAs not only being the Plant Doctors, but at the center of plant health. With the rollout of a more dynamic website last year, we created additional opportunities to connect with our membership online – which may strategically decrease our paper footprint over the coming years as we release unofficial certs, chapter information and membership reminders through the CAPCA website. The intention of these changes is to help serve new PCA members, but rest assured the CAPCA state office is just a phone call away for our members who still want to connect with a live person. At this month’s CAPCA board meeting, I challenged directors to look forward 5, 10 years to consider where we go next, how we best serve the membership with our resources, and what role the chapters and the state office play in executing that vision. Because, at the core, we remain a membership driven association, making decisions to best serve all our membership. █ Ruthann Anderson, Editor ruthann@capca.com

CAPCA EDITORIAL STAFF Ruthann Anderson - Editor Joyce Basan - Deputy Editor Dee Strowbridge - Membership/Conference Sylvia Stark - Advertising Sales Manager Ariana McCray - So. CA Representative Rachel Taft - Executive Assistant Adam Barsanti - Outreach Relations Manager Ixchel Mendoza - Office Administrator/ Membership Liaison Graphic Design - Rosemary N. Southward southwardr@comcast.net MISSION & PURPOSE California Association of Pest Control Advisers (CAPCA) is a non-profit voluntary mutual benefit association that represents 75% of the 4,000 California EPA licensed pest control advisers. CAPCA’s purpose is to serve as the leader in the evolution of the pest management industry through the communication of reliable information. CAPCA is dedicated to the professional development and enhancement of our members’ education and stewardship which includes legislative, regulatory, continuing education and public outreach activities. PUBLISHING INFORMATION CAPCA Adviser is published bi-monthly by the California Association of Pest Control Advisers (CAPCA), 2300 River Plaza Dr., Suite 120, Sacramento, California 95833. Web: www.capca.com, (916) 928‑1625. POSTMASTER: send address change to CAPCA. A portion of CAPCA membership dues is used to provide subscription privileges to the Adviser magazine. Non-member subscriptions are $30/year. Third class bulk postage paid at Tucson, AZ and at additional mailing offices. CAPCA has endeavored to include appropriate and accurate statements, but disclaims any and all warranties and/or responsibility for the statements or articles submitted to CAPCA Adviser that may have additionally been edited for style, content and space prior to publication. Views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent CAPCA policies, or positions or endorsements. Editorial content of this publication is educational and informational in nature. No part of this publication, including images, may be reproduced without prior written permission from the publisher. Contact CAPCA at (916) 928‑1625 for reprint authorization. PRINTING: Sundance Press Tucson, Arizona




Politics is Never Easy By Rick Wescott, CAPCA Chairman

So here we are in the middle of an election year that will be very pivotal for agriculture and the green industry going forward. As you know, the current administration has not been very friendly to agriculture and our jobs as PCAs. There has been a constant onslaught of legislation and CDPR decisions that make our jobs, and our growers' jobs, difficult to say the least. In November there will be a change in administration with the election of a new governor and, depending on who is elected, could be better for agriculture, or much worse. Let’s take a look at the scenario that is before us: It could be a race between a Democrat and Republican or two Democrats. The most likely scenario based on the latest polling is that in November we will be choosing between two Democrats. So on the one hand you have a very left wing “D” that makes the Brown administration look like a moderate, and on the other hand you have a “D” that is somewhat closer to being moderate though still leaning to the left. So what does all this mean for CAPCA and Agriculture? The fact is, of the two Democrats, only one has reached out to agriculture and has taken an interest in us: Antonio Villaraigosa. The majority of Agriculture, including CAPCA, is supporting Villaraigosa for governor of California. He understands the water issues, labor and the loss of crop protection tools, and is willing to work with team agriculture to help solve these issues. He has sat down with many Ag groups to discuss his plans and willingness to work with us. We will not agree on every issue, but the alternative choice isn’t even in the same ballpark. One thing is certain: You have to make a choice based on the facts and information presented. CAPCA has made its choice to be a part of the solution and take a stand for what is right! Now get out and vote. Your future may depend on it! █





The Growing Threat of Huanglongbing and How You Can Protect California Citrus The Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), a vector of the bacterium that causes Huanglongbing (HLB) disease, has been identified in southern California. Vigilant pest control is necessary to protect California citrus from the severe effects of HLB. HLB is the most devastating citrus disease worldwide and threatens all commercial citrus production. Florida has lost 72% of its citrus production since 2005/2006 as well as 119,000 acres of citrus trees and $674 million since the rise of ACP. In the U.S., 3.2 million metric tons of citrus were lost due to ACP.1

What’s at Stake for California Growers? California represents 41% of U.S. citrus production with 270,000 acres of citrus valued at $2 billion. According to California Citrus Mutual, 32 infected trees have been found in Southern California.2

ACP and Insect Management Options from Bayer Bayer has a proven portfolio of insecticides that provides the foundation for season-long ACP control and controls other important California citrus pests. Bayer’s portfolio encompasses multiple modes of action to limit insecticide resistance and is flexible relative to application timing and method to optimize crop quality and to help growers stay ahead of Huanglongbing. BLOOM













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GROUP 4 (d)


GROUP 4 (a)


GROUPS 3 and 4 (a)

*Suppression only. **Insecticide Resistance Action Committee's mode of action groups.

How ACP Affects Citrus Plants

The psyllid damages citrus directly by feeding on new leaf growth (flush).

More importantly, the psyllid is a vector of the bacterium, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas), that causes HLB and transmits the bacteria into the phloem when it feeds on flush.

HLB disease spreads from tree to tree when a bacteria-carrying psyllid flies to a healthy plant and transmits the bacteria as it feeds on the leaves and stems.

The bacteria multiply in the tree’s phloem tissue, blocking the flow of nutrients through the plant. If not well managed, trees will eventually die within 3 to 5 years.

Effective control of Asian citrus psyllid reduces the chance that a citrus tree will become infected by the bacteria and helps ensure a healthy, productive tree.

Make Bayer’s proven portfolio a cornerstone of your insecticide program to help ensure tree protection and productivity with season-long control of ACP, as well as other key citrus pests. USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service Florida Citrus Statistics (2015–2016). https://www.cacitrusmutual.com/build-wall-strategies-stopping-acp-hlb/

1 2

© 2018 Bayer CropScience LP, 2 TW Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Always read and follow label instructions. Bayer (reg’d), the Bayer Cross (reg’d), Admire,® Baythroid,® Leverage,® Movento,® and Sivanto™ are trademarks of Bayer. Baythroid XL is a Restricted Use Pesticide. Not all products are registered for use in all states. For product information, call toll-free 1-866-99-BAYER (1-866-992-2937) or visit our website at www.CropScience.Bayer.us. CR1017MULTIPB022S00R0


Government Relations Update by CAPCA Staff In 2017, a unique coalition came together to draft and promote a water initiative, statewide in scope, to address a wide array of water quality and water infrastructure issues. The coalition includes agriculture, water, conservation, environmental, and labor groups. On April 25, 2018, the first phase of the coalition’s work was achieved. The Secretary of State has announced that there are sufficient valid signatures to place the initiative on the November 2018 ballot measure entitled the Water Supply and Quality, Watershed, Fish, Wildlife, Water Conveyance, and Groundwater Sustainability and Storage. Specifically, the bond will authorize $8.877 billion in state general obligation bonds for various water infrastructure projects such as $3.03 billion for safe drinking water and water quality, $2.895 billion for watershed and fisheries improvements, $940 million for habitat protection, $855 million for improved water conveyance, $685 million for groundwater sustainability/storage, and $472 million for surface water storage/ dam repairs. On May 3rd, the CAPCA State Board of Directors voted to endorse the Water Bond Measure slated for the fall ballot. Well over 200 organizations have endorsed the bond and many more are expected to add on in the next several months. (More information can be found by following the link in the QR code at the end of this article.) Along with joining coalition opportunities, the Government Relations Committee has set clear priorities for engagement in 2018 – the goals of the committee along with promoting the value of the PCA license and protecting the tools in the toolbox for PCAs to use in IPM include: • Active Ingredient Defense – writing comment letters on AI under review and joining coalition letters by offering perspective on use and impact to crops from the boots on the ground PCA. • Nitrogen Management – working on Nitrogen issues generally (see Water Bond above) and how to manage liability specifically for the CCAs who are signing off on Irrigated Lands, Nitrogen Management Plans. CCAs cross over with the PCA license is still around 82% for California. • Cannabis – although the CAPCA State Board issued a statement last fall in opposition to PCAs writing off label recommendations for Cannabis, CAPCA GR Committee has been committed to staying at the table with stakeholders to help explore solutions.



• Pollinator Protection – CAPCA has led the way in the Bee Where project and in support of AB 2468, including testifying at a recent Assembly Ag Committee Hearing. This issue has been a great opportunity for CAPCA GR Committee to re-introduce the CAPCA brand to lawmakers and regulators as we have brought together the industry to address the communication between stakeholders that starts with registration of bee hives during pollination.

On May 3rd, the CAPCA State Board of Directors voted to endorse the Water Bond Measure slated for the fall ballot. • Legislative Outreach by Chapters – the Sutter Buttes, TulareKings and NorCal Chapters have recently visited with local legislators. These visits have provided CAPCA Chapters a new purpose in advising legislators on local issues and reinforces the relationships that CAPCA is building at the State Capitol in Sacramento with feedback and relationships direct from constituents. As efforts from the state office and committeelevel continue to gain momentum, we are excited to hear about more local chapters and individual members engaging with their representatives. If you are interested in coordinating a visit for your chapter and not sure where to start, contact Ruthann Anderson for assistance. █


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Always read and follow all label directions and precautions for use. For more information visit www.vegalab.com, all labels are available on www.agrian.com


Kristina Short: A Passion for Agriculture and PCA Advocacy By CAPCA Staff Kristina Short graduated from California State University, Chico with a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture and Plant Science. In addition to her PCA license, which she obtained in 2009, Kristina also holds a QAL. The major crops she consults in are tree nuts, wine grapes, stone fruit, pome fruit, grains and berries. She began her career as an intern working at the rice experiment station on weed control projects, and from there went on to work for Helena Research and Development where she learned more about pathology, entomology, weed control, and plant nutrition by conducting trials. In her current position with Westbridge Ag Products, she continues to learn about organic farming and new ways to solve crop management problems in the field using organic products. Her territory covers Chowchilla to Oregon, and Kristina meets with PCAs and growers, providing technical advice and assisting with solving problems in the field. “I have a lot of respect for PCAs who are walking fields every day, and I love getting to spend time with them creating crop programs and solutions.” She also works one-on-one in the field on plant nutrition, pest control, and IPM. But her interest in agriculture and being a PCA began early in life. “I guess you could say I’ve always wanted to be a PCA from a young age, but I just didn’t know what it was yet. I have always had a fondness for agronomy and learning more about plants. I learned a lot from my grandfather about farming and hard work in the field, and my passion grew from there. I decided to focus on agriculture since I knew it was my passion.” She credits all of her experiences in the industry–from 4H, college and each job along the way–with providing lessons that have put her on her current career path. “I have always been a problem solver and love that I get to mix my love of the outdoors and farming with my love of solving problems.” Building relationships within the industry is also a personal highlight for Kristina. When asked about advice for those considering the career or those new to it, she replied, “If I had to give any advice to young PCAs getting started, it would be to work while you’re going to school and start building relationships; they will be so crucial in building a career. I would also suggest finding a mentor to help guide you in your field knowledge and also in your relationship-building skills… Some of the most satisfying highlights I’ve had so far as a PCA have been the relationships I’ve made with other PCAs, researchers, and growers all over the state. I learn something new and exciting every day, and I love that that knowledge gets to come straight from the hard-working people in the field.”




KRISTINA SHORT CAPCA Chapter: NorCal Education: California State University, Chico Year of PCA License: 2009 Employer: Westbridge Agricultural Products

2018 CAPCA LEADERSHIP State Director


Chapter President

State Director


Chapter President

Paul Crout Jennifer De Jong Matthew Bristow Adam Cholakian Mike Ansolabehere Sean Morelos Doug Elrich (vacant)

Central Coast Central Valley Desert Valley Fresno-Madera Kern County Monterey Bay NorCal North Coast

Danilu Ramirez Larry Fisk Bryan McCleery Allen Haynes Jason Haught Drew Butler Manny Salazar Mike Boer

Erica Specht Jeoff Dunster Dan Wickham Matthew Lagorio Corey Thompson Dennis Fuller Andy Klittch Patrick Dosier

San Diego San Francisco SoCal Sutter Buttes Tri-County Tulare-Kings Ventura Woodland

Jan Hall Jeoff Dunster Heather Palmer Gary Silveria Corey Thompson Dave McEuen Ted Swartzbaugh Mark Allen

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When talking about the value of her CAPCA membership, Kristina is candid about why she initially joined: “As soon as I got my PCA license I signed up to be a CAPCA member. Originally, I just saw CAPCA as a means for tracking my hours. As I’ve grown into my career, I’ve realized that attending the local chapter meetings is a great resource for connecting to other PCAs in my area and for getting updates from the Ag Commissioners in our area. We are very fortunate to have the local county advisors at our monthly meetings and I enjoy their updates and information.” Kristina is a member of the NorCal Chapter and serves as their Vice President: “I was nominated to volunteer by another chapter board member, and I couldn’t be happier I was asked to get involved.” Her involvement with CAPCA also includes the Government Relations Committee and advocacy initiatives. “I am so excited to see CAPCA wanting to get more involved with our local government affairs. I think that, as an organization, we are very fortunate to have PCAs all over the state of California, and that if we can all meet with our local assemblymen, senators, and state representatives, we can create a united message and presence.” Asked about the NorCal Chapter’s recent advocacy event, Kristina shared about meeting with Colin Sueyres, the legislative director from Senator Jim Nielsen’s office, in early March at the State Capitol in Sacramento, along with fellow Chapter members Manny Salazar, JR Gallagher and Doug Elrich: “Prior to our meeting, we had lunch with Ruthann Anderson and George Soares. We had a great meeting with George and are so happy to have him representing CAPCA. Our meeting with Colin was very positive and he was very supportive of our industry and eager to learn more about what a PCA is and what CAPCA represents. We really wanted to build a relationship with Senator Nielsen’s office so we could have a future back-and-forth communication between our CAPCA chapter and his office. We touched on topics such as: What a PCA is, product registration, bee safety, recommendations, spraying around schools, water storage, nutrition, IPM, and crop diversity in our area. We plan to follow up with Colin after our chapter meetings and keep him in the loop with what’s going on in our area. He also seemed interested in reaching out to us when topics come up [where] he feels a PCA’s expertise is needed. I highly recommend other chapters try and setup a meeting with their local legislator. It was a valuable meeting and relationship for our Chapter.” Considering CAPCA’s future, Kristina is excited to see continued growth and involvement for local PCAs with state legislators to keep them informed and be an industry resource. “I would also like to see CAPCA become a talking voice for PCAs to better inform people who aren’t in our industry about what we do. I often think the general public is misinformed, or doesn’t understand all the effort PCAs take to make good IPM decisions. If our association could educate the general public on all the decisions we try to make as PCAs for what is best for our environment, I think it would be a great benefit.” █


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Pathway Visits to Colleges: Central Coast and SoCal Chapters Ariana McCray, So. California Representative The Central Coast Chapter hosted a “Night with PCAs” event at Cal Poly on Thursday, April 26. Students sat down with groups of PCAs to hear about their job responsibilities and the many ways a PCA license can be used. Students had the chance to ask questions, and Chapter members gave advice on what subjects to focus on or skills that have helped them throughout their careers.



The SoCal Chapter has also participated in Pathway to PCA events at Cal Poly Pomona and Mt. San Antonio College in February and April. It’s great to see the interest in the PCA profession that students have! Pathway to PCA would like to thank the Central Coast and SoCal Chapter for their participation in these events! █


Managing Mites:

Protection from the Unpredictable “Nealta® miticide provides a unique class of chemistry for strong knockdown power and residual control of spider mites at all life stages.” - Leigh Ann Harrison BASF Technical Service Representative Summer will soon be underway and so will the summer pest protection programs of California almond growers. One thing that can lead to an increase in insect pressures for growers are weather patterns that produce the ideal conditions for insects to survive. As a pest control advisor, you have the knowledge to make recommendations that help your customers protect their orchards, no matter what weather conditions or insect pressures they may face. Leigh Ann Harrison, BASF Technical Service Representative, shares some beneficial advice to help growers make the most of their pest protection programs.

weather patterns. Establishment of a consistent pest management plan helps growers control mite populations before they take over an orchard should mite pressure increase. “Nealta miticide is specifically formulated to be compatible with many beneficial insects, while controlling spider mites at all life stages, including eggs,” said Harrison. Another important consideration for growers is the application timing of miticides. Harrison notes that BASF recommends applying Nealta miticide at or before local action thresholds, including a preventative treatment recommendation.

“Although it’s impossible to predict exactly what type of weather growers will face throughout a summer, it’s better to have a plan in place before insects can have a major impact on a crop,” said Harrison. “Not only does this lessen the effect on crop yield and quality, but it also gives growers a sense of security.”

“No one can accurately predict the weather, but everyone can implement a solid pest management plan to handle whatever complications occur,” said Harrison. “An orchard is a long-term investment, with its success depending on the longevity and health of a grower’s trees, regardless of weather conditions.”

The spider mite is one pest almond growers are particularly familiar with. This pest’s populations depend highly on

Visit GrowSmartAlmonds.com for more information on how Nealta miticide can benefit your orchard.

Always read and follow label directions. Nealta is a registered trademark of BASF. © 2018 BASF Corporation. All rights reserved. APN 18-SPC-0012










Nursery Greenhouse Seminar

San Diego CAPCA



CE Seminar

Desert Valleys CAPCA


Palm Desert

CE Seminar



Santa Paula

CE Seminar

CAPCA Ed & Ventura CAPCA



CE Seminar

CAPCA Ed & Woodland CAPCA



CE Seminar



La Quinta

CE Seminar

Desert Valleys CAPCA



CE Seminar

CAPCA Ed & Tulare-Kings CAPCA


Simi Valley

CE Seminar



San Luis Obispo

CE Seminar

Central Coast CAPCA



CAPCA/UCR Entomology Conference

San Diego CAPCA


Santa Paula

CE Seminar

Ventura CAPCA



CE Seminar

CAPCA Ed & Fresno-Madera CAPCA



CE Seminar

CAPCA Ed & Kern County CAPCA



CE Seminar




CAPCA Annual Conference & Agri-Expo




CE Seminar

Desert Valleys CAPCA



CE Seminar




Label Update

Fresno-Madera CAPCA



Laws & Regulations Seminar

San Diego CAPCA


Thank you Sponsors & Exhibitors AGQ Labs Agrian Agroplasma, Inc AgroSource, Inc Albion Plant Nutrition Amvac Chemical Corp Aquatrols Arborjet Arysta LifeScience NA BASF Baicor BioSafe Systems

Certis USA CPDPP Corteva Agriscience Crop Science a div Bayer Gowan USA Grangetto Farm Supply Green Leaf Ag HELM Agro US Malcolm Media Mar Vista Resources Nature Safe Natural & Organic Fert. Neudorff North America

Nichino America NovaSource Polymer Ag, LLC Simplot Grower Solutions SQM North America Taminco US, LLC TKI - Crop Vitality Trece, Inc Westbridge Ag Products Western Region CCA Wilbur Ellis Wonderful Nurseries


2018 CAPCA Spring Summit Recap CAPCA Spring Summit April 24-25, 2018 April 24th was the start of the second Annual Spring Summit held at the Pechanga Resort in Temecula, California. The Spring Summit is a new conference that CAPCA is providing for those PCAs whose growing season does not allow them to attend our Annual meeting in October. This year’s summit offered attendees indepth discussions on some of the critical issues faced by Southern California and the desert region. We also provided a tour of the UC Riverside Agriculture Experimentation Station. The show kicked off in the afternoon of the 24th with presentations from Dr. John Kabashima, Dr. Jesse Richardson, Mr. Steve Koike and Mr. Bob Atkins. Each presenter shared insight on their specialties as they relate to the local area. Then it was on to the Welcome Reception, where attendees visited with our Exhibitors and sampled wine from a local vineyard. On Wednesday, we began the morning with an update from Mr. Jahan Motakef of DPR's Southern Regional Office. Then the attendees broke into two smaller groups: one stayed on property to enjoy a collegiate lecture-style workshop and the other group was bussed off to UC Riverside for a tour of the Experimental Station. After lunch, the program was repeated so that everyone could participate in both learning opportunities.

Mr. Rick Wescott, the State CAPCA Board Chairman, addressed the assembly at lunch and shared updates on what CAPCA has accomplished this year. Overall, this was a great meeting, with attendance increasing by 25% over last year. Attendees loved the newly renovated rooms and conference center at the Pechanga Resort. The Board has decided to hold the Summit again next year at the same location. Look for dates in the next issue of the Adviser. â–ˆ

Photos, opposite page: (Top left) Pechanga Resort (Top right) Rick Wescott, CAPCA Chair, addressing attendees of the 2018 CAPCA Spring Summit (Bottom) Allen Washburn (L), UCR Experimental Station, discussing scouting techniques and ID of Asian Citrus Psyllid in the field Victoria Hornbaker, UCR Experimental Station, presenting information on Asian Citrus Psyllid Regional Quarantine - Mitigation Standards

All photos courtesy of Todd Fitchette, Western Farm Press



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CAPCA Annual Financial Report for Period Ending December 31, 2017

Organization: CAPCA is a California non-profit 501 (c) 6 mutual benefit corporation.

2017 STATE REVENUES Total = $2,564,122

Base of Reporting: 2017 financial statements were prepared using an accrual basis of accounting. Property and equipment purchased were capitalized and depreciated over their useful lives.

Advertising Income $353,054 13.8%

The CPA firm of Boden Klein & Sneesby performed a financial review of CAPCA, Stanley W. Strew, Regional Chapters and the CAPCA PAC accounts. They found all financials to be in order.

2017 STATE PROGRAM EXPENSES Total = $2,058,215

Prof. Services $125,783 6.1%

Personnel $841,737 40.9%



Membership Dues $764,910 29.8%

Conferences & Meetings $873,059 34%

Income Tax Status: CAPCA and Regional Chapters, Stanley W. Strew Educational Fund, and the CAPCA Political Action Committee are exempt from income taxes under IRS code sections 501 (c) 6, 501 (c) 3 and 527 respectively. Functional Expense Allocation: 86% of expenses are directly related to CAPCA’s purpose and mission. Only 14% is spent on general administration.

Continuing Education $313,997 12.2%

Office $291,369 14.2%

Conferences/Events/Mtgs $511,044 24.8%


Special Events/Mtgs (Chapters) $72,845 2.8% CCA/FREP Contract $70,303 2.7% Grant Revenue $57,025 2.2% Misc. Income $58,929 2.3%

Publications (Magazine) $124,313 6% Contributions $18,919 0.9% Public Relations $250 0.0% Travel $59,499 2.9% Membership Expenses $85,301 4.1%

2018 Renewal Information for DPR License and Certificate Holders Dates for Renewal DPR encourages submitting completed renewal applications to DPR by November 1, 2018, to receive your license/certificate by December 31, 2018. If submitted after November 1, you may not receive your license/certificate by January 1. You cannot work legally without a valid license/certificate. Processing time is 60 days. Note that submitting your renewal before October will ensure you have your license by early December and allow you to renew with the County by the New Year. To check if you’re renewed, go to DPR’s website: www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/license/currlic.htm Address Changes Always notify DPR immediately of any address or name changes. Mailing of Renewal Packets DPR is mailing renewal packets in August to provide sufficient time for license and certificate holders to submit their applications by November 1. Renewal applications must be postmarked on or before December 31, or a late fee applies. If you do not receive your renewal application or lose it, download a renewal packet from DPR’s website: www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/license/ liccert.htm or email us and request a copy. Business License Renewal Application The following forms will be included in the renewal packet: • Business Renewal Application DPR-PML-192 • Renewal Information Requirements DPR-PML-140 • Visa/MasterCard Transaction DPR-105 Renewal applications must be filled out completely, signed, and submitted with the correct fee. Note: Your qualified applicator must be renewed before your business license can be renewed. Individual License and Certificate Renewal The following forms will be included in the renewal packet: • Renewal Application DPR-PML-141 • License/Certificate Renewal Information Request • CE Records Renewal Summary DPR-PML-123 • Visa/MasterCard Transaction DPR-105 Renewal applications need to be signed and must include the required CE records summary and correct fee. Continuing Education License and certificate holders must keep copies of their CE records for three years. DPR may request copies of your CE records at any time. Submit the CE Records Renewal Summary, DPR-PML-123 or a summary record of CE attendance from a third party professional association.

Your CE records must include: • License/Certificate Holder’s Name • License/Certificate Number and Type • Course Location • Course Title • Course Date • DPR Course I.D. Number • Course hours attended for each CE category • Name of instructor or sponsoring organization • Your Signature General Information about CE Courses DPR does not track CE hours for individuals, but has the ability to audit CE records. DPR approved CE hours must be obtained during the valid period of the license or certificate. The valid period is listed on the license or certificate (from the ‘date of issue’ until the ‘valid through’ date). NO grace period is given to obtain CE hours. NO CE hours can be carried over to the next renewal period. If renewing multiple licenses or certificates, you only need sufficient CE hours to meet the license with the most CE hours required. Questions about your CE hours? For questions about your CE hours, you must contact the course sponsor or your professional association. See DPR’s website for current or previous years’ courses and sponsors’ contact info: http://www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/license/cont_ed_cfm/classes.htm DPR List Serve Sign up for important information and updates from DPR about Licensing and CE: www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/dept/listserv/sub1113.htm

License or Certificate Type

DPR Contact

General Questions


Pest Control Advisers

Heather Allen

Qualified Applicators Licenses/Certificates



Elizabeth Dummert


Alpha: A-D, S, T, U-Z Regina Maglia

Pest Control Businesses


Alpha: E-L, M-R, V Shernee Tousant


Pilots (APC/JPC) Dealer Designated Agents


Rebecca Olson


Regina Maglia


Elizabeth Dummert




SUBMIT APPLICATIONS BEFORE NOVEMBER Mail your application before November so that your license or certificate can be issued before it expires. If you submit before October, you will be renewed by early December and you can register with the County before the New Year.

A – L LIC ENSEES DPR will mail renewal packets in August to license and certificate holders with surnames and business names starting with letters A – L.

AVO ID PROC ESSIN G DEL AYS Submitting earlier allows DPR staff additional time to deal with issues or problems that could delay processing your license.

If you do not receive your application, please contact the Licensing Program at licensemail@cdpr.ca.gov or download a blank application at: www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/license/lictypes.htm

RENE W YOU R QUALIFIED APPLICATOR FIRST For pest control businesses, the qualified applicator must be renewed before the business license can be renewed.

Two of the most common questions received are: ‘will AgroLiquid products really work at the “low rates” for many years,’ and, ‘can they do this without mining nutrients from the soil’. In an effort to answer those questions, the North Central Research Station (NCRS) has been proving AgroLiquid’s product performance for over 20 years.

Special to the Adviser

Focus On Fruit Quality by Carlos Palavicini, AgroLiquid, Sales Account Manager One of the most important concerns of every grower, PCA or CCA, is how to get the best quality of any crop. In my experience, achieving consistently high quality is a challenge - and it is a different challenge for every crop and every grower. Because, when we are talking about quality, we can be referring to many things, like flavor, color, brightness, size, firmness, shelf life, etc., and all these characteristics mean one simple thing for the grower: profit. So, when we are talking about quality of the fruit, we are talking about how much the grower will make at the end of the season, sometimes when the crops struggled along the season with different vectors that are affecting the yield (quantity), what can save the season, and the investment, is the quality. Of course on the ideal world, what we want is the right balance between the "best yield" and the "best quality." Nutrient management in the plant after flowering is critical to achieving the quality goals on any operation. In this first in a series of articles, we will look at some of the nutrients that can directly affect plant health and fruit quality. Potassium (K) The essential roles of potassium are the synthesis of protein, photosynthesis processes and the transportation of sugars from leaves to fruits. From the early stages of the plants, a right amount of potassium will help the leaf in its role to growing fruit in later stages, and it will contribute to the positive effect of potassium in the yield and in the high content of total soluble solids (TSS), which means more sugars in the fruit, at the time of harvesting. Sixty to sixty-five percent of the potassium absorbed by the plant can be found in the fruit.



Potassium is a cation that is involved in the maintenance of the osmotic potential of the cell, an implication of this is the movement of the stoma. The stomatal opening allows the plants to exchange gas and water with the atmosphere. This allows the plants to maintain adequate hydration under stress conditions such as high salinity or water shortage. For instance, a tomato crop with good or high levels of potassium will show a greater efficiency of water use. This means that these plants can consume less water and will generate the same amount of biomass than plants with less potassium content. One of the most important consequences of potassium management is the fruit maturation processes, such as the synthesis of the lycopene pigment, which is responsible for the color of the fruits. Potassium also promotes a high acid content, which is essential for a good tasting fruit. Calcium (Ca) Calcium is part of the salts in the soil solution. Calcium is absorbed by plants in Ca ++ cationic form and has little mobility within the plant. Calcium is a critical component of plant cell, it is an important component of the middle cell lamella, maintaining the structure of cell walls, and stabilizes their membranes. It also has a direct influence on the balance of salts within the cells, regulating its osmotic pressure, and activates the potassium that adjusts the opening and closing of the stomata for transpiration of the plant. Calcium promotes the germination of pollen, adjusts some enzymatic systems, and influences the growth and health of cells and conductive tissues. It is the key element in the development of shoots and roots (meristems), and in the absorption of nitrates. In addition, calcium is associated with the processes of fruit ripening.

When talking about quality of the fruit, all those functions will be reflected in adding shelf life to the fruit. Magnesium (Mg) Magnesium is a central element in the chlorophyll molecule. Between 15 to 25% of the total magnesium is located in the chloroplasts. It is responsible for the production of enzymes for various biochemical functions, such as energy transfer and protein synthesis. Studies have found that the use of magnesium at fructification helps to improve some quality characteristics of fruits in crops like tomatoes, grapes, pineapple, papaya, and apples. Those studies suggest the magnesium collaborates in transporting the sugars from the leaves to other areas of the plant. It is very important to always be careful on the ratio Ca:Mg, high levels of magnesium can block the Ca and therefore have negative affects on the quality of the fruit (i.e. it can induce bitter pit in apples, or blossom-end rot in tomatoes).

Micronutrients Micronutrients are often forgotten when talking about fruit quality. Often, the micros that get the most attention are iron and boron. Usually, this is to either avoid chlorosis or to improve the flowers. However, zinc is also an important micronutrient because it helps maximize the development of new tissues in fruits. When applied with phosphorus, zinc promotes the development of the root in the early stages of cultivation. Copper will help to avoid cracking of the fruit. A good blend of micronutrients is necessary to properly manage for quality fruit. In the next issue of the CAPCA Adviser, we will look at some of the environmental factors and cultural practices that can affect nutrient uptake in the plant – and therefore fruit quality and grower profit. █

My personal experience in the field has shown that a controlled application of Magnesium will help in the brightness, color and weight of the fruits.

• Save the Dates •

CAPCA June Seminar Events San Diego CAPCA June 6, 2018

CAPCA Ed & Ventura Chapter June 13, 2018

Nursery Greenhouse Seminar Escondido, CA 7.0 CE Hours Approved (1.0 Laws, 6.0 Other) Registration and program information at https://capca.com/ events/20180606-escondido/

CE Seminar Santa Paula, CA 6.5 Hours Approved (2.5 Laws, 4.0 Other) Registration and program information at https://capca.com/ events/20180613-santa-paula-capca-ed-ventura-chapter/

Desert Valleys CAPCA June 7, 2018

CAPCA Ed & Woodland Chapter June 21, 2018

Chapter CE Seminar Blythe, CA 4.5 CE Hours Approved (2.0 Laws, 2.5 Other) Program Information at https://capca.com/events/20180718-blythe/

CE Seminar Sacramento, CA 4.0 Hours Approved (2.5 Laws, 1.5 Other) Registration and program information at https://capca.com/events/ june-21-2018-sacramento-capca-ed-woodland-capca/

CAPCA Ed & UC ANR June 12, 2018 CE Seminar Palm Desert, CA 4.0 CE Hours Approved (1.5 Laws, 2.5 Other) Registration and program information at https://capca.com/ events/20180612-palm-desert/




Completing the Certified Crop Adviser Application by Keith Backman, Western Region Certified Crop Advisers Congratulations to CCA applicants who have passed the exam! Now it is time to process your application paperwork to become a Certified Crop Adviser. You should have received an e-mail with a link to the application online from the International Certified Crop Adviser (ICCA) headquarters in Madison, Wisconsin. If you did not receive it, or need another copy of a specific page, go to www. certifiedcropadviser.org and click on Credential Forms. The specific pages in the CCA application will be addressed by page number in the instructions below. Remember, you still must complete your application with schooling background (where appropriate), work experience, and appropriate letters of recommendation before your application will be reviewed by ICCA and the Western Region CCA (WRCCA). You have 6 months to send the completed materials back to Madison, WI. Let’s review the process. Be sure to have the Verification Form (page 5) in hand from the Credential Form packet. The first item is to determine your status and requirements. Full CCA Status: Four Years of Advising Experience - College degree is not required. Crop Advising Experience Form with 4 years of advising indicated. Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture or higher - Official college transcripts required. Crop Advising Experience Form with 2 years of advising indicated. Associate Degree in Agriculture (or Certificate) - Official college transcripts required. Crop Advising Experience Form with 3 years of advising indicated. Note: Transcripts of college courses must be “Official” and sent directly to CCA/ASA from the institution(s). Candidate CCA Status: If you have passed the exam but lack the appropriate number of months of advising experience, you will be qualifying for Candidate Status. Be sure to check the Candidate Status box on the Verification Form. Include the number of months/years of advising experience (if any) that you have accumulated at that point on the Crop Advising Experience form. You will need to provide at least one reference at the time you submit the packet. For students this could be a professor. 28


Course Work: Filling out the Summary of College & Short Course Work is required (page 15 & 16) unless you meet the 4 years of advising requirement. Specify in the categories of Core Classes, Supporting Core Classes, and Supporting Short Courses/Internship. Crop Advising Experience: A critical part of the qualification process is the listing of your experience in agriculture that you provide on the Crop Advising Experience Form (see examples on page 9). Day to day tasks like checking fields, setting equipment and taking samples do not qualify. Advising farmers about farm decisions is acceptable with 30% of the time indicating full time (see page 4). Teaching CCAs in the categories of CCA experience also qualifies. Important tips: Farming Experience can provide up to 1 year of the total. Supervised work experience or internship counts as 2 months for each month, up to a total of 12 months. A special attachment with a few details is advised. Letter of Reference: You will need 2 references, from non-relatives, that you or they send to CCA in Madison, WI. Employer (page 11) - your supervisor Client (page 12) - farmer, farm manager, operator that you advise If self-employed, submit two client references All references need to be notarized or witnessed by a third party. Code of Ethics: Read, agree to and sign the CCA Code of Ethics If you have any questions, you can call: ICCA: 5585 Guilford Rd, Madison, WI 53711 (608) 268-4953 Lacey Edwardson, ledwardson@sciencesocieties.org WRCCA: 2300 River Plaza Dr, Ste. 120, Sacramento, CA 95833 (916) 928-1625 x8 (CAPCA office) Ariana McCray, ariana@capca.com Be sure to save these contacts for the future, as well as the CCA ID# on your paperwork. Continued on pg. 30



Only Radiant® insecticide controls worms, thrips and leafminers. And university trials in Arizona and California show that Radiant outperforms other commonly-used vegetable insecticides on all three of these pests. As a member of the spinosyn class of chemistry (IRAC Group 5), Radiant controls pests like no other class of chemistry used in vegetables. The Re-Entry Interval is only 4 hours, and the Pre-Harvest Interval is 1 day for most crops.

® Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow Always read and follow label directions. www.dowagro.com

CCA UPDATE, CONT., Completing the Certified Crop Adviser Application

Maintenance of your Certification: Annual Renewal - 40 Hours of Continuing Education every two years in the categories of Soil & Water Management, Nutrient Management, Crop Management and Pest Management.


Ways to stay in touch: International - By computer, using your CCA login at https://certifiedcropadviser.org/ International - Download the Certified Crop Adviser app on your cell phone Western Region - Like us on Facebook. (Western Region Certified Crop Advisers)

Western Region:

Western Region - http://www.wrcca.org Again, congratulations for passing the exams!

CCA Exam Information: Next ICCA Exam: August 3, 2018

CCA Continuing Education Opportunities:

Registration: April 23 - June 22, 2018 Online Registration available as of April 23, 2018 For more information, visit: https://www.certifiedcropadviser.org/exams

A preparatory workshop for the California portion of the exam is scheduled for Tuesday, June 19, 2018. Registration available online at https://capca.com/events/



For the most recent list see: https://www.certifiedcropadviser.org/meetings/calendar

"Leadership is not about the next election, it's about the next generation." - Simon Sinek

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manufacturing process, Kocide 3000-O provides superior disease control with lower metallic use rates. Tested and proven by Universities around the world, Kocide 3000-O effectively controls many apples and nut diseases. Kocide® and BioActive™ are trademarks of Kocide LLC. Certis is a registered trademark of Certis USA, L.L.C. © 2018 Kocide LLC.



Special to the Adviser

The Virulent Viruses: Codling Moth Virus and Its Role in Pest Management Michael B. Dimock, Ph.D., Certis USA Vice President of Field Development & Technical Support Codling Moth Virus CpGV is a naturally occurring virus that infects and kills larvae of the codling moth (Cydia pomonella). The scientific name for this beneficial virus is Cydia pomonella granulovirus or CpGV. It is also known as the codling moth granulosis virus. Widely used in apple and pear production, CpGV can be used on conventionally grown, as well as organically grown crops. It has a four-hour restricted entry interval and is exempt from the requirement for a residue tolerance, meaning it can be applied up to and including the day of harvest. Mode of Action Each CpGV virus particle is naturally microencapsulated within a protein occlusion body (OB). Each OB measures about 400 x 200 nanometers, meaning about 4,000 OBs placed end to end would span only about 1/16”. A codling moth larva must ingest the OBs to become infected with the virus. The highly alkaline environment of the larval digestive tract (where pH can be as high as 10) dissolves the OBs and releases the virus, which penetrates the cells lining the midgut. Once inside, the viral DNA “hijacks” the nucleus of the cell causing it to replicate numerous copies of the virus which rapidly spread the infection to other organs. Within a few days, the infected larva stops feeding, becoming sluggish and discolored as its internal organs fill with virus. Upon death the larva “melts,” its fragile outer skin disintegrating to release the liquefied remains of its internal organs that now contain billions of new virus OBs. Each OB is capable of initiating a new infection if ingested by another codling moth larva feeding at that site or wherever OBs have been deposited by raindrops, gravity or by spraying CpGV. Studies show that a dose of one or two OBs is all that is required to cause a lethal infection in codling moth larvae. A single ounce of CpGV can contain nearly one trillion OBs. While not every OB in a CpGV spray will be ingested by a codling moth larva, the extremely virulent nature of CpGV toward its host means that it is effective at very low use rates. Transmission of CpGV CpGV occurs naturally in codling moth populations, but usually at levels too low to prevent damaging outbreaks in commercial orchards. The virus can persist for years in protected environments such as soil and leaf litter on the orchard floor or in tree cavities. Rainfall, wind, cultivation, movement of animals and birds, and other physical forces can move OBs onto foliage or fruit where



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CONT.: Codling Moth Virus and Its Role in Pest Management

Baculoviruses currently registered by US-EPA as viral insecticides. Virus type

Scientific name

Target insects

Crops/Use sites

Granulovirus (GV)

Cydia pomonella GV

Codling moth, Oriental fruit moth (V22 strain)

Apple, pear, walnut

Nucleopoly-hedrovirus (NPV)

Helicoverpa zea NPV Helicoverpa armigera NPV

Corn earworm, tomato fruitworm, cotton bloodworm, tobacco budworm

Vegetables, berries, corn, cucurbits, cotton, potato, soybean, flowers, others

Spodoptera exigua NPV

Beet armyworm

Spodoptera frugiperda NPV

Fall armyworm

Lymantria dispar NPV

Gypsy moth

Orgyia pseudotsugata NPV

Douglas fir tussock moth

they can be ingested by codling moth larvae to begin another cycle of infection. However, the most effective way to initiate CpGV infection is to spray the virus onto the tree in much higher amounts than would otherwise occur naturally. Once CPGV infection has occurred within a larval generation, there are several ways it can be maintained within the codling moth population. Horizontal transmission occurs when larvae become infected by ingesting virus released into the environment when diseased larvae die. Sometimes infection occurs too late and at too low a dose to kill a larva outright, even though the virus has entered the host cells. A female that survives this sub-lethal infection may transmit the virus to her offspring, a process known as vertical transmission. In some cases a latent infection can occur, in which the virus lies dormant in the host until stress brought on by overwintering, overcrowding, lack of food or insecticide exposure causes and outbreak of virus that kills the host. Latent virus can kill host insects even years after initial infection. Timing and Applications Upon hatching, codling moth larvae wander in search for a spot to penetrate fruit, usually within a day or two after hatching. They may drink water droplets and feed on foliage if no fruit are available, but most don’t eat until after they enter the fruit and typically do not ingest the skin of the fruit when making an entry hole. Since CpGV must be ingested by the larva to be effective, optimal application timing for CpGV requires the virus to be present whenever small larvae are wandering on foliar or fruit surfaces seeking a penetration site. Virus picked up on the larva’s body and mouthparts will contaminate its feeding site and infect the larva when it starts to feed. CpGV applications should therefore coincide with egg hatch and this early wandering phase of newly hatched larvae. First Timing CpGV must replicate within the host larva in order in order to be effective, so CpGV is slower to kill larvae compared to many chemical insecticides having a toxic mode of action. Virus-infected larvae may still cause superficial “sting” damage where they attempt to enter the fruit, but they usually die before causing the deeper entry wounds that make fruit unacceptable for harvest.



Forest and shade trees

Initial CpGV applications can be targeted against the first summer generation of larvae; a low level of early and superficial damage can be tolerated in most orchards and in many cases will be taken care of by thinning. Establishment of CpGV infection in the first generation may also carry over into later generations, making them easier to control with other tactics. When targeting larvae of the first summer generation (late May to mid-June), make the first application of CpGV at the beginning of egg hatch or shortly thereafter. If using a degree day model to predict codling moth development then the first CpGV application should be around 250 degree days after codling moth biofix, assuming a base temperature of 50 degrees F. Make a second application after seven sunny days (two cloudy days should be counted as one sunny day). Third and fourth applications may be required under conditions of unusually high codling moth pressure, sustained egg laying or prolonged sunny weather. If you can only make two applications, it may be more effective to hold the second spray until peak egg hatch. █


Watching Out for PCAs

Mission & Purpose CAPCA’s mission is to facilitate the success of the PCA and to represent our 3000 members who provide pest management consultation for the production of food, fiber and ornamental industries of California. CAPCA’s purpose is to serve as the leader in the evolution of the pest management industry through the communication of reliable information. CAPCA is dedicated to the professional development and enhancement of our members’ education and stewardship which includes legislative, regulatory, continuing education and public outreach.



WHATEVER YOU EXPECT FROM PLANT NUTRITION, START TO EXPECT SOMETHING DIFFERENT. ©2018 Compass Minerals. All Rights Reserved. ProAcqua is a trademark and Protassium+ and Design as well as Wolf Trax and Design, DDP are registered trademarks of Compass Minerals International, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries.

Plant Nutrition. Not an impressive source of innovation lately. We’re changing that, while asking ourselves tough questions. What can we do better? What does better look like? How can we deliver it more efficiently and in a more sustainable way? With products like Wolf Trax™, ProAcqua™ and Protassium+® as part of our product lineup, we’re starting to deliver on that vision. The world of plant nutrition is changing — we’ll see to that. Visit CompassCrops.com

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Areawide Monitoring of Armyworms in Rice: An Update Luis Espino, Rice Farm Advisor, UCCE Colusa County Michelle Leinfelder-Miles, Delta Crops Resource Management Advisor, UCCE San Joaquin County

Rice PCAs are very familiar with the armyworm issue in rice. But in case you haven’t been following it, here’s a short summary. Armyworms have always been present in rice, but have never been a key pest. In 2015, several areas experienced outbreaks, with record-breaking infestations, defoliation, and yield losses. Year 2016 was not as bad, but the worms were still causing problems. Then, in 2017, things got worse. More areas were affected. To try to control the infestations, growers used methoxyfenozide, an insect growth regulator that was granted a Section 18, and pyrethroids. The last three years have confirmed that the pyrethroids are not as effective as methoxyfenozide against armyworms. Our last armyworm damage survey showed that yield losses due to armyworms in 2017 were as high as 25%, and yield losses in fields treated with methoxyfenozide were 64% lower than yield losses from pyrethroid-treated fields. In a field trial conducted during heading, lambda-cyhalothrin reduced panicle injury by 45%, while injury reduction with methoxyfenozide was 70%. The first indication growers and PCAs have that armyworms are present in a field is defoliation. Armyworms consume very little foliage during their initial instars, and only start consuming enough



foliage to be noticeable when they reach the 5th instar. At this point, control with any insecticide is going to be difficult. Ideally, insecticides should target earlier instars, when armyworms are more susceptible. However, finding these smaller worms is challenging because they are small, remain hidden during the day, and do not cause much defoliation. This is when the pheromone trap network we have established may help PCAs. Last year was the first time we tracked the flight of armyworm moths during the whole season (fig. 1). We set up pheromone traps in seven locations across the Sacramento Valley, from Richvale to the Sacramento airport, and in two locations in the San Joaquin Valley. In the Sacramento Valley, moths were detected at low numbers early in the season. Then, numbers started to increase at the beginning of June, peaked by mid-June, and then went back down by early July. After that, the number of moths trapped remained low. This pattern fit the observed dynamics of the armyworms in the field during 2017. One of the locations that I inspected closely was in Glenn County (fig. 2). This location has had severe infestations in the past. Small



Developing solutions that bring forward the right level of tradition while changing farming practices forever Plant nutrition that is stuck in the past isn’t helpful for the future, which is why companies should be committed to finding innovative solutions to refresh the industry and develop new offerings to help growers for years to come.

Compass Minerals Plant Nutrition, which manufactures a diverse portfolio of plant nutrition products, including Wolf TraxTM DDP® Nutrients, Protassium+® sulfate of potash and ProAcquaTM, has recently opened a Kansas-based innovation center aimed at accelerating plant nutrition technologies to influence grower practices and spur crop efficiency. A diverse staff of chemists, agronomists, soil scientists, engineers, geologists and plant physiologists make up the research team focused on proprietary product development and application processes. With on-site chemistry and formulations expertise, they’re dedicated to balancing the right combination of business acumen and science to accelerate product realization and speed to market. “Our goal is to directly influence farmers’ growing practices through science,” said Dr. Ryan Bartlett, vice president innovation and product development. “In the world of agriculture R&D, the lion’s share of funding has consistently gone toward advanced breeding techniques, developing transgenics

© 2018 Compass Minerals Plant Nutrition. Wolf Trax, DDP, Protassium+ and ProAcqua are trademarks of Compass Minerals International, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries.

and crop protection products. We’re working to compound the gains realized with those innovations by developing similar advances in plant nutrition.” These advances build upon an existing product line that already pushes the boundaries in improved plant nutrition. For example, the ProAcqua line of products is uniquely formulated with proprietary adjuvant blends to deliver nutrients through irrigation, foliar or fertigation. “This line is highly compatible with crop protectants and other fertilizers for one-pass efficiency in sprayer applications, which allows for the solubility and flexibility growers don’t always see,” said Bartlett. One of the most important ways our scientists learn about challenges in the field is through input from PCAs, agronomists, sales teams and customers who all contribute to next generation products. “By receiving feedback and results from our partners, we’re able to maximize their investments in the seed or jug and develop specialized nutrient solutions tailored to fit their needs,” added Bartlett. “We believe that our future is to develop next generation effective, efficient and sustainable crop nutrition products and we’re well on our way.”

OUR GOAL IS TO DIRECTLY INFLUENCE FARMERS’ GROWING PRACTICES THROUGH SCIENCE. — Dr. Ryan Bartlett, Compass Minerals Plant Nutrition, VP Innovation + Product Development

@CompassCrops | CompassCrops.com

FARM ADVISORS, CONT., Areawide Monitoring of Armyworms in Rice: An Update

armyworms (1st and 2nd instars) were first detected on June 12. Severe defoliation and large armyworms (5th and 6th instars) were observed by June 21st, just nine days later. Using developmental information based on degree-days available in the scientific literature, we can estimate that egg laying started around June 5th, when trap catches were about 7 moths/day, and that the third and fourth instar larvae were in the field between June 16 and 17, when catches were about 15 moths/day. Armyworm eggs are very difficult to find in the field. An anecdote I found in a scientific paper describes that C. V. Riley, a famous nineteenth century agricultural entomologist, once offered a $20,000 reward to anyone that could find the eggs in the field. Adjusted for inflation, that reward is now equivalent to $447,000, so I’m pretty certain he wasn’t expecting anyone to find the eggs. This illustrates the difficulty of finding eggs and using them to monitor for armyworm activity. However, we could use the number of moths trapped to estimate when 3rd or 4th instar worms are going to be in the field. This would be the time to intensify monitoring and initiate insecticide sprays. More years of trap data will be needed to develop a robust system.

Figure 1. Average number of armyworm moths caught daily using pheromone traps in rice fields during 2017. The pheromone attracts male moths.

This year, we will increase the number of sites we will monitor with pheromone traps to about 15. The idea is to give PCAs more localized data. The traps will be checked weekly, and we will summarize the numbers and post them in our armyworm website (http://rice.ucanr.edu/armyworm_traps/). We will be sending an e-mail each week once the numbers are updated. If you receive our rice newsletters through e-mail, you will receive this armyworm alert email. If you are not subscribed to our rice newsletters, then you can subscribe to the armyworm alert email on the armyworm website. Why are we seeing this big armyworm outbreak? Armyworms have been a problem in the past, but not in the magnitude we see now. There are several possible explanations, but it is difficult to be certain which is the main one. Armyworms overwinter as late instar larvae in grassy areas, probably in levees and ditches. In the past few years, our winters have been a bit milder than normal, and that may have resulted in more 40


Figure 2. Average number of armyworm moths caught daily in a Glenn County rice fields. This field has had severe armyworm problems in the past.



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©2018 Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc. CaTs® is a registered trademark of Tessenderlo Kerely, Inc.

FARM ADVISORS, CONT., Areawide Monitoring of Armyworms in Rice: An Update

armyworms surviving the winter, which would mean that we are starting the season with a larger than normal population. Figure 3 shows the monthly average minimum temperature registered in Durham during the last six winters. During armyworm years (2015, 2016, and 2017), average minimum temperatures during the winter leading to those years were about 4 degrees higher than minimum temperatures during non-armyworm years (2012, 2013, 2014). Minimum temperatures during 2018 are similar to the pattern of non-armyworm years, except for January. We will have to wait and see what happens. Other areas of the western US and Canada have also experienced severe armyworm outbreaks. This indicates that the problem we are experiencing is regional, and migration of moths may play a role. We will be collaborating in research exploring the origin of moths and trying to determine if our populations are permanent or depend on populations coming from other areas. More to come in the future. █

Figure 3. Average minimum monthly temperatures during winter months for nonarmyworms and armyworm years. Non-armyworm years are 2012, 2013, and 2014. Armyworm years are 2015, 2016 and 2017.

The core concept for CAPCA’s Crop Teams is to be available to all stakeholders and to provide a cadre of PCA experts within the crop team classification who are involved, knowledgeable and interact daily about the specific crop.

CAPCA’S CROP TEAMS Opt-in to CAPCA’s Crop Teams


Our teams recognize the value of branding, reaching members and having momentum of advocacy to outreach to the field PCA. Teams will provide relevant communication channels for chapters and industry partners regarding risk management on geographic and crop-specific issues. To get more information about CAPCA’s Crop Teams, or to sign up to receive Crop Team information, please visit: https://capca.com/cropteams/




What it does: Disrupts oviposition and disrupts larval behavior and migration on foliage and fruit which dramatically increases larval exposure to insecticides.

DECREASES DAMAGE 40%! On Average Compared to Insecticide Alone* *Based on USDA analysis global data base.

CIDETRAK DA MEC contains a novel, patented kairomone in a microencapsulated liquid formulation that influences the behavior of adult and larval Codling Moth, resulting in significant enhancement of the control of Codling Moth larvae when tank mixed with various insecticides. Additionally, Codling Moth adult control is significantly enhanced when mixed indirectly with airborne Codling Moth pheromone applied as a mating disruption treatment. CIDETRAK® DA MEC™ added to your insecticide program is the “Gold Standard” for controlling Codling Moth for either conventional or organic apple or pear program. And in walnuts, controlling even minor populations of Codling Moth with DA MEC™, provides dramatic improvement in the control of Navel Orangeworm! ®



Female lays eggs >50% further from fruit.

Increases larval exposure to elements, beneficials and insecticides. Significantly delayed fruit arrival, increases exposure to insecticides. Delayed fruit arrival, increases exposure to insecticides. Delayed, limited fruit entry, increases exposure to insecticides.

Larvae stop frequently between hatch site and fruit. Larvae wander more between hatch site and fruit. Larvae significantly delay feeding.

Use CIDETRAK DA MEC in all your Codling Moth spray applications!

How to use it: Simply tank mix with each insecticide application. Restrictions: None. Compatible and no phytotoxicity. Longevity: More than 14 days following application.

Contact your local supplier and order now.



Your Edge – And Ours – Is Knowledge.

Visit our website: www.trece.com or call 1-866-785-1313. © 2018, Trécé Inc., Adair, OK USA • TRECE, PHEROCON, STORGARD, CIDETRAK and IPM PARTNER are registered trademarks of Trece, Inc., Adair, OK USA


2300 River Plaza Drive, Suite 120 - Sacramento CA 95833 (916) 928-1625 - Fax (916) 928-0705 dee@capca.com - capca.com Please enclose check payable to: CAPCA (A $25 FEE WILL BE CHARGED FOR RETURNED CHECKS) License Number:



Cell Phone:


Daytime Phone:

Mailing Address:

City, State, Zip:

Additional Chapters you wish to join:


Licensed PCAs must join as Active Members

*2018 = $145.00 2019 = $160.00 2017 = $195.00

ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP Non-PCAs - printout not provided


Must provide proof of full-time student status. May not hold a DPR license.

2018 = $45.00 2019 = $45.00

2018 = (no fee)

Add on Applicator Alerts Subscription:

= $15.00 for 2018 Calender year

* A late fee of $50.00 will be charged for any 2018 Active Membership paid after October 31, 2018 I DO NOT WANT CAPCA TO UTILIZE EMAIL TO COMMUNICATE BUSINESS OR C.E. MEETING NOTICES TO ME I DO NOT WANT MY MAILING ADDRESS UTILIZED OUTSIDE OF CAPCA PURPOSES I DO NOT WANT $7.00 OF MY DUES TO GO TO CAPCA PAC** (Political Action Committee) Update your email communication preferences through the CAPCA website https://capca.com/manage-my-communications/ You can now define which crop team, chapter and event notifications you want to receive. Which of the following categories are important to your work as a PCA (check all that apply):

Aquatics Berries Citrus & Subtropicals Cotton Deciduous Fruits

Forage/Silage Golf/Sports Turf Grains Grapes Rice

T/O, Landscape Tree Nuts Vegetables Vegetation Mgmt Organics

Go to CAPCA.com and submit your membership form online to pay by Credit Card Federal Tax ID #94-2277533

Your dues payment is not deductible as a charitable contribution for federal and state tax purposes. However, a portion of your payment may be deducted as an ordinary and necessary business expense. Please advise your tax consultant if you qualify for an ordinary and necessary business expense tax deduction. If you qualify for an ordinary and necessary business expense tax deduction, you may deduct up to $119/$37 for dues of $145/$45 respectively. If you chose not to earmark $7.00 of your dues as a contribution to CAPCA PAC and you qualify for an ordinary and necessary business expense tax deduction, you may deduct up to $126/$44 for dues of $145/$45.

**The CAPCA PAC Contribution is a voluntary non-tax contribution 44


For CAPCA Use Only Check#___________________ Amount__________________


RUTHANN ANDERSON CAPCA President/CEO Adviser Editor ruthann@capca.com (916) 928-1625 x7




Programs/Communications Dir. Adviser Deputy Editor joyce@capca.com (916) 928-1625 x2

Advertising Sales Manager Advertising/Publications sylvia@capca.com (916) 607-0059 or (916) 928-1625 x9

Membership/Conferences Dir. Sustaining Membership, Acct. dee@capca.com (916) 928-1625 x3


Outreach Relations Manager adam@capca.com (916) 928-1625 x6


Executive Assistant Leadership Institute, Grants rachel@capca.com (916) 928-1625 x5


Southern California CAPCA Representative ariana@capca.com (805) 704-3255 or (916) 928-1625 x8

IXCHEL MENDOZA Office Administrator/ Membership Liaison ixchel@capca.com (916) 928-1625 x1


Proven performance on almonds now approved on walnuts

R apid m ite k nockdown 7 d ay PHI E asy t o u se w ater b ased SC f ormulation

T wospotted spider mite

P acific spider mite gowanco.com 800.883.1844 Magister® is a registered trademark used under license by Gowan Company, L.L.C. EPA Reg. No. 10163-322 Always read and follow directions.




STUDENT NETWORK EVENT Facilitating Conversation, Investing in the Future

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2018 | DISNEYLAND HOTEL | ANAHEIM, CA For more information about the Student Network Event, visit capca.com/pca/events/ 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. | 10:00 a.m. Educators' Workshop Registration Available through CAPCA Conference: capca.com/conference/ EDUCATORS: • 1-Day Student Network Event & Educators' Workshop (Sunday Only) $50

• Full Conference (incl. Student Network Event) $150

• Full Conference (incl. Student Network & Educators' Workshop) $225



Photo: Fred Rehrman, Elysian Fields

STUDENTS: • 1-Day Student Network Event (Sunday Only) $50

Mark Your Calendar

CAPCA’s 44 Annual Conference & Agri-Expo th


October 14-16, 2018 Disneyland Resort - Anaheim, California REGISTRATION OPEN Conference Registration and Hotel Accommodations can be made at

CAPCA.COM/CONFERENCE Registration Rates:


Member/Exhibitor - $325 Non Member - $405 Educator - $225 Student - $150 Spouse - $175 Children - $100

Once you are registered for the conference you will be sent a link to book your hotel at the group rate. You will need Registration ID to complete.

Questions - Contact Dee Strowbridge 916-928-1625 x 3 or dee@capca.com

Disneyland Hotel - $225.00 Grand Californian - $285.00 Please always remember to book accommodations through CAPCA’s website or directly with the hotel. Most 3rd party companies offering lower rates are a scam.


©2018 Compass Minerals. All Rights Reserved. Protassium+ and Design are registered trademarks of Compass Minerals International, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries.

Protassium+® sulfate of potash (0-0-50-17S) has less than 1% chloride and the lowest salt index per unit of K2O of all major potassium sources. This ensures efficient water and nutrient uptake. The result is healthier plants and higher yields — whether conventionally or organically farmed. What is scientifically better for your crop is also better for your business. So, if plants were rockets ... well then, we might just be NASA. To review field trials, plot studies and research, visit ProtassiumPlus.com.

October 14-16, 2018 - Disneyland Resort, CA


To be an Exhibitor or Sponsor of this event Contact Dee Strowbridge dee@capca.com 916-928-1625 x 3


CAPCA’s 44 Annual Conference & Agri-Expo th



A4 Promotions Acadian Plant Health ACG Materials Actagro ADAMA AeroVironment AEF Global, Inc Ag 1 Source Ag Alert Ag Laboratory & Consulting Ag Spray Equipment Agrian Agrinos AgroLiquid Agroplantae Agroplasma, Inc Agroscience Solutions AgroSource, Inc AgroThrive Organic Fertilizer AGQ Labs Albaugh Albion Plant Nutrition Almond Board of CA Amvac Chemical Corporation Andermatt USA Arable Labs, Inc Arborjet Arysta LifeScience NA Atticus LLC Baicor BASF BioAtlantis USA BioFlora BioSafe Systems Blue Mountain Minerals

Brandt California Organic Fertilizers Caltec Ag CDMS CV Water Control Quality Bd Ceres Imaging Certis USA Chemurgic Agricultural Chemicals

Compass Minerals Converted Organics LLC Crop Production Services Crop Science a division of Bayer Davis Instruments Dellavalle Laboratory, Inc Diamond K Gypsum Drexel Chemical Company DTN Duarte Nursery Dupont Crop Protection EarthSol LLC FBSciences, Inc FMC Agricultural Solutions Fusion 360, Inc GoatThroat Pumps Gar Tootelian, Inc Gowan USA LLC Grower’s Secret Harsco Metals & Minerals Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC HELM Agro US Hortau Huma Gro Hydrite ICL Specialty Fertilizers Interstate Ag Plastics

Irrometer Co Isagro USA JCS Marketing Jet Harvest Solutions Keyplex Liphatech Inc JH Biotech Magna Bon II Malcolm Media Ag Publishing Mar Vista Resources Marrone Bio Innovations Mazzei Injector Company Meister Media Worldwide Miller Chemical & Fertilizers Momentive Motomco Naiad Company Inc Nature’s Source Nature Safe Natural & Organic Fert. Netafim USA Neudorff North America Nichino America NovaSource Nufarm America Nutrient Technologies Ocean Organics Corp OHP, Inc Organic Ag Products Organic Farms Fertilizers Oro Agri Plant Food Systems Polymer Ag, LLC Qualitech Redox Semios USA Inc

Simplot Grower Solutions Solutions 4Earth Spectrum Technologies SQM North America Stockton USA SummitAgro USA Suterra Symborg Syngenta Crop Protection Syntech Research Inc Taminco US LLC Terra Aerial Drone Svs Tiger-Sul Products TKI Crop Vitality Trece True Organic Products, Inc UCANR UPI Valent Vegalab - The Agronomy Group Verdegaal Brothers, Inc Verdesian Life Science Vestaron Corporation Westbridge Agricultural Products

Western Farm Press Western Milling Western Region CCA Wildeye Willowood Wonderful Nurseries Yamaha Motor Yara

Thank You 2018

Platinum Sustaining Members Brandt Leading Plant Health Innovation and Sustainability


Crop Science, a division of Bayer

Prospering the Farmer Through Responsible Nutrient Management

Science for a Better Life

Willowood USA LLC Manufacturer of Post Patent Crop Protection Products



Meeting will only be accredited with ICCA - Soil/ Water & Nutrient Management categories

Nitrogen Management Update October 13, 2018 1:00-5:00 pm Disneyland Resort

$100 registration fee - meeting only $75 registration fee - combined with CAPCA Conference Registration REGISTER AT CAPCA.COM/CONFERENCE  Topics Include:   

Enhanced Efficiency Nitrogen Fertilizers Optimizing Irrigation and Nitrogen Fertilization in Coast Berrys and Vegetables Fertilization Practices & Nutrient Management Plans in Nursery Production Nitrogen Fertilization for Desert Vegetables

Open to All Agricultural Professionals Additional Sponsors



CAPCA 2018 Sustaining Membership Levels BRONZE









Sustaining Member Acknowledgement on the CAPCA website and in each issue of the Adviser

Subscription(s) to Adviser Magazine







Job Opportunities Posting in Adviser







Subscription(s) to Applicator Alerts







50% Ad Discount in Applicator Alerts

Business Card Size Only

Business Card Size Only

Business Card Size Only

Any Ad Size

Any Ad Size

Any Ad Size






Adviser Advertorial*





Comp Conference Registration(s)








Two-Page Spread in Adviser



Invitation to Sustaining Member Council***




½ Page Adviser Ad (October issue excluded) Complimentary Mailing Labels Early Reservation for Conference Exhibit Booth

(Opens March 2018 to Bronze and April 2018 to non-members)


Conference Exhibit Booth Discount (Limit 4)

Pathway to PCA Outreach (Logo Acknowledgement)

Adviser Magazine Outsert


(October issue excluded, 2 pg limit)

$5,000 Add-On Elite Option and Benefits: CAPCA ED - Event Host with marketing (website and event) and Speaker (approved DPR content only) *

October issue fills quickly, first come, first served

** October issue guaranteed if booked by Feb. 2018 *** Sustaining Member Council for Middle to Senior Management or Owner as representative. Quarterly Meetings; consistent representative for the year requested.

To negotiate customizable benefits at the Platinum or Diamond level, contact Ruthann Anderson: (916) 928-1625

For all other levels, contact Dee Strowbridge: (916) 928-1625

Thank You 2018 Su DIAMOND LEVEL

Grow with Agrian


Independently Owned U.S. Company BioFlora Nutures the Partnership between Plants and Soil

The Biopesticide Company

Your Trusted & Dedicated Partner in Agriculture

Great Yields Begin Here

Grow More With Less

Industry Leader in Insect Monitoring and Control

Miracles of Science



Creating Value through Innovative Solutions

Providing Resources for Value Creation

Working today for a brighter and better tomorrow

Ideas to Grow With

Products that Work, From People Who CareÂŽ

ustaining Members GOLD LEVEL

A Pioneer in Leading Crop Health Products

For a Better and Safer World

Power to Grow

Crop Protection Products

Yield Enhancement Solutions


Fertilizer and Specialty Products

Natural Products for Pest Management and Plant Health

Bringing Plant Potential to Life

Growing a Healthy TomorrowTM

Simply Sustainable. Always Effective.

Profit From Our Experience

Helping Our World Grow Healthier Plants

Leaders in Nutrient Technologies


The Grower's Advantage



Thank You 2018 Sustaining Members



AgroPlantae Inc

Capturing Maximum Genetic Potential

Buttonwillow Warehouse Central Life Sciences The Ant Control Experts

Drexel Chemical Company Serving Growers Since 1972


Official Licensed Distributor of Seasol

J.G. Boswell Co. Miller Chemical and Fertilizer

Serving Global Agriculture Through Committed People, Innovation and Quality Products

Nature Safe Natural & Organic Fertilizers The Natural Choice for Soil and Plant Nutrition

Nufarm Americas, Inc www.nufarm/com/US/Home

S.P. McClenahan, Inc 100 Years of Arboriculture

Suterra LLC

Making Your World a Better Place. Naturally

Target Specialty Products www.target-specialty.com

Verdesian Life Sciences, LLC The Nutrient Use Efficiency People



BRONZE LEVEL Actagro Ag 1 Source AG RX Agrinos Inc Agro Logistic Systems, Inc Agroplasma Inc Baicor L.C. Bio Ag Services Corp Blue Mountian Minerals California Organic Fertilizers, Inc. CDMS, Inc Deerpoint Group, Inc Dellavalle Laboratory Diversified Waterscapes Duarte Nursery, Inc. HELM Agro US, Inc. Hortau, Inc Hydrite Chemical Interstate Ag Plastics Isagro USA JCS Marketing Jet Harvest Solutions KeyPlex Magna Bon II Monsanto Crop Protection Motomco Nature's Source North Valley Ag Services Nutrient Technologies, Inc OHP, INC. Organic Ag Products Pacific Biocontrol Corporation Polymer Ag, LLC PowWow Energy Precision Laboratories Produce Careers, Inc. Ratto Bros Rotam North American San Joaquin Grower Services Solutions 4Earth Spectrum Technologies SQM North America SummitAgro USA Symborg Inc Taminco US LLC Terra Aerial Drone Services The Morning Star Packing Co Tiger-Sul Products, LLC Van Beurden Insurance Svcs Western Region Certified Crop Advisers (CCA) Wonderful Nurseries Zenith Insurance Company

Rescue your orchard from weeds with Lifeline. Don’t let your tree nuts drown in a sea of weeds. Get Lifeline® herbicide – the preferred choice for the contact control of marestail, fleabane, filaree and more. In fact, Lifeline works so well on tough weeds, it’s now the number one glufosinate brand in the state of California. It’s time to sink weeds. It’s time for Lifeline. To learn more, contact your PCA, local distributor or UPI sales representative. UPI is a global state-of-the-art producer of Lifeline. Your reliable weed control solution™ Always read and follow label directions and precautions. Lifeline® and UPI logo are trademarks of United Phosphorus, Inc. ©May, 2018. UPI, 630 Freedom Business Center, King of Prussia, PA 19406. www.upi-usa.com.


NOTE: Some of the following job opportunities may be abbreviated postings. To view the complete posting, please log into your membership access on our website at https://capca.com/my-account/ Western Regional Development Leader – California ADAMA USA

Summary: Supports Product Development through trial testing and protocols. Supports Sales in the West and SW Teams by managing field trials & providing data to assist in creating demand for Advanced products. Provides technical Innovation expertise to help differentiate ADAMA in the market. Identifies key center of influences (COI) to pull through products. Builds customer relationships. Requirements: Applicant should be aligned with our core values of creating simplicity, working with passion, getting things done & empowering our people. Have a commitment to the big picture, collectively pursues unselfish goals with humility & invest in making all of us better. An authentic ability to connect broadly with people & motivate around a message. Masters or PhD in agricultural life sciences such as plant pathology, entomology, horticulture, or weed sciences as well as 2-5 years of experience working in related field. Strong knowledge: US Market & all segments (insecticides, fungicides, herbicides). Apply: Submit resume to ellen.mueller@adama.com or apply online: https://career5.successfactors.eu/sfcareer/ jobreqcareer?jobId=14423&company=MAI&username=

Golf/Landscape Sales Representative – Southern California Crop Production Services

Summary: Candidate should understand chemical and fertilizers, and the ability to put together agronomic plans for clients. Understand basic cultural practices related to golf course turf management. Become active and involved with local industry associations. Have excellent communication skills, with the ability to make cold calls & deepen existing business relationships. Able to forecast seasonal products. Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in Turfgrass, Horticulture, Soil Science or related field. Hold a California PCA license or have the ability to obtain one within 6 months of hire. Demonstrate proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite. Able to problem solve and respond quickly. Hold a valid driver’s license and be able to lift 50 pounds on occasion. Apply: Visit www.cpsagu.com/careers to apply online.

Agronomist – Corcoran Ranch J.G. Boswell

Summary: Responsible for monitoring insect pressures, plant and soil development, and making appropriate recommendations to handle/oversee chemical applications and take corrective actions. Conducts experiments or investigations in field crops to develop new methods of growing crops to secure more efficient production, higher yield, and improved quality. Requirements: Plans, reports, and carries out varietal evaluations to develop and improve field crops such as cotton, safflower, seed alfalfa, wheat, and various vegetable crops. Supervises, evaluates and reports on crop production techniques to discover methods of planting, cultivation, harvesting, to improve yields and quality. Supervises, evaluates and reports on ways to improve soil and water characteristics to improve yield and quality. Develops methods for control of weeds, crop diseases and insect pests. Bachelor’s Degree in the Agricultural Sciences, Biological Sciences, or Pest Management. Apply: Send Resume and/or inquiries to slizarraga@jgboswell.com



• STAY INFORMED • Increase your knowledge of the news, actions and proposed regulatory changes from the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) that may affect your PCA license and the pest control industry.

DPR Electronic Subscription Lists DPR’s web site includes a subscription page for their electronic mailing lists. You can sign up to receive free, automatic delivery of: ➢➢DPR News Releases. ➢➢Licensing, Certification and Continuing Education Information. ➢➢Notices on Regulatory Actions or Proposed Regulatory Changes that may affect your license and/or business operations. ➢➢Updates on over 20 regulatory issues and programs. Subscribe at: http://www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/dept/ listserv/listdesc.htm


Pest Control Advisor – Modesto, CA Ratto Bros., Inc.

Summary: Ratto Bros., Inc. has an opening for a PCA. This is your opportunity to become part of our unique vegetable operation in the Central Valley. This position will be responsible for providing pest control and technical support for all our ranches. We offer full time, year-round employment with a competitive compensation package. Requirements: Time will be spent out in the field monitoring crops and fulfilling office functions which include data input, tank mixing through the company database, personnel organization and chemical purchasing, among other tasks. You will be responsible for communicating and interfacing with all field, office and harvest departments on pest control issues and managing all regulatory issues with county and DPR. Qualifications: More than 5 years of experience as a PCA. BS in Plant Science. Valid PCA & driver’s license. Bilingual in Spanish preferred but not required. 5+ years of cool season vegetable experience. Apply: Please send your resume to asalinas@rattobros.com or call Alexis (209) 545-4445

Sales Representative, Pacific Northwest USA – Western or Eastern Oregon STK bio-ag technologies

Summary: Manage existing accounts and attract new business. Prospect and drive long-term relationships with the farmers and distributors in your assigned territory and implement sales operations as directed by the Country Business Manager. Promote our portfolio of Biopesticide products to farmers, growers, end-users in liaison with our local distributors. Requirements: Execute a push strategy with retail distribution partners. Pull products through the retail channel by influencing product purchase decisions directly at the large grower level. Achieve sales goals. Manage customer base and use your existing network of growers and distributors to identify new opportunities. Develop plans and actions for growth. Strong understanding of PNW ag practices in vine, berry, tree, and row crops. BA/BS in Business, Agribusiness, or Ag Science related field. Experience in sales of agrochemicals/crop protection chemicals preferred. PCA or CCA license preferred. Apply: Please forward resume to Pam Fiorini at pam.fiorini@stk-ag.com

Sales Manager – Central Valley, CA and Pasco, WA area Suterra LL

Summary: The Sales Manager for the Central Valley, CA and the Pasco, WA area will oversee all customer activities for a territory, conduct direct sales calls on key product distributor, retailers and growers to introduce, sell and provide technical and logistical support for the Suterra product line. Requirements: Develop an annual business plan with growth objectives which details activities and objectives to meet or exceed sales targets for business growth; Manage new customer inquiries, university contacts, retailer/grower meetings; Attend tradeshows, field demonstrations; Conduct technical presentations; Define and manage territory budgets, strategic plans and customer engagement details; Negotiate key contracts or other required agreements to expand business opportunity with customers and distributors. Apply: Visit www.suterra.com/careers or email a resume directly to the HR office, Attn: Marielle Gallagher at: marielle.gallagher@suterra.com



CONTINUING EDUCATION 2018 DPR ACCREDITED COURSE REPORT Copyright 1993, 2010, Continuing Education Center for Pest Management









E Siskiyou Pesticide Use Monthly Update

Merrill, OR

Siskiyou Ag Dept

Smith, James




IPM for Food Plant Seminar

Hershey, PA

Collins Pest Mgmt, Inc

Gallagher, Marie




PCA Breakfast Meeting

Santa Rosa

So Co Winegrape Comm

Farrant, Emily




Tree & Vine IPM Update Meeting



Duncan, Roger




Nursery Greenhouse Seminar



Hall, Jan




IPM Tech. Advisory Committee Mtg

San Francisco


Geiger, Chris




Pesticide Use Update

Fort Jones

Siskiyou Ag Dept

Smith, James




Desert Valleys CAPCA Meeting


Desert Valleys CAPCA

McCray, Ariana




Siskiyou Co Strawberry Working Group Fumigation Update

Merrill, OR

Siskiyou Ag Dept

Smith, James




CAPCA Ed Palm Desert

Palm Desert


McCray, Ariana




CAPCA Ed Santa Paula

Santa Paula

CAPCA Ed/Ventura Ch.

McCray, Ariana




Glenn IPM Breakfast Meeting



Symmes, Emily




Insect & Disease Control in Orchard & Vineyard


Stanislaus Ag Comm

Bates, Angela




Pesticide Handler: Instructor of Trainers



Kiehn, Theresa




Tree & Vine IPM Update Meeting



Duncan, Roger







Faver, Amanda




BioNatural Healing College


BioNatural Healing Coll.

Sidiqi, Nadir




Pesticide Handler: Instructor of Trainers



Kiehn, Theresa




CAPCA Ed Sacramento


CAPCA Ed/Woodland Ch.

Basan, Joyce




PHC Workshop


Tree Care Industry

Andersen, Tchukki




E Siskiyou Pesticide Use Monthly Update

Merrill, OR

Siskiyou Ag Dept

Smith, James




Diagnosing Herbicide Symptoms


UC Weed Research

Perez, Gale





San Diego


Faver, Amanda




PCA Breakfast

Santa Rosa


Farrant, Emily




BioNatural Healing College


BioNatural Healing Coll.

Sidiqi, Nadir




Butte IPM Breakfast Meeting



Symmes, Emily







Faver, Amanda




PCA Breakfast

Santa Rosa

Sonoma Co Winegrape

Farrant, Emily





San Bernardino


Faver, Amanda




Need ID & Control


Calaveras Co Ag Comm

Wright, Kevin




E Siskiyou Pesticide Use Monthly Update

Merrill, OR

Siskiyou Ag Dept

Smith, James




Yuba-Sutter-Colusa IPM Breakfast Meeting

Yuba City


Symmes, Emily




Integrated Pest Management


Mt. San Antonio Coll.

Perea, Chaz




BioNatural Healing College


BioNatural Healing Coll.

Sidiqi, Nadir





i c d i t e i Presen M r e t n ts Ba ®

“Mite Banter”

“Do you understand what knockdown and residual control means?”

“Phil, I’m a mite. I don’t understand words at all.”

It’s time for a little straight talk. When it comes to controlling the two-spotted spider mite, Pacific mite or brown almond mite, Banter® miticide provides not only quick knockdown, it controls all mite stages. Plus, with its long residual control, Banter can help protect your almond crop and improve your yield. So, if you’re looking for superior mite control in your almond orchards, let’s talk. Contact your local PCA, UPI distributor or UPI sales representative.

Always read and follow label directions and precautions. Banter® and UPI logo are trademarks of United Phosphorus, Inc. ©April, 2018. UPI, 630 Freedom Business Center, King of Prussia, PA 19406. www.upi-usa.com.

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