Alberta Capital Airshed Strategic Plan2012 - 2015

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A l b e r ta C a p i ta l A i r s h e d

Strategic Plan

2012 - 2015

This Strategic Plan is a living document and will be updated as the ACA grows. For the latest version, please ensure you visit our website at

A l b e r ta C a p i ta l A i r s h e d S t r at e g i c P l a n 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 5

Introduction The Alberta Capital Airshed (Society) is a notfor-profit, multi-stakeholder organization that monitors and provides public information on air quality, and facilitates dialogue among community, industrial and government stakeholders to manage air quality within the region. Our area roughly parallels that of the Edmonton Census Metropolitan Area, in between the West Central Airshed Society to the west and the Fort Air Partnership to the north-east. We are one of the newest of nine airsheds in the province, who together serve as an air monitoring partnership for Albertans. Within the region, monitoring air quality is not new. In fact, the Alberta Capital Airshed’s area includes one of the first air quality monitoring networks in Alberta, the Strathcona Industrial Association. More recently, monitoring by others - municipal, industry, institutions have been added and one of the primary roles of the airshed is to bring the information together and ensure all stakeholders, including the public have access to it.

Our Strategic Plan While planning is important to any organization, it’s particularly vital for the Alberta Capital Airshed as a multi-stakeholder organization to be comprised of diverse members of the community. Our Strategic Plan is meant to serve as a roadmap for everyone engaged with us by providing objectives, tactics and performance indicators to help guide our collective efforts. The Alberta Capital Airshed is a relatively new player in the province so our plan, while future focussed, needs to remain flexible and responsive to the fast changing environment around us. Each year we will be able to strengthen and extend the plan.



A l b e r ta C a p i ta l A i r s h e d S t r at e g i c P l a n 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 5

Focus Areas 1. Air Quality Monitoring a. Network assessment b. Collate and disseminate ambient air quality data c. Operate air quality monitoring stations d. Operate passive monitoring e. Mobile air quality monitoring 2. Air Quality Education a. Communications and outreach plan b. Web based repository of air quality information c. Odour management 3. Air Quality Management a. Capital Region Air Quality Management Framework b. Ozone Management Plan c. Air quality issues not covered by other plans/initiatives 4. Organizational Capacity a. Governance & human resources b. Membership c. Fund Raising

A l b e r ta C a p i ta l A i r s h e d S t r at e g i c P l a n 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 5

1 Air Quality Monitoring Goal(s): • Provide real-time air quality information via publicly accessible website using relevant, available credible data • Expand current monitoring system to increase knowledge of air quality in the region

Tactic 1

Key Performance Indicator

Finalize network assessment

Stakeholders receive draft network assessment and are engaged in developing final assessment

Activities 2012



Stakeholders are identified

Assessment is submitted to AESRD for validation

Network assessment is updated via annexes to reflect new developments

Priority stakeholders (monitoring organizations) are individually engaged to provide feedback ACA facilitates a multistakeholder process to finalize assessment

Network assessment is published via website and distributed via email to stakeholders

Tactic 2

Collate ambient data from existing networks and stations within region and stream live on website

Key Performance Indicator

All regionally relevant, available and credible ambient air quality data is streamed on ACA’s website

Activities 2012



Submit a funding application to AESRD with all required material on time

Evaluate usage and solicit feedback from users on monitoring data web data

Evaluate usage and solicit feedback from users on monitoring data web data

Convene discussions with monitoring organizations

Develop and complete MOUs with monitoring organizations

Develop new website (develop and manage project plan), including AQHI Launch new website

Continual improvement

Continual improvement



A l b e r ta C a p i ta l A i r s h e d S t r at e g i c P l a n 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 5

Tactic 3

Assume management of air monitoring stations

Key Performance Indicator

ACA will operate some or all AESRD stations within the region

Activities 2012



Initiate discussions with AESRD

ACA begins managing AESRD stations

Evaluation by ACA and AESRD of 1 year operations

Contract with AESRD is developed and signed

AQM technical committee is formed and terms of reference approved

ACA facilitates discussion with members to explore additional stations managed by ACA

RFP for contractor is issued Contractor is selected

Tactic 4

Key Performance Indicator

Passive Monitoring

ACA will operate a passive monitoring network

Activities 2012



Submit a funding application to AESRD with all required material on time

Analyze data and update the passive network and assess best possible locations for continuous monitors

Analyze data and update the passive network and assess best possible locations for continuous monitors

Develop passive monitoring plan (parameters to be monitored, location of deployment/density of network. RFP for contractor is issued RFP for contractor is issued Contractor is selected ACA begins passive monitoring network

Tactic 5

Innovative Community-Led Monitoring Projects (crowd sourced air quality monitoring).

Key Performance Indicator

ACA will support this innovative initiative in monitoring air quality data

Activities 2012


Submit a funding application to AESRD with all required material on time for quality assurance/ quality control analysis of data

Mobile monitoring information is reported on website

Develop a plan to support implementation with partners


A l b e r ta C a p i ta l A i r s h e d S t r at e g i c P l a n 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 5

2 Air Quality Education Goal(s): • Increase air quality literacy of public in region • Facilitate access for members in topic-specific air quality educational opportunities

Tactic 1

Develop a communications and outreach plan

Key Performance Indicator

ACA has a communications plan, a new website and is endorsed by CASA

Activities 2012



Develop a plan that identifies primary stakeholders, objectives, strategies and tools

Update communications plan

Update communications plan

Participate in and support in promoting Clean Air Day

Participate in and support in promoting Clean Air Day

Develop a strategy to promote AQHI (eg media outlets) Participate in and support Clean Air Day

Provide support to municipalities and other agencies in education for anti-idling bylaws to provide consistency of implementation

Promote AQHI

Provide support to municipalities and other agencies in developing and delivering messaging around relevant air quality issues and solutions.

Tactic 2

Building a web-based repository of air quality educational information

Promote AQHI

Provide support to municipalities and other agencies in developing and delivering messaging around relevant air quality issues and solutions.

Key Performance Indicator

ACA website will have information/links for primary stakeholders (public, members, schools, etc.) on air quality

Activities 2012



Develop an air quality literacy baseline

Assess changes in air literacy from baseline year.

Assess changes in air literacy from baseline year.

Conduct a needs analysis with ACA members and other stakeholders

Develop an education framework based on results of needs analysis and air quality literacy study. Assess current resources and plan to disseminate

Develop section on website for educational ‘tools and resources’ Offer background information on AQHI



A l b e r ta C a p i ta l A i r s h e d S t r at e g i c P l a n 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 5

Tactic 3

Key Performance Indicator

Odour Management

ACA will facilitate a workshop on odour management

Activities 2012



Plan odour management workshop for early 2013, including a discussion on next steps

Facilitate odour management workshop #2

Facilitate odour management workshop #3

Evaluate workshop and explore future needs.

Determine next steps with stakeholders/membership on improving odour management and response in the region.

Plan odour management workshop for early 2014

A l b e r ta C a p i ta l A i r s h e d S t r at e g i c P l a n 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 5

3 Air Quality Management Goal(s): • Protect and improve air quality in the region • Facilitate communication and engagement amongst stakeholders

Tactic 1

Capital Region Air Quality Management Framework

Key Performance Indicator

ACA is actively engaged in framework development

Activities 2012



Continue to participate and support the framework development

Identify and communicate ACA’s capacity to provide leadership/ turn-key implementation platform for the CRAQMF

Identify and communicate ACA’s capacity to provide leadership/ turn-key implementation platform for the CRAQMF

Participate on implementation group –signal stakeholders that the ACA provides an excellent forum for implementation of the framework.

Tactic 2

Key Performance Indicator

Ozone Management Plan

ACA is actively engaged in CAP Ozone Management Plan

Activities 2012



Continue leading the Capital Air Partnership in progressing the Ozone Management Plan

Continue leading the Capital Air Partnership in progressing the Ozone Management Plan

Continue leading the Capital Air Partnership in progressing the Ozone Management Plan

Facilitate a stakeholder review of the plan

Integrate OMP into CRAQMP as opportunity arises

Tactic 3

Exploration of air quality issues not addressed by existing plans/other initiatives

Integrate OMP into CRAQMP as opportunity arises

Key Performance Indicator

ACA is engaged with its membership on identifying and addressing air quality issues not addressed in existing plans

Activities 2012



Determine areas of interest by members and stakeholders through engagement and plan to engage stakeholders

Determine areas of interest by members and stakeholders through engagement and plan to engage stakeholders

Determine areas of interest by members and stakeholders through engagement and plan to engage stakeholders

Participate in development of an odour management framework

Participate in development of an odour management framework

Participate in and/or initiate in CASA facilitated opportunities Determine feasibility of developing an odour management framework

Participate in and/or initiate in CASA facilitated opportunities

Participate in and/or initiate in CASA facilitated opportunities



A l b e r ta C a p i ta l A i r s h e d S t r at e g i c P l a n 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 5

4 Organizational Capacity Goal(s): • Build and sustain an organization which is proactive, relevant and responsive

Tactic 1

Key Performance Indicator

Governance & Human Resources

ACA has an approved Board manual and strategic plan

Activities 2012 Develop a Board policies manual Review and update structure to address new strategic plan

Develop a cyclical strategic planning process for Board and members to engage in annually



Update Board policies manual

Recruit and retain volunteers

Facilitate planning process

Tactic 2

Update Board policies manual

Recruit and retain volunteers Facilitate planning process

Key Performance Indicator


ACA membership increases

Activities 2012



Document needs and expectations of members

Increase membership to include primary stakeholders – municipalities, industries, NGOs, etc.

Increase membership to include primary stakeholders – municipalities, industries, NGOs, etc.

Determine potential members, with priorities Approach potential members

Tactic 3

Key Performance Indicator

Fund Raising

ACA funding is adequate for planned activities

Activities 2012



Secure funding for management, communications, passive monitoring and mobile monitoring support

Secure funding to support monitoring, education and management activities

Secure funding to support monitoring, education and management activities

Participate in discussions with Government of Alberta for on-going, secure funding of airsheds

Develop longer term funding strategy through dialogue with other airsheds, AESRD and members

Seek funding from other sources

Seek funding from other sources

Glossary AESRD – Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development AQM – Air Quality Monitoring AQHI – Air Quality Health Index CASA – Clean Air Strategic Alliance CRAQMP – Capital Region Air Quality Management Framework MOU – Memorandum of Understanding NGO - Non–Governmental Organization OMP – Ozone Management Plan RFP – Request for Proposals

147, 9218 Ellerslie Road SW Edmonton, AB T6X 0K6 Tel: 780-470-3117 Fax: 888-791-8348

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