Alberta Ca pit al Ai r s hed S t ra t e gi c P l a n 2013 - 2 0 1 6
Air Quality Monitoring Goal(s): • Provide accessible air quality information to all stakeholders including public • Facilitate and support strategic expansion of air quality monitoring Tactic 1 Ongoing assessment of air quality monitoring
Activities or Tactics 2013/14
Facilitate sharing of monitoring network assessments (ACA, ESRD, SIA, etc.)
Facilitate sharing of monitoring network assessments
Facilitate sharing of monitoring network assessments
Support monitoring expansion with members
Support monitoring expansion with members
Facilitate strategic planning for network expansion
Facilitate strategic planning for network expansion
Support monitoring expansion with members Facilitate strategic planning for network expansion
Tactic 2 Provide all available ambient AQ data on website
Activities 2013/14
Add new station data to website as available
Add new station data to website as available
Add new station data to website as available
Evaluate usefulness of data with web users Provide any additional AQ data (including reports, summaries, etc.) on website Develop annual regional summary of air quality data (with comparisons to previous years for trend analysis) Determine if historical AQHI information can be provided Add Alberta Ambient Air Quality Objectives thresholds to website Evaluate usefulness of annual regional air quality data
A l b e r t a C a p i t a l A i r s h e d St r a t e g ic Pla n 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 6
Tactic 3 Assume management of air monitoring stations
Activities 2013/14
Manage ESRD stations Complete necessary requirements Manage ESRD stations to assume management role of Liaise with members to determine Liaise with members to determine two ESRD stations. if ACA management of additional if ACA management of additional member AQ stations is possible member AQ stations is possible Assume management role of two ESRD stations. Encourage stakeholders/ members to consider ACA for management of any new stations
Tactic 4 Passive Monitoring
Activities 2013/14
Consider passive monitoring when finalizing regional monitoring plan
To be determined
To be determined
Deploy sensors at AQ stations to evaluate validity
Investigate partnership with Centre for Toxicology
To be determined
Tactic 5 Air Quality Sensors
Provide evaluation of sensors to members
Alberta Ca pit al Ai r s hed S t ra t e gi c P l a n 2013 - 2 0 1 6
Education Goal(s): • Increase air quality literacy of public in region • Facilitate access for members to air quality information • Provide educational opportunities on topic-specific air quality issues Tactic 1 Develop a communications plan that supports understanding of air quality and raises awareness of ACA
Activities 2013/14
Finalize a communications plan
Update communications plan
Update communications plan
Promote AQHI
Promote AQHI
Develop a strategy to promote AQHI
Participate in designated environment events Participate in designated environment events (Environment Provide support to municipalities Provide support to municipalities Week, Clean Air Day, etc.) and other agencies in and other agencies in developing and delivering developing and delivering Provide support to municipalities messaging around relevant air messaging around relevant air and other agencies in quality issues and solutions. quality issues and solutions. developing and delivering messaging around relevant air quality issues and solutions. Participate in designated environment events
Map out audiences for outreach Seek collaborative partnerships with key stakeholders
Tactic 2 Facilitate access to information to increase AQ knowledge and understanding amongst ACA members
Activities 2013/14
Conduct a needs analysis with ACA members and other stakeholders
Develop an education framework based on results of needs analysis
Assess changes in air literacy from baseline year.
Maintain section on website for educational ‘tools and resources’
Maintain section on website for educational ‘tools and resources’
Develop tools (key message decks, presentations, etc.)
Develop tools (key message decks, presentations, etc.)
Maintain section on website for educational ‘tools and resources’ Develop tools (key message decks, presentations, etc.)
Tactic 3 Provide information about topic specific air quality issues
Activities 2013/14
Continue to take lead on odour management issues
To be determined
To be determined
Identify strategic gaps on air quality topics and position ACA to meet needs
A l b e r t a C a p i t a l A i r s h e d St r a t e g ic Pla n 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 6
Air Quality Management Goal(s): • Protect and improve air quality in the region • Facilitate communication and engagement amongst stakeholders Tactic 1 Participation and support in Capital Region Air Quality Plans
Activities 2013/14
Participate in the Oversight Advisory Committee of the Capital Regional Air Quality Management Framework
To be determined
To be determined
Participate in CASA-led odour management framework development
Determine feasibility of developing an odour management framework
To be determined
Participate in the Capital Air Partnership Support initiatives to address PM2.5 issues
Tactic 2 Odour Management
Tactic 3 Exploration of air quality issues not addressed by existing plans/other initiatives
Activities 2013/14
Determine areas of interest by members and stakeholders through engagement
To be determined
To be determined
Participate in and/or initiate opportunities to address AQ issues not addressed by the plans
Alberta Ca pit al Ai r s hed S t ra t e gi c P l a n 2013 - 2 0 1 6
Organizational Capacity Goal(s): • Build and sustain an organization which is proactive, relevant and responsive Tactic 1 Governance & Human Resources
Activities 2013/14
Update Bylaws
To be determined
To be determined
Generate value proposition (what is ACA and what are the benefits to membership)
To be determined
To be determined
Seek grant and operational funding from ESRD
Seek grant and operational funding from ESRD
Seek grant and operational funding from ESRD
Collect membership fees
Collect membership fees
Collect membership fees
Develop sustainable funding plan for ACA (update sector membership fees, liaise with ESRD and Monitoring Agency, etc.)
Develop sustainable funding plan for ACA (update sector membership fees, liaise with ESRD and Monitoring Agency, etc.)
Develop sustainable funding plan for ACA (update sector membership fees, liaise with ESRD and Monitoring Agency, etc.)
Participate and support Alberta Airshed Council initiatives for sustainable funding of Airshed Zones
Participate and support Alberta Airshed Council initiatives for sustainable funding of Airshed Zones
Participate and support Alberta Airshed Council initiatives for sustainable funding of Airshed Zones
Develop a Board policies manual Review and update structure to address new strategic plan Develop a cyclical strategic planning process for Board and members to engage in annually
Tactic 2 Membership
Develop and launch membership drive
Tactic 3 Funding