The Zachary Advocate & Plainsman 03-05-2015

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Council delays advisory board decision BY STACY GILL

ary Historical Village’s advisory board. At a January meeting, Jean The Zachary City Council Byers, director of the Zachary has delayed a final decision on Historical Village and Museum, who will serve on an advisory suggested a list of people along board for the Zachary Histori- with qualifications and intercal village until officials can ests council members could determine if a councilman can consider before naming their appointees. appoint his sister to serve. The Allison House, Bauman The council discussed at its Feb. 24 meeting appointing House and McHugh House, members to serve on the Zach- a barn, carriage house, pavil- SGILL@ THEADVOCATE.COM

Church hosts recovery meetings

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Zachary began hosting meetings March 2 that incorporate the principles of Narcotics Anonymous and other successful peer support programs to help those in need and battling addiction. The meetings provide a much-needed community resource for admitting, accepting and resolving to conquer addiction to drugs and/or other substances that consume you as you consume them, church officials said. Substance abuse comes in many forms, and the habitual use of any chemical or behavior that distracts or detracts you from living a normal life can and eventually does ruin family, work and spiritual life, according to St. John’s. The meetings are a way to offer support for parishioners and residents who seek solutions. In order to protect the anonymity of each person, the location of the meetings will not be publicized, but only the start time of 7 p.m. To find out the date and location of the next meeting, call the Rev. Jeff Bayhi, Melany Roberts or Ric Smith at (225) 654-5778. To further maintain anonymity, church officials said callers can dial *67 so that numbers will be not be identified, but all calls will be answered, no questions asked. The meetings are free, but donations are appreciated to maintain the meetings, such as providing light refreshments and program-specific support materials. Placing God in the center of your life and realizing you are powerless over your addiction is the first step in beginning your recovery, and seeking support among peers is the second



1st Year, No. 21

ion, railroad depot and the Old Town Hall are part of the Historical Village, which is owned by the city, that’s located in a two-block area on Virginia Street. The Annison House, built in 1811, is the oldest house in the Village but is located on Old Scenic Highway. Councilman Brandon Noel suggested committees could be formed for each house in an ef-

fort to include others from the community who are interested in serving. After a brief discussion by the council on which seven members would be appointed — one by each council member and two by the mayor — Councilman Tommy Womack asked if he could appoint his sister, Johnna Womack Roose. “Tommy, I’m not sure you can do that, appoint a family mem-

LIVING DOLLS ‘My name is Benjamin Franklin. I was known as one of the founding fathers who drafted the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. I was a writer and inventor best known for my experiment with a kite and key. My face is on the $100 bill. I was born in 1706 in Boston and died in 1790 in Philadelphia.’


Just like a doll or toy that speaks or walks when you pull a string or press a button, second-graders at Rollins Place Elementary in Zachary brought history to life Feb. 20 during Living History Day. Dressed as famous historical figures, students recited biographical and famous facts about the person they chose to present as parents and grandparents visited classrooms throughout the day. Silent and motionless until a red button was pressed, only then did students begin telling their stories. Historical figures included Betsy Ross, Babe Ruth, Pocahontas and Colin Powell.

äSee AROUND, page 4G

INSIDE Death notices...... 4H Weddings ............ 2G Sports ................. 1H LUKE SCHULTZ Advocate staff photos by STACY GILL


‘My name is George Herman ‘Babe’ Ruth Jr. I was born Feb. 6, 1895, in Baltimore, Maryland. I was an American baseball outfielder and pitcher who played 22 seasons in Major League Baseball from 1914-1935 and was one of the first five inductees into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1936. I died Aug. 16, 1948.’



‘My name is Betsy Ross, but I was born Elizabeth Phoebe Griscom. Legend has it that I sewed and made the first American flag and presented it to Gen. George Washington in 1776. I was born Jan. 1, 1752, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where I also died Jan. 30, 1836.’ ‘My name is Thomas Alva Edison. You may know me best for inventing the light bulb. I was also a businessman and inventor who is known for the phonograph and one of the earliest motion picture cameras. I was called ‘Al’ as a young boy and loved reading and making experiments in my basement. I died at age 84 on Oct. 18, 1931.’

‘My name is Martin Luther King Jr. I was the national face of the Civil Rights movement and played a pivotal role in ending the legal segregation of African-American citizens in the South and other areas of the nation. I was born in January 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia, and graduated high school at age 15. I am most famous for my ‘I Have a Dream’ speech. I was assassinated in 1968.’


‘I was born as Araminta Ross in 1820 and later became Harriet Tubman. I escaped from slavery in the South to become a leading abolitionist before the American Civil War. I led hundreds to freedom in the North as the most famous ‘conductor’ on the Underground Railroad. I died March 10, 1913, in Albany, New York.’

ber,” Amrhein said. “At least I don’t think you can. It could be an ethics violation.” “See, this is the problem. We have someone who wants to serve but possibly can’t because she’s my sister?” Womack said. Amrhein said he wants to verify whether the appointment would be a violation of ethics äSee COUNCIL, page 4G

Bronco Stadium track, field eyed $975K budget OK’d for Zachary High BY STACY GILL Synthetic wins out over grass for a second time at Zachary High School. After a lengthy discussion at a district facilities and operations meeting Feb. 26 and more on the issue prior to Tuesday’s School Board meeting, members voted unanimously March 3 to approve a $975,000 budget for a new synthetic track and multipurpose field. Patrick Jenkins, director of operations for the school district, and Don Simpson, construction supervisor and an engineer, talked about the condition of the track and field area and options for improvements during last week’s facilities and operations committee meeting. ZHS Principal Joe LeBlanc, football coach David Brewerton and track coach Chris Carrier also attended that meeting. Jenkins said the multipurpose field is used for physical education during the school day as well as for middle school, freshmen, junior varsity and varsity sports, band, cheerleaders, dancers, Junior ROTC and flag corps practices; youth football games; youth sports tournaments; and as an exercise track for the community. According to the presentation, the initial cost of the synthetic track and multipurpose field, which was completed in August 2007, was $1,439,274. The artificial turf and surface had a warranty of eight years while the aggregate base and drainage system warranty was for six years, Jenkins said. “Our track and field are reaching the end of their life spans,” Jenkins said. The presentation identified multiple areas of uneven subsurfaces on the track and field as well as depressions, torn seams, ripples and spongy or soft spots. äSee TRACK, page 4G

Oil Changes, Brakes, Alignments, Check Engine Lights, A/C Repairs, Shocks, Struts, Tires

2G n Thursday, March 5, 2015 n n The Advocate

Armed with activity and coloring books, Zachary Rotarians, from left, Jill McGraw, Francis Nezianya, Jessica Ellis and Maxie Zachary find out which classrooms they will be reading to at Rollins Place Elementary.

ENGAGEMENTS Engagement, Wedding and Anniversary Announcements are paid notices in The Advocate. Go to The Advocate’s website at and click on the tab marked “Celebrations.� For more information, call (225) 388-0738 or e-mail

Advocate staff photos by STACY GILL

Zachary Rotary President Ryan Talbot reads to second-graders in Christie Anderson’s class at Rollins Place Elementary School on Feb. 20. Talbot and volunteers from the service organization read to elementary students each year as well as purchase and donate books and workbooks to youth as part of the club’s annual literacy project.

Rotarians encourage life code at Rollins Place BY STACY GILL

Brashier-Scott Bobbie Jo Scott of Ethel and Jacob Paul Brashier of Walker will marry in a 7p.m. ceremony on March 13, 2015, at Slaughter First Baptist Church, Slaughter, Louisiana. The bride elect is the daughter of Pat and Jennifer Scott of Ethel. She is the granddaughter of Bobbie C. Scott of Gonzales and the late Sonny Scott and Mary Roberts of Texas and the late James R. Roberts. She

attended Clinton High School. Her fiancĂŠ is the son of David L. “Tankâ€? Brashier of Ethel and Karen Brashier of Baton Rouge. He is the grandson of Raymond and Eunice “Vickyâ€? Brashier of Watson and Paul and Betty White of Baton Rouge. He is a graduate of Jackson High School and attended Southeastern Louisiana University. He is employed with B & G Crane.


HAPPY 60TH ANNIVERSARY! Robert and Myrtis Giroir

Robert and Myrtis Giroir of Baton Rouge celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary with Dinner at Ruffino’s Restaurant on February 15, 2015 with their family, Ronald and Danette Legendre, Ladd and Abby Legendre, Brant Legendre and fiancÊ Brittney Dupuis. Robbie Giroir was unable to attend; he was performing

with the Baton Rouge High School Festival Singers at the 10th Biannual European Choral Concert of Europe at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Armagh, Ireland. ThecouplemarriedFebruary 12, 1955 at St. Anthony Catholic Church, Baton Rouge with Monsieur Charles Murphy. Myrtis Giroir is the former Miss Myrtis LeBlanc.

ing the four-way test. Zachary Rotarians read from the hardbound version Second-graders at Rollins of the book and gifted each Place Elementary School in student with his or her own Zachary learned about prin- copy of “Andy and Elmer’s ciples Rotarians worldwide Apple Dumpling Adventure� follow during a Feb. 20 visit to coloring and activity book. Noel said that throughthe school by area Rotarians. The visit was part of a Ro- out the year, the club also tary literacy project that uses purchases books, which are “Andy and Elmer’s Apple signed by guest speakers at Dumpling Adventure� as a every meeting and then doresource to engage youth in nated to school libraries. the community and as a way to promote the club’s four-way test, according to Rotarian Brandon Noel, who oversees the Zachary club’s literacy committee. At each club meeting, Rotarians recite the four-way test: n Is it the truth? n Is it fair to all concerned? n Will it build goodwill and better friendships? n Will it be beneficial to all concerned? Used by Rotarians as a moral code for personal and business relationships and applied to nearly every aspect of life, the 24-word four-way test remains a central part of the Rotary structure and is held as the standard by which all behavior is measured, according to Rotary International. Noel said that a few years ago, national and international Rotary clubs considered a new vision that had members thinking of ways to best make a positive impact on future generations in their communities. Avenues of service including club, community, vocational and international were met with a fifth, future generations, which Rotary International recognizes as a legitimate avenue of service, according to Noel. “We decided the best way to promote this new avenue of service locally was for our club to interact with students in our own community,� Noel said. As a way to implement the literacy initiative, national and international clubs use “Andy and Elmer� picture books, coloring books, activity books and bookmarks contain-

P.O. Box 85 Fittstown, OK 74842 (800) 433-2950 Delivery of Channel Catfish, Bass, Hybrid Bluegill, Redear Bream, Coppernose Bluegill, Fathead Minnows, Black Crappie and Grass Carp are available for Pond & Lake Stocking. A permit and 10 days notice are required for the purchase of Triploid Grass Carp.

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The Advocate n n Thursday, March 5, 2015 n 3G

Zachary students compete in statewide math Olympiad Advocate staff report

Thirty-one Zachary students faced off against others from around the state Feb. 21 at the Louisiana Elementary Math Olympiad at Kenilworth Science and Technology School in Baton Rouge. Students competed in the extracurricular math event that provided a challenging and engaging mathematical experience, said Copper Mill math teacher Ashley Townsend. A total of 446 youths from 60 schools answered multiplechoice questions in various topics aligned to the Common Core standards. The contest for fourth- and fifth-graders included Zachary Elementary’s Claire Venable, who finished in third place overall, and William Ianitelli, also of Zachary Elementary, who finished eighth. Also competing from ZES were Gavin Malden, 26th; Will Thomas Beasley, 56th; and John Browning, who placed 108th. Six of the 29 participating students from Copper Mill finished in the top 25, including Austin Headrick in fourth place; Kyle Headrick and Madison Moses, who tied for fifth; Alexis Conachen, 17th; and Mariah Alexander and Kelly Wiley, who tied for 21st. The top four finishers won prizes and received gifts for their teachers. Venable won an iPod Touch and a $50 gift card for teacher Jess Patti, while Austin Headrick won an iPod Shuffle and a $25 gift card for Townsend, his math teacher. Students who finished fifth through 25th received the Math Olympiad medal, and all participants received certificates. While children tested, parents could attend science, technology, engineering and math career workshops and a STEM expo. Door prizes were awarded to the visiting parents.

Photo provided by ASHLEY TOWNSEND

Students in Ashley Townsend’s fifth-grade math class at Copper Mill who competed in the Louisiana Elementary Math Olympiad on Feb. 21 are, front, Austin Headrick, and back row, from left, Kyle Headrick, Townsend, Julia Huihui, Georgia Charlet, Alexia Bentley, Morgan Hayes, Michaela Doiron, Madison Moses and Kelly Wiley.

Photo provided by SUZANNE LEMOINE

Zachary Elementary School’s Claire Venable, left, and William Ianitelli competed in the Louisiana Elementary Math Olympiad at Kenilworth Science and Technology School in Baton Rouge on Feb. 21. Venable finished third overall, while Ianitelli finished eighth. A total of 446 students from 60 schools competed in the Olympiad.


Heidi M. Vessel, Attorney at Law

(225) 658-8899 in Zachary Free personal injury consultation and notarizing

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4G n Thursday, March 5, 2015 n n The Advocate



Continued from page 4G

Continued from page 1G

step. It just takes two steps and your recovery begins, church officials said.

Carrier said lanes 1, 2 and 8 have already been closed due to the poor stability and hazards they represent. “We’re in the middle of track season, and Zachary can’t even host a meet because of the issues,� Carrier said. “Our girls just won the team championship at the LHSAA state indoor track meet but can’t even run on their own track.� The Bronco Relays, which

Rotary reminder

Zachary Rotarians are reminded to bring canned goods to Thursday’s meeting for the “Rotary Has Heart� food drive. The effort focuses on feeding the hungry in Rotary communities. Zachary Rotarians were asked to partner with community food pantries or other clubs in District 6200 or involve youth groups such as Interact, EarlyAct, Youth Act, Rotaract, Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts for the effort.

Fish Fry Fridays

The Zachary High School football team is hosting a Football Fish Fry fundraiser evert Friday during Lent until April 3. Dinners include fried catfish, french fries and coleslaw and cost $8 per plate. The dinners will be sold on the second floor of the ZHS academic athletic building and are available for pickup between 10:30 a.m. and noon. All proceeds will go toward costs associated with the ZHS Bronco football team such as equipment, travel and uniforms. For information or delivery orders, email chrissy. ashford@zacharyschools. org.

Pregnancy workshop

Lane Regional Medical Center will host a free prenatal and newborn baby care class from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday in the staff development classroom, 6300 Main St., Zachary. The Pregnancy Workshop is an overview of what to expect during pregnancy and delivery for the soon-to-be mom. Baby Care Basics, part of the workshop, covers all you need to know to care for your newborn in the first weeks of life, according to a news release from Lane RMC. A tour of Baby Lane and the Labor, Delivery, Recovery, Postpartum unit is included. Partners are encouraged to attend, but child care is not provided. Registration is required. Call (225) 658-4587 to register.


Continued from page 1G and asked City Attorney John Hopewell to look into the matter. The council refrained from appointing members to the advisory board until Hopewell’s inquiry is reviewed. In other council news: At a previous meeting, a request by Police Chief David McDavid to place a stop sign in Copper Mill subdivision at Meadow Grove Avenue and Adare Drive was tabled until the council could notify the Copper Mill Homeowners Association as to the cost of a sign and McDavid’s suggestion to place the sign instead at Meadow Grove and Commerce. McDavid said although there are no houses at or near the intersection, families have approached him with the request. “It’s a long street with no stop sign. Children ride their bikes and parents use the street as a means of exercise,� McDavid said. Resident Craig Parnell, in charge of maintenance for Cop-

are March 13, have to be held at West Feliciana High School. According to Global Synthetics Environmental, an independent engineering firm that met with Simpson and Zachary Athletic Director Jesse Cassard, the track surface’s estimated life is 1 to 2 years but underlying issues make the track unusable without major repairs. “The serviceable life on these surfaces are nearing their end and although monies can be spent to patch or repair troubling areas, I estimate that the funds needed for this reme-

per Mill, spoke on behalf of the stop sign request at the Feb. 24 meeting. “This has not gone through the HOA board yet, but I can tell you that it’s not on the budget. Stop signs are expensive, especially decorative ones, and run in the area of about $2,000,� Parnell said. Parnell said there are no houses yet in the area where the stop sign would be posted but several are under construction. “About four slabs are currently being poured,� he said. Amrhein suggested the council make a motion to deny the stop sign request at Parnell’s urging. “You can always come back another time when the HOA is ready and request it again, but we’re not in the stop sign business. The expense will be that of the homeowners association,� Amrhein said. Nezianya abstained from voting because he said he has an investment (property) in Copper Mill. The City Council will meet again at 6:30 p.m. March 10.

diation would far outweigh the benefits,� said Charles Dawson, CEO of Global Synthetics. Repairs to the field would cost $30,000 to $40,000, but a replacement would be required in the next 1 to 2 years, Jenkins said. To install a grass football field, Bermuda sod installation would cost $325,000 to $425,000; irrigation system, $30,000 to $50,000; annual maintenance costs, $80,000; and cost of mower, $45,000. “Don’t forget paint costs for the logo and other graphics that

have to be painted on,� Brewerton said. “The problem with a grass field is the rain. You can forget holding P.E. and other games throughout the week with the rain the way it is in south Louisiana,� l LeBlanc said. “A turf field helps us outside of football season.� Simpson admitted that with a grass field, there would be limited use by other sports as well as by the community. A 10-year cost for the natural field would be upwards of $800,000 to $1 million, Jenkins

said, which is more than a synthetic field would cost. For a synthetic turf, the cost would be $500,000 to $600,000, but the synthetic surface means multi-purpose use; longevity of surface; lower maintenance costs; and savings on watering and fertilizing, Simpson said. Repairs to the track would cost $150,000-$175,000 with total replacement in 1 to 2 years. Options for the track surface ranged from $450,000 to $525,000 for a 10-millimeter thick surface to $650,00 for a 13-millimeter thick surface.

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FISH DAY Now Is The Time For Stocking “3-5� Channel Catfish$ 40 per 100 “6-8� Channel Catfish$ 57 per 100 * Bluegill (Coppernose & Hybrid) *Redear *Largemouth Bass *Black Crappie (If Avail.) *Fathead Minnows(by the cup) *Koi Feliciana Farmers Co-op in Clinton, LA Wed March 11, 1:30-2:30 pm To Pre-order call

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Walk Ups Welcome

5266 Commerce St, St. Francisville, LA 70775 Call 225-635-3811 for a tour today!


Port Hudson State Historic Site, 236 U.S. 61, Zachary, presents Firepower! from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Port Hudson staff and volunteers will conduct demonstrations of Civil Warera reproduction weapons and show how the different weapons were loaded, fired and used in battle. For information, call (225) 654-3775.

Quality Care In Your Community

Queens Tea

One of the first events leading up to the Zachary Arts & Music Festival on April 29 through May 3 is a Queens Tea. This event for girls and teens will be from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at the Pointe at Americana, Mount Pleasant Road, Zachary. Young ladies will be served tea and refreshments while learning about beauty pageant etiquette. Girls will learn how to walk at pageants, have the opportunity to seek advice and tips from pageant coaches and judges, and meet and take photographs with reigning Zachary pageant queens. Tickets for the tea are $5 for girls ages 3 to 17, $10 for adults, and children 2 and under are admitted free. Space is limited, and preregistration is required. To register, visit and select the Miss Zachary/ Z-Star tab at the top of the page. Once there, go to the Pageant Activities dropdown menu on the left side of the screen. For information, call Heather Prejean, event coordinator, at (225) 654-6777. Send news and calendar events for Around Zachary by 3 p.m. Friday to Stacy Gill at sgill@theadvocate. com or call (225) 993-0066.

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The Advocate n n Thursday, March 5, 2015 n 5G

Rollins Place star students

Heart healthy

Photo provided by KARA DUPLANTIER

Photo provided by SHARON PHILLIPS

Zachary safety officer Bob Whitaker, Councilwoman Laura O’Brien and Councilman Francis Nezianya, from left, examine test results of a health screening at the Change of Heart health fair and expo held Feb. 24 at Zachary City Hall. In recognition of February’s Heart Health Month, O’Brien, owner of Fitness Design for Women, teamed with the American Heart Association, Self magazine and Change of Heart to educate men and women of Zachary about heart disease. Nezianya, owner of Subway, provided heart-healthy lunches for the fair.

Rollins Place Elementary School presented in February certificates to its February star students of the month. Sitting, from left, are Parker Nettles, Dillon East, Elise West, Ryan Musselwhite, Jayla Barber, Toria Patin, Angel Enfinger, Jazmine Patterson, Aaliya Rodriguez and Diamond Barber; kneeling, Kai Richard, Alec Abernathy, Mya Davis, Alaysia Wolf, Michael Vanlandingham, Uma Waran, Nailah Jenkins, Lily Dunn, Charity Johnson, Audrey Mitchem, Allen Morris and Tess Fullerton; and standing, D.J. Burrell, Principal Jennifer Marangos, Wyatt Smith, Jake Curry, Sara Armstrong, Avery Tuckers, Cory Williams, Tyson Kimble, Cooper Walters, Kendall McDavid, Jackson Peay, Brennan Ballard, Assistant Principal Kelli Day and Adon Dunaway.

Bank of Zachary announces promotions es industry, according to a news release. Kuhns lives in Zachary. Her Bank of Zachary President Preston L. Kennedy announced duties include central loan processing at the main office in on Feb. 20 two promotions. R u t h A n n Zachary. Deshotels joined the bank in Kuhns, a native of French Set- July 2010 after 11 years as paytlement, was roll and accounts payable manpromoted to ager for the Pelican Yacht Club the position of in Fort Pierce, Florida. loan operations officer, and Renee Deshotels, Deshotels a native and resident of Baton Rouge, was promoted to assistant cashier. Kuhns has been a member of the Bank of Zachary’s loan Kuhns support department since 2005 after working 16 years in the financial servic-

Advocate staff report

Deshotels works in accounting and handles much of the human resource duties for the bank. Founded in 1904, the Bank of Zachary is one of the oldest state-chartered banks in East Baton Rouge Parish and is locally owned and operated, according to the release.


Principal Jennifer Marangos, special needs student Mellia Esnault and Assistant Principal Kelli Day, from left. Esnault was presented a certificate as a February star student at Rollins Place Elementary.

in Clinton, LA

6G n Thursday, March 5, 2015 n n The Advocate

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grade A

Sanderson Farms Thighs or Drumsticks



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New York Style Pork Spare Ribs


Family Pack

Lean Ground Beef


2 Lb. 31-40 ct

Sea Snack Cooked Shrimp


Certified Angus Beef Twin Pack


Lean N Meaty


Pork Spare Ribs

Boneless Rump Roast


Hormel Chili

Milky Way, Snickers, 3 Musketeers or Twix

8-9 oz Nabisco Wheat Thins or Triscuits

9-12.4 oz 11-13.7 oz Sunshine Keebler Cheez-It Club Crackers





11 oz Cocoa or Fruity Pebbles or 12.5 oz honey Comb

16 oz Nabisco Premium Saltine




8 roll Bounty Basic Paper Towels

Post Cereal



Family Pack California Navel Oranges


6/ 98


9-11 oz

gallon Essential Everyday Milk

Banquet TV Dinners


2 lb Kraft Velveeta


6 oz Yoplait Yogurt




6.6-15 oz 20 count Keebler Fudge Frito Lay Shoppe Cookies Variety Sack



6/ 98

8.16-10 oz

Larry’s Potatoes


Tide Liquid Detergent


dozen Krispy Kreme Donuts


Fresh Green Bell Peppers

50 oz


71 oz Trend Detergent



Kellogg’s Cereal or Poptarts


12 roll Charmin Basic Bath Tissue


12-18.8 oz smacks, Froot Loops, Apple Jacks, Corn Pops, Frosted Flakes, Jif Peanut Butter, Krave smores or 20-22 oz Poptarts

4.68-6.2 oz 8 count Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Treats




Yellow Bananas

3 lb bag Yellow Onions





12 oz green Beans, Cut Corn, Peas, Mixed Vegetables, squash, Broccoli Cuts, Collard or Mustard greens or Chopped Broccoli

Pictsweet Vegetable


+10% Added At the RegisteR


18 oz Original or honey sweet

Kraft BBQ Sauce



24 oz full loaf Town Talk Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns or Loaf Bread



Pork Picnic Roast

Coke Products





12 pk Fridge Pack or 8 pk, 12 oz Pet

12 oz Thibodeaux Peeled Crawfish Tails

Jamestown Bacon




Guidryʼs Catfish Fillets

1 lb

8.8-13.7 oz Nabisco Ritz Bits or Ritz Crackers





9.5-13 oz Chips Ahoy





4 lb box Value Cut


Guidryʼs Catfish Nuggets

Zatarain’s Jambalaya, Dirty Rice or Red Beans Mix


Wesson half gallon or 12 pack cups Cooking Oil Blue Bell Ice Cream




4 lb Box


6-8 oz


Blue Runner Dry Red Beans

Community Coffee




1 lb

12 oz

Boneless Shoulder or Rump Steaks

Hunt’s Ketchup





24 oz

6 pack Fun size 15 oz Plain


Certified Angus Beef Family Pack

dozen Large Eggs



must buy 4

10.2 oz Cheese, Pepperoni,

hamburger or sausage

Totino’s Pizza



38 oz Whole Cream Cakes


Pictsweet Chopped Onions, Chopped Peppers or

Seasoning Blend


sports THE ZACHA Y


Broncos’ season ends with playoff loss to Ouachita


The Zachary Broncos ended the basketball season with a 79-68 loss Feb. 27 at Ouachita High School in the bidistrict round of the LHSAA playoffs. The Broncos, seeded 28th, ran into a buzz saw in the fifthseeded Lions’ man-to-man defense, losing 18 turnovers and getting out-rebounded 29-14. The Broncos fell behind 2215 after the first quarter and trailed 34-27 at the half. Demoine Bowie finished with 20 points for the Broncos, who finished the season at 16-14 under first-year coach Kenny Almond. Ouachita, 29-4, advances to play No. 21 seed Ruston.

Northeast stuns No. 7 seed

The Northeast boys basketball team pulled off the biggest upset in the first round of the LHSAA Class 2A basketball playoffs when the 26th-seeded Vikings stunned No. 7 seed Ferriday 61-57 in a

first-round bidistrict playoff contest at Vidalia High’s gym. Ferriday was the District 2-2A champion and finished the season 16-11. The Vikings were the lowest-ranked seed remaining in the field of 16, and on March 3 hosted No. 10 seed Many, a 57-44 winner over Calvary Baptist in the first round.

Lakeview ousts Lady Vikings

Seventh-grader Morgyn Payne scored a game-high 15 points to lead 29th-seeded Lakeview to a 50-34 triumph over Northeast on Feb. 25 in a Class 2A regional basketball playoff contest. Payne knocked down three 3-point shots as the Gators escaped with a second win over a District 6-2A opponent, after beating No. 4 Redemptorist in the opening round. The Gators are the lowest seed to advance to the quarterfinals in any classification. Lauri Kight finished with 12 points and Pearl Jones had 11 for Northeast, which finished the season at 17-15.

ZHS lifters have good showing The Zachary High School

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powerlifting boys placed third and the girls finished seventh in the first meet of the season Feb. 28 at Walker High School. The boys scored 19 points to place behind Assumption (45)

and Woodlawn (37) in the 16team event. The athletes competed in squats, bench presses and deadlifts and were ranked by total weight.

Placing for the Broncos in the 123.5-pound class was Larry Henry, second place, 710 total pounds; in the 275.5-pound class, Dominique Holden, third place, 1,225 total pounds; in

the super heavyweight class, Kellton Hollins, second place, 1,285 pounds, and Grady Cunningham, third place, 1,245 äSee SPORTS, page 4H

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Thursday, March 5, 2015

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Zachary Public Notices

10190 “To browse a searchable database of public notices published by the newspapers of Louisiana to inform you, the citizens of Louisiana, please visit click on Louisiana public notice button.“ This database is provided as a free public service to the citizens of Louisiana by this newspaper and the Louisiana Press Association.

NOTICE --ZACHARY MUNICIPAL FIRE AND POLICE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING March 31, 2015 9:00 a.m. to be held in the Training Room at the Zachary Fire Station located at 4525 Main Street, Zachary, Louisiana The Zachary Municipal Fire and Police Civil Service Board will hold a public hearing to consider adopting revisions to Rule XII, Leaves of Absence, of the Zachary Municipal Fire and Police Civil Service Board Rules. Unless cause is shown at this time why these amendments should not be adopted, the board will proceed to approve the adoption of the amendments in their proposed or revised form. A copy of the proposed revisions to the board rules on Leaves of Absence – Rule XII, is attached to this notice, as required by civil service law. The board has provided an exact copy of the proposed set of rules in a binder at the Zachary Fire Station located at 4525 Main Street, Zachary, Louisiana. If you are not able to view a copy of the proposed revisions to the board rules, please contact Dana Poole at 225- 654-6873 prior to the March 31, 2015 public hearing. By direction of the chairman: ____________________ Dana Poole, Secretary


Posted at all fire and police department stations and buildings and at the Training Room in the Zachary Fire Station located at 4525 Main Street, Zachary, Louisiana. Post from February 24, 2015 through March 31, 2015 DO NOT REMOVE BY ORDER OF THE ZACHARY MUNICIPAL FIRE AND POLICE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD 5099123-mar 5-12-19-26-4t

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10190 NOTICE --Posting Notice For A COMPETITIVE Civil Service Examination POLICE OFFICER A written examination will be given within approximately ninety (90) days, in the Fire Department Training Room, on a competitive basis to approve applicants for the purpose of placing names on the competitive employment list in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Fire and Police Civil Service Law and the rules of the Zachary Civil Service Board. Application forms may be obtained from Dana Poole at 4650 Main Street from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday thru Thursday. Completed applications must be received by the above-mentioned person at the address given by April 2, 2015. Approved applicants will be notified of any changes in date, time, or place of the examination at least five (5) days prior to the examination date. Qualification Requirements For Admission To The Examination Unless otherwise specified, all requirements listed below must be met by the filing deadline for application for admission to the examination. Must meet all requirements of the Municipal Fire and Police Civil Service Law, including being a citizen of the United States, must have and maintain a valid driver’s license, and must pass a civil service examination for that position. After offer of employment, but before beginning work in this class, must pass a medical examination prepared and administered by an authorized Doctor, designated by the appointing authority designed to demonstrate good health and physical fitness sufficient to perform the essential duties of the position, with or without reasonable accommodation. Must have a high school diploma or a valid certificate of equivalency issued by a state department of education. Must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. After offer of employment, but before beginning work in this class you must obtain a valid Louisiana driver’s license. Posted this 24th day of February, 2015. Do Not Remove until after the close of application deadline date of April 2, 2015 by order of the Zachary Municipal Fire & Police Civil Service Board and the State Examiner’s Office. 5099126-mar 5-12-19-26-4t

NOTICE --Posting Notice For A COMPETITIVE Civil Service Examination POLICE COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER A written examination will be given in approximately ninety (90) days, in the Fire Department Training Room, on a competitive basis to approve applicants for the purpose of placing names on the competitive employment list in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Fire and Police Civil Service Law and the rules of the Zachary Civil Service Board. Application forms may be obtained from Dana Poole at 4650 Main Street from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday thru Thursday. Completed applications must be received by the above-mentioned person at the address given by April 2, 2015. Approved applicants will be notified of any changes in date, time, or place of the examination at least five (5) days prior to the examination date. Qualification Requirements For Admission To The Examination Unless otherwise specified, all requirements listed below must be met by the filing deadline for application for admission to the examination. Must meet all requirements of the Municipal Fire and Police Civil Service Law, including being a citizen of the United States, and must pass a civil service examination for that position. Must have a high school diploma or a valid certificate of equivalency issued by a state department of education. Must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. After offer of employment, but before beginning work in this class, must pass a medical examination prepared and administered by an authorized Doctor, designated by the appointing authority designed to demonstrate good health and physical fitness sufficient to per-

Zachary Public Notices


Posted this 24th day of February 2015, do not remove until after the application deadline on April 2, 2015 by order of the Zachary Municipal Fire & Police Civil Service Board and the State Examiners office. 5099127-mar 5-12-19-26-4t

NOTICE --MINUTES BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LANE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER January 26, 2015 The Board of Commissioners of Lane Regional Medical Center met on Monday, January 26, 2015, at 7:00 P.M. in the Board Room. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Dell Guerra, Dr. Keith Elbourne, Mrs. Pat Gauthier, Mr. Jimmy Jackson, Mrs. Joan Lansing, Mr. Harold Rideau and Mrs. Gaynell Young. Mr.


OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Randy Olson, Mrs. Jennifer Johnson, Mr. Mark Anderson, Mr. David Beck, Mrs. Kathy Bergeron, Mrs. Sarah Gordon, Mr. Robert Atkinson, and Mrs. Brenda Russell. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Ms. Guerra, Chair. INVOCATION: The invocation was given by Mr. Rideau. PLEDGE: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Jackson. AGENDA APPROVAL: On a motion Mr. Rideau, second by Mrs. Young, the Board unanimously approved the agenda. INTRODUCTIONS: Katie Varnado, was the December Employee of the Month. Ms. Varnado is a Registered Nurse on 1st South. Bea Sibley, January Employee of the month, was introduced by her supervisor, Scarlet Collier. Ms. Sibley is the Informatics Clinical Coordinator in the Information Technology Department. Larry Renner, Interim Chief Information Officer, was also introduced. Amy Rome, Excellence Coordinator, was introduced. The American Nurses Credentialing Center awarded Lane Regional Medical Center redesignation as a Pathway to Excellence hospital. Mrs. Rome was responsible for coordinating the Pathway document and surveillance of standard compliance. CONSENT AGENDA: On a motion by Mrs. Young, second by Mr. Jackson, the Board unanimously approved the consent agenda 11-24-14 LRMC Board of Commissioners Minutes 12-04-14 Executive Minutes

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form the essential duties of the position, with or without reasonable accommodation.


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Medical Committee

Medical Staff Appointments Hall R. Howard, MD Zarius Drummond, MD Michael J. Straney, MD Allied Health Appointments Matthew J. Dornier, NP Kenneth W. Dunaway, PA Status Changes Amanda Lea, DO – Courtesy to Active Staff Scott R. Seals, MD – Consulting to Inactive Staff 01-20-15 Medical Executive Committee Minutes Medical Staff Appointments John E. Crouch, MD – C o n s u l t i n g Staff/Teleradiology Matthew C. Foy, MD – Courtesy Staff/Nephrology Amanda L. Gorena, MD – Courtesy Staff/Pathology Edward A. Maltbie, MD C o u r t e s y Staff/Gastroenterology Walter K. Mullins, MD C o u r t e s y Staff/Gastroenterology Sandra Parada-Orrego, MD – Consulting Staff/Teleradiology Douglas C. Walsh, MD – C o u r t e s y Staff/Gastroenterology Allied Health Staff Celeste B. Buuck, NP – Sponsored by CIS Michelle R. Carroll, RN – Sponsored by Baron Williamson, MD Roumay Olivier, III, CRNA – Diversified Professionals Status Changes Resignations David Wyatt, MD – Active Staff/Orthopaedics Erin Spangler, RN – Allied Health Staff/CIS 01-12-15 Medical Staff Minutes Professional Courtesy Policy – Admin. 16.25 MEDICAL STAFF REPORT: The Medical Staff elected the following officers at their January meeting: Josh Best, MD – Chief of Staff Thomas Kang, MD – Vice Chief of Staff Juan Medina, MD – Secretary-Treasurer Brad Smith, MD – Medical Staff Representative to the Board CHIEF NURSING OFFICER’S REPORT: The following Nursing Service activities were reported: • Pathway to Excellence Designation: The American Nurses

Credentialing Center has awarded Lane Regional Medical Center re-designation as a Pathway to Excellence hospital. There are 125 facilities nationwide with this designation, two in Louisiana, of which Lane is one and was the first. Due to • Staffing: increased nursing vacancies and high census, it has been necessary to contract with a second staffing agency. • Cardiology Services: Lane’s door to balloon time for 2014 shows continual improvement and is below the national average. First quarter was 70 minutes, second quarter was 39 minutes and the third quarter was 35 minutes. The national average is below 90 and most hospitals are below 60. In discussions with EMS (Emergency Medical Service), Lane is second in the number of STEMIs (ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction) received by EMS in the parish. Governance: • Shared Nursing Service now has three Unit Based Councils in operation. ICU/IMC is focusing on bladder training protocol, First South on inpatient wound care and best practice for printing and documenting telemetry tracings and the Emergency Department has completed their formation meeting and is in process of determining their priority focus. QUALITY REPORT: FY 2016 and 2017 ValueBased Purchasing Domain Weighting: Kathy Peairs provided the FY 2016 and 2017 Value-Based Purchasing Domain Weighting report as provided by CMS. Dashboards – 3rd Quarter 2014: The Quality Dashboard Report for the 3rd Quarter 2014 was presented and discussed. FINANCIAL REPORTS: November 2014: The Financial Report for November 2014 was presented. Total Patient Revenue for the month was $25,495,734 with Total Net Patient Revenue at $6,014,723. Total Operating Expenses were $5,725,010 with a Net Income of $464,402 for the month and ($43,027) year-to-date. On a motion by Mr. Jackson, second by Mrs. Lansing, the Board unanimously accepted the November 2014 Financial Reports. The December 2014: Financial Report for December 2014 was presented and discussed in detail. Total Patient Revenue for the month was $30,180,190 with Total Net Patient Revenue at $6,937,062. Total Operating Expenses were $5,790,008 with a Net Income of $791,521 for the month and $748,494 year-to-date. On a motion by Mr. Jackson, second by Mrs. Lansing, the Board unanimously accepted the December 2014 Financial Reports. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Finance Committee – January 19, 2015: Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting of January 19, 2015, were presented. On a motion Mr. Jackson, second by Mrs. Young, the Board unanimously accepted the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting of January 19, 2015. Investment Policy (Adm. 10.01): The Finance Committee recommended approval of the following revision to the Investment Policy (Adm. 10.01): VIII, Responsibilities, Section A, 2c: “The investment manager will meet with Lane Regional Medical Center annually quarterly and with reasonable notice, will be available for additional meetings as requested.” On a motion by Mr. Jackson, second by Mrs. Lansing, the Board unanimously approved the Investment Policy as presented. Amanda Lea, DO: The Finance Committee recommended approval of a fulltime, three-year Employment Agreement with Dr. Amanda Lea. On a motion by Mr. Jackson, second by Mrs. Young, the Board unanimously approved the Employment Agreement with Dr. Lea as presented. CommitteePersonnel November 24, 2014: Minutes of the Personnel Committee meeting of November 24, 2014, were presented. The recommendation from the meeting was approved at the Board meeting of November 24, 2014. On a motion by Mr. Jackson, second by Mrs. Lansing, the Board unanimously accepted the minutes as presented. Committee – Bylaws January 19, 2015: Minutes of the Bylaws Committee meeting of January 19, 2015, were presented. The meeting was cancelled due to the lack of a quorum. On a motion by Mr. Rideau, second by Mr. Jackson, the Board unanimously accepted the minutes. The meeting has been rescheduled for Monday, February 16, 2015, at 5:00 P.M. COMPLIANCE EDUCATION – “LANE AUDIT PROCESSES” – SARAH GORDON, COMPLIANCE OFFICER: Sarah

Zachary Public Notices

Zachary Public Notices

10190 Gordon, Compliance Officer, provided education entitled “Lane Audit Processes.” CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT: Major Activities: • Renovations continue on 1 South, Labor and Delivery (LDRP) and ZFP. Total completion of all phases is expected by May 1, 2015. Modifications for the Chemo Therapy Center next to our Radiation Oncology Center have begun. • A land lease adjacent to the Rehab Center on McHugh Road to add Long Term Acute Care (LTAC) services to Lane’s campus is being developed. The cost of construction of the building will be borne by AMG, the owner of the LTAC Center, which currently is located in Clinton. • The Hospital will be providing additional legal information requested by the Parish regarding locating an EMS station on Lane’s campus. • Lane attested for year 2 of Stage One of Meaningful Use in December. Payment is expected soon. Issues encountered with an IT provider and reporting for Meaningful Use Stage Two are being resolved. • Larry Renner, IT specialist on Meaningful Use, Electronic Security and overall leadership in Information Technology, has been named Interim Chief Information Officer. The position will likely be filled permanently later in the year. • Lane is up-to-date on preparations for the Ebola Crisis and will continue to review planning activities in coordination with other healthcare providers in the Region. • Lane Nursing Home had its annual, unannounced Department of Health and Hospitals Survey the week of January 12. There were only six very insignificant recommendations. The Nursing Home is a true credit to the Lane organization. Medical Staff Issues/ Updates: • The process for implementing EHR (electronic health records) is continuing. Computer Physician Order Entry (CPOE) went live with several doctors and further training will be held for other physicians in the coming weeks. The next stage for Meaningful Use, which includes stimulus payments, is based on usage of the EHR by doctors. A payment incentive is in place to encourage the doctors’ attendance for training and also to become compliant to meet our meaningful use goals. • The Larkin Hospitalist Group met with the physicians at the Medical Staff meeting on January 12. Implementation of the program remains to be March 1, 2015, but there are significant hurdles to clear to make that happen. The Larkin Group will recruit the doctors and set up the program. The agreement will include several metrics that will incentivize them to use the EHR, meet core quality measures, complete records timely, document fully the course of treatment and be a partner in care of our patients. • Recruitment to add physician staff at ZFP continues. Board Issues/Updates: • The Board portal is updated with information on the Home Page regularly with the latest updates regarding Lane, employees, physicians and the community. • Three segments of the Management Letter presented at the October Board Meeting by LaPorte have been withdrawn. They focused on Information Technology needs and even though the items were deleted, efforts have been extended to ensure Lane is current. They are as follows:

10190 be in place by the end of June 2015. • Bob Vento, QHR Senior Vice President of Operations, will be attending the February Board meeting. • Lane RMC Foundation will hold its annual meeting following the Board meeting on February 23, 2015. LOUISIANA BOARD OF ETHICS ANNUAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: The Code of Governmental Ethics requires that any chief executive or member of the board of a hospital service district whose immediate family member is employed by the hospital service district file an annual disclosure statement with the Board of Ethics. All members were provided a form and only those with immediate family members employed by the Hospital will be submitted to the Board of Ethics. All others will be kept on file. QHR ACTIVITY REPORT: None OTHER: None PUBLIC None


RECESS FOR LANE RMC SERVICE CORPORATION ANNUAL MEETING: The Board unanimously approved to recess for the Lane RMC Service Corporation annual meeting. The Board resumed its meeting after completion of the Lane RMC Service Corporation meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION – PERSONNEL MATTER: On a motion by Mr. Jackson, second by Mrs. Young, the Board unanimously approved to enter into executive session for a personnel matter. REGULAR SESSION: The Board unanimously approved to reenter into regular session. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the Board unanimously approved to adjourn. Respectfully, Randall M. Olson Chief Executive Officer 5099279-mar 5-1t

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• The entire IT Policy and Procedure Manual will be updated by February 1, 2015, with an ongoing schedule for review. • An audit report on information security is being tested for accuracy. Report validation is planned to be completed by mid-February, 2015. • Capital investments for business continuity and disaster recovery were budgeted for the current fiscal year with a need for an annual expense. An initial plan was presented to the IT Steering Committee on January 8, 2015, in an effort to identify how robust a plan Lane needs to adopt. Current literature indicates that only about 50% of businesses have a plan in place and only about half of those who have one in place, have tested it. With the help of the new Interim CIO, a program is expected to

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The Advocate

The Advocate n n Thursday, March 5, 2015 n 3H

Baker Police bookings The following people were booked into East Baton Rouge Parish Prison by the Baker Police Department from Feb. 18-25:

ARMSTEAD, MARQUIESHA: 21, 2934 Toulon Drive, Baton Rouge, bench warrants for failure to appear for speeding and no driver’s license. BAILEY, COREY: 30, 2425 69th Ave., Baton Rouge, bench warrants for failure to appear for windshield/window view through and safety belt use. BARFIELD, WILLIE: 49, 3131 Dayton St., Apt. C, Baton Rouge, bench warrants for failure to appear for display of plates and driving under suspension/revocation. BROWN, TERRENCE: 38, 4256 Jefferson St., Apt. 15, Baker, possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. BURGE, BRANDON: 18, 5874 Rolling Acres Drive, Baker, fugitive through East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office. CARTER, BYRON: 25, 7632 Chad Drive, Addis, fugitive through Baton Rouge Police Department. CLARK, DAN: 55, 4908 Glen Oaks Drive, Baton Rouge, theft of goods and entry or remaining after being forbidden. CROCKLEM, RODERICK: 33, 1934 Rosenwald Road, Baton Rouge,

bench warrants for failure to appear for no driver’s license and tail lights. DREXLER, CLARA: 33, 11445 Bard Ave., Baton Rouge, bench warrants for failure to appear for speeding, three counts driving under suspension/revocation, two counts expired license plate, two headlights required, failure to register vehicle, two counts switched license plate, no proof of insurance in vehicle, expired motor vehicle inspection and fugitive through East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office. FOREST, JOSEPH: 31, 12211 Strauss St., Baton Rouge, bench warrants for failure to appear for driving under suspension/ revocation, ran stop sign and failure to register vehicle. FRANKLIN, LAKEVIA: 36, 4400 Burgess Drive, Baker, fugitive through East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office and Zachary Police Department. GACHASSIN, LEONARD: 52, 4911 Old La. 25, New Iberia, affidavit warrant for failure to return leased movables. GREEN, DONELL: 22, 1874 71st St., Baton Rouge, bench warrants for failure to appear for speeding, no driver’s license and motor vehicle inspection sticker violation. HAMPTON, ASHLEY: 33, 2023 E. Azalea Ave., Baker, bench warrant for failure to appear for expired motor vehicle inspection. HAWKINS, KAISHA: 29, 3233 Lam-

bert Drive, Baton Rouge, secondoffense theft of goods, contributing to the delinquency of a minor and fugitive through East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office. HILL, JAMES: 26, 13548 Clark Drive, Baton Rouge, possession of marijuana, suspended driver’s license, no proof of insurance, registration required in vehicle, illegal carrying of weapons and bench warrants for failure to appear for sale/possession of controlled substances, resisting an officer and safety belt use. JOHNSON, DANTREL: 27, 4629 Avenue C, Zachary, bench warrant for failure to appear for sale/ possession of controlled dangerous substance. LANE, JARED: 31, 4368 Heath Drive, Baker, violation of protection order. MOREAU, JAMES: 44, 6847 Island Road, Jarreau, bench warrant for failure to appear for expired motor vehicle inspection. OCHSNER, CRYSTAL: 37, 6606 Donnie St., Zachary, bench warrant for failure to appear for simple criminal damage to property. SCOTT, DEXTER: 25, 3078 Seneca St., Baton Rouge, affidavit warrant for simple criminal damage to property. SCOTT, MICHAEL: 21, 2742 Appleton Ave., Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for theft. SHAFFER, DIRK: 41, 10828 N. Old Settlement Road, Zachary,

bench warrants for failure to appear for speeding and following too close. SHEPHERD, THOMAS: 35, 1684 Robinson St., Baker, possession of Schedule I controlled dangerous substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, disturbing the peace by intoxication and criminal mischief. SIMS, ANDREA: 28, 11130 Cypress Dole Ave., Baton Rouge, two counts of identity theft. SMITH, JOHN: 37, 4606 Greenwood Lane, Baker, third-offense possession of marijuana. TULAGAN, NIETO: 53, 1240 Daniels St., Baker, domestic abuse battery and criminal mischief. TURNER, SAMANTHA: 34, 13629 La. 67, Clinton, bench warrant for failure to appear for speeding. WILLIAMS, DARIUS: 25, 1109 Chemin Drive, Baker, bench warrants for failure to appear for safety belt use and no driver’s license. WILLIAMS, KENNY: 21, 9072 Monhegan Ave., Baker, bench warrants for failure to appear for speeding and no driver’s license on person. WRIGHT, JERMAINE: 34, 999 Buffet St., Baker, bench warrants for failure to appear for attempted theft, simple battery and contributing to the delinquency of juveniles. WRIGHT, SYLVIA: 56, 1107 La. 1042, Greensburg, bench warrant for failure to appear for speeding.

knowledge of a juvenile. PECORA, SIDNEY: 29, 12706 Centerra Court, Baker, attempted second-degree murder, false imprisonment while armed with a weapon, illegal use of a weapon,

aggravated assault with a firearm, domestic abuse battery, possession of Schedule III controlled dangerous substance and possession of a firearm with a controlled dangerous substance.

East Baton Rouge Parish sheriff’s office bookings The following Baker and Zachary residents were booked into East Baton Rouge Parish Prison by the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office from Feb. 13-25.

COTTON, CLAIRE: 18, 2127 W. George St., Zachary, domestic abuse battery and simple criminal damage to property. HARRIS, MACQUEL: 28, 5568 Brownfields Drive, Baker, carnal

Zachary Police bookings The following people were booked into East Baton Rouge Parish Prison or issued a summons by the Zachary Police Department from Feb. 19-25:

BENNETT, LARRY: 64, 6643 Lower Zachary Road, Zachary, simple assault and disturbing the peace. BOCARD, CATRICE: 31, 4795 Avenue G, Zachary, disturbing the peace by fighting. BRAUD, KIMBERLY: 33, 17000 Barnett Road, Zachary, theft. BROZO, TIMOTHY: 29, 316 Harrel Drive, Lafayette, bench warrant for failure to appear for resisting an officer by flight. DESHOTELS, JOHN: 18, 3232 Shaw Cemetery Road, Zachary, distribution of marijuana and conspiracy to distribute marijuana. FRANKLIN, LAKEVIA: 36, 3678 Ontario St., Baton Rouge, monetary instrument abuse, felony theft and bench warrant for child restraints. GREEN, DONELL: 22, 1874 71st St., Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for license plate light required and driver must be licensed. GROSS, CHICO: 23, 10105 Avenue J, Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for general speed law. HARRISON, KELLY: 35, 4949 Stumberg Lane, Baton Rouge, felony theft and resisting an officer. JOHNSON, CHRISTOPHER: 27, 4220 Prescott Road, Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for seat belt violation. JOHNSON, DANTRELL: 26, 4629 Avenue C, Zachary, fugitive charges through Baker Police Department, East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office, failure to appear for possession of controlled dangerous substance and following too close with accident.

JOHNSON, GREGORY: 31, 1931 College Ave., Baton Rouge, fugitive charges through East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office. JOHNSON, MARY: 26, 4795 Avenue G, Zachary, disturbing the peace by fighting. NORMAN, MICAH: 22, 332 Center St., Greenwood, Mississippi, possession of marijuana. PETERSON JR., WALTER: 43, 22611 Old Scenic Highway, Zachary, bench warrant for failure to appear for no driver’s license on person, improper backing, expired motor vehicle inspection sticker, registration certificates and issuing worthless checks. RAMSAY, GARRETT: 22, 13610 Blackwater Road, Baker, fugitive charges through East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office. SHAFFER, DIRK: 40, 10828 Old Settlement Road, Zachary, bench warrant for failure to appear for stop sign violation. SIMPSON, CHARLES: 22, 3787 Cedar St., Zachary, theft of a firearm and misdemeanor theft. WHITTINGTON, ANTHONIE: 22, 2209 Violet St., Jackson, bench warrant for failure to appear for disturbing the peace by intoxication. WILKERSON, JOBARO: 35, 385 Flanacher Road, Zachary, distribution of Schedule II controlled dangerous substances. WILLIAMS JR., JOHN: 31, 999 N. 9th St., Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for driving under suspension, theft, hitand-run driving, driver must be licensed and vehicle license plate required. WILLIAMS, MICHELLE: 32, 3142 Jersey Drive, Zachary, bench warrant for failure to appear for simple battery. WILLIAMS, TRAMMANE: 39, 21313 Ligon Road, Zachary, distribution of Schedule I controlled dangerous substance.

4H n Thursday, March 5, 2015 n n The Advocate


Broncos undefeated at tournament

Continued from page 1H pounds. The girls also competed in squats, bench presses and deadlifts and were ranked by total weight. Zachary finished with 17 points, behind Ascension Catholic (35), Port Allen (26), Walker (24), Assumption (23), Central (21) and Episcopal (19). Placing for ZHS were Kristian Jackson, who won the 181.8-pound class with a total weight of 770 pounds; Jami Kleinpeter, third place, 165.3-pound class, 720 pounds; and Cathy McLeod, third place, super heavyweight class, 630 pounds.

Lentini fundraiser set for March 15

Cory’s Story: A Journey Home, a fundraiser to offset Cory Lentini’s medical expenses and efforts toward making his home accessible, is scheduled from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. March 15 at Cactus Cafe in Zachary. Lentini was involved in a vehicle crash in November 2009, suffering a traumatic brain injury. Tickets for the benefit cost $100 per couple or $50 per person. Donations also will be accepted. The cost includes a Mexican dinner buffet, two drink tickets, cash bar, auctions and entertainment. Make checks payable to the Lentini Care Fund. For information, call Kim Denson at (225) 603-4798, Sharon Phillips at (225) 936-6523 or Danny Spencer at (225) 7748773. Send sports news, photos and stats to Howard Arceneaux at harceneaux@

Advocate staff photos by STACY GILL

Zachary’s Evan Pace jumps to avoid being tagged out Saturday during the Broncos’ game against University High School at Zachary Youth Park. The Broncos defeated the Cubs 10-0 and followed with a victory over Albany 8-0. Zachary defeated University High Saturday 10-0 and followed that victory The Zachary High Broncos won ev- with an 8-0 win over Albany. ZHS also defeated Alexandria and ery game in the Medical Pharmacy tournament played Feb. 26-28 — a far Ouachita high schools during the tourcry from the listless team that played nament played at Zachary Youth Park. The team will host St. Amant on in the ZHS-hosted jamboree against Parkview and St. John the weekend March 10 and the Landmark Bank Tournament on March 12-14. before. Advocate staff report

Dykes, W.E. ‘Bill’

Senator Dykes, a resident of Montpelier, died February 23, 2015. He was a World War II Veteran of the Merchant Marines, 32nd degree Mason ans founder of W. E. Dykes Feed and Seed. He was Mayor of Montpelier until his election to the Louisiana State Senate, where he served 12 years. During his time as Senator, he served as Chairman of the Agriculture Committee. He was a charter board member of the St. Helena Parish Hospital and also served as a member on the Louisiana State Hospital Board. Many of his 89 years were spent dairy farming and raising beef cattle and swine. He enjoyed gardening and was a member of the Montpelier Baptist Church. He was a recipient of the Silver Beaver Award from the Boy Scouts of America. He is survived by his daughter, Billie Claire Dykes Tycer and her husband, James Herndon Tycer; daughter in law, Gloria M. Dykes; grandchildren, Bryan E. Dykes, Jr., William S. Dykes and wife, Heather Compton Dykes, Jamie Tycer Covington and husband, Todd Covington, and Jessica Tycer Rutledge and husband, Zach Rutledge. He adored his great grandchildren, Hannah Claire Covington, Mary Claire Dykes, Lily Grace Dykes, Porter James Rutledge, Jesse

Rutledge, James Rutledge and Kylie Dykes. Preceded in death by his parents, Jesse A. and Willie Mae Bickford Dykes; son, Bryan E. Dykes, Sr.; his brothers, Jesse G. Dykes and H. T. "Tag" Dykes and sister, Irma Dykes Story Fugler. Visitation at McKneely Funeral Home, Amite, from 5 PM until 9 PM on Wednesday and continuing at Montpelier Baptist Church from 9 AM until Religious Services at 11 AM on Thursday, February 26, 2015. Services conducted by Rev. Rusty Durand. Interment Montpelier Cemetery, Montpelier. Memorial donations can be made to Montpelier Baptist Church, 2241 St. Helena Avenue, Montpelier, LA 70422. For an online guestbook, visit

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