The Livingston-Tangipahoa Advocate 03-19-2015

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Science Saturday engages youths at library Haddox Hebert constructs snap circuits as part of an initiative by the Watson Library to enhance children’s engineering skills March 7 during Science Saturday. The new program is held once a month to get youths interested in science.


Special to The Advocate WATSON — Young science enthusiasts gathered for a meeting of the minds — and a little fun — March 7 at the Watson Library Branch’s Science Saturday. Adam Hawkins’ reason for bringing his daughter to event, which enabled youths to create, predict and craft science experiments, was simple: “She loves science, and in this parAdvocate staff photo by CLAIRE SALINAS ish, they don’t get any science

The Watson library hosts Science Saturday every first Saturday of the month. For information about these and other events, call (225) 664-3963.

in kindergarten, so it’s really nice to bring her here so she can get some exposure to science.� The young Watson residents and other youths engaged in Science Saturday, an event designed to enhance their Science, Technology, Engineering and Math — better known as


Antique Village hosts Pioneer Day

Bad Prom 5K

The Albany High School football and volleyball teams äSee AROUND, page 2G

äSee SCIENCE, page 3G

Colyell Cookin’

Christine Morgan

The seventh annual Pioneer Day will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday on Mattie Street in the old downtown Antique Village. Featured exhibitors will be Louisiana Gold with a honey bee observation deck; Jesse Eaves, who will demonstrate knots used by 19th-century sailing ships and marlinspike rope knitting; and Gary Price, who will present a working gristmill. The Quilters Quild will be inside Old City Hall, and just outside, Charles Crowder will demonstrate chair caning. The Pelican Woodcarvers Club will be present. In addition, birdhouses, homemade soap and handmade furniture will be displayed. A bluegrass band will perform from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jambalaya will be cooked in a black iron pot and will be ready at noon along with jams, jellies and desserts. Fire Chief Melvin Wheat will have an old wagon on display. Members of the Single Action Shooters Society will be on hand in front of Heritage House Antiques. Jules Lambert will display a handmade wooden boat. Other exhibitors may be added soon, organizers said. For information, call Elvin Watts at (225) 665-4666.

STEM — skills and make new friends. Children, ages 5 to 11, who crafted their own markers, mixed a variety of liquids to create their markers’ colors. Before completing the mixing process, each child predicted what color their mixed liquids would be, said program coordi-

nator Lesley Campbell. “They’re learning graphing skills,� Campbell said. “They are also making predictions on their experiment and recording observations.� After creating their markers, children drew rectangular prisms, cubes and other shapes, blended colors and connected snap circuits. Campbell said the activities are helping to build a skill set. “We like the STEM and

ABOVE: Kelvin Harriman gets a sample of his jambalaya for testing on Saturday.

Advocate staff photo by JOHN OUBRE

Cheryl McMorris stirs her pot of jambalaya as Deanna Corkern adds rice Saturday during Colyell’s seventh annual jambalaya cook-off.

LEFT: A contestant shows his ingredients used in his pot of jambalaya.

Volunteers help those in need with tax returns BY CHRISTINE MORGAN

on Thursday at the Denham Springs Library during the Volunteer Income Tax AssisDENHAM SPRINGS — George tance program, a free income “Joe� Morrison was pleasantly tax preparation service by IRSsurprised to learn he would be trained volunteers for low- to receiving a tax refund this year. moderate-income individuals Morrison said he’s always and families. “It’s convenient, free and I paid taxes in past years but has fallen on hard times and could need it done,� Morrison said. Co-sponsored by Volunteer definitely use the extra money. “I didn’t have the money to Income Tax Assistance and get it (taxes) done, so I came the IRS, the program is by aphere,� Morrison said as he sat pointment only and is held at with volunteer Ron Rindone the Denham Springs-Walker,

Main and Albany-Springfield branches of the Livingston Parish Library, said Denham Springs-Walker Branch Manager Felecia West. Volunteers, who began preparing 2014 tax returns for people on Jan. 29, have served more than 130 people at the Denham Springs location, Rindone said. Rindone has served more than 30 people, he said.

Advocate staff photo by CHRISTINE MORGAN

Kim Lalumia, right, talks to volunteer Carolyn Forbes on Thursday at the Denham Springs Library to determine if she qualifies for a free tax preparation program. Co-sponsored by Volunteer Income Tax Assistance and the Internal Revenue Service, this program prepares tax documents for people who äSee TAXES, page 2G qualify.

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2G n Thursday, March 19, 2015 n n The Advocate

community COUNCIL ON AGING MENUS LIVINGSTON PARISH AND TANGIPAHOA VOLUNTARY COUNCIL ON AGING: Meal site menus. For more meal site locations, call (225) 6649343 in Livingston Parish or (985) 748-7486 in Tangipahoa Parish.


Hamburger, baked beans, peach cobbler


Shrimp etouffee, steamed rice, green beans, tossed salad with dressing, whole-wheat bread, cardinal citrus mold


Chili with beans, white beans,


Continued from page 1G present the Bad Prom 5K and jambalaya cook-off on Saturday. Entrants are encouraged to wear their worst prom attire for the 5K run, which begins at 8 a.m. or the fun run, which starts at 9 a.m. All ages are welcome to participate. The entry fee is $30 or $40 on race day. All people registered for the fun run will receive a free meal ticket. The jambalaya cook-off will begin at 9 a.m., with judging at noon. All teams must provide all items needed such as food, burners and tents. Only chicken and sausage jambalaya will be accepted, and no other meat will be allowed, organizers said. The entry fee is $60 until Friday or $75 on the day of the event. Those interested can make checks payable to Albany High School. Checks can be brought to the school at 29700 Hornet Lane. The event also will feature a bounce house, face painting, entertainment, a silent auction, a 50/50 money raffle, jambalaya plates for $5, a people’s choice wrist band for $10, a car show and craft booths. For information, email maegan. howes@lpsborg, or call (225) 567-9319.

Dinner theater

The 10th annual Livingston Parish Children’s Choir Dinner Theatre fundraiser will be Saturday at North Park. “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the ’60s” is written and directed by Dinah Toups, and the cast includes Durwin Walker, Mark Crosby, Ken Nance, Terrilee Haley, Stacy Jones, Susan Burdette, Michelle Miller, Branden Burdette, Arthur Perkins Sr., Michael Clark and Regina Walker. Doors open for dancing to ’60s music at 6:30 p.m., with the main event starting at 7 p.m. Tickets are $45 at the door. To purchase tickets, visit, call or text (225) 247-8555, or email info@

Wildcat Roar festival

Walker Elementary’s annual Wildcat Roar festival will be Friday and Saturday, March 2728, at the school, 13327 Wildcat Drive. Proceeds benefit all students at Walker Elementary. Donations, such as gift certificates, are needed for a silent auction. Garage sale items, bags of candy or small prizes are needed for teacher’s booths, and items for baskets, which will be raffled, are needed, organizers said. Booth volunteers are needed

steamed spinach, white dinner roll, fruit


Chicken hearty stew, steamed rice, Normandy-blend vegetables, tossed salad with dressing, whole-wheat bread, peanut butter bar


Red beans and sausage link, brown rice, coleslaw, mustard greens, corn bread, raisins


Sliced roasted turkey with gravy, smothered potatoes, green peas, whole-wheat bread, pineapple

between 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on March 28. Donations are tax deductible and to be turned in by March 28. Email kimberly. or joelle.

Color fun run/walk

Walker Elementary School will host a fun and interactive 2-mile walk/run starting at 9:45 a.m. Saturday, March 28. Participants will run four laps around the school campus while “colors” are thrown at them as they pass the color stations, organizers said. The colored cornstarch is nontoxic but may stain clothing or hair, organizers said. The entry fee is $20 by Friday or $25 after Friday until the day of the event. Registration forms are available at the school. Forms also will be available from 9 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. on the day of the race by the gym door. Drinks and snacks will be available. A free T-shirt will be available to participants who register by Friday. Extra Tshirts will be on sale for $5 at the event while supplies last, organizers said. For information, call (225) 665-5534.

Car show and open house

The Livingston Parish Literacy and Technology Center, 9261 Florida Blvd., Walker, will hold a car show and open house from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 28. The event will feature many car/truck categories, a race car simulator, a free tour of the facility, door prizes, a 50/50 raffle, $7 smoked ribs plates and more.

Power of Hope

Actor Stephen Baldwin will be the guest speaker at the Power of Hope event, presented by A Door of Hope Ministries, of Denham Springs. The event will be at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, March 28, at Istrouma Baptist Church, 10500 Sam Rushing Drive, Baton Rouge. For information, go to or call (225) 665-4673.

Spay and neuter clinic

Dog People of Livingston Parish will host a spay and neuter clinic at 9 a.m. and noon Saturday, March 28, at Tractor Supply Co., Denham Springs. The price is $75 for dogs and $45 for cats. Clinics will be held every other month for the remainder of the year. To make an appointment, email Contact the Florida Parishes bureau by phone at (225) 664-9058; by fax at (225) 6649710; and by email at florida@

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LIVINGSTON PARISH CALENDAR THURSDAY BOOK BABIES: 10 a.m., Watson Library Branch, 36581 Outback Road, Denham Springs. A monthly program designed for children ages 2 and younger to introduce them to books and music and encourage them to crawl and play. STORY TIME: 10 a.m., AlbanySpringfield Library Branch, 26941 La. 43, Hammond. SHADY BOWER SENIOR LUNCHEON: 11:30 a.m., Shady Bower Pentecostal Church, 3375 Galloway Garden Lane, Walker. (225) 571-8793. TEEN ANIME CLUB: 5:30 p.m., Watson Library Branch. SPRING DREAMS PUPPET SHOW: 6 p.m., Denham Springs-Walker Library Branch, 8101 U.S. 190, Denham Springs. An interactive puppet show that features a toad who tries to become the next Easter Bunny. A springthemed craft will follow. CCA BANQUET: 6 p.m., Forrest Grove Plantation, Denham Springs. The Livingston Chapter of the Coastal Conservation Association will host the event. $500 per table of eight, $65 per person, $35 for spouse and $25 for youth. The cost includes dinner, an open bar and a oneyear CCA membership. (225)


Continued from page 1G “I love it,” Rindone said. “Here’s a perfect example,” he said as he looked at Morrison. “The guy’s getting it done free because he doesn’t have the money to have someone else do it.” Rindone said certified public accountants and agencies charge more than $100 to complete simple tax returns. After reviewing her tax documents, volunteer Carolyn Forbes turned away one Livingston woman who had a more complicated return than the simple returns volunteers are allowed to process. Forbes, who has been preparing tax returns for years, said, “It’s just a great feeling help-

GRAND COUNTRY JUNCTION: Suma Crossing Theatre, 28975 S. Satsuma Road, Satsuma. (225) 567-3516 or (985) 507-9432. ANNUAL LYFC CAR SHOW: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, 865 Hatchell Lane, Denham Springs. Lunch plates with a soft drink are $10. (225) 590-4634 or lyfcounseling. org. LADIES RETREAT: 10 a.m. to noon, Christian Center Church, 8774 Dave Clark Road, Denham Springs. The guest speaker will be Sister Ann Shumack. Music provided by Sister Malinda Crane and Sister Faye Lynne. (225) 667-4331. PIONEER DAY: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., old downtown Antique Village, Denham Springs. (225) 665-4666. TEEN ANIME CLUB: 3 p.m. to 4 p.m., Denham Springs-Walker Branch Library.




FARMERS MARKET: 7 a.m. to noon, corner of Florida Avenue and Hummell Street, Denham Springs.

STORY TIME: 9:45 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., Denham Springs-Walker Branch Library. 1-ON-1 TECHNOLOGY HELP: 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., South Branch Library, 23477 La. 444, Livingston. PUBLISHER BASICS: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Denham SpringsWalker Branch Library.

STORY TIME: 10 a.m., AlbanySpringfield Branch Library. BEGINNING PHOTOGRAPHY: 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Albany-Springfield Branch Library. LEGO CLUB: 5:30 p.m., Watson Branch Library. DOWNTOWN ABBEY TEA: 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Main Branch Library.

ing the elderly and low-income because we’re the best. … Sometimes it can be daunting for those who haven’t prepared taxes before.” Kim Lalumia was back Thursday to have her returns processed. Lalumia, who had volunteers prepare her 2013 tax returns at the library last year, said she returned to “take advantage of the no-cost charge for it because my income is very limited and it was relatively convenient.” “The only disadvantage is that it takes a little longer than other places I’ve been,” she said. Forbes said appointments are scheduled for an hour and most returns are completed before the allotted time ends. Lalumia, who stopped at the library while running errands,

said she would recommend the free service to others. “I have confidence in their ability and I believe the people who do it are volunteers, so I find it very kind of them to offer their services,” Lalumia said. The VITA program started at the Livingston Parish Library five years ago after tax preparers noticed a need for the service in the area. Before VITA, the AARP provided the service to senior citizens in the area, West said. “It’s been successful ever since we started,” West said. Three branches of the Livingston Parish Library host the free tax preparation services for participants with an income limit of $60,000 for 2014. The Denham SpringsWalker Branch hosts sessions

from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., while the Albany-Springfield and Livingston branches both host sessions from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. While most appointments are already booked, those interested can call their preferred library branch to schedule an appointment. Those attending appointments must bring tax documents such as W-2s, 1099s and information for deductions and credits, along with a copy of last year’s tax return and a Social Security card for themselves, spouses and dependents, Forbes said. They may also bring proof of a bank account for direct deposit, she said. To learn about more programs offered at the Livingston Parish Library, visit mylpl. info.

952-9200. COFFEE AND CANVASES: 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., Albany-Springfield Library Branch. An evening of coffee and painting. Registration is required.


EMAIL BASICS: 10 a.m., Main Library Branch, 20390 Iowa St., Livingston. REMEMBERING THE ’60S: 10 a.m., Denham Springs-Walker Branch Library. ST. MARGARET FISH FRY: Hosted by the St. Margaret Catholic Church of Albany local Catholic Daughters, 30300 Catholic Hall Road. weekly-bulletin.html.


“A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE ’60S:” 7 p.m., North Park, (corner of Lockhart and Eden Church roads), Denham Springs. The 10th annual LPCC dinner theater fund raiser. The show was written and directed by Dinah Toups. $35-$45. (225) 247-8555 or

STARTING A BUSINESS: 9 a.m. to noon, Main Branch Library. A workshop. STORY TIME: 10 a.m., Denham Springs-Walker Branch Library. INTERMEDIATE EXCEL: 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., Denham Springs-Walker Branch Library. LIFE-SIZE GAME OF LIFE: 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Main Branch Library. SPRING DREAMS PUPPET SHOW: 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., South Branch Library.

WEDNESDAY WORD BASICS: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., Albany-Springfield Branch Library. STORY TIME: 10 a.m., Watson, Main, South Library branches.


The Advocate n n Thursday, March 19, 2015 n 3G


VETERANS MONTHLY BREAKFAST: 8:30 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department, 601 W. Coleman Ave. Breakfast sponsored by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3652. Reservations required. (985) 277-5906 or GYM WALKING: 8:30 a.m., Old gym, Hammond Recreation Department. LINE DANCING: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Hammond Recreation Department. BABY & ME: 10:15 a.m., Loranger Branch Library, 19451 La. 40, Loranger. STORY TIME: 10:30 a.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library, 380 N. Fifth St., Ponchatoula. ADVENTURE CLUB: 4 p.m., Kentwood Branch Library, 101 Avenue F, Kentwood. TEEN PROGRAM: 4 p.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library. TANGIPAHOA LEGISLATIVE HOBNOB: 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Alumni Center, Southeastern Louisiana University campus, Hammond. Area business leaders and residents will have the opportunity to voice concerns and priorities to state legislators. (985) 3454457. SPEAK ART 2015: 7 p.m., The Art Station, 146 W. Oak St., Ponchatoula. Woodturner Jim Creel will speak on “Wood: Functional to Art.� Light refreshments and wine will be served. Free.


COFFEE FRIDAY: 8 a.m., Amite Chamber of Commerce, 101 S.E. Central Ave. (985) 748-5537 or GYM WALKING: 8:30 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department. SENIOR EXERCISE: 9 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department. CHILI COOK-OFF: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Corner of Mulberry Street and Northwest Central Avenue, Amite. Held in memory of Laurie B. Richardson-Conway Lebleu. (985) 748-5161. VERY BASIC LINE DANCING: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department. THE WOMAN OF EXCELLENCE AWARD CEREMONY: 10 a.m., Amite Branch Library, 204 N.E. Central Ave. SEWING CLASS: 11 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department. Pillowcases for Conkerr Cancer Kids by Myra March. (985) 2775906. “WE SHALL OVERCOME�: 7:30 p.m., Columbia Theatre for the Performing Arts, Hammond. A spring concert performance of the Southeastern Louisiana University Wind Symphony Orchestra. $5. (985) 549-2184.


DEEP SOUTH ALL-BREED DOG AGILITY SHOW: Florida Parishes Arena, 1301 N.W. Central Ave., Amite City. (985) 748-5914 or AMITE OYSTER FESTIVAL: Friday 3 p.m. to midnight, Saturday 10 a.m. to midnight and Sunday noon to 6 p.m., downtown Amite. (800) 6174501 or


HAMMOND FARMERS MARKET: 8 a.m. to noon, West Thomas Street, Hammond. dddhammond. com. ROCK ‘N ROAR: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Student Union, Southeastern Louisiana University campus, Hammond. (985) 549-2150 or selu. edu/roarfest. AMITE CITY COMMUNITY MARKET: 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Catha Park, Amite. amitecitycommunity STRAWBERRY DAY IN THE PARK: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Memorial Park, Ponchatoula. A strawberry dessert competition and a jambalaya cook-off. WII SATURDAY: 10:30 a.m., Independence Branch Library, 290 S. Pine St.; and 1 p.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library. 13TH ANNUAL PRAYER DAY: Noon to 2 p.m., Steps of Hammond City Hall. (985) 634-3428.

Chamber members meet

Continued from page 1G


GYM WALKING: 8:30 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department. SENIOR EXERCISE: 9 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department. KNIT & CROCHET CLUB: 9 a.m., Amite Branch Library. VERY BASIC LINE DANCING: 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department. KNITTING: 2 p.m., Kentwood Branch Library. TEEN GAME DAY: 4 p.m., Kentwood Branch Library. KNITTING 101: 5 p.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library.


GYM WALKING: 8:30 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department. LINE DANCING: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Hammond Recreation Department. STORY TIME: 10:30 a.m., Hammond Branch Library. CANASTA (HAND/FOOT): 12:30 p.m., Hammond Recreation Department. FAMILY BINGO: 3:30 p.m., Kentwood Branch Library. STORY & DISCOVERY TIME: 3:30 p.m., Independence Branch Library. VARIOUS & SUNDRY CLUB: 3:30 p.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library. PRENATAL IV — INFANT CARE AND HOSPITAL TOUR: 6 p.m., E. Brent Dufreche Conference Center, North Oaks Diagnostic Center. The class explores topics such as the postpartum recovery period and caring for your newborn. Registration required. (985) 230-7777 or “SANDERSON FARMS — GROWING THE RIGHT WAY�: 7 p.m., Student Union Ballroom A, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond. As part of the Southeastern’s Livingston Ethics In Business Lecture Series, Sanderson Farms CEO, Joe F. Sanderson Jr. will deliver the lecture.


GYM WALKING: 8:30 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department. SENIOR EXERCISE: 9 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department. BABY & ME: 9:30 a.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library. FRENCH CLASS: 10 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department. VERY BASIC LINE DANCING: 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department. STORY TIME: 10:30 a.m., Kentwood and Loranger Library branches. ADVENTURE CLUB: 3:30 p.m., Independence and Loranger branch libraries, and 4:30 p.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library.


Photos provided by MEGAN MOSHER

Paul Jones, of Florida Parishes Bank and the chairman of the Hammond Downtown District Board of Directors, left, stops for a picture with Carla Tate, of Tangi Tourism, and Brian Shirey, of Northshore Broadcasting, on Feb. 26 at Southeastern Louisiana University during the Greater Hammond Chamber of Commerce’s monthly meeting.

STEAM aspects of it. STEM is science, technology, engineering and math, and with STEAM you throw the arts in, as well,� she said. “This type of program allows them to get a lot of hands-on experience with science. They get technology with the computer, engineering with the snap circuits, art with the markers and math skills from measuring on the side of the cylinders.� “She enjoys science, so she wanted to do an experiment today,� said Erica Rodriguez, of her daughter, Shea Rodriguez. “She does experiments at home, and she actually wants to be a veterinarian.� Jackie Razo attended the event with her husband and daughter, Miranda Mendoza, and said the science concepts could help her daughter with future subjects. “She wants to be a teacher,� Razo said. “She always likes to see and explain to other

people what’s happening.� Campbell said she offers activities to children without stopping to think if it’s appropriate for their age or gender. “You throw stuff at kids and see what sticks,� she said. “I don’t necessarily think, ‘Oh well, they’re too young for that’ or ‘Oh, that’s a boy thing,’ or ‘That’s a girl thing.’ � Campbell said she maintains an open-minded philosophy when planning Science Saturdays, just as she’s done when planning learning activities for her and her daughter. “We’ve always done early literacy and math, as well, because everybody reads to their kids, but who does math with kids? I’ll throw everything at her, and whatever she likes, she likes,� Campbell said. The Watson library hosts Science Saturday every first Saturday of the month. For information about these and other events, call (225) 664-3963.


At the Greater Hammond Chamber of Commerce meeting Feb. 26, from left, are Tonia Gay, of Cypress Pointe Surgical Hospital; Sarah Sheridan, of Frankly Legal; and Brandy Harris, of American Bank and Trust. Cheryl Klein, of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Living, left, and Terry Lynn Smith, of the Hammond Downtown Development District, attend the meeting.

MARCH 21st Pioneer Day 10AM - 3PM *Browse our G N I 25 shoPs R U in a 3 Block T walking a rea FEA * Blue grass BanD gosPel singers - sonny & DeBBie hooD from the Jefferson BaPtist r aDio show * home m aDe cracklins *Quilters in olD city h all * Bee oBservation Deck *BakeD gooDs anD Jams anD Jellies *louisiana golD honey Bees *Pelican wooDcarvers cluB *see a covereD wagon *watch the olD grist mill *John Deere ice cream *JamBalaya *Desserts anD cakes

James Cathey, of North Oaks Health System, left, and Guy Recotta, of the City Court of Hammond, attend theFeb. 26 meeting.


GYM WALKING: 8:30 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department. WOMEN MEAN BUSINESS: 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Student Union, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond. (985) 549-3831 or STORY TIME: 10 a.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library. LINE DANCING: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Hammond Recreation Department. BABY & ME: 10:15 a.m., Loranger Branch Library. STORY TIME: 10:30 a.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library. PLANNING MEETING: 12:30 p.m., Hammond Recreation Department. Planning for the seventh annual Veterans Luncheon. (985) 277-5906. TEEN CLUB: 3:30 p.m., Loranger Branch Library. ADVENTURE CLUB: 4 p.m., Ponchatoula and Kentwood Library branches. CPR CLASS: 5 p.m., E. Brent Dufreche Conference Center, North Oaks Diagnostic Center. The class incorporates demonstrations of the American Heart Association’s lifesaving techniques for choking, rescue breathing and CPR for adults, children and infants. Certification available. Registration required. (985) 2307777 or

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4G n Thursday, March 19, 2015 n n The Advocate

schools SLU yearbook staff takes home 14 awards Advocate staff report Southeastern Louisiana University students have been honored with the 2015 Gold Circle Awards for Yearbooks from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association for their work on the university’s 2014 “Le Souvenir,” a news release from Southeastern said. The 2015 Gold Circle Awards attracted more than 4,600 entries from yearbook and digital media from colleges, universities and secondary schools throughout the United States. Gold Circle Awards honor superior work by student journalists, usually as individuals but sometimes as an entire staff working with either print or online media, the release

said. “This year, our students earned an unprecedented 14 awards for their work,” said Lee E. Lind, director of student publications. “Their dedication and expanding knowledge about the craft allows them to compete and be recognized alongside their peers from schools across the nation, many of whom are much larger and have many more resources than we have.” Chris Martin, of Albany, a 2014 communications graduate, earned three first-place awards for his design and photography work in categories such as “title page design” and “sports action photo.” His submission in the “photo portfolio” category, a col-

lection of photography published in the yearbook, was selected as the best in the competition. He also received a second-place honor for his written work in the “sports reporting” category. “As the editor in chief of the 2014 Le Souvenir yearbook, I am honored that we received 14 awards from the prestigious Columbia Scholastic Press Association,” Martin said. Claire Salinas, a 2014 communications graduate, of Hammond, was honored for her feature writing in the student life section of the yearbook and also partnered with Martin to earn a third-place award for their design work in the “sports spread: one spread” category.

Representatives from Office Depot bring treats and classroom supplies to teachers at Hammond Eastside Magnet School on Feb. 11 through its program ‘A Day Made Better.’ Office Depot representatives supply teachers once a year to say ‘thank you’ for their hard work, school officials said in a news release. Enjoying the day, from left, are Tawnya Smith; Mary Schilling; Nakisha Guillory, Office Depot manager; Mekella Lloyd; Dave Pilgrim, Office Depot manager; Judenne Selva; Sheree Alford; Jan Husser; and Shelia Conley.



Livingston Parish

Livingston Parish

Livingston Parish

Breaded chicken sandwich, sweet potato fries, relish cup, fruit cocktail, milk

Red beans with rice, mustard greens, sweet potatoes, cornbread, orange, milk

Hamburger, fries, relish cup, grapes, milk

Tangipahoa Parish

Tangipahoa Parish

Lasagna, green beans, salad cup, oranges slices, garlic bread, milk

Chicken tenders, cheese potatoes, broccoli, fruit cocktail, wheat roll, milk



Livingston Parish

Livingston Parish

Cheese pizza, marinara sauce, corn, garden salad, dressing, gelatin, milk

Tangipahoa Parish Chicken/sausage gumbo or a meatless entreé choice, brown rice, potato salad, marinated tomatoes, pears, crackers, milk

The top 30 Quiz Bowl competitors in the ‘You be the Chemist’ Challenge Feb. 28 at Southeastern Louisiana University, first row from left, are students Ta’Lacia Williams, Ire’yana Zanders, Destiney Baker and Luke Lewis; second row, Tiffany Adkins, Paige Francis, Alissa Blanchard, Nathan Gendron, Ann Marie Lacour, Tucker Powell, Shamitha Thumma, Madison Greer, Jaylin Kemp, Jakayla Washington, Logan Watkins and Southeastern Louisiana University, Dr. John Crain; third row, Lauren DeVaney, Lance Drouet, Hunter Harris, Slade Foil, Hannah Guerra and Rebecca Smith; and fourth row, Superintendent Mark Kolwe, Kent Bardwell, Lucas Drake, Cooper Coldwell, Zachary Kirst, Lauren Welch, Austin Schilling, Isabella Hood, Taylor McLain, Trace Anthon and Caden Trahan.

Photo provided by DESHEA JOHNSON

Office Depot donates to teachers


Top competitors place in chemist challenge

Photo provided by CECILIA LANIER

Tangipahoa Parish Barbecue chicken, potato salad, baked beans, pineapple tidbits, wheat roll, milk


Photo provided by CINDY WAGNER

Students participate in nationwide reading effort

Photo provided

Jack Beard, a first grader at Holy Ghost Catholic School in Hammond, takes an Accelerated Reader test on Feb. 27. Students at HGCS took part in February in a nationwide effort to ‘Read the Most Coast to Coast.’ They joined students in Renaissance Learning’s celebration, a move to encourage students nationwide to read more books, a news release from the school said. This year, students nationwide read more than 4 million books. At HGCS, more than 350 students participated in effort, the release said. Participants received a Certification of National Participation. ‘Read the Most Coast to Coast’ is a fun-filled event that enables our students to join with others across the nation in a shared challenge, all while engaging in valuable reading practice,’ said Librarian Kathryn Huggett. ‘We are proud of our students. They were so excited to contribute to the national book count.’

Students attend You Be the Chemist

Nathan Gendron, a fifthgrade student in Becky Tobin’s and Demetria Miller’s classes at Hammond Westside Montessori, score in the top 20 at the local ‘You Be the Chemist’ challenge Feb. 27 at Southeastern Louisiana University. About 19 students represented Hammond Westside at the competition, a news release from the school said.

Livingston Parish

Chicken and sausage pastalaya, navy beans, garden salad, french bread, apple, milk

Chicken and sausage gumbo with rice, potato salad, spinach salad, crackers, sugar cookie, pineapple, milk

Tangipahoa Parish

Tangipahoa Parish

Taco soup, tortilla chips, shredded cheese cup, salad cup, apple slices dipped in gelatin, milk

Cajun pastalaya, baked beans, garden salad, orange slices, french bread, milk

LIVINGSTON PARISH PRISON BOOKINGS The following people were booked into the Livingston Parish prison from March 4 - 10.

March. 4

ANGELLOZ, BETHANY MARIE: 33, 31115 Green Leaf Drive, Walker, possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substances, possession of schedule IV controlled dangerous substances, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia, safety belt use, tags indicating exemption, expired motor vehicle license, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, illegal use of controlled drug in presence of persons under 17 years old. ARNOLD, LAWRENCE: 51, 338 Edgewood Drive, Denham Springs, failure to pay child support. BOWMAN, CHRISTOPHER: 19, 12184 Brown Road, Denham Springs, criminal mischief. COOK, DANIELLE M.: 39, 39285 Tyler Ballard, Walker, stopping, parking, or standing upon the highway shoulder, speeding. ENGELHART, SHAUNA: 42, 14847 La. 16, French Settlement, simple criminal damage to property. FRANKLIN, WILEY: 45, 704 Westfield Drive, Denham Springs, safety belt use, tags indicating exemption, traffic bench warrant, failure to pay child support. HOOVER, KAITLYNN: 21, 95142 Pine Hill Road, Hammond, speed-

ing, traffic bench warrant. KENT, JOSEPH ALAN: 26, 13901 Harris Lane, Walker, probation administrative sanction. MONTGOMERY, JEROME: 47, 1419 N. 31st, Baton Rouge, obtaining a controlled dangerous substance by fraud. OLAH, FRANK JOSEPH: 38, 24340 La. 444, Livingston, traffic bench warrant, safety belt use, tags indicating exemption. ROFF, AARON: 39, 7423 Proxie Drive, Baton Rouge, possession of marijuana, prohibited acts/ drug paraphernalia, unlawful to smell model glue/toxic vapors, to sell to minors. ROTH, RYAN: 30, 41424 Rue Chen, Ponchatoula, two counts theft of a firearm, theft by fraud, theft. SHIRLEY, AMIE: 31, 8887 Cedar Springs, Denham Springs, possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substances, illegal carrying of weapon penal use weapon/violent crime or controlled dangerous substances, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia, possession of schedule IV controlled dangerous substances, illegal use of controlled drug in presence of persons under 17 years old. STEPHENS, MARK ANTHONY: 37, 10888 Buddy Ellis Road, Denham Springs, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses. WALBER, LUKE: 32, 34919 Er-

nest Stilley, Independence, two counts simple battery, simple criminal damage to property. WEAVER, TREY: 29, 1101 N. River Road, Denham Springs, speeding, driver must be licensed, security required, traffic bench warrant, allowing dogs to roam. WILLEY, BRYAN: 47, 11433 Glen Haven, Baton Rouge, expired motor vehicle insurance.

March 5

AMBROSE, CODY LEE: 24, 34100 N. Susie Circle, Denham Springs, simple battery, violation of protective orders. BEARD, TREY: 25, 12398 Florida Blvd., Livingston, possession schedule I other than marijuana or synthetic, prohibited acts/ drug paraphernalia. BOURGEOIS, PATRICK BRYAN: 27, 12770 Sims, Denham Springs, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia. CHAISSON, EDWARD L.: 29, 7362 Hayman Lane, Denham Springs, failure to pay child support. CHEEK, ROBERT A.: 34, 39125 Vindez Road, Gonzales, possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substances, prohibited acts/ drug paraphernalia, two counts false certificates, driving on roadway laned for traffic. CHESTER, ROBERT EARL: 37, 25512 Sycamore Drive, Spring-


äSee BOOKINGS, page 5G


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The Advocate n n Thursday, March 19, 2015 n 5G


Continued from page 4G field, traffic bench warrant. COMPTON, MATTHEW: 29, 12398 Florida Blvd., #35, Walker, possession of marijuana, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia. EBERT, TYLER JAMES: 30, 29904 Blount Road, Holden, resisting an officer. ELLESTAD, ELMER: 37, 15250 Springfield Road, Walker, speeding, two counts operating vehicle with suspended license, two counts other offenses, two counts traffic bench warrant, evidence of compulsory motor vehicle liability security contained in vehicle, owner to secure registration. FERRARA, KATHRYN HERNANDEZ: 23, 20201 Gleber Drive, Loranger, simple burglary, drug court sanction. FREMAN, ZACKARY: 21, 6928 La. 1, Belle Rose, speeding, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, security required, resisting an officer and prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia. HEYSE, BRIAN BLAKE: 28, 11000 Buddy Ellis, Denham Springs, possession of schedule III controlled dangerous substances, manufacture, cultivation, distribution or possession with intent to distribute schedule I controlled dangerous substances. LICCIARDI, CODY: 22, 10727 Buddy Ellis Road, Denham Springs, second degree battery, intentional serious bodily injury. OLLE, CLAIRE: 39, 14417 Samantha Drive, Port Vincent, simple battery domestic violence. RINGE, SAVANNAH S: 22, 24669 Rolling Meadow Drive, Denham Springs, theft, theft by fraud. ROUSSEAU, SARA CHRISTINE: 31, 8471 Wisteria, Denham Springs, possession of firearm/carry concealed weapon by convicted felon, manufacture, cultivation, distribution, possession with intent to distribute schedule II controlled dangerous substances, taking contraband to/from penal institutions prohibited, prohibited acts/ drug paraphernalia. WAGNER, KELCI: 22, 6705 La. 308, Belle Rose, possession of schedule III controlled dangerous substances. WEAVER, BRITTANY: 22, 9414 Hidden Trails Drive, Denham Springs, violation of protective orders.

March 6

BANKSTON, JOHN GORDON: 23, 25160 D. Hutchinson Road., Holden, theft by fraud. BOURGEOIS, KIMARIE: 38, 120 East St., Denham Springs, drug court sanction. CHESTER, SHANE Z.: 17, Kay Lane, Apt. 6, Hammond, simple criminal damage to property. CLETHEN, BRYANT: 34, 26351 Avoyelles Ave., Denham Springs, cyberstalking. COX, EDWARD: 54, 13630 Crotwell Drive, Denham Springs, enter/ remain in places/on land after being forbidden, appearing in an intoxicated condition, simple criminal damage to property. DICKEY, SETH: 38, 7490 Callahan, Denham Springs, four counts operating vehicle with suspended license, four counts other offenses, false certificates, three counts speeding, expired motor vehicle insurance, traffic bench warrant. DONAGRICHE, LANDON C.: 23, 27631 Tall Oaks Drie, Walker, possession schedule I other than marijuana or synthetic, possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substances, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia, parish jail time. EFFERSON, CHRISTOPHER P.: 29, 19862 Perrilloux Road, Livingston, drug court sanction. HESTER, ROBERT L.: 27, 22310 La. 1032, Denham Springs, theft by fraud, theft, stop signs, yield signs, no passing zones. HIGH, LISA A.: 31, 2116 Neyrey Drive, Metarie, conspiracy/to produce, manufacture, distribute, dispense schedule III controlled dangerous substances, taking contraband to/from penal institutions prohibited.

HUTCHINSON, WADE ZEKE: 25, 25160 D. Huchinson, Holden, safety belt use, tags indicating exemption, contempt of court, vehicle license required, two counts theft, three counts theft by fraud, three counts felony theft. HUTSON, KERRY: 32, 27199 Leighton Lane, Denham Springs, possession schedule I other than marijuana or synthetic, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia, possession of firearm/carry concealed weapon by convicted felon, theft. PARISH, BRANDI: 32, 10225 Carter Hayse Ave., Denham Springs, drug court sanction. PICOU, JOSHUA LEE: 33, 24594 La. 22, Maurpas, drug court sanction. ROBINSON, NATHAN: 22, 53399 Cyprian Road, Loranger, felony theft. SCOTT, LAKENDRICK: 35, 25841, Springfield, cruelty to juveniles SLOCUM, KENNETH V.: 35, 29480 Fletcher Lane, Walker, violation of protective orders. SMITH, GABEREL: 25, 4248 Cannon St., Baton Rouge, fugitive. WALTON, LINWOOD N.: 37, 1303 Wanda Ave., Denham Springs, possession of marijuana, two counts illegal use of controlled drug in presence of persons under 17 years old, prohibited acts/ drug paraphernalia.

March 7

BENNETT, SAVANNAH: 21, 30617 Anderson, Denham Springs, telephone communications, improper language, harassment. CASON, HALEY: 20, 18405 King George Road, Livingston, reckless operation of a vehicle, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, two counts prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia. JORDAN, EARNEST E.: 41, 30135 Walker N. Road, Walker, theft. LOVE, CHRISTOPHER JAMES: 25, 8381 Harold Drive, Denham Springs, domestic abuse battery. MAY, KORI B.: 33, 12824 Wallis, Baton Rouge, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, speeding. MORAN, CODY: 22, 20210 Steve Hughes Road, Walker, sale/ distribution/possession of legend drug without prescription, speeding, traffic bench warrant. NEWLAND, COREY M.: 22, 30020 Corby Circle, Walker, cruelty to animals, simple and aggravated, two counts theft, possession of marijuana, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses and accident reports, when and to whom made, information aid. PARKER, KRISTIIN: 24, 14027 Louise Drive, Hammond, simple battery domestic violence. WAGNER, BLAKE A.: 24, 26551 Bellwood Road, Holden, appearing in an intoxicated condition. WILSON, CHARLES MARVIN: 26, 23776 Sandlewood, Denham Springs, enter/remain in places/ on land after being forbidden, simple criminal damage to property, driving while intoxicated.

sion of legend drug without prescription, disturbing the peace. DEWITT, SHAWN A.: 39, 29464 Old La. 22, Springfield, simple battery domestic violence, disturbing the peace, simple battery. HAYES, CIARRA C.: 27, 9411 Florida Blvd., Walker, speeding, driver must be licensed. JOHNSON, ROBERT PAUL: 36, 32720 Carolee Circle, Denham Springs, appearing in an intoxicated condition, possession of alcoholic beverages in motor vehicles. KING, MICHAEL: 31, 29464 Old La. 22, Springfield, home invasion, simple criminal damage to property, simple assault, traffic bench warrant, speeding, careless operation, driver must be licensed. LAZARUS, TORY LANE: 28, 13900 Brown Road, Denham Springs, failure to pay child support, two counts speeding, two counts traffic bench warrant. MINVIELLE, ANGIE: 48, 18600 Cale Road, Livingston, simple battery domestic violence, resisting an officer, simple assault. YOUNG, LANCE HOUSTON: 45, 29464 La. 22, Springfield, expired motor vehicle insurance, and operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses.

March 9

BRAUD, RYAN MATTHEW: 31, 12 Monplaiser Place, New Orleans, possession of marijuana, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, evidence of compulsory motor vehicle liability security contained in vehicle, traffic control signals, vehicle registration expired, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia, failure to pay child support. COOPER, ANDREW: 18, 22137 Walker South, Denham Springs, simple burglary, theft. CORE, BRANDI ANN: 31, 30159 Kinchen St., Albany, two counts simple battery. DEAN, TAYLOR RANDAL: 28, 22150 Hooshoo Too, Baton Rouge, manufacture, distribution, possession with intent to distribute schedule IV controlled dangerous substances. EDWARDS, TRAVIS J.: 40, 26174

South Satsuma Road, Livingston, resisting an officer, certain unlawful activities. GRIFFIN, BRENNAN COLE: 20, 11367 Cooper Wood Drive, Denham Springs, aggravated battery, attempt/armed robbery. GUILLIAMS, JESSICA C: 37, 11110 Crossover Road, Denham Springs, resting an officer with force or violence, simple assault, battery of a police officer. HEBERT, COREY LEON: 22, 24134 Old Frost Road, Livingston, domestic abuse battery, false imprisonment, simple assault. HUNTLEY, BEATRIX: 39, 30266 T.A. Lane, Albany, aggravated assault, domestic abuse aggravated assault. JACKSON, GARY WAYNE: 22, 17550 Bay Paul Road, Livingston, careless operation, driver must be licensed, traffic bench warrant, simple battery domestic violence. JANISE, JOSHUA: 24, 5513 Groom Road, Baker, safety belt use, tags indicating exemption, traffic bench warrant, two counts theft of goods. LEWIS, PAUL J.: 25, 36913 Longleaf Drive, Independence, unauthorized entry of an inhabited dwelling, simple burglary. MADANAT, FARES: 40, 450 Tate Road, Denham Springs, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia. MEDINE, BRIAN: 28, 17488 La. 42, Livingston, three counts speeding, all drivers must secure license, emergency vehicle exception, three counts traffic bench warrant, false certificates, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, stopping, standing, or parking outside business or residence, safety belt use, tags indicating exemption, evidence of compulsory motor vehicle liability security contained in vehicle. MENDOZA, BRYSON L.: 26, 30263 Bayou Sorrel, Plaquemine, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, simple criminal damage to property. NELSON, RICHARD JOSEPH: 29, 19435 Andrea Lane, Livingston, simple battery domestic violence. POOLE, DAVID K.: 47, 23851 Prim-

rosthodontics Specialist in P

rose Court, Denham Springs, driving while intoxicated third offense, possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substances. RICE, JONATHAN PAUL: 27, 12945 Tannehill, Walker, traffic bench warrant, failure to pay child support. SLAY, PHILIP J.: 27, 12625 Coursey Blvd., Baton Rouge, two counts speeding, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, stopping, standing, or parking outside business or residence, monetary instrument abuse, monetary instrument abuse and possession of firearm/carry concealed weapon by convicted felon. THIBODEAUX, SHANE: 40, 7525 Board Drive, Baton Rouge, enter/ remain in places/on land after being forbidden, unlawful to smell model glue/toxic vapors, to sell to minors. THOMAS, SHERMAN: 25, 17701 S. Satsums Road, Livingston, domestic abuse battery, simple criminal damage to property. THOMPSON, ANDREW W.: 46, 13145 Covington Road, Walker, department of corrections incarceration, expired vehicle registration, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses.

March 10

ANSEMAN, SEAN: 46, 33164 Jules Prokop, Springfield, simple battery domestic violence. CARTER, BRENTON C.: 18, 13586 Dunn St., Walker, aggravated battery, assault by drive by shooting. CRYER, JERALD: 31, 43250 Baker Lane, Hammond, possession of marijuana. EKEY, JOHN: 30, 23045 La. 16, Denham Springs, stop signs and yield signs, traffic bench warrant, expired motor vehicle, view outward or inward through windshield or windows, obscuring prohibited. GATEWOOD, ASHLIE: 30, 29360 Red Oak Road, Livingston, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia, possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substances, possession of marijuana. LAROUSSE, ALYSSA: 17, 7180 S.

River Road, Addis, illegal possession of stolen things. LOFTON, JAMES ADAM: 19, 126 Kathy Drive, Laplace, tail lamps, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia, possession of marijuana, possession of schedule IV controlled dangerous substances, possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substances. MARTIN, THOMAS B.: 49, 16144 Doyle Road, Baton Rouge, speeding, failure of seller to transfer title within five days and operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses. MCDONALD, KIM: 48, 12405 Brandon Ave., Denham Springs, speeding, traffic bench warrant. MILLER, AMANDA: 40, Millennium, Apt. 9308, Baton Rouge, speeding. MOORE, DEXTER DWAYNE: 24, 7450 Vincent Road, Lot #73, Denham Springs, aggravated criminal damage to property. ROBINSON, BRANDI ELAINE: 28, 8504 Per Tuis Road, Sorrento, two counts monetary instrument abuse. SIBLEY, RICHARD E.: 32, 33630 N. Corbin, Walker, two counts possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substances. SMITH, CHRISTOPHER: 22, Red Oak Road, Livingston, three counts theft. CYR, KATHLEEN: 49, 32255 Bud Jubin Road, Springfield, six counts issuing worthless checks. TAYLOR, ANGELINE T.: 39, Frank Ballard Road, Holden, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia, possession of marijuana, possession of schedule IV controlled dangerous substances, possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substances. THOMAS, KENNETH DEMOND: 20, 13771 Sycamore St., Walker, possession of marijuana, four counts child desertion, seven counts contributing to the delinquency of juveniles, illegal use of controlled drug in presence of persons under 17 years old. VILLARREAL, SYLVIA: 25, 7615 Magnolia Beach Road, Denham Springs, simple battery domestic violence.

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March 8

AMANO, NOBLE RUSSELL: 43, 48206 Morris Road, Hammond, resisting an officer. BENNETT, JESSE G.: 35, 4433 Sarasota Drive, Baton Rouge, manufacture, cultivation, distribution, possession with intent to distribute schedule II controlled dangerous substances, possession schedule I other than marijuana or synthetic, prohibited acts/ drug paraphernalia, disturbing the peace. BERCEGEAY, TREV JOSEPH: 27, 34294 Cane Market Road, Walker, driving while intoxicated, reckless operation of a vehicle, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia, unlawful to smell model glue/ toxic vapors, to sell to minors, failure to pay child support. BLANCHARD, CHASITY: 22, 34153 Weiss Road, Livingston, enter/ remain in places/on land after being forbidden, simple assault, resisting an officer. BROWN, KESSA NOEL: 36, 42394 Marblestone, Prairieville, two counts sale/distribution/posses-

Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 6:30pm

Nancy Gravel, D.C., B.S., BCIA


Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Advocate

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1160 If you witnessed an older model car rear end a silver SUV on Essen Ln On Monday, March 2, between 1 & 2 pm. Please call 225-933-4313

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On-Site Computer/ Network Tech

Seeking On-Site computer network tech for local computer company in Baton Rouge. Must have experience in computer networking, hardware installation and software installation. Job does require work to be done at clients place or remote login. Please send resume to: aaron@computer Cleaning Out Your Attic? Garage Sales can turn your stuff into bucks. Call 1-800-960-6397 to place your ad


P&N Tech is a division of Postlethwaite & Netterville, Louisiana’s leading accounting and business advisory firm. With over 13 years in the information technology business, P&N Tech is highly focused on providing top quality service to clients as well as a positive professional environment for our team. We have an opportunity in our Baton Rouge office for an APPLICATION DEVELOPER. This position is responsible for developing, testing, implementing, and maintaining web-based application systems. The application developer will code software applications to adhere to designs supporting internal business requirements or external customers. The successful candidate will possess the following qualifications: ● Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a related area ● Requires 0-3 years of coding experience or application development ● Knowledge of standard concepts, practices, and procedures within a particular field (i.e. SQL, C++, HTML, MVC, CGI and JavaScript) ● High degree of attention to detail with a certain degree of creativity and latitude required We offer a very competitive compensation plan and an excellent employee benefit package. Interested candidates should submit their resume online at CareerCurrentOpenings.asp

by March 31, 2015. EEOE







DRIVERS NEEDED for local millworks shop. Load & unload millwork, doors, windows, etc, Class D license, current medical card, 1 yr exp. Clean driving record. Apply in person @11765 Darryl Dr, BR.


CDL Class A Vacuum Truck driving experience required. Position requires clean MVR and background. FT. Day shifts. ROP:DOE starting at 18 per hour+. Submit resume to and call 225-930-0685 Local Construction Co seeks CDL DRIVER. Apply in person 16444 Strain Road, BR. 225-272-4599


State of LA in need of a Class A CDL Driver. Some overnights are required. Must have experience in driving Combination truck /trailers and loading/ Unloading flatbed trailers. Operation of forklifts and other heavy Equipment is also required. $13.45 hour + benefits. Call Jim at 225342-6849. DRIVER CDL CLASS A - B.R. Constr. Co. Must have exp. w/ trailer dumps and lowboy. Good driving record. Fill out an app M-F 8-4 9143 S Tiger Bend Rd. 70817. No phone calls please. EOE.

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Over the Road Driver

Double F Logistics, LLC Baton Rouge, LA Immediate openings for Class A CDL drivers to provide long haul trucking. Delivery area is primarily between California and Baton Rouge. The fleet consists of new 2015 Freightliner Cascadia Evolutions. New drivers are to needed to support the extraordinary growth of the company. We offer a competitive compensation package based upon a percentage of each run’s freight revenues and a quarterly incentive compensation program based primarily upon fuel economy. Benefits include health insurance and paid vacation. Must pass a DOT drug screen and physical, criminal background check and MVR Drug & Alcohol Free Workplace Apply Online @


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Engineers/ Chemists


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Ability to safely operate heavy haul trucks with Lowboy, Drop Deck, Float Trailers while moving heavy construction equipment and tools. Exc. driving record, verifiable employment history and compliance with DOT regulations are a must. Email resume to Equal Opportunity Employer

Engineers/ Chemists


CITY – PARISH GOVERNMENT ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN (2 Vacancies) Min. Qualifications: High school diploma, GED, or equiv & 4 yrs of subprofessional engineering/architectural/constru ction exp (such as drafting, surveying, inspecting, etc.) or any equiv combo of ed & exp. Selective Certification: Exp with City-Parish sanitary sewer specifications & standard plans required.. Starting: $16.74 Hourly + Excellent Benefits Apply: Mar 13 - 26, 2015, 8 – 5 pm HR Dept, 1755 Florida St. Equal Opportunity Employer


CHEMICAL ENGINEER IN PRACTICE AT LOUISIANA TECH UNIVERSITY The Chemical Engineering Program at Louisiana Tech University is seeking a non-tenure, full-time Chemical Engineer in Practice. The primary responsibilities of this role will be teaching the unit operations labs and maintaining the equipment associated with these labs. This person will also be an active member of the College safety team. Applicants must have a minimum of a Master’s Degree, with at least one degree in Chemical Engineering. Industry experience is strongly preferred (as is a PE), especially with some experience in process safety (PHA) and chemical hygiene/lab safety. See hr/vacan2182.php for more details. Applicants are encouraged to send a 1) cover letter, 2) comprehensive resume of experience, 3) narrative describing interest/experience in both teaching/mentoring, hands-on troubleshooting, and safety, and 4) contact information for three current references to: Louisiana Tech University is an EEO/AA employer. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Drafting Instructors

Part time Day and Evening drafting instruction positions available in Civil/ Structural drafting, Pipe drafting, Electrical/ Instrumentation drafting, and AutoCAD. Must have a minimum of 4 years documented field experience and be qualified in AutoCAD. Email resume to JACOBS ENGINEERING Local & Global Opport.

CRA Engineering Group (225) 927-4249

TEQPRO Prof. Serv, Inc. Eng/Designer 225-292-9500 FORD, BACON & DAVIS, LLC All Disciplines of Engr/Designers/3D Design.

CDI Corporation 4041 Essen Lane, Ste 100 Baton Rouge 225-663-4600 SJB GROUP, LLC Surveying CAD Tech Hargrove Engineers + Constructors H&K Engineering 225-448-5500

Quality Control Tech. Entry Level. Mechanically inclined, able to read manufacturing drawings and some measuring ability required. Permanent Position. Full benefits. Opportunity for advancement. Local Manufacturing Co. over 50 years. Email resume to: engineering@ Hunt, Guillot & Associates 8555 United Plaza Blvd Occidental Chemical Corporation (OxyChem) is a leading North American manufacturer of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resins, chlorine and caustic soda – key building blocks for a variety of indispensable products such as plastics, pharmaceuticals and water treatment chemicals. Other OxyChem products include caustic potash, chlorinated organics, sodium silicates, chlorinated isocyanurates and calcium chloride. For every product it makes, OxyChem’s market position is No. 1 or No. 2 in the U.S. OxyChem is looking for an experienced and self-motivate individuals to fill the following positions in our Convent Plant located in Convent, LA.: Process Controls Engineer (00012983) Qualifications ● Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, or related field. ● 3 - 10 years DCS programming, troubleshooting, and maintaining DCS equipment experience. Process Engineer (00013165) ● Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering with a minimum 3 years of engineering experience in manufacturing environment. For a full job description and to apply, visit & apply to the appropriate requisition number Oxy is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Veteran SJB GROUP, LLC Seeking Survey Field Personnel No exp req'd Survey Instrument Tech 2-3 yrs exp req'd Competitive salary & excellent benefits Apply online Willbros Engineers, LLC. 225-612-6219


ONLINE! clas ssifi fieds s.theadvocate .com homes .theadvocate .com jobs.theadvocate .com whe eels.theadvocate .com pets .theadvocate .com

Engineers/ Chemists

Financial/ Accounting



Professional Engineer Stantec, Baton Rouge Office Qualifications: BA or MS Degree in Civil Eng. Registered P.E. in Louisiana 5-7 yr. exp in Civil Eng., site and roadway geometrics, grading and utility design, Civil3D 2009+, Hydrology/Hydraulic design software, and Microstation. Please submit your application online:

Office Mngr/ Bookkeeper for Subcontractor in Plaquemine. Payroll, contract billing, accounts payable/ receivable, proficient in QuickBooks. Salary DOE + benefits. Email resume:

SENIOR CONSULTING ENGINEER to work in Baton Rouge, LA to Communicate with client as needed to achieve overall project goals; work with client to evaluate current chemical manufacturing / engineering processes & develop new chemical manufacturing/ engineering processes; design calculations for project and/or review chemical engineering requirements of current projects and work with client to implement and/or improve same; perform field survey & field data gathering; prepare process design & construction documents, plans & specifications; prepare detailed equipment specifications as required for project needs; maintain control of cost & schedule commitments for his/her projects; maintain quality control & quality assurance of the process engineering work product for his/her projects. Must have Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering & 5 years experience in job offered or in any Chemical Engineering position acceptable. Five years of experience must be in petroleum refining process design & front end project development. Ability to use HYSYS & Pro II simulation software. Must be familiar with industry design standards & recommended practices & be able to demonstrate proper application of standards/practices. Mail resume to Amy Martinell, Willbros Engineers, LLC, 8641 United Plaza Blvd., Suite 100, Baton Rouge, LA 70809. Must have proof of legal authority to work in the United States. Put job code PS100626 on resume. EOE


Financial/ Accounting


Staff Accountant

Associated Grocers Prepare analysis of balance sheet, revenue, and expense accounts, assist in preparation of period end journal entries, prepare reconciliations for all bank accounts & prepare special financial reports. Bachelor's degree in Accounting required. Competitive pay. Comprehensive benefits package provided. Apply online at BOOKKEEPER - Perm. 24 hr/wk. QB for Manuf. + payroll a must. Send conf. resume plus 3 bus ref to: BILLY HEROMAN'S SEEKS friendly, hard working person for A/P Bookkeeping Assistant Position, FT/ P/T. Prior experience in payables, office work & /or bookkeeping a must. Apply in person at 10812 North Harrell's Ferry Rd. Asap need for accountant, 5 years min exp, Email resume to Mona@Corporate


Regional manufacturer and distributor seeks motivated individual for its controller position responsible for fiscal management of the company. Minimum five years’ experience required as well as good communication and supervisory skills. Excellent opportunity for advancement and career growth. Compensation DOE with excellent benefits. Email resume to

Campus Federal Credit Union

has immediate opening for a Part Time

Member Service Representative

for our call center 1+ years’ experience in member service including new accounts, thorough knowledge of savings, checking, ability to cross sell, excellent written and verbal communication skills, and pleasant phone voice required. M-F 1-6pm and every other Saturday 9am-2pm. Salary up to $16.80/hr DOE. Benefits include paid vacation and sick leave. Apply online at Only those most qualified will be contacted. EOE

ASAP need, Senior Controller, degree pref, exp req, $70 – 90K + benefits, email resume’: Mona@Cor

Industrial Tech. Skills

1400 225-275-7272

A BR Property Mgmt. Co. seeks Exp. Maintenance person. Background check required. Claus & Claus 225-927-1982 A/C Service Technician/ Installer & Sheet Metal Person Needed. Must be dependable & have valid DL. (3) yrs. exp required. Call 225-266-9000 or fax resume to 225-791-6088. A/C and Heating Tech position available. Service and Installation. 5 years experience Valid DL. Call Steve at 225-405-2420. A/C Installer, Rough In, Change Out & Sheet Metal Specialist. EXP. ONLY! Top Pay & Benefits. Apply in person 7360 Tom Drive. Hiring A/C Installer/Helper Apply in person at 5204 Main St. in Zachary A/C Service Tech & Installer Needed. Min 5 yrs exp. Sign on Bonus. Top pay. 225-752-7783 A/C TECH w/ 3-5 yrs. Exp. and Tune Up Tech needed. Res. & light comm. Pay DOE + benefits. Apply at 11015 Laird Lane, DS or fax resume to 225-791-7612.


We are looking for a residential Appliance Technician with a min. of 5 yrs. exp., who can troubleshoot and service most makes and models, including digital. You must take true pride in your craft and be able to meet high quality standards. Absolutely do not call unless you have excellent customer service skills and attitude. Also, only call if you are of high moral character and interested in far more than a job. This is a permanent, very high income opportunity. Home360, Inc. (225) 767-4000

Industrial Tech. Skills



$2000 Sign On Bonus If you’re not earning the kind of income you deserve, call us. We are looking for Carpenters, with a min. of 10 yrs. exp., who would like to specialize in large, midsize and small Residential Remodeling and Repair work. You must take true pride in your craft and have excellent communication skills with the ability to meet high work quality standards. Must have a positive customer service attitude. This is a permanent, exceptionally high income opportunity. Only call if you are interested in far more than a job. Home360, Inc. (225) 767-4000 Outside Sales Rep exp in oil and gas, $50 -70k base + comm. Email resume to Mona@Corporateresource

Check our jobs! Advantage Personnel

James Construction Group Call 225-677-9023 or 1-800-995-5102 JB James Construction LLC has immediate opening for

Crane Mechanic

Crane Rigging, Mobilization, and Demobilization. Preventative maintenance and mechanical repairs using mechanical, hydraulic, friction, and air systems. Focus on Heavy Crawler Cranes. Must have own tools. Email resume to Equal Opportunity Employer

Diesel Mechanics who have previous experience working on equipment such as man lifts and forklifts. Hydraulics, electronic, and troubleshooting. Three years minimum experience. Position requires a clean background and clean MVR. ROP: $1730 per hr. FT. Baton Rouge, La. Submit resumes to and call 225-930-0685 Traffic/Fleet DISPATCHER Carline is seeking a Dispatcher for its Geismar, LA office.Traffic / Logistics background is required. Excellent benefits include bonuses, matching 401k, health, dental, life and disability insurances. Call 225-3431951. Email resume to: personnel@ Commercial Door Installers with previous experience installing roll up doors, garage doors, and over head doors. Baton Rouge. FT. ROP:DOE $20+ Submit resumes to

and call 225-930-0685


ASME Piping, Drafting/Design, AutoCad, Microsoft Excel, Detail Orientated A +. Recent Grad Accepted Exciting Environment. Excellent Benefits & Pay: On-Site Gym, Basketball Courts, 401K, Insurance, Profit Sharing, Paid Vac, Etc.

Quality Driven Mail Attn: HR 2105 Oak Villa Blvd. BR 70815; Fax To HR 225-906-2344; Email:

Or In Person At LA Dept. Of Labor

Outdoor Powerhouse

needs an Experienced ATV & Motorcycle


Call Butch 225-405-9340 AUTOMATION PERSONNEL 11445 Coursey Blvd 225-296-0605. CLAYMAR CONSTRUCTION is now accepting applications for all crafts. Boiler makers, pipe fitters, iron workers, structural fabricators, combo pipe welders, flux core welders, form and trim carpenters, Please email resumes to mbarthelemy@ Or apply in person at 15930 Herman Berthelot Road Maurepas, LA 70449. CARPENTER NEEDED - Only Skilled With Tools Need Apply. MUST Email To


We are looking for Electricians with a min. 5 yrs. exp who would like to specialize in residential and light commercial troubleshooting and service work. Must have or be able to obtain your LA State Elec. Contractor's License. Must have excellent communication skills & the ability to meet high work quality standards. Must have a positive customer service attitude. This is a permanent, exceptionally high income opportunity. Only call If you are interested in far more than a job. Home360, Inc. (225) 767-4000 Seeking ELECTRICIAN & MECHANIC in BR area. Please email resume to: rachel@ ELECTRICIAN. License required. Position requires clean MVR. Clean background. Travel up to 80% of the time. Housing provided. FT. Able to read blue prints. Rate of pay is DOE $18-22 per hour to start. Email resumes to and call 225-930-0685 Local Construction Co seeks Excavator Operator Apply in person 16444 Strain Road, BR. 225-272-4599 EXCEL: Skilled Crafts positions.

Exp. Window, Vinyl, & Door Installers. Brake mach. req'd. $50K. 225-6506023 NOW HIRING - Vinyl Fence Fabricators. Call 225-7551532, 8 AM-3:30 PM, M-F JB James Construction LLC has immediate opening for

Heavy Equipment Mechanic

EXP. Residential Remodel Carpenters & Electricians needed. Call Today, 225-614-2013. See our ads online:

Diagnose/Repair Hydraulic, Electrical, Engine and Mechanical System. Must have own tools. Email resume to Equal Opportunity Employer

The Advocate Industrial Tech. Skills


First Class Machinist Needed: Minimum of 5 years’ experience on manual lathes, boring mills, and milling machines. Competitive salary and benefits. We offer several choices for low cost healthcare, dental, life, short term disability insurances. We also offer a 401K plan with a company match. Apply in person at Red Stick Armature, 4110 U.S. Hwy 61, St. Francisville, LA (15 min North of B. R.) or fax resume to (225)635-0443 Email: humanresources@

JB James Construction LLC has an immediate opening for a


Five years Heavy Civil Construction experience. Salary DOE. Email resumes

Equal Opportunity Employer.

BATON ROUGE PRINTING is in need of a skilled folder / cutter operator and bindery person. Great pay & benefits. Send resume to EXP. GRAPHIC DESIGNER. Spec. in Signs & Printing. 225-937-3688/225-664-7171. BR Property Mgmt. Co. seeks skilled & experienced HANDYMAN to work M-F btwn 9 AM & 5 PM Tools, truck/van, references & background check req'd. 225-927-1975 FIELD ENGINEER BARRIERE CONSTRUCTION CO., LLC In Business over 65 years Barriere Construction is looking for energetic and eager future leaders to join our team! Bachelor's Degree preferred-Civil Engineering, Construction Management or Industrial Technology highly favored. Applicant must possess good computer skills (Excel, Project, AutoCAD) and be willing to spend a majority of time in the field on projects. Job responsibilities include assisting Project Manager, Superintendent and Foreman with evaluating potential safety issues, process improvements, layout, measuring quantities, clarifying specifications, preparing work orders, schedules, field measurements and working with subcontractors. Barriere offers an excellent benefits package including a 401(k) plan, performance bonuses, vehicle and fuel allowance program. Please email resume to or mail to: Human Resources Assistant, One Galleria Blvd., Suite 1650, Metairie, LA 70001, or fax to 504-5812270. Please see our website @


Global Industrial Contractors, LLC

We are seeking Heavy Equipment Mechanic Helpers that have their TWIC, Security Passport & OSHA Cards. Apply Online At

Or in person at 702 Lobdell Hwy, Ste 8 Port Allen, LA 70767 (225) 663-6770

Affordable Housing Complex in Baker, LA is in need of a CERTIFIED

HVAC Person

with 5 or more years experience working on HVAC needed ASAP! Must be able to paint, do minor electrical and plumbing as well as other duties assigned by the manager.

Competitive Salary, Benefits, Holidays & AFLAC! Must be able to pass a drug and background check and have a valid driver’s license. Apply at www. OR FAX resume to


7 year old Industrial Electrical & Instrumentation Co. needs an Industrial Salesperson immediately. Experience a must. Call 225-261-1152 or email resume to Fax 225-261-1153.

Industrial contractor seeking experienced Survey Party Chief to perform layout of concrete foundations, anchor bolts, concrete paving, etc. for multiple civil projects. EEO/AA Employer. Email qualifications to: hiring@beard

Reference Survey Party Chief in the email subject. Looking for skilled laborers. Carpentry background is a plus. Position requires a clean background. Full time. Rate of pay is 15+. Submit resumes to

JM Test Systems

Entry level/Exp; PT/FT;

Industrial Tech. Skills

Local business now hiring Utility Foreman. Exp. in all phases of new construction. Work mainly in B.R. area. Fax resume to: 225-209-0465 or email:

Industrial Tech. Skills




Lead Carpenter w/ exp. in Commercial Concrete Construction. Must be able to layout & set forms. Competitive pay and benefits. Call 225-261-1683

Building Mechanic

Local Pest Control company looking for a Service Tech to do pest control and termite work. Call 225-359-3188; M-F, 8a-3p.

Industrial Training Coordinator

Industrial Training Coordinator needed to work at a chemical plant in the St. Gabriel area. Will be responsible for analyzing training needs and developing curriculum and courses. Experience with using Training Within Industry desired. Good computer and organizational skills a plus. Benefits include vacation, health and life insurance and 401-K Plan. Apply in person Monday thru Thursday between 8:00 am and 3:00 pm at BrownEagle, 5330 Dijon Drive, Baton Rouge. Equal Opportunity Employer AA/M/F/D/V

MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Lane Regional Medical Center, a progressive community medical center in Zachary, LA is seeking a full time Maintenance Mechanic. Must have a minimum of three years experience in maintenance/plant operations. Must be knowledgeable of boilers, compressors, generators, etc as well as various mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems. Knowledge of building codes and safety regulations desired. We offer a competitive salary with a comprehensive benefits package. Lane Regional Medical Center Human Resources 6300 Main Street Zachary, Louisiana 70791 Job Line (866) 951-LRMC Equal Opportunity Employer


Responsible for managing the mechanical and electrical maintenance personnel in Gloster, MS at the Amite BioEnergy facility. -Create a Safety First• cu lture -Support and implement the company safety culture and policies -Manage the Maintenance work process, as well as the Maintenance personnel at Amite BioEnergy -Communicates directly with the Operations department to coordinate maintenance and repair work in process areas -Reviews the operation of plant equipment and systems constantly, to minimize unplanned downtime, anticipate solve problems in a timely manner, and to identify opportunities for improvement -Establishes and maintains a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) for tracking work orders, spare parts, and maintenance history of plant equipment -Implements programs and procedures required to ensure plant cleanliness -Assists with planning and implementing plant improvements -Ensures that all maintenance technicians are trained on the most updated version of procedures. -Monitors operation of plant equipment and systems -Communicate and support the philosophy of the Continuous Improvement Process

Continuously encourage, identify, and implement the means to improve plant productivity and efficiency without compromising product quality, safety or environmental performance High School diploma, GED required; B.S. Engineering preferred; 10+ years Maintenance or related experience with responsibility for maintenance on assets; previous management experience required; candidate must possess excellent communication skills, both written and verbal; knowledge of specific maintenance process a plus. The incumbent will provide overall direction and leadership for the Maintenance Department, as well as being expected to contribute at both a strategic and facility level in order to identify priorities and recommend solutions to support the business. *Salary commensurate with experience. EOE. Email resumes to:

Associated Grocers Full-Time. Perform general electrical, plumbing, welding, and building maintenance for all facilities located on campus. One year of experience in various types of building maintenance and strong electrical experience preferred; three to six months’ experience and /or related certificate required. Competitive pay. Benefits package provided. Apply online at

Millwright Mechanic Min of five years experience in industrial setting working on rotating equipment. Competitive salary & benefits. Apply in person at Red Stick Armature, 4110 U.S. Hwy 61, St. Francisville, LA (15 min North of B. R.) or fax resume to (225)635-5918 or e-mail to humanresources@

Needed! Licensed Journeyman Plummer's, Plummer's Helpers Apply 25351 Greenwell Springs Rd. Now Hiring CDL Drivers EOE/M/F/Disabled/Veteran


Responsible for overseeing the Operations personnel and manufacturing process of biomass in Gloster, MS at the Amite BioEnergy facility. -Create a Safety First• cu lture -Support and implement the company safety culture and policies -Manage staff, preparing work schedules and assigning specific duties -Determine staffing requirements, and interview, hire and train new employees -Manage the operations and manufacturing process of biomass at the Gloster, MS facility -Implement housekeeping standards to minimize hazards and to eliminate OSHA recordable and lost time injuries -Will be required to take part in the hiring process for all operations employees, and staff as appropriate -Develop training manuals, standard operating procedures and Lock-Out Tag-Out documents -Will be required to schedule, train and maintain training records for all operations employees -Insure that health and safety programs and plans are developed and implemented in accordance with all applicable regulatory requirements -Insure that the biomass is produced in compliance with the manufacturing and quality specifications -Communicate and support the philosophy of the Continuous Improvement Process -Continuously encourage, seek, identify, and implement the means and methods to improve plant productivity and efficiency without compromising product quality, safety or environmental

Ensure that operations employees are informed and updated on key business and organizational issues B.S. Degree preferred; 10+ years Operations or related with previous management experience required; candidate must possess excellent communication skills, both written and verbal; knowledge of specific production process a plus. *Salary commensurate with experience. EOE. Email resumes to:

Seeking to fill the following positions: Supervisors/Operators● Class A or B required ● Position will perform hydroblast/vac duties; will function as lead on jobs Technicians ● Position will perform hydroblast/vac duties

Both positions require experience in hydroblast and vac work as well as TWIC and OSHA.


Apply in person at 6260 Hwy 73 Geismar, LA

MAINTENANCE WORKER III (2 Vacancies) Min. Qualifications: Ability to read and write, 2 yrs exp in operating a variety of light & medium automotive equipment, & 1 yr of exp in bridge rehab, tree trimming, or concrete finishing work or any equiv combo of ed & exp. Written exam required. Selective Certification: Concrete finishing exp and a valid CDL Class B required. (Must have current DL on file with Human Resources). Starting: $10.79 Hourly + Excellent Benefits Apply: Mar 13 - 26, 2015, 8 – 5 pm HR Dept, 1755 Florida St. Equal Opportunity Employer


Diesel Engine, Hydraulic & Electrical Systems Excellent Pay & Benefits Call Ken at 225-753-0541

Mech/Elec/Instr Fax# 225-927-0036

Industrial Tech. Skills

Millwork Man needed for a loc. millwork company. 5 or more years Exp. 225273-1258. FAX 225-273-3737 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Call: 1-800-960-6397 Online:

Global Industrial Contractors, LLC

We Are Seeking Packing Technicians That Have Their TWIC, Security Passport & OSHA Cards. Apply Online At

Or in person at 702 Lobdell Hwy, Ste 8 Port Allen, LA 70767 (225) 663-6770


If you’re not earning the kind of income you deserve, call us. We are looking for Licensed Plumbers who perform Drain Cleaning and would like to specialize in residential and light commercial service work, drain cleaning, sewer repair and replacement. Must have excellent communication skills and the ability to meet high work quality standards along with a positive customer service attitude. This is a permanent, extremely high income opportunity. Only call if you are interested in far more than a job. Home360, Inc. (225) 767-4000 Jessie's Plumbing Looking for an exp.

Journeyman Plumber or Plumber's Helper

Must have 1 yr exp. in new residential construction. Pay Determined by productivity. Transportation req'd. Call 225-923-2032


WANTED - MIN 5 YRS EXP IN PIPE FAB SHOP REQ'D. MUST HAVE GOOD LAYOUT AND CUTTING SKILLS. TOP PAY WITH BENEFITS. FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED CO. 225-356-2088 LV MSG. Pipe Layers- Baton Rouge. Must have previous experience laying underground pipe. Rate of pay is DOE. FT. Submit resumes to and call 225-930-0685 CITY – PARISH GOVERNMENT PLANT INSTRUMENT TECHNICIAN (2 Vacancies) Min. Qualifications: High school diploma or equiv supplemented by completion of Vo-Tech school in the field of electrical, electronic, pneumatic, or mechanical control instruments & systems, & 4 yrs exp as an instrument technician, including 1 yr exp in an industrial environment or any equiv combo of ed & exp. Selective Certification: Valid driver’s license required. (Must have a current driver’s license on file in Human Resources.) Starting: $38,444 annually (for new hires only) +Excellent Benefits Apply: Mar 13-Apr 2, 2015, 8-5 pm SUPERVISORY CONTROL & DATA ACQUISITION (SCADA) MANAGER Min. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in environmental science, chemistry, biology, engineering, or related, & 5 yrs of exp in the operation & maintenance of sewage pumping & treatment facilities, including 3 yrs of supervisory exp & 1 yr exp with a SCADA system (or other comparable computerized monitoring system) or any equiv combo of ed & exp. Selective Certification: Valid driver’s license required. (Must have a current driver’s license on file in Human Resources.) Starting: $56,718 Annually + Excellent Benefits Apply: Mar 13-19, 2015, 8-5 pm HR Dept, 1755 Florida St. Equal Opportunity Employer Pattern Maker Assistant Description: Pearce Foundry’s Pattern Shop provides pattern services to its own foundry’s that produce high alloy castings for a number of industries. A Pattern Set-up person will perform condition changes to patterns, repair patterns as required, and provide support to our Patternmakers. You may fax your resume to (225) 677-5986 or send your resume to: humanresources@ Or you may complete an application at 16161 Airline Hwy, Prairieville, LA 70769.

Aerial Access Equipment PARTS ASSOCIATE Aerial Access Equipment is currently searching for a Parts Associate for our Baton Rouge, LA location. AAE is one of the largest independent rental companies along the Gulf Coast, servicing Houston, TX to Pensacola, FL and are led by industry veterans. We have hundreds of years of experience throughout our company, including our service departments. The candidate we are looking for would ideally have: industry experience working with material handling parts, automotive and/or a parts warehouse setting. Attention to detail and a strong work ethic to get the job done is a must. Pay is dependent upon experience. We offer a complete benefits package including medical, dental, vision and 401K. If you are interested in joining a young, dynamic, energetic and growing construction equipment rental organization with the opportunity for advancement and a great working environment, please Email your resume with contact information to


Large commercial printing company looking for a Skilled Pressman. Needs to be experienced on Heidelberg Speedmaster offset presses. Also need a Press Helper, Printing exp not necessary, but helpful. 4-day work week, with great pay and benefits. Send resumes to:

Industrial Tech. Skills


PSM Manager

A petrochemical storage terminal in the Baton Rouge area has an opening for a PSM Manager. This position reports to the Terminal Manager. Candidate must have at least 5 years experience in Process Safety Management, Risk Management, Regulatory permits, Regulatory Compliance, Responsible Care as well as conducting compliance and management system audits. Strong project management and leadership skills are required as well as good working knowledge of MS Office. Send resume to: MEI is looking for a Site QC Mgr. for long term project in the Baton Rouge area. Candidate must possess CWI and have a minimum of 7 years of experience. Hourly rate will be between $45-$50 per hour, depending on experience. If interested, email resume to

or call 225-545-4128 EOE

Railcar MiniShop Manager Safety Railway Service, an industry leader in the field of railcar maintenance is seeking a qualified individual for the position of Location Manager of a Mini-Shop located in St. Gabriel, La. Candidate must have tank car repair exp. and a good working knowledge of AAR/FRA rules and regulations. Manager will be responsible for oversight of daily work activities to ensure each job is performed safely and workmanship is of the highest quality. In addition to paying a competitive salary, Safety Railway Service offers group health insurance which includes medical, dental, vision, and life as well as disability insurance. Employee benefits also include paid vacation and holidays and company sponsored 401K Plan. Drug Test and physical is required and SRS is an equal opportunity employer. If you are interested in joining our team of industry leaders, please contact us by Email. Send resume to: careers@safety

Railroad Construction Project Manager/ Track Inspector

Growing Railroad Construction Company Has An Immediate Opening For A RAILROAD CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGER/TRACK INSPECTOR @ $35/Hr. Minimum 10 Years Railroad Experience That Has Worked For Rail Works, Savage, Track-Work, RMI, Pointer Smith, Union Pacific, CN Or Another Mainline Contractor. We Are Offering $35 Per Hour Plus Excellent Bonus And Benefits Package. Please Send Your Resume To

Project Manager/ Superintendent

Growing industrial service contractor is seeking a PROJECT MANAGER/ SUPERINTENDENT for a permanent managerial position. A minimum of 15 years of management experience with a bachelor’s degree in Construction Mgmt, Business Mgmt, Technology, Engineering or Logistics. An MBA is a plus. Candidate must have excellent skills in problem solving, customer service, and computers. $80,000+ in base salary, with bonuses, benefits and a company vehicle. Email your resume to


Sign On Bonus!

DishNetwork Installation One-on-One Workshops Start A New Career Now!

Call 337-780-4065 or SERVICE TECH/INSTALLER - Must have remodel, carp, plumb &/or drywall skills. Strong communication skills req. Pay DOE. Benefits avail. UNDER NEW MGT Call 225-753-6810 or E-mail RebathHRIN@ Southland Steel Fabricators Inc. Greensburg, LA has immediate openings for

Shipping Personnel

in Fabrication Shop! Exp. with scanning, bills of lading, and document control preferred. Forklift operating exp. a plus. We offer competitive wages and benefits.

Global Industrial Contractors, LLC We Are Seeking A

Railroad Track Maintenance And Construction Superintendent Must have 15 years of experience in railroad maintenance, construction and inspections. Apply Online At

Or in person at 702 Lobdell Hwy, Ste 8 Port Allen, LA 70767 (225) 663-6770

Email resume to: human.resources@ Or apply in person at: 251 Greensburg St. Greensburg, LA 70441 Ph: 225-222-4141 Drug –free workplace EOE




Industrial Tech. Skills

Thursday, March 19, 2015







Southland Steel Fabricators Inc.

Lincoln Heritage Final expense Insurance company has a proven sales training program with TV & mail leads. Earn an average of $500 a day in commission. NO EXAM NEEDED To get your insurance license. Call The Maurice Lambie Group, 225-572-7868

CAREGIVERS/LIVE-IN, FT/ PT, Hourly and Flexible Schedules w/3 years exp. Must have CPR, TB, & Valid DL. Call 225-246-8537

1460 FT Clinical Supervisor:

Greensburg, LA has immediate openings for the following positions:

CNC Machinists CNC Operators Weld QC Inspectors Industrial Painters /Sandblasters We offer competitive wages and benefits. Email resume to: human.resources@ Or apply in person at: 251 Greensburg St. Greensburg, LA 70441. Ph: 225-222-4141


Managers/ Trainees

1440 MANAGERS: Call Center Manager with 3-5 yr verifiable experience. Successful candidate will help train & motivate entry level and advanced CSR's. FT & benefits. 225-765-4525


Drug –free workplace EOE Structural Fluxcore Welders and Structural Fitters. Baton Rouge, La Hiring Class A and Class B. Email resumes to and call 225-647-6800 SUPERVISOR NEEDED with experience in continuous process operations/product handling in the chemical industry. Must have at least 2 years experience as a Supervisor. Must also have proven safety and quality leadership experience. Will work a 3 on / 3 off rotating day/night 12 hour shift. Benefits include paid vacation, health & life insurance, 401K. Apply in person, 8am-3pm Mon-Fri., Brown Eagle, 5330 Dijon, BR Equal Opportunity Employer AA/M/F/D/V BR Land Surveying now hiring a

Survey Party Chief.

Clean MVR a must/ great benefits. Call 225-752-0336 or email wfontenot@ Southland Steel Fabricators Inc. Greensburg, LA has an opening for

Safety Coordinator Provide and implement safety leadership and directives, and compliance with regulations. Good communication skills. Knowledge of applicable regulations (OSHA, ANSI, NFPA, etc.)

1460 Allied Health, Nursing, Nurse Supervisor(s), CNA's and other positions avail. at Our Lady of the Lake Hospital Baton Rouge are posted online, site is updated daily. For more info and/or to apply online GreatPlace ToWork Are you tired of working in the hospital or nursing home industry? Above average pay, for above average workers. NO NIGHTS! Residential cleaning company hiring 6 people. Will train. Must have car w/ insurance and valid D.L. Average $12-$16/hr + benefits. Call 1-888-4915664 Ext. 86001.

Assistant Director of Patient Care Will be responsible for supervision of nursing staff; interviewing, hiring, and training patient care employees; preparation of employee work schedules; assignment of employee duties; addressing complaints and resolving problems; evaluation of nursing activities to ensure quality patient care; ordering supplies for clinic physicians; and enforcing OSHA requirements and guidelines. Must be a RN with at minimum of 2 years medical office experience and 2 years supervisory experience.

Please send your resume along with salary requirements to:

The Baton Rouge Clinic Attn: HR Manager

7373 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, LA 70808 or apply online at

Email resume to: human.resources@ Or apply in person at: 251 Greensburg St. Greensburg, LA 70441. Ph: 225-222-4141 Drug –free workplace EOE JB James Construction LLC has immediate opening for

Truck Mechanic and Spotter

Perform daily maintenance and inspections on cement and/or dump trucks before, during, and after use. Maintain compliance with DOT Regulations. Communicate effectively with superintendents and drivers. Must have own tools. Email resume to Equal Opportunity Employer

Local Construction Co seeks UTILITY FOREMAN. Apply in person 16444 Strain Road, BR. 225-272-4599


Over 5 years plus experience. Pay determined on amount of experience. Paid Vacation, Paid Holidays, 401K, Health Insurance. Send all resumes to: UPS Machinery Services Attention Valve Manager 2561 Rome Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70814

Warehouse Order Selector

Associated Grocers Full time. Select and stack cases of product weighing up to 90 lbs. Weekends required. Competitive Pay. Excellent Benefits. Previous warehouse experience preferred. Apply online at

Deep South Crane & Rigging NOW HIRING


• • • • • •

LPN (Full Time) LPN (Part Time) LPN PRN RN (Full Time) RN (Part Time) CNA/Nurse Tech Full Time • CNA/Nurse Tech Part Time • CNA/Nurse PRN • Physical Therapist Full Time • Receptionist Full Time • Maintenance Technician Full Time • Cook - Full Time For more information call 225-231-3113 or email


Full time clerk needed M-F 8-5 at BR agency For billing, collections, authorization and verification of insurance and claims Experience required Fax resume to 225-214-1232 or apply online

Zachary Manor Now Hiring

Business Office Manager

Long Term Care Experience Preferred Please Apply In Person 6161 Main St., Zachary, LA Across from Lane Hospital Drug Free Workplace NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE Busy Dental Office needs Hygiene Dental Assistant. Expanded Duty preferred. Fax resume to: 225-667-3285



(NCCCO or NCCER) F/T+ overtime & benefits. All applicants must be willing to travel and pass pre-employment urine & hair drug testing. Apply online at apply-online

or in person at 15324 Airline Hwy.


1420 DRUMLINE INSTRUCTOR/ OPERATIONS MANAGER for Tulane University Marching Band New Orleans, LA Teach & arrange music for football season & Mardi Gras parades. Manage inventories, logistics & databases for band program year ‘round. Fulltime position w/ benefits. Apply at Email or details.


1430 Zachary Insurance Agency seeking experienced CSR. PT or FT. Fax resume to 225-658-2333

PRN Physician: LA lic.,

HELPING HANDS!!! Are you a compassionate, dependable person that loves spreading joy? Help our elderly to continue to enjoy life. Become a CAREGiver with the world’s most trusted nonmedical home care provider, Home Instead Senior Care. Enjoy paid training, support & flexible shifts that fit your life. Men & women come join our team. Immediate openings for 24 hr Live Ins to work 7 days & have the next week off or maybe a Week End Live In. We have a double companion client who could use your help if you know sign language for the deaf. Other full/part time assignments: 4-12 hrs week days, evening shifts starting at 3p11p, 2 hr morning shifts between the hours of 6a-9a, 6a-8a, 6:30a-8:30a, 7a-9a, afternoon 2 hr shifts, 3p-5p & 5p-7p during the week & 4p-6p on the weekend, OVNs 10-12 hr shifts & all shifts on Sat/ Sunday. Clients available in Baton Rouge, Ascension, Denham Springs, Watson & other surrounding areas. Apply on line or call 225-341-5919

NOW HIRING PCA's & Caregivers. Metro BR area. Weekdays, overnight & Wknds. Drug Screen. Bkgd check req. Apply at EOE

Bethesda Rehab Hospital in BR seeks NIGHT CNA, 12 hr shift, great bnfts & pay. FAX OR EMAIL RESUME:

FAX: 985-653-0190

CNA needed to work every other weekend. Other hours available, if wanted. Send resume to: OR Apply in person at St. John The Baptist, 622 Shadows Lane, Suite A. B.R., 70806


needed for daytime hours & weekend work. Experience required. Call between 8a-3p, M-F.

We offer competitive wages and benefits.

CLINIC Switchboard Operator Appointment Scheduler Precert Clerk


Senior Coding Specialist The Baton Rouge General Medical Center has an immediate opening for a fulltime Senior Coding Specialist. Position will assign diagnostic and procedure codes to records of discharged patients for inpatient and/or outpatient surgery accounts. Must have previous experience with inpatient coding in an acute care hospital working with Medicare and other payors. CCS, RHIT, or RHIA certification strongly preferred. Remote coding opportunities available for this position. Qualified candidates apply online at or apply in person at the Baton Rouge General Mid City. Dental Assistant needed. Minimum 2yrs dental experience. Bluebonnet area. 4 day work week. Fax resume TO 291-2167 OPENING for Direct Care staff, Mental Health Techs & Cooks. Call 225-439-0667 or 225-505-2262. DIRECT CARE STAFF to work w/disabled pts. FT/ PT & PRN. Pd training & mileage. Clear criminal rec reqd. Apply at 5850 Florida Blvd. M-F, 8:30-3:30 EOE

The Louisiana Hospital Association has an opening for Director of Education. Qualified candidate must be an RN, have a bachelor’s degree, and have 5+ years of experience in planning and successfully executing a variety of healthcare-related educational programs. For more information please visit

Send cover letter and resume to: EOE

Female Treatment Facility looking for LPN or CNA for evening and weekend shift work position. Please Fax resume to: 225-6679667 or call 225-667-3933.


Find A Career At! The NeuroMedical Center

Dietary Assistant PRN Apply online at www.TheNeuro

****CNA - ALL SHIFTS**** Apply at: Plaquemine Caring, 59215 Riverwest Dr.

exp. in outpt. substance abuse tx pref. Must have schedule 2 prescription privileges. Position is PRN with an immediate need for 20 hours/month. Send resume to: kamcdonald@

Certified Histo Tech (Full Time) Large clinic in Baton Rouge is currently seeking a Histologist for our new Histology Laboratory. The ideal candidate will have 3-5 years experience embedding, cutting, staining with small biopsies and other pertinent histology experience. Associates Degree or higher in a life science preferred but not required and must hold HT/HLT (ASCP) certification or eligible to sit for exam. Please send your resume along with salary requirements to Attn: Employment Coordinator, Fax 225-246-9105, or employment@

The Baton Rouge Clinic

7373 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, LA 70808 JEFFERSON MANOR 9919 Jefferson Hwy 225-293-1434 Lane Regional Medical Ctr EQUAL OPPTY EMPLOYER ****LPN - ALL SHIFTS**** Apply at: Plaquemine Caring, 59215 Riverwest Dr.

West Feliciana Parish Hospital LPN Full Time Position West Feliciana Parish Hospital has a full time LPN position open for a Physician’s Office & will also assist at the Hospital. Experience in Pediatrics is required. All certifications must be current. We offer a competitive salary & an attractive benefit package. You may fax your resume to 225-635-2442 or email Southeast Regional Medical Center in Kentwood seeks an LPN for 12 hour day shift. Good pay / benefits. Fax 985-653-0190; Call 985-229-9193; LPN needed for evenings and every other weekend. Call 225-305-7958

Pointe Coupee Homebound Health Services ● Physical Therapist PT/ PRN ● Occupational Therapist - PT/PRN ● CNA- PT ● RN & LPN - PT/ PRN (weekdays & weeknds)

New Roads & surrounding areas Send resume to: 350 Hospital Road New Roads, LA 70760 An Equal Opportunity Employer NURSING PRN, Seeking LPN's for ped & adult w/ vent/trach exp.

Call 225-273-0051


is accepting applications for LPNS, Medical Records Person. Experience req'd. Apply within 9105 Oxford Place Dr. Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center, Now Hiring!


Large multi-specialty clinic in Baton Rouge seeks a highly qualified Medical Technologist to work as a generalist. Candidate must have necessary licensure. Hours are 9a-6pm.

Please send your resume along with salary requirements to:

The Baton Rouge Clinic Attn: HR Manager

7373 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, LA 70808 or apply online at


The Spine Hospital of LA REHAB HOSPITAL

Licensed LCSW, LPC or RAC/CCS with min. 3yrs. exp. to oversee staff of 9+. Mgr experience required. Send resume to: kamcdonald@


is accepting applications for HOUSEKEEPERS Experience req'd. Apply within 9105 Oxford Place Dr. St James Behavioral Health Hospital RNs, LPNs, MHTs; FT, PRN Wknds. Full time LPN. Fax: 225-644-1070. Email:

Medical Assistant

for busy pediatric group Duties include assisting doctors with office visits, patient phone calls, paper work & various other duties. Office hours 7:45-5:00 Mon-Fri. Experience preferred. Please email resume with references & salary requirements to:

Medical Billing Billing Service in S. Sherwood area has an immediate opening for experienced Medical Billing personnel. F/T w/benefits. Must be proficient in all aspects of medical billing and coding. CPC certification a plus. Good computer and organizational skills a must. Send resume and compensation requirements via email to or via fax to (225) 296-0063 Only qualified applicants should apply. PT/FT FIELD NURSE with Home Health exp. Fax resume: 225-274-1244. Needed Exp'd Caregivers 225-341-5919


Thursday, March 19, 2015 Medical






North Oaks Health System Hammond, LA (985) 230-5715

Capitol House – Baton Rouge

Long Term Facility Seeking A

Treatment Nurse

CHIEF NURSING OFFICER Lane Regional Medical Center, a thriving primary care hospital, licensed for 140 beds, located in Zachary, LA (15 miles north of Baton Rouge) is accepting applications for the organization’s Chief Nursing Officer. This position requires a Master’s Degree in Nursing or Healthcare Administration. Background must include a minimum 10 years nursing management experience. Lane offers a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. Please apply online at or send / fax a confidential resume to: Lane Regional Medical Center Human Resources 6300 Main Street Zachary, Louisiana 70791 Phone (225) 658-4591 Fax (225) 658-4194 Equal Opportunity Employer Baton Rouge Heritage House NOW HIRING


WEEKEND SPECIAL Every weekend 6A-10P WORK 32, GET PAID FOR 40 BENEFITS AVAIL. Apply in person 1335 Wooddale Blvd

Medical Data Entry/Ins Pmt Posting

Seeking reliable team player w/1+ yrs Data Entry exp with Medical charges & pmts. Exp with Medicare, Commercial Ins & EOBs required. Post all aspects of medical pmts. Also must have exp w/medical billing software. Email resume to: recruitment@ or fax to 225.761.3349. EOE.

NURSE PRACTITIONER Large multi-specialty clinic is currently seeking a full-time Nurse Practitioner to provide general medical care and treatment to patients in a clinic setting. Individual will perform physical exams and preventive care within the guidelines and instructions prescribed by the Physician. Must have previous Nurse Practitioner experience. Current RN and NP license required. We offer a strong benefits package & salary is commensurate with experience. To apply, go to

Email your resume and salary requirements to

The Advocate

To Work Our Weekend Program. Must Be An LPN or RN With 1-2 Years Experience. Also Need LPN To Work Weekends 6p-6a And Monday-Friday 10p-6a. Great Company, Flexible Hours And Great Benefits Apply in person @ 11546 Florida Blvd.


Tuesday, March 10, 2015 3pm-6pm Seeking: * CNA’s 6-2, 2-10, & 10-6 * LPN’s * RN * Social Worker Send resume to ednottingham@ or apply at 2828 Westfork Dr EOE

Pediatric office seeking FT RN. Great hours, competitive pay, benefits package. Email resumes to: rmcinnis.pedicons Physician-MD/DO needed to treat patients for pain and primary care. P/T. Partnership Avail. Top pay. Flex Sch. Please call James at 985-502-6585.

SJH is GROWING!!! Join Our Team! Join the Gold Standard in Hospice Care! St. Joseph Hospice provides all the tools and programs to successfully meet ALL the needs of your patients! Hiring the BEST RN Case Managers for Hospice Services: ● Minimum of 2 years experience as an RN required ●F/T job with great benefits & extra holidays ●Some hospice call required to back up F/T call nurses ●Home Health or Hospice experience desired Answer the Higher Calling… St. Joseph Hospice! Fax resume to: 225-769-8875


Weekend Supervisor Please Apply In Person ONLY

Heritage Manor

9301 Oxford Place Dr. Baton Rouge, LA

The Baton Rouge Clinic

7373 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Assumption Community Hospital Napoleonville, LA 985-369-3600 Equal Opportunity Employer REGISTERED NURSE – PRN (as needed) ACLS Required/ PALS Desired Rotating Shifts 7p-7a/7a-7p Please apply online greatplacetowork Current Job Openings Select Facility: Our Lady of the Lake Location: Assumption The Care Center Is Now Hiring For

Certified Nursing Assistants for 6/2, 2/10 & PRN Shifts Please Apply In Person 11188 Florida Blvd., BR NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE!

Capitol House – Baton Rouge

Family Oriented Company Seeking Full & Part Time Certified Nursing Assistants To Work Monday-Friday 10p-6a & Weekends Sat/Sun 6a-6p Great company with great benefits

Baton Rouge Health Care Now Taking Applications For


Full Time * 2P-10P * 10P-6A Weekends * 6am-6pm * PRN


Evening Supervisor M-Fri BENEFITS 401K * PTO Apply in Person: 5550 Thomas Rd. B.R., LA, 70811


Registered Nurse/ Case Manager needed for home health visits M-F 1 year home health experience required Fax resume to 225-214-1232 or apply online NEED WEEKENDS 6:30A-2:30P Nurse Aide for good position. Call 225-767-0095 for info, ask for Betty.


6a-2p & 2p-10p Please Apply In Person ONLY

Heritage Manor

Apply in person @ 11546 Florida Blvd.

9301 Oxford Place Dr. Baton Rouge, LA

Golden Age Nursing Home

EXP. Office Nurse in Home Health. Good pay + benefits. Fax 225 344-6293 or Email:

Hiring P/T Weekend


Apply In Person 26739 Hwy 1032 Denham Springs Or Email Resume blester@

Golden Age Nursing Home

Hiring 3:00p - 11:00p

LPN and PRN LPNs All Shifts

Apply In Person 26739 Hwy 1032 Denham Springs Or Email Resume blester@

Golden Age Nursing Home

Orthodontic Clinical Assistant

Progressive orthodontic practice seeking a fulltime Orthodontic Clinical Assistant to join our team! Expanded Duties Certification preferred but not necessary. Team-oriented, positive attitude, and desire to deliver excellent patient care a must. Email resumes to: frugeresumes@ or fax to 225.292.7210 PCAs experienced with colostomy care needed for day shift Mon-Thur & some wknds. 225-926-5190 PCA/CNA needed 9am4pm, Monday-Friday. Send resume to: OR Apply in person at St. John The Baptist, 622 Shadows Lane, Suite A. B.R., 70806

Hiring 11p-7a F/T

RN Charge

Apply In Person 26739 Hwy 1032 Denham Springs Or Email Resume blester@

Pediatric office seeking English/Spanish MA and/ or clerical personnel. Great hours, competitive pay, fun atmosphere. Email resumes to: cwunstel.pedicons

1520 OAKWOOD VILLAGE is seeking F/T & P/T Caregivers for 2-10 shift. Must be able to work weekends. Dependable, motivated & compassionate only need apply. App/resumes accepted M-F from 9A-4P at 4400 McHugh Rd. Zachary.

Office Clerical

1480 ARTICULATE Professional needed to handle incoming calls. Spanish A+. Call 225-765-4525.

Clerical Assistant (Temp)

The Baton Rouge Clinic



West Feliciana Parish Hospital RN Full Time Position A Full time RN needed. Medical floor/ER rural nursing. Diverse setting in a small town environment. Competitive pay. All certifications must be current. You may fax your resume to 225-635-2442 or email

RN, CASE MANAGER ● FT Monday-Friday ● Call and Travel required ● 2 Years Med/Surg. Experience Required ● Hospice Experience Preferred ● Excellent Benefits

Resumes to: hr@hospice RN/FIELD Home Health required. Great Incentives for up to 8 months of continuous employment. Excellent pay and other benefits after 3months of employment. Apply at 1225 Alabama St. Baker, La. or fax resume to: 225774-6153 or go to:

or fax to 225-246-9105 Attn: Employment Coordinator

1480 REAL ESTATE AGENT to assist Broker Run office. Salary + Call 225-337-1883


Hospice…Care With Compassion

RN’sBluebonnet Campus The Baton Rouge General Medical Center is currently seeking Registered Nurses for the Bluebonnet Campus. Positions are available on Telemetry, Med-Tele, General Surgery, Ortho-Neuro and Oncology. These positions are fulltime, day or night & twelve hour shifts. A current LA RN license is required; experience is preferred. Interested candidates should apply online at or apply in person at the Baton Rouge General Mid City. Seeking Master's level therapist for MHR position in the Baton Rouge area. Hours are flexible, no experience necessary. Please fax cover letter (with salary requirements) and resume to 225923-3735.

St. Helena Parish Hospital Greensburg, LA

Check our jobs! Advantage Personnel

ST. JAMES PLACE 333 Lee Drive St. Joseph Hospice, LLC Visit Our Website At

Surgical Specialty Center Of Baton Rouge, If you are passionate about making a difference in health care please visit THE BATON ROUGE CLINIC JOB LINE 225-246-5627 EQUAL OPPTY EMPLOYER LTC Transportation Van Driver - Exp. pref. Apply in person at 59215 River W Dr., Plaquemine Caring

Before Bold...

Call 000-0000 After Bold...

For Style Only Call 000-0000

Call today to make your ad stand out!

1-800-960-6397 Snelling Personnel Serv. Please see our job listings:




CUSTOMER SERVICE REP State Farm Insurance Highland Loc. Salary w/commission. or fax 225-752-2279


Dynamic growing local company needs Customer Service Representative with exceptional phone skills. Min. 50 wpm. Must be mature, detail oriented and enjoy working in a fast paced environment. MUST have an upbeat inviting voice on the phone. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY without this voice quality. Excellent permanent, long-term opportunity. Salary $30K-$35K depending on individual’s voice quality and other mentioned values and abilities. Excellent benefits: paid health ins., 401K, paid vacation and holidays. This is an opportunity to work with a group who truly enjoy working with each other and the work they perform. This group strongly believes in giving excellent customer service and adhering to the highest ethical standards. Forward resume to: Home360, Inc. DATA ENTRY/ INVOICING POSITION Some phones & filing. Medical & 401K avail. 4 days per wk, plus every 3rd Sat. morning. Retirees welc. Dependable people please. Apply in person @ Louisiana Wholesale Florist, 12016 Industriplex Blvd, B.R. Fast paced real estate office seeks Full Time Receptionist Strong multi-tasking abilities a must! Multi-line phone skills, Microsoft Office skills, Professional appearance & attitude. Dependable and flexible team player. Send resume and salary requirements to: realestateresume1@

JOB FINDERS LA Relay: Communication, Bilingual-Span/Eng- Communication & Captioning Assts all shifts. 225-2914500 LITIGATION PARALEGAL needed. 3 yrs. exp. req'd. Email: LOUISIANA STAFFING 225-621-3212 225-621-3210 - FAX


FT Offender Coordinator needed for work release program to assist with coordination of work assignments, run background screens, & perform administrative duties such as answering phones, etc. Candidates will have good people, organization & communication skills, Microsoft Excel/Word. Fax resumes to: 225-638-6002


Cypress Wood & Lumber LLC Maringouin, LA P: 225-625-2396 Fax or Email resume to: 225-625-2356 or

ORDER PROCESSOR/ BACKUP RECEPTIONISTDiesel Specialists is a small family owned company is looking for the right candidate to fill an entry level position in our Parts Department. Applicant must be very organized, familiar w/ Windows programs and be able to work in a fast paced environment. Experience in some type of AP or purchasing position is a plus. Pay DOE, M-F 8am-5pm. Email resume to

or fax to 225.926.9336.

Payroll/Benefits Assistant Payroll company seeking payroll/benefits assistant. Required: MS Office, detail, customer service, data entry. Full-time. Submit pay requirements and resume to: Reference Job# PB1

CEO needed for local nonprofit. Must have exp in Economic Development. $100k + DOE. Email resume to Mona@Corporate

For Style Only

Customer Service Rep. Local consumer loan company needs exp. CSR. Background in financial industry helpful. Send resume to:

Skills needed- Office experience, excel, word, bookkeeping a plus. Pay commensurate with experience, training, & ability.

St. Helena Parish Hospital is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.



Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT)



18-27 CSR'S NEEDED NOW! New Office. Understaffed No exp. necessary. Entry level. Call 225-384-0533

Office ManagerSales Assistant Immediate OpeningFull Time

Full Time, Part Time, (days, nights, weekends). LA licensed and certification required. Candidates may call 225-222-6111 Ext. 258, or fax a resume’ to Lab at 225222-6717 or submit an application online to:

Hiring F/T RECEPTIONIST/ BOOKKEEPER. Rent to Own used Cars. Fax resumes to 225-412-4027


Medical Technician (MT) and

Professional/ Administrative


WEEKEND POSITIONS AVAILABLE 2 Yrs. Nursing Exp. Req'd *******


Office Clerical

WOMAN'S HOSPITAL Visit us online

Several individuals needed to perform basic computing work. Basic computer skills required. Pay $10-$12 hourly; temporary position to last 1012 weeks. Hours per week flexible-great for college students. Send resume to The Baton Rouge Clinic, AMC Attn: Employment Coordinator. 7373 Perkins Rd. Baton Rouge, LA 70808, fax: 225-246-9105; email: employment@

******* Previous Hospice Exp. A+ Fax Resume To: 225-490-4231 or Apply in Person At: 11605 Southfork Ave Suite A Baton Rouge, LA 70816

Attention RN Hospice Nurses!


Call Holi 924-0227

Workers needed; 10pm-7am Stocking shelves & more; Baton Rouge & Port Allen Areas available! Call Holi 924-0227 Part/T Mechanic needed Some Mech. knowledge/exp required. Nights & weekends. Please apply in person at 8878 Florida Blvd, BR La


P/T Receptionist

Mon-Thurs 9a/4p (1 hour lunch) Must be able to answer multi-lines and handle general clerical duties. Computer skills a plus. Drug screen required. $9/ hr. Fax or email resume to: 225-755-7799 margaret@

Professional/ Administrative


Check our jobs! Advantage Personnel

BROADMOOR BAPTIST ELC is seeking qualified professionals. Immediate openings in Childcare. Must be dependable, flexible and work 40 hrs per week. Email resume to: LBELLELO@COX.NET

Instructor-Clinical Specialist The Department of Physical Therapy invites applications for the position of Physical Therapy Clinic Supervisor. This is a 12 month, part-time position for a physical therapist to practice in and supervise the clinical practice of the LSUHSC Department of Physical Therapy. The position also includes the ability to teach and assist in the Doctor of Physical Therapy educational program as well as opportunities to participate in clinical research. The Department of Physical Therapy has collaborative activities with other schools within the Health Sciences Center & w/ LSU Interim Hospital. The department has a spacious clinic, with state of the art classrooms and research equipment. LSUHSC offers a very competitive salary. The LSUHSC/SAHP has a strong commitment to the principle of diversity and, in that spirit, seeks a broad spectrum of candidates. Applications will be reviewed beginning immediately. Required Qualifications ● Two years of experience in Physical Therapy ● License to practice physical therapy in Louisiana or be eligible for licensure Preferred Qualifications ● DPT degree ● Experience in administration of physical therapy private practice is preferred ● Clinicians with a Board Specialty or other advanced certifications will be highly desirable Applicant Instructions


Interested candidates should submit a cover letter, and curriculum vitae via email to: T. Kirk Nelson, PT, PhD Assistant Professor Search Committee Chair Email:


Position will remain open until filled.

AMMON Staffing


Southeastern Louisiana University invites applicants for the position of Assistant Football Coach Defense in the Athletic Department. For information on application deadlines, qualifications, and responsibilities, and to apply online visit applicants/Central? quickFind=57139 In order to guarantee review, applicants must submit all documents requested. Complete the entire application online and include all education and work experience and the names and contact information for at least three references on your application. Attach an electronic copy of your letter of application addressing qualifications and experience, resume, and copies of transcripts from all colleges/universities attended (official transcripts required upon employment). Applicants must be committed to working with diversity. Southeastern is an AA/ADA/EEO employer. ASSISTANT FOOTBALL COACH - DEFENSIVE COORDINATOR ATHLETICS SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA UNIVERSITY Southeastern Louisiana University invites applicants for the position of Assistant Football Coach Defensive Coordinator in the Athletic Department. For information on application deadlines, qualifications, and responsibilities, and to apply online visit applicants/Central? quickFind=57140 In order to guarantee review, applicants must submit all documents requested. Complete the entire application online and include all education and work experience and the names and contact information for at least three references on your application. Attach an electronic copy of your letter of application addressing qualifications and experience, resume, and copies of transcripts from all colleges/universities attended (official transcripts required upon employment). Applicants must be committed to working with diversity. Southeastern is an AA/ADA/EEO employer. Mental Health Rehab Agency looking for a Behavioral Health Professional w/a Masters Degree preferably in Mental Health or Social Work. Must have license. Fax to Terry West. 225-771-8253 BATON ROUGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE 5310 Florida Blvd. B.R. EOE

LSUHSC is an Equal Opportunity Employer for females, minorities, individuals with disabilities and protected veterans.

IRB – COORDINATOR LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans is seeking a dynamic, motivated, and independent professional with demonstrated analytical, communication, and organizational skills for the position of Institutional Review Board (IRB) Coordinator. The IRB serves as a screening unit to review, evaluate, and make recommendations relative to research proposals that utilize human subjects. The position will be responsible for coordinating a complex and responsible range of activities for the IRB to include assisting in the management of the IRB, providing formal education programs for faculty members and staff and assisting with ongoing audits and the overall IRB application process. Required Qualifications ● Bachelor’s degree in Business, Health Sciences, or related field plus 4-5 years of related professional experience ● Will consider applicants with a Master’s degree or Bachelor’s degree in a non-specified field with at least 5 or more years of professional experience in Human Subject Research, IRB, or medical research ethics Preferred Qualifications ● Possession of Certified IRB Professional (CIP) certificate & experience with AAHRPP accredittation process for human research protection programs is also desired APPLICANT INSTRUCTIONS Qualified candidates are encouraged to submit cover letter & resume to:; in the subject line please reference IRB Coordinator

LSUHSC is an Equal Opportunity Employer for females, minorities, individuals with disabilities and protected veterans. JB James Construction LLC has immediate opening for

Transportation/ Dispatch Coordinator

Schedule internal heavy trucks and trailers. Excellent Communications and Conflict Resolution Skills. Ensure compliance with DOT regulations. Experience with Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook Email resume to Equal Opportunity Employer

Employment opportunities w/City-Parish Government visit

Professional/ Administrative


Professional/ Administrative

1520 Physician Assistant

Director Of Advancement Now accepting applications for Director of Advancement. Responsibilities include oversight of all development, communications, marketing and advertising at St. Luke’s Episcopal Day School. Bachelor’s degree and development experience required. Strong background in technology and excellent interpersonal communication skills a must. Forward resume’ and cover letter to:


Director of Operations Are you ready for an opportunity to see your footprints every day? Do you feel you have the experience to drive an organization to a higher level? Our company has been a Baton Rouge landmark for nearly 60 years with a reputation of quality products, customer service and knowledgeable staff. We are expanding that reputation by improving processes, raising the bar on performance and adjusting our mission to serve the needs of our 2 greatest assets: our people and our customers. As right hand to the CEO you will streamline processes, implement change, identify obstacles and develop our seasoned employees to help overcome them. You will assist in development of a strategic business plan, coach the managers, hold them accountable and measure success individually, as a team and as a company. We have begun our transformation. Are you the person to help us achieve it? We offer compensation and benefits that are competitive but also reflect successful performance and, we believe in equal employment opportunity. If you have high initiative, can execute effectively, lead our team and adapt past performance to our future success, send your resume to

FT Field Coordinator

Opening for non-profit agency Human Service related degree preferred. Experience with service planning for individuals with disabilities and supervisory experience required. Need self-motivated, energetic, organized and computer skilled individual. 24-hour on call required. Salary + benefits. Mail resume & cover letter with salary requirements to 5850 Florida Blvd, BR, LA 70806, fax to 201-1792, or e-mail to EOE

Social work: BR nonprofit seeks FT LCSW to oversee delivery of behavioral health services. Minimum 3-5 years’ experience in supervision of case management staff and coordination of third party billing. Familiarity with Ryan White program preferred; LCSW and current LA licensure required. Please use LCSW0001 when applying. Cover letter, resume, references and salary requirements, using LCSW0001 to mbeaman@ Licensed Counselor needed for female substance abuse treatment facility position. Please Fax resume to: 225-6679667 or Call 225-667-3933.


The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi seeks a creative and innovative editor for its general-interest magazine, Phi Kappa Phi Forum. Candidates must have demonstrated skills in magazine production, editing, writing, and developing editorial content. Ideal candidates will have a strong interest in higher education, 7+ years of publishing experience, and a flare for generating fresh and thoughtprovoking content for a diverse readership. The position will be located at the Society's HQ office in Baton Rouge. Learn more at: and submit resume, cover letter, and writing samples by April 15 to: tnavarre@ Mental Health Rehab Mental Health Rehab agency seeks FT LPC, LCSW, MHP and MHS. Must have a Bachelors or Masters degree in the helping field. Email resumes to: TBESHEARS@ LIGHTHOUSECCBR.COM 225-239-5498 DENHAM SPRINGS Legal Secretary - Min. 3 yrs. exp., Quickbooks exp. good skills, reliable. FT or PT. Fax to: 225-304-0309.

Experienced Commercial Notarial Paralegal Review title docs & abstracts, draft title commitments & policies, draft comm’l real estate loan collateral loan docs, online record searches and high level computer skills req’d. Willing to pay top dollar based on exp. Excellent benefits package. New Orleans location. Please email resume to anderson@

SCREEN PRINTER Advantage Personnel

PT Notary needed for Notary office. Motor Vehicle exp. pref. Fax resume to: 225-923-2374.

The LSU Health Sciences Center School of Medicine is accepting applications for a Physician Assistant in the Orthopaedics Department. This position will be based at LSU Health – Baton Rouge. Incumbent will assist in surgery, diagnose and treat illnesses, counsel on preventive health care, and other duties as required/necessary. Required Qualifications ● Graduate degree ● Current licensure to practice as a Physician Assistant in the state of Louisiana ● Two (2) years clinical experience in Orthopaedics Preferred Qualifications ● Five (5) years of clinical experience in Orthopaedics Applicant Instructions Qualified candidates may electronically submit a resume & cover letter to:; reference PA-BR.

Applications will be accepted through March 25, 2015. LSUHSC is an Equal Opportunity Employer for females, minorities, individuals with disabilities and protected veterans. F/T LPC, LCSW or LMSW positions avail. at an outpatient psychiatric clinic. Fax resume: 225-924-4523. The Wilkinson County School District is seeking qualified applicants to fill the following position: ● Elementary / Middle School Principal ● Vocational Director ● Elementary Education Teachers Education ● Special Teachers – 1-12 ● English Teacher – 7-12 ● Biology Teacher ● Math Teachers – 7-12 ● Band Director ● Head Football Coach ● Head Baseball Coach ● Automotive Service Excellence Certified Mechanic ● Bus Drivers School Principal/Director applicants must have a Masters of Administration / Supervision and a minimum of an AA in School Administration. Teacher and Band Director applicants for aforementioned positions must hold a valid Mississippi teaching certificate in the area applying for, be a good disciplinarian, & be wellversed in subject area. Head Football and Baseball Coach applicants must hold a valid Mississippi teaching certificate and have prior experience coaching. Automotive Service Excellence Certified Mechanic applicants must hold a valid Mississippi Class B Commercial Drivers License with a “P” endorsement and have knowledge and experience in repair and maintenance of school buses and other district vehicles. Applications may be obtained from the Wilkinson County School District, Office of Superintendent, 488 Main Street, Woodville, MS 39669, or on the District website www.wilkinson.k12. Wilkinson County School Board does not offer interim/emergency certificates. Wilkinson County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, national origin, or disability, and is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Exp'd Infant, Toddler and Pre-K Teacher in the Baker area. Call 225-775-2722.

St. John

Inter-Parochial School in Plaquemine is accepting applications for the following positions for the 2015-16 school year: Elementary ● Lower Teacher ● Middle School and/or High School Science Teacher ● Middle School and/or High School Social Studies Teacher ● Head Volleyball Coach Please email resume to Mrs. Schlatre at

CENTRAL COMMUNITY SCHOOL SYSTEM Is accepting applications for:

Substitute Teachers Grades PreK – 12 & Substitute Cafeteria Workers Interested applicants should apply in person at the Central Community School System Administrative Office, located at 10510 Joor Road, Suite 300, Central, LA.

We are an equal opportunity employer St. Joseph’s Academy seeks the following full-time teachers for the 2015-2016 academic year:

Psychology, Physics/ Physical Science and

English Teachers Must be certified in subject area. Experience using technology in classroom beneficial to employment. Submit resume with references and current transcripts to Assistant Principal Sheri Gillio at or mail to 3015 Broussard St., Baton Rouge, LA 70808.

Professional/ Administrative

1520 Early Head Start Infant/ Toddler Teacher Needed The YWCA Early Head Start Teacher is responsible for developing a responsive and nurturing relationship with each child and family in the teacher's group. The teacher must also provide individual and appropriate attention to each child through planning and implementation of daily routines and activities both indoors and outdoors. Requirements: Child Development Associate (CDA) credential or AA in Early Childhood Education or higher is REQUIRED How to Apply: FAX RESUME 225-383-5733 Attn: SonJa IN PERSON: 8281 Goodwood Blvd. B1, BR, La 70806 Between 9am-11am and 1-4 or E-mail: AA/EOE. CAMP TEACHERS WBR Museum seeks 2 Temporary History Camp Teachers, June 1 - June 19, 7:30am-5pm daily. Assist staff, teach ages 6-12; Supervise teen counselors, set up, present, clean up daily indoor and outdoor activities; Greet parents at drop off and pick up. Needs to be energetic and passionate for Art, History and Music. Ideal for college students and classroom teachers. Call 225336-2422 Ext. 14 or write for application. LSD Is Recruiting For A

Transition & Career Coordinator.

To apply go to: For assistance call (225) 757-3213

Restaurants/ Hotels/Clubs

1540 Are you tired of working in the restaurant or hotel industry? Above average pay, for above average workers. NO NIGHTS! Residential cleaning company hiring 6 people. Will train. Must have car w/ insurance and valid D.L. Average $12-$16/hr + benefits. Call 1-888-491-5664 Ext. 86001. Ruth’s Chris Steak House in Baton Rouge Hiring for PM LINE COOK 2+ yrs min. exp. Apply In Person: 4836 Constitution Ave, M-F GINO'S RESTAURANT is seeking BUSSERS. Please apply between 2pm-5p. Monday-Friday at 4542 Bennington Ave. PLUCKERS NOW HIRING Servers & Cooks for both locations. Apply in person or at NEED COOK/MANAGER Regular cooks & servers in restaurant. 225-926-2645. COURTYARD by Marriott & Residence Inn by Marriott Apply: North Mall Drive


is accepting applications for Dishwashers, Dietary Aide. Experience req'd. Apply within 9105 Oxford Place Dr. EXP. COOK NEEDED FOR DOWNTOWN REST. F/T. CALL 225-773-4231. Exp. Front Desk Agent. Apply in person Comfort Inn 4924 Constitution Ave. F/T Manager Upscale full service restaurant. Competitive sal. + bnfts. Email resume to: ourcompanyhr123 F/T SERVER; Apply in person: Ruth's Chris Steak House, 4836 Constitution Ave. Monday-Friday HAMPTON INN SUITES Now Hiring for Housekeepers. Apply in person, 2755 Commercial Dr. Port Allen.



Do you have a passion for people? Are you pleasant and hospitable? Do you enjoy serving others? If so the Wyndham Garden needs YOU! We are currently seeking a Housekeeping Supervisor who will be responsible for administering and coordinating housekeeping functions. The Housekeeping Supervisor will manage the overall daily operations of the housekeeping department including the upkeep of all the guestrooms, common areas, and product inventory. Establish and maintain a proven set of processes to assure the hotel is consistently clean taking personal responsibility and pride in both the execution and the results. Provide ongoing training and support of the housekeeping department Our Team Members enjoy competitive salary, benefits, paid time off and a 401 (k) plan. Qualified candidates should email your résumé to or fax to 225-2151850. L'Auberge Baton Rouge Now Hiring - To Apply

The Advocate Restaurants/ Hotels/Clubs

Sales/ Marketing

General Help




Looking for an exciting position, apply online at,

Golden Flake Snack Foods is seeking aggressive, dependable people to hire in a Route Sales position. Related exp. helpful but not req'd. Exc. starting salary & competitive benefits. For further consideration Call 225-923-2870. EOE.

Caregivers needed! www.absolutecare

Now hiring for evening/ night Patient Service positions for local hospital nutrition services department. Ideal candidate must have good customer service and communication skills. Apply in person at Womans Hospital Food and Nutrition Services Department located in the main hospital on the first floor by the cafeteria or online at

General Help


NEW RESTAURANT HIRING Shift Supervisors, P/T Bartenders, Line Servers, Sandwich Makers, Coffee Shop Workers, & Utility Clerk. AM & PM Shift! At least 1 year experience, for all positions. APPLY IN PERSON Btwn 12 & 3 Mon-Thurs At: BR Airport 1st Floor Restaurant GINO'S RESTAURANT is seeking a Salad Person. Experience necessary. Please apply between 2pm-5p. Monday-Friday at 4542 Bennington Ave. Food and Nutrition Services Department of Womans Hospital is now hiring for a full time sanitation position. Candidates must have good customer service skills, hard working and be team oriented. Pre-employment background checks and drug screenings are required. Apply in person at Womans Hospital Food and Nutrition Services Department located in the main hospital on the first floor by the cafeteria or online at


Hotel Workers (laundry list) Servers, Dishwashers, Maids, Houseman

Hotel Workers (laundry list) Servers, Dishwashers, Maids, Houseman

NOW HIRING: Grill Cooks, Servers, & Hosts. Fulltime, Part-time & weekends. Apply in person at Cracker Barrel, 10250 Plaza Americana Dr. Baton Rouge. IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR Wait Staff for O'Neal Lane & Siegen Lane areas. All shifts available. Call 225284-7754. 4728 Constitution Ave. Baton Rouge, LA

Sales/ Marketing


Industry leading produce company experiencing tremendous growth seeks motivated individuals. Able to work weekends, holidays, and overtime. Must pass drug screen and criminal background check. ● Night Order Selector (Base Rate - $12.00 with opportunity to earn up to $18.00) DOE ● Logistics Routing Coordinator ● Collections & Credit Administrator ● Sales Associate (Commission Based Sales Compensation Plan) Holidays, Vacation, Medical Insurance and 401K Retirement Plan Provided Apply Online @


A BR Property Mgmt. Co. seeks Exp. Maintenance person. Background check required. Claus & Claus 225-927-1982 AGRICULTURE Borel Farms, LLC, St. Martinville, LA is now hiring 6 temporary Farm Workers to work in St. Martin Parish, LA from 4/5/2015 to 1/15/2016. Hourly wage of $10.18. Perform manual labor to plant, cultivate and harvest sugarcane by hand or machine. Operate farm vehicles, implements, and equipment. Perform prolonged walking, bending, reaching, stooping, kneeling, sitting, and lifting and carrying up to 50 lbs. and work in extremely hot, cold, and/or wet weather. Three quarters of an average of 50 hrs/wk guaranteed. Tools, supplies, and equipment provided at no cost. Housing provided at no cost if outside commuting area. If applicable, transportation and subsistence expense to the job will be paid upon completion of 50% of the employment period, or earlier. Apply for this job at the nearest office of the SWA in the state in which this ad appeared or contact the St. Martin Parish Career Solutions Center, 215 Evangeline Blvd., St. Martinville, LA 70582, (337) 394-2205, JO# LA520826. NEED AN ASSISTANT TO A HAIR SALON. Tues-Fri. 9-1. Call 225-929-9896.

C.J. BROWN, Realtors LATTER & BLUM Inc., Realtors Van Eaton & Romero ABILITY TO SUCCEED IN REAL ESTATE SALES? We always have room at the TOP! Best People, Support, Brand, Commission Plans, Service & Tools! Join the TEAM that helps you accelerate your business. We know you have what it takes! Take a test drive to show us you do. or call 1-800-428-8294 and arrange an interview today!

MANY APPLY… Be one of the few chosen!! Tired of the "same old same old"? Want adventure & excitement? Become a part of our 64 year old family owned business-City Pawn Shop. We are looking for hardworking, responsible individuals with customer service experience We offer bonus, paid vacation and insurance. No nights or Sundays. Apply in person at 5677 Florida Blvd. 225-926-7296 FINANCIAL ADVISOR positions avail. We'll help you get licensed. Call 938-0696. Sales PREMIER CARE IN BATHING NEEDS INDEPENDENT SALES REPS Experienced in-home one call closers needed. Home Improvement experience a plus. Preset appointments provided. Uncapped straight commission paid weekly. Realistic potential exceeds $100K/ yr. Call David at 386-882-6358 or email dtouchstone@ FT Inside Sales Person needed at Baton Rouge Police Supplies. $12/HR. Fax resume to: 225-924-4947 Only resumes accepted. Now Hiring Agents, Adam Campo Real Estate. High Comm. splits 225-295-3035 RABENHORST INSURANCE Company is looking to hire & train a Home Service Insurance Agent. Full benefits plus training salary & bonuses! Call 387-0171 REAL ESTATE AGENTS Needed to work with Nat'l Home Builder. Preferred Lenders, 504-654-9326.


is now hiring: GRILL, CASINO, & C-STORE Associates. Great starting pay! Please apply in person at 40249 Hwy 16 Denham or apply online at:

Pre employment background checks and drug screenings are required. EOE.

Cash Magic Truckstop Casino

Need experienced Auto Glass installer. Great Benefits. Call 225-927-1410 Automotive Tech Needed (Hammond, LA). Looking for motivated, mature individual to grow with our co. Must have exp, dependable transportation, tools & a good attitude. Health ins & paid vaca. Salary DOE. Call April 225-294-7981. $$AVON$$ EARN EXTRA$$, Work from home. Free gifts! Call 855-685-2866, ISR BREC JOBS


+ Up To $15/Hr 24 New P/T & F/T Call Center Positions No Exp. Nec! 225-272-1833 ARE YOU TIRED of trying to make ends meet? We offer the highest paying call center positions in baton rouge. Full Time 40 Hours per week, $10-$12 Per Hr, $13-$16 Per Hr after 60 days with bonuses, Benefits, Paid Vacations, Advancement Opportunity. 225-224-6625 Benny's Car Wash and Oil Change. Apply Online

Must pass preemployment, drug screen and, background check. Equal opportunity employer. All Associate PositionsDenham & Amite Area


Exceptional customer service skills, able to work in a fast paced environment, must be friendly, capable of multitasking, previous retail cashier experience (preferred), computer literacy. We have flexible hours, a fun atmosphere and no experience is needed. Apply in person at any location or on-line at: www.louisiananursery. com/careers EXP. F/T CHILDCARE ASST Baker area. Bkground chk. Mail: Childcare, P.O. Box 883, Zachary, LA 70791


Immediate Openings!

JANI CARE - 225-751-2273

Apply online COME GROW WITH US! Lawn & Garden/Retail: If you like digging in the dirt, working in a natural environment and helping people’s gardens come to life, we have a great job for you at Louisiana Nursery. We have flexible hours, a fun atmosphere and no experience is needed. Apply in person at any location or on-line at: www.louisiananursery. com/careers

BE YOUR OWN BOSS Independent Newspaper Contractor for

The Advocate In the VacherieDonaldsonville area Immediate opening available for carrier. Please call 225-388-0227. Leave detailed message. Experience preferred. Early morning hours. Must have reliable transportation. Liability Insurance Required. Cosmetologist / Barber Full time employment in Denham, Walker & P'ville. Pd vaca / holidays. Closed Sunday. No clientele base needed. Fantastic Sams, 225-275-1144. NEED ASAP Experienced Custodian, 6a-3p & 4p-7p. Must be able to work some weekends. Must be able to pass drug test & criminal bkgrnd check. Call 225-279-7319.

1600 JANITORIAL POSITIONS FT/PT Baton Rouge REQUIREMENTS: Experience > 2 years Weekends Shifts State Police Report Transportation Fax name & phone 225-757-6993

JANITORIAL - P/T, Prairieville/SBR. Evening / nights. Must have own transp. & phone. You will be drug tested & have a background check. $7.25/hr to start. Fax resume to 225-261-6566 or call for interview 261-6565. Personal Asst. Needed, M,W,F. Highly organized, able to multi-task & keep up w/ sched. & appts. For mgmt. Call 225-675-3014 Ft/Pt Janitors for Gonzales & B.R. areas. M-F. Bkgd & drug test req. 225-675-3014

Global Industrial Contractors, LLC

We are seeking Janitors in the Plaquemine area that have their TWIC, Security Passport & OSHA Cards. Apply Online At

Or in person at 702 Lobdell Hwy, Ste 8 Port Allen, LA 70767 (225) 663-6770

is offering an excellent opportunity For YOU to join our expanding team as a sales contractor in Baton Rouge or Lafayette Call 1-614-783-7191 and ask for Jim Or e-mail: bardenjim@ Local Property Management Company is seeking a full time Leasing Agent for a busy apartment community in Baton Rouge. Property management experience is required. Please send your resume to: real Liberty Lagoon Water Park is now accepting online applications for the following positions: •Lifeguard •Head Lifeguard •F&B Associate •Guest Services Associate •Ticket Seller •Water Safety Instructor You can apply for these positions on or LUMBER YARD looking for Inside Salesperson. Must have some knowledge of hardware & lumber. Apply in person, 920 Court St. Port Allen.

Delivery Driver Helpers. Part time. Minimum of one year previous experience. Employees are required to have a clean background. Submit resumes to

Maid Service Needs Maids. Must have own transportation. Competitive Pay. Call DS office. 664-9056

50 New Donors Needed Save a life. Make a Difference. Earn Cash New donors can donate life saving plasma and receive $90 compensation in two donations. Student ID receive a $10 bonus on first two donations with ID

THE MASSAGE EMPORIUM in booming downtown is looking for 3 new Licensed Massage Therapists to join our busy team. Come by 240 Laurel Street, fax resume to 225-387-0059, or visit

Biomat Plasma

5906 Airline Suite 101 225-354-0965 Walk ins welcome Current picture ID, Proof of Social Security Number required **Counter Clerk & Exp.** Presser Needed!! Apply at Suttons Cleaners Fire/Water Tech. Fast growing co. looking for good cleaners to clean up after fires, exp. is a plus, will train, must be reliable, honest, team player, drug free. OSHA & TWIC a plus $9-$12 DOE + bonuses and bnfts Apply 9a-3p at 11811 Dunlay Lane, BR. Hair Connection Beauty Supply hiring. Need experience Call 225-932-9955

HELPING HANDS!!! Are you a compassionate, dependable person that loves spreading joy? Help our elderly to continue to enjoy life. Become a CAREGiver with the world’s most trusted nonmedical home care provider, Home Instead Senior Care. Enjoy paid training, support & flexible shifts that fit your life. Men & women come join our team. Immediate openings for 24 hr Live Ins to work 7 days & have the next week off or maybe a Week End Live In. We have a double companion client who could use your help if you know sign language for the deaf. Other full/part time assignments: 4-12 hrs week days, evening shifts starting at 3p11p, 2 hr morning shifts between the hours of 6a-9a, 6a-8a, 6:30a-8:30a, 7a-9a, afternoon 2 hr shifts, 3p-5p & 5p-7p during the week & 4p-6p on the weekend, OVNs 10-12 hr shifts & all shifts on Sat/ Sunday. Clients available in Baton Rouge, Ascension, Denham Springs, Watson & other surrounding areas. Apply on line or call 225-341-5919

General Help

LOOKING FOR A Hair Stylist, F/T or P/T on Siegen Lane. Call 225-250-7667 BR Property Mgmt. Co. seeks skilled & experienced HANDYMAN to work M-F btwn 9 AM & 5 PM Tools, truck/van, references & background check req'd. 225-927-1975


to download application

Rack Service Merchandiser

Associated Grocers Order, stock and merchandise HBC/GM departments within retailer stores in and around the Gonzales area. Valid driver’s license, appropriate MVR and proof of insurance required. Benefits package provided. Apply online at LIC NAIL TECHS needed. FT/PT. Email resume TO teffani@medicalspa OAKLEY TRUCKING, INC. is accepting applications for experienced tank wash personnel. Some mechanical experience preferred. Company offers excellent benefits package including: Health & Life Ins., 401K, Vacation & Holiday Pay. Experienced Applicants Only. Please come fill out application at 191 Transport Dr. Reserve, LA or email resume to: smcgriff@

Must have transportation. Come to office to Apply, 8516 Leake Ave. Apt C., Baton Rouge, 70810. Mon-Fri, 8am-2pm.

Exp. Residential Painters drywall finishing & repair, exp. req. Call 225-448-1659

MaidPro is now HIRING housekeepers. Earn up to $15/hr No Nights/Weekends No experience needed Call 225-435-4260 Ext 3.

Apply in person at Salsbury's Dodge City 9550 Airline Hwy., BR

Housekeepers, laundry techs, and floor tech's needed. Apply in person. Carrington Place 8225 Summa Ave, Baton Rouge, La 70809 or email resume to:

Apply in person at Salsbury's Dodge City 9550 Airline Hwy., BR

IMMEDIATE OPENING Immediate need of a dependable person, over 25 years old, with clean driving record. Some mechanical skills. Position would require making deliveries, assembling of BBQ grills, furniture and gas log installation. Must have neat appearance and good customer skills to assist with customers when needed. R. BUCY RNRCASUAL@AOL.COM Temp. Janitors needed F/T for constr clean-up in the B.R. area. Call 225-675-3014



General Help


Start Your Career in Security P/T & F/T Shifts 24/7 Facility- must be able to work all shifts $10/hr to start




Instruction Private Lessons...........1760 Schools ..........................1710 Career Training............1720

BATON ROUGE GENERAL SECURITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT The Baton Rouge General has openings in its Security Services Department. Currently seeking qualified applicants for Public Safety Officers/Security Dispatcher Positions Full-time positions available; 12-Hour Shifts, Rotating Days Off. Interested candidates should apply online at or apply in person at the Baton Rouge General Mid City. Armed Security Officers Paragon Systems Inc. is hosting a job fair on March 21st 10 AM - 4PM




Earn Your CNA License In Just 6 Weeks

ADV. MEDICAL ASST. incl. EKG * Phlebotomy CNA * Pharmacology * Mental Health Tech * Medical Coding & Billing

* COSMETOLOGY Call NOW! 225-928-3005 Text Camelot at 99000

HOUSING/DAYCARE AVAIL. No Addl Mo Fee For those who qualify for Fin. Aid **Transportation & Child Day care at No Cost to those who qualify for WIA Funding. See disclosures at www.Camelot

COASTAL TRUCK DRIVING SCHOOL - Baton Rouge 1-800-286-8066

& March 22nd 10 AM-4PM at New Orleans Marriott

Metairie at Lakeway 3838 N. Causeway Blvd. Metairie, LA 70002 MUST APPLY ONLINE PRIOR TO JOB FAIR at please select state LOUISIANA

SITTER/TRANSPORTER Mon-Fri 5:30A-8A & 4P-5P Split Shift * $170 bi weekly Call 225-439-7536 NOW HIRING STOCKERS for local retail company. Apply in person, 12330 Florida Blvd. Suite 12. Baton Rouge. M-F, 7AM-10AM & 1PM-2PM LOOKING FOR experienced & licensed Hair Stylist. Call 225-247-3328 for info. BLUE BAYOU DIXIE LANDIN' Now Accepting Applications For Summer Employment. Must Be At Least 16 Years Of Age. Apply online at

Table Fresh Full-Time Opportunities Available. Restaurant Supplier. Order Puller. Pull and assemble orders. Load and receive box trucks. One to three months’ warehouse experience required. Must be able to work a 9:30PM to 5:30AM schedule, 5-6 days/wk. Delivery Driver. Transport materials. Load/unload deliveries. Lift & move product weighing 50lbs. Chauffeur’s license & previous experience required. Box truck experience a plus. Appropriate MVR required. Office Assistant. Customer service, invoicing, data entry and other administrative tasks. Must be proficient with MS Office applications. Tuesday - Saturday, 5:30am-2:30pm. Competitive pay. Excellent benefits. Apply online at EXP. PART TIME VET TECH needed. Send resume to:

Sherwood South Animal Hospital

Our emergency facility is hiring 1-2 full-time staff members for overnight veterinary assistants. 1-3 years veterinary technician experience required. The right candidate for our open positions should be reliable, independent, compassionate, and have a strong technical background & knowledge of veterinary medicine/ nursing. Pay is based on experience level. Applicants interested must be able to work nights, weekends, & holidays. Please send resumes to: thadley@

10 Week Program Small classes. Pymnt plan 225-278-7729

WAREHOUSE PERSONNEL Must pass drug screen, physical & good driving record. Call 225-749-7400 WAREHOUSE WORKER Needed F/T. Must Be Willing To Work, Have A Good Driving Record. Starting Pay $8.50 Hr. No Exp Nec. We Will Train. Apply in Person Only. Capital Bolt Co., 11888 Darryl Dr.

A Better Life Starts at ITI Technical College Over 40 years of career training in Baton Rouge Call Now! 1-866-313-1827

Receptionist needed for busy vet clinic for Saturdays only. Fax resume to 225-755-3809. SQUIRES FORMAL WEAR Taking Applications For P/T Sales Associate at The Denham Springs Location, Apply within @ 1121 S. Range Ave., Denham Springs, & at 1145 Coursey Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA.


THE ADS listed here are job information only, not specific job offers. In most cases, a fee is involved and in some cases, there is a charge for the phone call.


$124.20 per month

2010 AMS Vending Snack machine. Almost new! $1200. 225-572-4083/225-205-4787 DIAMONDS TOP CASH for Diamonds, loose or mounted, Rolex watches, gold, sterling & coins. Diamond Distributors, Loan Brokers, 8210 Jefferson Hwy., Suite E. 927-6514.

I Buy Coins, Antiques & Art by Rucker, Wright & Hunter. Call 225-202-0465.

Let’s Swap

DO you have some item of merchandise that you would like to swap for something else? If so, this is the right spot. Place your "Let's Swap'' ad in this column today and you will get fast results. Call Classified 383-0111 And Start Swapping.


2080 Antique Shop - Rosedale, Records, Slots, Jukeboxes, antqs. Buy& Sell 687-8076

Medical Career Training


Classes starting soon at ITI Technical College

***VICTORIAN ODDITIES** Lagniappe Antiques 2175 Dallas Dr 225-927-0531

Call now!

WE SANDBLAST & PAINT Iron Beds, cast iron pots, patio furniture & more. Bellue's Welding, 3120 Scenic Hwy. 225-356-2698.


Money to Lend



Companies that do business by phone can't ask you to pay for credit before you get it. For free info about avoiding credit scams, write or call the company listed below. Federal law allows you to correct your credit report for free. For more info about credit repair scams, write or call company listed below. Federal Trade Comm Washington, D.C. 20580 or call The National Fraud Information Center, 1-800-876-7060. City Pawn Shops. WE LOAN ON WHAT YOU OWN. 225-926-7296. 225-923-0008; 225-355-8090 CREDIT or MONEY PROBLEMS? For important, helpful INFORMATION call Better Business Bureau, 346-5222


Loan brokers, consumer lenders or other arrangers of credit should be licensed with the La. Office of Financial Institutions. For verification or further information call the Consumer Credit Division of LOFI at: (225) 925-4660.


On diamonds, gold jewelry, sterling flatware, etc. DIAMOND DISTRIBUTORS 8210 Jefferson Hwy. 927-6514


2100 Whirlpool Duet Gas Dryer w/steam, wh, Brand new $600 OBO. 225-485-6627. 24" Black Frigidaire wall oven, like new, only $150. 36" Frigidaire smooth top 4 burner cooktop black like new only $100. Call Danny @ 225-302-5375



2-Day Public Auction

Construction Equip., 60+ Tractor Trucks, Trailers, Autos, Tractors, etc…

Wed. & Thurs. April 1st & 2nd – 9am For all the details! 800-850-2252

LOOK TO THE STARS STARS make your ad stand out and get you quick results.


The Advocate

A Huge Estate Sale! Sat., March 14th @ 11am Southern Heirs Auction (225) 791-2440 #1060 Gilmore Auction & Realty Co. (504) 468-6800; Lic. #447 V. WATTS AUCTIONEERS, INC AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS & LIQUIDATION CONSULTANTS. Lic. #21012 P.O. Box 41, Livingston, LA. 70754. Call 686-7238

2160 ROAD BIKE FOR SALE Giant (Brand) Paid about $2000.00 (Can't remember the exact price). Selling because I never use it. Recently, conditioned. Price $800. 225-931-7580.

Boats & Motors

2200 1998 21' Lawson Boat, 150 Johnson motor, w/trailer, good cond. $6500 obo 504343-0414 or 504-872-9099 2013 Express, hydrolift 17.5ft. Jack plate, 90 Yamaha Alum. Trailor, gage kept, low hrs. $15,000. FIRM. Call 225-715-3648.

WHITE SPACE Increase readership in your Classified Ad USE IT TO GET FAST RESULTS 1-800-960-6397

Thursday, March 19, 2015


'92 27 ft. Formula powerboat w/trailer 502 mag $18,000. 225-567-9708 BayHawk 22 ft boat, as-is $8,900. Loaded w/1999 225 hp Saltwater Series Mtr. Magic Trailer inc. w/new tires, Bass pro on board charging sys. Riptide 70 24-volt trolling mtr, bimini top, other extras,


2012 14ft LOWE Boat & LOWE trailer w/2012 Mercury 15HP. $3400 OBO. Call 225-278-3386. 70hp 4-stroke Suzuki, on 17 1/2 ft all weld alum boat. $7500. 225-278-0770.


Machinery & Tools


2008 Triton, TR-20X 2007 250 ProXS w/ war-8/2016 hot foot hyd jack plate stereo, HDS7, tdm trler $27,000. Call 225-939-3661.

Building Supplies

2220 5 TON CENT. AC UNIT & beaut. ext glass front door $595 will sell sep 937-0018 50 cases Sylvania T12 bulbs. Sylvania F34CW/ SS/ECO- 30 bulbs/case. Asking $45/case, neg. Retail for $150/case. Port Allen area, call for more info 225-614-7766 DRY CYPRESS BEAMS. 10 pcs. 4X8 16'L. $780 for allwill divide. 225-625-2398. USED LIGHT POLES Treated lumber, Call 985-229-8361, Kentwood.


SNORKEL UN041 MANLIFT4X4. Gas burner $11,000 Call Lattie, 225-405-5229

Ever get the urge to place a Classified Ad at 2:00 A.M.?

Try Our

Internet Submission Form!



PAYING CASH for U.S. & Foreign Stamp Collection, Old Letters; Documents, etc. 333-2416 - mention ad

Cemetery Plots

2265 4 PLOTS in the Garden of Devotion, Resthaven Cemetery on Jefferson Hwy. Retail price $4,324. $2500 per plot Call Gary 225-202-3684 2-Plots in Hillcrest Memorial, Garden of Everlasting Life. Valued at $1800/each, will sell for $1500/each - A savings of $600! Call 225-235-0185

Click on

"CLASSIFIED" Then choose

"USE OUR SUBMISSION FORM" ---and you're on your way!


RESTHAVEN: Continuous plots Garden of Prayer. Call Penny, after 7pm, Mon-Thurs. 225-405-2448.

Medical Supplies

(2) CEMETERY PLOTS at Roselawn, Section B. $4200 for both or best offer. Call 225-939-9635

ELECTRIC HOSPITAL BED 4 mo old, nice matt & bedding. $820. 985-634-4617.

Farm Equipment



HYDRAULIC HOYER LIFT w/long seat sling, never used. $500. 985-634-4617.

Tractor front bumper $300. Call 225-278-0770.

Pianos, Organs

46 HP M.F. 135 Gas Tractor, New Carb, etc. $2,000. Call 225-939-9959


3pt Dirt Scoop, $250. Call 225-278-0770 3.6 1/2ft Disc, $750. Call 225-278-0770 JD hydraulic disk, 6 1/2 ft $3800. Call 225-278-0770. Hydraulic 12ft field cultivator, $750. Call 225-278-0770 64 HP FORD 4400 Dsl Tractor w/ front loader. $6,750. Call 225-939-9959 3pt 5 1/2ft GRADER BOX $350. Call 225-278-0770. 3pt Category II hydraulic hay lift, $850. Call 225-278-0770 MASSEY FERG. 135 Rebuilt eng. New clutch w/clip bush-hog & grater box. $6300. 225-673-5513. 6ft, 3pt Category II Tiller $1850. Call 225-278-0770. 5610 FORD TRACTOR, 4000 hrs, $7500. Call 225-2780770 We sell & service Bobcat ZTR's & Earthquake Lawn Equipment, TYM Tractors; also we work on all brands of equipment. Our hours are 8AM-4:30 M-F, 812 Sat.

225-654-4220 Household Items

2400 CHERRYWOOD TABLE w/ 5 chairs, $400 nego., call 225-778-1011 or 225-2471262 6 Pc Heavy White Vinyl PATIO FURN., + glass top table. $150. 225-766-5393. Lazyboy leather reclining sofa-$900 lazy boy micro fiber love seat sleeper$400 contact Brandon (225) 937-6441

Auctioneer: M. Henderson LA Lic# 136-15 B. Premium: 10% of the 1st $5000, 2% on the remaining balance of each item

Bikes-Go CartsWheeled Goods



Want To Buy


Job Information

Airplanes.......................2040 Antiques ........................2080 Auctions ........................2120 Appliances....................2100 Bikes-GoCarts-Wheeled Goods .............................2160 Boats & Motors ...........2200 Books..............................2210 Building Supplies........2220 Cameras & Photo Supplies.........................2230 Cemetery Plots............2265 Collectibles...................2240 Computers Home/Office .........................................2250 Crafts & Hobbies.........2260 Estate Sales..................2270 Farm Equipment .........2280 Exercise Equip .............2360 Garden Supplies & Plants .........................................2380 Household Items.........2400 Jewelry/Watches ........2420 Lawnmowers/ Lawn Tractors..............2440 Let’s Swap.....................2020 Machinery & Tools......2480 Medical Supplies ........2510 Misc. For Sale...............2790 Musical Instruments .2540 Office Equipment........2560 Pianos-Organs.............2600 Portable Buildings......2610 Restaurant Equip ........2620 Sewing Machines .......2640 Sportman’s Exchange .........................................2680 TV-Stereo-VCR..............2760 Utility Trailer.................2770 Want To Buy .................2010

Career Training

Pre School Assistant Teacher. FT. Experience necessary. Min. education: CDA or childcare cert. Apply 8am-11am ONLY, 525 Rapides St. (behind Churches on Government) No phone calls!




Boats & Motors

For CNA TRAINING Mia's Medical Academy 7525 Florida Blvd Baton Rouge, LA 70806 225-250-5199

VETERINARY TECHNICIAN needed. Must have experience. Must be available on Saturdays. Fax resume to 225-755-3809 WAREHOUSE POSITION Open For Local Lumber Yard. Apply at 9979 Main St. Zachary, La.

Job Information

ARMED & UNARMED Security officers needed for long term positions w/TRACER. Starting Pay Up To $9/hr. Apply in person at 3040 Teddy Dr. or online @

Pottery Barn Sofas For Sale. We have downsized and have two PB Basic slip-covered sofas for sale. The slipcover is a canvas sage green. They are in good condition. PB sells slip covers for the sofa. $1000 total - will sell separately. 225-931-7580. "Backyard Adventures" 3 position SWING SET. Solid red wood, 2 slides, new stain, new swings Call 225-436-7040

Jewelry/ Watches

2420 NO ONE PAYS MORE! All Diamonds, Jewelry, Coins, & Antiques. Expert jewelry repair. DIAMOND DISTRIBUTORS 8210 Jefferson Hwy., St. E (225) 927-6514

Lawnmowers/ Lawn Tractors

2440 54" cut EverRide Zero Turn Mower, Exc cond. New engine. $4200. 225-315-5740 EXMARK 46" Commercial Grade 0 turn, 19 HP, 125 hrs, well kept w/ canopy, 1 owner, $3,950. Gonzales, LA. Call 225-315-1469.

Machinery & Tools

2600 "THE PIANO SPECIALIST" 11811 Coursey Bl 291-0404

Portable Buildings

2610 12x16 $2300; 12x20 $2600 12x24 $2900; 16x24 $3700 AAA Portable, 654-0345 12x24 Custom Bldg $3295 6' door w/rmp, 2 windows Built On Site* 985-969-6191

Restaurant Equipment

2620 DAIQUIRI MACHINES & Daiquiri Mixes. Call 225-274-1811.

Sportsman’s Exchange

2680 Concealed Carry Course Sr StateInstructor 335-1571

22 AMMO No limit. Big assortment. $6.97 up. Plant World. 225-272-7144.

Accurate Firearms COLT LE-AR6721 AR-15 $1068.99 225-929-6500

Colt, Python, Winchester Collector. Wants to buy old guns. 225-937-7133 CONCEALED CARRY CLASS XRing Protection Training State certified Instructor Call 225-937-4255 DEER SAUSAGE or Turducken po boys. Bellues's 356-7798, 3110 Scenic Hwy. FEDERAL 223 AMMO was $29.97, sale $10.97. Plant World. 225-272-7144. ****FORD'S FIREARMS*** Smith M&P 40 cal. $450 + tax. 225-296-3001. 2013 Adams Golf Clubs only used 5 times. Must sell due to shoulder injury. Regular flex, woods and hybrids are graphite shafts and irons are metal shafts. Includes 10.5 degree driver, 3 & 5 woods and 4-6 hybrids, irons are 7,8,9, pw, sw and mallot head putter. Head covers and carry bag included. Excellent condition. A must see. $475. 303-870-4539.


GONZALES; Lamar Dixon Mar 21, 9-5 & Mar 22, 10-4


4415 S Sherwood Forest, Ste C., behind O'Hallorans Carbines/Pythons/Lugers AR's WE BUY/SELL/TRADE 225-296-3001. RECREATIONAL WINCHES TRUCK MOUNTED. DEALERS TRUCK, 926-1070. WANTED!! Looking for field to dove hunt 2015. Call 225-413-4389. WE SANDBLAST & PAINT Boat Trailers & Utility Trailers. Bellue's Welding, 3120 Scenic Hwy. 356-2698.

Utility Trailers

2770 New Line Of Buck Dandy Trlrs at Circle R Trailers. Thank you for 7 yrs of support. 647-0969 *MIKE'S TRAILER DEPOT* 5X10-15 $899, 6X12-15 $999. 3500# Axle, treated wood. w/ gate. We now inst. B&W GN 5th whl, & brk contrllrs @ both loc's. FLA. 225-275-0000, Air. 356-4000.

Miscellaneous for Sale



20 ft & 40 ft. STORAGE/ SHIPPING Containers. New & Used. " Buy Direct" CONGLOBAL INDUSTRIES 504-246-7853

40ft Bridge Frame, $3000. Call 225-278-0770.

450 CASE DOZER, $21,000. 4300 hr. Call 225-278-0770 225 Bobcat Miller WELDING Mach. & Generator, working cond., on dolly, $1545 obo. Tom, 225-4452547

LOGOS Put your logo in your ad! For details, call 1-800-960-6397


Thursday, March 19, 2015 ■ ■ The Advocate Recreational Miscellaneous Chevrolet Vehicles for Sale 2790 6260 RV-Lot/Rental...............5100 Automotive


WILL MAKE your ad really stand out and get you even quicker results. ASK FOR your ad in BOLD TYPE. It only costs 35 cents a line more, per day.

CALL CLASSIFIED 1-800-960-6397

Livestock & Pets Cats.................................2900 Dogs................................2940 Livestock Animals ......2810 Pet Services..................2960 Pet Supplies .................2980 Poultry and Eggs.........2880 Livestock Animals

ATV/Motorcycles ........5200 Campers - Camping Equipment ....................5300 Golf Carts ......................5350 Motor Homes...............5400 Travel Trailers ..............5500

Waterfront RV/ Camper Sites For Rent Call 225.910.0595

*Located only 17 miles

from Geismar, LA. *Sites come with access to private boat launch. *Sites come with boat storage. *Sites come with all utilities hook-ups. *Sites are located on waterfront property.


5200 '09 ARTIC CAT PROWLER 280 hours. $8500. Call 225-278-0770.


4X4 Vehicles .................6800 Automotive Wanted...6100 Automobile Agencies 6010 Auto Parts - Tires, Accessories ..................6920 Auto Rentals.................6120 Auto Repairs.................6900 Autos For Sale....6200-6790 Trucks/Light Duty.......6810 Trucks/Trailers Heavy Duty ................................6820 Vans - Buses.................6840 Automobile Agencies

BENNETT FORD 110 Ferdinand, St. Francisville 635-3887 or 383-5451 (B.R.)


Chevrolet - GMC Truck 7259 Hwy 61 North ST. FRANCISVILLE 1-800-547-7072






2009 Toyota Prius, Silver/ leather interior. Well maintained. 122K commuter miles. $8,900. Call 985-705-0772


05 Toyota Prius Hybrid, 4dr auto, like new, free warr $6995. 225-448-2586

Looking for a new car?

02 SATURN L200 4dr, like new, cold air, free warr, $3650. 225-448-2586

Check out

2002 Saturn SL2 4DR, AC, runs & drives great $1,995. Call 225-369-1920 agt

wheels. Largest variety of vehicles at your finger tips 97 Chevy Lumina, 4Dr auto, AC, runs &drives great $2495. 225-369-1920 agt

6010 ACURA of Baton Rouge 753-8400


07 Chevy Silverado, Only 76k mi., RegCab, clean. $7,988. Call 225-298-4100.

Team Honda

855-313-8326 We Buy Used Cars $500-$50,000 Vans/Cars/Trucks Foreign/Domestic All Makes & Models

Sport Utility

6530 Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2011 Cadillac Escalade, Loaded, DVD, roof and much more! Only $36,987. 225-297-5757. Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2009 Cadillac ESV. Looks new. Ride in luxury. Only $31,979. 225-297-5757. Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2011 Cadillac SRX. Black, loaded, low miles. Only $22,989. 225-297-5757. '07 CHEVROLET Tahoe LTZ, Tan/Tan, tires like new, very clean, TT&L down, $350 mo WAC. 225-3838100



GERRY LANE ● BUICK ● GMC ● 225-926-7010

AMITE LIVESTOCK SALES Spring Stocker Cow Sale 58449 Hwy 51 S Amite, LA 70422 Saturday, March 21, 2015 @3:00 p.m. Early Consignments: 60 F1 Braford type pairs with Charolais Calves. Put Bull with cows on Feb. 1st, 2015, 25 F1 Braford Heifers Bred to Angus Bulls, 10 Mixed Cross Pairs, 30 Crossbred Pairs with Angus & Charolais calves, 30 Crossbred Cows bred to Charolais & Angus Bulls, 25 Brangus Type pairs with Angus Calves, 45 Mixed Cross Cow (3-6 years) bred to Angus Bull 15 with calves. Open Consignments Welcome. All Cattle Must Be Checked in by Friday, March 20, 2015 @ 4:30 p.m. Funding Verification for All New Commercial Buyers. Contact: Jonathan Lopinto @ 985-969-4230, Ed Lopinto @ 985-517-5919, or Frank @ 985-969-4212.

07 HD - Screaming Eagle VRod. Vance & Heines. Limited edition. Extras. $12k. Call 225-954-6942.

HOLLINGSWORTH RICHARDS FORD Get pre-Approved! 877-278-5121

2009 Chevy Tahoe LT, Black on Black, 3rd row seating, leather, 88K miles. $19,900. Call Butch 225405-9340

2006 Honda CB900 (AKA 919) Candy Apple Red, approx. 9.8k, fast, nimble, retro bike, $3850. Call 225683-5924


2010 Chevy Avalanche, very clean, loaded, High miles. $19,500. Call Butch 225-405-9340

COLONIAL STABLES Stalls available Western lessons Birthday parties Family Christian facility. 225-647-3276

DOMINIQUE'S STOCKYARD Baton Rouge LA Saturday Mar 16th at 1 PM, along with our regular sale, we will offer 35 cross bred cows 4-8 yrs old bred to Angus and Charlois bulls. 1 Angus bull, 5 yrs old, semen and trich tested.

FOR MORE INFO Call Donnie 225-356-5203

BETA ALP, 261 cc, 1997, fantastic shape, garaged $2,250. Ph 1-225-357-4006 1997 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail in very good condition. Brand NEW tires, Ape Hangers, Vance Hines exhaust and Saddlemen seat with sissy bar. Included are saddle bags and lots of chrome accessories. 52,200 mi. For Sale $5,500. 225-806-9127. 2011 HD TRI GLIDE Trike, under 5000 miles. $29,000. Call 225-993-1418 05 HD Heritage, 12K, great condition. $9500. Call 225-939-3810 2004 Honda CRF 100F. Garaged, hardly used, must see $850. Ph 225-357-4006 '08 KAW KLR650 - 18k. Exc cond. 1 owner. Many upgrades. $3500. 225-4850329 2012 NINJA 1000, 450 miles, black, like new, $8800. Call 225-939-3810 2008 YZ 250-F. Super clean. $2500. Call 225-718-4462.

Golf Carts

5350 2011 CLUB CAR Precedent Series w/charger. Exc. cond. $2850. 225-329-4776.

Motor Homes



Poultry & Eggs

2880 Chicks Ducks Silkies 100's Pullets (Hens) $3.97 up Plant World 225-272-7144.

2002 Holiday Rambler 34' Triton V10 35k, 2 slides. Exc. Cond. $35,000 Call 225445-2189 06 freelander motor homew/slide out. exc. cond. 41k mi. $24,500. 225-335-5888.

Apts. Unfurn. Area 8

4380 Denham Springs, 2Br/1ba WD, incl wtr, swr, trash & pest control. Gated. Call 225-324-1202 today for info Spacious 2BR/2B. W/D con fp, new flrs $695/m $300/d. Den Sprg. Trenika 292-2350 4390

Apts. Unfurn. Area 9


'07 31 FT HURRICANE - Like New, 2 slides, 38,275 mi, $38,000obo. Reduced price, Great deal, Act fast it will sell! Call 225-9375756


New Apt. 3bd,2bth $805 mo w/wash/dry Magnolia Villas Call 225-319-2240 PRAIRIEVILLE AREA, Clean 2BR/2BA, 18858 Jefferson Hwy, $700/m. 225-753-0757 4780

Houses Unfurn. Area 8


13030 Rebecca Dr


1-800-960-6397 Travel Trailers

BLANCHARD TRAILER New & Used Travel Trailers & 5th Wheels. 6632 Airline 225-355-4449

2BR/2BA Lrg Mobile Home lrg porch on lrg lot $700. 225-953-8601 * 225-9278160

28ft 5th wheel, $4500. 1998 Coachmen. Good cond. 225-278-5288 call or txt

8086 Cecil Dr.-3BR/2BA. Heart of Watson. Completely updated. Dbl carport. Close to Live Oak MS. $1550/mo. 225-281-9213. Immaculate 3BR/2BA Brick Home in Denham Springs $1100/mo. 225-324-7049 Spacious 3BR/2BA, Southpoint. Fenced yard, pond view. NO pets! $1300/mo + dep. Call 225-665-0310. 4790

Houses Unfurn. Area 9

4790 3BR/1BA w/ laundry room. Lrg. bckyrd. in Gonzales. $1200/mo. + $1200/dp. Call 225-324-0292. 3BR/2BA MOBILE HOME w/ lrg shed 1/2 acre $650/mo. 225-953-8601 * 225-9278160 LUXURY TOWNHOME Lease or Lease Purchase. 3BR/2BA, open floor plan, private patio, 2 car garage. $1900 mo + $165 mo. dues. Call 225-253-6429. Pelican Point: (Gated Comm. on Golf Course) 1800sq ft. 3B/2B. $1700/mo +$1700/dep. 1yr lease.Gonzales. 225-278-5312.

TEAM HONDA 6363 Siegen Lane 298-4100 Team Toyota I-12 & Oneal Lane 273-5880

Automotive Wanted

6100 HOLLINGSWORTH MAZDA Get Pre-Approved 800-206-1727


2012 Cougar High Country 3 slides, all upgrades incl. 2 AC units, 2 TVs, cabinet upgrade, electric jacks and awning. Non smoker. LIKE NEW! $24,000 OBO. 985-351-9756 2013 Forest River RPod luxury light travel trailer with slide out. $14,700. Ph: 225-572-0615 2011 40ft Luxery by design could type camper. Two bedrooms, front bedroom has bunks. Two air units and washer and dryer. Call for price. $18,000. Call 724-640-5049. 2006 26ft Super slide Puma Hardly used. $10,000 Call 225-278-0770. 2011 Sunset by Sunny Brook. 27' Full Slide, front BR, elect. awning, fiberglass, 1 owner. Only used 1 month. Non smoker, no pets. $14,800. 260-410-1689. 32' 2013 Surveyor Select Anniversary Edition. Purchased new 5/28/14. Used 2x. Showroom cond. Options = loaded. $24,500. 225-766-8508; 225-335-9245.

THERE ARE 12 GOOD REASONS TO THINK OF CLASSIFIED FIRST! EXTRA INCOME... classified ads are a direct line to extra income. Look around your home. You're sure to find many items you no longer want or need. Somewhere there is a buyer for them. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING

1-800-960-6397 Cadillac

*Items for sale under $1000

'06 Chevy Trailblazer 111k, silver ext, E-Z Finan. $ 6,495 225-248-6748



6280 2002 Chrysler Concord LXI Sedan 4dr, 51,500mi, load, snrf. $5495. 225-753-2923



Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2014 Dodge Challenger, Black. 9k miles. Only $24,985. Won't last!! 225-297-5757. Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2011 Dodge Charger, Leather and much more. Only 10k miles. Only $21,969. 225-297-5757.

2008 Dodge Ram, Quad Cab, Immaculate. Only 11k miles! $19,448. Call 225-298-4100.



'68 Int Scout 800 4x4, Stand Trans. 5.0 Ford Conv. Eng. 25K. $5500 obo. 573-7805 Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee, Loaded. 24k miles. Only $22,979. 225-297-5757. 08 Suzuki Grand Vitari auto, super clean, free warr $3995 225-448-2586

Sports Cars


Now Open

Fiat of Baton Rouge 11955 AIRLINE HWY. fiatusaof

1-888-349-1340 Acura


2001 Acura MDX 3.5, 4X4, very low miles. $7,898. Call 225-298-4100.


Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2007 Cadillac DTS, Must see! 37k original miles. Only $16,798. 225-297-5757.



10 Acura TL, w/Tech Package. Aggressive wheels, Navigation. $16,448. Call 225-298-4100.



12 Mustang, convertible, auto, all pwr equip, alloys, very clean, only $15,988. Call 1-855-821-5047 '05 FORD TAURUS SE, auto, loaded, v6, AC, heat, clean, 160K, $3,750. 225-953-3401


All makes and models. Offer made on the spot.

TEAM TOYOTA 855-821-5047



11 BMW 550i, M Series Sport package, clean, Navigation. $34,948. Call 225-298-4100.



11955 AIRLINE HWY. fiatusaof


2011 CHEVY CRUZE LT, one owner, CarFax clean, Veh clean inside, like new. TT&L down, 60 @ $289 WAC. 225-383-8100

2000 Mercury Gr. Marquis, 111k mi. auto, ac, loaded $3295. 225-369-1920 agt

'05 HONDA ACCORD, 4cyl, Real nice, Cold air. 96K mi. $5400. Call 225-315-8838.

2010 Mercury Grand Marquis. All leather seats, exc. cond. 32,000 mi. Asking $13,500. Call 225-749-3480

'95 Accord Station Wagon - Runs grt! New tires, A/C, 200Kmi!$1995. 225-733-1555


6640 6400


07 Grand Marquis, 4dr, auto, all pwr equip, leather, alloys, only 53k miles, only $9,488. Call 855-821-5047 04 MERCURY SABLE - 154k, runs good. Very clean. AC/ Heat. $3499. 225-241-3259



'09 IMPALA LT, auto, loaded, new tires, v6, only 130K, $7,500. 225-953-3401. 2008 Grand Prix GXP 59,000 miles, one owner $10,900. Exc. cond. 225-572-6523 '03 PONTIAC GR. PRIX GT, 99K miles., $4,999. Call 225-778-0010


6690 2011 MAZDA CX7 SUV, Like brand new! Must see to appreciate. Only 17,700 mi. $18,500. Call 225-252-3347.

Mercedes Benz

6700 1998 MERCEDES BENZ E320 - 192k mi. $4,850. OBO. 225-278-1149.


05 Mitsubishi Galant, cold air, like new, low mi $3995. free warr. 225-448-2586 '06 MITSUBISHI LANCER, 94K mi., $4,995. Call 225-778-0010


6720 05' NISSAN ALTIMA S, all pwr. cold air, auto. $3995. 225-448-2586.


08 Altima, 2.5 SL, 4dr, auto, all pwr equip, leather, roof, clean. Only $12,988. Call 1-855-821-5047.

03 ACCORD 2DR EX, roof, lthr, low mi, auto, free warr $5995. 225-448-2586

'02 HONDA ACCORD Coupe, 135K mi., $4,999. Call 225-778-0010. 07 HONDA ACCORD LX 4DR, super clean, low mi, free warr $7995. 225-4482586. 2009 HONDA ACCORD LX, auto trans., 4 dr., Clean CARFAX, one owner, black on black. TT&L down, $324 mo WAC. 225-383-8100 -All Hondas and Toyotas$4800 with Free Warranty! Very clean. 225-235-2978. 91 Honda Civic - 4dr, 5 speed, great starter car, run/looks great. $1,800. 225-803-8219 * 225-3021931 2012 HONDA CIVIC, 4 dr., auto, very clean, clean CARFAX, one owner, ECO friendly. Only $11,995.. 225383-8100

2001 TOYOTA SEQUOIA Limited - 206K miles. $6500 obo. Call 225-303-8380.


04 Tacoma PreRunner, dbl cab, 4dr, auto, all pwr equip, alloys, 90k miles, 1 owner, only $13,988. Call 1-855-821-5047.

Automotive Miscellaneous



WILL MAKE your ad really stand out and get you even quicker results. ASK FOR your ad in BOLD TYPE. It only costs 35 cents a line more, per day.

CALL CLASSIFIED 1-800-960-6397


All makes and models. Offer made on the spot.

TEAM TOYOTA 855-821-5047

2013 Kia Soul, Sporty and Unique. $12,948. Call 225-298-4100.

6800 4x4

2005 VW Convertible, 5spd. A/C. In good shape, Clean! $6500 Neg. 225-2747156. Southpoint Volkswagen 800-291-0025/225-291-6000 13940 AIRLINE HWY

Racing Cars

6770 96 Vette - Rolling chassis. 115 in. WB. Dbl frame rail. Hairy glass body. $14k. Call 225-954-6942.

Classic Cars

6780 '65 IMPALA SS 327 Disc Brakes. A/C 2 DR, HT. PS, auto, 400R transmission $18,500. Call 225-673-5513 1969 JAGUAR XKE 2+2 dark green, garage kept. $30,000. Call 337-540-3813. 1954 Plymouth 4DR. Exc. body, needs paint, good low time engine, 56K mi. Not running, quick project driver. Good int., new upholstery kit, $2500 FIRM. Call 225-273-4148, 939-4091

Automotive Miscellaneous


2009 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5S 73K, black on black, TTL & only $229 mo WAC. Call 225-383-8100. '05 NISSAN MAXIMA SL, auto, loaded, s-roof, lthr, new A/C, mint, only 109K, $7,250. Call 225-953-3401.


12 Murano, auto, all pwr equip, alloys, 1 owner, clean, only $14,988. Call 855-821-5047



All makes and models. Offer made on the spot.

04 Nissan XTERRA , 100K, ext silver, int. gray. $ 5795 fin. avail. 225-248-6748


6740 09' Camry LE. Wheels, snrf, loaded. Clean!! 50K mi, Asking $9,950.225-241-9299



2009 Toyota Camry, All power, alloys, clean, low payments. $10,948. Call 225-298-4100. '99 TOY CAMRY LE, super clean, auto, loaded, only 150K, $3950. 225-953-3401. 2004 TOYOTA CAMRY LE, 127K, runs great, $5700. Call 225-766-7055


01 Camry, 4 dr, auto, all pwr. equip., auto, only 117k mi. $5,988. Call 1-855-821-5047.


of Used Cars, Trucks, SUV CERTIFIED

I-12 @ O'NEAL



05 CAMRY LE, well kept, new tires, very clean. Must see! $6500. 225-665-0036


08 Camry XLE, all pwr. equip., alloys, leather, sunroof, clean. $11,788. Call 1-855-821-5047.


05 Corolla, 4dr, auto, all pwr. equip., $7,788. Call 1-855-821-5047.

02 Toyota Corolla, All power, automatic. $5,448. Call 225-298-4100.


'11 Corolla S, White w/blk Int. Pristine cond. 42K mi. $12,500. Call 225-955-3608

6470 04 SATURN ION 4dr auto, cold air, like new, free warr $3995. 225-448-2586

02 Odyssey - Runs/drives good. AC cold. 99K miles. $3800. Call 225-202-1089.

03 Highlander, auto, all pwr. equip, clean. $6,988. Call 1-855-821-5047


2007 GMC Sierra SLE, Crewcab, leather interior, bed liner. $12,948. Call 225-298-4100. GET PAID UP TO $700 FOR complete cars! (Varies on vehicle make, model & year) Free Towing!

Call 225-442-9076

2004 Ford F150 Club Cab, auto, ac, runs/drives great $3650. 225-369-1920 agt 02 GMC SIERRA - 125k, cold Air/heat, runs good. $3799. 225-241-3259 2008 GMC SIERRA , 4-dr, 98K, $13,500. Call 225-9938296.

Team Honda

$500-$50,000 Vans/Cars/Trucks Foreign/Domestic All Makes & Models

Trucks/Trailers Heavy Duty


6820 1994 FORD SUPER DUTY Diesel Flatbed. $2,800. Call 225-306-5130.



Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2008 Cadillac Escalade EXT, X-clean, fully loaded. Only $32,969. Won't last! 225-297-5757.

855-313-8326 We Buy Used Cars

07 Tundra, 4X4, Crewmax, TRD offroad, all pwr. equip. Only $20,788. Call 1-855-821-5047.


Trucks/ Light Duty


05 Toyota 4Runner, Leather, roof, 4X4. Very clean vehicle. One of a kind. $11,848. 225-298-4100.


08 Wrangler Sahara, auto, alloys, pwr equip, 68k mi. Only $18,988. Call 1-855-821-5047


FOR GOOD TRUCKS! 225-647-5501

1999 FORD F250 7.3 diesel, 2 WD. Crew Cab. 292,500 mi. $6495obo. 225-806-1144. 97' FORD F350 HEAVY DUTY 5.8L V8 4X4 74K 4 DR. $4500 . Call 225-993-8296


6840 2003 Dodge Caravan. Pwr. wind, a/c, cd player. 155K mi. Runs gd. $1675. Call 225-931-4240.

Trucks/ Light Duty


Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2003 Cadillac Escalade EXT. 1 owner, garage kept. Must see! Only $15,979. Excellent condition. 225-297-5757.

2000 CHEVY EXPRESS VAN 150K mi. Extra clean! Runs great! $4900. 225-642-0280 2002 DODGE CARAVAN, runs great, exc. cond. Asking $1800. 225-953-2765

Auto Parts Tires, Access.


07 Chevy Silverado 4DR auto, super clean $7995. Free warr. 225-448-2586.

2005 Ford Explorer Sports Trac XLT 4 dr. Red. Motor not good. $1200. 937-0790

'09 CHEVY SILVERADO LTZ Loaded, Blk. Orig. owner. 88K. $21,000. 225-610-3099

$300 & up for Junk vehicles

2010 Chevy Silverado, Crew Cab. Very Clean, No damage, Clear Title, $18,900. Call Butch 225405-9340 '98 Dodge RAM 1500 SLT, v8, x-cab, nice, mechanic owned, bed liner, new tires, $2,950. 225-953-3401.

'09 NISSAN ALTIMA S, 91K, $2,400 Down tan interior/ blue exterior 225-248 6748

12 Civic LX, 4dr, auto, all pwr. equip., clean. Only, $13,788. Call 1-855-821-5047

Saturn 14 Chevrolet Impala LT, 4 to choose from. Take one home! Low payments. $14,948. Call 225-298-4100.

00 LEXUS RX300RUNS/DRIVES GOOD. AC COLD. $4500. 225-202-1089

Fiat of Baton Rouge


'05 Chev. Imp, great cond. A/C, CD, New Tires, $4,500 504-373-4649


Now Open

06 Chevy Aveo, 4DR, CLEAN, cold air auto, $3750 free warr 225-448-2586

02 Chevrolet Impala, Very clean and well maintained. $4,448. Call 225298-4100.


-All Toyotas and Hondas$4800 with Free Warranty! Very clean. 225-235-2978.


2008 Chevy Impala- White, 4dr, Runs great! Financing. avail. $7850. 225-963-0291.

6675 06 Kia Rio 4DR Auto, 120k miles, cold air, $3850 . Free warr. 225-448-2586.


2006 Chevy Avalanche, Z66, leather interior, loaded. $11,988. Call 225-298-4100.

05 Chevy Impala 4dr, low miles, super clean free warr $4995. 225-448-2586




Over 60,000 vehicles to choose from

2012 IMPALA LT, Loaded. $8900. Call 225-413-6893.

6660 Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2012 Infiniti M37X, Looks new. 40k miles. Priced to sell @ $28,989. 225-297-5757.

10 Sentra, all pwr. equip., 4dr, auto. $8,988. Call 1-855-821-5047.

2011 Ford Focus Sedan 4dr, auto, good cond. 100k mi. $4750. 225-921-3568.

Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2013 & 2014 Cadillac XTS's, Certified. Starting as low as $31,995. Call Today. 225-297-5757.



'07 RAV4, Very clean, pwr everything, trailer hitch. 127K. $7300. 225-315-8838 05 Dodge Caravan, Well kept van. Low mileage, affordable with all of the family room you need. $5,998. Call 225-298-4100.


01' Mitsubishi Montero XlS. 3 seats, cold air. Free warr. $2995. 225-448-2586.


02 Cadillac Deville-Pearl white, low mi, Financing. avail. $4995. 225-963-0291.


Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2008 GMC Acadia SLT, Leather and much more! Only $16,989. 225-297-5757.


08 Edge, auto, all pwr equip, alloys, clean. Only $9,988. Call 1-855-821-5047

03 Escalade, leather, all pwr. equip, nice, only 89k mi. $11,988. Call 1-855-821-5047

1994 FORD BRONCO 4X4, Runs good. $2,900. (225) 324-7049

All makes and models. Offer made on the spot.

Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2011 Cadillac CTS, Certified. X-clean car, low miles. 70k mile warranty. Only $17,989. Won't last!! 225-297-5757.


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2007 Chevrolet Trailblazer, Super Sport 6.0, V-8, clean, low miles, brand new tires. $14,948. Call 225-298-4100.

6220 Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2012 & 2013 Buick Lacrosse, Loaded, low miles. Several in stock. 225-297-5757.

5500 2015 Coachman Catalina 40 ft., 3 slides, W/D, 2BR, many extras. $29,750 OBO Call 618-409-0287

3Br, 2ba, 2 story home in Walker. Convenient to shopping & I-12, $1350 mo. Call 225-937-5106.

VERY NICE 3 BR, 2.5 bath. South Walker. $1250 mo $1250 dep. 225-665-6890

SALSBURY'S DODGE CITY 9550 Airline Hwy. 926-5211



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All makes and models. Offer made on the spot.


2003 DODGE DIESEL 2500 2 WD. 160K MI, EXC. COND. $10K. CALL 225-572-1873. 2004 DODGE RAM 1500, 111K mi. V8. 4dr. Scratches & dings, new motor at 85K. $6800. 225-939-0368 98 Dodge 1500 series SST, 5.9L 360 a/c, pwr windows, locks, $3500. 225-931-5460


Mike Gerald's Trailer Depot

We now install B&W GN, 5th wheel, brake controller & hitches. Trucks Only. @ both locations. Florida 225-275-0000 Airline 225-356-4000 2014 GMC Sierra 20" Chrome Rims Perfect Cond. $1,980 firm. 225-933-2202 24" Chrome rims w/tire, Good cond. $2500 OBO. Call 225-303-8380.


$124.20 per month

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