The Ascension Advocate 04-09-2015

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Darlene Denstorff AROUND ASCENSION

La.44 development sent to council BY ELLYN COUVILLION


Music in the Park kicks off Sunday Boogie Men kick off the Music in the Park free concert series Sunday in Jambalaya Park. The concert, hosted by Gonzales Mayor Barney Arceneaux’s Mayor’s Council for the Arts, is from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. The series continues each Sunday through May 3.

Commodities distribution

The Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank and the Ascension Parish Health Unit will hold a quarterly distribution of commodities in Ascension Parish. Distribution will be from 8 a.m. to noon Tuesday at the Lemman Memorial Center, 1100 Clay St., Donaldsonville. The commodities program is a federal program that makes donated foods available to emergency feeding organizations that provide food staples to qualified residents and families to relieve situations of emergency distress, a news release said. The Food for Families program’s food distribution is set from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Tuesday at the Lemann Center. Food for families is a Catholic Charities organization. New applications for Food for Families will be taken during the distribution.

Wear purple Friday

Residents are encouraged to wear purple on Friday to support the American Cancer Society and Ascension Parish Relay for Life and their efforts to support those fighting cancer and to remember those who have lost their battle. Relay for Life Ascension sold specially designed Paint the Town Purple T-shirts to raise money in advance of its May 2 event at Cabela’s in Gonzales. For information, call Noelle Franz at (225) 439-1263 or email ascensionrelay@gmail. com.

Crawfish boil at Expo Center

Dreams Come True is holding a South Louisiana Crawfish Boil, Craft and Car Show from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday at the Lamar-Dixon Expo Center. The event features a crawfish-boiling contest, crawfisheating contest, bands, craft äSee AROUND, page 2G

GONZALES — The Gonzales Planning and Zoning Commission has given the nod for zoning requests on a 344-acre mixed-use community on La. 44 to go to the City Council for a vote. “This development is something really needed in this area, and I’m excited about it,� Commissioner John Lanoux said of the Conway Plantation community being developed by Southern Lifestyle Development.

The City Council will vote on the matter at its next meeting, April 13. At a public hearing Monday night, Robert Daigle, managing partner of Lafayette-based Southern Lifestyle Development, and Prescott Bailey, area president for the company, said the project will offer a traditional neighborhood development combining retail and residential, traditional single-family homes and apartments. Developers of Conway Plantation are requesting traditional

neighborhood development zoning for 106 acres of the project, formerly zoned for varying residential lot sizes and for retail commercial. The company also is requesting 6,000-square-foot-lot residential zoning for 204 acres of the property, which was formerly zoned commercial. Bailey said the developers will be adding an additional northbound traffic lane on the property to make two northbound lanes on La. 44 to Interstate 10. The main entrance of Conway

Plantation onto La. 44 also will have a two-lane roundabout, Bailey said. Ernest Allen, a resident of the Pelican Point subdivision farther south on La. 44, voiced his concerns about increased traffic on the state highway, and Bobby Schexnayder, who lives on Loosemore Road at the southern edge of the development, voiced his worries about increased traffic there. Daigle said the development company had spent $27,000 on an independent traffic study,

requested by the state Department of Transportation and Development, and will present it to DOTD in the future. Southern Lifestyle Development believes a second northbound lane to the interstate would be helpful, Daigle said. In the end, he said, “The DOTD will decide what happens.â€? He said DOTD has told the developers that the state is currently designing a roundabout at Loosemore Road where it interäSee DEVELOPMENT, page 2G



Lucille Taylor gets her photo taken after winning the funniest hat category.

Ascension Council on Aging hosts annual Spring Fling

Advocate staff report

Evelyn Logwood had the prettiest Easter hat April 2 at the Ascension Council on Aging’s Spring Fling according to a group of judges who viewed the parade of hats. Senior citizens used stuffed animals, crosses, plastic eggs, colorful straw, leaves, lace, ribbon and even a plastic football to decorate hats for the bonnet contest. äSee SPRING, page 3G

Advocate staff photos by BILL FEIG

Contestants line up for the Spring Fling hat contest April 2 at the Ascension Council on Aging’s Gonzales Senior Center. ä See more photos at

Blue Run aims to raise awareness of abuse prevention BY C.J. FUTCH April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, said Ginger Cangelosi, and Child Advocacy Services hopes to raise both awareness and funds with the fifth annual Blue Run, scheduled for 7 a.m. April 11 at Gonzales City Hall, 120 S. Irma Blvd. The event includes a 1-mile Fun Run and a 5K race, both starting at City Hall, Cangelosi said, and proceeds will benefit programs provided by Child

Advocacy Services, a nonprofit agency that supports Court Appointed Special Advocates program, Children’s Advocacy Center, along with clinical services and prevention education for children and families in 10 Southeast Louisiana parishes including Ascension, Assumption, East and West Feliciana, Livingston, St. Charles, St. Helena, St. James, St. John and Tangipahoa parishes. “The first year, the run was in Hammond, and we have people participating from all over,�

Cangelosi said. “We had lots of requests to move it to Ascension, because it’s more centrally located (to the service area), so we did, and we’ve had it in Gonzales ever since.� One of the services CAS provides is forensic interviews for physical and sexual abuse cases, Cangelosi said, which significantly reduce the impact of abuse on the victims. Ashleigh Fuller, forensic interviewer covering Ascension, St. James and the Felicianas, sees children just after they’ve told

someone about an instance of abuse. Her field is fairly new, she said, and was the answer to an interview process that added the trauma of retelling the story of abuse many times to a child already experiencing a traumatic event. “I’m a neutral third-party for investigations started by the Department Children and Family Services and law enforcement,� Fuller said. “I interview the child in a developmentally sensitive and legally sound way. It’s audio

and video-recorded, and supervised by the investigating party.â€? That breaks down to open-ended questions that take into account children’s age and grasp of concepts like time and place, she said. Younger children can’t answer when and where questions as accurately, because time and place don’t exist in the same way to them yet. The recording makes it more likely that the child would have to tell the story of the traumatic äSee BLUE RUN, page 2G

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2G n Thursday, April 9, 2015 n n The Advocate


Chicken breast fillet sandwich with barbecue sauce on bun, baked beans, apple confetti coleslaw and pineapple crisp PILATES: 8:15 a.m. and 9:15 a.m., Gonzales PIYO: 9 a.m., Donaldsonville ZUMBA GOLD: 10:30 a.m., Gonzales 10:30 a.m. CAJUN NEEDLERS: 12:30 p.m., Gonzales


Breakfast special: Breakfast sausage or yogurt and boiled egg, grits, biscuit, peaches, orange juice and pecan spinwheel snack cake BINGO: 10 a.m., Donaldsonville. Sponsored by Canon Hospice ZUMBA GOLD: 9 a.m., Donaldsonville SCRAP BOOKING: 9 a.m., Gonzales KARAOKE: 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Gonzales CANASTA: 1 p.m., Gonzales


Meatballs with country gravy, seasoned green beans, carrots, whole-wheat bread and fruit BEADING CLUB: 9 a.m., Gonzales and 10:30 a.m., Donaldsonville FAST EXERCISE: 9:30 a.m., Donaldsonville and 10:45 a.m., Gonzales


Hamburger on a bun, lettuce/ tomato/onion, baked beans and peach cobbler

SENIORS AND THE LAW: 9:30 a.m., Gonzales. Southern Legal Services’ D. Handleman to speak YOGA: 8:15 a.m. and 9:15 a.m., Gonzales ZUMBA GOLD: 9 a.m., Donaldsonville and 10:30 a.m., Gonzales COUPON SWAP: 9 a.m., Gonzales BRIDGE: 11:30 a.m., Gonzales

WEDNESDAY Birthday special: Chicken and sausage gumbo with rice, okra and tomatoes, potato salad, French bread and cake CANASTA: 9 a.m., Donaldsonville FAST EXERCISE: 9:30 a.m., Donaldsonville and 10:45 a.m., Gonzales CRAFTS: 9:30 a.m., Gonzales

APRIL 16 Sliced roasted turkey with brown gravy, mixed vegetables, creamed/chive potatoes, wholewheat bread, applesauce and cookie PILATES: 8:15 a.m. and 9:15 a.m., Gonzales PIYO: 9 a.m., Donaldsonville ZUMBA GOLD: 10:30 a.m., Gonzales CAJUN NEEDLERS: 12:30 p.m., Gonzales 12:30 p.m

For information on programs at the Ascension Council on Aging centers, call Donaldsonville at (225) 473-3789 or Gonzales at (225) 621-5750.

WWII veteran honored World War II veteran Frank Corrent, left, recently received a plaque from Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3693 Cmdr. Brent Gautreau. Corrent was honored at the March meeting of Gonzales Memorial Post 3693 for his nearly 40 years of service as the Post Canteen Manager. In addition, a plaque was unveiled naming the Canteen in Corrent’s honor.

Real estate staff, agents honored at luncheon Advocate staff report Villar and Company Real Estate staff and agents gathered March 24 for the company’s annual Awards Luncheon at the Clarion Inn Gonzales. Agents were recognized for 2014 performance with different levels of sales success. The Gold Sales Award went to Darla Villar Bruno and Sandy Scallan. Silver Award winners were Kristina Smallhorn and Sherri Photo provided by ELLIE AMEDEE Rachal and the Bronze Award Attending the March 24 Awards Luncheon for Villar and Company Real Estate, from left, are went to Jeff Gautreau and Jo- Sandy Scallan, Kristina Smallhorn, Darla Bruno, Donna Villar, Sherri Rachal, Dee Robinson nas Crystal. and Jeff Gautreau. Individual honors went to Sherri Rachal, “Top Listing Agent;” Darla Villar Bruno, “Jeff Gautreau, “Most Coop- Commander of Edward Jones owner congratulated the group on its 2014 accomplishFinancial. “Top Producer;” Denise New- erative Spirit.” Donna Villar, broker and ments. Guest speaker was David ton, “Rookie of the Year” and

4 Ascension deputies finish training academy Advocate staff report Ascension Parish Deputies Tyrus Cobb, Justin Ellis, Marvin Williams and Daniel Goppelt graduated March 31 from the Capital Area Regional Training Academy in Baton Rouge. Capital Area Regional Training Academy is a service provided by the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office, a news release from Sheriff Jeff WiPhoto provided by ALLISON HUSDON ley’s office said. Attending the police training graduation ceremony March 31 in Baton Rouge, from left, are There were 39 graduates Assistant Warden Tim Maxwell, Deputy Daniel Goppelt, Deputy Tyrus Cobb, Ascension Pairsh representing 10 agencies from Sheriff Jeff Wiley, Deputy Justin Ellis, Deputy Marvin Williams, Maj. Ward Webb and Warden across the state. The graduates Paul Hall. learned physical training, legal and report writing skills, law en- ous other topics and skills. 11 weeks of hard work and re- attaining their POST certificaforcement history, and numer“This graduation represents sulted in all of these deputies tion,” Lt. Col. Bobby Webre said.

Ascension Sheriff announces new hires

Photo provided by VFW Post 3693


cludes both retail and office/ warehouse-type businesses. Continued from page 1G Lamendola also plans to donate about 41 remaining acres of his property on Orice Roth sects with La. 44. In another matter, the Plan- Road to the city, said Kenny ning and Zoning Commission Lambert, speaking as the agent will hold a public hearing May for Lamendola. City Clerk Clay Stafford said 4 on a request from developer Sonny Lamendola to extend after the meeting that a good commercial zoning to about 2 potential use of the property in acres adjoining 18 acres La- the future would be for a park mendola owns on Orice Roth to serve nearby subdivisions. Road. The property is zoned C-2, Follow Ellyn Couvillion on a commercial zoning that in- Twitter, @EllynCouvillion.


Continued from page 1G events as few times as possible. “Ideally, just twice,” she said, once when the child tells someone, and once for the forensic interview. “Say a child tells a teacher. The teacher would take the child to the counselor, where the story would be repeated,” Fuller said. The principal would comes next, then the DCFS, then law enforcement. Because the interview is recorded from start to finish, Fuller said, and the investigating parties are witnessing the interview from another room, the situation is more ideal both for the child and the investigators. CAS also offers a class called Darkness to Light: Stewards of


Continued from page 1G booths, rides, inflatables, karaoke contest, auction and washer board contest. For details, visit www. /uploads/2014/08/photo.jpg.

Cook-off sign-ups open

It’s not too late to register for the Gonzales Memorial Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3693 Jambalaya Cook-off and Jam on Saturday, April 18, at the VFW hall on Churchpoint Road. There will be three contests for jambalaya cooks: the minipot, wood burning and propane categories. Arts and crafts vendors who

Children that teaches first responders, police, teachers and anyone else who wants to learn what to do when a child comes to them with a complaint. The run is a light-hearted way to promote CAS in the community, Cangelosi said, and is already strongly supported by the agencies who use them frequently. “The 23rd Judicial District Bar Association has the biggest Blue Run team,” she said. For all those who want to participate, registration will be open all this week, and will also be available the morning of the run. The cost is $35 per person. Runners and walkers may register as individuals, or teams. To register, or to learn more about CAS or view the Blue Run’s sponsors, visit www.

participate also can register. In addition, the event will feature bounce houses for the kids, music by Off the Grid and Kenny Fife, and jambalaya will be sold as a plate or family-size pan. Family events will be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bands will play from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The car show will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. To register, call Casey Person at (225) 268-4334 or Brent Gautreau at (225) 485-7875. Contact Darlene Denstorff by phone, (225) 336-6952, (225) 603-1996; fax, (225) 388-0371; email, ascension@theadvocate. com or Deadline: noon Monday.

Photo provided by ALLISON B. HUDSON


Ascension Parish Sheriff Jeff Wiley and staff met with five new hires March 31 at the Training Center for a meet and greet. The deputies will begin their employment with the APSO in April. Gathering from left are Lt. Col. Bobby Webre, William Campbell, Khalil Zaher, Wiley, James Murry, Owen Dempsey, Matthew Johnson and recently retired Chief Deputy Tony Bacala.

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The Advocate n n Thursday, April 9, 2015 n 3G

community Pets available

This 7-weekold female domestic short hair, gray tabby.

The Ascension Parish Animal Shelter, 9894 Airline Highway in Sorrento, is open from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday for viewings and pet adoptions. Animals can be adopted for $50. Animals can be dropped off from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Fridays. For information, call (225) 6756557. Available this week are:

Photos provided

A male 8-month-old beagle This 6-month-old male re- This 7-week-old male do- mix. He’s housebroken and triever mix. mestic short hair, dilute gray good with children and other dogs. tabby.


Students raise money for Little Angels Foundation

Continued from page 1G

St. Amant High School’s Student Council raised $900 for the Little Angels Foundation, which provides caskets for deceased children. Attending the check presentation, from left, are Alice’ Bourque, Bobby Siears, Shae Guidry, Zachary Lipoma and Laine Peterson.

Photo provided by ALICE BOURQUE


DISCOVERING EMAIL: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., Ascension Parish Library, Gonzales branch, 708 S. Irma Ave., Gonzales. PRESCHOOL PROGRAM PAJAMA STORYTIME: 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Ascension Parish Library, Gonzales and Galvez branch, 40300 La. 42, Prairieville. PADDLE BAYOU LAFOURCHE: 9 a.m., Donaldsonville boat launch on La. 308. The BaratariaTerrebonne National Estuary Program paddling trip from the headwaters of Bayou Lafourche in Donaldsonville to the community of Lockport. Paddlers may pick and choose which day(s) to participate (from one to four days.) The 52-mile, four-day trip winds through a number of rural communities and several small cities. Paddlers will be treated to scenic natural vistas and a “backyard view� of the historic bayou. Registration is on a firstcome, first-served basis. There are a limited amount of paddlers allowed per day. Children have to be at least 5 years old to paddle. Registration fees are per person, per day (not per canoe/ kayak). Every paddler must turn in a registration form. To rent a canoe, the registration fee is $60 per day. For more information, visit paddlehome.aspx.


SOUTH LOUISIANA CRAWFISH BOIL, CRAFT & CAR SHOW: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Lamar-Dixon Expo Center, 9039 S. St. Landry Ave., Gonzales. There will be a crawfish boiling contest, eating contest, hot boiled crawfish, car show, pinup contest (’50s attire), bands, craft booths, powered parachute aircrafts, beer booth, kids’ rides, inflatables, karaoke contest, 50/50 drawing, silent auction, washer board contest, celebrity judges and more. EIGHTH ANNUAL 5TH WARD FIREMAN’S FUNDRAISER: 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., Pelican Point Golf Clubhouse, 6300 Championship Court, Gonzales. There will be a 1-mile Fun Run, kickball tournament,

Advocate staff photos by BILL FEIG

Stanley and Gwen Dixon dance while waiting for the hat contest to start.

mini-pot cook-off and $1 raffles. Entry fee required for Fun Run. All proceeds go to Fire Department. For more information, contact the Pelican Point Homeowners’ Association, (225) 473-0004.


MUSIC IN THE PARK: 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., Jambalaya Park,1015 E. Cornerview Road, Gonzales. Boogie Men to perform free concert. For more information, call Sandra Alleman at (225) 647-9554. LOUISIANA CWW CLASS: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Cabela’s. For more information or to register, call instructor Phil Brocato at (225) 931-1903. JOURNEY TO DEMENTIA: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., St. Elizabeth Hospital, Sister Vernola and Sister Linda conference room, 1125 La. 30 W., Gonzales. An educational program for caregivers presented by Alzheimer’s Services of the Capitol Area. Light lunch will be served. Free registration required.


A BLAZE IN THE SPIRIT: 7 p.m., Life Cathedral Worship Center, 2103 S. Philippe Ave., Gonzales. Free public event hosted by Intl. Prelate Dr. Lloyd Benson Sr., World Link of Churches and Ministries. Experience “Anointed Praise & Worship,� ministry dance, gospel singing, vending booths and food. For more information, visit FLOOD AWARENESS: 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Ascension Parish Library, Galvez branch. PAJAMA STORYTIME: 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Ascension Parish Library, Dutchtown, 13278 La. 73, Geismar; and Donaldsonville branches, 500 Mississippi St. Donaldsonville.


CHAMBER 101: 8 a.m., Ascension Chamber Office, 1006 W. La. 30, Gonzales. All new chamber members invited to join chamber President/CEO Sherrie Despino for breakfast and a presentation on how to best promote your

business through the Ascension Chamber. RSVP by emailing info@ascensionchamber. com. WII AFTERNOON: 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., Ascension Parish Library, Gonzales branch. INTRODUCTION TO BLOGGER: 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., Ascension Parish Library, Gonzales. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SPRING FLING: 4 p.m., Mike Anderson’s, 500 W. La. 30, Gonzales. Annual Spring Fling on the Patio of Mike Anderson’s. Free for all chamber members. A BLAZE IN THE SPIRIT: 7 p.m., Life Cathedral Worship Center, 2103 S. Philippe Ave., Gonzales. Free public event hosted by Intl. Prelate Dr. Lloyd Benson Sr., World Link of Churches and Ministries. Experience “Anointed Praise & Worship,� ministry dance, gospel singing, vending booths and food. For more information, visit

In addition to the hat contest, seniors hunted for eggs and danced to the music of Mason McClain and Binky Glenmeyer at the Gonzales Senior Center. Council on Aging Executive Director Darlene Schexnayder said the group hid more than 800 eggs for more than 100 seniors attending the party. JoAnn Williams’ entry took second place in the hat contest, and Geraldine Sharper was third. Ora Garon won the most original hat category, with Mary Franklin and Eva Lewis also picking up prizes in that category. Lucille Taylor, who carried a flashing sign that matched her hat, won first place in the funniest category, with Berna- Carl Lewis and Barbara Lewis show off the gold eggs they dette Millien in second place found. It was Barbara’s first egg hunt. and Clarence Rome, third. In the most creative catGail Barter’s hat won for egory. egory, Rosa Braud was first, having the best theme, with Honorable mention went to Helen McNeal was second and Mary Chauff and Laura Mor- Lillian Owens, Gladys Brown Shirley Stelly, third. gan also placing in the cat- and Barbara Laice.

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RIBBON CUTTING: 2:30 p.m., Bayou Safety & Supply, 6071 Industrial Drive, Geismar. SCORE FREE SMALL-BUSINESS COUNSELING & MENTORING: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., Ascension Parish Library, Dutchtown branch. TEEN BOOK CLUB: 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Ascension Parish Library, Galvez branch. KEEPING BACKYARD CHICKENS FOR EGGS AND ENTERTAINMENT: 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., Ascension Parish Library, Dutchtown branch. A BLAZE IN THE SPIRIT: 7 p.m., Life Cathedral Worship Center, 2103 S. Philippe Ave., Gonzales. Free public event hosted by Intl. Prelate Dr. Lloyd Benson Sr., World Link of Churches & Ministries. Experience “Anointed Praise & Worship,� ministry dance, gospel singing, vending booths and food.

Assessor gets pinned

Photo provided by NELL ERVIN

Ascension Assessor M.J. ‘Mert’ Smiley, left, received his ceremonial pin honoring his achievement of becoming a certified Louisiana Assessor on March 24 during the Louisiana Assessors Association’s 83rd annual conference from Louisiana Assessors Association President Lee Brown. All newly certified assessors and deputies, along with newly appointed and outgoing officers of the LAA, were recognized during the ceremony. Smiley and his chief deputy, Justin Champlin, completed their certification requirements last year.

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4G n Thursday, April 9, 2015 n n The Advocate


The Ascension Advocate’s Classroom Spotlight, a new feature, is teacher Amanda Allred’s 4-year-old kindergarten class at Ascension Christian Elementary School in Gonzales. Students were asked the following questions:

“WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP AND WHY?” GABE GUILLORY: I want to be a teacher. I want to help people learn. KEELEN QUINN: I want to be a policeman, so I can take bad guys to jail. BOWEN MCDOWELL: I want to be an Avenger, because I want to fight bad guys. KALEB MILLET: I want to be a daddy and drive trains. I think that would be fun. ALVIN MURPHY: I want to be a fireman, because my daddy likes them. COLE SIMPSON: I want to be a policeman. I think they are cool. BRODY GILES: I want to be in the Army so I can protect the world. KENNETH STELL: I want to be Spiderman, so I can swing from buildings. JACK LEBLANC: I want to be a race car driver. I like them. HUDSYN BOWLER: I want to be a teacher. FAITH DUHE: A pet keeper, because I want to watch animals. HOPE DUHE: I would like to be a princess. They have pretty dresses.

Photo provided by Ascension Christian Elementary

Ascension Christian Elementary School 4-year-old Classroom Spotlight includes, first row from left, Gabe Guillory, Keelen Quinn, Bowen McDowell, Kaleb Millet and Alvin Murphy; second row, Cole Simpson, Brody Giles, Kenneth Stell and Jack LeBlanc; and third row, Hudsyn Bolwer, Faith Duhe, Hope Duhe, Lucy Levert, Brooklyn Painter, Brielle Shelton and Lara Warner. LUCY LEVERT: I want to be a zookeeper, so I can see animals every day.

BROOKLYN PAINTER: I want to be a dentist so I can clean people’s teeth.

BRIELLE SHELTON: I want to be a teacher.

LARA WARNER: I want to be a doctor. I want to help make people happy.


rice, cabbage, salad cup, peaches, cornbread and milk Choice: Grilled chicken Caesar salad or breaded mozzarella sticks

Public schools


Schools closed

Chicken patty on bun, corn, green beans, peach slices and milk Sandwich: Spicy chicken sandwich

Catholic schools

Beef cutlet, creamed potatoes and gravy, corn, salad cup, orange wedge, roll and milk Choice: Fruity chicken salad or hamburger


St. Amant Middle Beta Club presents a donation March 28 to the March of Dimes at the March of Babies event in Gonzales. Attending, from left are, club sponsor Arlene Marchand, Rachel Cretini, Emma Hammond, Isabella Edmonston, March of Dimes Community Director Genevieve Ress, Jacob Breaux, Emma Breaux, Rhegean Courreges and Raven Tureaud.

Photo provided by ALLISON DICKERSON

Book Fair celebrates the sea

Pecan Grove Primary School kindergarten student Makayla Labar in March won the Book Fair raffle at Pecan Grove Primary School. She donated a dollar to the library and received a chance to win the squid hat she is wearing. The Book Fair theme this year was Under the Sea.

Beta Club raises $2,000 for March of Dimes

zation that donates money and items to many charities. “In addition, we spend time St. Amant Middle Beta Club recently raised $2,000 for the providing services to others in March of Dimes through in our community,” she said. The March of Dimes is one -and out-of-school activities. Club members presented of those charities that is spethe donation before the re- cial to the SAMS Beta club cent March for Babies hosted because of Marchand’s expein Gonzales, sponsor Arlene rience of delivering a premature baby more than 20 years Marchand said. Marchand said the St. ago. Marchand said her child is Amant Middle Beta Club is an academic and service organi- now a healthy adult. Advocate staff report

Students hosted a dress down day March 26 for the March of Dimes. Beta Club members Abigal Potrament, Kristin Averett, Hannah Simmons, Romona Thomas, Savannah Cooke, Megan Benoit, Trey Vice, Emma Breaux, Kimberly Bourgeois, Nicholas Barr, Isabella Edmonston, Breanna Garza and Raven Tureaud each raised $100 through out-of-school activities.

Public schools

Jambalaya, white beans, tossed salad, spiced apple slices, wholewheat roll and milk Sandwich: Chicken nuggets

Catholic schools

Crazy tacos, pinto beans, lettuce, tomato, cheese cup, honeydew melon and milk


Public schools

Spaghetti and meatsauce, broccoli with cheese, tossed salad, orange juice, whole-wheat Italian bread and milk Sandwich: Chicken salad

Catholic schools

Red beans with sausage and

Public schools

Grilled cheese sandwich, taco soup, tossed salad, fruit and milk Sandwich: Hamburger

Catholic schools

Hamburger on bun, tater tots, lettuce, tomato, pickle cup, carrots, fruit and milk

ASCENSION CIVIL COURT Court cases filed in Ascension Parish between March 23-27.


Mallory Ann Gonzales v. Tutorship, tutorship. Elise Jacquelyn McCullough v. Tutorship, tutorship. Edward James v. Henry Washington, quiet tax title. City of Donaldsonville v. Super Star Car Care LLC and #1 Tire Shop Alex, zoning. Gulfco of Louisiana LLC dba Tower Loans of Denham Springs

v. Cynthia Clements aka Cynthia A. Clements, promissory note. Credit Acceptance Corp. v. Eric Himel, contract. Credit Acceptance Corp. v. Albensia A. Carter and Lakendra L. Carter, contract. Louisiana State Department Trans & Deve v. Willie J. Miller, damages. Essential Federal Credit Union v. John Richard Rarick III and Tara Wolf Rarick, promissory note.

äSee CIVIL COURT, page 5G

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The Advocate n n Thursday, April 9, 2015 n 5G

CIVIL COURT Continued from page 4G

Katherine Y. Arreola v. Alejandro Arreola, executory judgment. Preeti Patel v. Louisiana Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co. and Mark Gray, damages. Us Bank Trust Na v. Patricia Martin, executory process. Zurich American Insurance Co. and Chicago Bridge and Iron Co. v. Turner Industries Group LLC and Brock Services LLC, damages. US Bank National Association v. George R. JR/AKA Robinson, George Robinson Jr., Mary S. Robinson aka Mary Robinson, executory process. JPMorgan Chase Bank National Assoc v. Clydenester J. Tillman and Leonard Gregory Tillman Sr., executory process. Progressive Paloverde Insurance Co and Mark A. Boudreaux v. Jus-

tin Juul and USAgencies Direct Insurance Co., damages. Brad Walker and Czarina Walker v. Pelican Post News LLC, Charlotte Guidry, Wade Petite and Michael Tortorich, damages. (Individual on behalf of) Randall Lawrence Boudreaux and Mark A. Boudreaux Jr. Est v. Justin Ducote Juul, USAgencies Direct Insurance Co., Progressive Insurance Co. and Safeco Insurance Co., damages. Rashod Nolan Albert v. Louisiana State Department of Public Safety, judicial review. Vanderbilt Mortgage & Finance Inc v. Gregg Alan Martin Jr. and Victoria Davis Martin, abandonment. Marsha A. Needham v. Chandler J. Couvillion, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. and State Farm Mutual Automobile Uninsured, damages. Neighbors Federal Credit Union v. Calvin T. Weatherford, executory judgment.

Neighbors Federal Credit Union v. Kyle Richard, promissory note. Us Bank National Association, Springleaf Mortgage Loantrust and Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Daniel Christopher Plaisance, Taryn J. Plaisance aka Taryn Broussard Plaisance, executory process. Capital One Na v. Letitia Bell Calhoun, promissory note. Tma Leasing Inc dba Environmental Tma v. Vacuum Truck Sales & Service LLC, Vacuum Truck Rentals LLC and Axis Capital Inc, damages. Brian Ind Obo Lucio v. Ascension Parish School Board, David L. Lodge, Renea King Lodge and Antoinette King Patterson, damages. River Highlands Estates Condominiums v. Ascension Parish and Ascension Properties Inc, declaratory judgment. Credit Acceptance Corp. v. Alma Riney, executory judgment.

Discover Bank v. Gardiner Susan, open account. Cavalry Spv I LLC, Hsbc Bank Nevada Na and Capital One Bank USA NA v. Charmaine L. Porter, open account. American Express Bank FSB v. Maher Khaled, open account. Credit Acceptance Corp. v. Michael LeBlanc, open account. Tranell Walker v. Jeff Sheriff Wiley, Ascension Parish Sheriffs Office, Ascension Parish Jail and Steven Thrash, damages.


Diana Decoteau Dubois, interdiction. Justin J. Guthrie v. Britni F. Guthrie, divorce. Michael Hatfield v. Hatfield Carla D. Snell and Snell Carla D. Hatfield, divorce. Herman Franklin Dixon Jr. v. Regina Edwards Dixon, divorce. Angela N. Hinds Barnes v. Scott Alan Barnes, divorce.

Carmen G. Meeks v. Michael Dane Meeks, divorce. Christopher Glenn Sealy v. Amber Vicknair Sealy, divorce. Donna Gautreau Rice v. Michael Wayne Rice, divorce. Ryan M. Outlaw v. Tanya R. Outlaw, divorce. Dawn Michelle Smith Andre v. Hunter Neil Andre, divorce. Courtney Lee Wagner v. Robert Michael Wagner Jr., divorce. Lawrence Sanders v. Ashley Ricks Sanders, divorce. David Reggie McFadden v. Chantel Gwin McFadden, divorce. Christin Dottolo v. Jimmy Dottolo, divorce. Shelly Lynn Foley v. Brendan Liam Foley, divorce. Lakeisha David v. Danny J. David, divorce.

PROBATE SUITS Succession of Callaghan William J. O.

Succession of Lorita A. Lambert Babin. Succession of Kevelyn Paul Babin, Kevelyn P. Babin and Kevelyn Babin. Succession of Nell Bordelon Stuart. Succession of Garry Earl Warner Sr. Aka, Garry Warner. Succession of Marie Bercegeay Hebert. Succession of Charles Lyle Erp Aka, Charles L. Erp. Succession of Felix Lipoma. Succession of Carole Jean Carpenter and Kenneth Donald Carpenter Sr. Succession of Irma Hebert Sotile. Succession of George A. Oubre. Succession of Johnnie Lee Hooper Jr. Succession of Kathryn Valentine Decoteau. Succession of Jim Leon Ehlers.

ASCENSION PARISH POLICE BOOKINGS The following people were booked into the Ascension Parish prison from March 27 April 2.

March 27

March 28

BOUGERE, LATOYA HARVEY: 29, 11342 La. 73, Geismar, failure to appear in court, disturbing the peace/language/disorderly conduct, misdemeanor simple criminal damage to property, domestic abuse battery, domestic abuse aggravated assault. COMERY, ROGERS, JR.: 30, 100 Anna St., Donaldsonville, resisting an officer, hit and run driving. DAVIS, CHRISTOPHER: 36, 184 Blackwell, Belle Rose, failure to appear in court, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, misdemeanor simple criminal damage. DECOU, PHILLIP M.: 18, 44467 Floyd Lane, Prairieville, misdemeanor theft of goods, aggravated battery, false imprisonment, offender armed with dangerous weapon, home invasion, armed robbery, attempted armed robbery; use of firearm, additional penalty. DIMM, NICHOLAS: 25, 10333 Taylor Sheets Jr. Road, St. Amant, disturbing the peace/violent and tumultuous manner/disorderly conduct. FENDLEY, DAVID B.: 42, 548 California Ave., Port Allen, criminal trespass/all other offenses. GOODMAN, PATRICK: 33, 14423 Oak Meadow St., Gonzales, resisting an officer, reckless operation, hit and run driving.

March 29

ADAMS, CANDACE M.: 44, 13245 Petite Amite Drive, Maurepas, failure to appear in court, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction. BATEMAN, DANIEL: 38, 13407 Roddy Road, Gonzales, two counts domestic abuse battery. BELL, QUINNDACIA: 18, 712 First St., Donaldsonville, misdemeanor simple criminal damage to property, simple assault. BROWN, JERRY: 52, 205 Bourg St., Donaldsonville, failure to appear in court. CARRASCO, OMAR R.: 18, 8544 S. St. Landry Ave., 49, Gonzales, failure to appear in court. DEAN, SHAWN JAMAL: 24, 5535 Andrews St., St. Gabriel, two counts failure to appear in court, simple criminal damage to property. EALEM, RONNIE T.: 35, 6875 Harry Drive, Apt. 84, Baton Rouge, two counts failure to appear in court, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction. FARMER, JOSEPH R.: 50, 43520 Elmo Cannon Road, Gonzales, disturbing the peace/violent and tumultuous manner/disorderly

conduct, terrorizing, possession of firearm on premises of alcoholic beverage outlet, possession of firearm by person convicted of certain felonies. GOMEZ, BRIAN: 41, 2343 La. 943 N., Donaldsonville, failure to appear in court. JOBE, REBECCA: 52, 43264 Moody Dixon Road, 35, Prairieville, misdemeanor simple criminal damage to property, disturbing the peace/drunkenness, violations of protective orders. JOHNSTON, TONYA DONALDSON: 42, 48145 Curtis Place, St. Amant, misdemeanor theft, unauthorized entry of an inhabited dwelling. MAYET, SONDRA D.: 45, 400 Talbot, Lot C, Thibodaux, failure to appear in court. MILTON, ALLEN DONTRELL: 39, 203 W. James St., Gonzales, simple criminal damage to property, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction. SAVARIO, CHRISTOPHER JAMES: 31, 45099 Spellman Wall Road, Prairieville, three counts failure to appear in court, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction. SCOTT, HERBERT: 50, 9136 Water Tower Lane, Convent, misdemeanor theft. TURNER, SHANNON L.: 36, 12522 Leslie Delaune Road, 7, St Amant, misdemeanor theft. WHITTIER, MISTY R.: 23, 42363 La. 42, Prairieville, two counts failure to appear in court, criminal trespass/all other offenses.

March 30

AINSWORTH, BRANDON LEE: 24, 10474 Acy Road, Lot 29, St. Amant, manufacture and possession of a bomb, simple arson, failure to appear in court, possession of schedule III controlled dangerous substance, possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substance, prohibited acts, drug paraphernalia, creation or operation of a clandestine laboratory. BUTCHER, ELIZABETH A.: 37, 1060 Benton Lane, Denham Springs, failure to appear in court. CURTIS, KEENAN: 20, 36281 Crestway Ave., Prairieville, three

counts failure to appear in court. DAVIS, BRANDON: 33, 17515 Benjamins Walk, Baton Rouge, failure to appear in court. FORREST, AARON: 38, 30533 Cypress Glen Drive, Denham Springs, tracking devices prohibited, criminal use of internet, misdemeanor illegal possession of stolen things, criminal trespass/all other offenses, stalking, simple burglary/all others. GIBBS, CHRISTOPHER L.: 32, 1210 Bryant St., Donaldsonville, failure to appear in court. GRIMES, TRINEECE: 24, 2755 Dalton St., Baton Rouge, misdemeanor contributing to the delinquency of juveniles, misdemeanor theft. KNOX, SHANNA VICTORIA: 25, 126 N. Marchand St., Gonzales, four counts failure to appear in court. MELANCON, JESSICA LYNN: 33, 18723 Manchac Point Drive, Prairieville, fugitive-other state jurisdiction. MONTZ, LESTER: 58, 18357 Eldon

St., Prairieville, failure to appear in court, violations of protective orders. PAULINO-JONES, LISA M.: 49, 13392 Dooley Road, Gonzales,



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failure to appear in court. RUTHERFORD, BOBBY RAY: 55, 42057 Moody Dixon Road, 26,


BANKSTON, TRINA LANELL: 33, 1511 St. Park St., Gonzales, felony theft. FREDERIC, STAN LEE: 34, 1349 W. Tobey Ave., Gonzales, two counts failure to appear in court. MILLIEN, BRITTANY: 25, 277 Klotzville Lane, Belle Rose, failure to appear in court. MOSES, PLASE J.: 34, 2228 S. Burnside Ave., Gonzales, three counts failure to appear in court, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction. SCOTT, RON ANTHONY: 42, 477 Pat St., Avondale, failure to appear in court.

HOLMES, TERRANCE: 25, 146 Jones St., Napoleonville, theft. PAHAL, ARNOLD J.: 52, 38224 Sushine St., Gonzales, driving on roadway laned for traffic, misdemeanor operating a vehicle while intoxicated. POTTER, JOSHUA S.: 28, 45178 Gold Place Road, St. Amant, disturbing the peace/violent and tumultuous manner/disorderly conduct. RICHARDSON, DOUGLAS W.: 31, 43447 Tullier Road, Sorrento, three counts failure to appear in court, domestic abuse battery, simple battery, aggravated battery, violations of protective orders, reckless operation, hit and run driving, one-way roadways and rotary traffic islands, stop signs and yield signs, penalties for violations, operating vehicle while license is suspended. SINGLETON, ANDREW HILLS: 20, 6109 La. 308, Paincourtville, possession of marijuana, or synthetic cannabinoids.

6G n Thursday, April 9, 2015 n n The Advocate


Langlois, James Bryce

Andre’, Zadie Lois

A loving wife, devoted mother, grandmother, and trusted friend, Zadie passed away on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at the age of 91. She was born in Washington, LA on January 20, 1924. She was a longtime resident of Prairieville. Zadie was an avid fan of Saints and LSU Football. She is survived by her five daughters, Carolyn Bush, Cheryl Marchand, Deborah Christian, Charlotte Sharp, and Yvette Andre'; three sons, Larry J. Andre' Jr., Troy D. Andre' and Tracy B. Andre'; sister, Frances "Al" Montgomery Landrineau. Ourso Funeral Home of Gonales is in charge of arrangements.

James Bryce Langlois, age 63, passed away peacefully on Monday, March 30, 2015. He was a native and resident of Gonzales. Bryce is survived by his loving wife of over 44 years, Carrol Frederic Langlois; daughter, Kris Langlois Lambert; sons, Eric Joseph Langlois, Ryan Michael Langlois; sisters, Theresa LeBlanc, Diette Frederic. Ourso Funeral Home of Gonzales is in charge of arrangements.

Parent, Clarence 'C.J.'

DeBoue, Quincy J. 'Q Tip'

Quincy J. DeBoue: "Q Tip" Departed this life on Friday, March 27, 2015, in Belle Rose, La.. He was 35, a native and resident of Belle Rose, La. Arrangements by Williams & Southall Funeral Home.

Heims Jr., Arthur Martin

Clarence "C.J." Parent, 67, passed away peacefully on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at The Carpenter House in Baton Rouge after a long battle with cancer. Clarence was born October 5, 1947. He was a native of Dutchtown and resident of Galvez. A music lover and a Swamp Pop Musician in the Ascension Parish area for over 50 years. C.J. is survived by Lynette Becegeay Parent, wife of 13 years; mother, Rosanna Parent; brothers, Kenneth and Charles Parent; cousin / brother, Frankie King; sisters, Carolyn Shook, Cathy Hatcher, Claudia Helget, Celeste Harris and Karla Metz. Ourso Funeral Home of Gonzales is in charge of arrangements.

Rodrigue, Gaynell Converse

les, LA departed this life on Saturday, March 28, 2015 at Our Lady of the Lake Medical Center. He was 55. He leaves to cherish his memories his mother, Helen Videau Wilson; a son, Wardell Dunbar; brothers: Ronald Rodrique, Lawrence Legard, Clyde Wilson, Jr. and Steven Jackson; sisters: Gail Hebert, Joan Williams, Donna Tillotson, JoAnn Wilson and Hilda Gordon. Arrangements with Hambrick’s Mortuary.

Walker, Albertha Knight ‘Bert’


Continued from page 5G Prairieville, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction. SCOTT, NELSON MATTHEW: 33, 44305 La. 42, Prairieville, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction. STAMPLEY, TERAKETHA M.: 33, 3320 Amarillo St., Baton Rouge, misdemeanor contributing to the delinquency of juveniles, misdemeanor theft. WILLIAMS, BRITTANY: 29, 275 W. Harrison St., Baton Rouge, misdemeanor contributing to the delinquency of juveniles, misdemeanor theft.

March 31

A loving mother and grandmother passed away peacefully on Friday, March 27, 2015, at her residence in Modeste at the age of 71. She was the charge CNA at Chateau-D'ville in Donaldsonville and retired after 35 years of dedicated service. She leaves to cherish her memories on daughter Renee' D. Walker, Modeste, one son Levy, III Walker, 2 sisters; Gloria L. Thomas, and Sarah B. Mitchell, Boutte, Arrangements entrusted to Demby & Son Funeral Home.

Submit a story in Ascension. Call 644-6556.

BROUSSARD, FAITH M.: 19, 17603 Little Road, Livingston, misdemeanor theft. CHEONG, LEYLAND ANTHONY: 32, 39143 Country Drive, Prairieville, theft, unauthorized use of a movable, two counts failure to appear in court. FRANKLIN, PERCY: 17, 2916 Gardenia St., Columbus, Georgia, misdemeanor theft. GILLARD, ERIC THEDIOUS: 18, 18127 Pineridge, Prairieville, principals. GRANIER, ADAM TODD: 29, 16431 Stewart Road, Prairieville, surety. KINCHEN, D’ANGELO: 18, 14406 Bishop Woods Road, Gonzales, illegal use of weapons or dangerous instrumentalities, first degree murder. LATOUR, KELLY MARK: 46, 11368 River Highlands Drive, St. Amant, domestic abuse battery. LINDSEY, THEDRO: 20, 13 Clifford St., Waggamen, misdemeanor theft, simple burglary of an inhabited dwelling, probation violation, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, felony illegal carrying of weapons. MOLONEY, KYLE PATRICK: 30, 7915 Jefferson Place, Apt. A, Baton Rouge, misdemeanor theft, forgery. PICKLE, JIMMY LAMAR, JR.:

31, 45505 La. 936, St. Amant, telephone communications/improper language/harassment, cyberstalking, defamation. SCHEXNAYDER, KRISTY DYKES: 32, 920 Tony St., Unit B, Gonzales, failure to appear in court. SEEGER, ANDREW JOHN: 21, 18677 Old Cypress Court, Prairieville, traffic-control signals, misdemeanor operating a vehicle while intoxicated. YOUNG, EMERY ADRIAN: 20, 39034 Bayou View Road, Gonzales, illegal use of weapons or dangerous instrumentalities, first degree murder.

April 1

BREWER, ROLAND E.: 46, 40205 Alise Ave., Prairieville, failure to appear in court. BROWN, RAYMOND: 31, 1377 Cybean Road, Donaldsonville, obstruction of justice/destruction/damage/vandalism, misdemeanor flight from an officer, possession of marijuana, or synthetic cannabinoids, fail to signal when turning, distribution/ possession with the intent to distribute schedule I controlled dangerous substance. DIGGS, TASIAH WHITNEY: 29, 11000 Kinghurst St., Houston, Texas, failure to appear in court, misdemeanor failure to return leased movables obtaining by false representation. FATHEREE, CHRISTOPHER L.: 28, 401 Thirba St., Metairie, theft of a motor vehicle. FLOWERS, LATRESE MARIE: 37, 2640 Alaska St., Baton Rouge, monetary instrument abuse, bank fraud HEMBREE, TARA M.: 26, 37086 Myerson, Walker, contraband defined, certain activities regarding contraband in penal institutions prohibited, distribution/possession with the intent to distribute schedule II controlled dangerous substance, possession of a schedule I controlled dangerous substance, possession of marijuana, or synthetic cannabinoids, misdemeanor theft. JOSEPH, JAMES, JR.: 43, 1218 Rev.

loose Dentures. . mIssIng teeth? AFFORDABLE

A security guard with Lockhead Security in Houston, TX., he departed this life on March 24, 2015 . He was 65, a native of Napoleonville, La. and a resident of Houston, TX. Arrangements were held by Williams & Southall Funeral Home.

Hills, Felton C.

Felton C. Hills: Departed this life on Friday, March 27, 2015, at Raceland Manor in Raceland, LA. He was 76, a native and resident of Thibodaux, LA. Arrangements entrusted to Williams & Southall Funeral Home.

Dental I mplants Steven D. Collins, D.D.S. A resident of Donaldsonville and a native of Napoleonville, she passed away on Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 7 PM at Baton Rouge General. She was 58. She is survived by her mother Velma J. Converse, daughters; LaKiema Converse and Tamera Rodrigue, a son Kendall Converse, Sr., sisters; Audrey C. Thomas and Gayle Brown, Josie Converse, Shirley Converse and Rose Bell, brothers; Raymond Converse, Sr. and Jimmie Converse and Roland Converse. Arrangements were handled by Demby & Son Funeral Home.

Rodrique, Wardell James

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Manuel St., Port Allen, probation violation, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. LEBLANC, RHONDA F.: 49, 6093 Apollo St., Napoleonville, disturbing the peace/simple assault. ORTEGA, GERAL LEONARDO: 29, 40459 W. Hernandez Ave., Prairieville, failure to appear in court. PALMILLAS-NAVARRO, JUAN: 23, 39191 Country Drive, Prairieville, possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substance, driver must be licensed, driving on divided highways. PIPSAIR, CLARK JOSEPH: 53, 13378 Chase St., Gonzales, domestic abuse battery. RIVERS, ED LEWIS: 36, 9549 Fairford Road, Macintosh, Alabama, careless operation, misdemeanor operating a vehicle while intoxicated.

April 2

BROCK, JEREMY W.: 29, 42533 La. 42, Prairieville, possession of firearm by person convicted of certain felonies. BURNS, CHARLIE ANN: 38, 502 E. Josephine St., Gonzales, failure to appear in court, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, resisting an officer, prohibited acts, drug paraphernalia, possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substance, possession of heroin. CAUSEY, MANDY RUTH: 32, 42553 La. 42, 17A, Prairieville, prohibited acts, drug paraphernalia, possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substance. FATHEREE, DAVID A.: 43, 42553 La. 42, 9, Prairieville, three counts failure to appear in court, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, distribution/possession with the intent to distribute marijuana, or synthetic cannabinoids. GARCIA, BOBBY JOE: 45, 39344 Camp St., Prairieville, prohibited acts, drug paraphernalia, possession of heroin. HUBER, WILLIAM ROBBY: 47, 14471 Goerge Rouyea, Gonzales, prohibited acts, drug paraphernalia, possession of heroin.





13 teams compete at Dutchtown meet Thirteen high schools participated over the weekend in the annual Elder Outreach Dutchtown Invitational track and field event at Dutchtown High School. Zachary won the girls division with 105 points. Leading Ascension Parish teams in fifth place was Dutchtown with 57 points, and St. Amant finished seventh with 49. Donaldsonville High finished eighth with 28 points, Ascension Catholic finished ninth with 18 points and East Ascension was 11th with 12 points. In the triple jump, Maggie Duplechein, of St. Amant, finished in second place. St. Amant’s Cameron Matherne took first place in the discus, and teammate Alli Duplechein was second. In the track events, Jasmine Jackson, of Dutchtown, took third place in the 100-meter run. In the 200-meter, Ariane Williams, of East Ascension, finished second. In the 800-meter, Ascension Catholic’s Stephanie Breaux took second place with the time of 2 minutes, 31.20 seconds. In the 1,600-meter, Tara Stuntz, of Dutchtown, won with a time of 5:41.69. Dutchtown took second place in the 4x100 and 4x200

rence Green, of Dutchtown, was second. In the 3,200-meter race, Zack Capello, of Ascension Catholic, was first. In the 4x100 meter relay, the Griffins finished second with a time of 43.01, and the Gators ASCENSION ATHLETICS finished third in 43.64. In the 4x200, Dutchtown finished third at 1:30.52, and in the 4x400, the Griffins took secrelays. ond place at 3:31.99. In the boys division, Catholic High of Baton Rouge took Softball update first-place honors with 194 points. Leading our parish The St. Amant Lady Gators teams in fourth place was softball team has five games Dutchtown with 541/2 points. remaining that stand in the St. Amant finished fifth with way of finishing the season 431/2 points, East Ascension undefeated. At 18-0, 4-0, the finished eighth with 16, DonLady Gators have been a aldsonville finished ninth and dominating force behind the Ascension Catholic finished in pitching of Gabrielle Sharp 10th place. with her 15-0 record, along In the field events, Marwith the hitting of teammate quise Hampton, of St. Amant, Bailey Bordelon, who went finished in second place in 4-4 with two doubles and 5 the long jump, and teammate RBIs against the McKinley Dylan Stephens took first Panthers. place in the discus throw. Teammate Kara Gremillion Floyd Foster, of Donaldsonis hot at the plate, as well. ville, finished second. Gremillion hit two home runs In the track events, Laen route to a 5 RBI game in marcus Jefferon, of East the Gators’ 15-0 shutout of St. Ascension, finished third in Joseph’s Academy. the 100-meter run, and Javon Aside from the recent Pierre, of Dutchtown, sprintsqueaker with the Dutchtown ed to a third-place finish in Griffins (10-9), the pitching the 200-meter race. and hitting have been nothing In the 800-meter event, Ter- short of spectacular. In five

Lyle Johnson

games against West Monroe, West Ouachita, Ruston, St. Joseph’s and McKinley, the Lady Gators won by the combined score of 74-3. The Ascension Catholic Bulldogs (15-3, 7-0) and the East Ascension Spartans (16-6, 2-1) fought a tough battle between the teams’ best pitchers. The Lady Bulldogs jumped on Jessie Watts early, scoring two runs in the first inning. They plated additional runs in the third and fifth innings and went into the top of the sixth with a 4-0 lead. Ascension Catholic’s Julia Beck pitched five innings of shutout ball, then a leadoff walk in the sixth coupled with some sloppy play in the outfield allowed the Lady Spartans to plate three runs and let the tying run come to the plate. But Beck tightened the reins and recorded her 10th strikeout of the game to end the rally and nail down the win. This game was a real pitchers’ duel as the Bulldogs’ junior standout Beck was picked the preseason nola. com All-Baton Rouge Area Small Schools Pitcher of the Year and Jessie Watts was named the preseason nola. com All-Baton Rouge Area

Large Schools Pitcher of the Year. This all boils down to a very exciting finish to the Ascension Parish softball season with the playoffs just around the corner.


Now that winter is gone, outdoor activities will pick up, and south Louisiana abounds with opportunities that are second to none. Heck, we’re not called the Sportsman’s Paradise for nothing. Along with all those opportunities is the responsibility to get kids involved. There are a number of organized days to bring a kid somewhere, such as the East Ascension Sportsman’s League kids’ fishing rodeo. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries hosts a few events every year to encourage grown-ups to take kids to an outdoor activity. But the best way to do this is to take it upon oneself to introduce a kid to the vast array of the outdoors that is available here. Fishing is one aspect. It takes a little time, which is part of the challenge, but we must make the time for this. We do what we want to do, so the excuse of “I don’t

Photo provided

Jack Johnson shows a bream he caught on Lyle Johnson’s pier during a family Easter celebration. have time” is fairly lame. The next item on the list is patience. This one is not the easiest one to master, but it’s one that must be mastered. It’s so easy to just “do it myself,” but that takes away from a youngster’s experience. Reserve some time, be patient in letting them “do it,” enjoy your time with them and it will all be good. Lyle Johnson covers sports for The Ascension Advocate. He can be contacted at or


Celebrating a win March 30 at the Elite Rumble 2015 tournament in Raceland, first row from left, are Luke Conerly, Bennett Vega, Dallis Moran, Mack Beal, Jace Ellis and Carter Bankert; and second row, assistant coach Brandon Planche, Cameron Planche, Ashtyn Ellis, head coach Chris Dupre, Layton Smart, A.K. Burrell, Maddox Willis, Cameron Dupre and assistant coach Rusty Moran. Not pictured is Austin Toney.

Ascension Braves awarded top honors at Elite Rumble tourney weekend, scoring 51 runs on 37 hits while allowing only 17 runs. Pticher Luke Conerly threw a The Ascension Braves 10-year-old and younger AA one-hit shutout against the LBA baseball team won the Elite Naturals in a 15-0 semifinal win. Batting was a team average Rumble 2015 tournament on of .430, led by Layton Smart, March 30 in Raceland. The team went 4-0 for the who posted a .700 batting averAdvocate staff report

age for the weekend, and teammate A.K. Burrell, who batted .625. Smart and Burrell hit home runs in the championship game that went extra innings to win 12-8 against the Bayou Zappers. Advocate staff photos by HEATHER MCCLELLAND

St. Amant reigns in matches against Walker Advocate staff report St. Amant High School’s tennis teams beat Walker during April 1 matches. The boys team won 5-0. Results included: SINGLES: St. Amant’s Luke Savoie defeated Walker by forfeit and Steven Saucier, SAHS, defeated Walker by forfeit. DOUBLES: St. Amant’s Kase Savoy and Brett LeBlanc defeated Zack Savoy and Tyler Page, WHS, 6-3, 6-4; Michael Melancon and Trace Sheets, SAHS, defeated Patrick Tappalla and Garrett Phillips, 6-1, 6-0; and Logan Langlois and Blake LeBauve, SAHS, defeated Walker by forfeit. The girls won 4-1. Results included: SINGLES: Katie Baudion, WHS, defeated Victoria Buquet, SAHS, 6-7, 6-4, 7-6; and Angelle Naquin, SAHS, defeated Libby

Hill, WHS, 6-0, 6-1. DOUBLES: Cassidy Guitrau and Julia Wright, SAHS, defeated Miranda East and Jessica Broussard, WHS, 6-3, 6-0; Emma Frederic and Caitlin Denton, SAHS, defeated Lindsey Carlson and Mabel Raef, WHS, 6-1, 6-0; and Cassie Melancon and Sophia Belleu, SAHS, defeated Abbie Boudreaux and Kylie Daigle, WHS, 6-0, 6-0. St. Amant also played Dunham High School on March 31. The boys lost 0-5. Results included: SINGLES: Dunham defeated St. Amant by forfeit; and Brian Saffell, Dunham, defeated Caje Fredric, SAHS, 6-0, 6-0. DOUBLES: Dylan Goings and Justin Goings, Dunham, defeated Kase Savoy and Logan Ganaway, SAHS, 6-0, 6-3; Tyler Martin and Charlie Barber, Dunham, defeated Brett

LeBlanc and Michael Melancon, SAHS, 6-0, 6-1; and Julien Rockenbauch and Adam Fields, Dunham, defeated Logan Langlois and Blake LaBauve, SAHS, 6-0, 6-1. The girls ended the day with a 3-2 win. Results included: SINGLES: Victoria Buquet, SAHS, defeated Bailey Davis, Dunham, 6-1, 6-2; and Angelle Naquin, SAHS, defeated Amanda Summers, Dunham, 6-1, 6-1 DOUBLES: Anna Moody and Susanna Bilbao, Dunham, defeated Julia Wright and Cassidy Guitrau, SAHS, 6-2, 6-2; Grace Courville and Sydney Boudreaux, Dunham, defeated Emma Frederic and Caitlin Denton, SAHS, 6-0, 6-2; and Sophia Belleu and Cassie Melancon, SAHS, defeated Kate Clark and Jessica Pastor, Dunham, 1-6, 6-2,7-6.

ABOVE: St. Amant’s Peyton Holland pitches against Catholic High on March 31 in Baton Rouge. St. Amant won 12-5 but lost to Catholic High on April 2 in St. Amant 6-10. LEFT: St. Amant High’s Slade Gaudin celebrates at second base after his hit brought in two runners against Catholic on March 31.


Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Advocate

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Business Services Directory Air Cond. - Heating

Concrete Work


Lawn-Yard Service

Swimming Pools


DRIVEWAYS, SIDEWALKS, Patios, 40 years exp. Call Frank at 225-229-0851.

Trash Hauling, Debris Remov., Trailer Rental, Odd Jobs, Painting 225-235-1455

Lawn Service & Landscaping, Maint. Call For Free Estimates 225-436-2757


Home Improvement/ Remodeling

Gunite Pool Specialist, replaster/restore/tiling/acid wash, 27 yr exp. Wk guarn. llc/Ins. Ref's. 228-669-1831

Heating & Cooling "If we can't fix it, it can't be fixed" Call 225-460-0414 Free Diagnostic w/ repair PALS AC & ELECTRICAL No extra charge for after hrs & wknds. LIC. & FULLY INS. CC acc. Financ. avail. Call Johnny, 225-439-5173 CALL CALVIN'S Sales, Service, Installation 752-5014

Appliance Repair LAMB'S REPAIR. AC's, Refrig., stoves, washer/ dryers. Call 387-8080, 627-9358

Basketball Goals Goals & Poles- Basketball Goal Sales & Installation Since 1982. 225-923-0622

LICENSED DEMOLITION contractor. Demolition and removal, lot cleaning, debris hauling, dirt hauling 225-718-9312 Home Demolition, concrete & debris removal Daryl May Construction. Lic. & Ins. 225-268-6915.

Dirt-Sand-Shell RICHFIELD RIVERSILT Bulk Mulch Products, Limestone, gravel, mason sand, fill sand, top soil & riversilt. Residential & contractors. 766-6091

Masonry By George

DIRT, SAND, GRAVEL, Pine Mulch & Limestone. Evenly spread. Flwr. Bed Mix. Lot grading, mowing. 355-4051 anytime. H.C. Kinchen.

INLAND Masonry, quality work, all phases, over 30 yrs exp, free est. 261-4914.

DIRT, SAND & GRAVEL. Tractor avail. Lot grading, driveways form & finish, house pads. Swimming pool fill-in. Dave, 939-2192

Brick Brick & tile, free est. 225-665-6187

BRICKWORK BY DON Small jobs, Brick & Block, Free ests. Call 225-938-8241

Bushhogging ZIEGLER'S BUSH HOGGING Free Estimates


Sergeant's Bush Hog, Stump Removal. Ret. Vet. Free Ests 225-276-2662 B U S H H O G G I N G Free Estimates Call 445-6437

Cabinets/Woodwork Custom Cabinets Refacing Remodel & Light Carpentry 35yrs exp 225-936-3163



Small to BIG JOBS. Comm & Res. 30 yr exp. ALSO Painting & Flooring. Free Est. 272-7697

DIRT, GRAVEL, LIMESTONE, Mason & fill sand. Tractor work, swimming pool demo & fill in. 225-261-3953 DIRT, BASIN SAND, Gravel, Tractor work available. 225-931-4468/225-262-0961 Dirt Mason and Fill Sand, Gravel, Lime Stone, Same Day Service! 225-663-0710

Doors JIM JEANSONNE. 766-1268. Replace, adjust & fine tune doors. Lic/Bonded.

Drywall Finishing **Keith's Drywall Repair** Free Est. All work guar. No job too small. 225-573-1987 Sheetrock Repair 30 yrs. Exp- No Job Too Small. John Langlois 225-223-0790

Electrical Work

Full Service Contractor, Remodeling, Repairs, Maintenance. Small jobs! Free est. 225-290-0166

SIMPLE ELECTRIC. Prof. work. Lic/Ins/bond. 30+ yrs exp No job too sml/lrg.

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TRIPLE J - Res/Comm electrical. Generator sales / serv, appl repair & more. Lic, bond & ins. 573-1994

Carpentry Services- New & old. Lrg& sm. Renovations & Repairs. DON, 939-8877

Carpet Installers

Call 225-921-2633


Prefer Small Jobs Lic & Ins 225-715-3064

Metro Electrical

CARPET, WOOD, Vinyl, Tile. Install. repair & restretch. 926-2442 or cell 806-9044.

New or Repair. Lic. & Ins. 225-774-7296 *225-270-0196

*THE CARPET MAN-25YRS* Repair, Re-stretch, Install Free Est. Call 225-223-1555

CALL CALVIN'S Lic. & Insured 225-752-5014

Ceramic/Marble/ Granite Tile **SHOWER PAN REPAIR** Ceramic Tile Flooring. Free Est. 35yr exp. 225-241-2421

Companions/Sitters PERSONAL HOMECARE SERVICES Specializing in Live-In Care


Jenn's Angels LLC Sitter Service. Quality & Affordable Care. 225-278-7992

NO JOB IS TOO SMALL Elec/ Plumb/ Carp/ Paint Lic&Insured 225-571-1201

Fencing C&C FENCE SERVICES 30 yrs. Wood fence specialist. Repairs. Free est. 235-8006 LEMOINES FENCING/GATES Spec. all types. 15yrs. exp. Free est. Call 225-369-4675. IRON FENCES, Gates & Rails. Licensed & Insured. Call 225-753-1217.

Computer Service


Computer Doctor 25 years. House calls. NoFixNoPay $35-$75-$95 225-803-8241 Help with XP-Vista-Win7+8


Concrete Work


we install laminate/ceramic /wood @ $1.50 sf *Carpet & Carpentry/Painting. 272-7697 CARPET, WOOD, CERAMIC 25 YRS. Free Est. Call Me 225-223-1555*225-359-6886 *THIBODEAUX FLOORING * Sand & Finish, Buff & Recoat. Call 225-572-6622.

Break out, form, grade, pour, driveway, carports, patio's comm. & reds. & install drain pipes. Lic. & bonded. 225-803-8013

We Specialize in installing Hardwood Floors, Ceramic Great prices! 225-360-5917


Gerard Furniture & Gallery Good Furniture That Lasts M-Sat 10-6 pm * 926-0250

Form, dig, pour & finish.

Driveways, patios, sidewalks, parking areas. Res/ Comm'l foundations. Also breakout & haul away concrete. INSURED…After you call the rest, call the best.225-266-7764/448-0803 Stevens Construction INC. Concrete, asphalt, dirt wrk Res./ Comm'l., 40 yrs. exp. Culverts, parking lot, drives. Found's, limestone. " WE DO QUALITY WORK " 225-647-7088 * 225-744-3925 Licensed & Insured Demo/Drainage/Trucking TOTAL CONCRETE WORKS. Grade, Form, Excavate, & Finish. Complete concrete breakout & replacement. Slabs, Driveways, Patios. State Licensed & Insured. 225-362-8278 * 413-4819. All types of Cement Work! Bobcat & Haul Off. Quality for less! License & Insured Call 225-444-9866. All Types of Cement Work Reasonable Prices. Start to Finish. 225-803-2770 NS STAMP CONCRETE- Reg Décor, Driveway, Patio, etc Comm & Res 225-234-0808


Gutters/Gutter Cleaning *Quality Gutters & Patios* Low Prices/Free Estimates Licensed/Insured 223-8848

Handyman CARP. CON. electr. plumb. metal bldg. M/H. Doors installed. 225-385-3853. LA Home Repairs, Specializing in electrical, carpentry & paint. 225-771-9155 THE HANDYMAN, all your home care needs avail. 24/7 James @ 225-287-9499

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Call 225-343-0222

House Cleaning

225-755-8383 A Christian Cleaning Lady Same person every time. Excellent references. Customized cleaning for you.

Charlene 225-776-8168


Serving the B.R. area since 1984. Lic., bonded & insured. Screened, trained, exp. maids. 225-664-9053


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House Washing Onsite Pressure Washing LLC. Free Est. Res/Comm. High heat or cold water wash. Dan, 225-284-3476. Ballard's House Washing Since 1973, 15K + houses washed. Call 225-921-4101.

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Landscaping AA A MASTER GARDENER Service Landscape & Irrigation We Do It All On A Budget-Reg. Maintenance Senior disc. & Veteran's Best Friend 225-315-8356 Spring Discount on Flower bed, cleanups, handcrafted arbors 993-9204 Flower Bed Maint./Install, Trim, Bagging, Fence, Pres. Wash, & Painting. Save a lot of $$$. Call 225726-3787 FLOWERBED RENOVATION weeding, trimming, mulching. Lawn & Bed Maint. Lic. & Ins. Call 225-755-9016 Planning, Installations, Flowerbeds. Free Est. Call Daniel @ 225-627-3335. AMERICAN II LAWN SRVC Spring Clean-up landscaping. 50% off. 225-305-0571

Lawnmower Repair ** IVY'S LAWNMOWER ** TORO * ZTRs * MOWERS 225-383-6459 *800-498-4897 We buy broken/ used equip. We also take trades

Lawn-Yard Service

Ever-So-Green LLC

♣♣ We Do It All ♣♣ Full Lawn Service & Landscaping. Spring Clean Up! Flowerbeds installed & cleaned. Pruning Shrubs of any kind. Irrigation installed or repaired. Same day service. 7 day per wk


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Painting/Papering CARNEY'S PROFESSIONAL Painting & Drywall Finishing, stucco finishes, synthetic & conventional. 30 yrs exp. Free est. 225-907-2795


Quality wrko25yr. Int/Ext Paint, carpentry, pressure washing, all flooring 272-7697 Full Service Contractor, Remodeling, Repairs, Maintenance. Small jobs! Free est. 225-290-0166 SteveThePainter 30 yr exp. Int/Ext. Sheetrock Repair, lite carpentry 225-268-7182 RETIRED TEACHER, Father & Daughter, Interior/Ext. 225-936-9256*225-654-8824 QUALITY PAINTING of all types, Press. wash., sheetrock rpr. Free Est. 268-0033 HOUSE PAINTER looking for work. Interior/exterior, free estimate. 225-7734177

Party Supplies CRAZY FUN INFLATABLES Space Jumps & Water Slides!! Call 225-328-6082


Covers, Scr. Rooms, etc. Fireman op., 225-2237249 or 225-276-5513 FOR BEST PRICES ON Patio Covers, Carports & Gutters call Mike at 225-572-9508.

Photography DIGITAL VISIONS Digital artist, videography, Weddings, Music and advertising videos, still photography. B.F.A. Call 225-975-1895

Plumbing J's PLUMBING. LMP#4979 24/7 Svc. Mention this ad& receive $25 off. 10+ yr exp *BBB accredited. 225-910-7715

Tree Service NOTICE TO READERS Sec. 6:386.1. Large material to be removed by contractor. (City) (a) Any person, business or other entity engaged in business of tree service who in the course of business fells or trims any tree, shall be responsible for the removal of the tree and its components from the premises where the tree was felled, and shall not place the tree or its components or other large lumber refuse on any part of the premises or adjoining servitudes or rights-ofway for removal. (b) If the contractor fails or refuses to remove a felled tree and/or its components, the owner of the premise shall be responsible for removing the material in accordance with subsection (a), (c) Anyone violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or six (6) months imprisonment or both. (Ord. No. 9838, & 1. 2-23-94) NOTICE TO READERS To the best of our knowledge, all ads under Tree Service in the Business Service Directory represent legitimate offerings by responsible contractors. However, The Advocate does recommend that readers exercise normal business caution in responding to ads, in particular where up-front money is requested. For license details visit QUALITY TREE SERVICE Exp. Climber. Lot clearing. Bobcat on site. Fully Ins. & lic. Free Stump Grinding when tree is removed. Call Jay now 225-205-9875 Danny's Tree Service. Lic. & Ins. Tree stump & debris removal. No job to big or small. Call 225-384-9979.

NATHAN TODORA PLUMBFive Fold Maint., Sewer Repairs, Remodeling, Free Est. LMP #1310. 752-2819

***A2Z TREE REMOVAL*** We make quality tree and stump removal affordable. 225-445-3723


Affordable TREE Service Sr. Disc. Free est. Jesus saves! Your work is a blessing 225-343-0670.

Call 225-413-6488 or 225-921-9027

CALL CALVIN'S Licensed/ Bonded/Insured LMP 1773. 752-5014 TIM'S Proficient Plumbing LMP 2233. All plmbg, gas, repairs, WH's. 225-571-7853 NO JOB IS TOO SMALL Plumb / Elec / Carp / Paint Lic&Insured 225-571-1201



Discount Prices * Free Del 1-800-362-3390

Pond Maintenance. Fountains, Aerators, & Vegetation Control. 225-247-3574

Pressure Washing *Action Power Cleaning* Res./Comm. Lic./Ins. Homes, buildings, patios, driveways,sidewalks, windows,decks,mobile homes & more. Free Est. 223-3206

House/Gutters/Roofs/ Decks/Driveways, etc.

Free est. Call 225-268-8330. DVD PRESSURE WASHING House or driveway spec. $199. Call 225-590-0267.

Property Management Sales, Prop. & Assoc. Mgt.

Adam Campo

Real Estate


RE/MAX First Prop. Mgt-Sales-Leasing 291-1234

Steve Robins Tree Service 50 Yr Exp * Lic. & Ins. Free Est- EBR. 225-925-0610 LOW COST TREE SERVICE Complete tree service. Free est. 225-955-0072. Professional Tree Service. $$ Reasonable Prices $$ Phone: 225-302-3193

Miscellaneous Information

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DEADLINE for Business Directory ads - 2:00 p.m.



Roofing Repair 34 YRS LOCAL EXP. in built up & all types of shingle roofing. Same crew 20 yrs., hand nail. 5 yr. leak free warranty. 225-3833072


Any type Roof, Painting & Carpentry Wrk Over 40 yrs exp. FreeEsts. Jim 338-6809

NOTICE TO READERS To the best of our knowledge, all ads in the Business Service Directory represent legitimate offerings by responsible contractors. However, The Advocate does recommend that readers exercise normal business caution in responding to ads, in particular where upfront money is requested.



LAGNIAPPE LAWN SERVICE Weekly & monthly. Grass/ Leaves, & Pruning . Comm &Res. Gaston, 225-329-8737



TRASH HAULING Sheds, garages, attics,

Lawn Cutting & Bushhogging, etc. Free Estimates.

Extra Help?

Call 225-610-0879.

A-TEAM ROOFING Lic. Leaks, Repairs/Reroofing. 225- 907-3489 Expert roofer


MARTIN LAWN CARE Mowing, edging, drainage, etc. Call 225-916-4802

SUNRISE Roofing & Const. Lic. * Fully Insured * BBB Free est. 225-272-2181

C & S LAWN CARE - Mow, edge, weed eat & blow. Free est. 225-279-1863.

NEED ROOF? 225-975-1764 Est. R FREE. Best price!! 27 yrs. Local. Refs on reqst

I CUT YARDS, Do flower beds. Rake & mulch leaves Affordable. 225-266-1069


backyards, rental property, storage units.

TRASH DEBRIS, Dirt work, BUSH HOGGING , concrete break-out and haul away. Call 225-252-6266 LA CASH 4 Your Wrecked Or Junk Cars. $200-$300 More for Newer Running Cars. Call 225-715-4852.

SECURITY ROOFING LLC Free Est. Over 35 yrs exp.

Lic. & Ins. FREE ESTIMATES 225-774-7296 * 225-270-0196

Call Classified to get the help you need. CALL 1-800-960-6397

Tickets to Buy or Sell

1070 READER ALERT Selling tickets at a price over the face value of the ticket is illegal in LA. Please be cautious about what you pay & how you pay. Some advertisers may be from out of town.

Lost-Found Items

1100 LOST & FOUND PETS Has moved to our Pet Service Directory within this section. Please refer to Classification # 2885


When placing an ad for the return of your lost item, please do not wire money or exchange money until you have the item in your possession.

Legal Notices

1120 2002 CHEVROLET Vin#1G1ND52J72M578212 If vehicle is not claimed & charges paid within 15 days, it may be disposed of by Roadrunner Towing & Recovery, 9101 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA. April 4, 5, 2015 ANYONE having information regarding the whereabouts of Carlin Hawkins Roberson a/k/a Carolyn Hawkins Roberson and Alan Roberson, please contact Atty. Anderson O. Dotson, III, P. O. Box 4123, Baton Rouge, LA 70821, 225-346-4044 5114169 April 3, 4, 5, 2015 ANYONE having information regarding the whereabouts of The Unopened Succession of Robert James Smith a/k/a Robert J. Smith a/k/a Robert Smith, contact Atty. Anderson O. Dotson, III, P. O. Box 4123, Baton Rouge, LA 70821, 225-346-4044 5114160 Apr. 3, 4, 5,'15 Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Andre' Williams or the family of Andre' Williams, please contact Ethel Clay, Atty. at Law, (225) 906-0435 5114705 April 3, 4, 5, 2015 Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Bill Brown Builders, Inc., please contact Ted James, Atty. at Law, 3213 Monterrey, Suite B., Baton Rouge, LA 70814, 225-445-4240 5114006 April 3, 4, 5, 2015 Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Christopher D. White or the family of Christopher D. White, please contact Ethel Clay, Atty. at Law, (225) 9060435 5114701 April 4, 5, 6, 2015 Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Danielle M. Antoine or the family of Danielle M. Antoine, please contact Ethel Clay, Atty. at Law, 225-906-0435 5114612 April 3, 4, 5, 2015

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IT SUPPORT Part - Time

Wampold Companies is a local Top 100 property management company located in Baton Rouge. The ideal candidate will have excellent troubleshooting and communication skills. Work includes basic troubleshooting of common hardware\ software, remote support of multiple locations, and documentation. Experience preferred. Flexible hours. Please email your resume to: or fax to: 225-215-1850 Full-Time SYSTEMS ENGINEER with the U. S. District Court, Middle District of LA. Salary DOE + federal benefits. View vacancy announcement for salary info & how to apply at: employment

Anyone knowing the whereabouts of the registered agent for Baton Rouge Cellular Telephone Company, please contact Rolando R. Urbina, Atty. at Law, 225-400-5225 5114176 April 3, 4, 5, 2015


1140 Jerri and Mark, please visit at your Aunt's home.

Yearly Average $1,500 SIGN-ON BONUS ● Earn up to $20.25/hr + OT ● Average 60 cents per mile!!! ● 50 hours per week GUARANTEED ● 75% Out & Back Minimum Reloading ● Paid Vacations & Holidays ● Bonuses, Benefits & MORE! CDL-A w/X end., TWIC & 1 yr. chemical OTR exp REQ'D

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Also Check our Business Services Directory Drivers



Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Patrick J. Broussard or the family of Patrick J. Broussard, please contact Ethel Clay, Atty. at Law, (225) 9060435 5114663 April 3, 4, 5, 2015

Up to $72,000

Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Family of Edward Buggs, Jr., please contact Ted James, Atty. at Law, 3213 Monterrey Suite B., Baton Rouge, LA 70814, 225-445-4240 5113945 April 3, 4, 5, 2015

ANYONE KNOWING the whereabouts of MONDAY ANN LEDBETTER PUNDT, contact Parker Marschall, Atty. at 225-341-2096. 5114303 April 3, 4, 5 2015


Visit our website for all job listings:


Anyone knowing the whereabouts of JANA BETH SETZER, A/K/A JENA B. SETZER, JANA SETZER, contact Atty. Gavin M. Richard, at 504-289-4002 5114374 April 4, 5, 6, 2015


Capitol City Produce

Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Family of Matt Banks, please contact Ted James, Atty. at Law, 2313 Monterrey, Suite B., Baton Rouge, LA 70814, 225-445-4240 5114004 April 3, 4, 5, 2015

Anyone knowing the whereabouts of James Lionel Wade and/or Hazel G. Wade, please contact Jason Thrower, Atty. at Law, 830 Main St., Baton Rouge, LA 70802, 225-2501030 5114157 April 3, 4, 5, 2015


Become a driver for Empire Express! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! New Drivers can earn $800+ per week! Call for details!

DRIVERS NEEDED. Class A or B license req. $650/wk + benefits. 25 yrs or older, 5 days/ 50 hr work wk. Able to work Saturdays. Apply in person. 2746 Berlin Dr., Baton Rouge, LA 70814 ACE Waste Systems, Inc Accepting applications for Commercial Frontload & Roll Off Drivers. Must have clean CDL w/min. 2 yrs. exp. Great Pay & Benefits! Call 225-753-7822 ASSOCIATED GROCERS 18/hr - Home Every Night $1,000 Sign-On Bonus Guaranteed 40 hours/wk Class A CDL w/6 mo. exp. Call 225-444-1262 Apply online at

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Over the Road Driver

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JM Test Systems DRIVERS

Delivery/pickup of equipment. Fax 225-927-0036 Class A CDL Drivers needed for local trailer spotting company. Must have clean MVR. Top pay and benefits! Home every day/night. For an immediate hiring possibility please call 678-771-2924. FULL TIME COURIER at local mail co. Good working conditions. Must have clean driving record. Chauffeurs lic. a plus, but not req. Hours: M-F, 10a-6p. Apply at 8282 Siegen Ln.

GASOLINE TRANSPORT TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Must Have HAZMAT Endorsement. Work 7 Out Of 14 Days. Every Other Weekend Off. Paid Vacation. Local Deliveries. Call Dustin 225-933-8536 or Ronnie 225-773-3333 Heavy Hauler/Truck Driver Immed. FT position available in Port Allen area for truck driver with min. 3yrs. EXPERIENCE to pull lowboy, winching and able to operate/load heavy const. eqmt. Clean CDL and TWIC card req'd. Sal. DOE, health ins, pd. hol., 401K. Marchand Construction, 1718 Lobdell Hwy., Port Allen, LA. MIXER DRIVERS Baton Rouge and the outlying metro area. $16.57/hour. Class A or B. CDL (must have or be willing to obtain air brakes) & truck driving experience; good safety & driving records. Health insurance, PTO leave, 401k, &paid vacation & holidays. 8806 S. Choctaw Dr. Baton Rouge, LA M-F 8-4 EOE M/F OWNER/OPERATOR needed w/1 ton F/B & 24' trailer. Hot shot work. Must live in B.R. area. Call 225-205-7832, leave msg. Hot Shot Owner Operators needed, Gooseneck Trailers, P/U Trucks w/racks. Must have TWIC card, pass drug screen, clean MVR, clean shaven. APPLY IN PERSON M-F 9-5 at 4425 Sherwood Common Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA 70816 TOW TRUCK OP NEEDED! FT/PT. Exp. Pref. Great Pay & Benefits! (225) 302-2686.

The Advocate Drivers


Engineers/ Chemists


Industrial Tech. Skills


Industrial Tech. Skills


Sitework Construction

is looking for a Dump Truck driver to work 50-60 hrs. per wk. Starting pay $17 per hr. w/ insurance. Also, must be able to load, unload and haul heavy equipment. Please contact our office if interested @ 225-383-1930. Looking for Stability? Start your career with

Energy Dispatch A First-Rate

Tanker Company Dedicated to RaceTrac & RaceWay

$1,500 Sign On Bonus

● Daily Home Time ● Advancement Opportunities ● 12 Hr Scheduled Shifts ● Full Benefits Package Minimum Requirements ● At Least 25 yrs old ● At Least 2 yrs T/T Exp. ● Safe Driving Record Submit Application online @ Baton Rouge Route Sales Driver, Class B Licensed with Air Brakes. Must pass background check and pre employment drug testing. Call 225-273-9363 or apply online at Now Hiring

Trucking Supervisor Knowledge of DOT rules and regulations. Management and computer experience preferred. Must be able to work well with others and be willing to work all shifts. CDL Class A is preferred, but not required. Call 866-847-0594 or send resume with salary history to


HEBERT STEEL COMPANY Able to drive 1-ton & Mack Truck. Must have CDL & TWIC Card. Please apply in person, 39179 Hwy 74, Gonzales, LA. 225-644-5316 Zachary area Industrial company has openings for Fabricators, Trainees and Local Delivery Drivers with TWIC card and Class D License. Good pay and benefits. Must have good work ethic, be mechanically inclined and drug free. Respond to: amill

Engineers/ Chemists

1360 CHEMICAL ENGINEER IN PRACTICE AT LOUISIANA TECH UNIVERSITY The Chemical Engineering Program at Louisiana Tech University is seeking a non-tenure, full-time Chemical Engineer in Practice. The primary responsibilities of this role will be teaching the unit operations labs and maintaining the equipment associated with these labs. This person will also be an active member of the College safety team. Applicants must have a minimum of a Master’s Degree, with at least one degree in Chemical Engineering. Industry experience is strongly preferred (as is a PE), especially with some experience in process safety (PHA) and chemical hygiene/lab safety. See hr/vacan2182.php for more details. Applicants are encouraged to send a 1) cover letter, 2) comprehensive resume of experience, 3) narrative describing interest/experience in both teaching/mentoring, hands-on troubleshooting, and safety, and 4) contact information for three current references to: Louisiana Tech University is an EEO/AA employer. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. CDI Corporation 4041 Essen Lane, Ste 100 Baton Rouge 225-663-4600 TEQPRO Prof. Serv, Inc. Eng/Designer 225-292-9500 JACOBS ENGINEERING Local & Global Opport. CRA Engineering Group (225) 927-4249

FORD, BACON & DAVIS, LLC All Disciplines of Engr/Designers/3D Design.

SJB GROUP, LLC Surveying CAD Tech Furmanite Technical Sol. Ph: Number: 225-296-1506 web:

ALMATIS Inc., a global supplier of specialty alumina, has openings for Industrial Engineers at its Burnside Alumina facility located just 20 minutes south of Baton Rouge near Gonzales.


Industrial Engineers with experience in chemical manufacturing or other industrial manufacturing experience needed. Supply chain and/or logistics experience preferred. Also responsible for the inventory of key raw materials, operating supplies and product inventory forecasts (short & long term). Coordinates product samples necessary for certificates of analysis. Strong oral and written skills needed along with strong attention to detail. Office Suite knowledge required. Some weekend availability necessary. BS Degree in Industrial Engineering or equivalent required. Excellent medical benefits & 401k savings plan being offered. Qualified candidates should submit resume to Lynn.Gautreau@ SURVEYORS LANDSOURCE INC. has immediate openings for ALL Crew Positions. Experience req’d. Full benefits. EOE. Fax or email resume to dewberry@ or apply in person. LandSource, Inc. 6730 Exchequer Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70809 Fax Resume: 752-0997 Willbros Engineers, LLC. 225-612-6219

Financial/ Accounting

1380 BOOKKEEPER Regional manufacturer and distributor seeks an experienced and motivated full-time bookkeeper. Min. 3 years exp with G/L accounting, accounting software, and general clerical duties. Accounting degree preferred, exp will be considered. Attractive salary with benefit pkg. Email resumes to: Full Charge Bookkeeper/ Office Manager. Send resume to: officemgr@ Immediate opening for Asst. Manager Trainee for local finance comp. Must speak bilingual English/ Spanish. Competitive sal, full benefits. For more info call Robert, 225-667-8100.

MEMBER SERVICE OFFICER La Capitol FCU is seeking a FT exp Teller for our Hammond Branch located at 1000 North Oak St. The successful candidate must be dependable, accurate, self-motivated, friendly, and have the ability to cross-sell credit union products. The qualified individual must have 1 to 2 years of teller or cash handling experience. Hourly rate DOE. Exc benefits. Submit resumes: e-mail at; via fax to 225-342-5067; or via mail to PO Box 3398, BR, LA 70821, Attn: HR (Hammond). EOE

Industrial Tech. Skills


LINK 225-275-7272 A/C exp. Mechanic/ Installer. Ownership potential. Fax resume to: 225261-6612. A/C INSTALLATION MECHANICS & HELPERS Clean Driving Record Benefits / Insurance 225-753-8481 A/C Serv. Tech. Pd. vac. hol. + com,. Immediate start. Pol-Air, 225-926-7700. A/C Service Tech & Installer Needed. Min 5 yrs exp. Sign on Bonus. Top pay. 225-752-7783

H&K Engineering 225-448-5500

A/C Tech 5 yrs exp. min. No helper or trainee. Lots of work, good pay + bonus + commission. Hospital insurance, company truck to take home. Call 225-766-3065

Hunt, Guillot & Associates 8555 United Plaza Blvd


Hargrove Engineers + Constructors

Mechanical Engineer wanted

Local chemical company seeks two Mechanical Engineers. BS in Mechanical Engineering. Previous experience helpful. Company offers a competitive salary with an excellent benefit package to include; FREE!!! Medical, Dental, and Prescription insurance, STD and LTD insurance, Life Insurance. Company also offers a cash balance pension plan, 401k plan and flexible spending account. For consideration, please submit your resume to: Ad# C-744 c/o The Advocate P.O. Box 588 Baton Rouge, LA 70821 Or by email: employment3@ Equal Opportunity Employer

SJB GROUP, LLC Seeking Survey Field Personnel No exp req'd Survey Instrument Tech 2-3 yrs exp req'd Competitive salary & excellent benefits Apply online

Res.& light comm-Pay DOE +bnfts. APPLY 11015 Laird Laird Lane, Denham Sprgs or fax resume 225-791-7612

AUTO BODY TECH - Gonzales shop. Plenty of work. Benefits. 225-644-0057. Exp Auto Glass Technician Mon-Fri, 7:30-5. Pay DOE. 225-673-9120 Auto Mechanic needed for repair shop in Gonzales. Exp. needed. 225-647-1350.

Gerry Lane Buick GMC is hiring experienced

Auto Technicians

for our growing service department. Top pay for certified techs. ASE certification or GM training a plus. Company benefits, vacation pay, great work environment. Please apply in person at

6615 Florida Blvd. or email resume to:


EXPER'D CABINET BUILDER with 5 years min. exp. 273.1258 fax 273.3737 Automotive


needed at local Dodge Chrysler Jeep dealership. Experience necessary. Apply to: Cecil Graves Autoplex 1-800-505-2773 7245 Hwy 61 North St. Francisville, LA.

Material Take Off / CAD Design Detailer Required: 5+ years as structural detailer, drafter, piping design or CAD instructor. Preferred: Certifications in AutoCad Mechanical, and Inventor. Email resumes to: resumemailbox2015 CARPENTER NEEDED - Only Skilled With Tools Need Apply. MUST Email To

Carpenter Wampold Companies has built a solid reputation of proven performance in property management. We are looking for an experienced carpenter to join our team. The ideal candidate will be a professional, dependable, multi-faceted carpenter with knowledge of mechanical, electrical and plumbing. Experience in commercial and multi-family properties is a huge plus. If you want to join our dynamic team you will enjoy competitive salary, benefits, paid time off and a 401 (k) plan e-mail your résumé to: or fax to 225-215-1850


$2000 Sign On Bonus If you’re not earning the kind of income you deserve, call us. We are looking for Carpenters, with a min. of 10 yrs. exp., who would like to specialize in large, midsize and small Residential Remodeling and Repair work. You must take true pride in your craft and have excellent communication skills with the ability to meet high work quality standards. Must have a positive customer service attitude. This is a permanent, exceptionally high income opportunity. Only call if you are interested in far more than a job. Home360, Inc. (225) 767-4000 Local machine shop seeking Certified Millwright. Please call 225-622-4425, 225-313-1815 Or email: Civil Construction Site in Lafayette, LA now hiring Bnfts! Ph. 225-664-4232 Community Park Attendant needed in BREC’s Park Operations departments to perform all functions of grounds maintenance (mowing, edging, blowing, weedeating, trash removal, restroom cleaning: maintain informational boards, kiosks, and signs for public; inspect and patrols parks, recognize and respond to needed maintenance. HS Diploma, and valid LA DL required. Apply at 6201 Florida Blvd. or


James Construction Group Call 225-677-9023 or 1-800-995-5102 Diesel Equipment Mechanic. Knowledge of Diesel, electric, and hydraulic is required. Previous experience working on excavators, dozers, tractors, trailers and other dirt work equipment. Rate of pay is DOE. Baton Rouge. FT. Day shift. Submit resumes to apply and call 225-930-0685 ANGELLE CONCRETE has 2 immediate openings

Certified Diesel Mechanic

with previous airbrake & hydraulic experience. ASE certified preferred.

Maintenance Tech

also needed, electrical, conveyor & concrete plant exp preferred. Pay based on exp., full Bnfts. Apply in person at 425 Florida Ave SE, Denham Springs, No phone calls, EOE. Progressive Waste is seeking a qualified Heavy Duty Diesel Mechanic. Must have exp in engine diagnostics, air system, brake system, hydraulic system. Must have valid Drivers License. Paying Top dollar. DOE. Apply at, 7923 Tom Dr Fuel Truck Dispatcher Previous experience in the fuel industry is required. 2 yrs previous experience. Ability to manage small fleet. Rate of pay is DOE $55-60k per year. Benefits and bonuses offered. Submit resume to apply Equip. Installer/Technician IMMEDIATE OPENING for Technician willing to learn a trade & become a team member w/ a growing co. based in BR, LA since 1998. Must be dependable, reliable. Exp. with hand tools, basic electrical, mechanical skills a plus. Benefits, overtime. Send resume to:


AUTOMATION PERSONNEL 11445 Coursey Blvd 225-296-0605.

or mail to 11881 Dunlay Lane BR, LA 70809

CABINET SHOP FOREMAN wanted. Call 225-413-6128. *************************

Exp. Mechanic w/ tools. $$ Great Pay & Benefits $$ Call Eddie at 225-337-9148.

Nucor Steel Louisiana LLC, a subsidiary of the nation’s largest steel and steel products manufacturer and largest recycler, is seeking to assemble a hiring pool of qualified applicants for jobs in:

Entry-Level Production Positions We are looking for candidates who are willing to work any shift which would require working both day and night shifts in a drug-free environment. Most production positions in our plant require moderate to heavy lifting and can be physically demanding including working in extreme temperatures. We offer competitive pay and benefits. Individuals who would like to learn more about opportunities at Nucor Steel Louisiana LLC should register at

and enter the following nslap2015 access code: Individuals who register should be prepared to complete a brief questionnaire. Previous registrants will need to take the questionnaire again to be considered. The registration period will be open on April 6, 2015. Nucor will only be accepting a limited number of submissions. The registration period will end on or before April 11, 2015 once a set number have expressed the willingness to work in the available positions. Each individual should submit only one questionnaire related to this job posting. Nucor Steel Louisiana LLC does not accept unsolicited resumes. No phone calls please.

Nucor Steel Louisiana LLC is an EEO/AA Employer – M/F/Disabled/Vet – and a drug-free workplace BREC is seeking skilled equipment operators with CDLs; Experience with backhoes, tractors, loaders, dozers, and other related equipment; park/ lawn maint exp preferred; HS diploma or equiv req; FT yr round work; great benefits package;

or apply at 6201 Florida Blvd. EOE.


We are looking for Electricians with a min. 5 yrs. exp who would like to specialize in residential and light commercial troubleshooting and service work. Must have or be able to obtain your LA State Elec. Contractor's License. Must have excellent communication skills & the ability to meet high work quality standards. Must have a positive customer service attitude. This is a permanent, exceptionally high income opportunity. Only call If you are interested in far more than a job. Home360, Inc. (225) 767-4000 EXCEL: Skilled Crafts positions.

Industrial Electrician with plant maintenance experience. Ac/dc motors and control experience. Rate of pay is 20+ DOE. FT. Baton Rouge. Split shift. Submit resume to apply. and call 225-930-0685 Zachary area Industrial company has openings for Fabricators, Trainees and Local Delivery Drivers with TWIC card and Class D License. Good pay and benefits. Must have good work ethic, be mechanically inclined and drug free. Respond to: amill FIELD ENGINEER BARRIERE CONSTRUCTION CO., LLC In Business over 65 years Barriere Construction is looking for energetic and eager future leaders to join our team! Bachelor's Degree preferred-Civil Engineering, Construction Management or Industrial Technology highly favored. Applicant must possess good computer skills (Excel, Project, AutoCAD) and be willing to spend a majority of time in the field on projects. Job responsibilities include assisting Project Manager, Superintendent and Foreman with evaluating potential safety issues, process improvements, layout, measuring quantities, clarifying specifications, preparing work orders, schedules, field measurements and working with subcontractors. Barriere offers an excellent benefits package including a 401(k) plan, performance bonuses, vehicle and fuel allowance program. Please email resume to or mail to: Human Resources Assistant, One Galleria Blvd., Suite 1650, Metairie, LA 70001, or fax to 504-5812270. Please see our website @


Structural Steel Fitter Needed Must be capable of reading structural shop drawings Also knowledge of handrails, stairs, etc.

Taking applications & interviewing

Industrial Tech. Skills

Industrial Tech. Skills




Certified Flaggers. Full time, day shift. Rate of pay is $11+. Please apply at 1976 Wooddale Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA 70806


SERVICE TECH & LEAD MECHANICAL TECH NEEDED. Looking For Motivated Personnel With 5+ Years Exp. Valid & Good Standing DL. Background Check Req. Drug Free Work Environment. Call 225-262-1186 Or Email Resume To:

Concrete/Asphalt/ Utility Contractor, Looking for Foreman in BR/Hammond. Salary $52K-$60K with full benefits. Please call 504304-7794 OR email to: Foreman Operator- rubber tire backhoe - rail road experience. Putting in rail road cross ties. Full time. TWIC/OSHA Rate of pay is 20+ DOE. Submit resumes to and call 225-930-0685 GRAPHIC PRINTER/SEWER Industrial Printer & Sewer needed for fabric printing and sewing. Large Graphic shop moving into Fabric Printing. Printing or Sewing exp a plus but not mandatory. Must be Highly Mechanical, able to work 2:30 to 11:00 pm shift and willing to learn. Send Resume to: or Call 225-751-7297 Calvin's Maint is hiring HANDYMAN Must be experienced in multiple trades for home repairs and have truck and tools. Apply at 14653 Terrell Rd. BR LA 70816 or call 752-5014 Heavy Equipment Op needed w/exp in all phases of new construction. Email resume or fax: 225-209-0465 HVAC TECHNICIAN. Full time. Baton Rouge. Maintenance experience is preferred. Troubleshooting exp is required. Rate of pay is DOE. Submit resume to

Diesel Engine, Hydraulic & Electrical Systems Excellent Pay & Benefits Call Ken at 225-753-0541 SIMPLE SIMON CAR CARE Mechanic Trainee $14/hr to start if you qualify. Paid vacation & hospitalization. Call 225-756-7077Maintenance Tech 2 Needed in BREC’s Park Operations departments to assist in installing equipment; loading and deliver of materials; operation of a variety of machinery, assisting in emergency repair of park systems; checking on work of crews and relaying assignments. HS Diploma, and valid LA DL required. Apply at 6201 Florida Blvd. or


Need exp. Plumber for Service work and Contract work. Call 225-664-7186 Now Hiring CDL Drivers EOE/M/F/Disabled/Veteran



Large Industrial Co. loc. in New Orleans looking for a MECHANIC with exp. with repair of Diesel Engines, Hydraulic Crane & Forklifts. GOOD BENEFITS: Paid vacation, holidays, & 401k. Salary based on exp. Please fax qualifications to HR @ 985-429-9011 or email to cathi.anderson@

and call 225-930-0685

Email Resume To

Apply Online At

7 year old Industrial Electrical & Instrumentation Co. needs an Industrial Salesperson immediately. Experience a must. Call 225-261-1152 or email resume to Fax 225-261-1153.

Industrial Job Training Coordinator

needed with experience in training new employees on job tasks and safety. Must be capable of developing training materials and must keep accurate training records. PowerPoint skills desirable as well as good computer and organizational skills. Job is located at a St. Gabriel Chemical Plant. Benefits include health, life ins, and 401(k). Apply in person only at Brown-Eagle 5330 Dijon Dr. Baton Rouge, LA Equal Opportunity Employer AA/M/F/D/V

Check our jobs! Advantage Personnel BR A/C looking for Installer Helpers. Exp is best, but we'll train. Good driving record, drug free, willing to learn & grow with a good co. Offering 401k, holidays, vaca & sick pay. Apply in person at 2331 Chatawa., BR 70815. Security Camera Installers Full Time. Baton Rouge. Rate of pay is DOE. Previous experience installing security cameras, running wires, pulling cable and terminating is a plus. and call 225-930-0685 Bonfils Fabricators in Port Allen is now taking applications for experienced Iron Workers for the erection of red iron, bar joist & deck. Must have own tools, drivers license, reliable transportation & fabricating skills. Must be qualified in MIG & Stick Welding as well as layout skills on structural steel. Good pay & benefits for the right person. Apply in person only at 3820 East Catherine, 225-387-5229 Skilled Laborers. Full time and part time positions available. Day shift and night shift. Please apply at our office. 1976 Wooddale Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA 70806. Mon-Fri 8am-3pm Local business now hiring Utility Foreman. Exp. in all phases of new construction. Work mainly in B.R. area. Fax resume to: 225-209-0465 or email: 1ST CLASS MACHINIST wanted. A/C shop, exp. req'd. Call 225-687-8209. Scientific Fabrication Service. Maintenance Worker - FT position avail. to start immed. AC Cert Tech, extensive knowledge of plumbing & elect work. Own tools, truck, drug screen, background check req. Salary DOE. Apply in person at Lewis Companies at 9828 Bluebonnet Blvd. Ste F, Baton Rouge, LA 70810 or email info@ MAINTENANCE MAN needed. AC cert. w/PTAC units. Make ready ability. Paid sick, vac & holidays. Fax resume 225-343-2402.

Millwork man with min. 5 year experience to work in door & window dept. 225273-1258. FAX 225-273-3737 HEAVY EQUIP. OPERATORS w/ exp. for the Lafayette area. Bnefits. 225-664-4232

Southland Steel Fabricators Inc. Greensburg, LA has immediate openings for:

Global Industrial Contractors, LLC

Or in person at 702 Lobdell Hwy, Ste 8 Port Allen, LA 70767 (225) 663-6770


WANTED - MIN 5 YRS EXP IN PIPE FAB SHOP REQ'D. MUST HAVE GOOD LAYOUT AND CUTTING SKILLS. TOP PAY WITH BENEFITS. FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED CO. 225-356-2088 LV MSG. Progressive Plumbing Contractor Seeking commercial, fully skilled Journeyman Plumber. Must have , good driving record & current driver’s & LA plumber’s lic. Drug Screen req'd. Qualified applicants call 225 276-4154. EOE Jessie's Plumbing Looking for an exp.

Journeyman Plumber or Plumber's Helper

Must have 1 yr exp. in new residential construction. Pay Determined by productivity. Transportation required. Call 225-9232032 LIC. PLUMBER & HELPER Great salary & benefits. Apply at 15016 Florida Blvd or call 225-929-9510.


If you’re not earning the kind of income you deserve, call us. We are looking for Licensed Plumbers who perform Drain Cleaning and would like to specialize in residential and light commercial service work, drain cleaning, sewer repair and replacement. Must have excellent communication skills and the ability to meet high work quality standards along with a positive customer service attitude. This is a permanent, extremely high income opportunity. Only call if you are interested in far more than a job. Home360, Inc. (225) 767-4000 PERFORM. MAINT. on hvy equip/lube, grease & light mech. work. 225-664-4232.

Rail Road Supervisors

Geismar,LaFullTimeposition. Previous experience working on railroads is required. TWIC/OSHA, experience with computers, Excel, spreadsheets, reports, emailing, scheduling.RateofpayisDOE $25-30 per hour. Submit resumes to andcall225-930-0685

Railroad Track workers. Needs to have experience with hydraulic tools, grinders, machine hammers, hydraulic spike puller. Full time. Geismar, La. TWIC/OSHA. Rate of pay is depending upon experience. 14+. Submit resumes to: and call 225-930-0685 EXP RES. INSTALLER. Clean driving record. Drug-free Envir. Pay DOE, Bnfts. Ascension Area. 225-644-3575 A & M Heating and Air

Fortis College is seeking Instructors to fill positions in the following programs: Sterile Processing, Surgical Technology, HVACR as well as qualified Anatomy and Physiology Instructors. Positive, energetic, detailedoriented, and extremely professional candidates are encouraged to apply to join our team and help students create better lives through education! Please call 225-248-1015 or email resume to mark.palumbo

Shipping Personnel in Fabrication Shop exp. with scanning, bills of lading, and document control preferred. Forklift operating exp. a plus

Email resume to: human.resources@ Or apply in person at: 251 Greensburg St. Greensburg, LA 70441. Ph: 225-222-4141 Drug –free workplace EOE

CNC Drilling/Punching CNC Thermal Cutting CNC Saw Operations FICEP experience a plus! We offer competitive wages and benefits. Email resume to: human.resources@ Or apply in person at: 251 Greensburg St. Greensburg, LA 70441 Ph: 225-222-4141 Drug –free workplace EOE

Structural Steel Estimator Experienced or will train the right candidate. Taking applications & interviewing

$$$ D.O.E. Apply at: 6940 Young Avenue Port Allen, LA 70767 225-383-2432 7:30am-11am 1pm-2:30pm Trinity Marine Products Port Allen 1st Class Fitters & Welders (FCAW) Job Fair Sat., April 11th, 2015 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 7555 Choctaw Road Brusly, LA 70719 Are you ready for the next step in your career? Leadworker and Supervisor career opportunities available!! $1,000 sign on bonus -1st class Welder/Fitters/Leads!


Sign On Bonus!

DishNetwork Installation One-on-One Workshops Start A New Career Now!

Call 337-780-4065 or Cleaning Out Your Attic? Garage Sales can turn your stuff into bucks. Call 1-800-960-6397 to place your ad


Assistant Director of Patient Care Will be responsible for supervision of nursing staff; interviewing, hiring, and training patient care employees; preparation of employee work schedules; assignment of employee duties; addressing complaints and resolving problems; evaluation of nursing activities to ensure quality patient care; ordering supplies for clinic physicians; and enforcing OSHA requirements and guidelines. Must be a RN with at minimum of 2 years medical office experience and 2 years supervisory experience.

MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHERS & STAFF for 2015 – 2016 in all areas.

7373 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, LA 70808 or apply online at

Qualifications: -Bachelor's degree in a related field (required) -State teaching credential (required) -Experience working in urban schools (preferred) Benefits: -Health, Dental, Vision, and Life Insurance -5% contribution for 403b Retirement Plan -Merit-based pay -Bonus available up to $4000 Apply online at www.kenilworth -> Careers

Attn: HR Manager

Cardiovascular Institute of the South *CERTIFIED REGISTERED NURSE PRACTITIONER* We are seeking NP’s to join our practice in Baton Rouge and Zachary. Receive call pay incentive for PM and weekend call (1:3 Rotation). Excellent compensation and full benefit package provided. Please complete application at Or email to


1430 Lincoln Heritage Final expense Insurance company has a proven sales training program with TV & mail leads. Earn an average of $500 a day in commission. NO EXAM NEEDED To get your insurance license. Call The Maurice Lambie Group, 225-572-7868 BancorpSouth/Wright & Percy Insurance has openings in Benefits, Property & Casualty, Personal Lines and Marketing. Please go to: career-center to apply.

Managers/ Trainees

1440 Automotive


needed at local/area dealership. Experience necessary. Apply to: Cecil Graves GMC /Chevrolet, 1-800-547-7072 7259 Hwy 61 North St. Francisville, LA. Local Home Center

Hiring Management Email resume to localhomecenter@ Must have at least 2 years experience in hardware/lumber business. MANAGERS: Call Center Manager with 3-5 yr verifiable experience. Successful candidate will help train & motivate entry level and advanced CSR's. FT & benefits. 225-765-4525

EEO/AA Minorities/Females/Disabled Vets UNDER NEW MGT - Lic Plumbers - Career oppty w/benefits. No attic or septic work (no digging). F/T steady work, no rainouts. Call 225-753-6810 or E-mail resume to RebathHRIN@


The Baton Rouge Clinic

QC Weld Inspectors

We offer competitive wages and benefits.


Kenilworth Science and Technology School is looking for

Industrial Painters with sandblasting exp. a plus

*Need experience in structural steel fabrication and flux core welding and must pass welding test.

Please send your resume along with salary requirements to:

*Welders and Fitters

Retail Manager Hibbett Sports is hiring for its store in IN BAKER, LA. Apply at www. Background checks required.

NOW HIRING PCA's & Caregivers. Metro BR area. Weekdays, overnight & Wknds. Drug Screen. Bkgd check req. Apply at EOE

Certified Nurses Asst. needed. Fri, Sat, & Sun. 6am-2pm. & 2pm-10pm. Healthcare Facility Seeks HEALTH INFORMATION CLERK Busy Healthcare Facility has an immediate opening for Health Information Clerk. Candidate must be detailed oriented, have computer skills, be organized, detailed, self starter, able to work with others and must have reliable transportation. If interested please submit resume to

CLINIC Appointment Scheduler LPN (2) Neurology & PM&R EEG Technician

REHAB HOSPITAL LPN - PRN Physical Therapist - Full Time Apply online at www.TheNeuro

Sterling Place Nursing Home is seeking:

Certified CNAs



Over 5 years plus experience. Pay determined on amount of experience. Paid Vacation, Paid Holidays, 401K, Health Insurance. Send all resumes to: UPS Machinery Services Attention Valve Manager 2561 Rome Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70814

Deep South Crane & Rigging NOW HIRING


1460 ADMIN/EXECUTIVE ASST. Medical practice seeks a full time Admin./Executive Asst. Position requires a multi-tasked, detail oriented, and well organized individual, capable of excellent communication skills along with proficiency in Microsoft Office products. Credentialing experience is a must. A/P experience a plus. kgatte@

(NCCCO or NCCER) F/T+ overtime & benefits. All applicants must be willing to travel and pass pre-employment urine & hair drug testing. Apply online at

Allied Health, Nursing, Nurse Supervisor(s), CNA's and other positions avail. at Our Lady of the Lake Hospital Baton Rouge are posted online, site is updated daily. For more info and/or to apply online GreatPlace ToWork

or in person at 15324 Airline Hwy.

8116 One Calais Ave


Bayou Supply & Safety seeks Safety Trainer

Applicant must have experience and certifications to teach the following: PEC Core, Basic, and Refresher, Confined Space and Fall Protection. Email resume and Cert’s to: bayousafety@ or fax to 504-433-2244

Thursday, April 9, 2015


has immediate openings for CNC Operators experienced in:

We Are Seeking Packing Technicians That Have Their TWIC, Security Passport & OSHA Cards.

Or Fax To 225-450-6585

Zachary area Industrial company has openings for Sling and Tarp Sewing Trainees. Good pay and benefits. Must have good work ethic, be mechanically inclined and drug free. Respond to:


Greensburg, LA

A Strong Mechanical Aptitude/Background And Current TWIC Are Required. Refinery Exp Is Preferred. Company Paid Health/Dental, 401K, & ESOP Are Available To Qualified Applicants.

Southland Steel Fabricators Inc.

Immediate Openings For FIELD SERVICE ENGINEERS To Work Out Of Our St. Gabriel Branch

$$$ D.O.E. Appy at: 6940 Young Avenue Port Allen, LA 70767 225-383-2432 7:30 am - 11 am 1 pm - 2:30 pm

Industrial Tech. Skills

AMMON Staffing

With Reliable Transportation And Valid Phone Numbers Needed For The Following Positions: (3) Weekend Positions (5) 4 On And 2 Off Positions Please apply in person at 3888 North Blvd. Jefferson Manor Nursing & Rehab Now taking applications for the following:

CNA - All Shifts LPN 6a-2p M-F

(Minimum 3 yrs exper.)

Weekend LPN 32/40

Apply within at 9919 Jefferson Hwy No phone calls, Please!


needed for daytime hours & weekend work. Experience required. Call between 8a-3p, M-F.


LOOK TO THE STARS STARS make your ad stand out and get you quick results.


The Advocate

• • • • •

LPN (Full Time) LPN (Part Time) RN (Full Time) RN (Part Time) CNA/Nurse Tech Full Time • CNA/Nurse Tech Part Time • CNA/Nurse Tech PRN • Unit Secretary Full Time • Rehab Tech PRN • Maintenance Technician Full Time • Cook - Full Time For more information call 225-231-3113 or email

****CNA - ALL SHIFTS**** Apply at: Plaquemine Caring, 59215 Riverwest Dr. Nottingham Regional Rehab is Under New Management and is hiring CNAs - ALL SHIFTS. Please apply in person at 2828 Westfork Dr.

Elayn Hunt

Correctional Center Immediate Openings for Paramedic AEMT EMT Shift Work Insurance & Retirement For additional information contact A.W. Stephanie Michel @ 225-319-4513 Apply at


Thursday, April 9, 2015 Medical

The Advocate






Baton Rouge dental practice is seeking a friendly, compassionate, professional and motivated dental assistant who is proficient in 4 handed dentistry. Current with x-ray certification, EDDA certified. We are looking for someone who is always open to learning beyond their current knowledge, is positive and fits in with our growing practice. Fax resume to: 225-927-1788 or email:

****LPN - ALL SHIFTS**** Apply at: Plaquemine Caring, 59215 Riverwest Dr.

Dental Assistant needed. Minimum 2yrs dental experience. Bluebonnet area. 4 day work week. Fax resume TO 291-2167 FT Dental Assistant, Min. 2yrs exp, 4 days/week. Fax resume to: 225-214-0103 DIRECT CARE STAFF to work w/disabled pts. FT/ PT & PRN. Pd training & mileage. Clear criminal rec reqd. Apply at 5850 Florida Blvd. M-F, 8:30-3:30 EOE

12 MONTH LPN/ FLOATER NEEDED Busy Health Center has an immediate opening for an LPN-Floater to work closely and travel with a provider. Candidate must be Dependable, Reliable, Self Sufficient, Organized, and a hard worker. RELIABLE TRANSPORTATION A MUST! If you feel you have these characteristic, email your resume to Subject: LPN/FLOATER POSITION

The Baton Rouge General Medical Center has an immediate opening for a fulltime Senior Coding Specialist. Position will assign diagnostic and procedure codes to records of discharged patients for inpatient and/or outpatient surgery accounts. Must have previous experience with inpatient coding in an acute care hospital working with Medicare and other payors. CCS, RHIT, or RHIA certification strongly preferred. Remote coding opportunities available for this position. Qualified candidates apply online at or apply in person at the Baton Rouge General Mid City.

Ophthalmology Practice & Surgery Center in Zachary is seeking candidates for the following positions: SURGERY SCHEDULER/

COORDINATOR *Experience Req'd


FT and PRN weekday position open for LCSW/ GSW, LPC/CIT, or NCC at a highly regarded behavioral health facility. Must have one of the above licenses/ certifications. Email or fax 225-654-9574. Days/Nights Vent/Trach Preferred

Call 225-273-0051

is accepting applications for LPNS, Medical Records Person. Experience req'd. Apply within 9105 Oxford Place Dr. Baton Rouge Orthopaedic Clinic is hiring ● Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (PRN/Zachary) ● Certified Clinical Medical Assistant ● LPN ● Transcriptionist Send resumes to:

Well established behavioral healthcare company has an immediate opening in our Baton Rouge outpatient clinic for:

LCSW / LMSW / LPC Position requires current state licensure. Previous experience required. We offer an employee centered workplace with hands on training, competitive pay and excellent benefit package which includes: Medical, Dental, Vision & Life Insurance Paid Time Off •• 401K Plan • • Credit Union & More

Please email resumes to jobs@regional or fax to 225-372-3710 Find A Career At! The NeuroMedical Center


High Tech Dental Office looking for Full Time Dental Assistant in the Dutchtown / Prairieville area. Must be Friendly with Great People Skills. Must be Capable of Learning Quickly & We Offer 401K Retirement Please Fax your Resume to: 225-6778906.

Certified Histo Tech (Full Time) Large clinic in Baton Rouge is currently seeking a Histologist for our new Histology Laboratory. The ideal candidate will have 3-5 years experience embedding, cutting, staining with small biopsies and other pertinent histology experience. Associates Degree or higher in a life science preferred but not required and must hold HT/HLT (ASCP) certification or eligible to sit for exam. Please send your resume along with salary requirements to Attn: Employment Coordinator, Fax 225-246-9105, or employment@

The Baton Rouge Clinic


Large multi-specialty clinic in Baton Rouge seeks a highly qualified Medical Technologist to work as a generalist. Candidate must have necessary licensure. Hours are 9a-6pm.

OLD JEFFERSON COMMUNITY CARE CENTER LPNs all shifts needed Competitive salary, PTO, health benefits, and 401K 8340 Baringer Foreman Road Baton Rouge, LA 70817 225-753-3203 Apply in person or email resume to: dluquette@comm Nottingham Regional Rehab is Under New Management and is hiring LPNs - 2p-10p & Weekend Special. Apply in person at 2828 Westfork Dr. Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center, Now Hiring!

Mon-Fri LPN 3/11 Shift

F/T Nurse Opening at chemical dependency facility. Previous CD or MH exp. a plus. 2p-10p shift, nights, & weekends. Good benefits. Email resume to kelly@

Email your resume and salary requirements to

or fax to 225-246-9105 Attn: Employment Coordinator

The Baton Rouge Clinic

7373 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Baton Rouge Heritage House NOW HIRING


WEEKEND SPECIAL Every weekend 6A-10P WORK 32, GET PAID FOR 40 BENEFITS AVAIL. Apply in person 1335 Wooddale Blvd HARBOUR ORTHODONTICS, Seeking Orthodontic Assistant. Experience required. Donaldsonville, LA. Call 225-473-6434



Office Clerical

1480 911 DISPATCH OPERATOR PART TIME Plaquemines Parish Government is seeking a PT 911 Dispatch Operator. Mail Resume to: Plaquemines Parish Civil Service; P.O. Box 836; Belle Chasse, LA 70037; Fax to: (504) 934-6089; E-mail to:


ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE COLLECTIONS CLERK Accounts Receivable Collections Clerk for a Baton Rouge corporation who has been in business since 1957. Duties include: Making deposits electronically. Posting payments to customer's account. Calling customers to discuss/collect past due invoices. Experience a MUST. gail.cuevas@

Weekend Treatment Nurse

Preferable with more than one year experience. Current Louisiana RN license required. Great company with great benefits. Apply in person @ 11546 Florida Blvd.

Golden Age Nursing Home Assistant Director of Nursing Apply In Person 26739 Hwy 1032 Denham Springs Or Email Resume vmiller@

PT/FT FIELD NURSE with Home Health exp. Fax resume: 225-274-1244.

Pointe Coupee Homebound Health Services ● Physical Therapist FULLTIME ● Occupational Therapist - PT/PRN ● CNA- PT ● RN & LPN - PT/ PRN (weekdays & weeknds)

New Roads & surrounding areas Send resume to: 350 Hospital Road New Roads, LA 70760 An Equal Opportunity Employer RADIOLOGY TECH needed for local mobile X-ray provider. Evenings 5p-9p. Mon-Fri. Please email resume to: senda or fax to: 337-514-4268. Do you like people, are you pro-active and have good communication? Energetic front desk position available in progressive medical outpatient clinic in Baton Rouge. Competitive salary and great benefits. Email resume to

Dental Tech

Exp. Dental CAD-CAM Tech for dental lab. Call 225-755-7006

RECEPTIONIST for doctor's office, OLOL area, 4 day work-week. Send typed resume to: Receptionist P.O. Box 83460, Baton Rouge, 70884-3460

Nottingham Regional Rehab is Under New Management and is hiring RN Supervisor - Night Shift. Please apply in person at 2828 Westfork Dr.

North Oaks Health System Hammond, LA (985) 230-5715


ARTICULATE Professional needed to handle incoming calls. Spanish A+. Call 225-765-4525.

Family oriented company seeking

RN’sBluebonnet Campus The Baton Rouge General Medical Center is currently seeking Registered Nurses for the Bluebonnet Campus. Positions are available on Telemetry, Med-Tele, General Surgery, Ortho-Neuro and Oncology. These positions are fulltime, day or night & twelve hour shifts. A current LA RN license is required; experience is preferred. Interested candidates should apply online at or apply in person at the Baton Rouge General Mid City. SPRING is Here and we need to hire 6 people to clean homes. Above average pay. Will train. Must have car with insurance. Avg $12-16 hr + benefits. 1-888-491-5664 ext 86002

ST. JAMES PLACE 333 Lee Drive St. Joseph Hospice, LLC Visit Our Website At

Surgical Specialty Center Of Baton Rouge, If you are passionate about making a difference in health care please visit THE BATON ROUGE CLINIC JOB LINE 225-246-5627 EQUAL OPPTY EMPLOYER LTC Transportation Van Driver - Exp. pref. Apply in person at 59215 River W Dr., Plaquemine Caring

Office Clerical

WOMAN'S HOSPITAL Visit us online

Please Apply In Person Or Email Resume 11188 Florida Blvd.

Needed Exp'd Caregivers 225-341-5919

7373 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, LA 70808 or apply online at

Large multi-specialty clinic is currently seeking a full-time Nurse Practitioner to provide general medical care and treatment to patients in a clinic setting. Individual will perform physical exams and preventive care within the guidelines and instructions prescribed by the Physician. Must have previous Nurse Practitioner experience. Current RN and NP license required. We offer a strong benefits package & salary is commensurate with experience. To apply, go to

Lane Regional Medical Ctr EQUAL OPPTY EMPLOYER

The Care Center Is Now Hiring For

Attn: HR Manager

The Baton Rouge Clinic

DENTAL Hygienist needed for Mon. and Wed. Min. 2yrs exp necessary. Fax resume to: 225-214-0103

JEFFERSON MANOR 9919 Jefferson Hwy 225-293-1434

Apply In Person 26739 Hwy 1032 Denham Springs Or Email Resume vmiller@

Responsible, energetic person with phone and computer skills needed for growing medical device company in BR. Experience in insurance verification a plus. Resumes to: ins_coordinator_hr@yah or fax 866-455-5150


(All Shifts)

Please send your resume along with salary requirements to:

7373 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, LA 70808

St James Behavioral Health Hospital RNs, LPNs, MHTs; FT, PRN Wknds. Full time LPN. Fax: 225-644-1070. Email:




If you are a highly motivated individual with high standards for ethical, quality care and are looking for an opportunity for career growth, please email resume to: or fax to 225-810-4600.

Hiring Full Time


Senior Coding Specialist

Golden Age Nursing Home


ADMIN ASSIST/SALES/BK position available. Must be proficient in QuickBooks, Excel, ESC exp a plus. Invoicing, purchasing, preparing estimates, dispatching Techs, must be able to be effectively communicate with customers and misc. clerical duties. Exp. with credit card reconciliation , A/R, deposits & A/P a plus. Must have high school diploma and min. of 3 years exp. in related field. Email resume to:


Full time opening admin assistant. Applicant should be proficient with all MS Office applications with excellent communication and interpersonal skills, must organized and dependable. Email resume and salary requirements: crichardson@

Receptionist/ AP Clerk

needed for Denham Springs Office. Must have friendly speaking voice, professional & positive attitude & excellent communication skills. Proficiency in Excel & Word a must. 1-3 yrs. exp required. Salary DOE. Please go to https://ciims.cindexinc. com/job/6c15b8 to apply.

Clerical Assistant (Temp) Several individuals needed to perform basic computing work. Basic computer skills required. Pay $10-$12 hourly; temporary position to last 1012 weeks. Hours per week flexible-great for college students. Send resume to The Baton Rouge Clinic, AMC Attn: Employment Coordinator. 7373 Perkins Rd. Baton Rouge, LA 70808, fax: 225-246-9105; email: employment@

The Baton Rouge Clinic Check our jobs! Advantage Personnel


Dynamic growing local company needs Customer Service Representative with exceptional phone skills. Min. 50 wpm. Must be mature, detail oriented and enjoy working in a fast paced environment. MUST have an upbeat inviting voice on the phone. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY without this voice quality. Excellent permanent, long-term opportunity. Salary $30K-$35K depending on individual’s voice quality and other mentioned values and abilities. Excellent benefits: paid health ins., 401K, paid vacation and holidays. This is an opportunity to work with a group who truly enjoy working with each other and the work they perform. This group strongly believes in giving excellent customer service and adhering to the highest ethical standards. Forward resume to: Home360, Inc. Fiction Editor. Specify charges per 8.5x11 double spaced page. 12 cpi. Write: Literary agent, Box 70422, Baton Rouge, LA. 70874.

JOB FINDERS LA Relay: Communication, Bilingual-Span/Eng- Communication & Captioning Assts all shifts. 225-2914500 LITIGATION PARALEGAL needed. 3 yrs. exp. req'd. Email: LOUISIANA STAFFING 225-621-3212 225-621-3210 - FAX OMV Operator w/ exp. Fax resume to: 225-923-2374. Hiring F/T RECEPTIONIST/ BOOKKEEPER. Rent to Own used Cars. Fax resumes to 225-412-4027

Receptionist / General Office

NBR industrial company has immediate FT opening for well organized multitasker. Answer phones, order materials, expedite orders, job cost, data entry and various office duties. Knowledge of Word and Excel required. E-mail resume with salary requirements to


REAL ESTATE Section, Every Sunday

BOLD! Before Bold...

For Style Only Call 000-0000 After Bold...

For Style Only Call 000-0000

Call today to make your ad stand out!

1-800-960-6397 Snelling Personnel Serv. Please see our job listings:

Professional/ Administrative


BATON ROUGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE ● Nursing Faculty- Frazier Site ● Director of Dual Enrollment ● Program Manager/ Instructor- Construction Management ● Human Resources Supervisor/Manager ● Executive Director for Accounting & Finance ● Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs ● Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement For more information: To apply online:

Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Employer Exp Admin Production Asst for corp & media dept Email: BATON ROUGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE 5310 Florida Blvd. B.R. EOE The World’s Leading Non-Medical Home Care company is seeking a Full time Care Manager. Work Friday through Monday receiving full time hours and benefits. Must be organized, detail oriented & customer service driven. Prior experience in Health Care w/strong computer skills preferred. Submit resume to CASE MANAGERS/SOCIAL WORKERS needed for infant/ toddler population. Travel to surrounding parishes req. Bachelor's degree in social service field. New grads can apply. $2628K. DOE. Benefits. Fax resumes to 225-667-4886 or email to case_ The Louisiana Cancer Research Center, located in New Orleans, LA, seeks a highly qualified

Chief Administrative Officer to be responsible for the non-research administrative operations, financial planning, and management of the Center including working with LCRC Board, scientific leaders, and partner organizations to operationalize the strategic plan and build a structurally integrated cancer center. Qualifications: Five plus years of progressive leadership experience in a complex medical research environment; proven track record of leading initiatives to improve organizational performance, create productive relationships, and organize, develop, and implement information technology systems; proven financial and operational track record for demonstrating an understand of the key factors within the management of a complex research center; demonstrated ability to work effectively in a highly matrixed organization to achieve organizational goals.

Submit CV and cover letter to:

CHILDCARE EDUCATOR needed in Baker area, 5yrs exp. & registration with Louisiana Pathways req'd. Fax resume: 225-775-0500 Growing school searching for the BEST Christian Educators. PreK-2nd; Middle Math & English; H.S. Math & Spanish. Email resumes and cover letters to Have Experience With Community Organizing Or Revitalization Projects? The City-Parish Govt is accepting résumés through April 9, 2015 for an unclassified

Community Outreach Specialist For details please visit dept/hr Construction Office Manager needed for mid size construction company. Construction experience required. Knowledge of Quickbooks & Accounting preferred. Please email resume, salary req. and references to: DRIVING INSTRUCTOR - PT needed. Chauffeur's or CDL req. Zachary Driving Academy. 225-654-7576 Employment opportunities w/City-Parish Government visit

Professional/ Administrative


Director Of Advancement Now accepting applications for Director of Advancement. Responsibilities include oversight of all development, communications, marketing and advertising at St. Luke’s Episcopal Day School. Bachelor’s degree and development experience required. Strong background in technology and excellent interpersonal communication skills a must. Forward resume’ and cover letter to:


Director of Human Resources WBRZ-TV, locally owned ABC affiliate, is seeking a Director of Human Resources. The Dir of HR is responsible for directing and managing employee relations, administering company policies, extensive recruiting and applicant screening. Other duties include new hire orientation, facilitating the Internship program, preparing all required state/ federal HR reporting, administering group health benefits and managing medical leave. For a more detailed description, please refer to the station website at wbrz. com/employment. Must be adept at state/federal labor laws, including upcoming changes. Prefer 3 to 5 years’ managerial experience in human resources, and must have excellent people, communication, and organizational skills. Please include salary requirements when submitting resume. Email resume to or mail to HR Director, PO Box 2906, Baton Rouge, LA 70821. No phone calls please. Smoke-free and drug-free work environment. EOE.

Executive Director of Enrollment Management & Student Development The Louisiana Community & Technical College System is accepting applications for an Executive Director of Enrollment Management & Student Development. Details regarding responsibilities and qualifications are available under “LCTCS Careers” on our website at To Apply Send: ● a cover letter addressing experience in areas of responsibilities outlined ● a resume’ ● names and contact information for 3 professional/work related references to: Human Resources Specialist, LCTCS 265 S. Foster Dr. Baton Rouge, LA 70806 or email to

EEO/DRUG & SMOKE-FREE WORKPLACE EMPLOYER The Youth Challenge Program in Carville is looking for retired military, or current members of the Louisiana National Guard to serve as Group Leaders/Cadre Corps members to conduct quasi-military style training in a disciplined setting for 16-18 year old high school dropouts. State pay and benefits. Call 225-319-4629 for additional information. Application available at http://jobs.geauxguard. com/ycp-group-leader-1/ HUD APPROVED HOUSING COUNSELING AGENCY is looking for an experienced Housing Counselor. Must be knowledgeable in mortgage lending; real estate, budgeting, credit counseling. Must have excellent customer service, the ability to multi task, be a team player. Bilingual is a plus. Please submit resume to Robinn Betts 225-344-6171 (fax) Or email to: robinn@ GALILEE BAPT ACADEMY seeking SUMMER CAMP MANAGERS. Fax resume: (225)570-8258

Digital Associate News Producer WBRZ &, Baton Rouge's ABC affiliate & associated website, is seeking a Digital Associate News Producer. This full-time position assists producers in creating award-winning newscasts and updates each weeknight. Will write news stories for on-air/web and learn formatting of newscasts. Preferred candidate is one looking to get their foot in the door of a serious news organization. Willing to train the right person with a competitive, hungry, can-do attitude. Email resume and brief cover letter to Trey Schmaltz, Executive Producer, at; or Laura Sisemore, Dir of HR, at lsisemore@ No phone calls please. Smokefree & drug-free work environment. EOE

Check our jobs! Advantage Personnel

Professional/ Administrative

Professional/ Administrative

Restaurants/ Hotels/Clubs




Patient Registration Front Desk Manager

The Wilkinson County School District is seeking qualified applicants to fill the following position:

GINO'S RESTAURANT is seeking LINE COOK/PREP PERSON. Min. 2 yrs exp req for this position. Please apply between 2p-5p. M-F at 4542 Bennington Ave


Successful candidate will possess strong managerial skills, excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Must have previous experience in front office management. Individual will be responsible for the direct supervision of staff receptionists. Responsibilities include interviewing, hiring, and training new receptionists, determining work procedures, preparing work schedules, and expediting workflow; preparing daily/weekly/monthly reports and deposits as well as adjusting errors and resolving patient complaints. Bachelor’s degree from a four-year college or university; or one to two years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience is required. We offer a strong benefits package & salary is commensurate with experience.

Please send your resume along with salary requirements to:

The Baton Rouge Clinic Attn: HR Manager

7373 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, LA 70808 or apply online at PROPERTY MANAGER needed for two apartment complexes in Baker. Previous residential property management experience at a RD or tax credit property preferred. $10 $12/hr. No housing available. Eligible for health insurance and paid time off. Email current resume to: property

QIDP (QMRP) Medical Management Enterprises, Inc. is currently seeking a compassionate individual to join the team providing coordination of services for persons with intellectual disabilities in Adult Day Program and community home setting. Flexible hours, excellent pay and benefits. Minimum Qualifications: ●A Bachelor’s Degree in a related field verbal ●Excellent skills are essential to communicate clearly with clients, staff, families, guardians, service coordinators and state surveyors ●Ability to understand and follow directions and the ability to gain comprehensive knowledge of regulations and laws ●Ability to safely and accurately assess and care for consumers with medical and mental disabilities and to recognize and report any noted concerns ●Must be able to adjust in changing priorities and the various details of the job be self●Must directed with strong organizational and time management skills ●Must be proficient in Microsoft computer applications Essential Duties Include: Provide ongoing assessments, advocacy, case planning, financial planning, service coordination and monitoring of services for caseload of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Compensation: Based on qualifications and experiences Fax Resume to 225-644-6163 or email ROY KIESEL is currently hiring for an IP Legal Assistant. Successful candidates must have the following skills: • Basic Secretarial skills including typing, filing, preparing correspondence, maintaining a calendar, transcription and dictation, assistance with billing, handling incoming and outgoing mail, and docketing files The position will include performance of the following tasks. Experience in these areas is desirable but not essential. Training will be provided. • Foreign and domestic patent and trademark prosecution, online patent and trademark filings, patent and trademark procedures and searches • Preparing and filing copyright applications Candidate must also: work well in a team environment; possess strong administrative, organizational and interpersonal skills; be proficient in Microsoft Office software, including Word, Excel and Outlook; possess excellent communication skills; show attention to detail; and be proactive and conscientious. For consideration, please send a confidential resume and salary requirements to: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Call: 1-800-960-6397 Online:

● Elementary / Middle School Principal ● Elementary Education Teachers Education ● Special Teachers – 1-12 ● English Teacher – 7-12 ● Biology Teacher ● Math Teachers – 7-12 ● Band Director ● Head Football Coach ● Head Baseball Coach ● Automotive Service Excellence Certified Mechanic ● Bus Drivers

COURTYARD by Marriott & Residence Inn by Marriott Apply: North Mall Drive FRONT DESK/ Housekeeping Person needed. Please apply in person at Quality Inn & Suites, 131 Lobdell Hwy, Port Allen, LA 70767 Experienced Front Desk Customer Service Agent . Apple Comfort Inn. 4924 Constitution Ave.

School Principal/Director applicants must have a Masters of Administration / Supervision and a minimum of an AA in School Administration.

F/T Manager Upscale full service restaurant. Competitive sal. + bnfts. Email resume to: ourcompanyhr123

Teacher and Band Director applicants for aforementioned positions must hold a valid Mississippi teaching certificate in the area applying for, be a good disciplinarian, & be wellversed in subject area.

L'Auberge Baton Rouge Now Hiring - To Apply

Head Football and Baseball Coach applicants must hold a valid Mississippi teaching certificate and have prior experience coaching. Automotive Service Excellence Certified Mechanic applicants must hold a valid Mississippi Class B Commercial Drivers License with a “P” endorsement and have knowledge and experience in repair and maintenance of school buses and other district vehicles. Applications may be obtained from the Wilkinson County School District, Office of Superintendent, 488 Main Street, Woodville, MS 39669, or on the District website www.wilkinson.k12. Wilkinson County School Board does not offer interim/emergency certificates. Wilkinson County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, national origin, or disability, and is an Equal Opportunity Employer. HIRING TEACHERS & Executive Assistant. Prior exp. is mandatory. No calls. Email resumes to:

ST LUKES EPISCOPAL DAY SCHOOL has an opening for the 2015-2016 school year for Experienced Middle School Math Teacher. Cert. in Algebra. Send cover letter & resume to: The City of Baker School Board is accepting applications for the position of Superintendent. All applicants must possess at least a Master’s Degree, possess a valid Louisiana teaching certificate, and must meet all the requirements mandated by the Louisiana State Department of Education Bulletin 746. The City of Baker School Board is seeking a Superintendent who can: provide instructional leadership, carry out the policies and procedures established by and approved by the Board, increase achievement for all students, and manage property and fiscal affairs responsibly. Salary is negotiable. Please send a cover letter, resume, three (3) current letters of reference, and proof of certification to: Mrs. Elaine G. Davis, President City of Baker School Board P. O. Box 825 Baker, LA 70704 The submission deadline is Friday, May 8, 2015, at 4:30 p.m. Details about the District can be found at:

Looking for an exciting position, apply online at, NOW HIRING Cashiers, fry cooks, bus boys & dishwashers. Email to apply: Now hiring for evening/ night Patient Service positions for local hospital nutrition services department. Ideal candidate must have good customer service and communication skills. Apply in person at Womans Hospital Food and Nutrition Services Department located in the main hospital on the first floor by the cafeteria or online at

Pre employment background checks and drug screenings are required. EOE. GINO'S RESTAURANT is seeking a Salad Person. Experience necessary. Please apply between 2pm-5p. Monday-Friday at 4542 Bennington Ave. Food and Nutrition Services Department of Womans Hospital is now hiring for a full time sanitation position. Candidates must have good customer service skills, hard working and be team oriented. Pre-employment background checks and drug screenings are required. Apply in person at Womans Hospital Food and Nutrition Services Department located in the main hospital on the first floor by the cafeteria or online at


Hotel Workers Servers, Dishwashers, Maids, Houseman

Now hiring for a Storeroom driver’s position for local nutrition services department. Job responsibilities include driving meals and picking orders for production staff. Must be outgoing, smile, a dedicated worker and enthusiastic. Apply in person at Womans Hospital Food Service Department located on the first floor by the cafeteria or apply online at\careers

Pre-employment drug and background screenings are required. EOE. SUBWAY Hiring Managers & Staff. Apply in person @ 4520 S. Sherwood Forest @ Coursey or I-10 Exit at Highland Rd. 4728 Constitution Ave. Baton Rouge, LA

Sales/ Marketing



Established independent dealership looking for salespeople. Great location. Lots of inventory. Great financing. Must have drive and desire to earn $5000-$7000 mo. Call today, 225-572-9464

THE DUNHAM SCHOOL seeks the following teachers for 2015-2016 Academic year • Middle School Art • Lower School Art Submit Resume with references to: Middle School Head Mary Theriot at: mary.theriot@ No Phone Calls Please.

ACCEPTING Applicants For Call Center. $10 - $12 Per Hr, Benefits, $13 - $15 Per Hour After 60 Days With Bonuses. Call 225-224-6625

IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR TRAINERS Looking for individuals to work in an Adult Day Program. Persons will work as a trainer in a program that provides a variety of health, social and other related support services to adults with functional impairments. Position requires a high school diploma. Benefits are available. Fax resume 225-3365446 or call 225.383.9139

C.J. BROWN, Realtors LATTER & BLUM Inc., Realtors Van Eaton & Romero

Restaurants/ Hotels/Clubs

1540 GINO'S RESTAURANT is seeking SERVERS. Please apply between 2pm-5p. Monday-Friday at 4542 Bennington Ave Now hiring for an evening/ night CASHIER position for local nutrition services department. Ideal candidate must have good customer service and communication skills. Apply in person at Womans Hospital Food and Nutrition Services Department located in the main hospital on the first floor by the cafeteria or online at

Pre employment background checks and drug screenings are required. EOE. NOW HIRING for an evening/night production cook position for local hospital nutrition services department. Apply in person at Woman's Hospital Food and Nutrition Services Department in the main hospital on the first floor by the cafeteria or online at

Pre employment background checks and drug screenings are required. EOE

ABILITY TO SUCCEED IN REAL ESTATE SALES? We always have room at the TOP! Best People, Support, Brand, Commission Plans, Service & Tools! Join the TEAM that helps you accelerate your business. We know you have what it takes! Take a test drive to show us you do. or call 1-800-428-8294 and arrange an interview today! EXP'D SALES PERSON. Cold calls a must. Base+comm. SEND RESUME TO: stonelouisiana@ Exp. Used Car Salesman needed. Lrg. dealership. Huge inventory. 225-2728778, ask for Guy. FINANCIAL ADVISOR positions avail. We'll help you get licensed. Call 938-0696. 7 year old Industrial Electrical & Instrumentation Co. needs a Supervisor, Foreman, Electricians & Instrumentation Techs for turn around. Experience a must. Call 225-261-1152 or email resume to or fax 225-261-1153. Now Hiring Agents, Adam Campo Real Estate. High Comm. splits 225-295-3035

The Advocate Sales/ Marketing


New & Used Car Sales Professionals Needed!! Best Commission Structure Available.

● Our Top Producers earn between 75K-100K per year ● Great benefits and incentives Call 225-924-0400 or email terryrodrigue@ or apply in person at Royal Nissan 9325 Airline Hwy

General Help

Well known and established Electrical Distribution Company is taking applications for an Outside Sales position. Applicant will need to have sales experience and/or extensive electrical work experience. Position will include a Benefit package, and is a salary position. Send Resume to Job Opportunity, P.O. Box 825, Natchez, MS 39121. REAL ESTATE AGENT to assist Broker Run office. Salary + Call 225-337-1883 REAL ESTATE AGENTS Needed to work with Nat'l Home Builder. Preferred Lenders, 504-654-9326. Retail Sales Manager needed for Area Tire Service. Responsible for daily operations, growing sales, and serving customers needs. Competitive wages, holiday pay, health insurance, and 401k. Kirk Spring 225-356-2548 NON PROFIT Seeking Experienced Sales & Marketing Person. Must Be Willing To Make Cold Calls, Promote Company Events. Must Be Exp'd In Microsoft Office. Must Work On Saturdays. $45-50K Per Year To Start w/Benefits. Mail Resume To 2746 Berlin Dr., Baton Rouge, LA 70814.

Direct Tools Factory Outlet Gonzales FT/PT Sales Associate $12/hr Benefits/Growth OPPTY! Apply in person or email resume to: jesse.whitefield

General Help


● Logistics Routing Coordinator ● Collections & Credit Administrator Holidays, Vacation, Medical Insurance and 401K Retirement Plan Provided Apply Online @


APARTMENT PERSONNEL JOB FAIR TUES 4/7!!! We’re actively seeking Leasing Agents and Make-Ready Techs for multiple properties in the region. Apply in person Tues April 7th 11 am-2 pm at Arts Apts. @ Jefferson Heights 8939 Jefferson Hwy, Baton Rouge, LA 70809. If unable to attend email resumes to: AVON - 30 REPS NEEDED Gifts, trips, bonuses & Insurance. 225-772-9174. ISR $$AVON$$ EARN EXTRA$$, Work from home. Free gifts! Call 855-685-2866, ISR BAGASSE BURNER – Six (6) temporary positions available from 08/01/2015 to 01/30/2016 in Franklin, Louisiana at Sterling Sugars, LLC. Operation of Boilers. Ensures continuous supply of bagasse to mill boilers. 48 hours/wk plus overtime. Overtime Hours will vary. $11.06/ Hour; $16.59/Hour Overtime. On-site lodging offered to each employee at no charge. Shift work: will be required to work various 8 hr. shifts (7am to 3pm; 3pm-11pm; 11pm7am). Must be willing to work overtime. Must be willing to work 7 days per week. No minimum education required. No on-thejob training provided. Six (6) Months Experience in job offered in sugar mill is required. Please send resumes or contact Mr. Rivers Patout at Sterling Sugars LLC, 611 Irish Bend Road, Franklin, LA 70538 Tel: 337-828-0620 Fax: 337828-1757 Email:

BRIAN HARRIS PORSCHE AUDI Has an immediate opening for a SERVICE PORTER. Apply in person at 12323 Airline Hwy. Baton Rouge, La.

General Help





CONTROLLED ACCESS OFFICER Full Time/Part Time positions available for Controlled Access Officer for a Gated Community in the Baton Rouge area. Job duties include greeting guests and approving access into the community, patrolling the neighborhood and some computer input. Customer Service skills a plus. Email resume to:

FIRE/WATER DAMAGE TECHNICIAN needed for Gonzales based Co. Must work weekends. Must have good driving rec. Drug & background check req. Call 225-715-2806.

INSIDE PHONE/ INTERNET SALES - Diesel Specialists, a small family owned company, is expanding & looking for our next outstanding addition to our Inside Sales team. The ideal candidate must realize that not only do we love a sale; our main goal is to provide the best customer exp. possible. Keeping with this philosophy, we look for individuals that can build lasting relationships w/our customers through a strong relationship based customer service selling style. Position req. high-volume email & phone lead handling, exc. verbal & written communication skills. Previous diesel or parts exp. is not required. Bilingual is a +. $DOE Salary based, 8A-5P, M-F, 401K, Medical, Dental. Email:

SPRING is Here and we need to hire 6 people to clean homes. Above average pay. Will train. Must have car with insurance. Avg $12-16 hr + benefits. 1-888-491-5664 ext 86002

BAGASSE BURNERS - Eight (8) temporary positions available from 08/01/2015 to 01/30/2016 in Lakeland, Louisiana at Alma Plantation, LLC. Ensures continuous supply of bagasse to mill boilers, burns bagasse, and cleans boilers. 48 hours/wk plus overtime. Overtime Hours will vary. Shift work: will be required to work various 8 hr. shifts (7am to 3pm; 3pm-11pm; 11pm-7am). Must be willing to work overtime. Must be willing to work 7 days per week. $9.15/Hour; $13.73/Hour Overtime. On-site lodging offered to each employee at no charge. No minimum education required. No onthe-job training provided. Six (6) Months Experience in job offered in sugar mill required. Send Resumes/Inquiries to Mr. Alan Chatman at Alma Plantation, LLC, 4612 Alma Road, Lakeland, LA 70752 Tel: 225-627-6666 Fax: 225627-5138 Email: Byron E Talbot Contractor, Inc is looking for skilled General Laborers, Exp'd. Heavy Equipment Operators, and Skilled Concrete Finishers for Civil Construction. Fax Resume 985419-9833 or drop off @ 24288 Hwy 190 Robert, LA 70455. EOE. Experienced Cabinet Shop Help needed, West Baton Rouge. Call 225-806-2807.


+ Up To $15/Hr 24 New P/T & F/T Call Center Positions No Exp. Nec! 225-272-1833 ACCEPTING Applicants For Call Center. $10 - $12 Per Hr, Benefits, $13 - $15 Per Hour After 60 Days With Bonuses. Call 225-224-6625 BREC’s Summer Camp is now accepting applications for the following positions: • Camp Counselor • Camp Director Online Applications only

Benny's Car Wash and Oil Change. Apply Online PT Front Counter CASHIER needed 2-3 days per week for Dry Cleaners. Apply at 5454 Bluebonnet, Ste S or call 225-292-5584.

Industry leading produce company experiencing tremendous growth seeks motivated individuals. Able to work weekends, holidays, and overtime. Must pass drug screen and criminal background check.

General Help



Marketing Rep

General Help

BENCH CHEMIST - One (1) temporary position available from 08/01/2015 to 01/30/2016 in Franklin, Louisiana at Sterling Sugars, LLC. Reads hydrometer, spectrophotometer, ph meter, checks Ph, brix, pol, during all stages of conversion of sugar in raw sugar mill. 48 hours/wk plus overtime. Overtime Hours will vary. $17.45/ Hour; $26.18/Hour Overtime. On-site lodging offered to each employee at no charge. Shift work: will be required to work various 8 hr. shifts (7am to 3pm; 3pm-11pm; 11pm7am). Must be willing to work overtime. Must be willing to work 7 days per week. No minimum education required. No on-thejob training provided. Six (6) Months Experience in job offered in sugar mill is required. Please send resumes or contact Mr. Rivers Patout at Sterling Sugars LLC, 611 Irish Bend Road, Franklin, LA 70538 Tel: 337-828-0620 Fax: 337828-1757 Email:

Full time position for medical clinic in BR area. Locally owned & operated. Please send resume to: receivables@health or fax 504-889-5370

General Help

CASHIER needed at Fred's Foodmart. Must be honest, dependable, hard worker. Must pass drug screen. Apply in person at 44708 Highway 42, Prairieville, LA 70769. BUFFY'S CAR WASH, Gonzales HIRING F/T & P/T

CASHIER-Up to $12/hr Apply 1126 N. Airline Hwy.


HELP WANTED to clean buildings in the evenings, in the B.R. area. Paid cash. Call 504-452-2664 Cleaning Technicians. Full time. ROP $9.50-13 per hour. Apply at our office, 1976 Wooddale Blvd. Baton Rouge La 70806


• BILLING: Quickbooks,Excel, MS Word • FINANCE: Excel,MS Word,Outlook • LEGAL SECRETARY: Injury Experience A+ • HUMAN RESOURCE: Flexible Schedule, Prior Exp A+ • DISPATCHER: MS Word,People Skills,Shift Work

Call Holi 924-0227

Climate controlled warehouse has an opening for personnel. Must have forklift exper. Apply in person, 1900 Beaumont Dr. BR.

BE YOUR OWN BOSS Independent Newspaper Contractor for

The Advocate In the VacherieDonaldsonville area Immediate opening available for carrier. Please call 225-388-0227. Leave detailed message. Experience preferred. Early morning hours. Must have reliable transportation. Liability Insurance Required. Trucking company seeks EXPERIENCED CUSTOMER SERVICE REP & SAFETY COORDINATOR. Mail resume: P.O.Box 1524 Gramercy, LA 70052

Corporate Controller Responsibilities: • Prepare monthly internal financial statements, and other recurring financial reports along with the analysis of the results • Design, develop and implement accounting policies and procedures to ensure timely and accurate financial reports and strong internal controls • Manage and oversee annual consolidated budget process including departmental budget reviews, prepare forecasts and analyze performance compared against budgets and forecasts • Serve as primary liaison to the independent auditors, ensuring successful audit completion within established time-lines • Lead the new system implementation • Evolve inventory and cost accounting system to meet company needs • Design and document a testable internal control environment • Research, interpret, and document accounting positions based on technical standards regarding accounting issues, including business combinations, revenue recognition, compensation expense, contract accounting and international operations. Ensure compliance with GAAP. • Participate in the due diligence of potential acquisitions and lead the integration of the accounting function for newly acquired companies • Provide timely and accurate data and reporting for local, state, and federal tax and regulatory compliance along with assisting with all Treasury related activities. Education & Qualifications • 10+ years accounting experience • Manufacturing and inventory/cost accounting experience required • Internal control design, documentation and implementation required • Having responsibility for cash controls, wires, cash forecasting etc. Please send all resumes to: COSMETOLOGIST - FT / PT employment. Paid vaca & holidays. Closed Sunday. No clientele base needed. Fantastic Sams, Zachary & Central loc. 225-235-2471. GALILEE BAPT ACADEMY seeking SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS. Fax resume: (225)570-8258 Top $$ Exp Crew Leaders w/DL. Commercial Lawn Landscaping Company. Call 225-752-9755.

BE YOUR OWN BOSS Independent Newspaper Contractor for

The Advocate In the N. Baton Rouge, Central and Zachary area Immediate opening available for carrier. Please call Reggie 225-588-8964. Leave detailed message. Experience preferred. Early morning hours. Must have reliable transportation. Liability Insurance Required. Immediate Opening for Direct Care Staff Looking for individuals to work in a residential facility. Person must be able to work with youth with behaviors, and challenged adults. Position requires a high school diploma. Benefits are available. Fax resume to 225-3365446 or call 225.383.9139 Exp. Auto Tech w/ own tools. Great pay & benefits. Pd vac. Mon-Fri. 7a5p. Start Immediately! Call 225-778-5575 or fax resume to: 225-778-5577 or Email to:

Food and Nutrition Services Department of Womans Hospital is now hiring for a Floor Tech sanitation position. Candidates must have knowledge on how to use a buffer, good customer service skills and be team oriented. Pre-employment background checks and drug screenings are required. Please apply in person at the Food and Nutrition Services department located in the main hospital on the first floor or online at


Marchand's Interior has an opening for a Custom Picture Framer. Responsibilities include taking orders, providing exceptional customer service, and the production of orders. Please e-mail your resume to

General Cleaner - Baton Rouge Aztec Facility Services seeking experienced cleaners. $8.50/hr, full time (6 am - 2:30 pm), some weekends. Must pass drug & background screens. TWIC preferred. Call 225-977-5836 to schedule interview. EOE M/F/V/H GENERAL FARM WORKER Full time employment on large farm; responsible for maintenance and upkeep of the overall appearance of the farm acreage, mowing lawn, skit area, trails, roads, etc. Owner provides all equipment! No cattle or horse care involved on farm. Send resume to: Post Office Box 4621 Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Field Workers 2 temp positions; approx 7.5 months; Duties: to operate tractors in the wheat, soybean and sugar cane fields in preparation for the upcoming planting season. To assist with the maintenance of the existing crop, planting of new crop and harvesting of the crop. General Farm Work. Must be able to work in hot, humid weather, bending and stooping to reach ground level crops and able to stand on feet for long periods of time. Once hired, workers may be required to take a random drug test at no cost to worker. Testing positive or failure to comply may result in immediate termination. $10.18 per hour; OT varies, not guaranteed. 35 hours a wk; Job to begin on 5/11/2015 through 12/31/15. 3 months experience required in job offered. All work tools provided. Housing and transportation provided to workers who can not reasonably return to their permanent residence at the end of the work day; Transportation and subsistence expenses to the worksite will be provided by the employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract, or earlier, if appropriate; .75 hours guaranteed in a work day during contract. Employment offered by Carol Lee Jarreau Farms located in Lakeland, LA. Qualified applicants may call employer for interview 225718-1769. Applicants may apply for this position at their nearest SWA office located at 1991 Wooddale Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA using job order #526786. OFFICE HELPER needed, Be reliable, honest. Good pay. Transportation. References req'd. 225-892-8517 HORTICULTURAL/ LANDSCAPE ASSISTANT position available. Weeding, pruning, spraying & planting. Must be able to lift 50lbs. Exp desirable. DL & drug screen req. Come join our quality group! Call 225-756-4321. HOUSE CLEANERS WANTED! Earn up to $15/hr No night/weekends No experience needed Call 225-435-4260 Ext 3.

FT Housekeeper needed for mental health facility in Zachary. Fax: 225-6549574 or email EXP Housekeepers needed Background check and drug screen required. No phone calls. Apply in person 5445 Government St. 9am-noon.

**Counter Clerk & Exp.** Presser Needed!! Apply at Suttons Cleaners 03 Temp Farm Workers Start date 06/01/2015 end 04/01/2016 $10.18 P/H 35 hrs P/W M-F some S/S. Feed maint process harvest eggs return wild alligators to marsh. Use hand tools. Irrigation cultivation load unload farm field sanitation duties. Minor operation of farm equip lift up to 50lb walk bend kneel handle materials repetitively for long periods. Once hired may require a random drug test at no cost to worker. Work done in inclement weather time may vary due to mechanical availability of crop weather. Shared housing available IF outside commuting area at no cost to worker. Tools supplies & equip provided at no cost to worker. Transportation & subsistence expenses to work site provided or paid upon completion of 50% of work contract or earlier if appropriate 3/4 GUARANTEE specified in USDOL Reg. 20 CFR 655.122(i) JOB contract. Contact Opelousas Career Solutions Center Paula Devalcourt 337-948-1330 REF: Job order # 528203 Job offered by Louisiana Alligator Industries Inc, Port Barre, LA 70577 BR Property Mgmt. Co. seeks skilled & experienced HANDYMAN to work M-F btwn 9 AM & 5 PM Tools, truck/van, references & background check req'd. 225-927-1975

OLD JEFFERSON COMMUNITY CARE CENTER Housekeeping & Laundry person needed

Competitive salary, PTO, health benefits, and 401K

Apply in person

8340 Baringer Foreman Road Baton Rouge, LA 70817 God's Lil Angels CDC seeking Infant Toddler Teacher. Exp. only need apply. Call 225-923-3176

Global Industrial Contractors, LLC

We are seeking Janitors in the Plaquemine area that have their TWIC, Security Passport & OSHA Cards. Apply Online At

Or in person at 702 Lobdell Hwy, Ste 8 Port Allen, LA 70767 (225) 663-6770

INTERIOR DESIGNER needed with experience. Full or part time. Apply in person, Persian Rug Gallery, 9125 Bluebonnet Blvd Ft/Pt Janitors for Gonzales & B.R. areas. M-F. Bkgd & drug test req. 225-675-3014

Kitchen Help wanted FT. Kitchen position avail in local retirement community. 6am - 2:30 pm. Must be able to work Holidays/ Weekends. Background/ Drug Testing required. Compensation $9/hr. Apply in Person: 4101 Plaza Tower Dr Local Property Management Company is seeking a full time Leasing Agent for a busy apartment community in Baton Rouge. Property management experience is required. Please send your resume to: real Looking for someone to transport me to doctor appts. Call 225-635-3388 Looking For Summer Job? We're now reviewing applications for summer camp counselors. Must be active and love working with children. Apply in person at 15134 Old Hammond Hwy. Maid Service Needs Maids. Must have own transportation. Competitive Pay. Call DS office. 664-9056 MAINT. TECH- 84 unit apt. community needs skilled tech. Great working conditions, great pay! Experienced techs only apply. Call 225-921-5371 Maintenance Helper wanted for utility company in the Baton Rouge area. F/T position with benefits. Must be 21 w/valid DL & HS diploma or equiv. Must pass drug screen. Apply in person at 1824 Ryder Drive, Baton Rouge. We are an EOE company.

Manager opportunity w/ Newk's Eatery. Competitive salary w/ benefits that incl. health, dental, vision, life, 401K program, 5 paid holidays, paid vacation. Please send resume to: No Exp. FT/PT. Cust. Srv & Managers Needed. Up to $500 wk. Call 225-384-6844 No Exp, Will Train! ●Cust Srvc Reps ●Fundraising Coordinators, ●Entry Level Mgrs NEEDED ASAP! Long Term Careers PT/FT Position Avail. Up to $500/week. Call 1-844-UNITY BR or 225-384-6844 NOW HIRING PT/FT SHOP HELP. Must be avail. to work 7days/wk. Valid DL. Sanitation, grass cutting, cleaning. 225-445-3636 Call Mon-Fri. between, 8a-5p. Exp. Residential Painters drywall finishing & repair, exp. req. Call 225-448-1659 HIRING EXPERIENCED PAINTERS. Up to $700 wkly. Call 225-330-5608.

Pat's Home Center Looking for hardworking, dependable Individuals. Apply Within at our St. Francisville, Clinton & Central locations DONATE PLASMA - Save a Life. You can earn up to $100 this week. Must have a valid Id and social security card. Call 225-354-0965 for an appointment. Plumber's Helper. Min. 3yrs. exp in residential. Gd. driving record Call 225-315-6516. KEAN'S GONZALES now hiring pressers. Mon-Fri. exp. pref. but will train. Must have stable work history & reliable transp. Apply with Manager at Kean’s Gonzales 311 S. Burnside or online at No Phone Calls Please. PT RECEPTIONIST position Avail in Local retirement community 8a-4 pm. Must be able to work weekends. Primary duties incl. answering phones, receiving visitors, & scheduling and managing appointments. Background and drug testing required. Compensation $9/hr. Apply in Person: 4101 Plaza Tower Dr Large Outdoor power equipment store looking for FT, year round Salesman/Counter person. Motivated self starter preferred. Apply @ Central Outdoor Power Sales, 9156 Joor Rd. in Baton Rouge or Call 225-261-8021.

Sanitation Checker

Associated Grocers Full-Time. Overnight position responsible for maintaining an inspection ready facility by leading the sanitation department. Knowledge of Warehouse Sanitation equipment, manpower & equipment utilization, and Microsoft Office Applications preferred. Allinclusive benefits package offered. Apply online at SECURITY SYSTEMS Helper position avail - exp pref. Also, Tech position available - exp req. Allied Systems, Inc. 225-292-1212




10 Week Program Small classes. Pymnt plan 225-278-7729

Career Training

NOW HIRING STOCKERS for local retail company. Apply in person, 12330 Florida Blvd. Suite 12. Baton Rouge. M-F, 7AM-9AM.

A Better Life Starts at

LOOKING FOR experienced & licensed Hair Stylist. Call 225-247-3328 for info. SUGAR BOILERS – Eleven (11) temporary positions available from 08/01/2015 to 01/30/2016 in Lakeland, Louisiana at Alma Plantation, LLC. Operate vacuum pans to make raw sugar. Test machinery before and during grinding by boiling samples though each stage of conversion. 48 hours/wk plus overtime. Overtime Hours will vary. Shift work: will be required to work various 8hr. shifts (7am to 3pm; 3pm-11pm; 11pm-7am). Must be willing to work overtime. Must be willing to work 7 days per week. $9.15/Hour; $13.73/Hour Overtime. On-site lodging offered to each employee at no charge. No minimum education required. No on-the-job training provided. Six (6) Months Experience in job offered in sugar mill required. Send Resumes/Inquiries to Mr. Alan Chatman at Alma Plantation, LLC, 4612 Alma Road, Lakeland, LA 70752 Tel: 225-627-6666 Fax: 225627-5138 Email: SUGAR BOILERS – Six (6) temporary positions available from 08/01/2015 to 01/30/2016 in Franklin, Louisiana at Sterling Sugars, LLC. Operate vacuum pans, boiling stations, centrifugals, juice heaters, etc. Test machinery before and during grinding by boiling samples though each stage of conversion. 48 hours/wk plus overtime. Overtime Hours will vary. $11.06/Hour; $16.59/ Hour Overtime. On-site lodging offered to each employee at no charge. Shift work: will be required to work various 8 hr. shifts (7am to 3pm; 3pm-11pm; 11pm-7am). Must be willing to work overtime. Must be willing to work 7 days per week. No minimum education required. No on-the-job training provided. Six (6) Months Experience in job offered in sugar mill is required. Please send resumes or contact Mr. Rivers Patout at Sterling Sugars LLC, 611 Irish Bend Road, Franklin, LA 70538 Tel: 337-828-0620 Fax: 337828-1757 Email:

BLUE BAYOU DIXIE LANDIN' Now Accepting Applications For Summer Employment. Must Be At Least 16 Years Of Age. Apply online at FT CHILDCARE TEACHER Experience required. Registered with Pathways preferred. Mother's Choice 621 Shadyglen, 70816 (Off Old Hammond Hwy.) Technicians & Supervisor Wanted Fire/Water restoration Co. 1 - 2 years exp., must be reliable, honest, team player, drug free. $10 - $14 DOE + bonuses and benefits. Apply at 11811 Dunlay Lane BR. La 70809 EXP. PART TIME VET TECH needed. Send resume to:


ITI Technical College Over 40 years of career training in Baton Rouge Call Now! 1-866-313-1827

Money to Lend



Companies that do business by phone can't ask you to pay for credit before you get it. For free info about avoiding credit scams, write or call the company listed below. Federal law allows you to correct your credit report for free. For more info about credit repair scams, write or call company listed below. Federal Trade Comm Washington, D.C. 20580 or call The National Fraud Information Center, 1-800-876-7060. CREDIT or MONEY PROBLEMS? For important, helpful INFORMATION call Better Business Bureau, 346-5222


Loan brokers, consumer lenders or other arrangers of credit should be licensed with the La. Office of Financial Institutions. For verification or further information call the Consumer Credit Division of LOFI at: (225) 925-4660.


On diamonds, gold jewelry, sterling flatware, etc. DIAMOND DISTRIBUTORS 8210 Jefferson Hwy. 927-6514

Merchandise Airplanes.......................2040 Antiques ........................2080 Auctions ........................2120 Appliances....................2100 Bikes-GoCarts-Wheeled Goods .............................2160 Boats & Motors ...........2200 Books..............................2210 Building Supplies........2220 Cameras & Photo Supplies.........................2230 Cemetery Plots............2265 Collectibles...................2240 Computers Home/Office .........................................2250 Crafts & Hobbies.........2260 Estate Sales..................2270 Farm Equipment .........2280 Exercise Equip .............2360 Garden Supplies & Plants .........................................2380 Household Items.........2400 Jewelry/Watches ........2420 Lawnmowers/ Lawn Tractors..............2440 Let’s Swap.....................2020 Machinery & Tools......2480 Medical Supplies ........2510 Misc. For Sale...............2790 Musical Instruments .2540 Office Equipment........2560 Pianos-Organs.............2600 Portable Buildings......2610 Restaurant Equip ........2620 Sewing Machines .......2640 Sportman’s Exchange .........................................2680 TV-Stereo-VCR..............2760 Utility Trailer.................2770 Want To Buy .................2010


Job Information



THE ADS listed here are job information only, not specific job offers. In most cases, a fee is involved and in some cases, there is a charge for the phone call.


Want To Buy

2010 BERTRAND'S. Buy * Sell * Silver * Gold * Old Coins * Call Kathy, 225-933-9711. DIAMONDS TOP CASH for Diamonds, loose or mounted, Rolex watches, gold, sterling & coins. Diamond Distributors, Loan Brokers, 8210 Jefferson Hwy., Suite E. 927-6514.

I Buy Coins, Antiques & Art by Rucker, Wright & Hunter. Call 225-202-0465.

Let’s Swap



DO you have some item of merchandise that you would like to swap for something else? If so, this is the right spot. Place your "Let's Swap'' ad in this column today and you will get fast results. Call Classified 383-0111 And Start Swapping.


Instruction Private Lessons...........1760 Schools ..........................1710 Career Training............1720 Schools



Earn Your CNA License In Just 6 Weeks

2080 Antique Shop - Rosedale, Records, Slots, Jukeboxes, antqs. Buy& Sell 687-8076 ***VICTORIAN ODDITIES** Lagniappe Antiques 2175 Dallas Dr 225-927-0531 CASH PAID FOR ANTIQUES 225-247-4980 KEN BUHLER, LA LIC 1760



A Huge Estate Sale! Sat., March 28th @ 11am Southern Heirs Auction (225) 791-2440 #1060

Call NOW! 225-928-3005 Text Camelot at 99000

HOUSING/DAYCARE AVAIL. No Addl Mo Fee For those who qualify for Fin. Aid **Transportation & Child Day care at No Cost to those who qualify for WIA Funding. See disclosures at www.Camelot

COASTAL TRUCK DRIVING SCHOOL - Baton Rouge 1-800-286-8066


Boats & Motors


1999 27' party barge, trailer, cover, 125 HP, good cond. Located False River. $11,500. Call 225-892-2650 BayHawk 22 ft boat- $8900. Loaded w/1999 225hp Saltwater Series motor. Magic trlr inc. w/new tires, Bass pro on board charging sys. Riptide 70 24-volt trolling mtr, bimini top, other Xtrs some barnacles need to be removed. 225-266-4264 1977 BOSTON WHALER 19', Lo-Profile Outrage, 140hp motor, alum trailer. $3900. Call 225-747-0076. I Buy Outboard Motors & boats non-running & damaged cond. '1999 yr -newer CASH PAID$. 225-266-6000

Building Supplies



Gilmore Auction & Realty Co. (504) 468-6800; Lic. #447 V. WATTS AUCTIONEERS, INC AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS & LIQUIDATION CONSULTANTS. Lic. #21012 P.O. Box 41, Livingston, LA. 70754. Call 686-7238 Cleaning Out Your Attic? Garage Sales can turn your stuff into bucks. Call 1-800-960-6397 to place your ad


Ever get the urge to place a Classified Ad at 2:00 A.M.?

Try Our

Internet Submission Form! Visit

Click on

"CLASSIFIED" Then choose

DRY CYPRESS BEAMS. 10 pcs. 4X8 16'L. $780 for allwill divide. 225-625-2398. USED LIGHT POLES Treated lumber, Call 985-229-8361, Kentwood.

---and you're on your way!



Machinery & Tools



2240 PAYING CASH for U.S. & Foreign Stamp Collection, Old Letters; Documents, etc. 333-2416 - mention ad

Cemetery Plots

2265 1 plot that holds a Veteran and Civilian. Garden of Memory in Avendale. $3,000. Call 225-209-6088. 2 plots. Hillcrest Memorial Gardens. Everlasting Life. 16-C #1 & #2. $3000 obo. Call 225-928-1008 Double Mausoleum encased in beautiful small river rock with 2 benches. Buyer must move items.

$7000 228-223-7933 Hillcrest Memorial, Zachary. 2 Side By Side Crypts In The Chapel Mausoleum Prayer Level 281 & 282 Along w/Interment Fees & Crypt Plates, $5500 Nego. 701-873-4231 Purchase 1 burial unit. Lake Lawn Park & Mausoleum, Patio of Serenity location. Paid $7000. Asking $6200. 615-430-5743

Farm Equipment

2280 2012 Kubota M7040 tractor, loaded, 200 hr, 4x4, open, like new, shuttle shift, 70 hp. Call 225-7212646 Agt.

Household Items

2400 QUEEN SIZE cedar oak bed with 12 drawer dresser & mirror, armoire, & chest. $5000. Call 225-229-1392 Like New Baby Lock Ellisimo Sewing and Embroidery Machine. Serviced 03/17/15. very Low stitch and embroidery count. Many extra's, $5950. Call 225-937-7334 SOFA, Loveseat, end tables & coffee table. $3500. Call 225-229-1392

Jewelry/ Watches

2420 Diamond and sapphire dial oyster bracelet model /serial nos. 16628/T975982 will show recent Adler's insurance appraisal. $22,950 504-451-1838 NO ONE PAYS MORE! All Diamonds, Jewelry, Coins, & Antiques. Expert jewelry repair. DIAMOND DISTRIBUTORS 8210 Jefferson Hwy., St. E (225) 927-6514 Rolex-Stainless & gold w/ date. New main spring & service. $3000. 769-3396.

Lawnmowers/ Lawn Tractors

2440 Lawn Tractor - John Deere L111, 42". Runs great. Mower deck in very good shape. $500. 225-572-3196. John Deere grass catcher for a 105 lawnmower $250 hardly used 504-415-5586 '06 KABOTA 31HP Diesel Tractor, Turf tires, Exc condition. 517hrs. $7500. 225-686-7724/225-305-8890 LEAF AND GRASS CATCHER - Craftsman, 3 hard plastic bins. $150. 225-936-9968. ZTR ZTL 7000-26HP B&S platinum, 50" cut, 49 hrs. Like new. Pd $3700; sell $2700. 225-356-2094

Machinery & Tools

2480 20 ft & 40 ft. STORAGE/ SHIPPING Containers. New & Used. " Buy Direct" CONGLOBAL INDUSTRIES 504-246-7853

Medical Supplies

2510 Must sell! 10 ea. PB590 Oxygen concentrators. $50 Call 225-291-2054. 3 each Wheelchairs, $50. Call 225-291-2054.

Office Equipment

2560 METAL SHELVING, office furn & equip., 2 door coolers & 3 door freezer, wire shelving, slat wall, glass displays, 6ft metal cabinets, computers & register. Call 225-292-8500.

Pianos, Organs



"THE PIANO SPECIALIST" 11811 Coursey Bl 291-0404

Portable Buildings

2610 12x16 $2300; 12x20 $2600 12x24 $2900; 16x24 $3700 AAA Portable, 654-0345 12x24 Custom Bldg $3295 6' door w/rmp, 2 windows Built On Site* 985-969-6191 Quality Building Systems Portable buildings all sizes. Rent to own, No credit check! We can build onsite and we move portable buildings. Call 225-445-6437.

Restaurant Equipment

2620 DAIQUIRI MACHINES & Daiquiri Mixes. Call 225-274-1811.

Sportsman’s Exchange

2680 Concealed Carry Course Sr StateInstructor 335-1571

22 AMMO No limit. Big assortment. $6.97 up. Plant World. 225-272-7144.

Accurate Firearms COLT LE-AR6721 AR-15 $1068.99 225-929-6500

Boat is fully decked out, with steering, has been in storage 3200 225-235-4305 Colt Official Police 6 inches. $650. FIRM. Call 225-752-9246/225-937-9782. Colt, Python, Winchester Collector. Wants to buy old guns. 225-937-7133 CONCEALED CARRY CLASS XRing Protection Training State certified Instructor Call 225-937-4255 DEER SAUSAGE or Turducken po boys. Bellues's 356-7798, 3110 Scenic Hwy. Gulf Coast Military Collector's Show. D'Iberville Civic Center FRI. April 10th, 12-6 & SAT. April 11th, 9-4 For info call 228-224-1120 Honda 200 3-wheeler. Electric start, reverse, shaft driven. $800 225-235-4305 Hunting club near Woodville, MS looking for members. 601-431-9149 RECREATIONAL WINCHES TRUCK MOUNTED. DEALERS TRUCK, 926-1070. Wanted membership in quality hunting club. Call 225-752-6500*225-571-3229 WE SANDBLAST & PAINT Boat Trailers & Utility Trailers. Bellue's Welding, 3120 Scenic Hwy. 356-2698.

TV, Stereo, Video, DVD

2760 70" SHARP SMART TV LED with surround sound, $3500. Call 225-229-1392

WE SANDBLAST & PAINT Iron Beds, cast iron pots, patio furniture & more. Bellue's Welding, 3120 Scenic Hwy. 225-356-2698.

ADV. MEDICAL ASST. incl. EKG * Phlebotomy CNA * Pharmacology * Mental Health Tech * Medical Coding & Billing

Thursday, April 9, 2015

02 50 HP Merc, 2-stroke, w/ controls & SS prop, low time, $2900. 225-266-6000

Shifts: 9 am-6 pm; 4 pm -1 am; 10 pm-7 am; part-time or full time, clean criminal, no experience.

Call Holi 924-0227

Utility Trailers SNORKEL UN041 MANLIFT4X4. Gas burner $11,000 Call Lattie, 225-405-5229 2010 Komatsu PC78 track hoe w/steel pads, 825 hrs, cab/air, thumb. Call 225-343-1501 Agt. 2011 Massey Ferguson, open, 1425 hrs, 4x4. shuttle shift, 85 hp, model 2680. Call 225-721-2646 Agt. Looking for a bargain? Try The Advocate's


Items for sale $1000 or less 2 lines/3 days = $5.00 Friday, Saturday, Sunday


2770 New Line Of Buck Dandy Trlrs at Circle R Trailers. Thank you for 7 yrs of support. 647-0969 2013 Top Hat Gooseneck Trailer, all options, like new, 24,000 gvw. Call 225721-2646 Agt. *MIKE'S TRAILER DEPOT* 5X10-15 $899, 6X12-15 $999. 3500# Axle, treated wood. w/ gate. We now inst. B&W GN 5th whl, & brk contrllrs @ both loc's. FLA. 225-275-0000, Air. 356-4000.

Miscellaneous for Sale

2790 Cherrywood 90 gallon half circle fish aquarium. $1200. Call 225-229-1392


Thursday, April 9, 2015 Miscellaneous for Sale


Motor Homes



WILL MAKE your ad really stand out and get you even quicker results. ASK FOR your ad in BOLD TYPE. It only costs 35 cents a line more, per day.

CALL CLASSIFIED 1-800-960-6397

2002 Holiday Rambler 34' Triton V10 35k, 2 slides. Exc. Cond. $35,000 Call 225445-2189 '00 39 ft. Allegro Bus Diesel Pusher, 1 slide out, 87K mi. $45,000. Call 225-413-4003. 39' Fleetwood Southwind Motor Coach, 2005, exc. cond. 35K miles. 3 slide outs, new awning, new tires. $35,000. 307-231-9706.

The Advocate


Cats.................................2900 Dogs................................2940 Livestock Animals ......2810 Pet Services..................2960 Pet Supplies .................2980 Poultry and Eggs.........2880 Livestock Animals

2810 4x5 Round Bales of Hay. 25 outside. 35 in barn. Zachary area. 225-937-2667.




Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 11 Jeep Grand Cherokee, gary, black leather interior, V6, 33,363 miles, auto start, great deal Call Don 225-229-9886 for price. J15413TA.

'97 Acura 2dr CL, Loaded, Super clean! $2750. Call 225-448-2586.


02 Cadillac Deville-Pearl white, low mi, Exc. Cond. Financing. Avail. $4,750. Call 225-963-0291 2010 CADILLAC SRX loaded, one owner. NICE! Call 225-343-1501 Agent. Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2013 Cadillac XTS Premium Certified. Only $33,995. 225-297-5757




Acadiana Bird Club, Inc. Saturday, April 11, 9-5 Sunday, April 12, 10-4 Lafayette Event Center 4607 Johnston Street Lafayette, LA Adm $4 - Under 6 Free




Special Spring Stocker Sale

Sat, April 11, 1 PM. We will offer 350 females Brangus Brafford Cross Bred Cows, Pairs, Bred & Open Heifers. Complete Herd Dispersal. 200+ Brangus & Angus Cows. 200 Will Have Calves By Side.

FOR MORE INFO Call Donnie 225-356-5203 FERTILIZED HORSE HAYSquare Bale & Round Bale. Call 225-933-5975


Discount Prices * Free Del 1-800-362-3390

Poultry & Eggs

2880 Young Rhode Island Red Chickens for sale $6. Call 225-450-5968 EASTER DUCKS, CHICKS & Geese, $3.97 & up. Plant World. 225-272-7144. EASTER RABBITS $15.97 & up. Plant World.10131 Grwl Springs Rd 225-272-7144. 4380

Apts. Unfurn. Area 8


* * A SPECIAL * *

D.S., 2Br/1ba or 3Br/1ba WD, incl wtr, swr, trash & pest control. Gated. Call 225-200-4567 today for info Spacious 2BR/2B. W/D con fp, new flrs $695/m $300/d. Den Sprg. Trenika 292-2350 4390

Apts. Unfurn. Area 9



Travel Trailers

5500 2014 Grand Design Solitude 38' 5th Wheel like new exc. cond. must sell $51,900 call 303-550-8786 2011 28' Keystone Hornet Like new, 2-slides, many xtras $14,900. 225-955-1535 32' 2013 Surveyor Select Anniversary Edition. Purchased new 5/28/14. Used 2x. Showroom cond. Options = loaded. $24,000. 225-766-8508; 225-335-9245.

Automotive 4X4 Vehicles .................6800 Automotive Wanted...6100 Automobile Agencies 6010 Auto Parts - Tires, Accessories ..................6920 Auto Rentals.................6120 Auto Repairs.................6900 Autos For Sale....6200-6790 Trucks/Light Duty.......6810 Trucks/Trailers Heavy Duty ................................6820 Vans - Buses.................6840 Automobile Agencies

6010 ACURA of Baton Rouge 753-8400 BENNETT FORD 110 Ferdinand, St. Francisville 635-3887 or 383-5451 (B.R.)


Chevrolet - GMC Truck 7259 Hwy 61 North ST. FRANCISVILLE 1-800-547-7072 GERRY LANE ● BUICK ● GMC ● 225-926-7010 HOLLINGSWORTH RICHARDS FORD Get pre-Approved! 877-278-5121

NOW OPEN! CECIL GRAVES AUTOPLEX, LLC New Apt. 3bd,2bth $805 mo w/wash/dry Magnolia Villas Call 225-319-2240 4780

Houses Unfurn. Area 8


13030 Rebecca Dr

3Br, 2ba, 2 story home in Walker. Convenient to shopping & I-12, $1350 mo. Call 225-937-5106. 1BR House for rent- North Denham Springs. $600/mo. $600 dep. Call 225-931-1815 4790

Houses Unfurn. Area 9

4790 3BR/1BA w/ laundry room. Lrg. bckyrd. in Gonzales. $1150/mo. + $950/dp. Call 225-324-0292. EXEC. HOME 3b/2.5bPelican Point Blvd.-Gonzales $2475/mo Golf access Nan Riffe, Broker Lane Real Estate. 225-644-7760

Recreational Vehicles Motorcycles

5210 2007 Honda VTX 1800 Retro 1 owner, low mileage, Great Cond. Helmets & cover incl. $9,000. OBO. CALL 225-773-7927

Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge Ram 7245 Hwy 61 North ST. FRANCISVILLE 1-855-506-2773

ROBINSON BROTHERS FORD-LINCOLN 11455 Airline Hwy. 924-7068 SALSBURY'S DODGE CITY 9550 Airline Hwy. 926-5211 TEAM HONDA 6363 Siegen Lane 298-4100 Team Toyota I-12 & Oneal Lane 273-5880

Automotive Wanted


2010 HARLEY Fat Bob, Blk $9700. 11,000 mi. Nice bike. Call 225-931-1717


Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2013 Buick Lacrosse, Xclean, Fully loaded. Only $22,986 Call 225-297-5377.

THERE ARE 12 GOOD REASONS TO THINK OF CLASSIFIED FIRST! EXTRA INCOME... classified ads are a direct line to extra income. Look around your home. You're sure to find many items you no longer want or need. Somewhere there is a buyer for them.

06' HARLEY Davidson Heritage Soft Tail, Custom Harley Paint 7K $9,800 225439-2199


2013 HONDA CRS 110 4 stroke, very low hours. $1700 nego. 225-505-0942


Motor Homes

5400 2013 Thor four winds Class C motor home. 31 ft. with queen & bunks, 9240 miles, 2 slides, exc. cond. housed in covered barn. in Central. $62,999. 225-202-0678

2008 CHEV Impala LT, 4-Dr, loaded, Auto, A/C, Call 225-343-1501 Agent. 2008 Chevy Impala- White, 4dr, Runs great! Financing. avail. $6995. 225-963-0291. Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2014 Chevy Impala LT Black. Loaded. Low miles. Only $17,965. 225-297-5757. '07 Chevy Impala 4dr, Like new, Cold air. $4995 Call 225-448-2586.

Looking for a new car? Check out wheels. Largest variety of vehicles at your finger tips

1-800-960-6397 6240

Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2014 Cadillac ATS, Only 700 miles Certified Call Today 225-297-5377. Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2011 Cadillac CTS Coupe Prem Edition Very Sporty. Only $27,969. 225-297-5377

Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 11 Jeep Wrangler, ruff and ready, brown leather interior, rust, 2 inch lift with Terra Grappler tires, navigation, 54,357 mi, auto. $31,995. Call Don, 225-2299886 for info. #15TL317AA.



Over 60,000 vehicles to choose from wheels. Mercury

6400 2000 Mercury Gr. Marquis, 111k mi. auto, ac, loaded $2695. 225-369-1920 agt

Team Honda

855-313-8326 We Buy Used Cars $500-$50,000 Vans/Cars/Trucks Foreign/Domestic All Makes & Models


08 Trailblazer, 4dr, auto, alloys, pwr equip, tow package, $8488. Call 1-855-821-5047 GERRY LANE CHEVY WE BUY USED CARS. CALL JEFF 225-926-4600.


2006 Mercury Grand Marquis LS, clean, low miles. $8348. Call 225-298-4100.


6460 Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 07 Pontiac G6 GT, black, 53k miles, leahter, heated seats, convertible hard top. $12,495. Call 225-6102650 for more info. #10471PAA.


6470 07 Saturn Ion, 93K mi. AM/FM, A/C.Runs & drives great $3995. 225-253-6991

Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2012 Buick Enclave leather NAV, roof and much more Only $29,959. Won’t last. Call 225-297-5377 GERRY LANE BUICK 09 Buick Enclave Enclave CXLWhite, Diamond $17,950. Call Judah or Tim. 225-926-7010. Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2013 Cadillac Escalade Loaded 20k miles. Only $45,695 Mgr's Special. 225-297-5377. Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2009 Cadillac Escalade ESV Loaded Only $34,965 225-297-5377. Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2011 Chevy Tahoe LT - XClean. Loaded. Only $26,995! Won't last! 225-297-5757.


Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2014 Chevy Tahoe LT - 30k miles. Leather and much more. Only $35,995. 225-297-5757.


2010 CHEVY Crew Cab 2500 PW, Vortex V8, $17,995. Call Butch 225-405-9340

All makes and models. Offer made on the spot.


6280 2014 CHRYSLER 300, 4-Dr Auto, loaded, Call 225-3431501 Agent.


6300 2013 DODGE AVENGER SE auto, loaded. Nice! Call 225-343-1501 Agent. 2008 Dodge Charger SE, 4Dr, Auto, loaded, Nice. Call 225-343-1501 Agent. 2009 DODGE JOURNEY SE 3rd seat, auto, AC. NICE! Call 225-343-1501 Agent.


2010 Chevy Avalanche, very clean, loaded, 100K miles. $16,995. Call Butch 225-405-9340 99 Chevy Trailblazer, 123k mi., auto, ac, loaded runs grt $1995 225-369-1920 agt '99 FORD EXPEDITION Eddie Bauer. Cold AC, runs good. $3495. 225-241-3259. '02 FORD ESCAPE, Low miles. $3495. Call 225-448-2586. '05 Ford Expedition Limited, Brand new. Runs great, $5995. 225-448-2586. GERRY LANE CHEVY 2011 Ford Expedition XLT , loaded, extended, only 79k. $23,988. 225-926-4600.

1990 Crown Victoria LTD. Rebuilt eng. less 500mi. $1500. Call 225-485-3261.

GERRY LANE BUICK 13 Ford Explorer XLT, loaded. $28,550. Call Judah or Tim, 225-9267010.

2002 Ford Taurus Station Wagon. Gd. work car. Less than 81k mi. Asking $1,750. Call 225-413-5663.

GERRY LANE BUICK '06 TOYOTA 4 RUNNER. Great Shape. $14,500 Call Judah Or Tim 225-926-7010

'03 Ford Crown Vic - 123k mi, cold AC, V8. Ready to go. $2995. 225-241-3259.

2006 GMC ENVOY SLE auto, AC, loaded. Call 225343-1501 Agent.

'03 Ford Escort. 2DR. 5 spd A/C. 63K MI. new tires & brakes. $3599. 225-667-3808

Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2008 GMC Acadia. Was $18,995. Now $15,995. Call today 225-297-5757.


2005 Ford Focus, auto, all power, affordable, $4988. Call 225-298-4100. Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 10 Ford Mustang, red, 28k miles, leather, rear spoiler, alloy wheels. $15,999. Call 225-610-2650 for more info. #J15394A.

2004 Ford Mustang, leather interior, well maintained. $5998. Call 225-298-4100. Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 11 Ford Taurus SHO, loaded, 40k miles, silver, leather, AWD, keyless start, sunroof, $20,780. Call 225-610-2650 for more info. #C15001A.


All makes and models. Offer made on the spot.

TEAM TOYOTA 855-821-5047


6340 '98 CHEROKEE JEEP, Real good shape, Ice cold air. 157K. $2200. 225-315-8838


2001 Acura MDX, low miles. Affordable Luxury SUV. $7,388. Call 225-298-4100.



12 Sentra SR, 4dr, auto, pwr. equip., alloys, nice. $12,988. Call 1-855-821-5047



10 Versa, 4dr, auto. $7,988. Call 1-855-821-5047.

Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 11 Audi Q7, gray, leather, roof, 3rd ros, nav, 62k miles. Priced to more $36,499. Call 225-330-9474 for more info. #J15213TA.



All makes and models. Offer made on the spot.

TEAM TOYOTA 855-821-5047

6630 Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 12 BMW 328I, maxed in black, low miles, sunroof, leather, turbo engine, aluminum wheels, CD and more. Call 225-773-1195 for more info. #10543PA.

03 Xterra SE, loaded, 150k, Runs great, minor repairs needed $3900. 225-266-6000


6740 07 4Runner, 4WD, Great cond. by ownr. $12,900. Call 225-719-3366


6530 2001 Chevrolet Silverado Z71 4X4. This is a rare find! $6488. Call 225-298-4100.

03 Frontier, 4dr, Auto, pwr equip, alloys, $8988 Call 855-821-5047 '05 NISSAN MAXIMA SL, auto, loaded, s-roof, lthr, new A/C, mint, only 109K, $6850. Call 225-953-3401.

2011 BMW 328i, 4-Dr Auto Low miles, Call 225-3431501. Agent.

Sport Utility


REASON #1 2014 BMW 650 GT scooter. Loaded, plenty extras. Only 1,685 miles. $8,850. Ph: 225-572-0615

Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 14 Chevy Impala LTZ, low miles, leather, heated seats, Sat radio, sunroof, spoiler, silver. Call 225773-1195 for more info. #10505P.

HOLLINGSWORTH MAZDA Get Pre-Approved 800-206-1727

'99 BUICK CENTURY - 180k mi. Runs good. Cold A/C. $2,099. 225-241-3259.



2006 CHEVY AVEO, Like new, Cold air, Runs great! $2995. Call 225-448-2586. '07 31 FT HURRICANE - Like New, 2 slides, 38,275 mi, $38,000obo. Reduced price, Great deal, Act fast it will sell! Call 225-9375756


GERRY LANE CHEVY 2014 Cadillac CTS CPE, Only 11,280 mi. maroon w/black leather, save $1000's over new. Call 225-926-4600.


Livestock & Pets



Now Open

Fiat of Baton Rouge 11955 AIRLINE HWY. fiatusaof

1-888-349-1340 Honda

6640 2002 HONDA ACCORD 4DR, Auto AC, runs/drives great $4495. 225-369-1920 agt '99 Honda Accord 2dr Auto cold air, like new. $2995 Call 225-448-2586.

GERRY LANE CHEVY 2014 Honda Accord, only 8k miles, 4 dr, EX, white, like new. Call 225-926-4600.

Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 08 Honda Accord, loaded, 50k mi., gray, leather, roof, spoiler, alloy wheels, $14,500. Call 225-330-9474 for more info. #J15374A.


All makes and models. Offer made on the spot.

TEAM TOYOTA 855-821-5047


6650 Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 14 Hyundai Sonata, Venetian red, turbo, 4 cyl, great on gas, auto, sun moon roof, leather, rear spoiler. $22,995. Call Don 225-229-9886. Factory warranty, 9k miles. #14F167A.




6675 '04 KIA RIO, Real good shape, Ice cold air, 125K mi. $2600. 225-315-8838. '06 Kia Rio 4dr, 120k miles, Runs great. like new $3450 Call 225-448-2586. '09 KIA SPECTRA 4 dr. 65K miles. AT/AC, like new, $7500. Call 225-273-2275


6680 2005 LEXUS ES330 - 4 dr, auto, AC, loaded, one owner. 225-343-1501 Agent.




GERRY LANE BUICK 08 Mazda MX-5 Miata, Hard top, touring. $11,950. Judah or Tim, 225-9267010.

Mercedes Benz


2006 MERCEDES CLS 500, 4 DOOR 46K MI. $21,999. Call 225-937-0529



GERRY LANE CHEVY 2011 Chevy Corvette Coupe, black, auto, like new, save $1000's. Call 225-926-4600.

Now Open

'06 ALTIMA 2.5S SPEC ED. 126k mi. Cold AC. Runs good. $5399. 225-241-3259.

Fiat of Baton Rouge 11955 AIRLINE HWY. fiatusaof



2012 TOYOTA CAMRY XLS 4dr, loaded. Call 225-3431501 Agent. '00 CAMRY LE, well kept, new T-belt. Drives like new! $5,000. 225-665-0998

2004 Toyota Camry LE, auto, all power equip., perfect commuter. $5988. Call 225-298-4100.

2008 Toyota Camry SE, leather, sunroof, premium sound, like new, $11,948 Call 225-298-4100.


07 Camry, 4dr, Auto, pwr equip. $9788 Call 1-855-821-5047.


01 Camry, 4 dr, auto, pwr. equip. clean. $4,988. Call 1-855-821-5047. '99 TOYOTA CAMRY LE, auto, 4 cyl., loaded, new timing belt, Carfax, only 150K, $3700. 225-921-6383 05 CAMRY LE, well kept, new tires, very clean. Must see! $6500. 225-665-0036


08 Camry XLE V6, 4dr, all pwr. equip., leather, sunroof, navigation. $10,988. Call 1-855-821-5047. 2009 TOYOTA CAMRY LE - 4 dr, auto, loaded. Nice! Call 225-343-1501 Agent.


03 Highlander, auto, 4 dr., all pwr. equip, clean. $5,788. Call 1-855-821-5047 '07 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER, auto, loaded, 4 cyl., 130K, Carfax. $7,850. Call 225921-6383 '05 TOYOTA PRIUS HYBRID, 1 Owner, Auto, Garaged, Carfax, 170K, 50 mpg, $5,850. Call 225-921-6383 GERRY LANE CHEVY 2013 Toyota Prius, 4 dr hatchback, only 15k miles. Priced to move! Call 225-926-4600.


08 Prius 4dr, auto, all pwr equip,. Only $7,788. Call 1-855-821-5047. GERRY LANE CHEVY 2013 Toyota Scion TC, only 23k, auto, like new. $14,988. Call 225-926-4600


07 Tundra Crewmax 4x4, all pwr equip., auto, alloys, TRD off road, $19,488. Call 1-855-821-5047


All makes and models. Offer made on the spot.

TEAM TOYOTA 855-821-5047



Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 15 Nissan Altima S, white, cloth interior, Bluetooth, AmFmCD, gas saver, 4 door, ride in comfort. Call 225-773-1195 for more info. #10565P.


I-12 @ O'NEAL


GERRY LANE BUICK 14 Toyota Camry SE. Low miles. $19,550 Call Judah or Tim, 225-926-7010.


Sports Cars

of Used Cars, Trucks, SUV CERTIFIED

2003 Infiniti M45- Luxury sedan, loaded, 133k mi. $3995 225-369-1920 agt

2010 Nissan Pathfinder SE, Auto, A/C, Nice. Call 225343-1501. Agent.



2005 TOYOTA COROLLA 93K miles. $7000. Call 225-445-1258

2011 MAZDA CX7 SUV. Excellent Condition! Only 17.9K mi. Only $17,900. Call 225-252-3347.

Excellent Condition $8,500 225-721-0837


'07 INFINITI G35S, only 59K, NAV, sun, Bose, loaded, $15,400. Call 225-278-3729.

2011 GMC Yukon Denali, Auto, loaded, Nice. Call 225-343-1501 Agent.

GERRY LANE BUICK 12 Jeep Grand CherokeeClean. $21,750. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010.

2006 Honda Accord EX, Auto, Nice. Call 225-3431501. Agent.

11 Miata MX5, all pwr equip, auto, convertible. Only $12,488. Call 1-855821-5047

GERRY LANE BUICK 10 Jeep Wrangler Sahara, 55K miles Red Rock. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010.


07 HONDA ACCORD LX 4DR, super clean, low mi, free warr $7995. 225-4482586.

GERRY LANE CHEVY 03 GMC Yukon XL 2500 SLT, leather, 4x4, only $12,988. Call 225-926-4600.

GERRY LANE BUICK 08 Honda CRV EX Leather $13,950. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010.


'02 NISSAN ALTIMA, All pwr. cold air, auto. $2995. Call 225-448-2586. GERRY LANE BUICK 12 Nissan Altima, 37k miles. $15,950. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010.

Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 13 VW Beetle, black, lelather, convertible top, priced to more & must see vehicle. $19,459. Call 225330-9474 for more info. #J15238A. Southpoint Volkswagen 800-291-0025/225-291-6000 13940 AIRLINE HWY

Classic Cars

6780 1973 Lincoln Continental $2500. Call 225-323-7661 1977 Mercedes Benz 450SLC Good cond. Needs minor repair. $995. Call 225-485-8555

Automotive Miscellaneous

6790 GET PAID UP TO $700 FOR complete cars! (Varies on vehicle make, model & year) Free Towing!

Call 225-442-9076

Automotive Miscellaneous



WILL MAKE your ad really stand out and get you even quicker results. ASK FOR your ad in BOLD TYPE. It only costs 35 cents a line more, per day.

CALL CLASSIFIED 1-800-960-6397

6800 1978 TOYOTA FJ40 Land Cruiser, Red/Blk, 77K, 35" tires, ARB, nice, $16,500. 225-343-7487 ofc hrs. Keith

Trucks/ Light Duty

6810 07' Chevy Silverado Ext. Cab Z71, 4WD, loaded, 135K mi. Very gd cond. $13,700. Call 225-620-4834. 2014 Nissan Frontier, Extra Cab. Exc. Cond. Only 12k mi. Asking $17,000. Call 225-337-0943


Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2008 Cadillac Escalade EXT Loaded Looks New. Only $34,965. 225-297-5377.


6810 GERRY LANE BUICK 07 CHEVY HD3500 DRW. Crew Cab Diesel. $23,950. Call Judah or Tim 225-9267010.

GERRY LANE CHEVY 2014 2500 HD, 6.6L, only 20k, LTZ 4x4 Z71, silver & black. Save $1000's!! Call 225-926-4600.

2008 GMC SIERRA , 4-dr, 98K, $13,500. Call 225-9938296.

1972 Chevy PU 402 big blk, 400 HP rebuilt motor & trans. Brand new vintage air $22,000. 225-505-0942 07 Chev Silverado Ext Cab auto, super clean $6995. Free warr. 225-448-2586.

2002 DODGE 1500 QUAD DR, auto, AC, SLT. Nice! Low miles. 225-343-1501 Agent. 2007 Dodge 150 Quad Dr, Auto, A/C, SLT, Nice, Low miles, 225-343-1501 Agent GERRY LANE BUICK 12' Dodge Ram 2500HD Crew, 4WD, Diesel. $34,500. Judah or Tim, 225-9267010. '96 DODGE RAM 1500, auto, v8, Extra Cab, like new, only 98K mi., $5750. Call 225-921-6383 2008 DODGE 2500 - 4x4, Diesel, auto, SLT. Lodaed. Call 225-343-1501 Agent. 2005 Dodge Reg Cab, Auto, A/C, Nice, 4x4. Call 225343-1501 agent. 2008 Ford F150, 4X4, Crew Cab, XLT, Auto, V8, loaded, Call 225-343-1501 Agent

2012 CHEV 1/2 TON CREW Cab - LT, lift, loaded, one owner. Nice. 225-343-1501 Agent.

GERRY LANE BUICK 14' Ford F150 Crew, Lariat 4WD. $39,900. Call Judah or Tim, 225-926-7010.

1998 CHEV EXT CAB Show Truck Conversion, one owner, low miles. Very nice! 225-343-1501 Agent.

2012 FORD F150 Ext Cab, V8, auto, PW $116,995. Call Butch 225-405-9340

2011 CHEV, Crew Cab, 4x4 lift, Auto, A/C, loaded, 225343-1501 Agent GERRY LANE BUICK 10 Chevy Silverado3500HD Crew, 4WD, Diesel, Flatbed, $36,000. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010.

GERRY LANE BUICK 07' Ford F250 Crew, Lariat 4WD. Diesel $26,950. Call Judah or Tim, 225-9267010. 2005 GMC 3/4 ton Crew Cab, SLT 2WD, loaded, Gas, Call 225-343-1501 Agent.

GERRY LANE BUICK 12 Chevy Camaro 2SS. 18K mi. $29,950. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010.

GERRY LANE BUICK 11 GMC Sierra SLT Crew, 4WD Leather $28,950. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010.

1989 CHEVROLET 1500 EXT CAB, Needs work. Asking $1500. Call 225-685-7221.

2000 GMC Reg Cab - auto, AC, 4x4. Call 225-343-1501 Agent.

'05 CHEVY 1500 CREW CAB, auto, 5.3 v8, like new, garaged, 204K, $7850. Call 225-921-6383.

2012 GMC 1/2 TON - Crew Cab, 4x4 SLE, low miles. Call 225-343-1501 Agent.

See our ads online:

Trucks/ Light Duty

GERRY LANE CHEVY 2011 Chevy 1500 Silverado Crew Cab, LT, 20's, white, fully loaded, only 31k. Call 225-926-4600.

2010 Ford F250 Crew Cab XLT, high miles. Runs good. $13,995. Call Butch 225-405-9340

6800 4x4

FOR GOOD TRUCKS! 225-647-5501

Trucks/ Light Duty

2008 GMC Ext Cab, 4X4, Lift, Auto loaded, SLE, Call 225-343-1501 Agent.

2007 LINCOLN MARK LT Pick up - 67,359 actual mi. Must see! $19,899. Call 225-281-7639. GERRY LANE BUICK 08 Nissan Titan Crew Cab. Great truck. $16,950. Call Judah or Tim, 225-9267010.

Team Honda

855-313-8326 We Buy Used Cars $500-$50,000 Vans/Cars/Trucks Foreign/Domestic All Makes & Models


Trucks/Trailers Heavy Duty

6820 GERRY LANE CHEVY 2011 Chevy 3500 HD Dually, 6.0, only 23,000. Red, like new. Call 225-926-4600. 2012 Dodge 4500 Wrecker/ Roll back, 85,000 miles, auto diesel, A/C. Call 225-721-2646 agt. 97' FORD F350 HEAVY DUTY 5.8L V8 4X4 74K 4 DR. $4500 . Call 225-993-8296 '97 ISUZU NPR 14 ft box, gas, good cond., 205K, $6500. 225-343-7487 ofc hrs


6840 GERRY LANE CHEVY 2013 Chevrolet 15 Passenger Van, like new, only 38k. Priced to move. $23,988. Call 225-926-4600.

Auto Parts Tires, Access.


Mike Gerald's Trailer Depot

We now install B&W GN, 5th wheel, brake controller & hitches. Trucks Only. @ both locations. Florida 225-275-0000 Airline 225-356-4000 Cleaning Out Your Attic? Garage Sales can turn your stuff into bucks. Call 1-800-960-6397 to place your ad

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