The Livingston-Tangipahoa Advocate 08-14-2024

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Albany High footballcoach has aplanfor theseason

Faced with thereality of replacinghis starting quarterback and team leader from last season, Albany coach John Legoria has madesome movesthat willrelieve some of the pressure on his players. The moves will place alarger burden on experienced players while giving new starters achance to grow into theirroles




Instead of structuring his team to rely on offensive production,Legoria shored upthe Hornetsdefense. It didn’thurt that mostAlbany’s12 returning starters are linemen, and Legoria is ready to roll withthe modified approach.

“Weput ourbetter players on defense and we’ll try to play alittle ball control on offense,”Legoria said last week. “We’re bringingina new quarterbacksowemoved someguys that would be starters onoffense to defensesowecan shorethatup.”

The void at quarterback was createdbythe graduationofdual-threat veteran Aidan Casteel, whowas the starterduring each of Legoria’s first twoseasons as Albany head coach.AmongCasteel’s many accomplishments, hewas named TheAdvocate’s player of the week last seasonafterthrowing for 193yards and two touchdownsina34-6 week 3 win over Springfield.

This year,the projectedstarter is sophomoreJake Milton andthe focus willbedifferent.SeniorEthan Hebert, ajack-of-all-trades whowas an all-district linebacker last season, will also takesome snaps in addition to seeing time at running back

“Its going to be two guys who have different skill sets,and they’ll probably split time,”Legoria said “Ethan’s ourbestpasser but he’s also ourbestrunner.Itjust depends on what setswe’rein.”

The defensewill be anchored by afront four Kane Tullos, Josh Robinson,Kalib Hiley-Smith and Josiah Shockley —that has already garnered praise from Legoria.

“Right now, the defense is way aheadofthe offense,”hesaid. “Our defensivefront is really salty They have the most experience and they’regoing to be really, reallygood.”

Albany willplay four of itsfirst five games at home. One game that won’t be among thoseisthe traditional rivalry game withSpringfield.The Bulldogsare now partofdistrict 8-3A, so thegamewill take place in week 7with theadded layerofdistrict implications.

Speaking of district play,every member of District 8-3A reached the playoffs last season including nonselect Division III quarterfinalists Amite, Bogalusa and Pine. Albany,the only member that competes in non select Division II,will have abattle on itshands every week

Charles Salzer covers Livingston sports forthe Livingston-Tangipahoa Advocate.Toreach Salzer, email

BigLotstoclose four stores in Louisiana

Discount retailerBig Lots plans on closing more than 300 stores nationwide as it triestodeal with decliningcustomer spending

The stores in Lafayette,Denham Springs, Bossier City and Natchitoches are set forclosure, according to the BigLotswebsite. Fifteen other BigLots stores in Louisiana will remain open, including two in Metairie and locations in Baton Rouge,Gonzales, Covington, Hammond, Chalmette, LaPlace, Marrero and Slidell. Like other discount retailers, such as Conn’sHomePlus, Big Lots has been hard hit byinflation, which has reduced shopper buying power.According to a recent Securities and Exchange Commission filing, the chainsaid it has “substantial doubtabout the Company’sability to continue as agoing concern.” The Ohio-based chain has nearly1,400 stores across the U.S. It posted $1 billion in net sales during the first quarter,down more than 10% from the year before Big Lots had afirst quarter lossof$120.1 million in the first quarter,upfrom anearly $118 million loss the year before.

Davis and her children, Nolan and Anabelle, visit the Hammond Regional Arts

Hammondexhibit features 103 pieces

Art enthusiasts planning to visit theHammond Regional Arts Center to view the62nd annual Hammond Art Guild Open Judged Exhibition should plan to spendaconsiderable amount of time to view and study the103 pieces of art crowding the walls of the center

On display arepieces including oil, acrylic and water color paintings, photographs, functional art and sculpture. Anumber of the artists who submitted theircreations for theexhibition wereamong the large crowd that filled thegallery Aug. 2for an opening night reception.The show hangs through Aug. 29.

Melissa Griffin, executive director of thearts center,said the show “isanoutstanding showing of the fine artcreated by members of the HammondArt Guild and other regional artists. Through this exhibit, artists in our area are afforded the opportunity to showcasetheir creativity. The quality of theart on display is testamenttothe abilities of our local artists.” Griffinadded, “The directorsand staff of the arts center take pleasure in serving as avenue for the guild artists to show their works.”

The show was judged by Carol Jane Myers, and winners in the various categories judged were recognized by ribbons attached to thehonored entries.

Marion Ochs, president of the HammondArt Guild, saidthat the most recent showing of art created by guild members shows off the talentand creativity of area artists. “This exhibit demonstrates just how alive andactive the visual arts sceneisinTangipahoa Parish. Ourguild membersstay busy working at their craft year-round and what visitors will see during this exhibition is just how gifted

and EricJohnson, both members of the board of directors of the Hammond Regional Arts Center,welcome visitors forthe opening reception of the 62nd annual Hammond artGuild Open JudgedExhibition. The exhibition will be on display through Aug. 29.

our artists are. This is acelebration of creativityright here in our community.”

Ochssaid the art guild has been an organization dedicated to the fine arts for many years. She said about 100 members areactive in theorganization and thatmembership in theguild assists andsupports theartists who participate The group meets on the first Tuesday of each monthduring the typical school year.Atthese meetings, artexperts serve as speakers and guides and teach different techniques while offering suggestions and pointers.

“Wealsocritique the art created by our members, and positive critiques are an important part of growing as an artist. Our members share tips and suggestions with each other and we all grow as artists. At thesame time, we forge friendships and just have agreat time when we are together,” she said.


Ochs said the category “Fine and Functional Art” wasadded to the exhibit this year to spotlight art thatgoes beyond whatistraditional art. Painting, she said, remains the mainstay of most artists active in the guild. She said that has been encouraging some of the artists to be more accepting of “modern art” andencouragesthemtoexplore more abstract painting. Besidesfostering artists and assisting theminshowing their works, the guild also hosts art classesfor adults. The guild also works with students who are gifted andacademically talented.

Eric Johnson, aveteran board memberofthe Hammond Regional Arts Centerwho wasbusily assisting visitors to the exhibition said of the show, “This is onegreat collectionofsome really great art. There aresomanythings to see andappreciateatthis exhibit that

Tickets andsponsorshipsare available for the Livingston ChamberofCommerce’s Women’sLeadership Conference and Expo, setfor Sept. 5. To register,visit https://business.livingstonparishchamber org/events/details/women-s-leadership-conferenceexpo-8577.

Walker’s gassafetysurveyunderway Walker leaders are askingresident to take part in its GasSafety Survey.The survey is afederal safety regulation,which judgesthe effectiveness of the city’ssafety programs. The city asks thatcustomers and noncustomers because take the surveybecause “everyone on and around our pipeline needs to be aware of natural gas safety for their well-being,” city leaders announced in aFacebook post To takepart, visit walker2024.

Author to sign herbookatCavalierHouse Books Livingston Parishlibrarian Amanda Jones is signing copies of her book, “That Librarian: The Fight

Center on Aug. 2tosee the works of some of the area’stop artists. On displayatthe center is the 62nd annual Hammond ArtGuild OpenJudged Exhibition, acollection of 103 pieces.

Joeand Gayle Miller stand nexttosomeofGayle’sphotographs on displayatthe Hammond ArtGuild Open Judged Exhibition at the Hammond Regional Arts Center.Gayle made the picture to her rightwhile visiting an aquarium in Seattle

Continued from page1G

anyone who enjoys good art should make up their mind to visit the center while the exhibit is showing.”

oversees the activities of the guildthat counts about 100 activemembers.

are alive and well and that our local citizens support the arts.”

the visitors need to spend plenty of time to see it all. There are so many talented artists in this area, and the current exhibition is atribute to just how good our local artists really are.This is quiteashow,and

Johnson said Tangipahoa Parish is awelcoming community for visual artists. “In Ponchatoula you have the Twin Steeples Art Center,Amite has aorganization for artists, and in Hammondweare blessed with the Regional Arts Center and the art guild. All this shows that the visual arts

Joining the conversation with Johnson was artist Gisella Niedenfuer.She said she started drawing and painting as achild andcontinued her experimenting with art through much of her life. “In the 1990s I just got serious with my art, and Ihave enjoyed it immensely ever since. Painting makes me happy and peaceful. When

Ipaint Ifeel good and relaxed. When Iam painting the stress goes away and Istop thinking about all the things that crowd our lives and sometimes bring on stress. It’s just awonderful part of my life.”

The Hammond RegionalArts Centeris open Wednesdays through Fridays from noon until 6p.m. Admission is free. The gallery will be openfor HotAugust Stroll on Saturday,Aug. 24, from4p.m. to 8p.m. ART

SLUopens communitymusic school registration

Community news report

Registration is underway for the fall session of Southeastern LouisianaUniversity’sCommunity Music School.

The 13-weeksemester will begin Sept.3 and will offer individual lessons on variousmusical instruments and voicetostudents of all ages at Southeastern’smain campus in Ham-


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The book also tells other stories of librarians and towns embroiled in thisnational issue that has touched the lives of librarians, educators, authors andparents and children in both big cities andsmall towns across the country Jones has made headlines over thepast two years as one of the first librarians in thecountry to filealawsuit fordefamation against her detractors, attracting support from around the world from fellow librarians,educators, authors, publishers and celebrities including from Oprah Winfrey who mentionedher in herspeech at the

mond andatthe Livingston LiteracyCenter in Walker

In addition to individual lessons, opportunities for music theory classes and ensemble formation are available upon request.Studentswill be able to choose between in-person andonline instruction.Registration for the fall session will remain open throughout the semester; however,all registrations received

2023 National Book Awards. For more information, visit

Breast imagingvisitsinLivingstonParish Woman’sHospital brings breast imaging to Livingston Parish with its mobile mammography coach. The coach makes mammograms moreaccessible than ever offering advanced 3D mammogram technology atconvenient times and locations across Louisiana.Physician’sorders are required and appointmentsare strongly encouraged. Astop is planned for Aug. 15 at RKM Primary Care, 27124 Highway 42, Springfield. Call (225) 395-8022 to schedule.

The coach will stop: n Aug. 19, Mandy’sPrimary Health, 35701


after Aug. 26 will have a$20 late fee addedto the tuitionfee.

“Wetake pride in providing opportunities forstudents of allages to learn amusical instrument or develop their vocal ability,” said CMS Director Jivka Duke. “From acomplete beginner to aprofessional level musician, we are happy to teach, guide and encourage students of all ages and are honored to be partof

La. 16, Denham Springs. Call (225) 791-2400 to schedule n Aug. 29, RKM Primary Care, 28315 S. Frost Road, Livingston. Call (225) 283-1356 to schedule.

For more information including the full mammography coach schedule, visit

Pets lookingfor homes

The Denham Springs Animal Shelter is looking for people to foster cats and dogs.

The no-kill shelter,at600 Bowman St., Denham Springs,also encourages residents to consider adopting apet; the feeis $60.

More than 200 cats and dogs need homes or foster parents. For information on fostering or adopting, call (225) 664-4472.

their musical journey.” Duke said that due to the sponsorship of First Guaranty Bank this academic year,the CMS will offer discounted tuition to students who receive SNAP or Medicaid benefits. For more information about CMS programs and general registration, call (985) 549-5502, or visit the CMS website


The Four Seasons Farmers Market is open from 8a.m. to noon every Saturday at the city parking lot at Hummel Street and Railroad Avenue. Fresh vegetables and fruits are on sale from vendors.

Mark your calendar

The Vietnam Wall is coming to Sidney Hutchinson Park on Sept. 12, with awreath ceremony is set for 10 a.m.

The program also will include a“Cost of Freedom Tribute.”

Send news and events for Livingston and Tangipahoa parishes to livingston@ by 4p.m.Friday or call (225) 388-0731.




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Darlene T. Denstorff

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CALL: (225)388-0200

M–F,6A.M.–5P.M SAT,7A.M.–10:30 A.M.

SUN, 7A.M.–11 A.M. HOLIDAYS, 6A.M.–10 A.M.

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Marion Ochs, president of the Hammond ArtGuild, standsbyone of her paintings at the guild’s exhibitionin the Hammond Regional Arts Center in downtown Hammond.Ochs


AnthonyPadgett’spaintingofaruddyduckwas selected from among 12 entries to serve as Louisiana’s2024 duck stamp. Act 114 of the 2024 Regular LegislativeSession expanded the revenues dedicated tothe Duck License, Stamp and Print Fund to include all proceeds fromthe sale of waterfowl hunting licenses.

LouisianaWildlifeand FisheriesCommission allocateswaterfowl breeding ground funds

Community news report

The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission voted Aug. 1toallocate Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries dedicated funding for development and preservation of migratory waterfowl breeding groundsto DeltaWaterfowl andDucks Unlimited for three years, a news release said.

Both organizations will receive 50% of the allocation in each of the three consecutive fiscal years, including 2024-25, 2025-26 and 2026-27, which is to be used for protecting, restoring and enhancing breeding habitat for migratory waterfowl.

Since 1965, LDWF has provided funding to support conservation of breedinggrounds habitat for migratory waterfowland by statute allocates aportion of annual

huntinglicense revenue for that purpose, the release said.

In the last three years, an average of $240,000 annually has been awarded for the protection, restoration and enhancement of breeding waterfowl habitat. The current contract expired June30.

Act 114 of the 2024 regular legislative session expanded the revenues dedicated to the Duck License, Stamp and Print Fund to include all proceedsfrom the sale of waterfowl huntinglicenses andshouldresult in approximately $400,000 available for projects in the waterfowl breedinggroundsannually In response to acommission request in July,proposals were presented during arecent meeting by Delta Waterfowl and Ducks Unlimited.



Keep Louisiana Beautiful’sGet Down &Clean Up program has grown to 127 participating libraries in 41 parishes, and more than 1,000 litter kits have been checked out by library patronstocarefor their local communities.

In collaboration with the State Library of Louisiana and theLouisiana Public Library System, the program makes litter clean-up supplies readily available at public libraries across the state since its inception in spring 2023.

“Louisianans are tired of

living in adirty state,” said Lt. Gov.Billy Nungesser “The Get Down &Clean Up program makes it possible for people to easily do their part anddemonstrate community pride.”

“The Get Down &Clean Up program is agreat hands-onway forfamilies, homeschool groups, youth groups, and scouts to care for their neighborhood,” said Susan Russell, KLB Executive Director.“If we all pitch in and keep our communities clean and beautiful, we’ll experience an improved environment and quality of life.”

Included in the Get Down

&Clean Up litter kits are safety vests, litter grabbers, trash bags and instructions. Anyone with a librarycardcan check-out alitter kit and return it after use.

Participants are encouraged to scan the QR code available on the kit instructions and fill out aquick report sharing information about their cleanup.

“Libraries thesedaysare books and so much more They’ve becometrue community hubs, and this is just another example of that,”

State Librarian Meg Placke said. “We’re proud so many libraries are taking part in this importantprogram, and we’re even


Women’sFishing 101workshops set for fall


The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Foundation are teaming to presenttwo Women’s Fishing 101 workshops this fall.

The workshops are open to women over the age of 18 whoare lookingtobecome knowledgeable and confident anglers, anews release said.

The workshops cover avariety of skills to help make fishing even more enjoyable, the releasesaid.

Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries biologists and aquatic volunteer instructors will train 15 women per event in fish identification, best fish handling practices, preparing fishing equipment, basic fishing skills, as well as cleaning, storing and cooking fish.

Participants will be randomly selected from the fall 2024 and spring 2025 workshops and get the chance to apply their skills on an overnight weekend fishing tripunder the direction of Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries biologists and volunteer instructors during thesummer 2025. Fall dates are Sept.7and Nov.2.Both are 9a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Waddill Wildlife Refuge, Baton Rouge. Visit until Aug. 23 to apply

Participantsmust be first-timeattendees and may only attendone workshop. Selected registrants will be notified via email before each workshop. While not required to apply,participants must possess avalid Louisiana fishing license to participate in the workshop. To purchase afishing license, visit

Malaya createdMentor Milo, aplatform connecting studentsand counselors Mentor Miloisacontemporarymethod forcommunication between studentsand counselors. Throughthis software, counselors canschedule meetings, store information and moreeasily connectwithstudents. The programwill first be developed as aweb application and then expanded to mobile devices. Malayashares he resourcesprovided by school counselorsled me to competein national debate tournaments, enroll in early collegewithRiver Parishes CommunityCollege, and applyfor the YoungEntrepreneurs Academy. It would be ideal if all studentscould receive the individual attention Ireceived.”

Shell congratulatesMalayaon building a productdesigned to help studentsreach their fullest potential!

To keep thebranding fun and recognizable,Malaya’s business planfeatures her

MALAYA MORRISisduallyenrolled as aDutchtown High School junior participating in theRiver Parishes CommunityCollege EarlyCollege Option program. Sheisonthe road to a future filled with unlimited possibilities. Sheisone of 22 graduatesofthe 2024 YoungEntrepreneursAcademyBaton Rouge(YEABR),auniquelearning experience guidingtoday’s youthas they transform intotomorrow’s business leaders.

YEABR, an after-school programlocated on LSU’scampus, teaches high school studentshow to create,execute and pitch business plansfor funding.

Part of anationalorganization, YEABRis sponsored by theBaton Rouge Area Chamber (BRAC), LSUE.J.Ourso College of Business, and LouisianaEconomicDevelopment (LED) Each year,YEA BR comestolife throughthe enthusiastic supportofareabusinesses As asponsor of YEABR, Shell supports programscholarships forstudentsin Ascension Parish,wherethe company employs morethan600 people at its Geismar facility.

Foradditional information about YEABR, visit Applications forthe 2024-25 programare accepted throughAugust18.

Malaya’spitch wonher $1,500 in seed money. Like other graduates, she is eligible forthree credits at theLSU E. J. Ourso CollegeofBusiness
dogMilo in thelogo.


WednesdayVolunteers for Family and Community president Donna Bouterie, left, donates baby items to Janeen Broussard, the director of WalkingWith Moms In Need.

Wednesday Volunteers forFamily &Community club donates to Walking With Moms in Need

Community news report

Wednesday Volunteers for Family and Communityclub president Donna Bouterie and club secretary Gloria Messenger,recently visitedSt. Margaret Queen of Scotland Catholic Church in Albany to donate several babyitems, nursery furnishingsand maternity clothes for their Walking With Moms in Need program. The goalofthe program is to offer asupport system for pregnant and parenting mothers. The organization tries to ensure that any woman, who finds herself unexpectedly pregnant,or

parenting in difficult circumstances, can turn to them and be connected to the resources she needs,a news release said. Club volunteers “walk with moms throughout the journey of motherhood, offering them authentic Christian mentorship and ongoing support while connecting them with resources within their communities,” the release said The director ofWorking With Moms In Need, Janeen Broussard,attributes the program’ssuccess to the support of the St. Margaret Queen of Scotland church communityand its volunteers whohelp them answer

the needs of the ministry Womenwho areinneedof support with an unexpected pregnancy or parents having difficult circumstances can call St. Margaret of Scotland church at (225) 567-3573, extension 104, and leave aname and number Tangipahoa Volunteers for Family and Community is an all-volunteer arm of LSU Agriculture Extension Service.For more informationabout TVFC local groups,email TVFC President Gloria Messenger at or membership chair Sue Nelson at

SLUgradreceivesNational ScienceFoundationgrant


Arecent Southeastern LouisianaUniversity honors graduatehas received theNationalScience Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program grant to further hisacademiccareer at PennsylvaniaState University Devin Schwaibold, who graduated from Southeastern in May with adegree in chemistry,was offered aposition in the Ph.D. program at Penn State to continue the research he beganatSoutheastern.

The NSF Fellowship is an award aimed at supporting graduate students in science, technology,engineering and mathematics fields, according to anews release The fellowship provides financial support, including a stipendand allowances for research and professional development, allowing recipients to focus on their studies and research without the burdenoffinancial concerns, according to a news release.

“The NSF GRFP is ahighly competitive and esteemed recognition that provides financial support and networking opportunities to outstanding graduate studentsinSTEM disciplines,” said College of Honors and Excellence Dean Claire Procopio. “This achievement not onlyhighlights Devin’s academic excellence, but also signifies his potential for significant contributions to the field of chemistry.”

Aresident of Ponchatoula, Schwaibold worked with associate professor of chemistry Prem Chanda in the Chanda research group at Southeastern the past two years on diastereoselective aldol reactions of arylacetamides. His future goals are to go into the synthetic materials field and apply the reactions he has been working on to make apotential precursor to aromatase inhibitors.

According to Schwaibold, this will give him the ability to continue doing synthetic work, the most enjoyable part of chemistry for him.

“Aromatase is aprotein within the human body that has the potential to cause breast cancer due to an overproduction of estrogen, especially in postmenopausal women,” he explained. “An aromatase inhibitor can occupy the active site of the aromatase protein,ceasing its ability to produce estrogen, and therefore majorly lowering therisk of breast cancer.”

The grant will be an advantage for Schwaibold, he said, duringhis first years of graduate school. It will give him more freedom to look into research topics that interest him instead of having to conform to the research plans that are approved by the grants his lab receives.

“Since I’m bringing my own funding with me, it also offers theopportunity to join aresearch group thatinterests me but doesn’t have much funding yet, as Iwon’t be relying on my adviser for money,” he said. “Overall, the fellowship simply gives me alot more flexibility that Iwouldn’thave otherwise.”

Southeasternchemistrymajor Devin Schwaiboldsuccessfully defendshis honors senior thesis, ‘Boron-Mediated Anti-selectiveAldol Reactions of N, N-dialkylarylamides.’ The Ponchatoula nativewill begin studying at Penn State University to continue hisresearch and takeadvantageofhis recent honor,anNSF Graduate Research Fellowshipthat will provide funding for Ph.D.studies.


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