We are entering the height of the celebration season. This means deadlines are different forjust about everythingin our lives, including here at The Plainsman.
Please submit copy for the Christmas Day edition by 9a.m. Thursday,Dec. 19, and copy for the New Year’sDay edition by 9a.m., Dec. 26. If you have some great Christmas decor or afun holidayshot of the kids, send them our way with ashort write-up
ä See AROUND, page 2G
Contributing writer
The Zachary City Council has tapped the brakes on implementing amoratorium barring residential development, tabling the matter until the panel’ssecond meeting in January
The council,atits Nov.26 meeting, introduced an ordinance that would stop construction of many homes .T he idea has been talked about for years as Zachary struggles with infrastructure woes and a growing population. Councilwoman BrandyWestmoreland, who proposed the measure, asked her colleagues at their Dec. 10 meeting to delay voting to adopt the moratorium ordinance.
“I’m not ready to execute this,” she said. After talking to several developers andaland attorneysince introducingthe moratorium, Westmoreland said she believes there may be other ways to solve infrastructureproblems andto curb the paceofresidential development.
She said she also wants to see acopy of the city’snew master plan, which is under development andnearing completion, and organize workshops with her fellow council members to discuss ideas before voting on the moratorium.
ä See DELAY, page 2G
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of who is in the photo andwhat’shappening. And remember MardiGras is fairly early this year.Some parades are in January. So don’tforget to sendyour Carnival news in atimely fashion
For those of you who have sent us items throughout the year,wethank you.Your efforts helpshare communityeventsand other newswith Zachary residentsand beyond.
Inthe new year,those of you whoare in clubs, churchesorother organizations, please consider sending items to be published.Welove hearing about thegreat and fun things individuals in the community are doing. Normal deadlines are noon the Friday before publication. So for the Jan. 8edition please send items by Jan. 3. Send items to zachary@theadvocate.com
If you have questions, please contactus. Wecan help you get items senttous. MerryChristmas to all!
Help wrap gifts
Residents are invited to participate in the annual Santa’sHelpers Christmas gift wrapping party.Volunteers help wrap gifts donated by the communityfor localfamilies in need this holiday season. Meet from 9a.m.to11a.m., Saturday, Dec. 21, at the new Zachary Police Department, 5160 Old Slaughter Road, Zachary.Donations of gift wrapping paperand supplies are appreciated.
The Lane Foundation is hostingits inaugural HolidayLights at Lanedisplay.The walkingtrack at Lane Regional Medical Center is decorated with lights, and people
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are invitedtostroll the half-mile pathfor some holiday merriment.
The entrance to theHoliday Lightsat Lane is behind thehospital at theend of West Park Drive, 6300 Main St., Zachary.It is opennightly,5:30 p.m.to11p.m., through Jan. 5. Four photo stations are set up. For information or to donate to the Lane Foundation, visit LaneRMC.org or call (225) 658-6699.
FarmersMarket Saturday,Dec. 21 is Stocking Stuffer Saturday at the Zachary Farmers Market.The market is open from 9a.m. to 1p.m.
Bakerholiday trashpickupset
Baker announced Waste Pro Trash &Recycling’s holiday schedule. No recycling pickup will be done on Christmas Day and New Year’sDay.Recyclingfor these weeks will be picked up Dec. 28 and Jan. 4. Trash and bulk/debris pick up will remain unchanged. Regular pickup will resume Jan.6
At thelibrary in January
Visit www.ebrpl.com to find acalendar of events for all branches of the East Baton Rouge Parish Library.Branches in the Zachary area have January events set.Call the specific branch to signup.
At 11 a.m., Jan.4atthe ZacharyBranch Library,the Books &Music program will investigate thestoryofayoung boy who drew attention to awater crisis in Rwanda byplaying his drum. Using music like Rukundo in the book “The Drummer Boy,”by SooHyeon Min, children will consider how they might use their voices to draw attention to problems in their community.Sing thecivil rights movement’sclassic song “WeShallOvercome,” learn atraditional Rwandan dance, and take part in adrum circle. Parents, guardians and friends are
invited to join in all of the activities.
At 10 a.m., Jan. 11, Charles Vincent, Baker City Council member and president of the Mwalimu Institute, will lead dialogue and show video on Martin Luther King Jr.’slife as seen on the American Experience program “Citizen King” at the Baker Branch Library.Back-to-school supplies will be given to the first 10 students in attendance.
At 3p.m., Jan. 11, the Pride-Chaneyville Branch Library will host aRoaring ‘20s murder mystery game for adults. Call (225) 658-1540 to reserve aspot.
Contacting thepolice
The Zachary Police Department is moving to its new building at 5160 Old Slaugh-
ter Road, Zachary.The department recently posted some advice on ways to contact the police during the transition.
For immediate police assistance or to file areport, continue to visit 4510 Main St., Zachary.For assistance, call (225-654-1922. To pick up acopy of apolice report, the Records Division is at 5160 Old Slaughter Road, Zachary.Call (225) 654-1904 for questions. The administration has moved to the new building. To schedule an appointment with the chief of police or any administration personnel, call (225) 654-0073.
Send news and events for the Zachary area to zachary@theadvocate.com by noon Fridayorcall (225) 388-0731.
“I feel that we have alot of work to do,” she said. Westmoreland emphasized that council members and other leaders need to come up with aclearerplan for the future ofZachary as it continues to grow.She said she is concerned about developers not being held to high enough standards and leaving thecity to dealwith potential problems.
“A lot of them come and they develop and they leave,” she said. “And we’re the ones here for the long haul. We’ve been here, we’ve made this our community,we’ve raisedour families here, they’ve went to school here Thecitizens that are here, they’re the ones we should be pleasing —because they’re the ones whoare dealing with it every day.”
Dr.Landryand Dr.Shaikhspecialize in comprehensivediagnosis and managementofthe digestivetract (esophagus,stomach,smalland large intestines, liver, biliarytract and pancreas), inflammatory boweldiseases such as ulcerativecolitis andCrohn’s, as well as liver and pancreatic diseases including hepatitis,cirrhosis,primary biliarycholangitis, pancreatitis and other autoimmune disorders.Dr. Shaikhis also trained in therapeutic endoscopic procedures,and dilation procedures
“Iamveryexcitedtobea partoftheLaneteamand lookforwardtoproviding exceptional,patient-centered care.”
BoardCertifications:Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Medical Education: Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts
Residency: Internal Medicine at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland
Fellowships: Gastroenterology
Formoreinformation or to schedule
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Hepatology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas and TransplantHepatology at Tulane UniversityinNew Orleans
“Iamexcitedtobepartofthis community.Thereisnobetter jobthanhelpingmypatients stayhealthy.”
BoardCertifications: Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology
Medical Education: RowanUniversity School of Osteopathic Medicine in Stratford, New Jersey
Residency: Internal Medicine at Rutgers New Jersey Medial School in Newarkand Hackensack UniversityMedical Center in New Jersey
Fellowship: Gastroenterology at HMH Palisades Medical Center in North Bergen, New Jersey
LSU tight endTrey’DezGreen (14) can’t pull in apassinthe end zone as he is covered by Alabama defensivebackBray Hubbard (18) in the firsthalf an NCAA collegefootball game in Baton RougeonNov.9
touchdown for Grambling Williams also had areception for 47 yards.
Later in the evening of Nov.30, the LSU Tigers hosted the new-to-the-SEC Oklahoma Sooners. Former ZHS all-state high jumper and football player Chris Hilton Jr.(2018 state champion) had two catches. Of course, both catches were for scores and totaled 85 yards in aTigers 37-17 victory to close out the regular season (8-4), earning Hilton the game ball.
Hilton, Trey’Dez Green and the Tigers willtake on the Baylor Bearsin the Kinder’sTexas Bowl in Houston on New Year’s Eve. Pitt is praying for a healthy Eli Holstein(2021 state champion),who led the Panthers (7-5) with 17 touchdowns, 2,225 yards passing and 323 yards rushing, to get healthy and lead them against Toledo in the GameAbove Sports Bowl in Detroit on Dec. 26.
Kameron Hamilton (2021 state champion) is ajunior defensive tackle for the Green Wave and started eight games this year with 21 tackles, six tackles for loss and 4.5 sacks, which earnedhim 3rdteam AllAAC. Hamilton and the Wave (9-4) played for the AAC championship on Dec. 6atArmy.Though the Wave fell short,Hamilton and Tulane will be bowling with atrip to Tampa Florida to play the University of Florida in the Union Home Mortgage Gasparilla Bowl on Dec. 20.
Theron Aych (ZHS Class of 1989) recently made a trip back to Louisiana as an assistant coach for the Marshall Thundering Herd The Herd traveled to Lafayette on Dec. 5tocompete against the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in the Sun Belt Conference Championship. UL has former Broncos Ashley
LSU widereceiver Chris Hilton Jr.(3) catchesthe 40 yard touchdown
defensive backEli Bowen(23) in the second quarter on Nov. 30 at
Williams, Ethan Veal andJarrick Nedie.
TheHerd andAych were victorious (31-3) andearned atrip back to Louisiana (Shreveport)for theRadiance Technologies Independence Bowl on Dec. 28.
However,accordingto ESPN, Marshall’shead coach Charles Huff has left for Southern Miss.As aresult, at least 36 players have enteredthe transfer portal, including all three quarterbacks.Therefore, the school has pulled out of thegame andwill be replaced by LouisianaTech. ULL will head to New Mexico forthe IsletaNew Mexico Bowl to face TCU also on Dec. 28.
Freshman Kavion Broussard (ZHS Class of 2024 and 2021 state champion)and
theOle Miss Rebels will be headed to theTaxSlayer Gator Bowl to face Duke on Jan. 2.
Sophomore Emauri Sibley competed against LSU this year for SouthAlabama and will be making ashort trip to Montgomery,Alabama, on Dec. 14 as the Jaguars face the Western Michigan Broncos in the IS4S Salute to Veterans Bowl.
Landen Thomas is headed to theCollege Football Playoff with the Big 12 champion Arizona State Sun Devils (11-2). The Sun Devils finished “hot” winning six straight and theBig 12 Championship by routing Iowa State (45-19) and will have afirst-round bye. They will play in the quarterfinals on Dec. 31 against the Texas/Clemson winner in thePeach Bowl. Could aformer Broncos also earn anational championship? Stay tuned.
Landen Thomas (43) celebrates the sack to seal the win over West Monroe in the Division Inonselect regional playoff game on Nov. 18, 2022 in Zachary. Zacharydefeated West Monroe 20-10.
quarterback Nolan Tribbleduring the second half of the Class5Astate high school footballchampionshipDec. 11, 2021, at Caesars Superdome in NewOrleans. Zacharywon 28-20.
Warren Brady covers sportsfor The Plainsman. He can be contacted at zachary@theadvocate. com.
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