Zachary Plainsman-Advocate 12-25-2024

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Even a newspaper jobcan’t stop Christmas

Igrew up in the newspaper business.

That means our Christmas plans depended on when my dad was scheduledto work.

When Iwas 4, my dad moved us to Odessa, Texas. He was scheduled to work Christmas Eve and then have a few days off.

His boss came in early in his shift and said finish what you are working on and get outof here.So, my father called my mom and said pack everything. Theyloadedthe station wagon with kids, suitcases and presents, and my dad drove overnight to Campti, Louisiana, so we could greet my mom’s family first thing Christmas morning. After afew hours there, we drove to Baton Rouge to see his family

My high school and college years, we lived in Clinton.I remember really warmholidays and the Christmas everything froze, including our pipes. As ayoung adult, Iremember the Christmas that Exxon exploded. Lots of newspaper stories there that taketoo long to explain.

Amemory Ishared with friends recently: When I worked forthe Alexandria Daily Town Talk, Ihad to work Christmas Eve. My car was packed so that Icould head straight to my parents’ place in New Orleans after work, hoping to be on the road by 10:30 p.m. Early in the evening, Al Nassif, the senior statesman of the design desk, leaned over “You’re driving to New Orleans tonight?!” he asked.

Afew minutes later,he grabbed my stack of work and told me to hit the road. Iwound up beating my father home that night. Then came the holidayswithout my grandparents, then my parents, and now my brother. But the Grinch taught usvery early: “Every Who down in Whoville, the tall and the small, was singing, without any presents at all!Hehadn’tstopped Christmas from coming, it came! Somehow or other it came just the same.” The story continues, “Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’tbefore. Maybe Christmas, he thought. doesn’t come from astore. Maybe Christmas, perhaps. means alittle bit more!” Indeed, Christmas does mean more,whether we are at home alone or in the middle of abig celebration. Christmas comes if we just embrace it. We at The Plainsman, The Watchman and The Democrat wish you afantastic Christmas, no matteryourcircumstances. As the Grinch learned, those don’tmatter

HolidayLightsatLanedisplay up throughJan.5

Community news report

Lane Foundation’sinaugural Holiday LightsatLane display is up through Jan. 5onthe walking track at Lane Regional Medical Center

The track is decorated with lights, and peopleare invited to stroll the half-milepathfor some holiday merriment.

Theentrancetothe Holiday LightsatLane isbehind the hospitalatthe end of West Park Drive, 6300 Main St., Zachary. It is open nightly, 5:30 p.m. to 11 p.m., through Jan. 5. Fourphoto stations are set up For information or to donate to the Lane Foundation, visit or call (225) 6586699.


officer ä More photos. PAGE 2G

Zachary Mayor David McDavid led the Dec. 14 Zachary Chamber of Commerce’sChristmas Paradeas grand marshal.

He was followed by marching bands, dance teams, floatsand other entries.

SharonPhillipsand Thomas L. ScottJr. served as parade hosts and judges were Myiesha Beard, David

Conachen, Brandon Noel and Terrie Johnson Awards went to:

Best Overall Theme: Plains Veterinary Hospital

Best float: LouisianaFoot and Ankle

Bestmarching: Zachary High marching band

BestRiding: 593 Motorsports


ä More photos. PAGE 3G

Council givesOK forAspen Dental site plan

Contributing writer

An Aspen Dentalclinic proposed for property at 5912 Main St. in Zachary is on its way to becoming reality after the City Council on Dec. 10 approved asite plan and agreed to waive setback requirements forthe facility

The council’sdecision cameafter it spent several minuteshearing comments from employees and the owner of an existing nearby dental office. They raised concerns about theAspen Dental facilitybringing more traffic to an already busy area where they struggle to find openings to pull out onto Main Street. And, withthe council giving theOK for the building to be constructed closer to thelot lines, they’reworried the new clinic could obstruct drivers’ view

“I’mafraid whenthe building comes, it’sgoing to cause an issue,” said Kelley Owens, who owns Hood Dental Care, which sits across Secretary Road from the lotwhere AspenDentalwants to build. “It’sabig building for a small lot.”

The lot is the site of adefunct car wash near Walmart and Lane RegionalMedical Center.Project representatives explained that it is irregularly shaped, which presented challengesinplanning the3,500-square-foot facilityand necessitated the waiver request. Theydefendedtheirdesign and saidthe clinic will be an asset to Zachary

“Whatwe’regoing to be doing here withthis newdental office is bringing something that will be very aesthetically pleasing,” said developerMike Birnbrey, of the Atlanta-based Southbound Development Group. “It’sanational tenant that’sgot locations all throughoutthe country,and theydoareally good job.”

The council also voted to change the property’szoning classification from commercial neighborhood to commercial general, which city planner Bryant Dixon saidisabetter fit for thelocationand proposed use of the property

Warren Brady

ZACHARY SPORTS ä See AROUND, page 4G On Dec. 14, both of theZachary Highgyms were used as competitors from around thestate competed in the15th

15th annual BigHorse Open wrestlingresults

DondrellFleming with his sons, Bradlee Fleming,6,and Braden Fleming,3,atthe ZacharyChristmas Parade before he goes on duty as acity police
The Lane Foundation
hosting itsinaugural Holiday Lights at Lane display
Georgia Pacific’s float in the ZacharyChristmas Parade
Maci Kilpatrick, 14, freshman at ZacharyHigh, as Belle, and Noah Sutton, 16, ZHS junior,asthe Beast from ‘Beauty and the Beast.’
Sharon Phillips and Thomas Scott, the parade hosts,and judges Councilman Brandon Noel, Terrie Johnson, Myiesha Beard, and JudgeDavid Conachen for the ZacharyChristmas Parade hosted by the ZacharyChamber of Commerce.
Layla Lawrence, 12 and Liam Lawrence, 11, withtheir mother,BrittanyLawrence, center,at the ZacharyChristmas Parade
Tyrenne Gautreaux and PamLeavy from The Depot sell hot chocolate Dec. 14 during Zachary’sChristmas Parade.
Bryson Nelson, 14, freshman at ZacharyHigh,asPrince Naveen, and J’Aire Clark, 16, ZHS sophomore, as Princess Tiana from the ‘Princess and the Frog,’ getreadytothrowleis to the crowd for the Zachary Christmas Parade.
Rising Starz Early Learning Center float in the ZacharyChristmas Parade
ZacharyHigh Junior ROTC leads the ZacharyChristmas Parade
ZacharyChristmas Parade Grand Marshal MayorDavid McDavid
The walking track at LaneRegional Medical Centerisdecorated with lights, and people are invitedtostroll thehalf-mile path
Grandmother Lawanda with her son, Michael, took her granddaughter,Trinity,tosurprise her mother,Kristen, whoworks at Lane Regional Medical Center for her birthday on Dec. 17 to enjoy the Christmas Lights. From left, Micheal Meyers, Kristen Meyers, Trinity Brandley, 1, and Lawanda Williams.
Lane Regional Medical Center’s holidaylightswelcome visitors.
The walking track at Lane Regional Medical Center is decorated with lights, and people are invited to stroll the half-mile path for some holidaymerriment through Jan. 5.
This festive snowman is partofLane Foundation’sLights at Lane displayonthe walking track at Lane Regional Medical Center

ZacharyPolice Lt. Jeremiah Russum, center left, is honored by the ZacharyCity Council for saving a man from avehicle fire In addition to Police Chief DarrylLawrence, center right, and Mayor David McDavid, third from right, Russum is pictured with members of the City Council and his family


Councilhonorscityworkers’heroicactions,years of service

At its Dec. 10 meeting, the ZacharyCityCouncil honored employees who have reachedmilestone years in their careers with the city as well as apolice officer who rescueda man at the scene of avehicle fire.

City employees honored at themeeting included Jermie Henderson,with five years of service; Chris Gibbs, 20 years; and Dennis“Wayne” Day,30years. The council recognized Lt. Jeremiah Russum,ofthe Zachary Police Department, forhis lifesaving actions at a Dec. 8vehicle fire.

Russum was thefirst to arrive at thescene, where he discovered aburning ChevroletSilverado and its 20-year-old driverunconscious nearby.Russum pulled theman to safety Council membersand MayorDavid McDavid presentedcertificates to all of thehonorees.

12th annual MorningofReflection set forSt. John theBaptist Catholic Church

Community news report

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Zachary will host its 12th annual Morning of Reflection from 8a.m. to noon Jan. 11, in the Parish Activity Center,corner of 4727McHugh Drive and Lee Street.

This year features two speakers, Marli Freas and Mike Fulmer.The theme is “Jesus Changes Everything.”

The event is free, but registration is required. Reserve aseat online at www. sjb-ola/SayYesbyJan.6,or by callingthe church office at (225) 654-5778. Door prizes are araffle with items donated by sponsors are available. The morning will include alight brunch.

Free babysittingwill be provided upon request, but preregistration is required. Women and men of all faithsare invited to attend. Freas is anativeofCovington. The former youth minister was aCatholic theology high school teaching career and become aclinical mental health counselor. She graduated from St. Scholastica Academyand holds several college degrees from various institutions. She is working toward aPh.D. in counselor education and supervision. Fulmer,anative of New Roads, is agraduate of Southeastern Louisiana University.Heisanactive layperson in St.Josephand St.Margaret parishes near Ponchatoula.Fulmerserves on thefoundation board for

OurLady of Hope in Chatawa, Mississippi. As aconverttoCatholicism,heenjoysstudying Scripture, sharing his testimony and evangelizing about the Catholic Faith. He has given over 300 presentations. TheHandmaids of the Lord is coordinating the event in conjunction with the St. John’sAltar Society and Circle of Love Catholic Daughters of theAmericas organizations. Thesegroupsencourage fellowship among women andfoster ajoyful sharing of our faith with each other They endeavor to spread the love of Christ to all, with an emphasis on feminine spirituality as modeled by Our Lady.For information,call thechurchat(225) 654-5778


Continuedfrom page 1G

at 165 pounds and Michael Septs was fourth at 215 after joining the team at the end of football season.

The junior varsityboys team placed nine wrestlers in thetop fourspots with Victor Portillo (first at 138 pounds), Kasyn Gosserand (fourthat144 pounds), Brian Roose (first at 150 pounds) and Cliff Walker (second at 150 pounds). Also, Donald Hives was first at 157 pounds),Corey Reddick finished second at 175 pounds, Collin Albritton was thirdat175 pounds, James Foster was first at 190 pounds and Brandon Butler was first at 215 pounds.

Topfinishers for theZHS girls were Nachell Weaver,second at 126 pounds; Theresa Allen,third at 126 pounds; Mae Edel, fifth at 132 pounds; Mia Roberts, third at 145 pounds and Adia Wells, fourth at 235 pounds.

The Public School StateChampionships will be Dec. 27 at Lamar-Dixon, so don’texpect thewrestlers to over feast throughout theholidays.

Bowl update

Lastweek Imentioned thatZHS alum Theron Aych and the Marshall Thundering Herd’ were invited to play in the Independence Bowl, but pulled out after a large number of Thundering Herd players entered the transfer portal and/or declared


Continuedfrom page 1G

Libraryholiday closures

All locationsofthe East Baton Rouge Parish Library will close Wednesday, Dec. 25, as wellasWednesday,Jan. 1in observance of the Christmas and New Year’sholidays. All locations will close at 6p.m. Tuesday,Dec. 31 for New Year’s Eve.

Deadlinechangefor NewYear’sedition

Copyfor theNew Year’sDay edition is due by 9a.m., Thursday,Dec. 26.

Normal deadlinesare noon the Friday

forthe NFLdraft. The gamemust go on and the Independence Bowlextended an invitation to Louisiana Tech (5-7) to replace Marshall. No wordyet on Aych’sstatus with USMorMarshall.

This is such asad symptom of the disease that has crept into college athletics with the advent of the transfer portal, NIL and the “me” versus the “team”concept. No offense to Louisiana Tech, whodid not have awinning record, Iplayed football there forfour years and was rewarded with the opportunity to play in the Independence Bowlasajunior and earn adegree. There were fewerbowls back in the dark ages when Iplayed, and we received abowl bid was based on awinning record (8-3) and victories over other teams that received bowlbids.

The bowlgame wasnot an afterthought but rather areward forasuccessful and winning season. There wereatleast eight NFLplayers on that 1990 Louisiana Tech footballteam that included NFLHall of Famer Willie Roaf (Saints and Chiefs) and two-time Super Bowlchampion Doug Evans (Packers). They all played in the bowl gameand wentontowonderful pro careers and none would have dared transfer before or after the game.

The year 2025 can’tcome too soon. Maybe it will bring sanity to the college football train that is coming off the tracks. Warren Brady covers sports forThe Plainsman. He can be contacted at

before publication. So for the Jan. 8edition, please send items by Jan. 3. Send items to

Bakerholiday trashpickupset

Baker announced Waste Pro Trash & Recycling’sholiday schedule. No recycling pickup will be done on Christmas Day and New Year’sDay.Recycling for these weeks will be picked up Dec. 28 and Jan. 4. Trash and bulk/debris pick up will remain unchanged. Regular pickup will resume Jan. 6.

Send news and events forthe Zachary area to by noon Fridayorcall(225) 388-0731.

Community news report

The Copper Mill Colts boysand girls cross-country teams recently competed at the Middle School XC Championships at Highland Road Park. The girls teamsecuredsecond place overall, while the boys team finished third.

In the girls race, Maci Septs placed fifth overall, followed by Laila-Khoi Hutchinson in sixth place Forthe boys, HudsonBroussard achieved fourth place, setting a new fifth-grade school record. Anthony Sauro finished 12th. The Copper Mill Colts concluded the season with threefifthgrade boys breaking into the Top 10 team: Hudson Broussard,(No. 1), Anthony Sauro (No. 4) andPatrick Franks (No.10). Gerrett Anthonymadeitinto the Top10for sixth-grade boys, finishing eighth.

Emma Ezelle secured the 10th all-time spot for fifth-grade girls, while Maci Septs and Laila-Khoi Hutchinson claimed the sixth and seventh all-time spots forsixthgrade girls, respectively. They are coached by Heather


Emma Ezelle 2203, Claire Offord 2212, Avery Barber 2200, Marybeth Oliver 2213, of the Copper Mill Colts girls cross-countryteam recently competed at the MiddleSchool XC Championships at Highland Road Park. The girls’ team finished in second place.

Hudson Broussard, of the Copper Mill Colts boys cross-country team, recently competed at the Middle School XC Championships at Highland Road Park.

Councilwoman Brandy Westmoreland, center, presents certificates to city employees Wayne Day, left, and Jermie Henderson, right, for reaching service milestones in their careers Chris Gibbs, not pictured, also was recognized
Meggan Franks along with Joni Stephens.
The Copper Mill Colts boys and girls cross countryteams recently competed at the Middle School XC Championships at Highland Road Park

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