Welcome to the NewYear
While tragicnews out of New Orleansmarred the firstday, let’swork to make 2025 agreat year.One way to do thatisto share all the great things happening in the Felicianas. We love to have clubs and churches and otherssubmit photos, event announcements and other fun news for us to run in print The Democrat andThe Watchman and online. Send all the information to extra@theadvocate.com. Be sure to identify people in the photos and to answer the question words: who, what, when, where, why and how Youcan also email that address or call (225) 388-0731 if youneed help.
Learnabout GLP-1drugs
West Feliciana Parish Library is holding at GLP-1 Meetup at 6p.m. Jan. 24 at 5114 Burnett Road, St. Francisville.
GLP-1 drugs, which include names like Mounjaro, Zepbound, Ozempic, Wegovy,Semaglutide and Tirzepetide, are in theheadlines alot for diabetes management and weight loss. Researchers are looking at many other areas this category of medicines can be used for treatments. The library event will befor those using the drugs or considering them. Join the meeting to share your experience withGLP-1 medications or to justlisten. Topics will include side effects, favorite protein snacks, recipe ideas or whatever attendees want to discuss. No medical advice will be given —just people sharing. For questions, contact Stacie Davis at sdavis@ wfplibrary.org or text (225) 245-3753. Visit https://tinyurl. com/5b9j3w9z to register.
{span}A display will feature books on health, fitness, recipes, nutrition and more. The library is working to have a{/ span} dietitian and an obesity medicine specialist also. Save thedate
n Jan. 11: January Pop-up Community Market, St. Francisville
n The 20th annual Feliciana Family andFriends MardiGras Parade in Jan. 25 in downtown
ä See AROUND, page 2G
Chef Jaime Hernandez dies when fallingtree causes crash, StatePolicesay
The well-known chef of aSt. Francisville restaurant died Sundaywhen part of atree fell and hit his car as he traveled in West Feliciana Parish, officials said. Jaime Hernandez,50, of Zachary,was driving his Jeep on La. 965, east of U.S. 61 shortly after 3:30p.m. Sunday when apiece of afalling tree hit the car,causing Hernandez’svehicletorun off the road to the left, striking other trees, State Police said in a news release. Hernandezdied at the scene, the agency said.
The St. Francisville Inn, where Hernandez worked, posted a message on its Facebook page.
“Jaime was acherished memberofthe St. Francisville Inn family,and we aredevastated by this tragic news,” the post said. “Please keep Chef Jaime’s loved ones in your thoughts and prayers during this time.”
Contributing writer
Jackson deputies have received new equipment for deputies and their vehicles, with Marshal Mitch Harrell explaining that his department is continuing to worktobe the best they can for town residents.
Funding for10 vests andtwo radars was received from theLouisiana Government AssistanceProgram through theOffice of Community Development, according to aspokespersonatthe town hall.
New body cameras fordeputies were also purchased by thetown, it was reported.
Thegrant program is designed to fillthe gaps wherethereare no other federal or state funds available to assistlocal governments with anidentified high priority need, according to its website. Some of thenew items were worn by deputies at arecent meeting between the Marshal’sOffice and local businesses.
Contributing writer
Numerous, positive additions for the Clinton library site were approved Dec. 18 at theAudubon Regional Library Board of Commissionersmeeting.
The board voted for “themost robust option” of the preliminary planspresented to them, accordingtoAudubon LibrarySystem Director Trevor Collings, who praisedthe move. This master plan is to meet the needs ofthe community as requested and “toincreasethe value
and relevancy of the library for patrons,” Collings said.
AssistantDirector Peggy Stafford said the expansion would “utilize the beautiful outdoor spaces.” Somelibrary events could be held outside such as storytime and craft activities, the library leaders said. The project will be funded by money donated to thesystem by the East Feliciana Memorial Library Association. The association presented thelibrary system with acheck for $150,349.25 in July, Stafford said. The money was given on the condition that the money be spent forthe Clintonlibrary
Collings said.The fundscame from the sale of the oldClintonlibrarybuilding, which was owned by theassociation Theproposed Clintonbranch developments include aplayground withequipmentsuitable for special needs patrons, awalking trail, multiple benches in shade for seating, berm seating, another berm forplay, an improvedor new parking lot, ametal fence and landscaping with an area of green space remaining east of theparking lot. There also will be more green space leftuntouched on the west side of the building that can
be used forspecial events, beautified over time and maybe one day apossible porch added, it wasreported. Before seeking final board approval,two public meetings were held at the Clinton branch. Thepossibleselectionsofnew featuresand services on library property were discussed and the proposalsmet with“agreat deal of positive …reception” by attendees, Collings said. After considering the various schematic drawings presented by
The first half of theTexas Bowl was all LSU. So much so,the ESPN broadcast had some free timeto discuss one of star player’srelationship.
LSU junior wide receiver Chris Hilton, of Zachary, is dating LSU women’s basketball junior guard Flau’jaeJohnson.Johnson wasa bit private with the relationship earlier this fall with discreet social media posts covering his face or showing off his No.3 jersey,but for Christmas time, she confirmedthe rumors the mysteryman wasindeed Hilton with aholiday post of them smiling in matching pajamas. Johnsonwatched the Texas Bowl and postedher reactions to the game on X, formerlyknown as Twitter “Yeah, 3!!” Johnson posted Soon afterthe ESPN Broadcast mentioned Johnson’srelationship andshowed hermatching pajamas Instagram post as agraphic, Johnson expressed hershock. “Ayoooo,” Johnson posted, followed by crying emojis.
Hilton soon scored on a44-yard touchdown reception after thelive mentionofhis relationship
“That boy working, 3,” Johnson posted after the score.
The broadcasters then had more fun mentioning Johnson and Hilton’sconnection by pleading Johnsontomention Hiltonina future song. Johnson, of course, is also an independent artist who hasadistributiondeal withJay-Z’sRoc Nation This past year was Johnson’smost successfulcommercially,led by her single “Came Out ABeast,” which features Lil Wayne. She performed the track at the 2024 ESPY Awards andthen againatLil Weezyana Fest with Wayne at the Smoothie King Center.The song has also been playedduring FoxSportstimeoutbreaksofNew OrleansSaints’ games “Go get that album,too,” Johnson posted after the broadcast shouted outher music,followedbylaughing emojisand asaluteemoji.
Hilton finishedthe
half of the TexasBowl witha team-high 113 receivingyards andatouchdown on four catches.
E’Rondric Goss and Kemarion Matthews assist Legend Andrews and Kailie Andrews with a bus evacuation drill Oct. 22.
As part of National School Bus Safety Week, East Feliciana Public Schools bus drivers and riders practiced bus evacuation drills, and bus drivers received special gifts.
Continued from page 1G
at Lamar-Dixon Expo Center in Gonzales.
Clinton. Mardi Gras in the Country will line up at East Feliciana Middle School, 10410 Plank Road, Clinton. Gates open at 7 a.m., Lineup starts at 11 a.m., and the parade rolls at noon. Visit www.facebook.com/profile. php?id=100064329323928 for contact information.
n Feb. 22: Krewe de Canines Mardi Gras Parade, St. Francisville
n The 90th annual 2025 LSU AgCenter State Livestock Show will be Feb. 11-18
n March 8: Rouge Roubaix bicycle race, St. Francisville n March 9: Uncorked Food & Wine Showcase, St. Francisville n March 22: Tunica Hills Music Festival & Jam Session
n The Azalea Polo Classic in St Francisville will be at 2 p.m. April 6. n Spring Angola Rodeo Tickets are on sale. The event is April 26-27. Gates will open at 8 a.m., and the rodeo will start at 2 p.m. All tickets are $20. Ages 2 and under are free if they sit in a lap. No refunds or ex-
Continued from page 1G
architect Roy T. Dufreche, the board unanimously voted for the development. The four voting were President Roderick Matthews, of Greensburg; Major Coleman, of Amite; Martin A Macdiarmid Jr., of Jackson; and Larry Freeman, of Amite. The present site of the Clinton branch at 11023
Bank St. was donated by the First Presbyterian Church of Clinton After the renovations were completed, the branch opened in December of 2023. The front entrance of the library is on the east side of the structure and accessible from Marston Street, which runs east and west. The additions/developments will be in front of the entrance on the undeveloped grassy area. Clinton’s first library was established in 1919 on Lawyers’ Row and the East Feli-
changes allowed. Call (225) 655-2030 or (225) 655-2607 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m or visit 0f472fe.netsolhost com/ tickets.
n The Feliciana Wildflower Festival will be June 7 and the group is seeking applications for sponsors, vendors and guest speakers. Visit www.facebook.com/FelicianaWildflowerProject.
n The Day the War Stopped is planned for June 7 in St. Francisville.
Send news for East and West Feliciana parishes to extra@theadvocate. com by noon Friday or call (225) 388-0731.
ciana Memorial Library Association provided the use of their building there. The library later became part of the tri-parish Audubon Regional Library System in the 1960s but eventually became bi-parish when West Feliciana pulled out.
The next steps in making the plans a reality will include looking over the details and designs with the architects and their documents and then getting bids for the work maybe in March, Collings added.
Community news report
A 50-year old Morgan City man walking on La. 19 died Jan. 2 from injuries received in a single-vehicle crash just north of Carruth Road, a news release from Louisiana State Police Troop said.
The single-vehicle crash was on La. 19, just north of Carruth Road in Wilson.
The crash, which happened at 6:30 p.m claimed the life of Herman Kilbourne III, of Morgan City
The preliminary investigation revealed that Kilbourne was walking northbound on
La. 19, wearing dark-colored clothing. At the same time, a 2016 Infiniti Q60 was traveling southbound on La. 19. For reasons still under investigation, the Infiniti struck Kilbourne in the northbound lane. Kilbourne suffered serious injuries and was pronounced deceased on the scene. The driver of the Infiniti was properly restrained and uninjured, the release said. As part of the ongoing investigation, routine toxicology samples were obtained from the pedestrian and the driver of the Infiniti for analysis. This crash remains under investigation.
The following people were booked into the West Feliciana Parish Detention Center between Dec. 23-29:
DEC 23
KING, IMMANUEL: 17; 12527 Coursey Blvd., Baton Rouge; resisting an officer
BUSTOS-ATIYEH, BENJAMIN: 20; 1826 Denver Drive, Baton Rouge; possession with in-
tent to distribute marijuana CAMACHO, KEVIN: 18; 1420 Potwin Drive, Baton Rouge; possession with intent to distribute marijuana, contributing to the delinquency of juveniles
DEC. 26
KENT, DANIEL: 31; 6122 Beechgrove Lane, St. Francisville; simple battery, disturbing the peace/drunkenness
ROACH, BRIAN: 39; 21012 High Plains Drive, Zachary; improper telephone communication, terrorizing
DEC 27
AL THAYABAT, JASMINE: 28; 10440 La. 965, St. Francisville; bench warrant FREEMAN, TRACI: 49; 7935 Jones Vaughn Creek Road, St. Francisville; aggravated assault with a firearm
The schedules for West and East Feliciana
Council on Aging facilities are as follows:
n 12292 Jackson Road, St. Francisville, (225) 635-6719
n Start time for all activities is 10 a.m.
FOURTH MONDAY: Religious service
TUESDAYS: Nutrition education
WEDNESDAYS: Exercise/yoga
THURSDAYS: Bible study
FRIDAYS: Bingo/movie/excursion
n All people 60 and older in West Feliciana Parish are invited to join.
n For transportation to the center or questions, call (225) 635-6719.
n 11102 Bank St., Clinton
n 3699 La. 10, Jackson Wednesday, Jan. 8
EXERCISE CLASS: 9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. LUNCH: 11:30 a.m.
Thursday, Jan. 9
BINGO: 10:30 a.m.
LUNCH: 11:30 a.m.
Friday, Jan. 10
EXERCISE CLASS: 9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.
LUNCH: 11:30 a.m.
Monday, Jan. 13
EXERCISE CLASS: 9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.
LUNCH: 11:30 a.m.
Tuesday, Jan. 14
BINGO: 10:30 a.m.
LUNCH: 11:30 a.m.
Transportation Transportation is provided to East Feliciana Parish residents of any age for appointments in East Feliciana, West Feliciana and East Baton Rouge parishes Monday through Friday. Call (225) 683-9862 to schedule a transportation appointment.
2024ThirdExtraordinarySessionofthe LouisianaLegislaturemaybeviewedon thewebsiteoftheOfficialJournalofthe Stateatwww.theadvocate.com.
SecretaryofStateNancyLandry pursuanttoAct802ofthe2010Regular SessionoftheLouisianaLegislature
Community news report
For a second consecutive year Slaughter Community Charter School earned an A school rating. Stephanie Goudeau, director of Slaughter Community Charter School, recently announced, “With a tremendous amount of pride and appreciation we report that for the second year in a row Slaughter Community Charter School is an A-rated school.
“This is a terrific accomplishment, and there are many people to thank for contributing to our success,” Goudeau said. “Thank you to our middle school students who embraced new curricula, writing into the day, and daily LEAP review to ensure academic achievement.”
“To our current ninth grade students who demonstrated tremendous effort and boasted zero unsatisfactory scores on all the LEAP assessments,” she added. She also thanked the high schoolers who “continuously show growth and master their personal goals on state assessments,” and teacher for their devotion and high-
quality instruction.
The senior Class of 2024 achieved “our highest ACT scores (19.5 Average), strength of diploma, and
graduation rate.” Goudeau outlined the school’s accomplishments “Our School Performance Scores increased to a 95.3
A with significant
she said.
PROVIDED PHOTO Bryson London, teacher at Jackson Elementary School, is honored as East Feliciana Public Schools’ November Employee of the Month.
Community news report
Bryson London, teacher at Jackson Elementary School, earned recognition as East Feliciana Public Schools’ November Employee of the Month at the Nov 12 East Feliciana Parish School Board meeting.
“Building a diverse and effective team is one of the priorities of #HomegrownPride, our district’s five year strategic plan,” Superintendent Keisha L. Netterville said. “We are proud to recognize Mr. London for his positive contributions to our students our teachers and staff, and our families.
Elementary students across East Feliciana Public Schools celebrated Storybook Character Day on Oct. 31 with costumes, readings and checking out some festive and spooky books.
TheTownofClinton (hereinreferredtoasthe "Owner") hereby solicits sealed bids forthe Im‐provements to the Wastewater Treatment Facility projectdescribed as follows: STATEMENTOFWORK: Removaland replace‐ment of wastewater treatmentfacilityfloat‐ingmechanicalaerators andfloating curtainbaf‐fle PECProject No.11795.05 Sealed Bids shallbead‐dressedtothe Town of Clinton, anddelivered to theTownofClinton, LA c/oProfessionalEngi‐neeringConsultants 7600 Innovation Park Drive, BatonRouge,LA 70820 notlater than 2:00 pm,onthe 11thday of February,2025. Anybid received after thespeci‐fiedtimeand date will notbeconsidered. The sealed bids will be pub‐liclyopenedand read aloudat2:00pmonthe 11thday of February 2025, at thePEC Officelo‐cated7600 Innovation Park Drive, BatonRouge LA 70820. Complete BidDocu‐ments, Instructions to Bidders, BidForm, Con‐tract, Plans, Specifica‐tions, andForms of the BidBond, Performance Bond andPayment Bond andother biddingdocu‐mentsmay be down‐loaded from theProfes‐sional EngineeringCon‐sultants (PEC)PlanRoom as hosted by CentralBid‐ding https://www.cen tralbidding.com(subject to fees andconditions) Forany questions re‐gardingthe websitecall CentralBidding at 225810-4814. Prospective Biddersare solely re‐sponsiblefor obtaining themostup-to-datebid‐ding Documentsfromthe designated website. Bids will notbeaccepted throughthe online bid‐ding portal.Bidswillbe received by mail and/or hand delivery to theloca‐tion as stated above. Complete BidDocuments mayalsobeexamined by emailinginfo@pecla.com or at theOffice of theEn‐gineer forthe contract; Professional Engineering ConsultantsCorp. lo‐catedat7600 Innovation Park Drive, BatonRouge La 70820; (225-769-2810) Hard copies maybeob‐tained at this officeupon f d i f
p paymentof a depositof $150.00. This depositwill be refunded upon re‐questinaccordancewith R.S. 38:2212. Contractorssubmitting bids shallbelicensed under LA R.S. 37:21502164, Municipaland Pub‐licWorks.The bidder shallshowhis license numberonthe bidand on thesealedenvelope submitting thebid TheOwner reserves the righttorejectany andall bids forjustcause;such actionswillbeinaccor‐dancewithTitle 38 of the LouisianaRevised Statutes In accordance with R.S. 38:2212 (A)(1)(b),the pro‐visionsand requirements stated in theBidding Documentsshall notbe waived by anyentity. Each Biddermustde‐positwithhis/her bid, security in theamount of at leastfive percent(5%) of thetotal bidprice provided on thespecified form andsubject to the conditions provided
PUBLIC NOTICE ADVERTISEMENT FORBIDS Town of Slaughter (hereinreferredtoasthe "Owner") hereby solicits sealed bids forthe 2025 SlaughterRoadRehabili‐tation projectdescribed as follows: STATEMENTOFWORK (PEC ProjectNo. 11743): Asphaltroadpatching, cold planing, soil ce‐ment/limetreatment of base,asphalt overlay, shoulder material and associated appurte‐nances Sealed Bids shallbead‐dressedtothe Town of Slaughter, anddelivered to the SlaughterTown Hall,3337 Church Street (PostOffice Box29) Slaughter, LA 70777) not laterthan 10:00 a.m. on Thursday February 6th, 2025. Anybid received after thespecifiedtime anddatewillnot be con‐sidered. Thesealedbids will be publicly opened andreadaloud at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, Febru‐ary6th,2025,atthe SlaughterTownHalllo‐catedat 3337 Church Street,Slaughter,LA 70777. Complete BidDocu‐ments, Instructions to Bidders, BidForm, Con‐tract, Plans, Specifica‐tions, andForms of the BidBond, Performance Bond andPayment Bond andother biddingdocu‐mentsmay be down‐loaded from theProfes‐sional EngineeringCon‐sultants (PEC)PlanRoom as hosted by CentralBid‐ding https://www.cen tralbidding.com(subject to fees andconditions) Forany questions re‐gardingthe websitecall CentralBidding at 225810-4814. Prospective Biddersare solely re‐sponsiblefor obtaining themostup-to-datebid‐ding Documentsfromthe designated website. Bids will notbeaccepted throughthe online bid‐ding portal.Bidswillbe received by mail and/or hand delivery to theloca‐tion as stated above. Complete BidDocuments mayalsobeexamined by emailing info@pecla.com or at theOffice of theEn‐gineer forthe contract; Professional Engineering ConsultantsCorp. lo‐catedat 7600 Innovation Park Drive, BatonRouge La 70820; (225-769-2810) Hard copies maybeob‐tained at this officeupon paymentofadeposit of $150.00. This depositwill be refunded upon re‐questinaccordancewith R.S. 38:2212. Contractorssubmitting bids shallbelicensed under LA R.S.
a. Addendum to Professional Radiology Service Agreement
Mr.Chastant explainedthat thisisanaddendum to the contract due to the past merger of the radiology groups.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Melvin Harvey,Jr.,Chairman; Rev.OltonScott, Vice-Chairman; Cecile Castello, RN, Secretary; RhondaBeauchamp; Magruder Hazlip; Ernest Ayo, Rev.Craig Dalferes.
Mr.Harvey called the regular meeting of the BoardofCommissioners of
to order at 5:00 p.m.
Mr.Harvey called the roll. 7out of 7commissioners werepresent constituting aquorum.
Amotion wasmade by Mr.Ayo to approve the Addendum to the Professional Radiology Service Agreement as presented. The motion wasseconded by Rev. Scott,withall in favor, no abstentions, and the motion passed.
b. TaxReform and Forecast
Mr.Chastant explainedsome of the state’slegislative actions regarding sales tax and other tax reformsthat could impact West Feliciana Hospital. Mr.Chastant also spoke about some statements the Parish President Kenny Havardmade about the new potential project in the parish and the tax basis for the hospital. Mr.Ayo asked about the sales tax expansion. Ms.Castello explained some of the legislative intricacies.
c. New Service Low Dose CT Lung Screening
Mr.Chastant explainedthat thisservice was approved at the hospital’s Medical Staffmeeting as alungscreening withcash prices and some insurance coverage.The Medical Staffwas reported to support the service offering addressing communityneeds.
Amotion wasmade to approve Mr.Ayo for the New Service Low DoseCTLung Screening as presented. The motion as presented was seconded by Rev. Scott.Withall in favor, the motion passed.
d. Cooperative EndeavorAgreement withEast Feliciana Primary Clinic
Mr.Chastant explained that thisisanagreement that allowsWest Feliciana Hospital to provide an EHR support to East Feliciana Primary Clinic. Through aprogram with Athenahealth, the clinic’sEHR,can be scaled to other physician groups, including East Feliciana Primary Care. Mr.Chastantput forththe CEAwiththe East Feliciana Primary Clinicfor EHRsupport from West Feliciana Hospital
Amotion wasmade by Rev. Scott to enter into aCEA with East Feliciana PrimaryClinic as presented. The motion wasseconded by Ms. Beauchamp, with allinfavor,and the motion passed.
e. Louisiana LegislatureAuditors Compliance Questionnaire
Mr.Harvey corrected the minutesbyadding the words “Board Resolution” and removingthe word“that.” Mr.Scott Doescher,CPA CFO, explained the payment agreement policy.Ms. Beauchamp asked about the Payment Agreement and the HRA/HSA program. Mr Ayoasked about cash-pay patientsand health co-opopportunities.
Mr.Hazlip asked about what changes have been made to stop the process of holding statementsand the creation of thelarge balance. Mr.Doescher explained that the hospitalcannotprovidediscounts based on geographic location. Ms. Castello explained that the pharmacy policies werehandled extremely well. Mr.Chastant explained that the policieslisted werefromthe MedicalStaffMeeting Ms. Castelloasked abouthow the Contract Evaluation occurred.Mr. Chastant, CEO, provided some explanations and will reportback at the next meeting.
Amotion was madebyMs. Castellotoaccept the consent agenda as presented with the correction of the typographical errorasnoted. It wasseconded by Rev.Dalferes, with all in favorand no abstentions, and passed unanimously
a. Joint Commission Survey
Mr.Chastant introduced Ms.Angel Noble, CNO to explain about the Joint Commission Survey process that West Feliciana Completed in the month of November.Rev.Dalferes asked about the survey team It was explained that overall it was agoodsurvey
b. Department Manuals Approval
Mr.Chastant explained the Joint Commission requires annual review of the policies. Mr.Chastant explained that the action item to approve would be at the next meeting.
c. Employee Health insurance
Mr.Chastant explained that the hospitalhas renewed the hospitals’ health insurance for 2025. Ms. Lisa Delatte,HRDirector,explained the increase for the hospital and the institutionofatiered benefit for employees who may receive less compensation.
Ordinance RequiringMultipleEntry/Exitsfor FutureSubdivision Developments Amending Section 28:23(b) (3)
Town of Slaughter CodeofOrdinances
WHEREAS theTownofSlaughterhas codifiedits ordinancesrelating to Requirementfor Multiple Entry/Exits for FutureSubdivision Developments,
WHEREAS theCode of Ordinancesoften requires amending from time to time to remain currentwiththe morals andstandardsofthe community
WHEREAS theBoardofAlderman andthe Mayor of theTownof Slaughterintendtoamendthe Code of Ordinancesand thePlanning andZoningOrdinance for theTownofSlaughter as needed, BE IT ORDAINED ON this 17th day of December2024atthe regular meeting for theTownofSlaughterthe Board of Alderman andMayor have agreed to amendthe Planningand Zoningofthe Town,and regulatingfuturedevelopments to RequiringMultiple Entry/Exits for the Town of SlaughterLouisianaasfollows:
Lotmeans aportion of atractorother parcelofland. Every lot must frontonapublic streetfor aminimumdistance as required by the zoningordinance.(Thisdefinition replacesthe prior definition passed in Ordinance Number 45)
FutureSubdivisionDevelopments. Section 28:23(b) (3)
a. Newsubdivision developments consisting of 25 or morelotsshall,at aminimum, provide twoseparate anddistinctpoints of access that connectthe subdivision to an existing street(s) or highway(s). These access points shall allow for
of thecommunity This ordinance shall take
Mr.Doescher explained that by December 9, 2024, the boardneeds to approve the annual compliance questionnairetobegin the Legislative Audit.Ms. Castello asked about who performs the audit.Mr. Doescher explainedthe audit is performed by athird party.
Amotion wasmade by Ms. Castellotoapprove the Louisiana LegislatureAuditors Compliance Questionnaireaspresented. The motion as presented wasseconded by Mr.Hazlip, with allinfavor,no abstentions, and the motion passed unanimously.
a. Urgent Care/SpecialtyClinic Construction
Mr.Chastant explained that GraceHerbert asked about the structural issues withthe retaining wall,and the town was able to allow forthe removalofthe non-structural items. Mr.Chastant also demonstrated some pictures and graphs withtimelines and expected completion dates.
b. Oak Building Renovations
Mr.Chastant demonstrated that the roof has been repaired, and the constructioniscontinuing quickly,withacompletion date in January
c. PediatricTherapy Building
Mr.Chastant explained that therewas agroundbreaking, and the foundation is curing withacompletion date expected in April
Presented by Lee Chastant, CEO 340B Audit–The 340B program is afederal program administered by the HealthResources and Services Administration (HRSA) to allow certainentities to get discount pricing on drug purchases. West Feliciana
beginning, we have engaged
340B Togethertohelpwith theadministration andcomplianceofour program. Theprogramisverycomplicated andthe 340B Together team came on sitetohelpwith theaudit proceedings.
Hospital Recognition By Outside Organizations—Thehospital, its programs, andits people continuetoberecognized by local,state andnationalorganizations. Some examples are:
•Trubridge –anationalcompanythatprovides operating software for thehospital, on October 15th,2024, recognized thehospital for improvingthe community’shealth.Theydid this by featuringWest Feliciana Hospital andits programs to improve thehealth of theWest Feliciana Communityonits nationally broadcasted blog.
•USNews—West Feliciana will again be namedone of US News and World Report’s Best Hospitalsbecause of itscardiac program. WFH is theonlycritical access hospital in Louisiana to make thelist.
•National Rural Health ResourceCenter–The hospital has participatedinthe Delta Region Community Health System Development(DRCHSD)programfor threeyears. This September, WFH graduatedfromthe program. On November13, 2024,the hospital received an email from theprogramstatingthattheywould like to create avideohighlighting some of thehospital’sachievements while in theprogram. Theemail said, “Wewould be thrilled to create one(video) for West Feliciana Hospital that showcaseseverythingfrom Community Paramedicineand other service linesimplemented to the financial successes you’veseen. Your team hasshown exemplary workthroughoutyourentire time in theDRCHSD program”.
•LouisianaDepartment of Health/Office of Public Health—Dr. Cynthia Bienemy, consultant for theWell-Ahead Program, requestedthat West Feliciana Hospital Community Champion Kathy Terrypresent about thehealth equityplanataseminarthey areplanning
•AmericanCollegeofCardiology (ACC)–The AmericanCollegeof Cardiology’saccreditation program throughits Accreditation Clinical Product Manager, Tracey Blevins, hasreached outtoSamantha Williams to partner with herand theACC to do alivewebinar for Chest Pain Certification. Shewould be asked howthe hospital implemented itschest pain program andhow effective it hasbeenfor thecommunity andhospital.
LouisianaBoardofPharmacy –Tosomewhat of asurprise,the hospital hada surveyor from theLouisianaBoardofPharmacycome to survey thepharmacythispast Tuesday. Jennifer Gallagher, Pharm. D.,staff pharmacist,did an amazingjob with thesurvey,and both received “nodeficiencies.
Mr.Chastantalso noted that today, November21, 2024,isNational Rural Health Day
(In boardfolder)
Scott Doescher,CFO, gave theupdate/report on Hospital Statistics, Income Statements andBalance Sheets, PhysicianOffices, Physical Therapy,Operating Statements, Emergency MedicalServicesand Hospital Revenues per physician,Cash Investments, aStatement of Income andExpense, Bottom Line andCheck Serviceand Check Register
Ms.Beauchampmovedfor theBoard to move into executive session at 6:13 p.m. for at least 20 minutesfor Strategic Planning. This was secondedbyMr. Ayo. All in favor and themotionpassed.
Ms.Beauchampmovedtoexit theexecutive session at 7:46 p.m. This was secondedbyRev.Scott. All in favor and themotionpassed.
Therebeing no further business to discuss,Ms. Beauchamp made amotiontoadjourn themeeting. Themotionwas seconded by Ms Castello, with all in favor and themeeting adjournedat7:47 p.m.
Cecile Castello, SecretaryMelvin Harvey, Chairman
Winners in the sixth grade Fiction categoryare, bottom row, first place, Harper Tingle; second place, Margaret Roberts; and third place Blithe Mae Bryan. Winners in the seventh grade Fiction category are, middle row, first, Gannon Ford; second, Samuel Thorla and third, Isabella Champagne. Winners in the eighth grade Fiction category are, back row, first, JeanneMarie LeJeune; second, LukeMonson and third, Aubriney Williams.
West Feliciana Middle announced thewinners of the 2024 Young Authors Contest.
Sixth grade: first place, Harper Tingle; second, Margaret Roberts andthird, BlitheMae Bryan
Seventh grade: first, GannonFord; second,Samuel Thorla andthird, Isabella Champagne
Eighth grade: first,JeanneMarie LeJeune; second, Luke Monson and third, Aubriney Williams Nonfiction
Sixth grade: first,Jackson DeSalvo; second, Keegan Templeton.
Seventh grade: first, William Gremillion; second, LaylaVavasseur andthird, Jalayna White
Eighth grade: first JaMyria Washington,second, Hayes Blackard and third, Kylee Bryant Poetry
Sixth grade: first,OliviaNorris; second, HarperTingle and third, Allie Morrison
Seventhgrade: first,Chloe Singleton; second, Serenity Lee andthird Eva-Lynn Barr
Eighth grade: first, Mekhi Seymore; second, Gracelyn Metz andthird, Hayden Hebert
second,Serenity Lee and third,Eva-Lynn Barr. Winners in the eighth gradePoetrycategoryare, back row, first,
second Gracelyn Metz, third Hayden
Rogers is the 2024 WFMSOutstanding
Winners in the sixth gradeNonfiction category are,bottom row, first JacksonDeSalvo,second Keegan Templeton. Winners in the seventh grade Nonfiction categoryare,middle row, first WilliamGremillion, second LaylaVavasseur,thirdJalayna White (not pictured).Winners in the eighth grade Non-Fiction categoryare,back row, first JaMyria Washington, second HayesBlackard,thirdKylee Bryant. Community news report
West Feliciana Middle eighth grade cheerleaders from left, Khyleigh Whitfield, Baylor Merrick, Izzy Wheeler and Peyton Airhart, whowere selected as All-American cheerleaders at UCA Cheer Camp this summer, performed in the parade at Disney World’sMagic Kingdom on Thanksgiving Day.
West Feliciana Middle School honored its employees of the year recently
The 2024 New Teacher of the Year is Brian White.
The school said he is always searching forways to makethe school apositive place forstudents.
LaShonda Rogers is the 2024 Outstanding
and she goes above and beyond to support herstudents both in andout of the classroom, the school said.