Leila Pitchford AROUND ZACHARY
Leila Pitchford AROUND ZACHARY
All locations of the East Baton Rouge Parish Library will close Monday,January20in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.Day
Free throwcompetition
Boys and and girls ages 9-14 are invited to compete in the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship, Jan. 26 at St. John the Baptist Church gym, 4727 McHugh Drive. Register at 1p.m., shooting starts at 1:30 p.m. Kids compete within their own gender and age.
Entrants may compete in only one local competition Winners advance to the Baton Rouge Diocese round andfrom there the state round.
Contact KC Community Director James Graves at (337) 534-2700 for information
Lane to holdfree breastfeedingclass
Lane will be holding afree breastfeeding class from 10 a.m. to noon, Feb. 8, in the Board Conference Room at Lane Regional Medical Center, 6300 Main St., Zachary Registered nurse Kiara Carnes with Baby LaneLabor &Delivery Unit willthe discussthe ABC’sofBreastfeeding, including: n Appeal of Breastfeeding and Why It’sImportant n Best Breastfeeding Positions n Common Challenges with Breastfeeding n She will answer questions about breastfeeding, plusmore To reserve aspot, call (225) 658-6612 or email jschmolke@ LaneRMC.org.
Mattress sale coming
Michael McDavid, 6, came dressed for the occasion in hispoliceoutfit, with ZacharyPolice Chief DarrylLawrence.
gets first
The ninth annualZachary High School Band mattress fundraiserisFeb. 15. Mattresses, adjustable bases,pillows, sheets, etc. all available. Financing and delivery available. Booksand music with Kids’Orchestra
In celebration of Black History Month and Carnival, Books &Music will feature the book “Freedom in Congo Square,” by Carole Boston Weatherford and R. Gregory Christie.Many scholars believe that the music kept alive in New Orleans’ Congo Square (now Louis Armstrong Park) helped pavethe way for blues, jazz, and rock and roll. Children will learn the Creolesong “Eh la bas” and the New Orleans Bamboula rhythm. They will practice some African dance moves and try plugging their name into Shirley Ellis’ “The Name Game” song. The event will be at the Zachary Branch Library at 11 a.m. Feb. 1. Visit www ebrpl.com for other places and dates.
Stay in touchin2025
The Plainsman loves hearing from clubs, churches and others. Submit photos, event
Carnes ä See AROUND, page 2G
Awelcoming foyer,aspacious kitchen, plenty of storage andanon-site gym maysound like amenities thatwould be promotedina real estate listingmeant to entice potential homebuyers. Instead, they’re amongthe features of the Zachary Police Department’srecently completed headquarters, which replaces the agency’saging, cramped office. Leaders believethe expansive $8.9 million facility will offer dual benefits: fostering abetterwork environment for officers while also improving services for the city’sgrowing population.
Dozens of residentsjoined lo-
cal elected officials andheads of neighboring lawenforcement agencies for an evening tour of thedepartment’snew digs Jan. 10.
“Wewantyou to come in and see the culmination of everybody’s hard work,fromour patrolmen to the construction staff to thecity.The city’sbeen really good at helping us do this,” said Police ChiefDarryl Lawrence. “Wewant you all to be able comeinand see what your tax dollars are actually being spent on.”
Thefacility hasbeen in the worksfor years. TheCity Councilauthorizedthe purchase of the property,whichincludes more than 20 acres, in late 2019, and asite plan was approved in 2022. Groundbreaking came in
2023. The 21,000-square-foot building is at 5160 Old Slaughter Road near Montegudo Boulevard, justnorth of Walmart. Most employees have already begun working there;just a handful remain at the old police station on Main Street, and Lawrence expected them to move outwithin acouple more weeks. Thecitycourt, which long shared space with the policedepartment, will continue to operatefrom the Main Street location.
Leading agroup of visitors down thehallways and through thevarious rooms of the new facility,Lawrencenoted that almost everything is biggerand better than at the old station, where he worked fordecades.
“This is five times bigger than whatwehad,” he saidwhile showing off aroom dedicated to evidencestorage andprocessing.
As Zachary continues to expand, Lawrence anticipates needing to hire more officers. The facilitywas designedwith room to grow; for example, there are moreworkstations in the squad room and detectives division than are currently needed.
Additionalpointsofinterest highlighted on the tour included the records office, holding cells,interview rooms, conference rooms and the chief’s office.
Lawrence waseager to
As thetemperature plummets, Broncos basketball continues to stay hot
The cold airfinally arrived in Zachary to start thenew year under freezing conditions. Though it wascold and rainy outside Jan. 9, inside theZachary High gym the ZacharyBroncos basketball team wasdownright toasty Coming into the Broncos game against the George Washington Carver Rams, the Broncos sported a15-2 record that included wins over Dallas Kimball and Grand Prairie —Texas high schools at theInSeason Showcase. The Broncos’ sole in-state loss was against Wossman (No. 1in Division II power rankings) on Jan. 4atthe Wildcat Showcase in Monroe, but they destroyed Walker (81-55) at Walker earlier in the week. The Rams, whoare in arebuilding year,provided aunique challenge for the No.1inDivision Ipower rankings Broncos. The teams metinDecember 2023 when the Ramsdefeated the Broncos in New Orleans (59-64).
The story wasdifferent this night in the Zachary gym.Though the Rams scored first, the Broncos’ onslaught from the 3-point line, including three straight from senior Xavier Ferguson, and alayup gave the Broncos a13-4 lead 3:39 into the first. Junior Kriston Brooks was the first Bronco other than Ferguson to score with 2:07 leftinthe first as the Broncos cruised through the first period to post a25-8 lead.
Early in the second, aput back dunk by junior Cambren Price put the Broncos up by 24 and the Broncos full-court press was relentless holding the Ramsto8 points in the quarter,forcing a running clock and finishing the half with acommanding 49-16 lead.
Sophomore point guard IanEdmondstarted the Broncos scoring in the second half with ajumper in the lane. The Ramswould outscore the Broncos in the third 8-7 but still trail 56-24 at the end of three.
Coach Jon McClinton instituted
demonstrate his new desk, which can be raised to a higher position for standing, and talk about his plans to hang a few more decorative items on the walls. He also pointed out the numerous cameras keeping watch over the entire building.
The tour ended in an area of the facility Lawrence seemed especially proud of. A large training room full of tables and big screens displaying real-time crime information will offer a space for officers to participate in professional development sessions. It can be converted into an emergency operations center during storms and similar situations.
The training room connects to a fitness center, which will soon be outfitted with workout equipment funded by a private donor an amenity Lawrence is looking forward to using. Across the hall is a kitchen.
These features will come in handy, Lawrence said, as the police department embarks on a partnership with Baton Rouge General to create an officer wellness program.
“We want to make sure we take care of our officers not only mentally and physically,” he said. “When they get ready to retire, we want them to have a good quality of life. When you retire, you want to be able to get up and still want to do things.”
Lawrence believes the new headquarters will have a positive effect on the surrounding area, too.
“We actually decided to put it here hoping that the police department will be a draw to other businesses to come into this area and try to open it up for the city as far as the tax base,” he said.
Sid Edwards, who recently took office as mayor-president of East Baton Rouge Parish, was impressed with the facility, which he described as “gorgeous.”
“What I ran on was public safety, and I just want you guys to know how proud I am of you,” Edwards said.
While he had the audience’s attention, Lawrence took the opportunity to address a few public safety issues, including:
n The 911 phone system, which has experienced problems with slow responses and dropped calls recently Lawrence reported that things should get better soon. “We were switching systems,” he said “So systems were different, things weren’t working, they were trying to work out the bugs. That’s going to be a whole lot better after this point.”
n Speeding. “There is no such thing as a quota in the city of Zachary, but my officers are out here patrolling the streets,” he said. “They are trying to slow people down.“
n The high volume of traffic in Zachary “I am proud to say that the city’s in negotiations with the parish, DOTD and the state to work out how we’re going to synchronize these lights to alleviate some of these problems,” he said
Continued from page 1G
photos and to answer the question words: who, what, when, where, why and how You can also email that address or call (225) 388-0731 if you need help.
Sneaker ball
announcements and other fun news for us to run in The Plainsman both in print and online by contacting zachary@theadvocate.com. Be sure to identify people in the
Experience the holidays in Zachary again Video of the Zachary Christmas parade is available at https://tinyurl.com/6aennhtn.
The Baker Area Sports Association and city of Baker Recreation Department will hold a Mardi Gras Masquerade Sneaker Ball at 9 p.m. Feb. 8 at the Baker Municipal Center Auditorium, 3325 Groom Road. Attendees must be 21 or older Food and a DJ will be on hand. The event is bring-your-
own-alcohol. For information, call Gerald Collins at (225) 205-4652 or Terika Dunn at (225) 302-2435. Visit eventbrite.com for tickets, which are $40 or $320 for a table of eight.
Send news and events for the Zachary area to zachary@theadvocate.com by noon Friday or call (225) 388-0731.
Continued from page 1G
massive substitutions to start the final stanza.
Jaiden Cockerham opened the fourth period scoring with a 3-pointer and finished the night with nine points, all from 3-point shots.
The Broncos would close out the Rams 62-9. Ten Broncos scored on the night with Ferguson leading all scorers with 21 points including 15 in the first period.
The road gets tougher for the Broncos as District 4-5A action is on the horizon. McClinton said, “Our district is the toughest in the state clear as day if you look at their records and who they have beat.”
McClinton then proceeded to list all the district teams and their records at
the time: Central (11-2), Catholic (18-1), Liberty (11-1), Scotlandville (12-4) and Woodlawn (11-6).
The Broncos will be home against powerhouse Madison Prep (13-3) on Jan. 15, Archbishop Hannan (12-6) on Jan. 17 and McKinley (9-6) on Jan. 21.
After four straight road games including district games against Scotlandville and Liberty, the Broncos will close out the home slate with district 4-5A games against Woodlawn (Feb. 13) and Catholic (Feb. 21). They will also host out-of-district powerhouse Southside on Feb. 15. McClinton said there will be no freshman or JV game against Southside as “both programs treat this late nondistrict game like an early playoff matchup.”
Warren Brady covers sports for The Plainsman. He can be contacted at zachary@theadvocate.com.
Community news report
Louisiana Tech University has announced its 2024 fall quarter president’sand dean’shonor lists.
Students whose names are followed by an asterisk earned recognition as members of the president’shonor list. That distinction signifies achievement of at least a3.8 academic grade point average on aminimum of nine semesterhours completed (100-level or higher), with no grade lower than aB
To be eligible for the dean’shonor lists, astudent is required to earn at least a3.5 academic grade point average with no grade lowerthan aConaminimum of nine semester hours completed (100-level or higher).
Courses yielding satisfactory/failure gradesand courses audited do not count toward eligibility\. Only undergraduateswith no incomplete grades are eligible. Students from the region include:
Geismar: Emily Anne Christjansen, Baron C. Cosey,Sydnee Daniel*, Cameron Michael Dupre, Kylie P. Evans*, JuliaRuth Minvielle*
Gonzales: Matthew Paul Bucci, Jared Anthony Cassard, Luke Gregory Hackney,Mason Ty Jones, Alexander M. Lambert*, Emma Rose Lamoureaux*, Jesse Kade Landry*, HannahGrace Mcquiddy,Beau Romero*, Gavin Michael Soniat*, Jacob Michael Stein*, Claudia J. Wilkinson*
Prairieville: Ethan A. Babin*, Brayden Paul Barnes, Emma Claine Baumann*, Christian David Bock*, Maggie Catherine Brickey*, SawyerBruce Bufkin*, Zachary A. Chaisson, Rylan Walker Coe*, Emily Christine Duguay, Sara Reese Gathright, Colin Beckman Griffin, Melanie S. Jones*, EllaLambert*, Toby Joseph Latino*, Kailee Z. Lavigne, Evan Jacob Lawrence*, Alice Ellise Leotta, Kierstin Ruby Manly*, Abigail R. Mathews, Mackenzie M. Millet, David Walker Morrill, Sheridan Brooke Smith*, Grayson Barrett Toney*, J. Bentley Unangst*, Anna Kathryn Williams St. Amant: Camryn Elise Boldt*, Collin Alexander Franta*,Addyson Lynn Gautreaux, Skylar Ann Kobitz*, Judd B. Rouyea*, Kinslei Marie Scroggs, Jacee Colette Spillman* Sorrento: Zealand Cook East BatonRouge
Baker: Anthony Palmer, Austin DakotaPearson, Luke Owen Robinson, Annabelle M. Sheets* Greenwell Springs: Michael KKravitz, Olivia Marie Thibodeaux Pride: Zacc J. Landry
Zachary: Ashley Lauren Brumfield, Elijah William Carr*, Mya A. Claiborne, Billy John Deroche*, BroganLane Gibbon, Jay Gray*, Brianna Marie Hudson, TaylorGarrett Hughes*, Cobe I. Johnson, Cade Christian Leblanc, Kaleigh Nicole
Louque, Averie Reese Manuel*, Ryann A. McClure*, Ainslie Leanne McNabb, Nicholas William Nalepa*, Rodrigo EnmanuelOlmedo*,Alexander Alexander Otwell, JacksonK.Phelps, Michael Plaisance, Kye Aiden Poston, Parker WellsleyRobertson, Madelynn K. Smith*, Zachary T. Smith, Sean M. Sullivan*, Alexander ChristianThompson, EvanMatthew Valliere East Feliciana
Clinton:Raeghan Lynn Cunningham, Alexander M. Jose, James E. Jose*, Lily May Richardson
Ethel: Emmaleigh Ann Graves
Jackson: Tessa Marie Hay*, Catherine EHodges, Kaiden Major Lang*,Mckayla G. Mercer* West Feliciana
St. Francisville: Jacob JosefBarbosa*, Sara Kaitlin Barrow,Parker Joseph Bennett, Abby Rae Benton, Ashlynn GraceCulley, Joseph A. Dalferes*, Jude Irwin Daniel*, Cade E. Grissett, Savannah Marie Gunter, LilyA.Holland*, Elisabeth Thy Hong*, Margaret Anne Lott*, AnnaMaxwell*, Alexandra KathrynPatin*, Abigail L. Pittman, William Hatcher Ralph*,Blakleigh Elizabeth Willis
Albany:AllanAguado, Walker T. Poe, Ethan Arbis Woods
DenhamSprings: Emma Grace Allerheiligen*,Spencer Authement, Noah P. Chauvin, AvaR.Clark,Tony James Courville III*,Taylor Anne Czarnecki*, Lauren N. Dodds, DavinSean Donaldson, Mandolyn C. Donohue, Nathan M. Duke, Sophia Marie Esposito, Alayna M. Felder-Fields*, Delaney Ann Ferris*, Beau C. Harmon*, AnneM.Hebert*, Brandon ThomasJones, Will J. Langley*,Jason P. Mitchell, Logan Joseph Pertuis*, Ella Price*, Nicholas W. Russell*, Sara Ann Schneller,Mia Schoen, HannaLyn Stout*, Laney K. Vige, Dylan Thomas Watson Livingston: EmilyCecilia Armand, BeauDominic Armand*, Mason Andrew Smith
Springfield: PeytonLane Ellis*
Wa lker: John A. Bergeron*, Jack Vincent Clark*, Isabella Rose Johnson,GarrettPatrick*, NathanielMarkangelo Vise* Tangipahoa
Amite: Nathan Battles, Kaylyn D. Murphy*, Kaleigh Brianne Powell* Hammond: Trevor Callan Forrest*, Kohl Braden Garner*, Conor Bradley Montalbano, Micah Taylor Moskau*, Dominick J. Schillage, Gloria Paige Tilyou* Loranger:Dylan L. Burnthorne*, EthanJosephFalgout Ponchatoula: Hanna M. Bankston*, Clarissa Keegan Haik*, JennyElisabeth Little,WilliamTanner Machen, Gabriel Allen Rivero* Tickfaw:Luke William Purvis
Community news report
Zachary High senior Sa’Lynn Woodside washonored Dec.3inBaton Rouge at theGovernor’sOutstanding Leadership in Disability Awards. She was the recipient of the April Dunn Youth of the Year Award. Dunn wasavocal advocate and leader knownfor her ability to share her experience as aperson witha disabilityina waythatwas very impactfuland ledto many laws andpoliciesbenefittingpeople with disabilities, anews release said. Woodside is an advocate forall with disabilities, especially thevisually impaired. Her work has been recognized by the Zachary Community School District, the City of Zachary,East Baton Rouge Parish and the state.
mons by the Zachary Police Department from Jan. 2-8: JAIBUTLER: 25;24860 Hebert St., Plaquemine; nonconsensual disclosure/ private image –intimidation telephone communicationsimproper, extortion KRYSTALFRANCOIS: 37;4447 Sherwood St.,Baton Rouge; sale/distribution/or possession of legend drug without prescription or order, improper equipment
BIANCAHALLY: 29;12020 Florida Blvd., Baton Rouge; failuretoappear on outstanding bench warrants MARLON JACKSON: 59;4529 La. 952, Zachary; resisting an officer
DERICK JOHNSON JR.: 20; 24916 Shanklin Drive, Zachary; distribution or pos-
session Schedule Idrugs, illegalcarrying of weapons with controlled dangerous substance, prohibited acts, window tint violation ANDRE MINGO: 30; 17505 JeffersonHighway,Apt.106, BatonRouge;simple battery, resisting an officer, batteryofapolice officer, simplecriminal damage to property,recklessoperation of avehicle
JEFFERYUPKINS: 43; 4724 Lemonwood Drive, Baton Rouge;simple burglary/immoveable, theft DMORSCEAWILLIAMS: 39; 3944 Old Baker Road,Zachary; possession of marijuana
MICHAEL JEWELL: 19; 6845 Sewell St., Fordoche; false imprisonment-offender armed with dangerous weapon, aggravated burglary,theft,home invasion, second-degree battery