thefreetreegiveawayonSept. 17, to
thefreetreegiveawayonSept. 17, to
Contributing writer
Arbor Day was celebrated in Hammond on Friday with the distribution of 100 free trees for residents.
The trees, donated by the ApacheCorporation Tree Grant Program, were quickly claimed at the distribution location, the city’smaintenance facilities.
The tree giveaway program was sponsored bythe city of Hammond and the Keep Hammond Beautiful Committee. Dori St.Cyr,city employee and member of Keep Hammond Beautiful, said this year’stree donationprogram marked a return of the event which was
halted for several years following the pandemic year
“We were happy to once again offer trees that are specifically chosen because of their ability tothrive in Louisiana,” St. Cyr said. “Over the years our tree donation program has been very wellreceived by the community.The city and Keep Hammond Beautifulwere excited to once againofferthis gift to residentsofour area.”
Gina Anthon, president of Keep Hammond Beautiful, echoed St. Cyr’ssentiments observing,“throughout the year Keep Hammond Beautiful pursues various activities all with theaim of making our city more free of litter,making
it more beautiful, and supporting activities that are beneficial to the environment.Every tree planted marks one morestep in giving theenvironment alittle boost.”
Visitors claimingtrees could choose between sweet pecan, nativefringe tree, mayhaw southern magnolia, and southern crabapple. St.Cyr said this year themagnolia was the most popular choice of those claimingtrees. Mayhaw wasthe second quickesttree to be claimed. In the past, she said, mayhaw was the most popular choice. Mayhaws produce large red berries thatare prized as the source of preserves and jellies.
All the trees were in plastic
containers and ready forplanting. Thosewho accepted trees were also given printed instructions on how to properly plant and care for the tree.
The Apache Corporation Tree GrantProgram is asubsidiary of the APACorporation, afirm thathas petroleum drilling interests in New Mexico, Texas and Louisiana. The company’s websitenotes that since 2005 the program has partnered with more than1,000 nonprofit organizations and government agenciesacrossthe company’s U.S. operating areas.
The company’swebsite notes, “the program helps ensure that
As Louisiana braced fora rare winterweather eventlastweek, oneanimalshelter rushedtofind homes for its furry residents before the temperatures drop.
The Denham Springs Animal Shelter in Livingston Parish for the last week has sent out acall for help across social media: It needspeople to fosterdogsfrom theovercrowdedshelter ahead of the freezing temperatures. Since posting, the shelter has received quiteafew newfosters, shelter secretary Angel Guysaid.
“Of course, there’sstill afew more we would like to get out, if possible,” she said.
As of Friday morning, 21 dogs still needed to be fostered. If the shelter can’t getall thedogs fostered,itwillset up kennels inside the cat building to house the remaining dogs so they at least can be indoors. But getting more fosters is moreideal, Guysaid. Howyou canhelp
If you are interested in having afour-legged friend for the next week —ideally at least from SaturdaytoThursday—there area fewsimple qualifications to meet Potential fosters must be able to provide legalidentification, a working phone number and be able to verify where youlive. Those looking to foster do not need to be living in Livingston Parish, just a reasonable distance from the shelter.Also depending on the dog, it might have to be the only animal in the foster’shome. The shelter also said if aresident has aheated barn,itcould supply kennels to put in the barn to house dogs.
The shelter has only 26 indoor kennels, and the rest of the facility is outside. The facility,which is thefirst municipal no-kill shelter in Louisiana, typically reaches out to the community forhelpduring drastically changing temperatures.
The shelter is at 600 Bowman St. and is open every day from 9a.m. to 4p.m.
Animal groups in the state also are advising Louisiana residents to take care of their pets during cold weather
The Humane Society of Louisiana released avideo earlier in the month warning pet owners of how droptemperaturesimpact animals.Director JeffDorson said pets should notbeleftoutside by any means.
“They’re cold if you’re cold,” Dorson said. Rescue RehomeRepeat of South Louisiana, adog fostering program, said that dogs aresusceptible to frostbite, especially on the tips of their ears and tails. Owners should weigh the dog’sage and health conditions before deciding how long the animalcan be outside
Darlene Denstorff
The Junior Southwest Bassmasters meeting is set for 7p.m.Feb. 5inthe Seminar Room at Bass Pro Shops, Denham Springs. Boys and girls age-group bass tournaments are for ages 7-10, 11-14 and 15-18 anglers. Formore information,call Jim Breaux (225) 772-3026. MardiGrasparadeFeb.15
The Krewe of Denham Springs rolls Feb. 15 through Denham Springs. The paraderolls throughthe city starting at 3p.m. This year’stheme is “The Greatest Show.” For registration information andpa-
rade rules, visit tinyurl.com/zdwrstv8. KrouxofBarkustotakeoverpark
In Walker,the Kroux of Barkus/Bark in the Park is planned for Feb. 22 in Sidney Hutchinson Park. The event includes afarmers and vendor market, Zumbademonstration, pet parade and music withthe Cajun Roots Band. The half-mile parade begins by Challenger Field’sparking lot and follows thepark’swalking path. This year’s grand marshal will be an adoptable pet representing theWalker Animal
Hammond city employee Pam Middleton, left, assists Rita and Yancey Greer in choosing a southern magnolia at the city’s Arbor Day tree giveaway program on Sept 17. Southern magnolia trees were one of five varieties of trees offered to area residents on a first-come, first served basis. A total of 100 trees were available for area residents to claim.
Continued from page 1G
future generations can benefit from the steps we take today to create a more sustainable world.”
Arbor Day has been celebrat-
Mark Gascon talks on the phone while he walks his sweater-clad dog Roux at the park on Lakeshore Drive in New Orleans during the 2018recordbreaking cold southeast Louisiana and is expected to continue through tomorrow.
ed in the United States since 1872 when J. Sterling Norton, a Nebraska farmer, began a tree planting movement that later came to be known as Arbor Day
The day is traditionally observed on the last Friday in April but communities are encouraged to note this special day at
any time that is convenient. St. Cyr said that Hammond chose to mark Labor Day early because the Apache Grant Program chose to send the trees to Hammond in January The trees distributed in Hammond were delivered by the Jenkins Farm and Nursery in Amite.
Continued from page 1G
systems. The EPA granted Jefferson Parish $7.1 million to get rid of 25 diesel school buses and replace them with the same amount of zero-emission, electric school buses. It will also receive the necessary charging systems
The money is from the EPA’s Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Grant program created by President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. Jefferson Parish Schools Chief of Operations Patrick Jenkins said the district is excited about the opportunity and that the school board will vote on approving the grant soon. “We looked at what’s good for the
Continued from page 1G
environment and what’s good for the kids,” Jenkins said about applying for the grant.
The Livingston Parish Public School district is evaluating the award to determine if it will move forward with it, said LPPS spokesperson Delia Taylor
Similar funding for electric school buses has been granted in other Louisiana parishes such as East Baton Rouge It took about a year for the parish to receive its new buses, so other parishes could expect a similar timeline.
Baton Rouge also said it could use the electric buses only on shorter routes and that the district had to pay for some of the infrastructure improvements because the grant didn’t cover everything, the latter being why Livingston is still deciding whether to move for-
Shelter All proceeds benefit the Walker Animal Shelter
The pet parade rolls at 11 a.m For information, call (225) 665-3755.
Masquerade Gala planned
The Livingston Parish Chamber of Commerce is planning a Masquerade Gala
Continued from page 1G
in the cold. Factors like being older or younger can make it harder for dogs to regulate their body temperatures.
And of course, dog parkas and sweaters are always a good idea during this time.
Email Claire Grunewald at claire.grunewald@ theadvocate.com.
ward with accepting the federal funds.
As of June 2024, Louisiana had a higher number of students riding electric school buses compared to most states but was still behind a handful of states including South Carolina and Florida, according to Climate Central. Throughout the country the total number has been rapidly growing since 2019.
U.S. Rep. Troy A. Carter said he was proud to announce funding that will help fight climate change and improve environmental justice in the community
“We will improve air quality for everyone in Jefferson Parish When I supported the Inflation Reduction Act, these were the kinds of investments that I was excited about,” he said in the EPA news release.
March 28 at Carter Plantation in Springfield. The gala includes live music, casino games, prizes and silent and live auctions. For tickets visit tinyurl.com/88f6trkf.
At the library
Learn about worm castings at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22 during a class by the Livingston Chapter of the LSU AgCenter’s Louisiana Master Gardener Program. The program for ages 18 and older will teach how to start taking advantage of a fertil-
Community news report
Livingston Parish Public Schools has announced those top student winners for the 2024-25 school year
The Elementary Student of the Year is Piper Howes, a fifth grader at Holden School. The Middle School Student of the Year is Christopher Godso III, an eighth grader at North Corbin Junior High. The High School Student of the Year is Zachary McMenis, a senior at Live Oak High School.
The winners were nominated by their schools, and they competed against other Student of the Year winners from throughout the district. As representatives for Livingston Parish Public Schools, they will compete at the state’s regional competition for the opportunity to become a finalist for the Louisiana Department of Education’s top award.
Piper Howes
defeated in the Greco-Roman 14U National Duals. He is captain of the Walker Thundercast Wrestling Academy Godso said he hopes to pursue his wrestling competition throughout high school, and hopefully into college.
“Wrestling teaches you class and how to be graceful. You learn how to both win and lose with class and to hold your head high. You learn humility through wrestling, and that you will not always win,” he wrote in his application.
Godso also plays football for his school team, where he was named captain this year He is involved in his church and is a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes and BETA clubs. He is the 13-year-old son of Christopher Godso Jr and Alisabeth Godso, and Audrey Lachney
Zachary McMenis
Howes is the 10-year-old daughter of Chance and Maegan Howes. She is a member of her school’s basketball, softball and track teams. She also is training in the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under the tutelage of professor Kurt Holobaugh. Howes enjoys reading “realistic fiction” and history, and she is involved with programs at First Baptist Church of Hammond. She also enjoys helping her dad’s family at their dairy farm, as those experiences teach her about the importance of small farms, how to keep the cows healthy and how to operate some of the farm’s equipment, she said.
“Seeing how hard they work to provide for others is pretty cool,” Howes said in her application.
“Working on the farm has taught me work ethic, responsibility and just how important small farms are.”
Christopher Godso III
Throughout elementary and middle school, McMenis participated in the district’s Gifted and Talented programs and maintained straight A’s in his coursework In high school, he opted to take Advanced Placement classes in a variety of subjects, with a focus on those in history He has participated in several history and social studies competitions.
“I applied my love of history to something that could bring enjoyment to others. In my own personal time, I created a modification of a popular game called Hearts of Iron IV,” McMenis shared on his application. “Initially a strategy game about WW2, I learned to code the game and change its content to reflect the Victorian period and the American Civil War. This project is currently progressing and is in its 3rd year of development.”
Godso competes in youth wrestling, a sport he began when he was 3 years old. Over the past 10 years, he has won 15 state championships in three different styles of wrestling Folkstyle, Freestyle and Greco-Roman. Twice, he has been named an AllAmerican wrestler in 2019, after winning the Adidas National Championship; and this past year when he went un-
McMenis has been named a National Merit Scholarship semifinalist for his academic achievement. He participates in the Ambassador’s Club, BETA Club, Key Club, FCA Club and P7Club. McMenis plays the tuba in the LOHS Krewe of Blue marching and concert bands.
McMenis is the son of James and Carol McMenis and Jennifer and Scott Griggs.
The three Livingston Parish Students of the Year will be formally recognized at the district’s celebration of excellence gala in the spring. Those students who were named Students of the Year for their campus will also be recognized.
izer provided by the earth for the earth. This program is presented in partnership with the Livingston Parish chapter of the LSU AgCenter’s Louisiana Master Gardener Program. The class will meet at the Livingston Parish Library’s South Branch.
A class on how to press flowers with books is set for 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23 at the Library’s main branch. If you ever pressed a flower in a book, you know how well that works to preserve your blossoms Join the library in creating a literary flower press from an old book Patrons will
decorate it with paint and stencils to make an addition to your book shelf. If you have a book you would like to use, bring it along; if not, use one provided. Registration is required. For ages 18 and older
The library’s Lego Club meet Jan. 23 at the Watson branch. The club is for youth ages 5-12.
Send news and events for Livingston and Tangipahoa parishes to livingston@ theadvocate.com by 4 p.m. Friday or call (225) 388-0731.
Community news report
TwoLivingston Parish high school seniorswho come from low-income backgrounds have been awardedfour-yearscholarships to two of the nation’s top colleges as part of the QuestBridgeNational College Match Scholarship Program.
Asia Cox, asenior at Springfield High School, has been matched with the University of Chicago; while Khadija Henni, asenior at Denham Springs High School, has been matched with NorthwesternUniversity in Chicago. Both students will receive afinancialaid package provided by their match college that covers the full cost of attendance, including tuition, housing and food, booksand supplies, and travel expenses. The match scholarship does not include loans or aparental contribu-
tion. The students selected for the Match Scholarship Program have an average unweightedGPA of 3.94, and 92% are in the top 10% of their graduating class. Around91% come from a householdwithanannual income under $65,000 and 89% qualify for free or reduced-priceschool meals,a newsrelease said Cox has a4.16 GPA, and scored a30onthe ACT. She demonstrates leadership through her rolesinthe school’s Leadership Council, VEXRobotics and the BETA Club, whereshe servesas lead programmer,the release said.
Coxhas apassion for technology that she says was sparked by achildhood interest in video games. She is involvedinher computer science activities, which include programmingand hardwareprojectswith the goal of launching her own
application this school year She also has an interest in psychology andwants to integrate psychological insights into hertech projects to createalgorithms that foster genuine connections. She has earned several accolades,including theAP Scholarwith Honors distinction and recognition from the National First-Generation Recognition Program. “CongratulationstoAsia on heraccomplishments. She already representsour school as the Springfield High School Student of the Year,and this scholarship is possibly the largest ever awarded to oneofour students,” Springfield High School Principal Jillian Dupuy said Henni has a4.0-plus GPA across allher high school classes, whichinclude 16 Advanced Placement classes. She is president and founderofthe Debate/MUN Club and theDECA State
Vice President of Finance andCareerDevelopment. She haswon numerous DECA competitions.
Although Henniwas born andraised in Louisiana, her parents arefromAlgeria. She has traveled abroad to Algeria and Azerbaijanto participateinleadership or intern programs. She also founded an international leadership organization which has representatives from more than 60 countries, andshe is editor-inchief of an international multilingual advocacy publication basedinEurope
“My mother always told me to focusonmystudies and achieve the goals that I have setfor myself.Itseems general, but herpersistence and support are truly the only reason Iwill be attending atop sixuniversity in the country,” Henni said.
“If Ihad one thing to say to the next generation of students in Denhamoreven
Livingston Parish, it’sto focus on yourself and what you want,” she said. “Don’t let others’ opinions get in the wayofthat because if Idid, Idon’tknowwhere I would be.”
QuestBridge announced that 2,627 high school seniors acrossthe nationhave been matched with scholarshipsto52ofthe nation’stop colleges. These students will be admitted early to their matched school According to QuestBridge 83% of this year’s Match Scholarship recipients are among first generation college attendees
Community news report
LouisianaTechUniversity has announced its 2024 fall quarter president’sand dean’shonor lists.
Students whose names are followed by an asterisk earned recognitionasmembers of the president’shonor list. That distinction signifies achievement of at least a 3.8 academic grade point average on aminimum of nine semesterhours completed (100-levelorhigher), with no gradelower than a B. To be eligible for the dean’shonor lists, astudent is required to earn at least a3.5 academicgrade point average with no gradelower than aC on aminimum of nine semesterhours completed (100-level or higher).
Courses yielding satisfactory/failure grades and courses audited do not count toward eligibilityfor either recognition. Only undergraduates with no incomplete gradesare eligible Students from the region include:
Geismar: Emily Anne Christjansen, Baron C. Cosey,Sydnee Daniel*, Cameron Michael Dupre, Kylie P. Evans*, JuliaRuth Minvielle* Gonzales: Matthew Paul Bucci, Jared Anthony Cassard, Luke Gregory Hackney,MasonTyJones, Alexander M. Lambert*, Emma Rose Lamoureaux*, Jesse Kade Landry*, Hannah Grace Mcquiddy,Beau Romero*, Gavin Michael So-
niat*, Jacob Michael Stein*, ClaudiaJ.Wilkinson* Prairieville: Ethan A. Babin*, Brayden Paul Barnes, Emma ClaineBaumann*, Christian David Bock*, MaggieCatherine Brickey*,Sawyer Bruce Bufkin*,Zachary A. Chaisson,Rylan Walker Coe*, Emily Christine Duguay, Sara ReeseGathright,Colin Beckman Griffin,Melanie S. Jones*, Ella Lambert*, Toby JosephLatino*, Kailee Z. Lavigne, Evan JacobLawrence*, Alice Ellise Leotta, Kierstin Ruby Manly*,Abigail R. Mathews, MackenzieM.Millet, David Walker Morrill, Sheridan Brooke Smith*, Grayson Barrett Toney*, J. Bentley Unangst*, AnnaKathrynWilliams
St. Amant: Camryn Elise Boldt*, Collin Alexander Franta*, Addyson Lynn Gautreaux,SkylarAnn Kobitz*, JuddB.Rouyea*, Kinslei Marie Scroggs, Jacee Colette Spillman*
Sorrento:ZealandCook East BatonRouge
Baker: Anthony Palmer, Austin Dakota Pearson, Luke Owen Robinson, Annabelle M. Sheets* GreenwellSprings:Michael KKravitz, Olivia Marie Thibodeaux Pride:Zacc J. Landry
Zachary: Ashley Lauren Brumfield, Elijah William Carr*, Mya A. Claiborne, BillyJohn Deroche*, Brogan Lane Gibbon, Jay Gray*, Brianna Marie Hudson, Taylor Garrett Hughes*, Cobe I. Johnson, Cade Christian Leblanc, Kaleigh Nicole Louque, AverieReese Man-
uel*, Ryann A. McClure*, Ainslie Leanne McNabb, Nicholas William Nalepa*, Rodrigo Enmanuel Olmedo*,Alexander Alexander Otwell, Jackson K. Phelps, Michael Plaisance, Kye
Aiden Poston,Parker Wellsley Robertson, Madelynn K. Smith*, Zachary T. Smith, Sean M. Sullivan*, AlexanderChristianThompson, Evan Matthew Valliere
East Feliciana
Clinton: Raeghan Lynn Cunningham, AlexanderM Jose, James E. Jose*, Lily May Richardson
Ethel: Emmaleigh Ann Graves
Jackson: Tessa Marie Hay*, Catherine EHodges, Kaiden Major Lang*, Mckayla G. Mercer* West Feliciana
St.Francisville: Jacob JosefBarbosa*,SaraKaitlin Barrow,Parker Joseph Bennett, Abby Rae Benton,Ashlynn Grace Culley,Joseph A. Dalferes*, Jude Irwin Daniel*, Cade E. Grissett, SavannahMarieGunter, Lily A. Holland*, Elisabeth ThyHong*,MargaretAnne Lott*, Anna Maxwell*, Alexandra Kathryn Patin*, AbigailL.Pittman, William HatcherRalph*, Blakleigh Elizabeth Willis
Albany: Allan Aguado, Walker T. Poe, Ethan Arbis
Woods DenhamSprings: Emma Grace Allerheiligen*, Spencer Authement, Noah P. Chauvin, AvaR.Clark, Tony James Courville III*, Taylor
Anne Czarnecki*, Lauren N. Dodds, Davin Sean Donaldson, Mandolyn C. Donohue, Nathan M. Duke, Sophia Marie Esposito, Alayna M. Felder-Fields*, Delaney Ann Ferris*, Beau C. Harmon*, Anne M. Hebert*, Brandon Thomas Jones, Will J. Langley*, Jason P. Mitchell, Logan Joseph Pertuis*, Ella Price*, Nicholas W. Russell*, Sara Ann Schneller,Mia Schoen, Hanna LynStout*, Laney K. Vige, Dylan Thomas Watson
Livingston:Emily Cecilia Armand, Beau Dominic Armand*,Mason Andrew Smith
Springfield: Peyton Lane Ellis*
Wa lk er: John A. Bergeron*, Jack Vincent Clark*, Isabella RoseJohnson, Garrett Patrick*, Nathaniel Markangelo Vise* Tangipahoa
Amite:Nathan Battles, Kaylyn D. Murphy*, Kaleigh Brianne Powell*
Loranger: Dylan L. Burnthorne*, Ethan Joseph Falgout
Ponchatoula:Hanna M. Bankston*, Clarissa Keegan Haik*, Jenny Elisabeth Little, William Tanner Machen, Gabriel Allen Rivero*
Tickfaw: Luke William Purvis
SLU medal winners include, from left, sitting, Logan Dusang, of Chalmette; Kaleigh Gordon, of Livingston; Madaline E. Perkins, of Metairie; and Katie Boudreaux, of Gonzales; and standing, Southeastern President William S. Wainwright; Tyler McCoy, of Slidell; and Jake Leitz, of Ponchatoula. Not pictured are Kaleb Fontenot and Sydney Roy, of Walker; and Jessica Jemison, of Livingston.
SLU President’s Medal winners include, from left, sitting, Claire
Community news report
Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond celebrated its graduates Dec. 14, in two commencement ceremonies in the University Center University of Louisiana System President Richard “Rick” Gallot Jr served as guest speaker for both ceremonies.
The university awarded its highest academic honor, the President’s Medal for Academic Excellence, to 17 students with the highest cumulative grade point average in the university’s five colleges.
Medal recipients from the area included: College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences: psychology major Lauren Marie Bean, of Springfield; College of Business: finance major Kaleb Anthony Fontenot, of Walker, and business administration major Jake Gordon Leitz, of Ponchatoula; College of Education: middle school education
majors Claire E. Folks of Holden; College of Nursing and Health Sciences: social work major Katie Michelle Boudreaux, of Gonzales, communication sciences and disorders majors Kaleigh Ann Gordon and Jessica Jemison, both of Livingston, and health sciences major Sydney Roy of Walker; and College of Science and Technology: biological sciences major Kaitlyn Grace LeBlanc, of Hammond.
Students receiving associate, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees were:
Doctoral degrees
DENHAM SPRINGS: Eric Fasbender, Educational Leadership Ed.D Masters degrees
ALBANY: Vincent Hart, Biology
DENHAM SPRINGS: Alana P. Elmore, Special Education; Brent Grigas, Educational Leadership; Victoria Johnson, Nursing; Gavin Lastrapes, Business Administration; Cade McKinnis, Business Administration; Burlie L. Sholar IV Strategic Communication
LIVINGSTON: Brenton Payne, Strategic Communication; Meghan S. Wassan, Counseling; Abigail Wheat, Business Administration; Emily Wilson Business Administration
SPRINGFIELD: Brittany Balsamo, Strategic Communication; Caleb Spiers Business Administration
WALKER: Rylie Broussard,
Health and Kinesiology; Rylie Butler, Health and Kinesiology; Kassandra E Guidry, Communication Sciences & Disorders; Julia McDuffie, Business Administration; Brianna Threeton Communication Sciences & Disorders
Bachelors degrees
ALBANY: Kathryn Anderson, Chemistry; Alissa Frey, Biological Sciences; Tristyn Friloux, Health Sciences; Kaitlyn Landry, Accounting; Abbie Nelson, Early Childhood Education Grades PK-3; Megan Poe, Nursing; Hannah Radecker, Accounting DENHAM SPRINGS: Robert Alsbury III, General Studies; Raven T. Barze, Psychology; Shelby Brocksmith, Political Science; Victoria Burr, Nursing; Cameron Chadwick, Criminal Justice; Mattie Chopin, Human Sciences; Paige Cooper Nursing; Colby Crawford, Occupational Safety Health and Environment; Sam E. Dalberg, Psychology; Stephen Duran, Information Technology; Jessica Fauver Elementary Education Grades 1-5; Ava Forrest, Communication Sciences & Disorders; Claire Gard, Biological Sciences; Joseph Gomez, Kinesiology; Lauren V. Hanna, Biological Sciences; Aidan J. Hebert, Industrial Technology; Madalynn Henry, Marketing; James C. Herrin Kinesiology; Evan Hiestand, Nursing; Sydney Hill, General Studies; Da’Shun Hugley General Studies; Brienne Husser, Psychology; Christopher Kupershtein, Engineering Technology; Avery Lacombe, Health Systems Management; Kaylee Landry Management; Kade Lane, Information Technology; Carli Lee, General Studies; Brayden Lott, Accounting; Colby Martin, Sociology; Lauren Matherne, Art; Ashlyn May, Health Sciences; Joy C. McClung, Accounting; Jimmie McCoy III, Kinesiology; Jonah Morgan, Art; Brooke Phipps, Elementary Education Grades 1-5; Jaylan Priddy, Biological Sciences; Cebastian Rubio, Finance; Lexi Strain, General Studies; Sidney Thibodeaux, Business Administration; Berneccya T. Toussaint, Finance; Robin White, Information Technology; Logan Whittington, Finance; Eric Williams, Engineering Technology; Ja’Mya Williams Sport Management; Xenia T. Williams, Social Work
HOLDEN:Claire E. Folks, Middle School Education Grades 4-8; Lacey C. Lee, Accounting; Taylor Mathes, General Studies; Hailey Penton, Nursing; Braeden Wascom, Accounting; Jacob Wilder, General Studies
LIVINGSTON: Zane Bennett Accounting; Micheal J. Diez, Biological Sciences; Kaleigh Gordon, Communication Sciences and Disorders; Jessica Jemison, Communication Sciences and Disorders; Gerard Lotz III, Engineering Technology; Jack Norred History; Sydney Salassi, Communica-
tion Sciences & Disorders
MAUREPAS: Baylee Balfantz, Nursing; Justin Barnewold, Engineering Technology; Roman Hodges, Management; Sara Johnston, General Studies; Hallie Waguespack, Social Work
SPRINGFIELD: Lauren Bean, Psychology; Micaela Bono, Psychology; Joseph Granier, Business Administration
WALKER: Allie Arbour, Communication Sciences and Disorders; Tyler Bailey, Communication; Arianna E. Bretz, Psychology; Carl Bridges, Psychology; Dean Carlton, Management; Michael Collins Jr., Industrial Technology; Noelle David, Early Childhood Education Grades PK-3; Clayton Freneaux, Business Administration; Sophia Galbo Nursing; DeShay Juban, Communication; Charles Langlois, English Education Grades 6-12; Ryan Michelet, Business Administration; Tianna Nowell, Management; Sylena Powell, Accounting; MacKenna Rocker, Nursing; Baylie Romig, General Studies; Sydney Roy, Health Sciences; Hayden Ruiz, Accounting; Kelly M. Savoie, Nursing; Bryce M. Wadenpfuhl, Sport Management; Grant Whitney, Computer Science; Riley Williams, Human Sciences
Associates degrees
HOLDEN: Kobe Roy, Industrial Technology
Doctoral degrees
HAMMOND: James Reilly Educational Leadership; Ed.D MASTERS DEGREES
AMITE: Kelsey Fussell, History; Emily Smith Junkins, Teaching; Amanda Lindsey, Educational Leadership; Brandy Hickman-Mule’ Heandalth Kinesiology; Caitlin Ray, Communication Sciences and Disorders
HAMMOND: Joseph M. Alexander, Business Administration; Madelyn Anderson, Business Administration; Leah M. Bankston, Business Administration; Christopher Black, Strategic Communication; Robert Brown, Strategic Communication; Katherine Butler, Business Administration; Caroline Demars, Business Administration; David Ford Business Administration; Lindsay Gillespie, Business Administration; Thais Lindemayer Gomes, Health and Kinesiology; Jamie Green, Strategic Communication; Grace Guzan, Business Administration; Zachary Handlin, Curriculum and Instruction; Sheldon J. Holsapple, Business Administration; Sydney L. Koontz, Business Administration; Alexandra L. Mashon, Strategic Communication; Ronald S. Michele Jr., Strategic Communication; Brock Milton, Business Administration; Jeffrey Moran, English; Silva Monroe, Business Administra-
tion; Kimber Peters, English; Aleigh Sanders, Communication Sciences and Disorders; Alexis Scamardo, Teaching; Katherine Taylor, History; Haley Vicknair Communication Sciences and Disorders; David Zapchenk, Business Administration
Domiano, Business Administration; Jayla Hayes, Health and Kinesiology; Natalie Kelly, Business Administration; Christina Quinonez, Special Education LORANGER: Nicholas Pregeant, Business Administration; Gabriel Rodrigues, Business Administration
PONCHATOULA: Jacob Barthelemy, Biology; Lyndsey DeVaney, Educational Leadership; Brielle Engeran, Educational Leadership; Austin Flores, Business Administration; Marcela Goings, Strategic
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Lieutenant Governor, Louisiana Office of Tourism
Denise Bottcher StateDirector, AARP Louisiana
Chris Daigle Parish President, Iberville Parish Government
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sthe fourthlargest industry in thegreat stateof Louisiana, hospitalityand tourismmeans jobs. In 2023, theindustryprovided220,500 jobs.
Last year,43millionpeoplevisited to experience our music, food,culture,history,and outdooractivities, including ourstate parksand festivals—generating $1.9 billioninstate andlocal taxes, translatingtonearly$1,100 in taxsavings per household.
Ourinternational visitation is also growing. From 20222023, internationalvisitationincreased by more than 16 percent. WhileCanada, United Kingdom, Australia, France,and Germanyare ourtop fiveinternational markets,the Louisiana Office of Tourism, throughassistancefromaU.S. Department of Commerce grant, is targeting emerging markets such as Italy, Spainand India. With more than 22 millionIndians travelingthe world, they arethe largest groupofinternational travelersfrom Asia.Weknowinternational visitors stay longer andspend more in everycornerofthe state, andweare workingtobenefitfrom that economic boon
Louisianaalsocontinues participating in events that puther on national andinternational stages. We kicked off theMardi Gras season forafourthconsecutive year by participating in the 2025 RoseParade.Inpreviousyears,Louisiana’s participation reachedanestimated4.3 billionviewers andearnednearly$40 millioninadvertisingvalue
NewOrleans will soon host its11thSuper Bowl,tying Miamifor themostnumberofSuper Bowls. The last SuperBowl hosted in NewOrleans in 2013brought Louisianaanestimated $480 millionineconomic impact.
Tourismhas ahugeimpactonLouisiana, andwewill continue to treatvisitorslikefamilyand keep them comingback formore.
AARP,the nation’s largest nonprofit,nonpartisan organization,isdedicated to empowering people to choose howtheyliveastheyage.Our missioncenters on strengtheningcommunities andadvocatingfor what mattersmosttofamilies—health security,financialstability andpersonalfulfillment
In Louisiana, we understandthe strain families face from inflation, soaringutility bills, andthe escalatingcosts of home insuranceand otheressentials.Despitethese challenges, our state’seconomy continues to show resilience andopportunities forgrowth. AARP is committed to standingbyolder adults as they adapttothese evolving circumstances
As we look toward 2025, AARP will remain awisefriend andfierce defender forolder Louisianans. We arefocused on helping individualsage in place,surroundedbythe comfort of their homesand communities. Thiscommitmentincludes advancingaffordable housing, protecting againstfraud, supporting family caregivers,and ensuring accesstoquality healthcare
By workingtogether, we canaddress today’schallenges, seizeopportunities, andbuild sustainablesolutions for stronger,thrivingcommunities. AARP is dedicated to creating abrighter, more secure future forall Louisianans.
Aswewrapup2024, Ireflectonwhathas been an incredible first year as Iberville’sParishPresident. It’s an honortoserve as only thesecondParishPresident in 26 years, andI’m proudofthe strides we’vemade together toward abrighterfuture forIbervilleParish.
One of ourtop priorities remainsthe newMississippi RiverBridge—a projectthatiscrucial forthe BatonRouge area andIberville Parish.Asone of theonlyparishesalong theriver withoutabridge, this infrastructurewill bringmuch-needed relief to trafficcongestionwhile creating newopportunities forgrowthacrossthe region.Weare still waitingonthe resultsofthe environmental impact study, whichisexpected to be completedbythe first quarterof2025. Thisstudy will determinewhere thebridgewill be builtinIberville Parish,and we remain steadfast in ouradvocacyfor fundingand progress on this critical project. Lookingahead,weare laying thegroundworkfor afuture master plan that prioritizessmall businessdevelopment and smart growth.Our visionincludes attracting thebusinesses andservices ourresidents deserve whileensuringthatall developmentreflects theneedsand values of IbervilleParish. Isee abrightfuture forIbervilleParishand am committed to keepingresidents at theheart of everydecision. Together,we’ll continue to buildonthisyear’ssuccessesand work toward an even better tomorrow Wishingyou andyourfamilyahappy andprosperousNew Year!
Despiteour positive outlook, 2025 will presentchallenges. As artificialintelligencetechnologycontinues to advance, thenewsindustryfaces threatsfromAI-generatedcontent that risksunderminingthe work of local reporters. The rise of AI in contentcreationhas made it increasingly difficulttocompete with algorithm-generatednewsand aggregated reportsthatlackthe local insights andjournalisticintegrity we prioritize.Furthermore,the influence of social mediaplatforms continues to reshapethe medialandscape,withlegitimate news sources beingmarginalized.Socialmedia giants have drastically reducedthe visibility of localnewsoutlets,affectingour abilitytoreach ouraudiencesonthese platforms. In response to thesechallenges, we remain steadfast in ourcommitmenttolocal,authentic journalism. To addressthis, we will double down on building stronger relationshipswith ourreaders, enhancingour digital platformsincluding ourappstoensureour content reachesthose whorelyonusfor relevant andtimelyupdates. Additionally,weare exploring newwaystoengagewithour audience,including throughnewsletters,podcasts, andvideos. The outlookfor 2025 presents both opportunities andchallenges, andasthe leading Louisianapublisher,weare prepared to meet both with determination.Our expansion in health education, andbusinessreporting hasallowed us to stay relevant andstrengthenour ties to thecommunity.Wehaveseengrowthinour subscriber base this past year andexpectthat that growth to accelerate in 2025. With aclear strategy forcontinued growth,weare confidentthatour mediacompany will thrive even in theface of AI disruption andthe evolving dynamics of social media. Ourcommitmenttolocal journalism, informedbythe voicesand stories of Louisiana, will guide us forwardaswecontinuetoserve ourlocal audiences.
Susan B. Bourgeois, Secretary Louisiana Economic Development
Louisiana’s economic outlookfor 2025 canbesummed up in asingleword: Opportunity
The passageofAct 590 during the2024 Legislative SessionthatrestructuredLED,and thetax reform passed in the specialsessionlastfall, were monumental steps forwardingiving economic developers thetools we need to position Louisianato competeand win. By embracinginnovationand diversification whileleveraging ournaturalresources, Louisianaisdemonstrating that legacy industries like energy andmanufacturing cancontinuetothrive even as we seizeinvestmentand jobcreationopportunities in emerging sectors. Aperfect case in pointisMeta’srecentlyannounced $10 billion projecttobuild itslargest artificial intelligence data centerinthe worldinRichlandParish. Meta’s huge investment is expected to create more than 1,500 newdirectand indirecttechnologyrelatedjobsinacornerofthe statebestknown forits agricultural traditions.
With site developmentunderwayand construction expected to continue through2030, theMetaproject is alreadysparking neweconomic activity in northLouisiana as businesseslarge and small seek to benefit from thebillions of dollarsflowingthrough theregion.
Thishistoricproject is just thebeginningofaboldstrategyto driveeconomic growth statewide throughinnovation, andto provetothe worldthatwhenLouisiana says that we areready to competeonthe global stage, we mean business. We arejustgetting started. The Louisianaopportunity is now!
Cointment Parish President, Ascension Parish
Economic growth remainssteadyinAscensionParish, with apositive outlookprojected forthe next five years. In commercial andindustrialcapital investment construction on $2 billionworth of projects is settowrapupin thefirst quarterof2025. Meanwhile, work hasjustbegun with $6 billioninnew projects, anddecisions arependingonan additional $14 billioninpotentialinvestments. Over thepast fiveyears,employmenthas increasedby7%, whilewages have risenbyanimpressive19%, with manufacturing occupations leadingthe wayinoffering thehighest wages.
Recently, AscensionParishwas ranked theBestPlace to Live (Niche), thehealthiestParishinLA(Robert Wood JohnsonFoundation), thesecond-longestlifeexpectancyin LA (Stacker), thehighest median householdincomeinthe state, andthe top-performingsizeablepublicschooldistrict. AscensionParishGovernmentiscommitted to enhancingthe qualityoflifefor ourresidentsand thebusinesscommunity by continuallyraisingexpectationsand positive outcomes.
Lori Melancon President &CEO BatonRouge Area Chamber
he energy andchemicalsindustries remain avital part of our economy, drivingindustrialgrowth, creating jobs, andfueling economic progress.In2024, theBaton Rougemetro eclipsed more than 426,000 jobs, an all-timehighfor theregion, many thanks to ourgrowing energy andchemicalssectors.Job growth in theregionhas been incredibly robust in post-pandemic years, regularlyoutperformingnationalprojections.Ascompanies consider investment in low-carbonproducts, we areleveraging opportunities in energy innovationand sustainabletechnologies to ensure continuedsuccess. As energy andchemicalscompanies consider investment in newtechnologies, BRAC is strategically positioningthe region to lead in industrial innovation, digitalization,and sustainable products. The region is actively fosteringgrowthinadvanced manufacturing andhigh-growthenergysub-sectors,supported by a $35 billioneconomicdevelopment projectpipeline. These projects include investmentsinrenewable energy,hydrogen, ammonia, carbon captureutilization andstorage (CCUS) technologies, and sustainablefuels,whichwill diversifythe industrial base andreduce environmental emissions Additionally,transformativequality-of-lifeenhancementsare on thehorizon forthe BatonRouge Area.PlanBRIII will collaborate with aleadingplanningfirm to reinvigorate downtown development, whileplans fornew entertainmentvenues, includingthe upgraded RiverCenterand proposed LSUarena, areexpectedin2025. These investmentswill enhancethe region’s livability,creatingavibrant environmentwhere businessesand professionals canthrive.
Thisyearwill mark apivotal period of progress,asthe region builds itscompetitive edge to attractand retain businessinvestment andtop-tier talent.
Tindustrypartnersstayedbusyin2024hostingalonglistofgroups includingtheMississippiRiverCities&TownsInitiative,theSoutheas MuseumsConferenceandtheAllianceofAreaBusinessPublishers. Other2024highlightsincludedthesold-outSavannahBananagames lastMarchandthelaunchofBatonRouge’snewtop-tierholidayevent, LouisianaLights. TheUSBCOpenChampionshipsheadline2025forBaton Rouge’sentiretourismcommunity,withmorethan50,000bowler andtheirgueststravelingtotheCapitalCityfromMarchthrough theendofJuly.Asthesevisitorscometospendmoneyinourcity, weareencouraginglocalstohelpthemfeelwelcomeandinformed throughthelaunchoftheCapitalCityChampionsAcademy.This onlineeducationaltoolwillempowerfrontlineemployeesathotels restaurantsandretailbusinesses–plusanyotherlocals–tobecome advocatesforourcity. VisitBatonRougewillalsolaunchanewbrandin2025withthe goalofrefiningourlocalstoryandhighlightingtheeverydayrichness ofourcommunity Lookingbeyondthenextyear,VisitBatonRougealsocontinues toprioritizeprogressintheCapitalCity,workingwiththeCity/ Parishandkeypartnersontheexpansionandnewdevelopmento conventionfacilitiesandsports/eventvenues.
MikeManning President &CEO, Greater BatonRouge Food Bank
Adam Knapp CEO Committeeof100
TLarry Miller 2025 President
GreaterBaton RougeAssociation of REALTORS
Rouroutlook,it’simportant to describe just how much progress wasmade in 2024 to improveLouisiana. We arepleased to seethe statetakesomanypositive strides forward. We supportedthe Governor,Legislature and LED to research andpassalaw to restructurethe agency LouisianaEconomic Developmentlastyear. The response of neweconomic developmentactivityin2024for thestate wasswift, andLouisiana haseconomic momentum heading into 2025. In anotherarea, educationremainsapriorityfor leadersacrossthe state, andweweresupportivelastyear when Louisianaadopted anew,and much-needed,school accountabilityformula that increasesattention on readingand math performanceaswellascareerskills. In fact, forthe first time,schooldistricts acrossthe statewill getaccountability points forcreatinginternships andapprenticeships forhigh school students in collaborationwithbusinesses. It wasalso incredible that theLegislature andGovernordeveloped and successfullyenactedsweepingtax reformsthatwereconsistent with non-partisan policyrecommendations goingbackas faras1988byCABLand 2015 taxresearchfromCommittee of 100. Withoutquestion, Louisianawillgoupinnational taxrankingsthisyearasaresult, andwithout compromising fiscal stabilityfor highereducation andhealthcare. Finally, to improveworkforce needsacrossthe state, we worked with theLegislature andGovernoronlawsthatclearly assignthe responsibility forthe statetoaddressbusinessworkforce shortagesacrossthe state. Alot happened in just oneyear–lots of policychanges that were long overdue–all toward thegoal of creating abetterLouisiana forits citizens
Whitney Hoffman Sayal Executive Director Downtown Development District
The Downtown DevelopmentDistrict’scommitment remainssteadytodrive progress,fostereconomic growth andnew developments that enhancethe qualityoflifefor allwho live,workand visitDowntown BatonRouge.In2025, in conjunctionwithour community partners,wewill launch anew downtown master plan -Plan BatonRouge III(PBRIII). Thisvisionary blueprintwil continue therevitalization efforts seen over thepastthree decades. Keyinitiativesinclude enhancingpublicspacessuch as theRiverfront, improvingtransportation, andadditional housingand retail.PBR IIIhopes to attractnew businesses and residents, whileensuringDowntownBaton Rougeremains a thriving destinationfor everyone Casinodevelopment in Downtown BatonRouge is advancingwithmajor investmentssignaling anew erafor the city’s
The real estate industry is constantly evolving,and the GreaterBaton Rougeareaisnoexception.In2025, localagentsand brokerageswill focusonrefining their processesand practices to adapttochangingmarket conditions,updated NARpolicies,and newstate regulations. REALTORS® prioritize thebestinterests of their clients and thecommunity.TheREALTORS® of 2025 will be better trained, offer enhanced serviceoptions andvalue-addedsolutions for their clients. With an increase in inventoryand anticipatedratereductions expectedin2025, homebuyersinthe GreaterBaton Rougearea will have more purchasing options. The anticipatedjob growth andeconomic progress should boostdemand forhousing.For sellers, home prices areexpectedtolevel outmakinghomes more affordablefor buyers.This balanced market will create afavorable environmentfor both buyers andsellers in the GreaterBaton Rougerealestatelandscape
SteveLegendre 2025 President
GreaterBaton Rouge Association of REALTORS Commercial
Afterayearofreducedvelocityin2024 driven largely by elevated interest rates, thecommercialrealestate market is poised to move toward informed optimism in 2025. The post-electionlandscape hasstabilizeduncertainty settingthe stagefor ayearmarkedbysteady, if cautious growth.Investors cananticipatecontinued Federal rate cuts aimedateasinginflationary pressures, whileregulatory challenges areexpectedtomoderate. Thoughdramaticshifts in capital costsare unlikely,the relieffromprior aggressive rate hikesisexpectedtoencourage strategicinvestments acrosskey sectors. The industrial real estate sector remainsconstrained by lowsupply, exacerbated by insufficientspeculative development. Thistrend will likely persistuntil migration patterns shift andinfrastructurecatches up.Ona positive note,Class Aofficemarkets areshowing resilience,with most vacanciesinpremium properties nowbackfilled.Retai rental ratesare expected to maintain theirstrength, driven by sustaineddemand andhighconstructioncosts becoming thenew standard.Looking ahead, theeasingofinflation andstabilization of thelending environmentwill provide fertilegroundfor some speculativedevelopment in undersuppliedmarkets such as industrial warehousingand last-mile distribution.Overall,the year holdspromising opportunities forinvestors andend-users alike.
Bill Hines Managing Partner Jones Walker LLP
AGregory Bowser President &CEO, Louisiana Chemical Association & Louisiana Chemical Industry Alliance
Martin Walke Vice President Louisiana Public Facilities Authority
Aswemoveinto2025, Louisiana’schemical
tJones Walker,weare optimisticabout SouthLouisiana’s economic growth in 2025. As oneofthe largest law firms in Louisiana, we work in closepartnership with clients on projects andtransactionsthatpromote economic developmentwithin thestate,aswellasatthe regional,national, andinternational levels.Weare also continuallybolstering ourattorneyrosterwiththe most experienced professionals andthe most promisingminds,totacklethe largest andmost complicated legaland regulatory issues ourclientsencounter We areconfidentthatLouisiana’s oiland gassectorwill continue to driveeconomicgrowthwhile also facilitating opportunities in theglobalenergytransition. With theshift toward sustainableenergysources gainingmomentumand significantadvancementsindecarbonization occurringrapidly in Louisiana, it is imperative forbusinessestounderstandthe legal implications andregulatory developments involved in this evolution. Similarly, as ourhealthcaresectorcontinues to advance, we foreseeLouisiana beingrecognizedasaleaderinthe digital healthcare industry Moreover,artificial intelligence (AI) createsnew opportunities foreconomic development. It is essentialthatweharness and utilizeAItoour advantage Ourfirm actively promotes Louisianaasanideal location forbusinessdevelopment andinvestment. Oureconomic developmentaffiliate,Avident Advisors,leverages itsextensive knowledgeand experience to offer effective location advisory services andguidanceacross varioussectors.Theseinclude carbon capture, portsand terminals,and sustainableenergy, alongwithmanufacturing fieldssuchasautomotive, aerospace/ defense,shipbuilding, steel, rail,and petroleum/petrochemical Louisianaispoisedfor significantgrowth, andweare eagerto assume aprominentroleasaneconomicdevelopment partner in 2025.
Mandi D. Mitchell President &CEO LafayetteEconomic Development Authority
Lafayette stands as atestament to innovationand resilience, evolving from ourfoundationasanenergy hubintoa dynamic center fordiverse industries and sustainablesolutions.Inthe heartofAcadiana, Lafayette’s economic storycontinues to unfoldwithremarkable momentum.
Lafayette’shealthcaresectorcontinues itsrobustgrowth, whileour manufacturing base serves global markets with increasingsophistication. Ourtechnologysectorisexpanding, with majorcompanieschoosingLafayette fortheir operations. Meanwhile, ourstrategic location at thecrossroadsofI-10 andI-49has establishedusasa vital logistics hubfor theGulf Coast. We areleadingthe wayinenergyadvancement—bridging traditional oiland gasexpertise with cutting-edge energy solutions. Thisunique positioninghas createdapowerhouse economywhere establishedenergycompaniesand clean technologyinnovatorscollaborate to driveprogressand create high-valuejobs.
Andweare workingwithK-12and highereducation partners on creative initiatives to ensure we have thelocal talenttofill theroles acrossall ourgrowthsectors As we move into 2025, Lafayetteremainsaneconomic catalystfor SouthLouisiana—acommunity that embraces progress whilehonoringour Cajunand Creole heritage We’renot just adapting to change; we’redriving it,creatinga blueprintfor sustainableeconomic growth that otherregions seek to emulate.
manufacturing industry is entering an exciting era of growth andopportunity.Overthe past year,we’ve seen numerous advancements that highlight ourstate’s position as aleader in this critical sector
We arefocused on enhancingcommunity engagement strengthening ourindustry’sfoundation, andsolidifying Louisiana’sleadership in theglobaleconomy.GovernorLandry’s recentchanges to theIndustrialTax ExemptionProgram (ITEP) last year let theglobalindustryknowthatLouisiana is open for business,pavingthe wayfor opportunities forinvestmentinour greatstate.Our industry is projectedtogrowby2.5-3% over the comingyears,atestament to thestrengthand dedicationofour member companies andLouisiana’s attractiveness as ahub for chemical manufacturing
With multiple carbon captureand storageand advanced recyclingprojectsunderway, Louisianaisprimedtobecomea leader in environmental sustainability.Our member companies remain steadfast in their commitmenttosafety,innovation, and thewell-beingofthe communities they callhome.
As we look ahead, thefuture of Louisianaisbright. Iam proudtorepresent an industry that notonlydriveseconomic progress butalsoprioritizes giving back to ourgreat state. Here’s to aprosperous2025 forLouisiana andthe chemical manufacturing industry!
Rose J. Hudson President &CEO Louisiana Lottery Corporation
For over 30 years, theLouisiana LotteryCorporation has deliveredonits missiontomaximizestate revenue. Last fiscal year wasour SECOND BEST EVER,transferring more than $205 milliontothe statetobenefitK-12public educationinLouisiana The first half of our2025fiscal year hasbeenchallenging Inflationarypressures mean lessdiscretionary spending. Coupledwiththe recentlackofeye-poppingmultistate jackpots,the currentconditionsdemand that we add valueto ourgameoffering with second-chanceprizesand experiences These include ourongoing partnershipwiththe NewOrleans Saints foron-field gamedayexperiences,our Golden Nugget GrandPrize Eventwhere 10 finalists will enjoyaVIP weekend casinogetaway with thechancetocompete forcashprizesof up to $1 million, as well as ourNASCAR PowerballPlayoff Promotionwhere aLouisiana finalisttookhomethe $1 million topprize before thechampionshiprace in Phoenix. Lotterycustomers canexpectevenmoreofthese brand alliances andsecond-chance, prize-winningopportunities that sparkthe imaginationasweheadintothe newyear. 2025 will also be ayearofshift in ourindustryastechnologydriveshow ourgames aredelivered,includingcloud-basedtechthatallows tickets to printin-lane at retailers’ ownpoint-of-salesystems as well as usingdataanalytics to optimizeprize allocationsinour instantgames. Leadingone of themostfiscally efficientlotteries in thenation, Iamproud of ourmission-driven, innovative workforceaswellasthe 2,800 Louisianabusinessesthatsell ourgames andenthusiastically serveour players. The future is bright at theLouisiana Lottery, andthisgives us aReasonto Smilein2025!
Welookforward to this year with optimism and greatanticipation.TheLouisiana Public Facilities Authority(LPFA)celebratedits 50thanniversary in 2024 andisproud to proclaim Louisianaremainsatthe centerofits mission. As astatewide issuer of taxableand taxexempt municipalbonds,the LPFA provides pivotal, lower-cost financingtocommunities to furthereconomic development, health care andeducation;fuelingLouisiana’s growth and resilience
Sinceits inception in 1974, theLPFAhas financed more than $31.4 billioninbonds,including more than $12 billionto improveinfrastructureand qualityhealthcare, $7.51 billionto furthereducation,and $7 billionfor economic development. Projects financed by theLPFAhavegenerated more than 346,250 newjobsand more than $8.5 billioninadditional personal earnings, accordingtoaneconomic impact studyby Dr.James Richardson,LSU professoremeritusofeconomics. The LPFA also wonthe prestigious2024 Bond Dealofthe Year from The Bond Buyer. Through itseducation division, theLouisiana Education Loan Authority(Lela), theLPFAsupportscollege-bound students. Lela provides students andfamilies responsible borrowingoptions throughits LelaCHOICE supplementalloan programs.Additionally, Lela offersfreeremoteassistancewith theFreeApplication forFederal StudentAid (FAFSA). Sinceits inception,Lelahas assisted more than 425,000 students. Throughoutour historyand partnerships in businessand industry,the LPFA hasremainedcommitted to servingthe people of Louisiana. We will continue workingtofurther our missiontomakeour stateabetterplace to live andwork. We look forwardtonot only this year,but theyears ahead.
Kristin W. Wall President&CEO, LWCC
LWCCisaprivate,mutual workers’ compensation insurancecompany committed to helpingLouisiana thrive.Our stable,reliableinsurancecoverageis availabletobusinesseslarge andsmall,regardless of industry classification. Together with ouragent partners,weare proud to supportover18,000Louisiana-based policyholders in creating safety culturesand practices to reduce workplace accidents.
As amutual insurancecompany,LWCC’spolicyholders aremembers,meaning that they arebothprotected from loss andabletoshare in thecompany’s financialsuccess through ourdividendprogram.LWCC’sdividendprogram is oneofthe most consistent in theindustry, andhas returned $1.4 billion to policyholders since2003, enablingthemtoinvestintheir businesses andtheir employees. ThisfundingtoLouisiana policyholders directly supports Louisiana’seconomy,and LWCC is proudtoplaya role in helpingthemand ourstate thrive
LWCC’s mutual structurealsomeans that we takea relationship-first approach with ourstakeholders,and make decisionsthatwillbenefitour policyholders,their workers, and ourhomestate long into thefuture
We takepride in employingthe best minds in workplace safety to offer expert guidance on accident prevention.When workersare injured, ourspecialized in-house claims team cares forthemwithcompassionand care,helping them to return to work anda meaningfullife.
As apurpose-driven business,LWCCisLouisiana Loyal. Always
Mark T. Emonet
President& COO, Lipsey’s
Aswelooktothefuture,weareexcitedaboutthepossibilitiesahead. BatonRouge’sstrongeconomicforecastinspiresustogrowandexpand ourreach,bothlocallyandnationally.Withaleadershipteamdedicated toexcellence,aloyalandtalentedworkforce,andafocusonmeaningful relationships,weareconfidentinourabilitytothriveandmakealasting footprintintheyearstocome.
JayHardman, P.E.
DiannaPayton Chief Executive Officer, YWCA Greater BatonRouge
ExecutiveDirector, Port of Greater BatonRouge
ipsey’sisblessedtocalltheGreaterBatonRougeareahome.Fromour humblebeginningsasasmall,family-ownedsportinggoodsstore wehavegrownintooneofthelargestbusinessesintheregionanda leadingshootingsportswholesalernationwide.Oursuccessisfirmly rootedinfamilyvalues,hardwork,andanunwaveringcommitmenttoour customersandemployees. AttheheartofLipsey’ssuccessisourexceptionalleadershipteam,whose visionanddedicationhavebeeninstrumentalinnavigatingchallengesand drivinggrowth.Thisteambringsdecadesofexperience,innovativethinking andasteadfastcommitmenttothecompany’scorevalues.Theirabilityto buildrelationships,empoweremployees,andseizenewopportunitiesensures thatLipsey’sremainsanindustryleaderandavitalcontributortothelocal economy. Strongrelationshipsarethecornerstoneofourgrowth.Apersonal touch,ahandshake,andacommitmenttoourcustomers,vendors,partners andemployeesdefineourapproach.Ourworkforceisourmostvaluable asset,andweareproudtoemployover200teammembers.Withplansfor furtherexpansionin2025,welookforwardtocreatingnewopportunitiesand strengtheningourimpact AsaproudLouisiana-basedcompany,wearecommittedtofostering economicgrowthintheregion.Lipsey’sprioritizeshiringavibrantlocal workforcethatsharesourvisionandvaluesandactivelysupportslocal vendorstobolsterthearea’seconomy.Ourteamisalsodedicatedtoinvesting inthecommunity.Wehaveatraditionofphilanthropyandansweringthecall toserve.Wededicatehundredsofhours,raisefundsforcriticalcausesacross theCapitolregion,andcontinueredefiningwhatitmeanstogiveback
Withover70yearsofservice,Lipsey’shasevolvedinnameandsize,but ourfamily-orientedfoundationremainsunchanged.FoundedbyRichard Lip y—wh ti toplay ti le dn ledbyhisdaught ChairwomanandCEOLaurieLipseyAronson,thecompanycontinuestoset newstandardsforsuccess.
President &CEO Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System
Aswelooktowardthe future,I’m encouragedby theinnovativestrides beingmadeinhealthcare. At FMOLHS, we embracetechnologytoenhance diagnostics, improvetreatment timelinesand create more convenientcareexperiences.AsChampionshipHealth Partners,Our Lady of theLakeHealthand LSUdeliver remarkable advancements, andweremain committed to fosteringenvironmentsthatnurture ongoinginnovation. Recruitmentand retentionoftop talentare also crucial.As thedemand forskilled healthcare professionalscontinues to grow,our commitmenttodevelopingthe next generation throughFranciscanMissionaries of OurLadyUniversity continues to strengthen. We areinvesting in innovative training programs to preparefuture leaderswhile also providing ongoinggrowthopportunities forthose alreadydedicated to thefield.
Accesstocarecontinues to be apriority. We’refocused on expanding critical services, particularly in ruralcommunities, andensuringour primarycareprovidersare strategically placedtomeetlocal needs. Everystepwetakeisaimed at increasing accesstohigh-quality healthcare forall
As we begin2025onastrongnote, I’mexcited aboutthe opportunities aheadand thecreativesolutions we’llcontinueto explore to shapethe future of healthcare
024 hasbeenanother good year forthe Port of Greater BatonRouge duemainlytothe performanceofour privatesectortenantscontinuingtoexpandand improve their cargo-handling capabilities. Carrying this momentum forwardinto2025 will result in addedliquid bulk cargo transfer capacity becauseofthe addition/rehabilitation of anotherdeep-draftberth on theMississippi River, the construction of conveyance forimproving grain-handling efficiencies at thegrain elevator,and themodernizationand strengtheningofthe Port’s oldestdeep-water dock.Also helpingwill be thefinalization of acollaborative studybythe lowerMississippi Riverports to identify both import and exportcargo opportunities, notonlyfor theMississippi River butfor theentirestate of Louisiana. These developments, coupledwiththe CorpsofEngineers’ongoing deepening projectofthe MississippiRiver to amaintained50-footdepth to BatonRouge,plusthe continuedprogressbythe Port of New Orleanstobuild theLouisiana InternationalTerminal(LIT), makefor averypositive economic forecast forthe upcoming year.ThePortofGreater BatonRouge haspartnered with the Port of NewOrleans in recentyears to shuttlefull containers downriverfromBaton RougetoNew Orleans, specifically foroverseasexports. Duetothe LIT,our port will be able to shuttleevenmorefull containers downriverinthe future.As in thepast, thestaffand commissioners of thePortwillpursue newmaritimeopportunities that contribute to thegrowthand economic viabilityofthe region andthe StateofLouisiana.
YWCA …AnEconomicand Positive Social Force in BatonRouge
The YWCA of GreaterBaton Rougeisstrengthening ourlocal economywithlife-changingservicesthat enhancethe upward mobility of women. Through ourcomprehensive services, extensiveoutreach, andaccess to resources,wehelpwomen achieve financialstability.The synergyofworkforce andchild developmentispowerful. Last year,our EarlyHeadStart programenrolledmorethan 300 children, ensuringschoolreadinessand fosteringstrong parent-child relationships. At thesametime, parentsreturnto theworkplace or enrollinhighereducation coursestoenhance their learningpower.Wealsoaddress theoverwhelming needs of womenwho experience domestic violence.Our newYWCA ProvidencePlace apartments provide beautifullivingspaces, safety,and security forwomen andtheir children affectedby domestic violence.TheYWCALegal andCommunity Services team provides wrap-aroundservicestoenablerecoveryand a hopefulfuture.TheYWCAalsoassists womenfacing eviction andhomelessnesswithfinancialand legalresources.Our YW-Teens forGirls programbuildsconfidence andleadership skills to empowerand guide girls ages 12 to 19 to developtheir full potential. In 2025, we will proudlyintroduce ourlatest commitmenttothe community with thegrand opening of ournew YWCA Women’sEmpowerment Center in Mid-City, enhancingour visibility andoutreach. The YWCA continues to significantly impact theBaton Rougeeconomy by enabling more womentoincreasetheir earningpower,helping girlsface their challenges, andsupportingfamiliestoestablish asolid foundationfor theirchildrenduringthose critical formative years. To learnmoreabout ourmission,gotoYWCA-BR.ORG
Todd Graves Founder, CEO, Fry Cook &Cashier Raising Cane’s
024 wasanother greatyearfor RaisingCane’saswe served ourCustomers 460 milliontimes andpartnered with over 45,000 local organizationstodonatemore than $20M to ourlocal communities. We grew to nearly 900 restaurantsacross41statesand made historyasthe first and only QSRbrand on LowerBroadwaywhenweopenedour NashvilleFlagshipthissummer.In2024 alone, we createdover 15,000 newjobs, promoted 4,500 Crewmembersinternally, andcontinued leading theindustryacrossall metrics. We also celebrated our“GoldenBirthday” when we turned 28 on August 28 andmarkedthismilestone with theopening of a fullygoldRestaurant in Boston andapledgetogiveback$28M to local communities over thenext year Despitethisgrowth, we have remained true to whowewere when Ifounded Cane’s 28 yearsago,atthe northgates of LSU’s campus.I neverimaginedthatwewould reachthe successwe have,and Iremain grateful to thecommunity of BatonRouge andcitizensofLouisiana forall theiryears of endlesssupport
Seth Hachmeister Senior Director, VerizonBusiness
nLouisiana, VerizonBusinessisdedicated to supporting oursmall businesscustomers with integrated toolsdesigned to enhanceefficiency andeffectiveness. Ourteamcreates custom solutionsand professionalservices to assist businesses in variouswaysand ourfieldteams work closelywithsmall businesscustomers daily, drivinginnovationwithinthe community Over thelastthree years, Verizonhas significantlyinvestedin NewOrleans,nearlytriplingits networkcapacitytoprepare the city forits influx of tourists andbusinesstravelers.And we are notdoneyet.Withthe influx of customers, stayingconnected is crucial.Withpreparation andpartnerships, businessescan capitalizeonthe opportunities that large-scale events bring. We have successfullyassistedcustomers in scalingtheir operations by providing them with additional primaryand backup connections, enablingthemtoworkand conducttransactions from anywhere Lookingahead,the economic outlookacrossLouisiana is promising, driven by technologicaladvancements andstrategic investments. The expansionofhigh-speedinternetand 5G networks will empowerlocal businessestoinnovateand competeglobally. Thisconnectivitywill attractnew industries, from tech startups to advanced manufacturing,fostering job creation andeconomicdiversification. With thesupport of VerizonBusiness, we canhelpthe state continue to grow.Byharnessingthe poweroftechnologyand connectivity,Louisiana will continue to evolve,ensuringa vibrantfuturefor allits residents
Communication; Casey Kennedy, Biology; Lucas Laborde, Business Administration; Peyton LeSaicherre, Business Administration; Nora Maher; Business Administration, Gabriel D. Pevey, Business Administration; Mary Plauche; Strategic Communication; Mason Richard, Business Administration; Victoria Usey, Strategic Communication
TICKFAW: Alayna Dansby, Strategic Communication; Venise D. Weaver, Business Administration
AMITE: Tyler Barber, Management; Jordan Colona, Occupational Safety Health and Environment; Sarah Gordon, Social Work; Ella Lombardo, Supply Chain Management; Theresa Miller, Social Work; Thea Painting, History; Olivia L. Price, Kinesiology; Brooke Tuminello, Early Childhood Education Grades PK-3
HAMMOND: Isabella Acunzo, Nursing; Jaxon Angeles, Criminal Justice; Justin Angeles, Criminal Justice; Lucy Armand, Social Work; China Austin, Nursing; Christopher Ballard, General Studies; Jacob Bankston, History; Adrianna Beninato, Nursing; Alissa B. Blanchard, Art; Erica Boudreaux, Middle School Education Grades 4-8; Max Brackmann, Engineering Technology; Brooke Brannagan, Nursing; Sean Bruce, Engineering Technology; Benjamin Byers, Sport Management; Joshua Cantu Information Technology; JaiLi Colucci, Nursing; Hunter Cook, Industrial Technology; Brenna Criswell, Elementary Education Grades 1-5; Courtney Davis, Marketing; Sophie Domingue, General Studies; Daejah George, Criminal Justice; Brock Hardesty Communication; Joshua T. Hay, Industrial Technology; Simone Herlihy, Communication; Jolie Hidalgo, Nursing; Keagan Hogg, Accounting Also, Abbie Holliday, Biological Sciences; Robin Jones, Nursing; Juan Joseph Jr., Health Sciences; Daniel Keller, Kinesiology; Katherine Lavaty Communication; Kaitlyn LeBlanc, Biological Sciences; Dmytro Levytskyi, Information Technology; Carrey Lipps, Information Technology; Hannah Lyons Accounting; Alexis Marshall, Nursing; Iris Melendez, Management; Jessica Mills, Industrial Technology; Jasmine Milton, Nursing; Jaxon Morse, Accounting; Treylan Mouton, Business Administration; Nicole O’Neill, Kinesiology; Samyog Panta, Computer Science; Timothy Penton III, Management; Jolie Pierce, Engineering Technology; Noah Pitre, Occupational Safety Health and Environment; Brennin Pittman Marketing; Shayna Rankin, Accounting; Allee Richardson, Industrial Technology Also, Madison Robertson, Biological Sciences; James Rogers, Criminal Justice; Thomas Samuel, Accounting; Dathan M. Sanders, Communication; Vaughn Schmidt, Criminal Justice; Madison Shepston, General Studies; Aone Shrestha, Computer Science; Randon Singleton, Kinesiology; Ainsley Smith, General Stud-
ies; Christina Smith, Nursing; Sameer Thapa, Nursing; Ellie Torrance, Marketing; Jade Vidas, Business Administration; Chellyn Williams, Art; Abby Wright, Social Work; De’Kayla Yates, Criminal Justice
HUSSER: Alyssa Vernon, Nursing
INDEPENDENCE: Katie Badon, Health Sciences; Josue Castillo, Art; Bryson L. Cialona, General Studies; Cameron Faust, Business Administration; Tori Gillies, Nursing; Ryan Hart, Biological Sciences; Skylar Nichols, Biological Sciences
KENTWOOD: Theresa A. Bardwell, Accounting; Deven A. Daniels, Biological Sciences; Madison Latham, Elementary Education and Special Education Mild/
Moderate Grades 1-5; John Verberne, Criminal Justice
LORANGER: Dasyonne Brashear, Marketing; Kailyn Oliphant, Human Sciences; Yolanda V. Taylor, Health Systems Management; Blair R. Valenti, Early Childhood Education Grades PK-3
PONCHATOULA: Taylor K. Aiken, History; Avery Anderson, Business Administration; Jamaica Ard, Criminal Justice; Brittany Bauers, Biological Sciences; Virginia Bell, Biological Sciences; Chad B. Boh, Social Studies Education Grades 6-12; Lauren Bourgeois, Psychology; Haley Brents, Health Systems Management; Hannah Carlton, Psychology; Carly L. Coldwell, Marketing; Kaylie Cutrer, Marketing; Ariana Diaz, Psychology; Gabriel Diaz, General Studies; Wyatt K. Digby, Business Administration; Alaina Frahm, Psychology; Seth A. Freeman, Nursing; Bailey Haist, Communication; Lashanta Henderson, Health Sciences; Olivia Housley, Management; Francesca Inzina, Sociology; Tomyjah Joseph, Health Sciences; Karlee Kraft, Psychology; James Kuhn, Social Work; Niquetta Lee, Sociology Also, Jake Leitz, Business Administration; Ashlyn McKinney Human Sciences; Jerry McKinney III, Kinesiology; Jaelyn E. Moya Communication Sciences and Disorders; Claudia Olah, Biological Sciences; Madeline Olah, Health Systems Management; Michelle Olvera, Health Systems Management; Vanessa Perez, Nursing; Savannah Phillips, Art and Communication; Chandler M. Poche, Biological Sciences; Jaylyn Poche, Psychology; Jacob Quesada, Criminal Justice; Jeneé Raiford, General Studies; Ryan Raiford, Supply Chain Management; Jake Savona, Psychology; Ainsley Smith, General Studies; Lily Speir, Management; Isabella Tallo, Health Sciences; Lane Thompson, Psychology; Nicole Tribble, Marketing; Logan A. Virga, Industrial Technology
ROBERT: Emily Craig, Elementary Education Grades 1-5; Isaac Snyder, Communication Sciences and Disorders
TICKFAW: Jared F. Brown, Music; Joshua Cadden, Art; Marvin Cervantes, Finance; Jasmine Hall, Art; Candace Lemay, General Studies; Kendall May, Biological Sciences; Makaila D. Selders, Human Sciences; Jacob Waddle, History; Abigail A. Worthy, History
Tatiana Alaniz, A1 Nola Notary
Tishia Boldene, Squeezy FreshLLC
Ana Borden, AMB2 Architecture, LLC
Lori Butler, AHappyYou Counseling Services
KarlaCoreil &Jennifer Loftin, ChapeauxLLC
CharlesDaniel, GeauxRide
David Decuir, iCAN TechnologiesInc
ThrissaEvery, EveryWay Insurance AgencyLLC
Jonathan Floyd, BoxOfCareGiftCompany
OctaviaFortier Nola E-Comm LLC
Latasha Glass Phoenix Prodigy Consulting Firm LLC
GregoryGuarisco, GuariscoMarketing,LLC
Alycia Johnson, SweetKraving Donuts
JoycelynJohnson, Campus Safety Solutions LLC
Terence King, TheTAK Group
Paul Laugand, It’s Playtime NOLA
Kyle Nugent, ACut AboveLawn &Landscaping LLC
RockyOrtego, RedBison Services, LLC
Sebastian Ortiz, Building BrewersConstruction
ChanningParfait, PropelLearning
Christopher Switzer, Bayou Trimlight
J.J. Thomas, Indigo Insurance &WealthBuilders, LLC
Ynohtna Tureaud, Anointed Hands Trichology Center forHair Loss,LLC
LaDarbyWilliams Germ SlayersCleaning &MaintenanceSolutions
Twenty-fivelocal entrepreneursinLouisiana across13parishes aretaking their businesses to thenextlevel.Ifyou arealocal business owner with afierce drivetogrowand an entrepreneurial dream, then youcan also apply forthe ShellLiveWireLouisiana AcceleratorProgram.
“When Istarted A1 Nola Notary,itwas clearthatabetterhandle on thefinancial aspects of running abusiness wasneeded. That’s whyIjoined theShell LiveWire program. Since then, A1 Nola Notary hasseen abusiness evolution. Thecompany hasgrown andI’vegained valuable insights and skills to effectively manage and scale operations,” sharedTatiana Alaniz,co-owner of A1 Nola Notary
Applicants areacceptedfromAscension, Assumption, East BatonRouge,WestBaton Rouge,Iberville,Jefferson,Lafourche, Livingston, St.Charles, St.James, St.John the Baptist, St.Mary, andTerrebonne Parishes. Diverse micro, entrepreneurs, and small business owners(e.g., women-owned,minority-owned,veteran-owned, LGBTQ+, etc.)are strongly encouraged to apply
Applications forthe 2025Shell LiveWire Louisiana Accelerator Programare being acceptedthroughJanuary 31, 2025. Application formscan be found on: www.shell.us/livewire.