Chorus on roster forinternational competition
BY ROBERT S. WOLF Contributing writer
The all-female Crescent City Sound Chorus recently won the title as the top small chorus in the Gulf Coast Region of Sweet Adelines International, but that’s notthe best part of this musical story: It also scored high enough to qualifyfor the annual Harmony Classic, where it will face off with four other groups for the international title in its division.
Its fourcompetitors in the 2025 Harmony Classic, which will be held this spring in Columbus, Ohio, are fromthe United States, Canada and England.
“Wehave wonthe regional title
King Cake Drive-Thru debuted in OldMetairie last season, bringing anew conceptfor caketo-carconvenience. It’sback again,offering an array of cakesfrom aroundthe metroarea each Friday through Sunday,from 7a.m. to 7p.m., outside Duckworth Tires at 1009 Metairie Road.It operates DIYpop-up style from atailgating tent, andyou can driveorwalk up.
several times before, but didn’t score high enough to make it to the Harmony Classic, so it’sabig deal for us. We’re very excited,” said Jill Harsch, achorus member and its marketing coordinator Sweet Adelines International is one of the largest singing associations forwomen who harmonize in the barbershop style with more than 23,000 members in chapters around the world. There are 24 regions around the globe. The local chorus has 25 members who comefrom as faraway as Galliano and the north shore for three hours of practice every
While dogs have long held the title of man’s best friend, cats can be your friends, too. It just takes alittle moreeffort and patience. Experienced cat owners know that in the beginning, they can be shy and wantto keep to their own space. In general, when compared to dogs, cats tend to be morealoof and are therefore often misunderstood. This behavior can sometimes be mistaken as adisinterest in having arelationship with humans. However,once they warm up, cats can be extremely affectionate and becomevery bonded to their people.
Like dogs, cats have individual temperaments and personalities. Somewill want to be lap cats, will purr often and quite literally demandattention. Others are happy just to be in the sameroom, near their people, but they draw the line at cuddling. Cats are knownfor their independent nature and can makethe perfect companion forsomeone that may be on the go because they often need and enjoy their space, too.
Following are afew tips to makeitalong-lasting love with your new kitty: 1. Kittens learn key social skills between 2to9weeks of age. Adopting akitten is the perfect way to fast-track
The postwar yearsbrought big changes to Jefferson Parish. Learn all about them Feb. 1as Charles Chamberlain IIIgives apresentation titled “Building the Suburbs: AHistory of Mid20th-Century Jefferson Parish,” at 1p.m. at the East Bank Regional Library,4747 W. Napoleon Ave., Metairie.
“In the postwar years, the rural environment of Jefferson Parish on both the East Bank and the West Bank underwent tremendous change with the growth of suburban development,”says Chamberlain, aprofessor of history at the University of New Orleans concentrating on Louisiana studies.
of its pieces. Puzzles that remain untraded canbedonated to the Friends of the Jefferson Public Library
At 2p.m., the Jigsaw Puzzle Contest begins,involving teams of two people whowill complete or come close to completion of a500-piece puzzle by 4p.m.The contestis limited to adults 18 years of age andolder.The first three teams to finish or that make the mostheadway win prizes.
“With aboom in car sales and low-interest mortgages available through the federal G.I. Bill, subdivisions for returningWorld WarIIsoldiers and their families appeared on former pastureland and with them came new shopping centers, restaurants, schools and libraries,” he said. “Roads were paved and widened, andthe arrival of Interstate 10 and the Causeway became major catalysts for commerce and residential growth.”
Chamberlain received his doctoral degree in U.S. history from Tulane University in 1999, andhis upcoming book “New Orleans” (LSU Press, 2025) covers the complete history of the cityand environs.
JIGSAW PUZZLE EXTRAVAGANZA: There are thee elementsto the Jigsaw Puzzle Extravaganza, hosted by theEast Bank Regional Library andtaking place from 1p.m. to 4p.m. Feb. 8atthe East Bank Regional Library,4747 W. Napoleon Ave., Metairie.
First, patrons can bring their used puzzles to swap with others. Each puzzle should have all
Continued from page1G
Monday night and an all-day practice that breaks onlyfor lunch one Saturdayamonth.
Director Mary Beth McMurray describes their art as acappella musical theater and she says everyone puts their heart into their performances.
“These ladies get after it,”McMurray said. “Wefeed off of each other’senergy.”
McMurray explained that once they are onstage at the world championship, they willhave only six minutes to impress the judges, who score each routine based on music,sound, expression and visual communications. For the regional competition last March in Houston, thesingerswere all dressedasvarious incarnations of Barbie. Their song choices, “On aWonderful DayLike Today” and “If IRules theWorld,” fit the upbeat theme of empowerment, and there was some choreography For the Harmony Classic, chorus memberswill get to add dialogue, said Harsch. “We’ll expand to an entire skit with more staging. Each chorus designs its own package. We will have people playing parts of characters. We write our own skit,and have to use music to match what we’re trying to say.”
“There’squite an expansive rulebook, and it’sanice study on how to actuallytouch your audience with your performance,” McMurray said. “Wefollow the rules closelybecause we have to meet and exceedthe requirements of each category.”
From farand wide McMurray has been directing the chorus since 2012,although she currently lives 600 miles away in Fort Smith, Arkansas. She connects every Mondayvia skype to give directions and lay out lessons, and she has several assistants who make it easier to direct fromafar.
McMurray comes to every Saturday practicetoconnect with singers andmake sure the group is headed in the right direction.
said she was hooked from the very first meeting she attended
Also, members of the Friends of theJefferson Public Library will be present to sell puzzles that have beendonated by patrons. Sales arecash only
WAREHOUSE SALE: TheFriends of theJefferson Public Library will sponsor aWarehouse Sale on Feb. 8, from 9a.m. to2 p.m. in thehallway directly off the lobby at East Bank Regional Library, 4747 W. Napoleon Ave. in Metairie.
Boxes of bookswill be sold for $5 each. They will include cookbooks, children’sbooks (E and J, fiction andnonfiction) and regular fiction (paperback and hardback).
Boxes are labeled as to what they contain and cannot be opened prior to purchasing
This is agreat way to purchase wonderful books at abargain price.Payment may be made using cash or acredit card. For more information,contact the Friends at (504) 455-2665 or email FriendsJPL@Yahoo.com.
ENERGIZE YOUR DIET: Elisabet Trujillo, nutrition andcommunity health agentfor theLSU AgCenter,will discuss“TheImportance of Protein in theDiet” at 10 a.m. Feb.5 at theEast Bank Regional Library,4747 W. Napoleon Ave., Metairie
For more information, call the Friends of the Jefferson Public Library at (504) 455-2665 or email
Mrs. F. M. Copeland,left, chats in her Metairie backyard with neighbor Mrs. John Ernst Jr.in1961. Thanks partly to an increase in home ownership made possible by the GI Bill, suburbs in the NewOrleans area —including Jefferson, St.Tammany and St.Bernard parishes —saw majorpopulation increases in the second half of the 20th century. Learn more about the effect in Jefferson Parish at atalkonFeb.1 at the main Metairie library.
BOOK CLUBS: Avariety of book clubs are coming up in January through thelibrary
n “My Face Is Black Is True” by Mary Frances Berry: 6p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Feb.10, Rosedale Library,4036 Jefferson Highway, Jefferson.
n “The Charterhouse of Parma” by Stendhal: 7p.m. Feb. 10, East BankRegional Library,4747 W. Napoleon Ave., Metairie. French Lit Discussion Group members read thesecond half, or about 200 pages.
n “The ArtThief” by Michael Finkel: 2p.m. Feb. 18, Old Metairie Library,2350 Metairie Road Old Metairie Mystery Book Club.
n “Lady Tan’sCircle of Women” by LisaSee: 2:30 p.m.Feb. 18, River Ridge Library,8825 Jefferson Highway,River Ridge. Jefferson Highway Book Club.
n “The Loved One” by Evelyn Waugh: 7p.m. Feb. 18, East Bank Regional Library,4747 W. Napoleon Ave., Metairie. Great Books Discussion Group.
n “The Villa” by Rachel Hawkins: 2p.m. Feb. 18, Old Metairie Library,2350 Metairie Road,Old Metairie.
n AnyBook Club –Contemporary: 6p.m. Jan. 8, Jane O’Brien Chatelain West Bank Regional Library,2751 Manhattan Blvd., Harvey ANDROID 101 FOR SENIORS: De-
signed forthose with limited smartphone experience, Android Phones 101 forSeniors is aclass being held from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Jan. 29 at the Jane O’Brien Chatelain West Bank Regional Library,2751 Manhattan Blvd., Harvey Seniors will learn smartphone terminology and have hands-on experience with asenior guide (seniors guiding seniors). Small class size ensures individualized attention in anonintimidating environment.
ACTPRACTICE: Students can register to take an ACT practice test from 9:30 a.m. to 2p.m. Feb. 1at the Jane O’Brien Chatelain West Bank Regional Library,2751 Manhattan Blvd., Harvey Students take the practice test in an environment that mimics the computerized version of the test. All registrants must have a valid library card to participate, and are encouraged to bring a pencil, scratch paper,and acalculator forthe mathportions of the test. Test scores will be furnished immediately upon completion and patrons will be able to use them to study forthe ACT
MUSIC: The Crescent City Big Band performs at 7p.m. Jan. 30 at the East Bank Regional Library, 4747 W. Napoleon Ave., Metairie.
MINDFULNESS: Dr.Jayashree Rao will lead aseries of mindfulness sessions at 3p.m. on Mondays at the East Bank Regional Library, 4747 W. Napoleon Ave., Metairie. The next course occurs at 3p.m. Feb. 3. Through guided meditation and brief exercises, participants will learn to develop mindfulness that will help them experience the present momentduring everyday activities.
ChrisSmith is manager of adult programming at theJefferson Parish Public Library
manyyears ago. She hassung with Sweet Adeline groups for 43 years,including chapters in Houmaand Baton Rouge before moving to New Orleans in 2004.
Shestill has friends in the Baton Rouge group because Sweet Adelines is afriendly competition,she added, where the clubs help eachother and everybody roots for everybody Educators come from other choruses to help members of thelocal chorus improve their voices.
Sue Galliano drivesinfromCut
Off for practices on Mondays and Saturdays, as she has done since the 1970s, and she describesthe group as afellowship with many long-standingfriendships that go way beyondsinging
“We’re asmall chorus, and we write shows anddothe whole thingourselves,soweget to knoweveryonevery well and there’salot of camaraderie,” Galliano said
She particularly enjoysthe cre-
ative aspect of being in the group.
“Our chorusjust lovestodo costuming sincewe’re allessentially from New Orleans,” said Galliano,who describesherself as anicegrandmother with a good voiceand aclosetfull of costumes. “Last year everybody gottobethe Barbie of their choice.”
Galliano said the chorus is al-
waysopentonew members, and the only requirement is that “you can carry atune.”
Voicelessons are abig part of every practice, and it’seasy to learn by listening.
CCSC is also one of the fewopportunities to sing with others, Galliano said.
“In the NewOrleans area, where do you go to sing? Youcan
sing in abar or at afuneral, and there’snot muchelse out there, particularly if you’re older,” she said. “This is afantastic outlet for people who like to sing and don’t have adedicated place to do it.
“The nice thing is that we don’t have to drag any instruments with us. We just show up with a pitch pipe and sing.”
As the director of the group, McMurray says she’salways thinking about whatthey can do to up their game.
“Wewant to make our music something to remember,” McMurray said. “How do we touch the audience, how do we touch their heart, how do we move people at the core of their being? That’swhat we’re trying to do.”
This year’sannual convention and Harmony Classic competition will be held on Oct. 20-25. The Crescent City Sound Chorus will compete on Oct. 25. It’scurrently looking to expand membership and seeking sponsors to support its efforts.
Royal revels were the order of the day when the monarchs of the Krewe of ALLA staged apre-Carnival celebration at the Arbor Room in City Park. King James Carterand Queen Gian Durandwere fêted at agala thatincluded music by theVegas Cola Band, Tidal Wave Brass Band andDJPolo In additiontokrewe royals and members, the royal court dukes in attendance included Telley Madina, Charles Teamer and Jatavian Williams, as well as former monarchs Drs. Mark Matrana and James Bragg. Also in attendancewas ALLA Board President Stanton and StephanieMcNeely III and a host of local and state elected officials.
The krewe, originally formedonthe West Bank, now parades Uptown on a new night for 2025 —Wednesday
Continued from page1G
to other pets in the family
2. If adopting an adult cat, you will need to let him explore at his own pace. Felines need space and time to feel comfortable and acclimate to a new environment. Slow introductions with other pets are agreat approach so everyone has timeto settle in.
3. Restrict the cat to one room until he is comfortable. Some cats may walk in ahome and feel at ease from day one, while others may be nervous, even terrified, and hide for afew days or evenweeks.This is totally normal.
The time for settling in isdifferent for each pet. Having asafe space for the cat to decompress and become familiar with hisnew environment will make the transition and acclimation process go smoother
4. Do not expect acat to bond equallywith every personinthe home. Some cats “pick their person” and get more attached to one family member over others
5. Food is agood gate-
way to bonding.Instead of leaving the food outall thetimefor thecat to free feed, make mealtimean opportunity to gain trust. By beingthe food source for thecat,hewill learn that hishuman is theone providing something he wants
6. Firsttime cat owner? Getreadyfor along-term commitment. Catscan live upward of16years, some even longer,sothere is plentyoftime to win him over if at first it seems that he’sjust not that intoyou. Anew year is always a great timetowelcome a new pet into thefamily
Visit yourlocal shelters and rescues to find the perfect feline friend.They are overflowingwithcats of all ages, colors, degrees of fluffinessand affection levels. Just keep in mind that, sometimes, acat just needs someextra timeand spacetosettle in
Traci D. Howerton is the volunteer manager for Animal Rescue New Orleans (ARNO), anonprofit, volunteerbased, no-kill shelter For more information on ARNO, visit www animalrescueneworleans. org. CAT
In this file photo, Alice M. HarteCharter School students learnabout how fiber opticnetworkingworksby shining alaser through apunctured jug as partofa STEM event.
Staff report
President Joe Biden has awarded STEM NOLA the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring.
The award recognizes the nation’stop teachers and organizations for their efforts in mentoring students from underrepresented groups. It includes a$10,000 prize. According to the presidential message announcing the awards, “These awards honor the vital role that America’steachers andmentors play in shapingthe
next generation of technical leaders, including scientists, engineers, explorers, and innovators.”
STEM NOLA, the New Orleans-based nonprofit, is anational leader in breaking down racial, ethnic and gender barriers in teaching science, technology,engineering and mathematics to K-12 students.
It wasfounded in 2013 by its CEO Calvin Mackie, a former tenured engineering professor at Tulane University who holds aB.S. in mathematics from Morehouse College and bachelor’s, master’sand doctoral degrees in mechanical engineering from Georgia Tech.
Barnabyisasweet boylooking for aforever family
The hound mix, under ayear old, lovesmakingnew friends, especially with other dogs, and is always up for agood playsession. He has abig heartand a gentle spirit, and is readytoshare themwitha family who’ll love him right back. To learnmore, email adopt@ animalrescueneworleans.org. PETOFTHE WEEK
THE WILLOW SCHOOL: Four seniorshave been named Posse Scholars for 2025. Trent Antee will attend Villanova University in Pennsylvania. Caitlin Bruno will enter Tulane. MauroNunez will attend Ohio’s Case Western ReserveUniversity, and Henry Perrine will enroll at Providence College in Rhode Island. Posse Scholars earn full-tuitionleadership scholarships through the Posse Foundation, based on outstanding leadership, academic excellence and dedication to positivechange within their communities.
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL: Benjamin Franklin is one of six Louisiana schools named as state finalists in the 15th annual Samsung Solvefor Tomorrow STEM competition, which encourages students in six through 12th grades to create innovativesolutions addressing issues in their local communities. Each state finalist wins a$2,500 technology prizepack for their school. The competition culminates in April with the selection of three national winners, each receiving a$100,000 prizepackage. The other Louisiana finalists areBaton Rouge Magnet High School, EvaLegard
XAVIER UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA: Rowing will become an official university sport in fall 2025. This is the first varsity level co-ed rowing program at ahistorically Black college and university.The New Orleans Rowing Club and Xavier partnered to launch the Xavier Rowing Club program in 2023. NORC members Elizabeth Manley,professor of history and chair of the history department at Xavier, and Chloé Jobin, the club’shead of community outreach, lead the sport at Xavier. TULANE UNIVERSITY: “Prick,” the playby Laurie Flanigan-Hegge based on the Scottish witch hunts from the mid-16th to the early 18th centuries, will be performed Feb. 18-23, at the Lupin Theatre, 150 Dixon Hall Annex on the Tulane University campus, 6823 St. Charles Ave. in New Orleans. Evening performances start at 7:30 p.m. and matinees begin at 2p.m. Tickets start at $10. liberalarts.tulane.edu.
Center and Westdale Middle School, Baton Rouge; Denham Springs High School, Denham Springs; and Buckeye High School, Deville.
“IT’SAWONDERFUL LIFE”: The Brother Martin High SchoolDionysians drama club will perform the stage version of
London Williams namedYoung Marine of the Year
Staff report
London Williams, 16, of New Orleanshas been named the Division 4Young Marine of the Year by The YoungMarines, a national youth organization. Amember of the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office Young Marines in Harvey,Williams is ajunior at Louisiana Virtual Charter Academy She is studying in adual enrollment programatLouisiana State University She participates in basketball, volleyball, softball and track. She is a member of the National Honor Society and acommunity volunteer at Second Harvest Food Bank. Williams plans to join the U.S. Marine Corps after high school graduation and to study animal science in
college. Sheis the daughter of MGySgt Tashal Williams, retired USMC with 30 years of service and an adultvolunteer with the program. Williams,holding the rank of master sergeant in the Young Marines, will represent Division 4inAprilinthe competition with five other division winners for the title of National Young Marine of the Year,the highest honor bestowed by the Young Marines organization nationally
The Young Marines is anational nonprofit education and service program for boysand girls, ages 8through high school graduation, that promotes the mental, moral and physical development of its members.
VAL: The free festival kicks off Feb. 1with acommunity parade starting at 9a.m. at Lamarques Street and L.B. Landry and ending at the festival grounds in Federal City Algiers, at Gen. Meyer Avenue and Shirley Drive. The festival, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., includes vendors and music from Amanda Shaw, the Topcats and other local performers.
BICENTENNIAL: Jefferson Parish will kick off the Carnival season on the parish’s 200th birthdayonFeb. 11, 5-7 p.m., at Lakeside Shopping Center, 3301 Veterans Memorial Blvd in Metairie. The event will featurelivemusic and apresentation recognizing many captains, kings, queens and grand marshals for this year’s krewes. The 2025 parade season starts with Little Rascals on Feb. 16. www.jeffparish gov.
TERY: River Ridge Library, 8825 Jefferson Highway in River Ridge, will host aMardi Gras-themed murder mystery night on Feb. 13, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Registration is required and limited to 20 participants. calendar.jplibrary.net.
“HIDDEN TREASURES OF THE LOUISIANA STATEMUSEUM: The Friends of the Cabildo and the Louisiana State Museum will sponsor an exclusivebehind-the-scenes viewing of historic costumes and other rarely seen artifacts for onenight only,Jan 30, 5:30 p.m., at the Louisiana State Museum Collections Facility,1000 Chartres St. in New Orleans. Spaces arelimited; reservations arerequired Ticketsstart at $20. friendsofthecabildo.org.
KING CAKE WORKSHOP: New Orleans Culinary Hospitality Institute will host aworkshop withauthor Matt Haines and chef Martha Gilreath on Jan 28, 6p.m. to 8p.m., and on Feb. 18, 6p.m. to 8p.m., at NOCHI, 725 Howard Ave. in New Orleans. Participants will learn the history of the pastry and bake their ownking cake.Ticketsare $85. www.nochi.org.
CRAFT HAPPYHOUR: The Ogden Museum of Southern Art will host aMardi Gras house flowers craft class with Re HowseonFeb. 19, 6-8 p.m., at the museum, 925 Camp St in New Orleans. Participants will learn maketheir own Mardi Gras house flowers. All
materialsare included in the registration, which startsat $55. ogdenmuseum.org
WAREHOUSE SALE: The Friends of the Jefferson Public Library will sponsor asale on Feb. 8,9 a.m.-2 p.m., in the hallway directly off thelobby at East BankRegional Library, 4747 W. Napoleon Ave. in Metairie.Boxes ofbooks, $5 each,will include cookbooks, children’s books(Eand J fiction and nonfiction)and regular fiction (paperback and hardback). Boxesare labeled by contentsand cannot be opened priortopurchase. friendsofjeffersonlibrary.org.
EXPUNGEMENTSESSION: Reservations arebeing accepted for this event, which partners Southern UniversityLaw Center and RiverParishes Community College for an expungement event for St. John Parish residentsonFeb. 1from9 a.m. to4 p.m.,atthe RPCC ReserveCampus, 181 Regala Park Road in Reserve. Residents can havetheir criminal records reviewed to determine eligibilityfor expungements. Bringavalid driver’s license,abackground check from LouisianaState Police, acertifiedcopyof minutes and acertified bill of information.Space is limited. (225) 278-1332.
MATH WORKOUTS SUPER BOWL EDITION: Kidsingrades 3-6 can makeconnections between math and sports through games on Jan. 29 and 30, 5p.m. to 6:30 p.m.,in the meeting room atthe Nora NavraLibrary,1902 St. BernardAve.inNew Orleans. A light dinner will be provided. Register online at nolalibrary org.
Early birdtickets areonsale nowthrough Feb. 28 for the festival celebrating boiled seafood and beverage pairings. It will be held March 29, noon-8 p.m. on 5000 LakeshoreDriveinNew Orleans. All-dayentertainment from musical acts, life-sizegames and more. $5, with customized group packages and VIP sections available. brewsboilsbubbles.com/.
CONCERTSERIES: The New Orleans Jazz &Heritage Foundation continues the 2025 series at the Georgeand JoyceWein Jazz &Heritage Center, 1225 N. Rampart St. in New Orleans, on Feb. 1with SteveMasakowski Family and Friends. Doors open at 7p.m., and the concert begins at 8p.m. Tickets start at $10 through Eventbrite. www.jazzandheritage.org.
WITHIN”: Authors Rory O’Neill Schmitt and Rosary O’Neill will be joined by Robert Hull, consul general of Ireland, to celebrate St. Brigid’s Dayand to discuss their book on Jan. 29, 6p.m., at the Garden District Book Shop, 2727 Prytania St. in New Orleans. Copies of the book can be reserved via Eventbrite. www.gardendistrictbookshop.com.
The organization will hold its monthly meetup to inspire book writing and alove for writing on Feb. 1, 1:152:45 p.m., in the A/Vconference room, second floor
“The ShellLiveWireLouisiana Accelerator Programhelped Germ Slayersgrowintoa business focusedonhealth, innovation and sustainability. Our team usesecofriendlycleaningproductsand UV-C lighttechnology Germ Slayershas successfullyfulfilled itsmission of offering morethanjustjanitorial services by making ameaningful impactonour community, thanks to thesupportfromShell LiveWire.”
of the East Bank Regional Library,4747 W. Napoleon Ave. in Metairie. calendar jplibrary.net.
BLACK ROMANCE: Apanel discussion with authors DarbyBaham, Farrah Rochon, A.H. Cunningham,and Scarlett Miller will be held on Feb. 1, 6p.m., at Blue Cypress Books, 8123 Oak St. in New Orleans. Panelists will discuss their books, followedby an audience Q&A and abook signing. www.bluecypressbooks.com.
CENTRAL CITY BOOK SALON: The reading group’s selection is “Grand Union: Stories” by Zadie Smith, which will be discussed Feb. 4, 5:306:30 p.m., in the programming space at the Central City Library,2020 Jackson Ave. in New Orleans. New members arewelcome. neworleans. libnet.
LIBRARY: Poets Gina Ferrara, Nicole Eiden, Gina Ferrara, Valentine Pierce, Karisma Price and Andy Young will present areading on Feb. 15, 2p.m., at the Old Metairie Library,2350 Metairie Road in Metairie. www.jplibrary.net.
“THE SINGING RIVER”: Author Benjamin Morris will celebrate the release of his debut poetry collectionon Feb. 25, 7p.m., at Vino Fine Wine and Spirits, 8314 Oak St. in New Orleans. The event will include readings by Benjamin Morris, SkyeJackson, Nikki Ummel and Rodrigo Toscano and will be followedbyan audience Q&A and book signing. Tickets arerequired; they start at $5 through Eventbrite. www bluecypressbooks.com.
SATURDAY MORNING WRITERS’ CLINIC: Twolocal writers will makefreepresentations Feb. 8, at the East Bank Regional Library,4747 W. Napoleon Ave. in Metairie. The sessions arefor beginners and experienced writers. “Revisiting Point of View” will be led by Reine Dugas beginning at 9:30 a.m. “HowCraft Compelling Characters” with Annell Lopez will begin at 11 a.m. www.jplibrary.net.
The Rotary Club of New Orleans will host aRoaring ‘20s fundraiser on Jan. 30, 6p.m to 10 p.m., at Rosy’s Jazz Hall Events and Catering, 500 Valence St. in New Orleans. The event includes livemusic, liveand silent auctions, and more. Tickets start at
$175. Proceedsfund scholarships for local high school seniors dedicated to their education and communities. https://us.givergy.com/ Sippin2025/?controller=home
COOK-OFF FORTHE COAST: The free event will be held Feb. 1, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., at Docville Farm in St. Bernard Parish. Local teams will compete by preparing dishes featuring seafood and wild game and servefreesamples to the public. All proceeds the Nunez Community College Coastal Scholarship Endowment. coastcookoff.com.
METAIRIE HUMANE SHELTER: Metairie Humane Shelter will sponsor aspaghetti and meatball dinner on Feb. 1, 4-8 p.m., at St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church, 6017 Camphor St. in Metairie. Meals are$14, payable through Vento or PayPal. Orders should be placed for take-out or eat-in. (504) 458-0531 or www.metairiehumane.org.
STEVE GLEASON’SGAME CHANGER GALA: Theblack tie-optional fundraiser, to be held Feb. 5atMardi Gras World Float Den Annex, 1560 Tchoupitoulas in New Orleans, will help raise funds for ALS research and patient empowerment. The reception is 6-7 p.m., and the gala dinner is 7-11 p.m. Entertainment includes Keegan-Michael Key, the East Pointers, Sammy McFadden and others. www gamechangergala.com.
JCDS ANNUAL CAMPAIGN: Jewish Community Day School will honor Dr. Michael Wasserman at ajazz brunch supporting its 2024-2025 annual campaign on Feb. 16, 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m at the National World WarIIMuseum Higgins Hotel, 1000 Magazine St. in New Orleans. Tickets start at $180. www.jcdsnola. org.
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: City Park Conservancy’s next community meeting, the second of four planning sessions for the City Park Plan, will be held Jan. 29, 6p.m., at the Pavilion of the TwoSisters in the New Orleans Botanical Garden, 3Victory Ave. in New Orleans. This meeting will build on ideas developed with the community and focus on place-making planning. Registration is required. neworleanscitypark.org.
4200 Houma Blvd. in Metairie. RSVPsare requested. alcarbonette@ msn.com.
DOWNSIZING AND DECLUTTERING: Aworkshop on starting the decluttering process and tips on howtoorganize and declutter will be held in the meeting room at the Norman MayerLibrary,3001 Gentilly Blvd. in New Orleans, on Jan. 30, 11 a.m.-noon. neworleans.libnet.
LEARNING BEFORE LUNCH: The Feb. 13 meeting will take alook at The 610 Stompers, the philanthropic marching group that has donated morethan ahalf-million dollars to various nonprofits. The program will be held at UNO’s Homer L. Hitt Alumni Center, 2000 LakeshoreDrive in New Orleans with coffee at 9a.m.;
LaDarby Williams knowsthe value of cleanliness.Havingworkedin an orthopedic surgeryclinic,wheredisinfectingand sterilization are paramount, shesaw first-handhow cleanenvironmentscorrelate with good health.When theCovid-19 pandemic struck,she realized that the “firststepwould be to trytokeep down thegerms,the virusesand the bacteria,”whichshe then parlayedintothe creation of Germ Slayers Cleaning& Maintenance Solutions LLC.
Thecompany is ahealth-centered janitorialservice,designed to bringhigh levels of professionalism andinnovation to thecommunitiesitserves. Butbusiness wasn’t alwaysbooming. When it started, LaDarbywas relatively newtoentrepreneurialism, andadmittedlyhad alot to learn. Throughthe Shell LiveWire program, she gained thetools,insights,and confidence needed to grow her business
“Shell LiveWireisafreebusiness acceleratorprogram to help entrepreneursand small business ownerssustain and grow,” explains Becky Cooper,USSocial Investment Advisor.“Shell LiveWire participantsbenefit from an eight-week intensivetrainingprogram, networking opportunities, anda range of resources. TheAccelerator’sobjectiveistoempower businessesfromvarious fields andwelcomesapplicants from diverse sectors.”
Applicants forShell LiveWire Louisiana Accelerator Programare acceptedfrom Ascension, Assumption, East BatonRouge,WestBaton Rouge,Iberville,Jefferson, Lafourche, Livingston,St. Charles, St.James, St.John theBaptist, St.Mary, and Terrebonne Parishes. Diverse micro, entrepreneurs,and small business owners (e.g., women-owned,minority-owned,veteran-owned,LGBTQ+, etc.)are strongly encouraged to apply
Applications forthe 2025Shell LiveWireLouisiana Accelerator Programwill be acceptedthrough January 31, 2025. Application formscan be foundon: www.shell.us/livewire