The Livingston-Tangipahoa Advocate 01-29-2025

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Denham Springs, Watson residentsenjoy rare snow day

Community news report

Denham Springsand Watson residents woke Jan 21tofind araresighting, snow Weather forecasters had predicted snow and they were correct in predict-

ing the snow day Businesses and schoolswere closed so many residentsenjoyed the measurable snow,withsome reporting at least 6inches of the wet, fluffy stuff. National WeatherServicereportsunofficial snowfall:

Livingston Parish Killian, 6.5 inches Walker,6.3 inches Denham Springs,6 inches Whitehall, 5inches Watson, 4inches

Snow blankets

Southeastern, Hammond

Hammond residents wokeJan.21to find their neighborhoods blanketed in snow and the fluffy stufffell for most of the day

ä More photos.


Businesses, roads and schools were closed.Southeastern Louisiana University’scampus was mostly empty with some students and residents enjoying asnowday


Asagopalm and other plants in Hammond are covered withsnowon Jan. 21.

ä More photos.


Family sculpts when nature presents frozen opportunity

When temperatures drop to freezing levels, LindseyMoore’sfamily begins planning how to turn theirordinary backyard in Watson intoanepic winter wonderland.

ä More photos.


Using household items, outdoor suppliesand ablast of coldweather,the family foryearshas created impressive homemadeice sculptures, and this week’screation is thebest oneyet.

The greater BatonRouge area endured ahistoric snowfall up to 9inches of snow in someareas Jan. 21. Then on Wednesday Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport recorded its record temperature

ä See FAMILY, page 4G

Darlene Denstorff AROUND

The DenhamSprings High School Athletic Hall of Fame and title sponsor Hood DentalCareare accepting nominations for itsnextclassofinductees from Feb. 1through March 31 Hall of Fame nomination guidelines areavailable on the DSHS website at or by picking up acopyatthe schooloffice. Formoreinformation, contact Julie Jacobsen at or (225) 405-6838. Junior Bassmastersmeeting set

The Junior Southwest Bassmasters meeting is set for 7p.m.Feb.5inthe SeminarRoom at Bass Pro Shops, Denham Springs. Boys and girls age-groupbass tournamentsare for ages 7-10, 11-14 and 15-18 anglers. Formore information, call Jim Breaux (225) 772-3026.


The Krewe of Denham Springs rolls Feb.15 through Denham Springs The parade rolls through the city starting at 3p.m. This year’stheme is “The Greatest Show.” For registration information and parade rules, visit KrouxofBarkustotakeoverWalkerpark

In Walker,the Kroux of Barkus/Bark in the Park is planned for Feb.22inSidney Hutchinson Park. The event includes afarmers and vendor market, Zumba demonstration, pet parade and music withthe Cajun Roots Band. The half-mile parade begins by Challenger Field’s parking lot and follows thepark’swalking path. This

year’sgrand marshal will be an adoptable pet representing the Walker Animal Shelter.All proceeds benefit the Walker Animal Shelter

The pet parade rolls at 11 a.m. For information, call (225) 665-3755.

Masquerade Gala planned The Livingston Parish Chamber of Commerce is planning aMasquerade Gala March 28 at Carter Plantation in Springfield. The gala includes live music, casino games, prizes and silent and live auctions. For tickets, visit tinyurl. com/88f6trkf.

Sendnewsand events forLivingston and Tangipahoa parishestolivingston@theadvocate.

Springfield, 6.5 inches Ponchatoula, 6 inches Hammond, 4inches
Brynleigh Stewart, left and Michael Reine, 5, makesnowangels in their Watson neighborhood Jan. 21. The Watson area receivedover6”ofsnow.
Ice artin Watson created by Lindsey Moore and her family after recordbreakinglow temperatures in January.

Five Doylesoftballseniors

The start of softball season is still about three weeks away,but the Doyle High program took amoment to look back when national signing day came up two weeks ago. With five Doyle seniors on hand to sign collegiate letters of intent, the school held what was essentially asigning party with alarge number of players, coaches, family members and friends on hand.


The five players —Alyson Fletcher,Bailey Mclin, Kassidy Rivero, Kylee Savant and Shelby Taylor,were part of aDoyle senior class that went 101-34 in four seasons. There were multiple district championships and deep runs into the playoffs each season.

The LHSAA had Doyle seeded no lower than fourth in their respective divisions each of the past four seasons and the results show they were deserved. Doyle reached the state semifinals in 2022 and 2023, and the championship game in 2021 and 2024.

Much of the credit goes to the five players who will continue their softballcareers in college

“This was aspecialclass for Doyle high school softball,” Doyle coach Kyle Wieck said.“I’m in my second year here so I’m learning more about the history,but I know they’ve always had alot of athletes. This is probablythe biggestsigning class that I’ve heard ofin recent years for this program.”

The ceremony highlighted some of the senior season accomplishments of each player.Ofspecial note,each of thefive earnedhonors as members ofall district,all Livingston parish andallmetro teams.

Savant,the team’s catcher,signed withthe University of Houston.A team captain as well as its emotional leader,she batted .343,had 23 RBI and was named tothe Class 3A all state team.

Also signingwith Houston was outfielder Taylor, the district 7-3A MVP andan all-state selection.Taylor batted .531 and had a.638 on base percentage.

Rivero will be moving on to Austin Peay after astellar career at thirdbase, where herdiving stops drew admirationfrom teammates,

fans and even opponents.

Anotherall-statepick, she batted .386 with 37 RBI Mclin signed withSouthwest Community College. She played shortstop and was noted for her work ethic and consistency.A

team leader,she batted .489 and was known as aplayer who could deliver in big moments Fletcher was Doyle’s center fielder,and will be moving on to LSU-Eunice, aprogram that has won six

NJCAA national titles since 2011. She batted .458, had a .500 on base percentage and drove in 39 runs. Congratulations are in order forDoyle’sdeparting student-athletes. It certainly wasfun watching them play

Charles Salzercovers Livingston sports forthe Livingston-Tangipahoa Advocate. To reach Salzer, email livingston@

21. Lee also removed snowfrom hisminimart parkinglot.

Snow falls in front of South Live Oak ElementarySchool in Watson.
Doo Young Lee, owner of Doo’s Seafood &Deli No. 1, uses a homemade shovelmade with a6-foot stick and piece of plywood to remove snow fromthe intersection of La. 16 and Olivia Drive in Watson on Jan.
Doyle Highsoftball players signing to playcollegiate ball are, fromleft, Kassidy Rivero, BaileyMclin,Alyson Fletcher,Kylee Savant and ShelbyTaylor
Tate Silewicz leavesfootprints in the snowin Hammond on Jan. 21.
Payten and Ty Silewicz watchthe snowfall in Hammond.
Twosymbols of Southeastern
Fred Banks presents the Rev. Debra Keller with the MLK Outstanding Civic award.
Pastor Adolphus White, of First Church of God in Christ, prays at the celebration.

of 7degrees, according to the National Weather Service.

The Moore family decided to make the best of the rare weather week.

The family started planning abouttwo weeks ago when forecasts began indicating freezing temperatures. They put a sprinkler in the tree and used rope to makethis week’scaptivating creation.Itstarted forming Jan. 20 when temperatures reached 30 degrees

“It’sjust something fun,” Moore said.

Moore’shusband started doing this for their kids about 10 years ago. As thekids gotolder, they now actively help their dad create the art.

“It started years and years ago with just arake hangingoff theroof.Every year he’sgotten more creative using abasketball goal or aladder,” she said.

The Moore family might have started the tradition for their two boys, but it has grown into acommunitywide spectacle.

There are always certain houses that have the best Christmas lights every year and people know to drive past them. It’s the same for these iconic backyard ice creations.

Neighborsand friends will message the family and ask if they are makinganotherone before temperatures begin falling, Moore said. And thanks to the record-breaking temperatures in Southeast Louisiana, the sculpture is still standing days later

“This is the biggest one we have done next time we will go bigger,” Moore said.

Email Claire Grunewald at claire.grunewald@


Ice artinWatson created by LindseyMoore and her family after record-breaking low temperatures January2025

“The ShellLiveWireLouisiana Accelerator Programhelped Germ Slayersgrowintoa business focusedonhealth, innovation and sustainability. Our team usesecofriendlycleaningproductsand UV-C lighttechnology Germ Slayershas successfullyfulfilled itsmission of offering morethanjustjanitorial services by making ameaningful impactonour community, thanks to thesupportfromShell LiveWire.”


Clean Start: AGerm-Focused Janitorial Services

LaDarby Williams knowsthe value of cleanliness.Havingworkedin an orthopedic surgeryclinic,wheredisinfectingand sterilization are paramount, shesaw first-handhow cleanenvironmentscorrelate with good health.When theCovid-19 pandemic struck,she realized that the “firststepwould be to trytokeep down thegerms,the virusesand the bacteria,”whichshe then parlayedintothe creation of Germ Slayers Cleaning& Maintenance Solutions LLC.

Thecompany is ahealth-centered janitorialservice,designed to bringhigh levels of professionalism andinnovation to thecommunitiesitserves. Butbusiness wasn’t alwaysbooming. When it started, LaDarbywas relatively newtoentrepreneurialism, andadmittedlyhad alot to learn. Throughthe Shell LiveWire program, she gained thetools,insights,and confidence needed to grow her business

“Shell LiveWireisafreebusiness acceleratorprogram to help entrepreneursand small business ownerssustain and grow,” explains Becky Cooper,USSocial Investment Advisor.“Shell LiveWire participantsbenefit from an eight-week intensivetrainingprogram, networking opportunities, anda range of resources. TheAccelerator’sobjectiveistoempower businessesfromvarious fields andwelcomesapplicants from diverse sectors.”

Applicants forShell LiveWire Louisiana Accelerator Programare acceptedfrom Ascension, Assumption, East BatonRouge,WestBaton Rouge,Iberville,Jefferson, Lafourche, Livingston,St. Charles, St.James, St.John theBaptist, St.Mary, and Terrebonne Parishes. Diverse micro, entrepreneurs,and small business owners (e.g., women-owned,minority-owned,veteran-owned,LGBTQ+, etc.)are strongly encouraged to apply

Applications forthe 2025Shell LiveWireLouisiana Accelerator Programwill be acceptedthrough January 31, 2025. Application formscan be foundon:

Ice artinWatson created by LindseyMoore and her family in 2021
Ice artinWatson created by LindseyMoore and her family in 2024

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