East FelicianaParishmanager to leavepostMarch 27
No move made to fill vacancy
BY JAMES MINTON Contributing writer
David Amrhein, the East Feliciana Parish Police Jury’smanager of day-to-day operations, will be leaving his post March 27, according to aletter read during the jury’sJan. 27 session.
Amrhein has been parish manager since the juryhired him on Feb. 19, 2024, to fill apost vacated ayear earlier by Joseph Moreau Jury Secretary Yamesha Harris served as interim manager between Moreau and Amrhein.
Amrhein movedtoEast Feliciana Parish in 2022, shortly after finishing his 12th year as Zachary’s

mayor.Healso served two terms on the ZacharyCity Council before running for mayor in 2010.
He was hiredatanannual salary of $82,500.
Amrhein left the meeting to attend agrandson’sathleticevent beforehis resignation letter,dated Jan.16, wasread to theaudience, but he mentioned during adiscussion of another matter that he wouldn’tbearound to participate in an upcoming decision the jury will face.
“Thank you for the opportunities for professional and personal development that you have provided meduring thelast year,” his letter says. “I have enjoyed my timehere and appreciatethe supportprovided me during my tenure with the company.”
Although the letterwas in the
packet of documents giventojurors for themeeting, jury President LouisKentexpressedsurprise that Personnel Committee Chair Chrissie O’Quin read it, saying the matter was notonthe agenda.
O’Quin said Harris approached her to say Amrhein wanted theletter read.
Jurors took no action to begina search for anew parish manager
On another matter,achorus of “oohs”camefrom theaudience when jurors took up Amrhein’s suggestiontobuy 10 new pickup trucks at atotal state contract price of $415,387.
Amrhein said thejurorsshould look at themaintenance costs for its existing fleet,which he

Leila Pitchford
GetValentines chocolate at blooddrive
West Feliciana Hospitalis holding acommunity blood drive from 10 a.m. to 4p.m., Tuesday,Feb. 11, at the hospital in the meeting room next to the cafeteria. Walk-ins are welcome.
Donate blood and receivea box of chocolate
All donated blood staysinthe West Feliciana community to help support those in need. Mammograms in Jackson
Woman’sHospital’s mammography coach is offering 3D mammograms Feb. 25 at East Feliciana Primary Care, 3050 Charles Drive, Jackson.
Physician’sordersare required and appointments are strongly encouraged. Call (225) 634-3517 to schedule Visit www.womans.org to see other locations and times.
Polo eventreturns
The Azalea Polo Classic is from 2p.m. to 5p.m.,April6, at West Feliciana Parish Park, 10226W.Feliciana Parkway,St. Francisville. The event benefits the West Feliciana Historical Society Event tickets are$125 per person and include admission to the event, hors d’oeuvres, house wine and beer and prepared cocktails. Must be 21 and older to purchase event tickets (18+ to attend the event).
General admission tickets went on sale Feb. 1. Visit www. azaleapoloclassic.comfor information.
Breastfeedingclass at Lane
Lane’sfree breastfeeding class is set from 10 a.m. to noon Feb. 8inthe board conference roomatLane RegionalMedical Center,6300 Main St., Zachary
Registered nurse Kiara Carnes withBaby Lane Labor and Delivery Unit will thediscuss the ABC’sofBreastfeeding, including:
n Appeal of Breastfeeding and Why It’sImportant
n Best Breastfeeding Positions n Common Challenges with Breastfeeding n She will answer questions about breastfeeding, plusmore To reserve aspot, call (225) 658-6612oremail jschmolke@ LaneRMC.org.

MardiGras in the Country
On Jan. 25, as East FelicianaParish thawed from its record snowfall, Clinton came alive with the sights and sounds of Mardi Gras in the Country parade.
Arecord number of revelers turned out: estimates are more than 3,500 people attended.
Every year the parade and community work by the Feliciana Family &Friends MardiGras committee grows by leapsand bounds. This was the 20th annual parade and it was awelcome end to awintry week.
Winners wereannounced on Facebook.
BestCar: King Carl Holliday
BestTruck: Grand Marshal Emma Thompson
BestFloat: Krewe of Unity
Best Horse Presentation: Grand Marshal Ronnie Jett
BestBand: Northeast HighSchool MarchingBand
BestDancers: Unique Divas& Coents Dance Team
Best Carts: Greensburg Cart Riders
BY JAMES MINTON Contributing writer
The West Feliciana Parish School Board turneda routine financialdecisioninto a learning experience as it considered twotax exemptions at its Jan. 28 meeting.
The board also honored three employees for their years of service, including one with ahalf-century of workonhis record. Howell Foundry,which makes metal castings forcomponents used in area industrial equipment, applied to the state Department of Economic Development for two10-year property tax exemptions foradditions to its plant.
School Superintendent Hollis Milton said theboard couldhavewaivedits rightto weigh in on the tax exemptions, but he said he wanted to invitethe foundry’sowner,Zed Howell, to attend the meeting and explain howthe exemptions will aidinthe expansion.
The two exemptions, whichthe board approved unanimously,will save thefoundry $10,100 in property taxes foreach of the 10year exemption period.
The plant, which is in its 30th year of operation on U.S. 61 at the southern end of the parish, uses sand molds to cast its custommademetal products, Howell said.
In the beginning, plant workers took machine drawings of the part and made wooden patterns to form the molds, made of special sand mixed with glue, forcasting stainless steel and other metals.
The company eventually switched to sand molds made by 3D printers owned by another company,but in 2022 bought its own printer
The sand, whichisrefinedand sold by anothercompany, was discarded after the moldwas used, but the latest innovation has the plant reclaiming the sand for its use in other molds, Howell said. By reclaiming the sand, the company can better control the timethat it takes to deliver components to customers, he said.
In addition to learning how the company will use the tax break, Milton said he wants Howell and key people from the company to visit the high school’scareer and technical center andtodiscuss possible ways to introduce the students to the local operation.
Theboard presented plaques andlauded employees WilliamHarris, CynthiaWhitaker and Carlotta Coates fortheir service to the school system
Harris has been aschool bus driver for50 years, asurprising fact that led to adoublechecking of personnel records.
“Thank you forthe love that you give our kids,” Milton toldHarris, adding that he gives students positive attitudes as they are transported to their schools.
“You’vegot to runmeawayfromhere. I’ve gottobring thosebabiestoschool,” Harris said in accepting the service award. Whitaker,aHead Start worker for30 years, was described as “a walking Head Start encyclopedia” for her knowledge of

The schedules for West and East Feliciana Council on Aging facilities areasfollows:
n 12292 Jackson Road,St. Francisville, (225) 635-6719
n Start time for all activities
Continued from page1G
FOURTH MONDAY: Religious service
TUESDAYS: Nutritioneducation
WEDNESDAYS: Exercise/yoga
THURSDAYS: Bible study
FRIDAYS: Bingo/movie/excursion
n All people 60and older in West Feliciana Parish are invited to join.
described as old and subjectto frequent breakdowns. “The fuel mileage has got to be killing you,” he said Jurors Kristin Chasteen objected, however,sayingthat the jury would do better in replacingwornout vehicles with “gently used” trucks or spending the money on
Continued from page1G
the preschool system’soperations.
Coates also has been employed for 30 years in the school food
Continued from page1G
Save thedate
n Feb. 22: Krewe de Canines Mardi Gras Parade, St. Francisville
n The 90th annual 2025 LSU AgCenter State LivestockShow will be Feb. 11-18 at Lamar-Dixon Expo Center in Gonzales.
n March 8: Rouge Roubaix bicycle race, St. Francisville
n March 9: Uncorked Food& Wine Showcase, St. Francisville
n March 22: Tunica Hills Music Festival &Jam Session
n The Azalea Polo Classic in St. Francisville will be at 2p.m. April
n Spring Angola Rodeo Tickets are on sale. The event is April 2627. Gates will open at 8a.m., and
n Fortransportation to the center or questions, call (225) 635-6719.
n 11102 Bank St., Clinton n 3699 La. 10, Jackson
Wednesday, Feb.5 DEVOTIONAL: 11:15 a.m.
repairingbridges thatare closed across theparish
Amrhein suggested using $340,000 of federal American Rescue Plan Act money to pay for some of the trucks.
Thediscussion devolvedinto adebateover the best way to approach bridge repairs, and jurors finallyvotedtosendthe matter to theFinance Committee.
Jurors later voted, however,to buy apile driver attachment for an excavator to use on bridge work.
PatGilmore, hersupervisor, said she was impressed upon meeting Coatesather lunchroom.
“She knew every kid in that servinglineand anyallergythat theymight have had,” Gilmore said.
the rodeo will start at 2p.m. All tickets are $20 perperson. Ages 2 andunderare freeifthey sit in a lap. Norefunds or exchanges allowed. Call (225)655-2030 or (225) 655-2607 between 8a.m. and 4p.m or visit 0f472fe.netsolhost.com/ tickets.
n The Feliciana Wildflower Festival will be June 7and the group is seeking applications for sponsors, vendors and guest speakers. Visit www.facebook.com/FelicianaWildflowerProject for information.
n The Day the WarStopped is planned for June 7inSt. Francisville.
Send news and events forEast and West Feliciana parishes to extra@theadvocate.com by noon Friday or call (225) 388-0731.
LUNCH: 11:30 a.m.
Thursday, Feb. 6
BINGO: 10:30 a.m.
LUNCH: 11:30 a.m.
Friday, Feb.7
EXERCISE CLASS: 9a.m.and 10:45 a.m.
LUNCH: 11:30 a.m.
Monday, Feb. 10
EXERCISE CLASS: 9a.m. and 10:45 a.m.
LUNCH: 11:30 a.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 11
BINGO: 10:30 a.m.
LUNCH: 11:30 a.m.
Transportation Transportation is provided to EastFeliciana Parish residents of anyage for appointmentsinEast Feliciana, West Feliciana and EastBaton Rouge parishesMonday through Friday.Call (225) 6839862 to schedule atransportation appointment.
Rotary hearsupdateonrenovation of Julius FreyhanSchoolsite
Betsy Levasseur,president of The Julius Freyhan Foundation,recently addressed the Rotary Club of St. Francisville, updating club membersonthe renovation of thehistoricJulius Freyhan School building.
With the help of private and public funds and the West FelicianaSchoolBoard, thenonprofit foundation has led the effort to preserve the three-story building withthe goal of making it acommunity cultural and civic center
Originally built in 1908 by local Jewish businessman andphilanthropist JuliusFreyhan, the building housed thelocal school until its closure in 1950.
Levasseur said constructionwill be complete by the end of May
To learn aboutthe Julius Freyhan Foundation, visit www.freyhanfoundation. org.
To learn about Rotary,visit www.stfrancisvillerotary. org.

KEVIN WESTMORE: 55; 6179 Payne Road, Clinton; probation violation BARRON HILLS: 27; 7308 Juno Drive, Baker; simple battery
CAYLA LEWIS: 18; 2544 Old Towne Road, Zachary; twocounts principals,two counts assault by drive-byshooting, twocountsfirstdegree murder
JAN. 15 KEITHAN CARTER: 35; 6332 San Juan Drive,Baton Rouge;fugitive warrant

Some more snow photos came in afterdeadline. Here’s anotherlookat West FelicianasnowfallonJan.21.

Thewinterseasonisa common trigger for seasonal and indoor allergies,aswell as asthma and eczema flare-ups.
At Lane Allergy,Asthma &Immunology, we provide comprehensive diagnosis and treatmentforallergies,asthma and skin disorders forbothchildren and adults.

Schedule your appointment today!

Feliciana students named to Mississippi State honor lists
Mississippi State University announced students who were named to the fall 2024 president’slist.
Amilya Malory and Paige Miller,both of St. Francisville, made the president’slist.
These students achieved a3.80 or better grade-point average,based on a4.0 scale, while completing at least 12 semester hours of coursework with no incomplete grades or grades lower than aC Andrew Sessionsand Sunny Baker,both of St. Francisville, andPiper Walker,ofClinton, made the dean’slist.
To make the list, students must have achieved agrade-point average between 3.5 and 3.79, based on a4.0 scale, whilecom-
pletingatleast 12 semesterhours of courseworkwith no incompletegradesorgrades lower than aC
Feliciana studentsnamed to Arkansas’honor lists
Emily Alley,ofClinton, was named to the fall2024 chancellor’slist in the Fulbright CollegeofArtsand Sciences at theUniversity of Arkansas. To qualify for thechancellor’slist, students must also achieve at least a4.00 grade-point average for thesemesterwhile completing at least 12 credit hours.
Addison Bell-Pierce, Clara Hughesand Lillie Lynch,all of St Francisville, were namedtothe fall 2024 dean’slist in the Fulbright CollegeofArts and Sciences at the

Saintrestaurant and the St.FrancisvilleInn.
St.Francisville Inn nameschefafter loss of JaimeHernandez
Staff report
In 2023, The St. Francisville Inn made OpenTable’s list of Top100 Restaurants in the nation with the help of chef MichaelDardenne. Monday afternoon, the restaurant and inn announced that Dardenne will return to The Saint Restaurant as executive chef.
The news comes after former chef Jaime Hernandez, 50, of Zachary,died earlier this month when atree fell and hit his car as he traveled in West Feliciana Parish. Hernandez was known for creating dishesthatwere inspired by his Creole roots. When the restaurant and inn completed arenovation
in 2019, Dardenne wasat the helm, creating dishes like crab and Brie soup, Voodoo Shrimp and theYardbird sandwich. Dardenne also owns aspecialtyseasoning business, Louisiana Spice Company,which offers spice blendslikeCitrus Mambo andBayou Bite.
“His culinary expressions of fine dining meetscomfort food create phenomenal dishes that every guest can delightin. We look forward to working with Chef Mike for many years to come,” the inn posted on Facebook Monday.
The St. Francisville Inn is located at 5720 Commerce St., St. Francisville
The following people were booked into theWest Feliciana Parish Detention Center between Jan. 20-26:
JAN. 21
JOHNSON, LADARIUS: 30; 9989 WilcoxSt., Denham Springs; simple possession marijuana or synthetic marijuana, entry or remain in places after forbidden
CONTINE, MASON: 27;12153 Pioneer Trailer Park, St Francisville; driving under the influence-fourth offense, careless operation, opencontainer, expired motor vehicle inspection
JAN. 23
HARRIS,BOBBY: 42; 17544 Tunica Trace, Angola; possession of contraband
WOODS,EDDIE: 48 ;17544 Tunica Trace, Angola; possession Schedule II narcotics
JAN. 16
McClelland Drive,Baton Rouge;theft lessthan$1000, fugitivewarrant
MILES,LADARIUS: 23; 2001 S. Sherwood Forest Blvd Baton Rouge;accessory totheft, fugitivewarrant
JAN. 24
ANDERSON, OKORYEA: 23; 9857 Street D, St.Francisville; illegal possession of stolen firearms
JAN. 25
AUGUSTINE, JAQUARIS: 19; 880 MainSt., Simmesport; manufacturetransfer or possession of machineguns
BAKER, JOHN: 31;850 E. LakeviewDrive, Baton Rouge; driving under theinfluence-third offense, improper lane usage, open container,operatinga vehicle while undersuspension, twocounts bench warrants, probation violation
JAN. 26
DIXON, LISA: 45;4031 Florida St., Zachary; fugitivewarrant
University of Arkansas.
To qualify for the dean’slist, students must achieve at least a3.75 grade-point average for the semester while completing at least 12 credit hours.
Feliciana studentsnamed to Ole Miss’ fall 2024 honor lists
Lydia Phenald,ofSt. Francisville, and Ellie Reeves and Chace Williams, both of Clinton,were named to the University of Mississippi’s fall 2024 chancellor’s honorroll, whichisreservedfor studentswho earna semester GPAof3.75-4.00.
Elle Sullivan and RileyVollmer,both of St. Francisville, werenamedtothe dean’s honorroll, which is reserved forstudents who earn asemester GPAof3.50-3.74.
East Feliciana High engineering studentscreate safety posters
Teachers at East Feliciana High School strive to teach studentsthat safetyisnot an option, it is arequirement.
The students’ goal as young engineersis to reduce and eliminaterisk by preventing accidents andhazards.
StudentsinKenyetta Washington’s Introduction to Engineering class have been researching safetyand creating and designingtheir ownsafetyposters.
To be eligible forhonor roll designation, astudent must have completedatleast12 graded hours forthe semester and may not be on academicprobation during thesemester
Feliciana students make Alabama fall president’slist
Laura Leak, of St. Francisville, and Tatum Walker, of Clinton,werenamed to the UniversityofAlabamapresident’slist for fall semester 2024. Students are named to the dean’slist with an academic record of 3.5 (or above) or the president’slist with an academic record of 4.0 (all A’s) as afull-time undergraduate student.
Community newsreport

Delta Kappa Gamma gives books to Clinton Elementarykindergartners

Good behavior at East Feliciana STEAM Academy earns treat