Taking up apair of agendaitems that had already been tabled since early December, the Zachary City Council onceagaindelayed voting on amoratorium that would temporarily ban most new home construction in the growing suburb. The decision to table came at the council’sJan. 28 meeting on a3-2 vote, and sharp divisionsbetween two factions of the panel —coincidentally positioned on opposite sides of thedais —were on full
displayatthe meeting. On onesideofthe dais was Brandy Westmoreland, who spearheaded the moratorium measure and arelated proposal to increase minimum lot sizes in two zoning districts. Sitting nearby were John LeBlancand Ambre DeVirgilio, who backed her move to table the items. They were separated from their other twocolleagues by Mayor David McDavid,who moderated the meeting from aseat in themiddle. Those other two colleagues —James Graves and Jennifer
Landry —were frustrated by the movetotable the items. They noted thatthe issues have been discussed at length at previous councilmeetings andwere addressed in arecent report and maps by the city’splanning and zoning staff. When Westmoreland putthe moratorium on the agenda in late November,she cited afeeling of uneasethatshe shareswithmany residents: thatZacharyneeds aclearerplanfor howthe city should developand is struggling in the meantime without one. She alsohas aired frustrations about
it sometimes taking along time to get answers when she has planning and zoning questions.
Interestingly,most of the discussionatthe recent meeting wasn’t aboutapossible moratorium —a controversial idea that Zachary politicians have talked about on and off forseveral years as the city grapples with infrastructure challenges and other side effects of an increasing population.
Instead, much of the tension was over another ordinance proposed by Westmoreland that would enlarge minimum lot sizes in the
City auctioning surplusitems
The City of Zachary partners with Municibid.com, an online government auction platform, to sell surplus items. Bidding is open to the public. The auction is conducted entirely online and available 24/7 Zachary is offering eight automobiles, filing cabinets, office printers, aTV, aGenerac generator,acommercial refrigerator, two zero turn lawnmowers, and two Honda four-wheelers available for auction. Visit tinyurl.com/yxay6bca Register forbaseball 2025 Spring baseball registration is Feb. 17-March 13. The feeis$75 Practices are March 31-April 24, and games are April 28-June5 Divisions include T-Ball ages 4-6; coaches’ pitch 6-8, 10 under,12under and 14 under.April 30 is cutoff date for age determination. Register at www.zacharyyouthpark.org. Also, coaches and assistant coaches are needed.
city’s residential estate, or RE, zoning classification from 1to3 acres and from 3to10acres in the residentialrural, or RR,category. Westmoreland believes the changes could curb the pace of developmentand offer homebuyers more options beyondsmall subdivision lots.
Westmoreland also hastaken issue with the fact that, when theRR zone wascreated yearsago,some of theensuing paperwork —like official maps —was never com-
ZHSgirls basketball rollsover Central
The Zachary High girls basketball team (19-3) has been on an absolute tear earning aNo. 2spot in the power rankings in Division INon-Select and along the way riding aseven-game winning streak when familiar rival Central traveled to Zachary foraDistrict 4-5A game. The Wildcats entered the contest with a5-6 record and a36th power ranking that would have them on the outside looking in forthe playoffs later this month. Nonetheless, Central entered the gameontheir own streak where they had won four of their last five contests. Don’task Broncos coach Tami McClure about streaks. Iinquired before the gameifshe was excited about the girls’ seven-game winning streak, and she quickly replied that “I don’tlook at that. Ineed to see how we are playing now.”
Make it eight in arow,and yes, the Broncos are playing very well right now as Central found themselves on the wrong end of abulldozer in a66-13 Zachary win. AvaRaymond started the scoring and aput back by Cimiya Rideaux got the Broncos going at afierce pace. Tiarra McPipe madetwo steals under the basket as the Broncos pressed that re-
ä See BRADY, page 2G
Leila Pitchford AROUND ZACHARY
Mammogramcoach coming Woman’sHospital’sMammographyCoach will offer 3D mammograms Wednesday at Zachary United Methodist Church, 4205 Church St., Zachary Physician’sorders are requiredand appointments are strongly encouraged. Call (225) 924-8268 to schedule Charitygolftournament
The Baker Community Charity Golf Tournament is April 11 with an 8a.m. start time at BREC Beaver Creek Golf Course, 110 Plains-Port Hudson Road,Zachary Visit tinyurl.com/vft8aw4k or contact latoya@bakercoco.com or (225) 412-4311 to get details or to sign up. Make acheck payable to Baker Chamber of Commerce, 3439 Groom Road,Baker,70714. Dogparadeset Must Luv Dogs will hold Pawdi
Major Jones, of Zachary, provides golf cartrides across the parking lots to LSU’sPete Maravich CenteronJan. 26 before the women’s basketball game against Texas A&M
AvaRaymond with theput backduring last week’sgameagainst Central.
See ZONING, page 2G
CimiyaRideaux goes up strong near the basket.
Continued from page1G
sulted in two layups and extended the lead to 8-0 with 6minutes left in the first quarter Freshman Kennedi Whitfield scored the first 3-pointer of the night. She would finish withtwo 3-pointers and 8points total. Though the Wildcats were able to score twice under the fullcourt press stress of the Broncos,Zachary maintained acomfortable 28-4 lead after one. Twolay ups to start the second extended the lead and twofree throws by McPipe put theBroncos up 30 with 6minutes to play in the second quarter.Kaitlyn
Blake got intothe action with a 3-pointer to extend the lead to 44-4. From that point the game was played with arunning clock. The Wildcatswere only able to score asingle free throw point in the period and the Broncos cruised to awhopping halftime score of 46-5. The second half provided more of the same as the Broncos came out of their full-court press and emphasized the half-court game as McClure went heavily to the bench. On the night, 11 of the 12 Broncos on the roster scored.
The Broncos lead after three was 47 (56-9 after three). The Broncos cruised through the fourth quarter,holding the Wildcats to 4points. McPipe was the leading scorer
Gras 2025 on March 4indowntown Zachary.The theme is Space Paws. Barkinthe Park is from 11 a.m. to3 p.m Parade rolls at 2p.m. For information and to register for the parade, costume contest or as avendor, visit www.mustluvdogs.org BunnyHop coming
The Zachary Rotary Club is hosting the Rotary Bunny Hop 2025 on March 22
with 12 points followed by Raymond with 11. Rideaux and Madison Alcerro also provided a strong inside presence scoring 8 and 7, respectively
Things will be more difficult as District 4-5A play continues.
The Broncos will be home for huge home district 4-5A games on Feb. 7(Scotlandville) and Feb. 11 (Liberty) before going on the road for anondistrict game against St. Scholastica Feb. 12 and district opponent with Woodlawn Feb. 14 to close out the regular season.
Senior night will be Feb. 7and ZHS girls fans are encouraged to come out and support coach McClure’sseven seniors McPipe, Alcerro, Blake, Jazmine Patterson, Reese Quibodeaux,
near Lee and Virginia streets. The 1mile run and walk is at 8a.m. and the 5K run/walkstarts at 8:30 a.m. Register at runsignup.com/Race/LA/ Zachary/ZacharyRotaryBunnyHop
There will also be the ZacharyFarmers Market and the Lane Regional Medical Center Foundation Annual Chili Cook Off. Greatfamily day in Downtown Zachary
Lane to hold free breastfeedingclass
Lane is holding afree breastfeeding class from10a.m. to noon Feb. 8inthe board conference room at Lane Regional Medical Center,6300 MainSt., Zachary
Lativa Duncan and Rideaux. ZHSsoccerclosesout the2024-25 season
The ZHS boys and girls soccer teams competed in the LHSAA Division Isoccer playoffs. The Broncos boys (6-10-2) were a30 seed and lost on the road to the 3 seed Baton Rouge High (14-3-2) on Jan. 30 by ascore of 4-0. The ZHS girls (7-10-2) were a22nd seed and traveled to St. Amant (16-5-1) on Jan. 31 but also fell short in the Bi-District round (2-0).
Warren Bradycovers sports for The Plainsman. He can be contacted at zachary@ theadvocate.com.
Registered nurse Kiara Carnes with Baby Lane Labor &Delivery Unit will the discuss the ABCs of Breastfeeding, including: n Appeal of Breastfeeding and Why It’s Important n Best Breastfeeding Positions n Common Challenges with Breastfeeding n She will answer questions about breastfeeding, plus more To reserve aspot, call (225) 658-6612 or emailjschmolke@LaneRMC.org.
The Baker Area Sports Association
Continued from page1G
pleted. As aresult, just ahandful of lots are zoned as RR today
The moratorium andzoning ordinances have been discussed and considered as apair. They were tabled at Westmoreland’srequest in early December;she said then she wanted more time to study the situation.
Both ordinances still need to have public hearings and be formally adopted. Westmoreland again wants more time —this time to review the material from the planning and zoning staff.
“Wecan table that until the second meeting in February,” she said in her motion, quickly getting asecond from LeBlanc.
Across the dais, Graves and Landry were bewildered.
“I’m so confused why we keep tabling,” Landry said. “I don’tunderstand.”
Graves said the staff report and maps, which were emailed to the council afew days earlier,offered solutionstosome of the zoning concerns —such as moving qualifying RE lots into the RR category to populate it. Westmoreland responded that she wasn’table to view the maps and had just gotten copies of them at the council gathering.
City Attorney John Hopewell interjected with areminder that amotion and secondwere on the floor.Avote needed to be taken.
DeVirgilio registered athird vote in support of tablingthe agenda items. Graves and Landry were against the delay
When the council clerk announced the motion had carried, Graves sighed audibly
“You know,I’d like to say something,” he said. “We’ve done alot of work. …Wecontracted our planning andzoning to do abunchof work on this stuff, and theygot it done early for this meeting —they said it would possibly be February We’ve had all weekend to look at a possible solution for this RE,RR stuff. We’ve talked about it at previous councilmeetings. We have all the paperwork. We have all the information. I’m just not sure —what are we lacking?”
He continued: “Wehave agreat solution to fix thisissue, andthere’s no communication with this council. We tell our planning and zoning they’re not doing their job, and then when they do their job and do great, Ihear all these things. It’slike …” Gravestrailedoff,shook his head and leaned back in his chair.Noone else had anything to say,and McDavid moved the meeting along to the next agenda item.
But Graves wasn’tthrough. At the end of the meeting —under an agenda item that allows any topic to be discussed but not voted on —he brought up the issue again. He had city planner Bryant Dixon come up to the microphone to explain an analysis of RE and RR lots that his office did with help from the Villavaso and Associates planning firm.
“I know we can’tmake any votes now,but Ireally would strongly urge my colleagues to please consider having afinal vote on this …sothat we can move forward,” Landry said. Graves askedifany of hiscolleagues had other questions that needed to be sorted out while the matter is tabled. As the clock ticked past 8p.m., DeVirgilio felt it was timetoend the conversation.
“I don’tthinkweneed to have a contentious —what feels contentious to me —back-and-forth of attacking our colleagues,” shesaid “So it’sdone; it’stabled. Let’sall just digest it and we’ll take it up on the date that we tabled it for.”
and city of Baker Recreation Department will hold aMardi Gras Masquerade Sneaker Ballat9 p.m. Feb. 8atthe Baker Municipal Center Auditorium, 3325 Groom Road.Attendees must be 21 or older.Food and aDJwill be on hand. The event is bring-your-own-alcohol. For information, call Gerald Collins at (225) 205-4652 or Terika Dunn at (225) 302-2435. Visit eventbrite.com for tickets, which are $40 or $320 for atable of eight.
Sendnewsand events for theZachary area to zachary@theadvocate.com by noon Fridayorcall (225) 388-0731.
Tiarra McPipe drives the lane during arecent homegame.
Teen Lead MentoringGroup donates socks,blankets to nursing
For the past four years, the Teen Lead Mentoring GroupinZachary has made itaThanksgivingtraditiontogiveback by donating blankets and sockstolocal
Allergyand asthma doctor speaks to RotaryinZachary
Dr.Ashley Willis, of Lane Allergy,Asthma & Immunology,spoke to Zachary Rotary Club on Jan. 16. Willis shared insights about allergy,asthma and immunology care for children and adults, including the latest treatments and advancements available in Zachary
At its Jan.9meeting, theZacharyRotaryClub welcomed Doug Thompson, chief operating officer of the Louisiana Firefighters Association, as its guest speaker He shared insightinthe challenges and advancementswithinthe firefighting community,as well as the essential role the associationplays in supporting first responders. Louisiana Firefighter’s Association supportsand advocates for firefighters across thestate with advocacy,training and education, support services and community outreach.
Lane Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, and ZacharyRotarian CarlHerrickatthe Jan. 16 Rotary meeting
Doug Thompson, Louisiana Firefighter’sAssociation; Heather Prejean, Zachary Rotarypresident; AlexMilazzo;KyleShufard; and Ward Wyatt allwith Louisiana Firefighter’sAssociation at the recent ZacharyRotarymeeting
make Mississippi honorslists
Mississippi State University announcedits honor roll students for fall 2024.
Ashlynn Kearney, Madison Shipp, Claire Venable,Caden Detre and Charles White, all of Zachary,made thepresident’slist.
These students achieveda 3.80or better grade-point average, based on a4.0 scale, while completingatleast 12 semester hoursofcoursework with no incomplete grades or grades lower than aC
Owen Walters, of Zachary, was named to the Mississippi State University fall 2024 dean’slist
To be namedtothe list, astudent must have achieved agrade-point average between 3.5 and 3.79, based on a4.0 scale, while completing at least 12 semester hoursofcoursework with no incomplete grades or grades lower than aC
Zacharyresidents make ULM honor roll
The University of Louisiana at Monroe announced the students on the honor rolls for the fall 2024 semester Eligibility for the president’s list requires full-time enrollment (minimum of 12 semester hours completed) and an undergraduate student is required to earn at least a3.9 grade point average.
Claire Connor andTerrolynWoodridge, both of Zachary,were named to the president’slist.
Eligibility for the dean’slist requires full-time enrollment and an undergraduate student is required to earn at least a3.5 grade point average.
Austin Wiltz. apre-pharmacy major of Zachary,was namedtothe University of Louisiana Monroe’sdean’s list.
Mississippi College honors include David Gaines
David Gaines, of Zachary,was named to the fall 2024 president’s list at Mississippi College, in Clinton, Mississippi. The MississippiCollege Officeof Academic Affairsreleases thelist after the close of fall and springsemesters each academic year
To be eligible for thepresident’s list, astudent must maintain a4.0 gradepoint average, based on a4.0 system. The student must takeafull course load of at least 12 semester hours of undergraduate credit with all academic courses impacting their grade point average.
Samford University includes Godbold on dean’slist
Edward Godbold, apre-pharmacy curriculum-undeclared major from Zachary,was named to Samford University’sdean’slistfor fall 2024 semester Samford is in Birmingham, Alabama.
To qualify for the dean’slist,astudent must earn aminimum 3.5 grade pointaverage out of apossible 4.0 while attempting at least 12 credit hours of coursework. The dean’s list is the highest academic recognition given by the school at the end ofeach semester
Trine University president’s list includes Doiron
Michaela Doiron of Zachary,a Trine University student,was named to the president’slistfor thefall 2024 term. Trine is in Angola, Indiana. Doiron is majoring in biomedical engineering. To earn president’slisthonors, Trine University studentsmust complete aminimum of 12 hours and have agrade point averageof3.7504.000.
Community news reports
Zachary High AgricultureDepartment receives $10K bee apprenticeship grant
Community news report
he Zachary High School Agriculture Department was recently awarded the $10,000 “Apprenticeship Project forGrowing New Beekeepers in Louisiana” from the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry
In additiontoits ZHSon-campus animals, gardens and greenhouse, the high school’s agriculture department has its bee colonies, fruit tree orchard and an additional vegetable garden at the Port Hudson Academy property
The apprenticeship project for growing new beekeepers enhances the competitiveness of Louisiana-grown specialty crops and addressesconcerns about the long-term growth of thebeekeepingindustry,according to anews release.
LDAF works in partnership with high school agricultural teachers to offer beekeeping apprenticeship projects reaching approximately 160 high school agriculture students. They sponsor four high school agriculture programs/educators with up to $10,000 in beehive/beekeeping resources to establish, with the help of students, an apiary (bee yard) of up to five beehives at their schools.
Community news report
Northwest Mississippi Community College cheer and dance teams brought home multiple national championships from the 2025 UCA/UDA College Nationals in Orlando, Florida. NWCC is in Senatobia, Mississippi. Blessyn Davis, of Zachary, was one of the students who placed at Nationals.
TheNWCC cheer team,led by head coach Brandon Casey and assistant coach Rainy Bordelon, captured national titles in theOpen
All-Girl Traditional division and the Open CoEdGame Day division.
In the Open All-GirlTraditional finals, NWCC securedthe gold medalwitha score of 82.9, finishing ahead of Pearl River,which earned an 81.2 eventscore. The cheer squad earned ascore of 94.8333 in the Open Co-Ed Game Day division to claim first place over Mississippi Gulf Coastand Campbellsville University
The NWCC dance team, ledbyhead coach Patrice Christian, achieved its second consecutive national championship in the Open Hip-Hop division. The team finished with araw score of 99.9333 and an event score of 95.1746, outperforming runners-up West Chester University by nearly five points. The NWCC dance team also earned athirdplace finish in the Open Game Day division. Casey’swife, Skylar Casey,who serves as the head coach of OleMissCheer,led her team to their first Division IA Traditional All Girl National Championship this weekend, making it achampionship-winning weekend for the Casey family
ZacharyHigh students pull bee-covered honeycomb from hives at the school.
ZacharyHigh ag students filter honey produced at the Port Hudson Academy
Regena Beard receives Presidential Award for math and science teaching
Community news report
Copper Mill Elementary School teacher Regena Beard has been awarded the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.
Beard learned of the honor Jan. 13 when President Joe Biden announced the award. The award is the highest honor K-12 math and science teachers canreceive from the United States government, anews release said. These awards honor the vital role that America’s teachers and mentors play in shaping thenextgeneration of technicalleaders, including scientists,engineers, explorers and innovators, the release said.
Anational selection committee assesses the nominations before recommending awardees to the National Science Foundation and White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
Nominees complete arigorous application process to demonstrate deep content knowledge and an ability toadapt to abroadrangeof learners and teaching environments.
Apanel of mathematicians, scientists, and educators at the state and national levels assess nominations before recommending awardees to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.Teachers are selected based on their distinction in the classroom and dedication to improving STEM education.
The National Science Foundationawards each recipient $10,000. Beard is also the 2024-25 ZCSD Elementary Teacher of the Year
Copper Mill ElementaryChoir students whoperformed at the
Orleans on Nov.9-11 include, from left, Marybeth Olivier,Anna
Phillips, Rose Best,MerylDavid, ZoeyMiller and Lydia Anderson.
Choirstudentsattend vocalconference
Community news report
Several Northwestern Middle School andCopper Mill Elementary choirstudents who auditioned in September were selected to attend the 2024LouisianaAmerican Choral Directors Association’sFall Vocal Conference in New Orleans on Nov. 9-11.
The Northwestern Middle Choir participated in the Mixed andTreble Youth All-State Choirs. Their teacher Cassi Doherty said the students did an outstanding job CopperMill Elementary choir teacher Emma Lawton said her students from Copper Mill “made our district so proud at the LA-ACDA Fall Vocal Conference in New Orleans.”
Shesaid several students auditioned in September and 11 students were selected to be in the 2024 All-State Children’sChoir Nineofthe studentsattended the conference and performedsix choral pieces with other talented musicians from across the state.
Upper Iowa Universitygraduates Martin
Community news report
Melinda Martin, of Zachary,inJulygraduated from Upper Iowa University She graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in social science in July
UpperIowaUniversity was founded in 1857 as a private, nonprofit university providing undergraduate and graduate degree programs to roughly 5,500 student at its Fayette, Iowa, campus.
The following people were booked into EastBaton Rouge Parish Prison or issued asummons by the Zachary Police Department from Jan. 16-30:
CIERRA COLLINS: 22;1273 Grand Bois Road, Breaux Bridge; attempted theft, theft
LOGAN EFFERSON: 19; 38555 Walker Road N., Walker; entry on or remaining after forbidden
STEVON FRANKLIN: 27;21734 Samuels Road, Zachary,failuretoappear on outstanding bench warrants
SHALEKA BRADLEY: 36; 18733 Samuel Road, Lot42, Zachary, improper supervision of a minor (truancy)
CRYSTALCLIFTON: 46; 4430 39th St., Zachary;improper supervision of aminor (truancy)
DELCI DOMINGUEZALCERRO: 27;3012 Huntsville St Kenner; hit-and-run
SEBASTIAN GRAVES: 23; 6421 Pride-Port Hudson Road Slaughter; operatingwhile impaired
OMAR SALEH: 26; 10822 W. Robin Hood Drive,Baton Rouge; attempted second-degree murder, simple battery
AMBER SIMS: 39; 1015 Georgia
St., Baker;impropersupervision of aminor (truancy)
ZelmereSt., Zachary; possession/distribution manufacturing schedule II, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of firearm or carrying concealed weapon by a person convicted of certain felonies
Florid Blvd., Apt. No. 7, Denham Springs; possession of marijuana
ORLANDO WEATHERSPOON: 21; 3546 Lone Oak Drive, Baton Rouge; criminal trespass, aggravated criminal damage to property,simple criminal damage to property
2024 Louisiana-American Choral Directors Association’sFallVocal Conference in New
Kate Durand,Tinleigh Lauer,Teacher Emma Lawton(above),Harper Angelloz, Lewis
NorthwesternMiddle School All State Choir members includeDonovanClark,Xavier Haynes, A’Brianna Francois, KarsynHughes, Charlotte Bastion and Addison Sloan.
Three Northwestern Middle School Band members made the Louisiana All-State Band.
The auditions are competitive, and the bandiscomprised ofthe top middle school musicians in thestate Ben DeLee, Caleb Connorand Adrian Conciennewill represent Northwestern Middle at the All-State Band and Louisiana Music Educators Association State Conference in New Orleans
in January Band director EmmaHaley said,
“Our students began preparing their All-State audition music back in May and have worked tirelesslytoprepare for theextremely rigorous audition. I am so proud of their efforts and can’t wait for them to experience the rehearsals, clinician and concerts that this year’sAll-State Band provides.
“I have no doubt that they will represent Northwestern Middle School well in New Orleans.”
Thirty NorthwesternMiddle Studentsfrom AdvancedDrama, Musical Theater and Talented Drama, under the direction of Anna Dupre, Cassi Dohertyand Heather Feierabend,attend theJuniorTexas Thespian Festival the weekend of Dec. 7, 2024. Theyinclude from right, back row, Xavier Haynes, Aidan Guillory, Kaitlyn Williams, KaleighVaughn, KelbyGosserand and Landon Jarvis; second row, Kamille Montgomery, ReagynEllis, Cayden Ike, Jasmine Davis, TayelonBeard, Ramiyah Perry, Kayla Williams, Isabelle Deroche, AmayaCastillo and Martin Gehling; third row, Donovan Clark,T’miahGeorge, Honour Postell and Bayleigh Whittington; fourthrow,Sarah Fannin, Abigail Harr,Camille Partin, Gemma Fulmer,Grace Thompson, McKinlee Rossand Jazzlyn Young; and frontrow,Karsyn Hughes, Paige Chambers and BrooklynGaines.
NorthwesternMiddle students excel at Junior TexasThespian Fest
Community news report
Thirty Northwestern Middle Students from Advanced Drama, Musical Theater and Talented Drama, under the directionof Anna Dupre, Cassi Doherty and Heather Feierabend, attended the Junior Texas Thespian Festival the weekend of Dec. 7. Competing against 600 students, many Northwest-
ern Middle students placed: n Tayelon Beard was appointeda Thespian of the Future
n Five of the Thespy pieces scored asuperior, the highestranking: Solo Musical: DonovanClark, perfect score Solo Musical: Tayelon Beard, perfect score Duet Musical: Karsyn Hughes and Xavier Haynes Group Musical: Abigail Harr,
Jasmine Davis, SarahFannin, T’miah George, Brooklyn Gaines, andKamille Montgomery Duet Acting: Kaleigh Vaughn and Grace Thompson n Group improv team: second place. KaitlynWilliams, Paige Chambers, Amaya Castillo, McKinlee Ross n Group lip sync team: second place. RamiyahPerry,Camille Partin, Gemma Fulmer,Kayla Williams
Thewinterseason is acommon trigger for seasonal and indoorallergies,aswell as asthma and eczema flare-ups.
AtLane Allergy,Asthma& Immunology, we provide comprehensive diagnosisand treatmentfor allergies, asthma and skin disorders forbothchildren and adults.
Fromleft, Caleb Connor,Adrienne Concienne and Benjamin Delee, NorthwesternMiddle School band members, are members of the Louisiana All-State Band.