Muralist paints VFW Post in Harvey ä Page 2G
Teaching man’s best friend
Volunteer shows training techniques to those adopting dogs BY MARY RICKARD
Special to The Advocate Kathy Markey has been volunteering at animal shelters since Hurricane Katrina, when hundreds of abandoned pets wound up there. Since then, she has upped her skills, graduating from Animal Behavior College as a certified dog trainer, while continuing to assist at Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter, Labs4Rescue, Lovers Not Biters and Animal Rescue New Orleans. Her goal is to teach dogs good manners to make them more adoptable and to make sure they adapt well to their new homes. “I get to see people so happy when this was an animal going to be euthanized or in the shelter two or three years, and then given a good home,” Markey said. Helping out at ARNO several years
ago, Markey noticed one dejected mutt in its feral dog program. “You need to get a home,” she advised and considered her friend Marnie Woynowski, assistant principal at Holy Name of Jesus School where Markey teaches physical education. At least 10 Holy Name faculty members adopted rescue dogs through Markey. “This is a Marnie dog,” she remembers thinking. The golden retriever and border collie mix now named Nola had survived on the streets of Central City for probably five years, apparently eating discarded food from overturned garbage cans and dodging teasing kids on bicycles. Woynowski adopted the dog and immediately took it to PetSmart for pampering. “I brought her home and she laid on the carpet and never moved. She said,
‘I’m home,’ ” Woynowski said. Though docile inside the house, Nola had never walked on a leash and seemed aggressive outdoors. Markey was able to help Nola overcome her fears. “Markey reads animals. She instinctively knows what’s going on in their heads,” Woynowski said. Though Nola may still balk if her tail is touched, she exhibits no sign of a forlorn past. She is perfectly content just being a family pet. “They just want to be loved,” Woynowski said. “Markey has come in to work with our most troubled dogs,” said Mary Simon, founder of Lovers Not Biters. “She has helped our dogs that have shown aggression to overcome their fears and learn positive behaviors.” People adopting dogs from a shelter can often become frustrated by mis-
behavior. Markey often visits adoptive homes to demonstrate effective dog training techniques and ease the transition. If there is undesirable behavior, she explains why the dogs act that way. A predictable routine and consistent communication may be all that is necessary to calm them down. “I’m not really here to train the dog. I’m here to train you so you can train the dog,” she tells people. Both Markey and Woynowski believe mixed breeds make the best pets. Markey’s adopted poodle mix Whoodie wears goggles and rides around with her on a scooter. “In the gene pool, you get the best qualities of all these dogs. Put them in a good home, and you’ve got a winAdvocate staff photo by SHERRI MILLER ner,” Woynowski said, as she stroked Dog trainer Kathy Markey trains Nola Nola, laying peacefully at her feet. “Once they love you, they love you at the home of Marnie Wonowski in Terrytown on Monday. hard. That’s a shelter dog.”
Senior Fest set for May at Lakefront Arena
Earlis Bourgeois and his wife, Toney, show off their 1955 Chevy Bel Air at the Indy Race Day at Champions Square in New Orleans on April 11. Earlis acquired the car four years ago, restored it and put in a new, 260-horsepower engine.
Advocate staff report
Advocate photos by VERONICA DOMINACH
Chad Freeman walks his son, Heath, 6, over to the Nissan GTR for a test ride around the Smoothie King Center during the Indy Race Day on April 11. Riders get ready to go on a test drive during the Indy Race Day.
Indy Race Day featured a large selection of vintage sports cars, race cars and motorcycles for viewing up close at Champions Square in New Orleans on April 11. Two two-seater Indy cars, the Nissan GTR and the Ferrari 430, were available for test rides around the Smoothie King Center. All proceeds from the event benefited the Southeast Louisiana Council, Boy Scouts of America.
The New Orleans Council on Aging is making plans for Senior Fest 2015, which will be held Friday, May 8, at the University of New Orleans Lakefront Arena. For information about supporting Senior Fest or becoming a sponsor, contact the Council on Aging at (504) 821-4121 or administration@ The theme of this year’s Senior Fest celebration is “Get into the Act,” to focus on how older adults are taking charge of their health, getting engaged in their communities and helping others. Major sponsors include Peoples Health, Entergy New Orleans, Amerigroup Louisiana and Walgreens. The theme also reflects on the 50th anniversary of the Older Americans Act. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Older Americans Act into law in July 1965. Since then, the act has provided a nationwide aging services network and funding that helps older adults live with dignity in the communities of their choice for as long as possible. These services include home-delivered and congregate meals, caregiver support, communitybased assistance, personal care, legal assistance, elder abuse prevention and much more. By promoting and engaging in activity, wellness and inclusivity, more Americans than ever before can “Get into the Act.” While the New Orleans Council on Aging provides comprehensive, direct services to older adults year-round, Older Americans Month offers an opportunity to emphasize how older adults can access the homeand community-based services they need to live independently in their communities. It is also an occasion to highlight how older adults are engaging with and making a difference in those communities.
Lafreniere Park tree ceremony City Park tapped for certification honors, memorializes volunteers
The members of Friends of Jefferson the Beautiful and the Patrons of Lafreniere Park will hold their annual Tree Dedication Ceremony at 11 a.m. Friday in the park’s Foundation Center, 3000 Downs Blvd., Metairie. Those being honored are local volunteers Annette Adler and Joann Christopher, and Equitas Capital Advisors, a
local investment management company. Those whose memories will be honored are Laura Ahten, Christopher Beckmann, Mattew Derenbecker, Cynthia Peterson, John Reily, Ashley Royal, Robert Wallace and Valerie West. “All the names of those being remembered will be placed on the äSee JEFFERSON, page 3G
Today is Earth Day, a perfect time to talk about New Orleans’ largest swath of public, recreational land: City Park. This month, the park’s Festival Grounds were picked for certification by the national Sustainable Sites Initiative. SITES is a program that recognizes and promotes sustainable landscape planning, design, construction and maintenance efforts that can benefit the environment and local and regional
Austin, the United States Botanic Garden and the American Society of Landscape Architects. The 50-acre Festival Grounds, once part of a golf course along Wisner Boulevard between the New Orleans Museum of Art THROW ME SOMETHIN’ and Interstate 610, received one out of four stars based on 51 potential credits, with points awarded for initial site seleccommunities and economies. tion, water, soil, vegetation, ma The program is led by the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center at The University of Texas at äSee THROW ME, page 3G
Lynne Jensen
2G F Wednesday, April 22, 2015 F F The Advocate
Declawing can have long-term negative effects Declawing a cat so he does not mess up the furniture or shred the curtains may sound like a good idea in theory; however, there are several negative consequences to declawing. Once considered a quick, easy and safe procedure, declawing is actually a serious surgery that can ANIMAL have negative RESCUE impacts on a cat’s TRACI quality of life. HOWERTON Cats rely on their claws on a daily basis for many uses. They extend their claws in order to achieve a full body stretch. Declawed cats are more prone to muscle pains and arthritis as a result of not being able to get a full stretch
Barbar likes other dogs, and he is especially fond of cats. He has have a mild thyroid condition that causes problems with his fur, and it would be resolved a lot more quickly if he was in a permanent home. All Babar needs is one little pill a day. He is approximately 8 years old. Email for more details. The adoption fee is $200 and includes neuter, UTD vaccines, rabies shot and a chip. Photo provided by ARNO
in. A cat’s claws also are tools for balance; without them, the cat must shift his weight and relearn how to walk on the exposed bone that is left once the claws are removed. Scratching is a source of exercise and stress relief for felines. Cats tend to scratch when they are anxious or frustrated. Without claws, they
do not have a way to alleviate stress. Finally, the No. 1 use of claws is for defense. Even if a cat is an indoor cat only, accidents happen, and if a declawed cat gets outdoors, he will not have a way to defend himself against a predator or to climb a tree to escape danger.
Declawing is not only painful for a cat but it can cause negative behaviors and permanent physical damage. Declawed felines may avoid using the litter box as they are used to using their claws to maneuver the litter. Some declawed cats may start to bite and use their teeth as a defense mechanism. If the declawing surgery is not done properly, bone fragments can be left behind and cause pain for a cat. Finally, declawing can result in permanent nerve damage. What’s the alternative? Scratching is a normal and vital part of a cat’s life. There are several scratching posts on the market. Also, trimming nails once or twice a month is a good way to make the scratching less damaging. There are also nail covers or caps that can be put over claws.
Declawing is an illegal practice in multiple countries, and several counties in California also have made this controversial procedure illegal. The decision to declaw is not one that should be taken lightly. Do the research and get the facts. This is a procedure that can have lasting effects on a cat’s disposition, health and wellbeing.
YAPPY HOUR: The Louisiana SPCA will be the beneficiary of Yappy Hour from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. every Thursday at Rare Form, 437 Esplanade Ave., New Orleans. Fresh water and treats will be provided for pups while owners enjoy $1 off all craft cocktails. When patrons mention “Yappy Hour,� 15 percent of the proceeds will benefit the SCPA. For information, visit ADOPTION EVENT: Animal Rescue New Orleans will have adoptable dogs and cats from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday at Xplore Federal Credit Union, 1201 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Metairie. For information, email ADOPTION EVENT AND BAKE SALE: The Louisiana SPCA will hold a neighborhood
pet adoption event and bake sale from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at Clearview Mall, 4426 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Metairie. For information, call (504) 368-5191 or visit DEALING WITH FERAL CATS: The Louisiana SPCA will present a free workshop on feral cat TNR from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday at the SPCA, 1700 Mardi Gras Blvd., New Orleans. People with neighborhood cats will learn the importance of trap-neuter-return and find out about basic methods and equipment. To reserve a spot, call (504) 7623306. For information, visit LOST OR FOUND PETS: In Orleans Parish, you can send a photo, description of your pet, date lost/found and your contact information to In Jefferson Parish, email molsen@jeffparish. net and bbourgeois, and in St. Bernard Parish, email
Traci D. Howerton is social media editor of Animal Rescue New Orleans, a nonprofit, volunteer-based, no-kill shelter. Contact ARNO at animalrescuecolumn@, www.animal or call its recorded information line at (504) 571-1900.
Metairie library offers series on healthy eating
Photos provided by VFW Post 3267
Larry Simmons, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3267 commander, and artist Scott LoBaido stand in front of the completed mural.
Flag furls along VFW facade VFW Ladies Auxiliary Presi- mons presented LoBaido a painted as part of the Flags Across America tour. His goal dent Charlene Simmons and plaque in recognition of his Scott LoBaido, a self-taught is to paint an American flag Post Commander Larry Sim- work. artist who calls himself a “cre- on the exterior wall of a VFW ative patriot,� recently paint- Post in each state. Sponsor companies Home ed a furling flag of the United States of America across the Depot and Behr Paint providfront of the Veterans of For- ed the manpower to apply the eign Wars Post 3267 in Hara- eight gallons of primer and an additional eight gallons han. VFW Post 3267 Command- of paint to enable LoBaido to ,Q 6WRFN 5HDG\ WR 'HOLYHU er Larry Simmons and post complete the project. LoBaido worked three days members received an offer )XOO 6L]H 6WDUWLQJ DW ‡ 4XHHQ )URP from LoBaido to paint the flag, to complete the painting of the KDOSHUQVIXUQLVKLQJVVWRUH FRP the seventh of 12 that he has 60-by-22-foot flag.
Advocate staff report
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Artist Scott LoBaido painted a mural of the American flag furling across the front of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3267 in Harvey.
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A series of seven nutrition Latino families in decisionclasses is planned for Thurs- making processes; and adday evenings beginning vocates across ethnic lines April 23 at the East Bank Re- for equitable distribution of gional Library, 4747 W. Naresources, opportunity and poleon Ave., Metairie. There justice. will be no class May 14. All ENVIROSCHOOL: The Louisisessions are free of charge ana Department of Environand are open to the public. mental Quality will present There is no registration. information about construcDuring the classes, Karen tion stormwater permits Walker, nutrition agent with from 10 a.m. to noon Tuesday the LSU AgCenter, will preat the East Bank Regional pare a seasonal salad and Library, 4747 W. Napoleon talk about healthy eating. Ave., Metairie. The program The class schedule is free and open to the is: public; participants April 23: making plates should register at half fruits and vegwww.deq.louisiana. etables, with a demongov/portal/tabid/2601/ stration of carrot and default.aspx. raisin salad JOHN MCDONOGH: The April 30: varying prolegacy of public school tein, with a demonstraphilanthropist John JP LIBRARY McDonogh, includtion of salmon salad LAGNIAPPE ing the community he May 7: being physiCHRIS cally active, with a established known as SMITH demonstration of fun McDonoghville, will fruit salad be discussed by author May 21: choosing whole Leighton Ciravolo at 7 p.m. grains half of the time, with Thursday, April 30, at the a demonstration of quinoa East Bank Regional Library, and black bean salad 4747 W. Napoleon Ave., MeMay 28: calcium and dairy, tairie. with a demonstration of Ciravolo is author of â&#x20AC;&#x153;The leafy green spring salad Legacy of John McDonogh,â&#x20AC;? June 4: food safety and published in 2002 by the thrifty shopping, with a dem- Center for Louisiana Studies, onstration of broccoli slaw University of Louisiana at salad Lafayette. June 11: reducing fat, sugar FANTASY WRITING GROUP: Sciand salt, with a demonstrafi, fantasy and horror writtion of light banana pudding. ers of all levels will meet at FINANCIAL FITNESS IN SPAN7 p.m. Thursday, April 30, ISH: Puentes New Orleans is at the East Bank Regional sponsoring a class to help Library, 4747 W. Napoleon families achieve financial Ave., Metairie. stability in order to purchase This free writing group a home, open a business, encourages local writers to establish a retirement plan create works of fiction based or re-establish credit from on science fiction, fantasy 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, and horror themes. ParticiApril 25, at the East Bank pants submit manuscripts to Regional Library, 4747 W. be critiqued by others in the Napoleon Ave., Metairie. group. For some families, this class may help them receive For more information about grant assistance when purprograms at the 15 branches of the Jefferson Parish Lichasing a home. brary, go to www.jplibrary. Puentes New Orleans works to provide better net or friend the libraryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s education for young Latinos; Facebook page for daily programming updates. encourages participation of
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The Advocate F F Wednesday, April 22, 2015 F 9G
SCHOOL BRIEFS OUR LADY OF DIVINE PROVIDENCE: The church parish continues the celebration of its 50th anniversary with a fair Thursday through Sunday, April 23-26, at the church, 1000 N. Starrett Road, Metairie. The fair opens with Thriller night on Thursday, April 23, when rides are $20 from 6 to 10 p.m. Karma will perform beginning 8 p.m. Friday, April 24, when the fair will operate from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. Paris Avenue will perform at 4:30 p.m. and Category 6 will perform at 8 p.m. Saturday, April 25, when the fair will operate from noon to 11 p.m. The band 90 Degrees West will perform at 4 p.m. and The Top Cats will perform at 7 p.m. Sunday, April 26, when the fair hours will be from noon to 10 p.m. ST. MARY MAGDALEN: The board of the St. Mary Magdalen Parents Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 28, in the cafeteria of the school, 6421 W. Metairie Ave., Metairie. BEN FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL: A student from Ben Franklin High School is one of 44 students of German from across the country who have been awarded an all-expenses-paid summer study trip to Germany. Sage Sigler was selected as a national winner after scoring in the 96th percentile on the Level 2 2015 National German Exam for High School Students sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of German. Nearly 21,000 students participated in the program. After qualifying with a high score on the National German Exam, she submitted responses to several short essay questions in German and in English and was
then interviewed by a committee of high school teachers and college professors of German. She is a student of Philippe Radelet, German teacher at Ben Franklin High School. The study trip includes round-trip air transportation to Germany from New York, a homestay with a host family and excursions to places of cultural and historical significance. The study trip award is made possible through a grant from the Federal Republic of Germany. EINSTEIN CHARTER SCHOOL: Einstein Charter School is a finalist for a 2015 COSEBOC School Award from the Coalition of Schools Educating Boys of Color. Einstein is one of nine finalists for the national award and the only Louisiana school. The national award recognizes innovative education practices that achieve academic success and increase graduation rates among boys of color. Applicants are rigorously reviewed for their student outcomes and the policies and practices that generated those outcomes. “Einstein is incredibly proud of our students’ accomplishments,” said CEO Shawn Toranto. “In our community schools, every child will achieve academically and our mission is to cultivate self-motivated, confident and respectful learners. This award validates our hard work and progress, and we thank COSEBOC for this recognition.” Three of the nine finalists will be honored at the ninth annual Gathering of Leaders in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 23. Each will receive a $10,000 unrestricted grant. They will conduct workshops to share their successful strategies with other educators.
Students learn the Irish Jig
Photo provided by Visitation of Our Lady School
First- and second-graders from Visitation of Our Lady School were recently treated to a concert from Celtic balladeer Danny O’Flaherty. He performed songs and told stories about Ireland, the continents, and protecting the environment. O’Flaherty, right, teaches first- and secondgraders, from left, Colby Benoit, Adrian Gianini, Hunter Eslick, Bree Knox, Scarlett Conde and Bailee Guillory to dance the Irish jig.
Dominican cheerleaders place third in division
Photo provided by St. Mary’s Dominican High School
These cheerleaders from St. Mary’s Dominican High School participated in the U.S. Finals in Pensacola, Florida, in April. In the front row, from left, are Kristen Williams, Lindsay Allwein and Michelle Hogan. In the second row are Mayah Olivero, Alexis Daugherty, Jenna Baltz, Greer Cordora, Ann Murphy, Ashley Patron, Emily Callia and Mackenzie LaPlace. In the third row are Cameron Hassenboehler, Grayson Cooley, Alexis Stackhouse, Ellie Rozas, Jenna Wright, Hope Quigley and Molly Derbes.
Advocate staff report Cheerleaders from St. Mary’s Dominican High School placed third in their division when they participated in the U.S. Finals cheerleading and dance competition April 11 in Pensacola, Florida. It was their first national out-ofstate competition. The U.S. Finals, held in seven locations, are aimed at crowning champions in all divisions and levels of cheer and dance. The DHS cheerleaders’ head moderator is Hannah Richard. Jessica Benton is a moderator. Coaches are Codi Amadeo and Taylor Parria.
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