The Livingston-Tangipahoa Advocate 04-02-2015

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Auto class members, others show off skills



Easter egg hunt set for Saturday One hundred thousand candy-filled plastic eggs will be up for grabs Saturday during an Easter egg hunt at South Park on St. Vincent Road in Denham Springs. In addition to the egg hunt, the event, which is set from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., will include a rock wall, inflatables and pony rides. Jambalaya, snow cones and cotton candy will be served.

Meeting to feature watercolor artist

Denham Springs Fine Art Association is meeting at 7 p.m. April 6 in the conference room at the Denham Springs Municipal building, 941 Government Drive. The guest artist will be association member Lynn Jones. Jones will do a watercolor on yupo paper with alcohol drips and bring examples of her work to show technique. Each person attending will have the opportunity to paint a small piece of art using yupo paper, alcohol drops and watercolors. The public is invited to attend the meeting. Refreshments will be served. For more information about the meeting or for a membership application, call Bonnie Smith Williams at (225) 791-1896 or Jones at (225) 664-5290 or visit www.

Family Resource Center hosts social worker Bert Allain, a licensed social worker, will talk about the skills parents need to help children overcome the fear of failing during an April 16 presentation at the Literacy and Technology Center in Walker. All too often children learn entitlement from the society and get caught up in comparing themselves to others. This comparison often leads to the fear that they are not quite good enough, fear of not being accepted or fear of failing. That fear keeps some children from trying anything new. Allain will share the skills parents need to help their children overcome those

äSee AROUND, page 3G


center, the event also showcased the school’s varied program. “Many people don’t realize WALKER — A bright, spring sun Saturday glistened off more what we offer under this one big Advocate photo by VIC COUVILLION than 60 immaculately polished roof ‌ there is a misconception cars and trucks on display for a that the classes we offer here Jeremey Ellenberger, from left, Al Castillon and students large crowd attending the first- are mainly for students looking Joshua Ellenberger and Chase Riggs discuss the workings of ever Livingston Parish Literary for a career when they leave a pickup truck in the process of being restored. The young El- Technology Center’s Car Show high school ‌ but about 70 perlenberger and Riggs are both students in the Livingston Parish fundraiser. cent of our graduates plan to go Literacy and Technology Center’s Automotive Service TechniWhile the car show was spon- to college and they can use the cian program. The students sponsored a car show Saturday sored by the Automotive Ser- unique skills they learn here to help raise funds for additional tools used in center classes. vice Technician classes at the to help them readily find jobs Special to The Advocate



that will help them earn their college diploma,â€? Kim Albin, director of the LPLTC, said. Albin said those students who do not plan on advancing their education are “job readyâ€? when they graduate from one of the LPLTC programs. The Literary Technology Center is a joint venture of the Livingston Parish School Board and Southeastern Louisiana äSee SKILLS, page 2G

HORN Advocate staff photo by BILL FEIG

Westside Junior High School performs March 25 at the District IV Instrumental Middle School Large Ensemble Louisiana Music Educators’ Association music performance assessment. Bands competed during the two-day event at Episcopal High School in Baton Rouge.

Three Livingston bands prepare for state festival held at Episcopal High School, said Richard Bresowar, chairman of LMEA District IV. Three Livingston Parish middle Three other Livingston Parish school bands are preparing for a middle schools took part in the music state band festival hosted by the Louisiana Music Educators’ Associa- festival. While not a contest or competition thanks to recent performances at tion, the event is competitive, said a Baton Rouge event. Bands from Westside, North Corbin Bresowar, who is the band director at Dutchtown Middle School. and Juban Park junior high schools An overall winner is not named, were three of 27 schools performbut instead, the top-scoring bands ing March 24-25 in the District IV qualify for the next round of perforInstrumental Middle School Large mances. Ensemble performance assessment

Advocate staff report

Each band performed three prepared pieces for judges and another piece of music presented at the festival just eight minutes before the performance. Technically, he said, all the schools could qualify if they all get the top score of superior or a 1 rating. Eleven middle schools in the large ensemble division moved on to the state festival. Bands scoring superior in both the concert and sight-reading performance earn sweepstakes awards and

move on to the state festival later this month, he said. Judges score each band and provide comments, he said. The comments help bands improve, he said. LMEA also held district events for orchestra and choral performances in middle and high school divisions, he said. Southside Junior High, Denham Springs Junior High and Live Oak Middle School also took part in the middle school event.

Congregation plans for move to Pete’s Highway BY C.J. FUTCH First Baptist Church in Denham Springs has been on the same property on River Road since it was founded in 1900, and at the time, it was at the heart

of town. But the congregation plans to move its campus to a new 47acre tract on Pete’s Highway near the Post Office in Denham Springs, with a projected finish date of August 2016. Phase I of the $10.9-mil-

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lion project will include a new worship center with a 750-person capacity, said the Rev. Leo Miller, pastor of First Baptist for the past 4 years. “There’s been an electric sense of God’s work being done,� Miller said. “(Members

both) old and new are united behind the relocation project, and we all know it’s a part of God’s plan for our ministry.� The site where the new sanctuary will go is being prepped now, Miller said, and bids were let March 30 for the construc-

tion of Phase I. “We expect to get those back in a couple of weeks,â€? he said. The old campus has many memories for those who grew up in Denham Springs, Jimmy äSee CONGREGATION, page 4G

2G n Thursday, April 2, 2015 n n The Advocate

community SKILLS

Devin Bennett, left, a senior in the Livingston Parish Literacy and Technology Center’s Automotive Service Technician Program, points out some of the special features on a Camaro’s engine to Ismael Vera and his son Israel. The fatherson duo were among a large group of car enthusiasts attending the LPLTC’s Car Show on Saturday. The elder Vera said he is a big fan of cars and that his young son enjoyed them even more.

Continued from page 1G University. Participating were representatives of the medical assistant, criminal justice, emergency medical technician, patient care technician and computer service technician branches of the technology center. Each group had displays or demonstrations for the public. Proceeds raised by charging owners of the cars on display a small fee to participate in the car show will be used to purchase additional tools used in instruction sessions. Joshua Murphy, automotive instructor for the center, said the program teaches budding automotive technicians every aspect of automotive repair. “We start with the basics, teaching students about the tools they will be using and we build on their skills from there.” Murphy said. “By the time they complete the twoyear program, they know everything about a vehicle from the engine to the brakes. They are ready to go to work at dealerships and repair shops.” Murphy currently has about 40 students in the automotive technician program. All are juniors or seniors who attend Livingston Parish high schools. The students spend half of their day at the technology center and the other half at their respective schools where they pursue traditional subjects. Upon completion of their curriculum they receive a diploma at graduation with their fellow classmates. Those completing one of the technology courses earn more than just a diploma. Murphy said that after successfully completing the course the student can earn Industry Based Accreditation which certifies that they have mastered the skills it takes to be an automo-

Advocate photo by VIC COUVILLION

tive technician. Murphy said the automotive service technician program has been offered since 2003 and that graduates of the program have been successful in getting jobs right after graduation. Devin Bennett, a senior at Live Oak High School is nearing completion of the automotive service technician program and is planning to represent the LPLTC at the Ford Motor Challenge, which will be held on the state level in Alexandria later this spring. If he wins there, he will advance to national competition, something other LPLTC graduates have achieved. Participants in the competition are presented with a vehicle that has a “bug” or problem that needs to be repaired and the student must trace the source of the problem and properly make repairs. Bennett says he enjoys the competition and is proud to represent the technology center in the contest. “I thoroughly enjoy working on vehicles and I have learned so much through the program here. Working on modern vehicles is a real challenge as cars and trucks have become more

complex … but we have the right tools and the knowledge of how to fix them. It’s fun and I look forward to every day I spend here,” he said. Bennett plans to attend Louisiana Tech University and will major in an aviation-related field. He said that he will use his knowledge of car repairs to perhaps find a job that will help pay for his college education. Graduates of programs at the technology center can also earn college credits for some of the courses they take giving them a head start on accumulating college credit hours. The emphasis Saturday was on the cars and trucks of varied types and vintages. However, all programs offered at the LPLTC had something to offer patrons visiting the show. Emily Fink, a Walker High School senior in the patient care technician program at LPLTC, was working with some fellow students on a raffle to raise money to purchase additional supplies for their classes. Jerrianna Brown, a pharmacy technician teacher, said the car show was a great way to introduce her program to the com-


GYM WALKING: 8:30 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department, 601 W. Coleman Ave. STORY TIME: 10 a.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library, 380 N. Fifth St., Ponchatoula. LINE DANCING: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Hammond Recreation Department. BABY & ME: 10:15 a.m., Loranger Branch Library, 19451 La. 40, Loranger. ADVENTURE CLUB: 4 p.m, Amite, 204 N.E. Central Ave., Amite City and Kentwood, 101 Ave. F, Kentwood Library branches. TEEN CLUB: 4 p.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library.


COFFEE FRIDAY: 8 a.m., Amite Chamber of Commerce, 101 S.E. Central Ave. (985) 748-5537 or HOMESCHOOL BOOK CLUB: 1 p.m., Hammond Branch Library, 314 East Thomas St., Hammond.


HAMMOND FARMERS MARKET: 8 a.m. to noon, West Thomas Street, Hammond. AMITE CITY COMMUNITY MARKET: 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Catha Park, Amite. FLORIDA PARISHES VINTAGE CAR CLUB: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Community Motors, 500 Westin Oaks Drive, Hammond. (985) 345-0401. 2015 EASTER BONNET STROLL: 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., St. Joseph’s School, W. Pine St., Ponchatoula. Women’s required attire is Easter bonnet; accompanying men must wear coat, tie and skimmer hat. $10 entry fee. (985)386-2536 or (985) 386-8581. WII SATURDAY: 1 p.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library.


GYM WALKING: 8:30 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department. SENIOR EXERCISE: 9 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department. KNIT & CROCHET CLUB: 9 a.m., Amite Branch Library.

VERY BASIC LINE DANCING: 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department. KNITTING: 2 p.m., Kentwood Branch Library. KNITTING 101: 5 p.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library.


GYM WALKING: 8:30 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department. LINE DANCING: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Hammond Recreation Department. BABY & ME: 10:15 a.m., Kentwood Branch Library. STORYTIME: 10:30 a.m., Hammond Branch Library. CANASTA (HAND/FOOT): 12:30 p.m., Hammond Recreation Department. FAMILY BINGO: 3:30 p.m., Kentwood Branch Library. MANGA CLUB: 3:30 p.m., Amite Branch Library. ADVENTURE CLUB: 4:30 p.m., Hammond Branch Library. FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT: 5:30 p.m., Amite Branch Library. DIABETES EDUCATION MEETING: 6 p.m., E. Brent Dufreche Conference Center, North Oaks Diagnostic Center. A support group for individuals with diabetes, along with their family members and friends, to share experiences, motivate each other, energize their outlook and renew their commitment. The topic is “Reasons Not to Skip Breakfast” and the speaker is Melinda Territo. (985) 230-5723.


GYM WALKING: 8:30 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department. SENIOR EXERCISE: 9 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department. BABY & ME: 9:30 a.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library. HOMESCHOOL BOOK CLUB: 10:30 a.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library. ADVENTURE CLUB: 3:30 p.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library. STORY TIME: 4 p.m., Amite Branch Library. AFTERNOON STORY TIME: 4:30 p.m., Hammond Branch Library.

munity. “Today we have a chance to show what our students are accomplishing,” Brown said. We are blessed to have some great students who are eager to learn a critical skill. Some will get a job when they graduate and others will go to college to become nurses. They will all be well prepared for the future.” Albin, who said he is “like a principal of the Literary Technology Center,” promoted the job-ready aspect of the programs highlighted. “We are offering some very special educational opportunities that can help all of our students in a unique way. Our students will gain very special skills that will allow them positive options for their future. They are ready to go to work in a productive field or very well prepared for college,” he said. “We feel that we are giving them something that will impact their lives and we are very grateful that the public is getting a chance to see just what we have to offer the young people of Livingston Parish at the Literacy and Technology Center.”

Photo provided by AHMAD ROBERTSON

Local small farmers gathered March 19 at the Southern University Agricultural Research and Extension Center for the fifth annual Louisiana Small Farmers Conference. Participating in the conference, in front row from left, are Warner Hall, Larry Freeman and Herman Henry; and second row, Hank Schumacher, Willie Washington and Ahmad Robertson.

Louisiana small farmers attend March conference Advocate staff report Small farmers from across Louisiana gathered March 19 at the Southern University Agricultural Research and Extension Center for the fifth annual Louisiana Small Farmers Conference. The event kicked off with a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Sustainable Urban Agricultural Demonstration Farm, a “show-and-tell garden,” said Assistant Area Agriculture and Natural Resource Agent Ahmad Robertson. The three-day conference, themed “Showcasing Louisiana’s Small Family Farms,” is designed to provide awareness of educational opportunities, USDA programs and services and other resources to help small farmers stay in business, Robertson said. The conference included a presentation on the 2014 farm bill and the opportunities it provides to small farmers;

the Louisiana Living Legends Banquet, which honors people who have made significant contributions to Southern University in the area of agriculture and family and consumer sciences; and ended with the graduation ceremony on March 21 of the Louisiana Small Farmer Agricultural Leadership Institute. Farmers from St. Helena and Tangipahoa parishes attended the small farmers conference. “It was a great opportunity for them to network and diversify their farming operation,” Robertson said. The agricultural business leaders shared resources on conventional and urban farming with other citizens of Louisiana. Tangipahoa Parish attendees were Hank Schumacher, Willie Washington, Alfred Gross and Edith Gross. The Grosses have a small farming operation in Tangipahoa Parish with beef cattle, a vegetable garden and orchard trees.

LIVINGSTON PARISH CALENDAR CPR CLASS: 5 p.m., E. Brent Dufreche Conference Center, North Oaks Diagnostic Center. A lecture on cardiovascular health and risk factors and demonstrations of American Heart Association basic life support techniques for choking victims, rescue breathing and CPR for adults, children and infants. Certification is available. (985) 230-7777 or WRITER’S NOOK: 6 p.m., Hammond Branch Library.

APRIL 9 CAR SEAT FITTING STATION: 8 a.m., E. Brent Dufreche Conference Center, North Oaks Diagnostic Center. Certified child passenger safety technicians are available by appointment to install child passenger safety seats and boosters and provide instruction to ensure the safe transport of children of all ages. Registration required. (985) 2307777 or GYM WALKING: 8:30 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department. STORYTIME: 10 a.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library. LINE DANCING: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Hammond Recreation Department. BABY & ME: 10:15 a.m., Loranger Branch Library. BOOK LOVERS TALK TIME: 11 a.m., Loranger Branch Library. PAGETUNERS: 1 p.m., Hammond Branch Library. TEEN PAGE TURNERS: 3:30 p.m., Loranger Branch Library. ADVENTURE CLUB: 4 p.m., Amite and Kentwood Library branches. TEEN PROGRAM: 4 p.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library. BREASTFEEDING CLASS: 6 p.m., E. Brent Dufreche Conference Center, North Oaks Diagnostic Center. A class is for parents who may be considering breastfeeding or who have already decided to breastfeed their baby. Topics include positioning the baby properly, nutrition, pumping and storing breast milk and the benefits of breastfeeding. Registration required. (985) 2307777 or

THURSDAY BOOK BABIES: 10 a.m., Watson Branch Library. STORY TIME: 10 a.m., AlbanySpringfield Branch Library. YOUNG WRITERS CLUB: 5 p.m., Denham Springs-Walker Branch Library. FAMILY GAME NIGHT: 5:30 p.m., Watson Branch Library. WRITER’S CIRCLE: 6:30 p.m., Denham Springs-Walker Branch Library.

THURSDAY AND FRIDAY OASIS MINISTRY DEDICATION: 7 p.m., Oasis Ministries International Church, 30163 Walker Road North, Walker. Grand opening and dedication service. The guest is Al Forniss. (225) 572-1232 or

FRIDAY FELLOWSHIP MEETING: 7 p.m., Magnolia Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ, 8333 Rosewood St., Denham Springs. (225) 791-9512.

SATURDAY FARMERS MARKET: 7 a.m. to noon, corner of Florida Avenue and Hummell Street, Denham Springs. PAINT & DIP PARTY: 10 a.m., Life Academy, Florida Boulevard between Walker and Denham Springs. Participants will learn to create a Mother’s Day painting. $25 includes supplies and snack. Proceeds to benefit Life Family Outreach assisting abused children, women and the needy. Reservations required. (225) 7722441 or (225) 316-3325. RAISING CHICKENS: 10 a.m., South Branch Library. Chris Frink will discuss the ease and benefits of keeping backyard chickens and tips to get started on (225) 698-3015. EASTER EGG HUNT: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., South Park, Denham Springs. There will be 100,000

candy filled eggs, food, a rock wall and pony rides. Jambalaya, snow cones, cotton candy, inflatables, rock wall, pony rides. PET VACCINATIONS/MICROCHIP: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Hooters, Denham Springs. Sponsored by the SPCA of Livingston. There will be pet adoption and low-cost vaccinations and microchipping for cats and dogs. (225) 927-2443 or MAUREPAS FAMILY FUN: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., Fire Station 1, 23634 La. 22, Maurepas. There will be food, games for children, health checks, an egg hunt, door prizes and pictures with the Easter Bunny. Free. SCIENCE SATURDAY: 2 p.m., Watson Branch Library. Participants will learn about science and conduct experiments. (225) 664-3963. OLD SOUTH JAMBOREE: 7 p.m., 9554 Florida Blvd., Walker.


STORYTIME: 9:45 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., Denham Springs-Walker Library Branch. SHIBORI TIE DYE: 2 p.m., Denham Springs-Walker Library Branch. Participants will be taught a Japanese tie-dyeing method called Shibori. Registration is required. (225) 665-8118 or MAKEY MAKEY NIGHT: 5:30 p.m., Denham Springs-Walker Library Branch. For children ages 8-11 to play games using everyday items such as bananas, pencils, play dough or candy. Registration required. (225) 665-8118 or PHOTOMONTAGE CLASS: 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., The Livingston Parish Arts Council, 133 N. Hummell St., Denham Springs. For children grades 1-3. (225) 664-1168 or DSFAA MEETING: 7 p.m., Conference room, Denham Springs Municipal building, 941 Government Drive, Denham Springs. The guest artist is Lynn Jones who

will do a watercolor on yuppo paper with alcohol drips, and will bring examples of her work to show technique. All attending can paint a small piece of art using yuppo paper, alcohol drops and watercolors. Refreshments will be served. (225) 791-1896 or

TUESDAY STORYTIME: 10 a.m., Denham Springs-Walker Library Branch. EXCEL BASICS: 2 p.m., Denham Springs-Walker Library Branch. SPRING DREAMS PUPPET SHOW: 3 p.m., Albany-Springfield Library Branch. TINKERBELL MOVIE ADVENTURE: 5:30 p.m., Watson Library Branch. TEEN ANIME CLUB: 6 p.m., Main Library Branch.

WEDNESDAY STORYTIME: 10 a.m., Watson, South and Main Library Branches. CATALOG TRAINING: 6 p.m., Denham Springs-Walker Library Branch.

APRIL 9 BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU LUNCHEON: registration 11:30 a.m., luncheon noon to 1 p.m., Forrest Grove Plantation, 8743 Stephenson Drive, Denham Springs. The Better Business Bureau of South Central Louisiana will host the annual Parish-to-Parish luncheon. $18. Registration is required. WII U MARIO PARTY: 11:30 a.m., Albany-Springfield Library Branch. PUPPETRY WORKSHOP: 3 p.m., Denham Springs-Walker Library Branch. CHARACTER DESIGN AND CHOCOLATE: 6 p.m., Denham SpringsWalker Library Branch. NEW GAMING CONSOLES PARTY: 6 p.m., Main Library Branch.

COUNCIL ON AGING MENUS Livingston Parish and Tangipahoa Voluntary Council on Aging meal site menus. For meal site locations, call (225) 664-9343 in Livingston Parish or (985) 748-7486 in Tangipahoa Parish.


Easter special: Baked bone-in chicken, green peas and onions, candied sweet potatoes, dinner roll and oatmeal honey apple



Closed for the holiday.


Chicken and sausage jambalaya, green peas, Normandyblend vegetables, whole-wheat bread and fresh apples.


Hamburger steak with brown gravy, mixed vegetables,

mashed potatoes, whole-wheat bread and mocha nut cookie.


4 PC. BEDROOM SET COFFEE & END TABLES $ starting at $9995 24995

Red beans and sausage link, brown rice, steamed spinach, cornbread, fresh fruit and grape juice.


Chicken breast fillet sandwich with barbecue sauce on bun, baked beans, apple confetti coleslaw and pineapple crisp.

SOFA & LOVE SEAT starting at $54995


16818 Florida Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70819


starting at $

The Advocate n n Thursday, April 2, 2015 n 3G


Mayshayla Dyson, third from right, shows her steer March 7 at the Southern University Agricultural Research and Extension Center’s 72nd Annual Livestock Show in Baton Rouge. She was the Louisiana Breed Champion Steer award winner.

Photo provided by GINGER B. CANGELOSI

For the second year in a row, Hammond Police Department won the Voices for Children Bowl hosted by Child Advocacy Services on March 7 at Chappapeela Sports Park in Hammond. The team includes, front row from left, Kory Theodore, Corey Stewart and Brandon Moore; and second row, Javon Spears, Mark Hampton, Rodney Gemar, Garrett Banquer and Michael Jackson. Not pictured are team members Sermaine Smith, Eric Watson and Corey Morse.

Hammond PD defends Voices for Children title

vocacy services. The benefit flag football For the second year in a row, tournament was held March 7 Hammond Police Department at Chappapeela Sports Park in won the Voices for Children Hammond. Twelve teams from area poBowl hosted by Child Advolice departments, sheriff decacy Services. The annual flag football partments, firefighter groups game raises funds for the CAS’ and businesses competed in Children’s Advocacy Center, the annual tournament to raise which conducts forensic inter- funds and awareness for the views in a safe, child-friendly Children’s Advocacy Center. Teams were made up of playenvironment for children who have disclosed sexual or physi- ers from area groups including cal abuse, a news release from Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office, Gonzales Police DepartCAS said. The center also provides ad- ment, Spirit Professionals,

Advocate staff report

Photos provided by AHMAD ROBERTSON

Dalacey Jackson, third from right, shows her steer March 7 at the Southern University Agricultural Research and Extension Center’s 72nd annual Livestock Show in Baton Rouge. She won the Reserve Champion Market Steer award.

Exhibitors compete in Southern livestock show displayed animals that have been showcased or have won The Southern University in-parish competitions. After Agricultural Research and Ex- the show, judges named state tension Center concluded its champions in various breeds 72nd annual Livestock Show of beef and dairy cattle, hogs, on March 7 with more than sheep, lamb and goats. The mini-farm, featuring a 350 exhibitors from across the variety of small farm animals, state. During the two-day event, was held for children from loyoung farmers and ranchers cal schools. In addition, tours

Advocate staff report

were provided to discuss different animals, their food sources, farming and how agriculture affects everyone’s life. Dalacey Jackson, of Amite High, won Reserve Champion Market Steer class. Mayshayla Dyson, a 4-H Member of Westside Middle School, won Louisiana Breed Champion Steer class.

‘Girl on the Train’ leads popular adult fiction “American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal The most popular titles at Sniper in U.S. Military Histhe Livingston Parish Library tory” by Chris Kyle; “God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy” by in March were: Adult fiction: “The Girl on Mike Huckabee; “The Five the Train” by Paula Hawkins; Love Languages: How to Ex“To Kill a Mockingbird” by press Heartfelt Commitment Harper Lee; “Gray Mountain: to Your Mate” by Gary D. A Novel” by John Grisham; Chapman; and “Lone Survi“Private Vegas” by James vor: The Eyewitness Account Patterson; and “Hope to Die: of Operation Redwing and the The Return of Alex Cross” by Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10” by Marcus Luttrell. James Patterson. Young adult fiction: “The Adult nonfiction: “Guinness Book of World Records”; Hunger Games” by Suzanne Advocate staff report

Collins; “The Maze Runner” by James Dashner; “Divergent” by Veronica Roth; “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” by J.K. Rowling; and “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury. Juvenile fiction: “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” by Jeff Kinney; “The Ugly Truth” by Jeff Kinney; “Dog Days” by Jeff Kinney; “The Third Wheel” by Jeff Kinney; and “Hard Luck” by Jeff Kinney. Information provided by The Livingston Parish Library


fears. The program, set from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., is hosted by the Family Resource Center. To RSVP, email Jennifer. or call (225) 667-1098.

USO Swing Dance and Show tickets on sale

Tickets are on sale for the USO Swing Dance and Show on April 10 at the Old South Jamboree. Rosie and the Swinging Riveters and the Spotlight Theatre Players are set to perform from 7 p.m. to 10 a.m. For tickets, call Robert Reynolds at (225) 315-3776 or visit Contact Community Sections Editor Darlene Denstorff by phone at (225) 336-6952; by fax at (225) 388-0371; or by email at livingston@theadvocate. com

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Continued from page 1G

Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 6:30pm

Nancy Gravel, D.C., B.S., BCIA

Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office, Hammond Police Department, Pulse Cross Training Studio, Santa Fe Cattle Company, Kappa Alpha Fraternity, Slidell Police Department, Hammond Fire Department, Raising Cane’s, Firefighters for Christ, River Rock Church, Goodbee Fire Department, St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s Office and Florida Parishes Detention Center. Local businesses, families, friends, volunteers and CAS staff attended to support the game and teams.

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8 week program includes program fees. Meals not included in this cost.

4G n Thursday, April 2, 2015 n n The Advocate


Writing blitz program helpsAmite students Advocate staff report Amite High School’s new “writing blitz” strategy is helping students more easily learn how to generate and organize their thoughts into written form, Dana V. McLin, a reading interventionist at the school, said in a news release. Amite High School English teachers share the belief that their primary objective is to teach thinking skills, she said. Thinking skills transfer to and benefit all other courses of study, she said. English teachers use a variety of resources to teach thinking skills, one of which is nonfiction articles on social and scientific topics or a blend of both, McLin said. Most of the texts used require students to contemplate and infer implications of national and global moral social issues. Through these resources, they teach skills in understanding the organization of the text — noting how writers develop, support, expand and relate topics and issues to their own or other people’s personal lives. In turn, the students learn how to develop their own ideas and express them coherently in written form. However, as anyone who has struggled with writing can understand, she said, the process is not always easily learned. The writing blitz program introduces essential elements of logical thinking and helps with

Amite High School students, from left, Kameron Lomas, Selena Ziegler and Jasmine Phillips work to help each other in completing the writing blitz strategy. the process. English students participate in a boot camp-style workshop on Fridays. The writing blitz strategy is a targeted, intensive effort to improve students’ writing abilities, teaching them how to cohesively bring the essential elements of logical thinking together to produce a powerful writing piece, the release states. The process enables students to break down writing prompts, annotate texts to develop a clear understanding through thorough comprehension and then gives them a formula to follow when writing. The process has allowed students to complete in-depth writing assignments that include evidence, inferences and coherence in a structured format while still

allowing for creativity. “Students are no longer apprehensive, and they do not hesitate before writing,” Curriculum Specialist Renee Carpenter said. “A lot of the anxiety students face when writing extended responses begins with first understanding what they are supposed to write about and then how to get started. “What’s so unique and amazing about being a part of the writing blitz is that this process is building their writing ability — period, overlapping all content areas and providing necessary college and career readiness.” English III teacher Jamie Rhoto said the strategy allows for differentiated instruction for students of varying writing skill levels.

Photos provided by DANA V. MCLIN

Amite High School student Pierre Jackson, left, receives coaching from Curriculum Specialist Renee Carpenter. Although the immediate goal of the writing blitz strategy is to improve students’ performance on the English II and English III end-of-course tests, the ultimate goal is to affect students throughout their adult lives by developing skills that last a lifetime, such as the ability to think logically, organize and justify ideas, and clearly communicate and express themselves. Sophomore Joneika Parker said that before learning the strategy, her writing was unorganized, had no defined purpose, lacked a logical development of ideas and basically communi-

cated nothing. “I would just start writing thoughts off the top of my head with no idea of what I wanted to say, where I was going, or when I would stop. Sometimes, I would just stop midsentence,” Parker said. “I looked through my book sack from last year that contained some papers I had written, and I realized that my writing looked like something a kindergartner had written. I don’t even want to look at things I’ve written in the past because it’s embarrassing. I feel ashamed about how I used to write compared to how I am writing now.”

After learning the strategy, she said that the No. 1 way it has changed her writing is that now her thoughts are organized. “In the past, when I showed my writing to my mom, she would shake her head and tell me that my writing didn’t make any sense,” she said. “Now that I am using the strategy, my writing has gotten much better.” The writing blitz strategy, developed by Principal Terran Perry, gives students a basic format they can adapt to various writing activities and leaves room for creativity. The strategy’s process gives students an automatic “go-to” format to quickly analyze and break down a writing prompt, determine a stance/ claim and pick quotes that support, provide solutions and give examples that explain their points. English II teacher Valerie Thornton said “the students don’t need to stress, because they know the process.” “Students’ writing is much improved, but that’s not the only thing that has changed,” Thornton said. “One of the big positives is their change in attitude about writing. I believe the cause of the change is that they’ve gained confidence in themselves. They have come to trust in their abilities to think, make real-life, personal connections between themselves and the texts, and compose solid pieces of writing that reflect organization of their ideas.”

Photo provided by WILLIAM BRADFORD

Rendering provided by First Baptist Church

Former gang member Ashanti Witherspoon, fourth from left, is surrounded by Denham Springs High School students during a recent visit. Students include, from left, Raphineas Riley, Tevin Charrier, Kade Reed, D’Andre Scott and James Morgan.

This rendering depicts plans to expand First Baptist Church in Denham Springs, which has been on the same property on River Road since it was founded in 1900. The congregation plans to move its campus to a 47-acre tract on Pete’s Highway in Denham Springs, with a projected finish date of August 2016.

Felon turned life coach speaks at high school William Bradford’s U.S. history classes and some English Ashanti Witherspoon, a former classes. Witherspoon shared his story gang member and drug dealer who spent more than 27 years in of early gang violence, and an prison, recently talked to Den- armed robbery and shootout ham Spring High School stu- with law enforcement that landdents about the dangers of drugs ed him in the Louisiana State and gangs and the importance of Penitentiary at Angola. After years of incarceration, graduating from high school. He spoke at a general assem- Witherspoon said he made a debly and later in the day with cision to give his life to God and Advocate staff report

Elementary releases honor roll listing Advocate staff report O.W. Dillon Elementary School in Kentwood released its honor roll for the fourth six-week grading period. The principal’s list, which includes students who earned a 4.0 grade-point average, included: FIRST GRADE: Alonzo Ard, MaQuala Battiste, Jordan Cooper, Semage Cooper, Rajon Covington, Alacia Diamond, Zayden McKnight, Kaden Reed and Madison Winters SECOND GRADE: Caden Moore THIRD GRADE: Jasmine Bailey, Deziah Dunn. Named to the honor roll, which included students with a 3.5 to 3.99 gpa, were: FIRST GRADE: Angelina Ciccio, Da’Quan Cooper, Tamarion Daniels, Joshlynn Irving, Kentel Mack, Le’Tyrus Whitney and Jacorrius Williams SECOND GRADE: Ki’Adra Bryer, Markel Condoll, Dor’shon Jones, Kaitlyn Sandifer, Jeffrey Shannon and Amaya Sneed THIRD GRADE: Ta’Darius Carter, Cameron Cohn, J’Lynn Cooper and Isaiah Martin SIXTH GRADE: Otis Elzy.

began mentoring other inmates. His actions caught the eye of Warden Burl Cain, who would later testify on Witherspoon’s behalf before the parole board, he said. He was paroled in 1998 and serves as an international speaker, author, mentor, life coach and pastor. Bradford said students were inspired by Witherspoon’s talk.

CONGREGATION Continued from page 1G

Crowder said. He and his wife were married there, and had children dedicated and baptized there. Crowder, now in his 50s, grew up in the church, and has seen new buildings go up on campus, old buildings repurposed and demolished, and at least one flood in 1977 that required a quick removal of the pews. While being in the floodplain is one small part of the reason it’s moving, Crowder said, the greater motivation is the congregation’s desire to increase its numbers and visibility.

At the moment, its membership rolls are at 1,200, but there are about 480 regular worshipers, Miller said. “It was once the heart of town, but it’s slowly moved south. There are a lot of newcomers to Denham Springs, and when I say the church is at 308 River Road, they say, ‘Where is that?’ ” The Pete’s Highway location will be much easier to access and easier to find. “It’s something we’ve been dreaming and praying about for a long time,” Miller said. They’ve been raising money through capital campaigns for some time now, he said. Once Phase I is complete,

they’ll begin working on Phase II, which will include an education and multipurpose building, auditorium and expansion of the worship building to seat 1,100. Eventually, the church would like to use the rest of the property to create walking paths and green space that will lend itself to a peaceful, spiritual experience, Crowder said. “We took a lot of time making sure everyone’s input was included, and the people who have been here for decades are as excited as the people who just got here,” Crowder said. For information on the church and its programs, visit its website,

Livingston Parish Library celebrates Pi Day Alexa Brazzell ‘pies’ Youth Services Librarian Lesley Campbell in the face with a plateful of whipped cream. Every child who checked out a book during the celebration received an opportunity to toss a pie at the librarian.

Photos provided by EMMA JAMES

Gathering to create Pi bracelets March 14 at the Watson Branch of the Livingston Parish Library’s Pi Day celebration, from left, are Peyton Foster, Jennifer Dorhauer, Amelia Dorhauer, Madison Patton and Alexis Patton, from left, hula hoop while Ryder Pettitt-Wise and Emerson Dorhauer. The event, which celebrated the mathematical Annie Bower plays with inflated balls during the celebration. constant and Albert Einstein’s birthday, featured a puppet show, crafts and games.

The Advocate n n Thursday, April 2, 2015 n 5G

schools Spirit of the Stage presents ‘Annie Jr.’ as 20th year celebration Advocate staff report The 50 members of Holy Ghost Catholic School’s Spirit of the Stage drama club celebrated 20 years of musical theater with presentations of “Annie Jr.� on March 5-6 at the Columbia Theatre for the Performing Arts. Under the direction of Suzanne Gautier and Joell Jones, Spirit of the Stage members, who range in age from 10 to 14, rehearsed “Annie Jr.� since September, a news release said. In January, Spirit of the Stage attended the 10th annual Junior Theater Festival in Atlanta to present a 15-minute excerpt of the show to receive feedback to improve local performances. For its efforts, Spirit of the Stage received a Freddie G Award for Excellence in Music at the festival, the release said. “Annie Jr.� cast members included Isabella Mollega as Miss Hannigan; Travis Settoon as Oliver Warbucks; Laine Lonero as Annie; Rachel Schnadelbach as Molly; Bailey Fugarino as Pepper; Katie Amos as Duffy; Sarah

Labbe as Kate; Olivia Lowentritt as Tessie; Alexis Lee as July; Isabel Clague, Maddie Pistorius, Juliette LeRay, Alexis Bass, Elizabeth Zaffuto, Madeleine Durnin, Alex Woodworth, Billie Guffey, Kennedy Carter, Sarah Cusimano, Martha Rigney and Bianca Arnone as orphans; Andrew Loyacano as Rooster Hannigan; Chloe Partridge as Lily St. Regis; Maya Bachemin as Grace Farrell; Coyt Bailey as Lt. Ward and a servant; Patrick Labbe as Drake and Bert Healy; Ava Templeton as Mrs. Pugh; Ashley DiFranco as Mrs. Greer; Lyndsi Pierre as Cecille and Allie Ferrara as Annette and the sound effects person. Also, Nicholas Pevey, Hallie Miller, Georgie Rigney, Mallorie Vaccaro, Emma Davis, Leah Lambert, Jo’Rie Martin, MaryGrace Thibodeaux, Madison Sedberry, Catherine Watts, Damien Wootan, Ethan Stoulig, Quinn Paddock, Gabbie Besse, Baylee McDaniel, Allie Girard and Joseph Leonard. Production crew members included Albert Blanchard, Jacob Farrell and Jaden Patti.

Math honorees named

Holy Ghost Catholic students in Hammond, first row from left, Caroline Durnin, Joseph DiGiovanni, Cody Bates and Paris Marques; and second row, Alexis Pecararo and Carli Anderson are honored during a morning assembly March 4 for their accomplishments in the First in Math program. The students earned 3,000 stickers and the title of Mathematician, school officials said in a news release. In addition to receiving a certificate, the students also will receive an invitation to an end-of-the-year party. Holy Ghost Catholic School is ranked first in the Diocese of Baton Rouge in the First in Math program, the release said. Photo provided by MELANIE ZAFFUTO

‘It’s the Hard Knock Life’ for the orphans of ‘Annie Jr.,’ performed March 5-6 at Holy Ghost Catholic School’s Spirit of the Stage drama club at the Columbia Theatre for the Performing Arts in Hammond. Laine Lonero, front and center, played Annie, the spunky, Depression-era orphan determined to find her parents. Cast members, second row from left, are Katie Amos as Duffy; third row, Madeleine Durnin, Rachel Schnadelbach as Molly and Elizabeth Zaffuto; fourth row, Maddie Pistorius, Juliette LeRay, Alexis Bass, Sarah Cusimano and Alex Woodworth; and fifth row, Bailey Fugarino as Pepper, Alexis Lee as July, Sarah Labbe as Kate, Martha Rigney and Kennedy Carter. Not pictured are Orphans Olivia Lowentritt as Tessie, Isabel Clague, Billie Guffey and Bianca Arnone.

Northside Elementary celebrates Dr. Seuss

Denham Springs Councilwoman Lori Lamm-Williams reads to a group of prekindergarten through second-grade students during a March 3 program at Northside Elementary School in Denham Springs.

Advocate staff report Northside Elementary School in Denham Springs celebrated Dr. Seuss’ birthday March 3 with a family night event. About 225 students and their families attended the program, which included food, beverages and dessert from food trucks, Principal JoAn Williams said in a news release. The night included educational activities, books and faculty and staff dressed as Dr. Seuss characters. Denham Springs City Council member Lori Lamm-Williams helped read several Dr. Seuss books. Activities focused on some of the students’ favorites. Each student in attendance received a book, bookmark and Dr. Seuss pencil.

Photos provided by JOAN COOK

Holy Ghost Catholic School students, first row from left, Adam Bondurant and Cohen Troxclair; and second row, Brody Barker, Davis Peltier and Layton Pittman are honored during a morning assembly March 4 for their accomplishments in the First in Math program. Holy Ghost Catholic School is ranked first in the Diocese of Baton Rouge in the First in Math program, the release said.

Photos provided by CINDY WAGNER

Holy Ghost Catholic School students, from left, Martha Rigney, Cianna Newton, Ava Alston, William Hudspeth and Claudia Olah received certificates at an assembly on March 18. These students were recognized for earning 3,000 stickers in the First in Math program.

Students Alleigh Rouse and Laynie Rouse-Courville, from left, dress as Thing 1 and Thing 2.

Northside Elementary School student Cory Stewman, right; his mom, Traciles, center; and his little sister, Tracy, enjoy snowballs at the literacy night at the Denham Springs school.

Northside Elementary School student Kaelyn Vicknair, front, and her mother, Nicole, get a snowball at the family literacy night.

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6G n Thursday, April 2, 2015 n n The Advocate

schools/sports C.R. ‘Robby’ Miller honored with Mother Seton Award

Students named Pandarific

Advocate staff report

Pandarific students for the month of February at Perrin Early Learning Center in Ponchatoula, first row from left, are Jamiyah Blackwell, Brennan Pierson, Lauren Matherne, Brielle Hanible, Andrew Ortego, Bailey Spears, Louis Johnson and Evan Grossnickle; second row, Claire Bateman, Zakerah Chambers, Giana Dillard, Ava Lucia, Gage Spencer, Kyerstin Pfister, Tiana Miller and Norman Davis; and third row, Principal Patricia Foster and Assistant Principal Lorinda Elzy.

The St. Thomas Aquinas Home and School Association selected C.R. “Robby” Miller Jr. as the 2015 recipient of the Mother Seton Award. The award was created to honor individuMiller als whose volunteer service and dedication to home, school and church has been exemplary, a news release from St. Thomas Aquinas said. “Robby is a true proponent of Catholic education and has volunteered tirelessly and consistently for thirty years,” STA Principal Jose Becerra said. “He is a strong Christian dedicated to his faith and an exemplary father and family man. The thing that sets Robby apart are the things he does behind the scenes that no one ever knows about. It’s not

about getting credit or doing things that everyone can see. He is always there and never says no.” Miller has served as statistician for several years at football games and was also an integral part of the Capital Campaign Committee, the release said. Miller has volunteered with the youth from Catholic schools since he graduated from college in 1985, when he began coaching football at Holy Ghost, the release said. He is a member of Holy Ghost Church, where he has served on the Fair Committee, as well as major gift co-chairman of its Campaign 100. He is a member of the Finance Council at Holy Ghost Church and at STA. He also has been a supporter and volunteer with the drama clubs of both schools. Miller is chairman of the Hammond Economic Development Board, and also has coached several teams for city

and parish recreation leagues. He is a former president of the Richard Murphy Hospice Foundation and the chairman of the board of directors of the Disposable Heroes Project. He is on the board of directors for both Options and TARC. Miller has been married to Donna Distefano Miller since 1987. They have four children, all graduates of Holy Ghost School. “Robby is a man of strong integrity and pure ethics,” Home and School President Lauren Sampey said. “He passionately serves in public and private matters, always stepping up to help those in need. He is always ready with a positive word, an encouraging pat on the back and a contagious smile. Robby Miller is an exemplary honoree for the Mother Seton Award.” The Diocese of Baton Rouge will honor all Mother Seton recipients at a luncheon on April 21.

Blue Bombers hit the field

Photos provided by JILL MUNCHAUSEN

Perrin Early Learning Center held its February Pandarific Program for students with excellent behavior last month at the school. The administrators presented the students with a certificate for a free meal from Raising Cane’s and a trip to the school’s treasure chest. They also participated in relay races, danced to music and decorated cupcakes with sprinkles, school officials said. The students all had a great time. Pandarific students, first row from left, are Jada Frazier, Sarah Reynolds, Kyliaa Terrell-Frazier, Cade Bowman, Charleigh Hill, A’Derian Dunn, Da’Nyah Dugas and Meilan Williams; second row, Mel Bartholomew, Isabella Randazzo, Laiden Zito, Joseph Foy Jr., Easton Hopson, Chase Michel, Malike’ Murray and Kaitlin Haverkamp; and third row, Principal Patricia Foster and Assistant Principal Lorinda Elzy.

The Livingston Parish Soccer Association’s 6-year-old and younger Blue Bombers team includes, from left, coach Whittney Landrum, Drew Hernandez, Evan Schwartz, Demi Magallanes, Addalyn Landrum and coach Adam Landrum.

Sumner students take part in festival

Photo provided by Family Focus Imaging

Photo provided by CHARLEY VANCE

Jewel M. Sumner High School talented theater students competed March 13 in the Southeastern Louisiana University Vonnie Borden Speech and Theatre Festival in Hammond. The students performed oral interpretation selections and scenes from plays. The students earned 7 superior rankings, which qualify many of them for the State Literary Rally. Gathering are students from the Kentwood school, first row from left, Lauren Mearidy, Lee Verret, Olivia Pereda, Jackson Latner and Morgan Goings; second row, Sidney Polezcek, Marla Sheridan, Emily Phelps, Alexis Biandolillo and Katherine Davis; and third row, Carl Briggs, Alexis Verberne, Sabrina Walker, Kyle Primes and Makayla Taylor.

Hammond Westside Elementary Montessori welcomes visitors

Photo provided by LINDA FALLER JOINER

Hammond area businessmen toured Hammond Westside Montessori Magnet School on March 4, and visited several classrooms to watch students engaged in Montessori practices, school officials said. Students and visitors are, first row from left, Paul Boyd, Cierra Knighten, Kennedi Sibley, Sue Courtney and Nancy Perrilloux; and second row, Robby Miller, Jay Artegues, Sheriff Daniel Edwards, Heather Thompson, Karissa Celestine, District Attorney Scott Perrilloux, Joe Wong and Steve Hoover.

The Advocate n n Thursday, April 2, 2015 n 7G

LIVINGSTON PARISH PRISON BOOKINGS The following people were booked into the Livingston Parish prison from March 18-24.

March 18

ALFORD, ERIC: 44, 32020 Butch Bennett, Walker, two counts domestic abuse battery. AUCOIN, AIMEE: 47, 12851 Sims Road, Denham Springs, speeding, two counts amount of fees, credit or refund, two counts duration of license, criminal sanctions for operating motor vehicle not covered by security, owner to secure registration, evidence of compulsory motor vehicle liability security contained in vehicle, owner to secure registration, issuing worthless checks, proper equipment required on vehicle, inspection tag required. BLOCKER, DUSTIN W.: 32, 151 Aspen Square Road, Denham Springs, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia, driving while intoxicated. BROUSSARD, KASIE D.: 35, 16935 Watkins Road, Walker, probation administrative sanction. DAIGLE, DAVID A.: 29, 12130 Brown Road, Denham Springs, allowing dogs to roam. DEMONN, AMANDA: 31, 7620 Amite Church Road, Denham Springs, theft. EDWARDS, JOHN: 36, 3907 Monticello Blvd., Baton Rouge, theft. ESPINOZA, BRANDI A.: 21, 34292 Graves Briar Drive, Denham Springs, possession of schedule IV controlled dangerous substance, obstruction of justice, resisting an officer. FORD, LASHONDA: 39, 12493 Warfield Ave., Baton Rouge, theft. HAMILTON, ROXANNE: 37, 22578 S. Walker Road, Denham Springs, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, vehicle approaching or entering intersection, traffic bench warrant, possession of schedule III controlled dangerous substance. HIGGINBOTHAM, COLBY: 17, 11565 Ellis Delatte Road, Denham Springs, illegal possession of stolen things, stop signs and yield signs, driver must be licensed. JOHNSON, HEATHER: 34, 514 Fuseler Lane, Oberlin, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia, appearing in an intoxicated condition, possession of schedule III controlled dangerous substance. LEONARD, DONALD P.: 33, 28777 La. 444, Springfield, safety belt use, tags indicating exemption, amount of fees, credit or refund, duration of license. MCKAY, FRANNECIA: 27, 25749 McCarroll, Springfield, possession of marijuana, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia, careless operation, security required, traffic bench warrant. MILLER, KEVIN LAROY: 30, 7999 Fitzgerald, Denham Springs, possession of firearm/carry concealed weapon by convicted felon, two counts expired motor vehicle insurance, three counts violations of registration provisions, speeding, violations of registration provisions, three counts evidence of compulsory motor vehicle liability security contained in vehicle. STEWART, TIWARSKI: 34, 11000 Buddy Ellis Road, Denham Springs, unauthorized entry of an inhabited dwelling, violation of protective orders. SULLIVAN, TROY LINNARD: 46, 9094 Lock Hart Road, Denham Springs, driving while intoxicated, molestation of a juvenile. VENABLE, DANNY: 19, 39427 Richardson St., Prairieville, expired motor vehicle insurance, stop lamps and turn signals required on new motor vehicles, evidence of compulsory motor vehicle liability security contained in vehicle, possession of marijuana, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia, safety belt use, tags indicating exemption, traffic bench warrant, no one may drive a vehicle within state faster than speed limit. WOHLFARTH, ASHLEY A.: 31, 29454 Florida Blvd., Albany, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia.

March 19

AUBIN, WILLIAM J.: 47, 30637 Anderson Drive, Denham Springs, simple criminal damage to prop-


erty. BUTCHER, ELIZABETH: 37, 1060 Benton Lane, Denham Springs, two counts operating vehicle with suspended license, two counts other offenses, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia. CELESTINE, ALONZO: 45, 1512 Pecan Crossing Ave., Zachary, theft. FRICKEY, SWAKA: 47, 107 Vick A. Pitre, Westwego, stop signs and yield signs, possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substance, manufacture, cultivation, distribution, possession with intent to distribute schedule II controlled dangerous substance. HARRELL, RILEY: 27, 1183 Cullen Harrell, Greensburg, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia. HATCH, BRANDON ROY: 32, 112 LaSalle St., Denham Springs, evidence of compulsory motor vehicle liability security contained in vehicle, vehicle license required, vehicle registration expired. HOYT, CONNIE S.: 33, 32637 La. 1036, Holden, theft. HUGHES, BRETT TYLER: 24, 26075 La. 441, Holden, domestic abuse aggravated assault. JENKINS, ROBERT DOUGLAS: 28, 19610 La. 444, Livingston, possession of schedule III controlled dangerous substances, failure to pay child support. KELSEY, DONNIE L.: 38, 19932 Georgia St., Livingston, illegal possession of stolen things, two counts operating vehicle with suspended license, two counts other offenses, vehicle registration expired, two counts driver must be licensed, enter/remain in places/on land after being forbidden, illegal possession of stolen things MCGREGOR, COREY COOPER: 35, 17481 Fredrick St., Hammond, two counts possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substances, two counts prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia, principal/ simple burglary, create/ operate clandestine laboratory for the unlawful manufacture of controlled dangerous substances. MCMORRIS, SHAUNE: 37, 41263 N. Thudeany Road, Pontchatoula, fugitive, create/operate clandestine laboratory for the unlawful manufacture of controlled dangerous substances. OLIVER, TIMOTHY: 57, 503 Hardy St., Amite, felony theft. REID, CHRISTOPHER SHAUN: 30, 19726 Perilloux Road, Livingston, failure to pay child support. RICHARDSON, JUDAH BENJAMIN: 32, Albany, driving while intoxicated, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses. SHUCKHART, JERRY D.: 39, 21830 Vivian White, Albany, two counts simple burglary, theft, create/ operate clandestine laboratory for the unlawful manufacture of controlled dangerous substances. SULLIVAN, GLENN PATRICK: 45, 32637 La. 1036, Holden, contempt of court. YOUNG, JULIUS: 38, 70401 Jewel Drive, Baton Rouge, Department of Corrections incarceration, manufacture, cultivation, distribution or possession with intent to distribute schedule I controlled dangerous substances, taking contraband to/from penal institutions prohibited.

March 20

ARNOLD, MIKEL: 39, 20245 La. 16, Denham Springs, drug court sanction. CALDWELL, DANNY: 46, 18838 La. 3235, Galliano, driving while intoxicated, failure to pay child support. CALKIN, WILLIAM: 23, 1326 N. Woodcrest, Denham Springs, resisting an officer. CANELLA, TROY JOSEPH: 27, 11005 La. 22, St. Amant, drug court sanction. DANSBY, ROBERT: 71, 25140 Fire Tower Road, Holden, violation of protective orders. ELAYAN, SHADI: 19, 30982 Meadow Wood Blvd., Denham Springs, aggravated burglary, resting an officer with force or violence, two counts battery of a police officer, aggravated battery, aggravated battery, simple criminal damage to property, criminal mischief.

FIELDS, MICHAEL S.: 38, 16024 Gaylord Oaks, Walker, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, driver must be licensed, security required, vehicle license required, careless operation, switched plate. HARRISON, JAMES: 39, 162 Holly Wood Park, Montz, telephone communications, improper language, harassment, cyberstalking. HERRING, ROBERT JOSEPH: 42, 36461 Rue Lamart Court, Prairieville, theft. KING, JOHN DONALD: 23, 26632 Evlan Drive, Denham Springs, drug court sanction. KRAUSE, PATRICK A.: 66, 20700 Vincent Acres, Denham Springs, simple battery domestic violence, aggravated assault. LEBLANC, BRIDGET: 41, 14815 Cypress Road, Maurepas, all drivers must secure license, emergency vehicle exception, illuminating devices required. MAISONNEUVE, JEROME: 36, 23039 La. 22, Maurepas, domestic abuse battery. OUTLAW, KENDELL L.: 25, 11482 Florida Blvd., Lot 10, Walker, headlamps for motor vehicles and motorcycles, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses. PIZZOLATO, JOSHUA C.: 23, 17060 Lisa Drive, Satsuma, driver must be licensed, expired motor vehicle insurance. RIVERO, JONATHAN B.: 38, 20700 Vincent Acres Court, Denham Springs, possession of marijuana. ROSA, YESENIA: 26, 112527 Hummingbird, Denham Springs, theft of goods. ROSS, QUEEN: 54, 14057 Azalea Park, Baton Rouge, driving while intoxicated, obstructing public passages, possession of alcoholic beverages in motor vehicles. SCOTT, MICHAEL: 21, 23825 Stone Ridge Lane, Denham Springs, felony theft, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, two counts speeding, no driver license, two counts traffic bench warrant, vehicle license required, two counts simple battery. THOMAS, WILLIAM E.: 64, 3920 Beech, Baton Rouge, possession of marijuana. TYSON, SUSAN: 50, 30779 Dunn Road, Denham Springs, two counts simple battery. WEBER, DANNY S.: 37, 1033 La. 42, Denham Springs, drug court sanction.

March 21

ANDERSON, JOHNATHAN JOSEPH: 17, 70816 Perkins Road, Baton Rouge, twelve counts simple burglary. CHILDRESS, SUSAN: 54, 28446 Lapente Drive, Lacombe, flight from an officer, aggravated flight from an officer, limitations on backing. CRENSHAW, CONNOR REESE: 17, 8144 Belle Helene Drive, Denham Springs, twelve counts simple burglary. JONES, KERRY: 22, 19522 La. 22, Maurepas, simple battery domestic violence, failure to pay child support. NICHOLAS, WILLIAM: 34, 13935 Alvin Sibley, Denham Springs, theft. ROBERTS, JOSHUA J.: 33, 21460 La. 16, Lot 3, Denham Springs, second degree battery with intentional serious bodily injury. WELLMEYER, JONATHAN: 27, 31050 La. 16, Denham Springs, driving while intoxicated, resisting an officer, interfering with law enforcement investigation.

March 22

CAMEL, CHELLI ELIZABETH: 21, 511 E. Washington St., Baton Rouge, simple burglary. COLLINS, YETEAKA SHANTEL: 30, 137 W. Taylor St., Baton Rouge, simple burglary. FORD, RACEY LAMAR: 22, 36263 Fore Road, Denham Springs, domestic abuse aggravated assault, resting an officer with force or violence, battery of a police officer, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, security required, simple burglary, vehicle registration expired, secretary to require periodical inspection.

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HARRIS, DAMON: 38, 25849 Marlbrook Drive, Denham Springs, disturbing the peace, simple criminal damage to property, possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substances, misrepresentation during booking, taking contraband to/from penal institutions prohibited, failure to register. MANCHESTER, TIMOTHY LOYDE: 37, 20950 La. 16, Lot 48, Denham Springs, driving while intoxicated, reckless operation of a vehicle, manufacture, cultivation, distribution, possession with intent to distribute schedule II controlled dangerous substances, manufacture, distribution, two counts possession with intent to distribute schedule IV controlled dangerous substances, negligent injuring. NEVELS, JAMES: 24, 30839 N. Susie Circle, Denham Springs, attempt/simple burglary of inhabited dwelling, possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substances, prohibited acts/ drug paraphernalia, resisting an officer, three counts resisting an officer with force or violence, attempted injuring or killing of a police animal. POLK, DOROTHY M.: 47, 8119 La. 955 E. P.O. Box 17, Ethel, simple burglary. QUEBEDEAUX, NICOLE: 31, 9865 Asheville Drive, Denham Springs, possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substances, possession of schedule IV controlled dangerous substances, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia. WELLS, WALTER C.: 25, 33057 Perkins Road, Denham Springs, safety belt use, tags indicating exemption, expired motor vehicle insurance, all drivers must secure license, emergency vehicle exception. WHITAKER, JEFFREY: 40, 14572 Bluff Road, Prairieville, mufflers, requirements, prevention of excessive noise, fumes, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia. WRAY, CRYSTAL BROOKE: 26, 10888 Buddy Ellis, Denham Springs, misdemeanor domestic abuse child endangerment, allowing dogs to roam.

March 23

ANDERSON, GLENN: 46, 18200 Balfantz Road, Springfield, simple battery. BOND, TRAVIS: 39, 10067 Summerfield Drive, Denham Springs, simple assault, telephone communications, improper language, harassment, simple criminal damage to property. BRADFORD, GEORGE A.: 29, 2655 Range Ave., Denham Springs, disturbing the peace. BROUSSARD, RAYMOND: 22, 14278 Glen Ellis Road, Denham Springs, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, injuring public records, resisting an officer. CHAMBERLAIN, JAMES WILLIAM: 30, 8205 Lilac St., Denham Springs, accessory/unlawful to unknown/intentionally possess schedule IV controlled dangerous substances without prescription, vehicle registration expired, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses. CHAVERS, FELICIA: 36, 36926 Long

Leaf Drive, Independence, simple assault. CLEAVER, CHRISTOPHER L.: 35, 32470 Savannah Trace, Denham Springs, theft, theft by fraud. CUPIT, KEVIN RAY: 24, 8190, Denham Springs, resisting an officer, expired motor vehicle insurance, security required, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, possession of schedule IV controlled dangerous substance. DABADIE, COREY: 23, 8674 Wayne St., Denham Springs, driving while intoxicated, careless operation. FAIR, CHRISTOPHER: 29, 135 Matthews St., Paincourtville, possession schedule I controlled dangerous substances other than marijuana or synthetic. FAIRCHILD, GARRETT: 23, 12361 Fairchild Road, Gonzales, possession of marijuana. KLEINPETER, KAYTE NICOLE: 25, 13261 Legacy Court, Baton Rouge, theft. KLINE, FREDERICK L.: 32, 1334 Chester St., Alexandria, failure to pay child support. LAURENT, TIMOTHY: 52, 30296 Milton Road, Walker, criminal trespass, allowing dogs to roam. NICOSIA, JONATHAN: 21, 10807 Rifle Drive, Baton Rouge, home invasion. PETERS, ANDRAL: 29, 13781 Sycamore St., Walker, failure to pay child support, criminal trespass. ROWAN, CHRISTOPHER: 31, 32375 Bobby Graham Road, Denham Springs, manufacture, cultivation, distribution, possession with intent to distribute schedule II controlled dangerous substances, possession of marijuana, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia, illegal carrying of weapon penal use weapon/violent crime or controlled dangerous substances. SANCHEZ, ALBERTO NAVARRO: 40, 13935 Alvin Sibley Road, Walker, obstructing public passages, appearing in an intoxicated condition, resisting an officer. STARKEY, FELICIA: 30, 7533 Co-

lonial Drive, Denham Springs, illegal possession of stolen things, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, evidence of compulsory motor vehicle liability security contained in vehicle, proper equipment required on vehicle, inspection tag required. THOMPSON, JUSTIN B.: 18, 23140 La. 16, Denham Springs, simple criminal damage to property, simple battery. TILLEY, CLARENCE: 57, 29720 Joe Kreko St., Albany, domestic abuse battery. WILLIAMS, BRIAN BERNARD: 41, 14114 Gravier Ave., Baton Rouge, theft of goods.

March 24 AUCOIN, TYLER C.: 26, 33139 Percy Young Road, Walker, establishing of speed zones, two counts operating vehicle with suspended license, two countsother offenses, four counts speeding, driver must be licensed, traffic bench warrant. BOURRIAGUE, CHRISTOPHER: 30, 31994 Burgess Road, Denham Springs, resisting an officer, simple criminal damage to property, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, speeding, violations of registration provisions. CHIASSON, ALICIA: 29, 7775 Florida Blvd., Denham Springs, proper equipment required on vehicle inspection tag required, theft, two counts failure to pay child support. FINLEY, HUNTER L.: 18, 31531 Linder Road, Denham Springs, speeding, licensee must give notice of change of address. KEGLEY, CHRISTOPHER: 30, 22399 Gull, Maurepas, issuing worthless checks. .LATHAM, LESLEY ANN: 19, 29656 First St., Albany, theft. VALDEZ, DANIEL: 20, 8749 Chickasaw, Denham Springs, driver must be licensed, stop signs and yield signs and turning movements, required signals.


Heidi M. Vessel Attorney at Law

(225) 658-8899 in Zachary Free consultation and notarizing


Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Advocate

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Business Services Directory Air Cond. - Heating

Concrete Work



Heating & Cooling "If we can't fix it, it can't be fixed" Call 225-460-0414 Free Diagnostic w/ repair PALS AC & ELECTRICAL No extra charge for after hrs & wknds. LIC. & FULLY INS. CC acc. Financ. avail. Call Johnny, 225-439-5173

CALL CALVIN'S Sales, Service, Installation 752-5014

Appliance Repair LAMB'S REPAIR. AC's, Refrig., stoves, washer/ dryers. Call 387-8080, 627-9358

Basketball Goals Goals & Poles- Basketball Goal Sales & Installation Since 1982. 225-923-0622


Masonry By George Brick & tile, free est. 225-665-6187

INLAND Masonry, quality work, all phases, over 30 yrs exp, free est. 261-4914.

BRICKWORK BY DON Small jobs, Brick & Block, Free ests. Call 225-938-8241

Bushhogging ZIEGLER'S BUSH HOGGING Free Estimates


Sergeant's Bush Hog, Stump Removal. Ret. Vet. Free Ests 225-276-2662

B U S H H O G G I N G Free Estimates Call 445-6437

Cabinets/Woodwork Custom Cabinets Refacing Remodel & Light Carpentry 35yrs exp 225-936-3163



Small to BIG JOBS. Comm & Res. 30 yr exp. ALSO Painting & Flooring. Free Est. 272-7697

Home360 - 225-926-HOME Craftsmen In Every Field. Carpentry Services- New & old. Lrg& sm. Renovations & Repairs. DON, 939-8877

Carpet Installers CARPET, WOOD, Vinyl, Tile. Install. repair & restretch. 926-2442 or cell 806-9044. *THE CARPET MAN-25YRS* Repair, Re-stretch, Install Free Est. Call 225-223-1555

Ceramic/Marble/ Granite Tile

Ceramic Tile, Hardwd

Lam. Floor., & Renovation. Free Est. Call 225-287-8259. **SHOWER PAN REPAIR** Ceramic Tile Flooring. Free Est. 35yr exp. 225-241-2421

Child Care Licensed-Registered Exc. Childcare in my home. Birth-2yrs. Mon- Fri. 7a-5p. 35yrs. exp. Centurion Place Subd. 225-7090445.

Companions/Sitters PERSONAL HOMECARE SERVICES Specializing in Live-In Care


Jenn's Angels LLC Sitter Service. Quality & Affordable Care. 225-278-7992

Computer Service Computer Doctor 25 years. House calls. NoFixNoPay $35-$75-$95 225-803-8241 Help with XP-Vista-Win7+8

Concrete Work

Hungry for FOOD? Find Recipes & More in the

FOOD section every Thursday, only in The Advocate.

Form, dig, pour & finish.

Driveways, patios, sidewalks, parking areas. Res/ Comm'l foundations. Also breakout & haul away concrete. INSURED…After you call the rest, call the best.225-266-7764/448-0803 Stevens Construction INC. Concrete, asphalt, dirt wrk Res./ Comm'l., 40 yrs. exp. Culverts, parking lot, drives. Found's, limestone. " WE DO QUALITY WORK " 225-647-7088 * 225-744-3925 Licensed & Insured Demo/Drainage/Trucking TOTAL CONCRETE WORKS. Grade, Form, Excavate, & Finish. Complete concrete breakout & replacement. Slabs, Driveways, Patios. State Licensed & Insured. 225-362-8278 * 413-4819.

Drew Concrete, LLC

Parking lots, Driveways, Breakouts, Patios, Sidewalks. Licensed & Insured Free Estimate 225-636-0269

All types of Cement Work! Bobcat & Haul Off. Quality for less! License & Insured Call 225-444-9866. All Types of Cement Work Reasonable Prices. Start to Finish. 225-803-2770

J.E.C. SERVICES INC. All Types, Dig, Form, & Pour. Call 225-610-0879. NS STAMP CONCRETE- Reg Décor, Driveway, Patio, etc Comm & Res 225-234-0808 DRIVEWAYS, SIDEWALKS, Patios, 40 years exp. Call Frank at 225-229-0851. Dig * Pour * Form * Finish Breakout * Saw Cut * Haul Off *225-907-2106

Demolishing LICENSED DEMOLITION contractor. Demolition and removal, lot cleaning, debris hauling, dirt hauling 225-718-9312

Electrical Work

House Cleaning

Metro Electrical

New or Repair. Lic. & Ins. 225-774-7296 *225-270-0196 CALL CALVIN'S Lic. & Insured 225-752-5014

Fencing AAA FENCE & GATES LLC. ALL TYPES. Comp. rates. Afford. Quality! CALL FOR FREE EST. 225-347-6530. C&C FENCE SERVICES 30 yrs. Wood fence specialist. Repairs. Free est. 235-8006



Serving the B.R. area since 1984. Lic., bonded & insured. Screened, trained, exp. maids. 225-664-9053 SPRING DISC. Shiny clean homes by detailed pro. Exc refs. Call 225-400-3895 and come home to clean!

LEMOINES FENCING/GATES Spec. all types. 15yrs. exp. Free est. Call 225-369-4675.

HOUSE CLEANER in Ascension Parish & SBR area. Honest, dependable, 15 years exp. 225-505-7041.

Chain Link, Wood, Bricks Wrought Iron, Alum. Vinyl, ALL TYPES. 225-907-2106

Locally owned & op 30 yrs. Ins./Bonded. 225-756-3900.

Firewood Mixed Firewood. Cord $200. .5 Cord $125. Delivery/pick up. 225-610-0879.



we install laminate/ceramic /wood @ $1.50 sf *Carpet & Carpentry/Painting. 272-7697

CARPET, WOOD, CERAMIC 25 YRS. Free Est. Call Me 225-223-1555*225-359-6886 *THIBODEAUX FLOORING * Sand & Finish, Buff & Recoat. Call 225-572-6622. We Specialize in installing Hardwood Floors, Ceramic Great prices! 225-360-5917

Furniture Gerard Furniture & Gallery Good Furniture That Lasts M-Sat 10-6 pm * 926-0250

Gutters/Gutter Cleaning *Quality Gutters & Patios* Low Prices/Free Estimates Licensed/Insured 223-8848

Handyman CARP. CON. electr. plumb. metal bldg. M/H. Doors installed. 225-385-3853.


I DO IT ALL! $17 AN HR. Washing, ironing, 7 days anytime Call 225-754-2564

House Washing Ballard's House Washing Since 1973, 15K + houses washed. Call 225-921-4101.

Janitorial Service

Lawn-Yard Service

Property Management

Grounds Guys Landscape Management. A full service lawn & maintenance co. 225-573-9816; 802-1797

Sales, Prop. & Assoc. Mgt.

Lawn Cutting & Bushhogging, etc. Free Estimates.

Call 225-610-0879.

MARTIN LAWN CARE Mowing, edging, drainage, etc. Call 225-916-4802

Masonry E J' s Masonry Brick and Block No Job To Small, quality Work. 225229-0963

Painting/Papering CARNEY'S PROFESSIONAL Painting & Drywall Finishing, stucco finishes, synthetic & conventional. 30 yrs exp. Free est. 225-907-2795


Quality wrko25yr. Int/Ext Paint, carpentry, pressure washing, all flooring 272-7697

HENRY D's PAINTING LLC. Painting, sheetrock, carpentry. 30 yrs exp. Lic/Ins. Free est. 225-573-6755

*CLEARING * DRIVEWAYS* House Pads* Stump Grinding & EVERYTHING ELSE!! Call Lattie, 225-405-5229

DIRT, BASIN SAND, Gravel, Tractor work available. 225-931-4468/225-262-0961

Doors JIM JEANSONNE. 766-1268. Replace, adjust & fine tune doors. Lic/Bonded.

Drywall Finishing **Keith's Drywall Repair** Free Est. All work guar. No job too small. 225-573-1987 Sheetrock Repair 30 yrs. Exp- No Job Too Small. John Langlois 225-223-0790

Electrical Work SIMPLE ELECTRIC. Prof. work. Lic/Ins/bond. 30+ yrs exp No job too sml/lrg.

Call 225-921-2633

TRIPLE J - Res/Comm electrical. Generator sales / serv, appl repair & more. Lic, bond & ins. 573-1994


Prefer Small Jobs Lic & Ins 225-715-3064

Home Improvement/ Remodeling H TOURERE REMODELING All Remodeling Projects. Quality Work, 20+ yrs exp. Lic/Ins. Free ests. 615-7582

ALL OUTDOOR Construction & Home Improvement, Call 225-292-4171.

Remodeling & Repairs. All sz's, great refs, 30+yrs exp 225-505-2529 *225-363-6113

Home Maintenance TRIPLEJ- Elect, Appliance Repair, Generator sales/ ser. & more 225-573-1994.

House Leveling AFFORDABLE FOUNDATION Repair. House leveling & lifting. Pier homes or slabs. Level mobile homes Fully insured.

Call 225-343-0222

Cleaning Out Your Attic? Garage Sales can turn your stuff into bucks. Call 1-800-960-6397 to place your ad


QUALITY PAINTING of all types, Press. wash., sheetrock rpr. Free Est. 268-0033



HOUSE PAINTER looking for work. Interior/exterior, free estimate. 225-7734177 Planning, Installations, Flowerbeds. Free Est. Call Daniel @ 225-627-3335.


S & L WALL PAPERING. Commercial & Residential (504) 458-1640



Trash Hauling, Debris Remov., Trailer Rental, Odd Jobs, Painting 225-235-1455

SECURITY ROOFING LLC Free Est. Over 35 yrs exp.

Grubbing, Land Clearing, Dirt, & Pond. Dozier, Skidsteer, Escavation. 610-0879


Flower Bed Maint./Install, Trim, Bagging, Fence, Pres. Wash, & Painting. Save a lot of $$$. Call 225726-3787

AMERICAN II LAWN SRVC Spring Clean-up landscaping. 50% off. 225-305-0571

Lawnmower Repair ** IVY'S LAWNMOWER ** TORO * ZTRs * MOWERS 225-383-6459 *800-498-4897 We buy broken/ used equip. We also take trades At Your Home-lawnmower repairs & tune-ups, also specializing in generators, tractors, ATVs.225362-6863

J's PLUMBING. LMP#4979 24/7 Svc. Mention this ad& receive $25 off. 10+ yr exp *BBB accredited. 225-910-7715

Call A Retired Plumber

Free estimates. Kitchen & Bath repairs, leaky faucets 225-753-3538 *225-938-2487

NATHAN TODORA PLUMBFive Fold Maint., Sewer Repairs, Remodeling, Free Est. LMP #1310. 752-2819

PLUMBING REPAIRS Call 225-413-6488 or 225-921-9027

CALL CALVIN'S Licensed/ Bonded/Insured LMP 1773. 752-5014

Lawn-Yard Service

TIM'S Proficient Plumbing LMP 2233. All plmbg, gas, repairs, WH's. 225-571-7853

Ever-So-Green LLC


♣♣ We Do It All ♣♣ Full Lawn Service & Landscaping. Spring Clean Up! Flowerbeds installed & cleaned. Pruning Shrubs of any kind. Irrigation installed or repaired. Same day service. 7 day per wk


EXTREME PRO LAWN CARE LLC. LICENSED/INSURED. Total Yard Care: Cutting, trimming, edging, hedging, flower beds and more. First cut free. 225347-6038 Taking new clients residential and commercial.

LAGNIAPPE LAWN SERVICE Weekly & monthly. Grass/ Leaves, & Pruning . Comm &Res. Gaston, 225-329-8737


Discount Prices * Free Del 1-800-362-3390

Pond Maintenance. Fountains, Aerators, & Vegetation Control. 225-247-3574

Pressure Washing

Lic. & Ins. FREE ESTIMATES 225-774-7296 * 225-270-0196

Swimming Pools Gunite Pool Specialist, replaster/restore/tiling/acid wash, 27 yr exp. Wk guarn. llc/Ins. Ref's. 228-669-1831

Tree Service NOTICE TO READERS Sec. 6:386.1. Large material to be removed by contractor. (City) (a) Any person, business or other entity engaged in business of tree service who in the course of business fells or trims any tree, shall be responsible for the removal of the tree and its components from the premises where the tree was felled, and shall not place the tree or its components or other large lumber refuse on any part of the premises or adjoining servitudes or rights-ofway for removal. (b) If the contractor fails or refuses to remove a felled tree and/or its components, the owner of the premise shall be responsible for removing the material in accordance with subsection (a), (c) Anyone violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or six (6) months imprisonment or both. (Ord. No. 9838, & 1. 2-23-94)

NOTICE TO READERS To the best of our knowledge, all ads under Tree Service in the Business Service Directory represent legitimate offerings by responsible contractors. However, The Advocate does recommend that readers exercise normal business caution in responding to ads, in particular where up-front money is requested. For license details visit

*Action Power Cleaning* Res./Comm. Lic./Ins. Homes, buildings, patios, driveways,sidewalks, windows,decks,mobile homes & more. Free Est. 223-3206

House/Gutters/Roofs/ Decks/Driveways, etc.

Free est. Call 225-268-8330. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Call: 1-800-960-6397 Online:

Affordable TREE Service Sr. Disc. Free est. Jesus saves! Your work is a blessing 225-343-0670. Steve Robins Tree Service 50 Yr Exp * Lic. & Ins. Free Est- EBR. 225-925-0610

Professional Tree Service. $$ Reasonable Prices $$ Phone: 225-302-3193

SUNRISE Roofing & Const. Lic. * Fully Insured * BBB Free est. 225-272-2181


***A2Z TREE REMOVAL*** We make quality tree and stump removal affordable. 225-445-3723

Damaged Roof? FREE EST. No obligation. Roof repair/ replacement specialist. By The Specs Inc.225-288-0363

Brousseau Painting, Int/ Ext. Sheetrock rpr. Ins. 25 yrs exp. Ref's. 225-241-8488

Clearing * Good Prices!

Danny's Tree Service. Lic. & Ins. Tree stump & debris removal. No job to big or small. Call 225-384-9979.

LOW COST TREE SERVICE Complete tree service. Free est. 225-955-0072.


Spring Discount on Flower bed, cleanups, handcrafted arbors 993-9204

DIRT, GRAVEL, LIMESTONE, Mason & fill sand. Tractor work, swimming pool demo & fill in. 225-261-3953


QUALITY TREE SERVICE Exp. Climber. Lot clearing. Bobcat on site. Fully Ins. & lic. Free Stump Grinding when tree is removed. Call Jay now 225-205-9875

Any type Roof, Painting & Carpentry Wrk Over 40 yrs exp. FreeEsts. Jim 338-6809

Complete Site Prep. Clearing & Clean Up. 413-8385

FOR BEST PRICES ON Patio Covers, Carports & Gutters call Mike at 225-572-9508.

TRASH DEBRIS, Dirt work, BUSH HOGGING , concrete break-out and haul away. Call 225-252-6266

34 YRS LOCAL EXP. in built up & all types of shingle roofing. Same crew 20 yrs., hand nail. 5 yr. leak free warranty. 225-3833072

D&D PAINTING - Ins Claims Welcome. Sheetrock Finish. Int/Ext. 225-205-6492.

Master Landscape & irrigation Services. We do it all on a budget-Reg. Mant. Senior Disc. 225-315-8356

DIRT, SAND & GRAVEL. Tractor avail. Lot grading, driveways form & finish, house pads. Swimming pool fill-in. Dave, 939-2192

Roofing Repair

Hail damage. Free Insp/Est Roofing, 27yrs. Best Price! Call Jimmy, 225-975-1764

THE HANDYMAN, all your home care needs avail. 24/7 James @ 225-287-9499

LA CASH 4 Your Wrecked Or Junk Cars. $200-$300 More for Newer Running Cars. Call 225-715-4852.

Call 225-474-4923

A-TEAM ROOFING Lic. Leaks, Repairs/Reroofing. 225- 907-3489 Expert roofer




RETIRED TEACHER, Father & Daughter, Interior/Ext. 225-936-9256*225-654-8824

& Ins. Call 225-755-9016

DIRT, SAND, GRAVEL, Pine Mulch & Limestone. Evenly spread. Flwr. Bed Mix. Lot grading, mowing. 355-4051 anytime. H.C. Kinchen.


Land Clear/Dirt

Res & Comm/ Licensed Call 225-394-2135

Covers, Scr. Rooms, etc. Fireman op., 225-2237249 or 225-276-5513

backyards, rental property, storage units.

RE/MAX First Prop. Mgt-Sales-Leasing 291-1234


weeding, trimming, mulching. Lawn & Bed Maint. Lic.

TRASH HAULING Sheds, garages, attics,


L.A.A. ROOFING Lic. & Ins. 10% disc 100% warr. 25 yrs exp. Free Est. 225-252-2958

LA Home Repairs, Specializing in electrical, carpentry & paint. 225-771-9155


Real Estate

SteveThePainter 30 yr exp. Int/Ext. Sheetrock Repair, lite carpentry 225-268-7182

Home Demolition, concrete & debris removal Daryl May Construction. Lic. & Ins. 225-268-6915.

RICHFIELD RIVERSILT Bulk Mulch Products, Limestone, gravel, mason sand, fill sand, top soil & riversilt. Residential & contractors. 766-6091

Adam Campo

Tree Service

Miscellaneous Information

Would you like to increase your business and increase your profits?

Put the Business Services Directory to work for you for as low as

$124.20 per month.

Give us a call at

1-800-960-6397 We'll give you all the details.

DEADLINE for Business Directory ads - 2:00 p.m. NOTICE TO READERS To the best of our knowledge, all ads in the Business Service Directory represent legitimate offerings by responsible contractors. However, The Advocate does recommend that readers exercise normal business caution in responding to ads, in particular where upfront money is requested.

LOOK TO THE STARS STARS make your ad stand out and get you quick results.


The Advocate

APARTMENT HUNTING Check out our Apartment Rental Sections

Call Us For All Your Tree Care And Removal Needs ♣ Free Estimates ♣ Lic/Ins 225-261-8538

See our ads online:

Classifications 4200-4800 225-383-0111

The Advocate Drivers



Adoptions......................1110 Bundles of Joy..............1010 Business Personals....1150 Card of Thanks ............1030 Fresh Produce..............1180 Good Places to Dine...1220 Good Places to Go......1240 Good Things to Eat.....1200 Happy Ads ....................1020 In Memoriam................1040 Legal Notices ...............1120 Lost-Found-Strayed....1100 LA Statewide Classifieds .........................................1124 People Meeting People .........................................1130 Personals ......................1140 Pet Tributes ..................1050 Political Announcements .........................................1145 Special Announcements .........................................1160 Tickets-Buy or Sell .....1070

Computer Personnel..1320 Domestic .......................1340 Drivers............................1350 Engineers/Chemists ..1360 Financial/Acctg............1380 General Help ................1600 Ind’l-Tech. Skills...........1400 Instructors....................1420 Insurance ......................1430 Job Info ..........................1640 Managers-Manager Trainees .........................1440 Medical ..........................1460 Office Clerical ..............1480 Part-Time.......................1500 Positions Wanted........1620 Professional/ Administrative.............1520 Restaurants/Hotels/Clubs .........................................1540 Sales/Marketing .........1560 Telemarketing/ Telephone Skills ..........1580

Tickets to Buy or Sell

1070 READER ALERT Selling tickets at a price over the face value of the ticket is illegal in LA. Please be cautious about what you pay & how you pay. Some advertisers may be from out of town.

Lost-Found Items

1100 LOST & FOUND PETS Has moved to our Pet Service Directory within this section. Please refer to Classification # 2885


When placing an ad for the return of your lost item, please do not wire money or exchange money until you have the item in your possession.

Legal Notices

1120 Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Alicia C. Coombes wife of /and Peter T. Coombes, contact Jarvis M. Antwine, Atty. at Law, 602 St. Joseph Street., Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802 225-383-7288. 5111320 Mar. 27, 28, 29, '15 Anyone knowing the whereabouts of COREY VAUGHN and ANNA S. VAUGHN please contact Atty. Greg Murphy at 225767-7151. 5111478 March 27, 28, 29, 2015 Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Edward Allen Beal and Melissa Kennedy Beal, contact Jarvis M. Antwine, Atty. at Law, 602 St. Joseph Street, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802, 225-383-7288 5111182 Mar. 27, 28, 29, '15 Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Hayes Wilson, please contact, Jarvis M. Antwine, Atty. at Law, 602 St. Joseph Street, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70802, (225) 383-7288 5111112 Mar. 27, 28, 29, '15 Anyone knowing the whereabouts of LINDA DENISE JONES please contact Atty. Greg Murphy at 225-767-7151. 5111484 March 27, 28, 29, 2015 "Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Michael D. Young a/k/a Michael Darrin Young a/k/a Michael Young, please contact Charlotte McDaniel McGehee, Attorney at Law, at 6513 Perkins Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 or call (225) 389-6711." 5110685 March 27, 28, 29, 2015 Anyone knowing the whereabouts of the heirs of Julius Edison Hardy; Lenard Mayweather, Shedrick L. Mayweather a/k/a Shedrick Mayweather, Bobby J. Mayweather, a/k/a Bobby Mayweather, contact Jarvis M. Antwine, Atty. at Law, 602 St. Joseph Street, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70802, 225-3837288 5111232 March 27, 28, 29, 2015

Fresh Produce

1180 Capitol City Produce

Freshest Quality, Superior Service! 225-272-8153

Computer Personnel

1320 Technical Service Manager Infosys Solutions Inc has j/o’s for Technical Service Manager. Jobs loc in Baton Rouge, LA & various unanticip locs t/o the US. Mng & drct the implmntatn & custmztn of s/w apps. Conslt w/ usrs, mngmnt, & clts to assess computng needs & sys reqmnts. Mng techncl & functnl delivrbls & mntn proj deadlines. Drct daily operatns, estab priorits, & mng rsourcs. Revw, eval, & tst clt/srvr & web apps on both Unix & Windows O/Ss. Req exp w/ Unix, SQL, Oracle, & Java. Trvl/reloc to var unanticip locs t/o the US for LT/ST asgnmnts at clt sites. Req: BS or forgn equiv in Comp Sci, Engg (any), or rel & 5 yrs of exp in the job/off or as a Comp S/W Profl. Also OK: MS or forgn equiv in Comp Sci, Engg (any), or rel & 3 yrs of exp in the job/off or as a Comp S/W Profl. Send res w/cvr ltr: Infosys Solutions Inc, 2834 S Sherwood Forest Blvd, Ste C2, Baton Rouge, LA 70816; Job 09ISI06; EOE



Also Check our Business Services Directory


Up to $72,000

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Experienced CDL Class A&B Drivers APPLY IN PERSON 425 Florida Ave SE Denham Springs, No Phone Calls. EOE.

ACE Waste Systems, Inc Accepting applications for Commercial Frontload & Roll Off Drivers. Must have clean CDL w/min. 2 yrs. exp. Great Pay & Benefits! Call 225-753-7822 ASSOCIATED GROCERS 18/hr - Home Every Night $1,000 Sign-On Bonus Guaranteed 40 hours/wk Class A CDL w/6 mo. exp. Call 225-444-1262 Apply online at

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CDL CLASS A & B DRIVERS needed. H-end. & TWIC helpful. Min 2 yrs exp. Baton Rouge, Port Allen & Hammond areas. Call Dependable Source at 225-930-9372. CDL Class A Vacuum Truck driving experience required. Position requires clean MVR and background. FT. Day shifts. ROP:DOE starting at 18 per hour+. Submit resume to and call 225-930-0685


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Become a driver for Stevens Transport! NEW DRIVERS CAN EARN $850/WEEK! NO CDL? No problem! We can help get you trained!


Delivery Driver Helpers. Part time. Minimum of one year previous experience. Employees are required to have a clean background. Submit resumes to TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED CDL CLASS A REQUIRED CALL 504-415-5263 Local Door/Hardware Distributor has immediate opening for Driver in Delivery department. Chauffeur’s Driver’s License required. Must have experience, a good driving record, be drug free and dependable. OSHA and TWIC cards a plus. Apply in person at 16491 Airline Highway, Prairieville, LA 70769

Immediate Opening,

Experienced Delivery Driver NEEDED

Full time position, 7:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday thru Friday. Local new car dealership.

All replies confidential.

JOB REQUIREMENTS: *A valid driver's license is a must!! *Must be able to pass a drug screen. *Ability to lift an object weighing up to 60 pounds, to bend, twist, reach, climb, pull, push, stand and squat. *High school diploma or GED *Must be at least 21 years old *Basic math skills. *Ability to communicate effectively with customer, associates & management. *Ability to be a selfstarter and detail orientated. *Must be reliable and able to work flexible schedule depending on business needs FAX copy of resume with work history, references & salary requirements to 225-231-7855 Or apply in person to Parts Manager at Royal Nissan, 9325 Airline Hwy,

Baton Rouge, LA 70815

Class A CDL Drivers needed for local trailer spotting company. Must have clean MVR. Top pay and benefits! Home every day/night. For an immediate hiring possibility please call 678-771-2924.

LOOK TO THE STARS STARS make your ad stand out and get you quick results.


The Advocate

Local Construction Co seeks CDL DRIVER. Apply in person 16444 Strain Road, BR. 225-272-4599 ******CDL DRIVER****** X-endorsement, TWIC, 2 yrs. Chem. Tanker exp. Regional/Local. Call


Easy Money! $ 560/Wk

Delivery Drivers!

Paid Every Friday! B2B, F/T, Must have own Vehicle, Cars ok! EMAIL:


CDL DRIVERS needed. Must be able to pass background check, drug screen; and MVR be at least 23 years old; have 2 years tractor trailer exp.

Starting Salary btwn $65k-$85k/yr. Interested applicants please fill out online application at


or call 225-751-5170, ext. 235

JM Test Systems DRIVERS

Now Accepting Applications For

LOOK TO THE STARS STARS make your ad stand out and get you quick results.


The Advocate

See our ads online:

Class B CDL Drivers

Must Have A Min. 5 Years Experience Driving DUMP TRUCKS. Drivers Must Be Able To Pass Drug Screen And Have A Clean Driving Record. TWIC Card A Plus. Apply In Person At 37110 La. Hwy 30 Geismar, LA. 70734 EOE Veterans Welcome Needed Class A CDL licensed driver with TWIC card, long form physical and medical card. Call 225-270-5085

Delivery/pickup of equipment. Fax 225-927-0036 MIXER DRIVERS Baton Rouge and the outlying metro area. $16.57/hour. Class A or B. CDL (must have or be willing to obtain air brakes) & truck driving experience; good safety & driving records. Health insurance, PTO leave, 401k, &paid vacation & holidays. 8806 S. Choctaw Dr. Baton Rouge, LA M-F 8-4 EOE M/F FT TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED 40 hours a week. CDL and 18-wheeler exp required. Must have clean driving record. Apply Mon-Fri, 8-3:30 at 35059 Hwy 30, Geismar, La 70734

Industrial Tech. Skills


Industrial Tech. Skills






Mechanical Engineer

Teller/ Member Service Rep

TOPCOR Services is currently hiring Full Time

Exp. Window, Vinyl, & Door Installers. Brake mach. req'd. $50K. 225-6506023

for the Donaldsonville, LA, Geismar, LA and Plaquemine, LA locations. 1 year experience in sandblasting and thick mill coating preferred. Must possess a TWIC card and be able to pass a background and drug screen. Possession of safety card a plus. Qualified applicants only, please submit a resume to or alternately, applicants may apply in person at our Hiring Center located at 12025 Industriplex Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70809. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday, 8am-11am ONLY.

Zachary area Industrial company has openings for Fabricators, Trainees and Local Delivery Drivers with TWIC card and Class D License. Good pay and benefits. Must have good work ethic, be mechanically inclined and drug free. Respond to: amill

Heavy Hauler/Truck Driver Immed. FT position available in Port Allen area for truck driver with min. 3yrs. EXPERIENCE to pull lowboy, winching and able to operate/load heavy const. eqmt. Clean CDL and TWIC card req'd. Sal. DOE, health ins, pd. hol., 401K. Mail resume to: PO Box 48, Port Allen, LA 70767 or fax to: 225-3369142.

Lake Charles Manufacturing Complex has a job opening for:

Senior Complex Energy Engineer

● Refining Process Engineering Experience Required ● Engineering degree required ● Chemical engineering degree preferred. Apply Online Only at Req ID: 461 Deadline: April 7, 2015



Thursday, April 2, 2015

JACOBS ENGINEERING Local & Global Opport.

TEQPRO Prof. Serv, Inc. Eng/Designer 225-292-9500

Financial/ Accounting


800-366-4910 Visit our website for all job listings:

Engineers/ Chemists

GASOLINE TRANSPORT TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Must Have HAZMAT Endorsement. Work 7 Out Of 14 Days. Every Other Weekend Off. Paid Vacation. Local Deliveries. Call Dustin 225-933-8536 or Ronnie 225-773-3333

Phillips 66 is An Equal Opportunity Employer


State of LA in need of a Class A CDL Driver. Some overnights are required. Must have experience in driving Combination truck /trailers and loading/ Unloading flatbed trailers. Operation of forklifts and other heavy Equipment is also required. $13.45 hour + benefits. Call Jim at 225342-6849.

Engineers/ Chemists

To apply, call or go online w/your 3 yr emp history




Tractor-Trailer Drivers $18/hr $1,000 Sign-On Bonus Guaranteed 40 hrs/wk Excellent Benefits Home Every Night Class A CDL required with at least 6 months of recent exp. Call 225-444-1262 or apply online at OWNER/OPERATOR needed w/flatbed 1 ton w/24' trailer. Hot shot work. Must live in B.R. area. Call 225-667-8069 Hot Shot Owner Operators needed, Gooseneck Trailers, P/U Trucks w/racks. Must have TWIC card, pass drug screen, clean MVR, clean shaven. APPLY IN PERSON M-F 9-5 at 4425 Sherwood Common Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA 70816

Owner /Operators WANTED ASAP!!! Gross up to $125,000 YEARLY MXD Group is offering enterprising people like you the opportunity to join us. Good MVR, credit, up front money & cust svc skills required along with ownership or the ability to lease a 26’ straight truck, will put you in charge of your Own Business in your area. For further assistance call Yohance Neal, 832-473-0559

Owner Operators Wanted Agway Systems

Baton Rouge/New Orleans Intermodal Container Division ● New Commission Payout to Truck ● Quarterly Bonus Program ● Flat Tire Program ● 100% Fuel Surcharge Pass Thru ● Comcheck Advances on Loads

CHEMICAL ENGINEER IN PRACTICE AT LOUISIANA TECH UNIVERSITY The Chemical Engineering Program at Louisiana Tech University is seeking a non-tenure, full-time Chemical Engineer in Practice. The primary responsibilities of this role will be teaching the unit operations labs and maintaining the equipment associated with these labs. This person will also be an active member of the College safety team. Applicants must have a minimum of a Master’s Degree, with at least one degree in Chemical Engineering. Industry experience is strongly preferred (as is a PE), especially with some experience in process safety (PHA) and chemical hygiene/lab safety. See hr/vacan2182.php for more details. Applicants are encouraged to send a 1) cover letter, 2) comprehensive resume of experience, 3) narrative describing interest/experience in both teaching/mentoring, hands-on troubleshooting, and safety, and 4) contact information for three current references to: Louisiana Tech University is an EEO/AA employer. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. CDI Corporation 4041 Essen Lane, Ste 100 Baton Rouge 225-663-4600 SJB GROUP, LLC Surveying CAD Tech

Immediate job opportunities for: Project Managers Project Engineers Piping Designers CADWORX Admin. Electrical Engineers Control Systems Engineer E / I Designers/ Drafter C /S Designers C /S Engineers Process Engineers with 5,10 & 15 yrs experience Project Cost Analysis Mechanical Designers Mechanical Engineers Furmanite is an equal opportunity employer and offers an excellent salary and benefits program.

Call Driver Recruiter for additional information 800-247-3563; 225-775-6482

Please send resumes to: 225-296-1506- office 225-296-1426 - fax

Baton Rouge Route Sales Driver, Class B Licensed with Air Brakes. Must pass background check and pre employment drug testing. Call 225-273-9363 or apply online at

Furmanite Technical Sol. Ph: Number: 225-296-1506 web:

United Site Services has an immediate opening for a full-time ROUTE DRIVER POSITION in Baton Rouge/ surrounding area. Must be at least 21 years of age & have a Class B CDL w/ Tanker Endorsement Good benefits. Must be able to work weekends. Call 508-594-2585 EEO/M/F/D/V

H&K Engineering 225-448-5500

TOW TRUCK DRIVER. Clean MVR. Exp. needed. PT/FT possibilities. Chauffeurs req'd. 225-262-1700 or 225936-5398. TOW TRUCK OP NEEDED! FT/PT. Exp. Pref. Great Pay & Benefits! (225) 302-2686. TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED. Able to drive 1-ton & Mack Truck. Must have CDL & TWIC Card. Please apply in person, 39179 Hwy 74, Gonzales, LA TRUCK DRIVER needed for deliveries. For local building material dealer. Must have a Class A CDL with, at least 2yrs exp and able to operate a forklift. Please call for an appt., 225-927-1100 Vacuum Truck Driver: Rate of Pay $17.00 starting. Must have tanker and air brakes endorsements Class A Class B Email resumes to

Bayou Safety seeks Warehouse/ Driver

for our Geismar location. Must have clean driving record. Apply at 6071 Industrial Drive. Geismar. Fax 225-673-3335, or email Zachary area Industrial company has openings for Fabricators, Trainees and Local Delivery Drivers with TWIC card and Class D License. Good pay and benefits. Must have good work ethic, be mechanically inclined and drug free. Respond to: amill

Engineers/ Chemists

1360 FORD, BACON & DAVIS, LLC All Disciplines of Engr/Designers/3D Design.

CRA Engineering Group (225) 927-4249

Hargrove Engineers + Constructors

Hunt, Guillot & Associates 8555 United Plaza Blvd

LABORATORY TECHNICIAN Alfred H. Knight North America Ltd (Energy Services Division), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Alfred H. Knight Group, offers an independent service within North America for the Weight Determination, Inspection, Supervision, Sampling and Analysis of Coal, Petroleum Coke and Biomass. We are seeking to recruit a Laboratory Technician to be based at our facility in the Gonzales area, LA. The scope of the role will mainly involve the testing of Wood Pellets by classical and instrumental techniques. The analyses will include: Moisture Content, Ash Content, Volatile Matter, Calorific Value, Sulphur, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Chlorine, Elemental Ash composition and Trace Elements. From time to time it will also involve the testing of Coal and Petroleum Coke samples in accordance with relevant international standards (ISO/ASTM). Principal responsibilities include performing laboratory work to a high degree of accuracy and meeting the daily analysis turnaround schedules. We are seeking a candidate who is selfmotivated, enthusiastic, able to work independently, has relevant IT skills (Word & Excel) and has laboratory exp. using classical and instrumental analytical techniques. Starting Salary will be in the range of $25,000 to $30,000 depending on exp. The position will also include a competitive health, dental and 401K benefits package. Please send resumes to Mr. Larry Deas email: Larry.deas@


Local chemical company seeks two Mechanical Engineers. BS in Mechanical Engineering. Previous experience helpful. Company offers a competitive salary with an excellent benefit package to include; FREE!!! Medical, Dental, and Prescription insurance, STD and LTD insurance, Life Insurance. Company also offers a cash balance pension plan, 401k plan and flexible spending account. For consideration, please submit your resume to: Ad# C-744 c/o The Advocate P.O. Box 588 Baton Rouge, LA 70821 Or by email: employment3@ Equal Opportunity Employer

SJB GROUP, LLC Seeking Survey Field Personnel No exp req'd Survey Instrument Tech 2-3 yrs exp req'd Competitive salary & excellent benefits Apply online Willbros Engineers, LLC. 225-612-6219

Financial/ Accounting

Downtown BR CU is seeking FT MSR/Teller with enthusiasm, outstanding member service skills and the ability to work in a team environment. Duties include: routine deposits/ withdrawals, loan pmts. etc. Responsible for safe & accurate cash handling as well as Regulation Knowledge. M-F. 7:30 - 4:30, Full Benefits. Fax 225.342.4088

Pelican State Credit Union

TELLERS Are you an experienced teller, cashier, or sales associates looking for a career? If so, look no further! Pelican State CU is looking for a FULL-TIME TELLER to join our team located at our Mid-City Branch in Baton Rouge. We are seeking enthusiastic, dependable, selfmotivated individuals with outstanding member service skills. HS diploma or equivalent and heavy cash handling experience required. Sales experience strongly preferred. Experience in a financial service institution preferred.



ACCOUNTANT, 3+ exp req, eng exp a+. $35-$50K+ benefits. Email resume to: Mona@CorporateResourc careers


CITY ACCOUNTANT Degree in accounting required. This is a full time position with benefits. Drug screening and background check required. Deadline for receiving application is Monday, April 6, 2015. Mail application to

City of Denham Springs Attn: City Treasurer/ City Accountant, 941 Government Drive Denham Springs, LA 70726.


Accounts Payable Clerk

A/P Clerk to enter invoices & cut checks for multiple divisions at Corporate office. Requires H.S. diploma/ equivalent, 2+ years experience, dependability, attention to detail, & proficiency with MS Office (Word & Excel), keyboarding & 10-key. Salary EOE. Send cover letter & resume to applications@ Provident Resources Group BOOKKEEPER Regional manufacturer and distributor seeks an experienced and motivated full-time bookkeeper. Min. 3 years exp with G/L accounting, accounting software, and general clerical duties. Accounting degree preferred, exp will be considered. Attractive salary with benefit pkg. Email resumes to:

Business Portfolio Manager

Campus Federal Credit Union is seeking an experienced Business Portfolio Manager in the Baton Rouge area. Primary responsibilities include financial statement analysis, credit underwriting, and portfolio management. A degree in finance or related subject from a 4 year accredited higher learning institution, strong communication skills, and PC proficiency are required. 3-5 years of experience is preferred. Send resume to Human Resource Assistant BUSINESS PORTFOLIO MANAGER P O Box 98036 Baton Rouge, LA 70898 or email

EOE Due to the high volume of applicants, only those most qualified will be contacted ASAP need, Controller, degree pref, exp req, $70 – 90K + benefits, email resume’: Mona@Corporate

Campus Federal Credit Union has an immediate opening for a

Loan Operations Supervisor

3+ years in a supervisory role; 3+ years of business & retail loan documentation, & loan operations experience. Working knowledge of fed & state loan regs. Must be well organized with excellent written & oral communication skills. Enjoys leading a team. Starting salary up to $50,900 DOE. Mail cover letter & resume to: Human Resource Manager, Loan Operations Supervisor Position, P. O. Box 98036, Baton Rouge, LA 70898-8036 or email to

Apply Online:

Equal Opportunity Employer

Industrial Tech. Skills


LINK 225-275-7272 A/C Service Technician/ Installer & Sheet Metal Person Needed. Must be dependable & have valid DL. (3) yrs. exp required. Call 225-266-9000 or fax resume to 225-791-6088. A/C exp. Mechanic/ Installer. Ownership potential. Fax resume to: 225261-6612. A/C INSTALLATION MECHANICS & HELPERS Clean Driving Record Benefits / Insurance 225-753-8481 A/C Installer, Rough In, Change Out & Sheet Metal Specialist. EXP. ONLY! Top Pay & Benefits. Apply in person 7360 Tom Drive. Hiring A/C Installer/Helper Apply in person at 5204 Main St. in Zachary A/C Service Tech & Installer Needed. Min 5 yrs exp. Sign on Bonus. Top pay. 225-752-7783


with 3-5 yrs exp &

Tune Up Tech

Res.& light comm-Pay DOE +bnfts. APPLY 11015 Laird Laird Lane, Denham Sprgs or fax resume 225-791-7612


We are looking for a residential Appliance Technician with a min. of 5 yrs. exp., who can troubleshoot and service most makes and models, including digital. You must take true pride in your craft and be able to meet high quality standards. Absolutely do not call unless you have excellent customer service skills and attitude. Also, only call if you are of high moral character and interested in far more than a job. This is a permanent, very high income opportunity. Home360, Inc. (225) 767-4000

Gerry Lane Buick GMC



A national mortgage loan servicer is looking for a post-closing specialist. Responsibilities include maintaining closed files, scheduling notary signings, scanning, recording, and tracking of closing documents. Real Estate and/or closing experience a plus. Full time, health, dental & 401k. Resumes to:

ANGELLE CONCRETE has 2 immediate openings

Certified Diesel Mechanic

with previous airbrake & hydraulic experience. ASE certified preferred.

Maintenance Tech

also needed, electrical, conveyor & concrete plant exp preferred. Pay based on exp., full Bnfts. Apply in person at 425 Florida Ave SE, Denham Springs, No phone calls, EOE. Traffic/Fleet DISPATCHER Carline is seeking a Dispatcher for its Geismar, LA office.Traffic / Logistics background is required. Excellent benefits include bonuses, matching 401k, health, dental, life and disability insurances. Call 225-3431951. Email resume to: personnel@ Commercial Door Installers with previous experience installing roll up doors, garage doors, and over head doors. Baton Rouge. FT. ROP:DOE $20+ Submit resumes to


We are looking for Electricians with a min. 5 yrs. exp who would like to specialize in residential and light commercial troubleshooting and service work. Must have or be able to obtain your LA State Elec. Contractor's License. Must have excellent communication skills & the ability to meet high work quality standards. Must have a positive customer service attitude. This is a permanent, exceptionally high income opportunity. Only call If you are interested in far more than a job. Home360, Inc. (225) 767-4000 EXPERIENCED Electricians. Residential & commercial. Minimum of three years experience. FT. Position requires reliable transportation. Rate of pay is DOE. Submit resume to: and call 225-930-0685 Heavy experienced electrical helper with previous experience installing security cameras. Rate of pay is $14/hour to start. FT. Submit resumes to ELECTRICIAN. License required. Position requires clean MVR. Clean background. Travel up to 80% of the time. Housing provided. FT. Able to read blue prints. Rate of pay is DOE $18-22 per hour to start. Email resumes to and call 225-930-0685

Nucor Steel Louisiana LLC, a subsidiary of the nation’s largest steel and steel products manufacturer and largest recycler, is seeking to assemble a hiring pool of qualified applicants for jobs in:

6615 Florida Blvd.

We are looking for candidates who are willing to work any shift which would require working both day and night shifts in a drug-free environment. Most production positions in our plant require moderate to heavy lifting and can be physically demanding including working in extreme temperatures. We offer competitive pay and benefits.

for our growing service department. Top pay for certified techs. ASE certification or GM training a plus. Company benefits, vacation pay, great work environment. Please apply in person at or email resume to:


AUTOMATION PERSONNEL 11445 Coursey Blvd 225-296-0605. CARPENTER NEEDED - Only Skilled With Tools Need Apply. MUST Email To


$2000 Sign On Bonus If you’re not earning the kind of income you deserve, call us. We are looking for Carpenters, with a min. of 10 yrs. exp., who would like to specialize in large, midsize and small Residential Remodeling and Repair work. You must take true pride in your craft and have excellent communication skills with the ability to meet high work quality standards. Must have a positive customer service attitude. This is a permanent, exceptionally high income opportunity. Only call if you are interested in far more than a job. Home360, Inc. (225) 767-4000

Check our jobs! Advantage Personnel

Civil Construction Site in Lafayette, LA now hiring Bnfts! Ph. 225-664-4232

Barriere Construction is looking for energetic and eager future leaders to join our team! Bachelor's Degree preferred-Civil Engineering, Construction Management or Industrial Technology highly favored. Applicant must possess good computer skills (Excel, Project, AutoCAD) and be willing to spend a majority of time in the field on projects. Job responsibilities include assisting Project Manager, Superintendent and Foreman with evaluating potential safety issues, process improvements, layout, measuring quantities, clarifying specifications, preparing work orders, schedules, field measurements and working with subcontractors. Barriere offers an excellent benefits package including a 401(k) plan, performance bonuses, vehicle and fuel allowance program. Please email resume to or mail to: Human Resources Assistant, One Galleria Blvd., Suite 1650, Metairie, LA 70001, or fax to 504-5812270. Please see our website @


and call 225-930-0685

Entry-Level Production Positions

is hiring experienced


Auto Technicians

Office Mngr/ Bookkeeper for Subcontractor in Plaquemine. Payroll, contract billing, accounts payable/ receivable, proficient in QuickBooks. Salary DOE + benefits. Email resume:

Concrete Coating Applicators

Individuals who would like to learn more about opportunities at Nucor Steel Louisiana LLC should register at

and enter the following nslap2015 access code:

Individuals who register should be prepared to complete a brief questionnaire. Previous registrants will need to take the questionnaire again to be considered. The registration period will be open on April 6, 2015. Nucor will only be accepting a limited number of submissions. The registration period will end on or before April 11, 2015 once a set number have expressed the willingness to work in the available positions. Each individual should submit only one questionnaire related to this job posting. Nucor Steel Louisiana LLC does not accept unsolicited resumes. No phone calls please.

Nucor Steel Louisiana LLC is an EEO/AA Employer – M/F/Disabled/Vet – and a drug-free workplace Local Construction Co seeks Excavator Operator Apply in person 16444 Strain Road, BR. 225-272-4599

Diesel Mechanics who have previous experience working on equipment such as man lifts, forklifts, excavators and other equipment. Hydraulics, electronic, and diesel. Two years minimum experience. ROP: $17-22 per hr. FT. Baton Rouge, La. Submit resumes to and call 225-930-0685

EXP CABINET MAKER needed in Baton Rouge. Off On Fri. 225-603-4021.

James Construction Group Call 225-677-9023 or 1-800-995-5102

Exp. Mechanic w/ tools. $$ Great Pay & Benefits $$ Call Eddie at 225-337-9148.

EXCEL: Skilled Crafts positions.


Cementitious (Pyrocrete) trowel application and installation of lathe. OSHA Card req'd. Must have transportation. Background check. Send info to or call 225-387-2139. EOE


Structural Steel Fitter Needed

Must be capable of reading structural s hop drawings Also knowledge of handrails, stairs, etc. Taking applications & interviewing

$$$ D.O.E. Appy at: 6940 Young Avenue Port Allen, LA 70767 225-383-2432 7:30 am - 11 am 1 pm - 2:30 pm Concrete/Asphalt/ Utility Contractor, Looking for Foreman in BR/Hammond. Salary $52K-$60K with full benefits. Please call 504304-7794 OR email to: FRONT END Loader Operators with previous experience working around underground pipes. Full time. Rate of pay is DOE. Baton Rouge. Please submit resumes to and call 225-930-0685 GLAZIERS, TINTERS & HELPERS NEEDED Experienced Glazier or Tinter for Commercial & Residential Installs. Also Avail. Positions for Glass or Tint Helpers to train to be Glaziers or Tinters. Pay DOE $10-$20. Full & Part time positions. Great Benefits for Eligible Employees. You must have a valid drivers license, & a good driving record. 225-751-7204 or

Graphic Printer / Sewer

Industrial Printer & Sewer needed for fabric printing and sewing. Large Graphic shop moving into Fabric Printing. Printing or Sewing exp a plus but not mandatory. Must be Highly Mechanical, able to work 2:30 to 11:00 pm shift and willing to learn. Send Resume to or call 225-751-7297 Stephen St. Cyr

Great River Industries,

based in Mississippi, is an industrial manufacturing and construction company serving a wide variety of industries. We currently seeking a full-time Level II Radiography Technician for our Natchez, MS shop. We are an equal opportunity employer. Our benefits include holidays, vacation, insurance, and a 401K retirement plan.

Job Description:

Certified Level II RT in accordance with ASNT-SNTTC-1A and written practice. The Level II must be capable of radiographing and interpreting welds made from various processes according to but not limited to ASME, API, and AWS codes. Successful candidate will be able to perform visual weld inspection, layout/ dimensional inspections & other methods of NDT as well. Qualified applicants can forward resumes to: johnna.gandy@ GRINDER Local Door/Hardware Distributor has immediate opening for Grinder. Must have experience, drug free and dependable. Company benefits offered. Salary depends on experience. Apply in person at 16491 Airline Highway, Prairieville, LA 70769 Cleaning Out Your Attic? Garage Sales can turn your stuff into bucks. Call 1-800-960-6397 to place your ad


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Industrial Tech. Skills


Industrial Tech. Skills


Wanted HDACR Technicians & Helpers 5 yrs exp, clean cut, good driving record. Must have own tools. Apply In person at 979 Oneal Lane, Baton Rouge, 70816 225-273-4400


HEAVY EQUIPMENT DIESEL MECHANIC Our Prairieville shop is need of a local Road Mechanic. If you are looking for a career with a great company, a full range of benefits and advancement opportunities and enjoy a family-like atmosphere, you'll find it with us! 5 years of experience with references preferred. A career at Coastal Bridge includes competitive pay with overtime after 40 hours. We also offer an extensive benefits package encompassing health, dental and vision insurance, and more. For questions or to apply in person visit: 18145 Swamp Rd., Prairieville, LA 70769 Or send your resume to

Coastal Bridge is an equal opportunity employer HVAC Technician. Certified. Baton Rouge, La. Full time. Starting immediately. Min of 3 years experience. ROP: DOE Submit resume to

and call 225-930-0685 Hydroblaster Technician: Rate of Pay $14.00 starting. Applicants will have 2 days of training in LaPlace which they will be paid for.They have 2 chances to pass test. Mail resumes to Immediate Openings For FIELD SERVICE ENGINEERS To Work Out Of Our St. Gabriel Branch A Strong Mechanical Aptitude/Background And Current TWIC Are Required. Refinery Exp Is Preferred. Company Paid Health/Dental, 401K, & ESOP Are Available To Qualified Applicants. Email Resume To

Or Fax To 225-450-6585

7 year old Industrial Electrical & Instrumentation Co. needs an Industrial Salesperson immediately. Experience a must. Call 225-261-1152 or email resume to Fax 225-261-1153.

Industrial Job Training Coordinator

needed with experience in training new employees on job tasks and safety. Must be capable of developing training materials and must keep accurate training records. PowerPoint skills desirable as well as good computer and organizational skills. Job is located at a St. Gabriel Chemical Plant. Benefits include health, life ins, and 401(k). Apply in person only at Brown-Eagle 5330 Dijon Dr. Baton Rouge, LA Equal Opportunity Employer AA/M/F/D/V INDUSTRIAL MECHANIC Four (4) Permanent FullTime Positions at Alma Plantation, LLC in Lakeland, Louisiana. Installation and scheduling of maintenance for state of the art sugar factory machinery. Selects the appropriate tools, machines, and materials to be used in preparation of machinery work. Assistance of staff in maintenance procedures including maintaining and repairing all equipment. Fabricate and modify parts to make or repair machine tools or maintain industrial machines. Two (2) years’ experience in sugar industry in job offered is required. No minimum education level is required. No training is required and no training is offered for the position. There is no requirement that the employee must live on the employer’s premises. 40hrs/wk. $51,896.00/Yr. Overtime hours will vary. Please send resumes to or contact Mr. Alan Chatman at Alma Plantation, LLC, 4612 Alma Road, Lakeland, LA 70752 Tel: 225-627-6666 Fax: 225-627-5138 Email: QA/QC Fiberglass Inspector $25.00 hr. TWIC OSHA FT. Email resumes to BR A/C looking for Installer Helpers. Exp is best, but we'll train. Good driving record, drug free, willing to learn & grow with a good co. Offering 401k, holidays, vaca & sick pay. Apply in person at 2331 Chatawa., BR 70815. Local Recycling Company in need of Operator / Material Handler. M-F work week, paid vaca, ins. Pay DOE. Email resume to rich.southsiderecycling@, or apply in person at Southside Recycling, 15542 Airline Hwy, P'ville.

The Advocate

Industrial Tech. Skills

1400 Global Industrial Contractors, LLC

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Baton Rouge is seeking a Construction Assistant Position, Duties consist of assisting habitat construction staff and direct volunteers on residential construction sites. Knowledge or experience in residential construction preferred. 40 hrs. per week, Tuesday thru Saturday. Pd. holidays, vacation, sick leave and other benefits. Pre-employment screening. Must have good driving record, outgoing and respectful personality. E-mail resume to demetric@ or fax to 225-927-6347

We Are Seeking Packing Technicians That Have Their TWIC, Security Passport & OSHA Cards. RCI Current Openings: ● Irrigation Technician ● Horticultural Technician Minimum of 2 yrs experience in commercial irrigation systems. Irrigation or Horticultural certification is a plus. Must have a valid drivers license Apply on our website at

or email resume to

Or fax: 985-643-2691


Tuesday, March 31, 2015 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS!!!! Now hiring

Service Techs

Automation Personnel Services 11445 Coursey Blvd. Ste Q Baton Rouge, LA 70816 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Must bring valid identification for I-9 Background checks req Must have a valid driver’s license Apply in person at 11445 Coursey Blvd Ste Q Baton Rouge, LA 70816 Or call 225-296-0605 $12-13/hr+daily per diem. Must be willing to travel throughout 48 states. All travel expenses paid! Bonfils Fabricators in Port Allen is now taking applications for experienced Iron Workers for the erection of red iron, bar joist & deck. Must have own tools, drivers license, reliable transportation & fabricating skills. Must be qualified in MIG & Stick Welding as well as layout skills on structural steel. Good pay & benefits for the right person. Apply in person only at 3820 East Catherine, 225-387-5229 1ST CLASS MACHINIST wanted. A/C shop, exp. req'd. Call 225-687-8209. Scientific Fabrication Service.


Temp to Perm Great company. Non Control Valve Shop. Personal Tools required. At least 7 year exp. in manual lathe, milling machine, etc. Great opportunity. Call Toni at Job Temps, 225-937-3752, email or fax 208-1298 MAINTENANCE MAN needed. AC cert. w/PTAC units. Make ready ability. Paid sick, vac & holidays. Fax resume 225-343-2402. DOMINO’S Pizza is seeking a Maintenance Tech for B.R., LA team. Position requires the technical skills to, evaluate, troubleshoot, repair & install Bakery equipment. We offer a competitive salary & full benefits package, 401k, stock purchase options, and bonus program and an exceptional opportunity for professional growth and development. Must be willing to work Sun–Fri. and be on call. The qualified candidate will have: HS Diploma, and/or Technical School Training 2 years, and/or 3 to 4 years related expr, and/or journeyman of a skilled trade, computer skills, Ability to read electrical schematic diagrams Welding and Refrigeration skills a plus, EPA REFRIGERATION CERTIFICATION preferred. If you are interested in joining an exceptional team, we invite you to apply online at: F/T MECHANIC HELPER Needed To Help w/Brakes, Oil & Tire Changes, Eqpt Repairs, Etc. Must Have Valid Driver Lic. Apply In Person At 4300 Groom Rd, Baker 225-774-4229 Exp. Mechanic with tools or trainee. Good benefits. Able Spring, 11212 Cedar Park Ave. 225-751-7561



Large Industrial Co. loc. in Baton Rouge looking for a MECHANIC with exp. with repair of Diesel Engines, Hydraulic Crane & Forklifts. GOOD BENEFITS: Paid vacation, holidays, & 401k. Salary based on exp. Please fax qualifications to HR @ 985-429-9011 or email to cathi.anderson@


Diesel Engine, Hydraulic & Electrical Systems Excellent Pay & Benefits Call Ken at 225-753-0541

Now Hiring CDL Drivers EOE/M/F/Disabled/Veteran



Experienced Fiberglass Techs and 1st Class Rubber Liners wanted with a minimum of 2 years exp. Valid Driver’s License, TWIC and OSHA required. Apply @ Thorpe Plant Services, Inc. 3605 Delta Dr., St. Gabriel, LA 70776 or call for more information 225-642-8060. Heavy Equipment Operators with previous experience working around pipe. Full time. Rate of pay is 17+ DOE. Please submit resumes to and call 225-930-0685 HEAVY EQUIP. OPERATORS w/ exp. for the Lafayette area. Bnefits. 225-664-4232 OUTSIDE SALES REP exp in oil and gas, $50 -70k base + comm. Email resume to Mona@Corporateresource

Apply Online At

Or in person at 702 Lobdell Hwy, Ste 8 Port Allen, LA 70767 (225) 663-6770


WANTED - MIN 5 YRS EXP IN PIPE FAB SHOP REQ'D. MUST HAVE GOOD LAYOUT AND CUTTING SKILLS. TOP PAY WITH BENEFITS. FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED CO. 225-356-2088 LV MSG. Pipe Layers with previous experience working with underground pipe. FT. Submit resumes to and call 225-930-0685 CITY – PARISH GOVERNMENT

Industrial Tech. Skills Southland Steel Fabricators Inc. Greensburg, LA has immediate openings for the following positions:

Welders* Fitters*

*Need experience in structural steel fabrication and flux core welding and must pass welding test. We offer competitive wages and benefits. Email resume to: human.resources@ Or apply in person at: 251 Greensburg St. Greensburg, LA 70441. Ph: 225-222-4141

Southland Steel Fabricators Inc. Greensburg, LA has immediate openings for CNC Operators experienced in:

Min. Qualifications: High school diploma or equiv supplemented by completion of Vo-Tech school in the field of electrical, electronic, pneumatic, or mechanical control instruments & systems, & 4 yrs exp as an instrument technician, including 1 yr exp in an industrial environment or any equiv combo of ed & exp.

CNC Drilling/Punching CNC Thermal Cutting CNC Saw Operations

Starting: $38,444 annually (for new hires only) +Excellent Benefits Apply: Mar 13-Apr 2, 2015, 8-5 pm HR Dept, 1755 Florida St. Equal Opportunity Employer Jessie's Plumbing Looking for an exp.

Journeyman Plumber or Plumber's Helper

Must have 1 yr exp. in new residential construction. Pay Determined by productivity. Transportation required. Call 225-9232032


Need Licensed plumber with some commercial experience. Knowledge of backflow preventer and med gas a plus. Brett Mayeux 225-927-9886


If you’re not earning the kind of income you deserve, call us. We are looking for Licensed Plumbers who perform Drain Cleaning and would like to specialize in residential and light commercial service work, drain cleaning, sewer repair and replacement. Must have excellent communication skills and the ability to meet high work quality standards along with a positive customer service attitude. This is a permanent, extremely high income opportunity. Only call if you are interested in far more than a job. Home360, Inc. (225) 767-4000 PERFORM. MAINT. on hvy equip/lube, grease & light mech. work. 225-664-4232.

Email resume to: human.resources@

Bayou Supply & Safety seeks Safety Trainer

Applicant must have experience and certifications to teach the following: PEC Core, Basic, and Refresher, Confined Space and Fall Protection. Email resume and Cert’s to: bayousafety@ or fax to 504-433-2244


Sign On Bonus!

DishNetwork Installation One-on-One Workshops Start A New Career Now!

Call 337-780-4065 or SERVICE TECH & LEAD MECHANICAL TECH NEEDED. Looking For Motivated Personnel With 5+ Years Exp. Valid & Good Standing DL. Background Check Req. Drug Free Work Environment. Call 225-262-1186 Or Email Resume To:

Zachary area Industrial company has openings for Sling and Tarp Sewing Trainees. Good pay and benefits. Must have good work ethic, be mechanically inclined and drug free. Respond to:

251 Greensburg St. Greensburg, LA 70441 Ph: 225-222-4141 Drug –free workplace EOE TIG Combo Welders Needed ASAP $20-25/Hr. Fitting Required Must have experience with welding on 2.5-3 inch stainless steel, alloy 20, monel, and hastelloy (C276). Job is located in Baton Rouge. Contact our Gonzales location for details, 1731 N. Airline Hwy., Gonzales, LA 225-647-6800 UNDER NEW MGT - Lic Plumbers - Career oppty w/benefits. No attic or septic work (no digging). F/T steady work, no rainouts. Call 225-753-6810 or E-mail resume to RebathHRIN@ Local Construction Co seeks UTILITY FOREMAN. Apply in person 16444 Strain Road, BR. 225-272-4599 Southland Steel Fabricators Inc. Greensburg, LA has immediate openings for: ● Shipping personnel in Fabrication Shop! *exp. with scanning, bills of lading, and document control preferred. Forklift operating exp. a plus ● Industrial Painters! with sandblasting exp. a plus ● QC Weld Inspectors! We offer competitive wages and benefits. Email resume to: human.resources@ Or apply in person at: 251 Greensburg St. Greensburg, LA 70441. Ph: 225-222-4141 Drug –free workplace EOE

Warehouse Opportunities Full Time, entry level positions. Previous warehouse experience preferred. Must have the ability to lift up to 90lbs. Weekends required. Order Selector. Select and stack cases of product. Auditor. Verify orders for accuracy before shipment. Competitive Pay. Excellent benefits. Apply online at

Local Door/Hardware Dis-

tributor has immediate opening for warehouseman. Must dependable, drug free and willing to work. Company benefits offered. Apply in person at 16491 Airline Highway, Prairieville,LA 70769 Experienced Fluxcore Welder for ASME pressure vessel shop. Night shift -4-10's. Zachary. Apply at Fabex, 225-654-8293

River Parish Contractors is NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR Structural Welder, Pipe Fitters, Combo Welders, Structural Ironworkers, Stick Pipe Welders, Millwrights, Carpenter, & Crane Operators APPLY IN PERSON 4007 W. Airline Hwy., Reserve, LA or email darren.theriot@ Phone: 985-536-1425 Fax: 985-536-1368

Deep South Crane & Rigging NOW HIRING


Over 5 years plus experience. Pay determined on amount of experience. Paid Vacation, Paid Holidays, 401K, Health Insurance. Send all resumes to: UPS Machinery Services Attention Valve Manager 2561 Rome Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70814

1430 Lincoln Heritage Final expense Insurance company has a proven sales training program with TV & mail leads. Earn an average of $500 a day in commission. NO EXAM NEEDED To get your insurance license. Call The Maurice Lambie Group, 225-572-7868

Managers/ Trainees

1440 Local Home Center

Hiring Management Email resume to localhomecenter@ Must have at least 2 years experience in hardware/lumber business. MANAGERS: Call Center Manager with 3-5 yr verifiable experience. Successful candidate will help train & motivate entry level and advanced CSR's. FT & benefits. 225-765-4525

Ralphs Market

All locations looking for: Store Manager, Assistant Store Manager, Meat Manager & Produce Manager. Send resume to:

Security Project Manager

Competitive salary & benefits! Requires 5+ years chemical/industrial management experience. Must have knowledge of operations and security equipment. Please send resumes to BB# C738, c/o The Advocate, P.O. Box 588 Baton Rouge, LA 70821 EOE/AA-Minority/ Female/ Disabled/Veteran-DFWP NEEDED EXPERIENCED

Shift Supervisor

1 or 2 yrs exp. Knowledge of Excel, able to control food costs & manage labor. Apply 1st floor Restaurant, at BR Airport, Mon-Thursday 9-3.


1460 Allied Health, Nursing, Nurse Supervisor(s), CNA's and other positions avail. at Our Lady of the Lake Hospital Baton Rouge are posted online, site is updated daily. For more info and/or to apply online GreatPlace ToWork

AMMON Staffing

8116 One Calais Ave

Assistant Director of Patient Care



Or apply in person at:


EXP RES. INSTALLER. Clean driving record. Drug-free Envir. Pay DOE, Bnfts. Ascension Area. 225-644-3575 A & M Heating and Air

Fortis College is seeking Instructors to fill positions in the following programs: Sterile Processing, Surgical Technology, HVACR as well as qualified Anatomy and Physiology Instructors. Positive, energetic, detailedoriented, and extremely professional candidates are encouraged to apply to join our team and help students create better lives through education! Please call 225-248-1015 or email resume to mark.palumbo

FICEP experience a plus! We offer competitive wages and benefits.

SMALL COMPANY in search of a

primarily specialized in Vertical Turbine Pumps. Machinist experience is also preferred. Our company is the Marine industry leader in New Vertical Turbine pump manufacturing, repair and field service. All skill levels will be considered. TWIC card holder is a plus. Previous field service exp with Mechanical seals and packing a plus. Please reply with resume and note skill level Journeyman or apprentice for consideration. Please note position you're applying for in the subject line. Reply to


Drug –free workplace EOE


Selective Certification: Valid driver’s license required. (Must have a current driver’s license on file in Human Resources.)




(NCCCO or NCCER) F/T+ overtime & benefits. All applicants must be willing to travel and pass pre-employment urine & hair drug testing. Apply online at apply-online

or in person at 15324 Airline Hwy.

Will be responsible for supervision of nursing staff; interviewing, hiring, and training patient care employees; preparation of employee work schedules; assignment of employee duties; addressing complaints and resolving problems; evaluation of nursing activities to ensure quality patient care; ordering supplies for clinic physicians; and enforcing OSHA requirements and guidelines. Must be a RN with at minimum of 2 years medical office experience and 2 years supervisory experience.

Please send your resume along with salary requirements to:

The Baton Rouge Clinic








OAKWOOD VILLAGE is seeking F/T & P/T Caregivers for 2-10 shift. Must be able to work weekends. Dependable, motivated & compassionate only need apply. App/resumes accepted M-F from 9A-4P at 4400 McHugh Rd. Zachary.

FT Dental Assistant, Min. 2yrs exp, 4 days/week. Fax resume to: 225-214-0103

Hygienist needed for Mon. and Wed. Min. 2yrs exp necessary. Fax resume to: 225-214-0103

Needed Exp'd Caregivers 225-341-5919

NOW HIRING PCA's & Caregivers. Metro BR area. Weekdays, overnight & Wknds. Drug Screen. Bkgd check req. Apply at EOE

• • • • • •

LPN (Full Time) LPN (Part Time) LPN PRN RN (Full Time) RN (Part Time) CNA/Nurse Tech Full Time • CNA/Nurse Tech Part Time • CNA/Nurse PRN • Unit Secretary Full Time • Maintenance Technician Full Time • Cook - Full Time For more information call 225-231-3113 or email

LPN’s, CNA’s and Transportation Driver with

CLINIC Appointment Scheduler Precert Clerk LPN (2) Neurology & PM&R EEG Technician Apply online at www.TheNeuro

Pinnacle Home Health– Baton Rouge, LA


This is a full time Monday - Friday 8am-4:30pm position in our Baton Rouge office. This position reports directly to the Billing Manager and is : ● Responsible for checking referral’s medical benefits *Bills all claims ● Responsible for obtaining/tracking authorizations on all patients. As a full time position benefits including health, dental, vision, supplemental insurance and PTO are available! Required experience: ● Billing/Collections or Insurance Authorization: 2 years Apply online at


Want a rewarding job? Come join us & learn more about working with the elderly. Male & female CAREGiver & Administrative positions available. Home Instead Senior Care is located at, 5055 S. Sherwood Forest Blvd, Date & time is Tuesday March 31, 2015 between the hours of 9a-4p. CNA, Live-in, Covington, Mon-Fri. Elderly Alz. fem. Companionship, meal prep, light hskwk, dressing, hygiene. Salary neg. Email resumes to: Jefferson Manor Nursing & Rehab Now taking applications for

CNA - All Shifts Apply within at 9919 Jefferson Hwy No phone calls


needed for daytime hours & weekend work. Experience required. Call between 8a-3p, M-F.


Colonial Care Retirement Center is hiring for Weekend C.N.A.s. Please apply in person at 14686 Old Hammond Hwy. Grace Health and Rehab is currently seeking


6-2 Shift 2-10 Shift Please apply in person M-F, 9-3 at 1181 Hwy. 19, Slaughter, LA CODER needed ASAP, Exp in Anesthesia. $40K + DOE. Email resume’: Mona@Cor

Senior Coding Specialist The Baton Rouge General Medical Center has an immediate opening for a fulltime Senior Coding Specialist. Position will assign diagnostic and procedure codes to records of discharged patients for inpatient and/or outpatient surgery accounts. Must have previous experience with inpatient coding in an acute care hospital working with Medicare and other payors. CCS, RHIT, or RHIA certification strongly preferred. Remote coding opportunities available for this position. Qualified candidates apply online at or apply in person at the Baton Rouge General Mid City.

chauffeur’s license needed at ST. FRANCISVILLE COUNTRY MANOR

Call For Information

DENTAL FRONT DESK that has DENTAL EXPERIENCE to work from 11:30am7:00pm Monday to Friday and some Saturdays from 6:30-2:30. PracticeWorks knowledge is a plus. Fax resume to 225-665-3724 or email bencazdentalcare@ 225-665-2417

Dental Front Desk/ Scheduling Coordinator

Attn: HR Manager

7373 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, LA 70808 or apply online at

Dental Assistant needed. Minimum 2yrs dental experience. Bluebonnet area. 4 day work week. Fax resume TO 291-2167

Community/ Marketing Liaison needed



****CNA - ALL SHIFTS**** Apply at: Plaquemine Caring, 59215 Riverwest Dr.

Call For Information


Our busy, rapidly expanding dental practice is seeking a new Front Desk / Scheduling Coordinator, and you may be the person we're looking for! We are a state of the art facility, looking for someone who is energetic with a positive attitude & outlook! The position entails being the first positive point of contact to our patients. Email resume to: christie@ DENTAL OFFICE HIRING Ins Coordinator: Assisting a Plus!!! 2 yr min exp. Must be able to multitask, team player, organized & have strong communication skills. Main duties: verifying & entering Ins details into pt accounts, daily processing of Ins claims, posting ins pymts & managing pt accounts. Please email resume to: or fax to: Favaloro Family Dentistry (225)869-8868.


Please Apply In Person ONLY

Heritage Manor

9301 Oxford Place Dr. Baton Rouge, LA

Dietary Manager needed


St James Behavioral Health Hospital RNs, LPNs, MHTs; FT, PRN Wknds. Full time LPN. Fax: 225-644-1070. Email:

JEFFERSON MANOR 9919 Jefferson Hwy 225-293-1434 Lane Regional Medical Ctr EQUAL OPPTY EMPLOYER

Certified Histo Tech (Full Time) Large clinic in Baton Rouge is currently seeking a Histologist for our new Histology Laboratory. The ideal candidate will have 3-5 years experience embedding, cutting, staining with small biopsies and other pertinent histology experience. Associates Degree or higher in a life science preferred but not required and must hold HT/HLT (ASCP) certification or eligible to sit for exam. Please send your resume along with salary requirements to Attn: Employment Coordinator, Fax 225-246-9105, or employment@

The Baton Rouge Clinic

7373 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, LA 70808 ****LPN - ALL SHIFTS**** Apply at: Plaquemine Caring, 59215 Riverwest Dr. NOTTINGHAM is hiring for LPNs - weekend and night shifts. Please apply in person at 2828 Westfork Dr.

OLD JEFFERSON COMMUNITY CARE CENTER LPNs all shifts needed Competitive salary, PTO, health benefits, and 401K 8340 Baringer Foreman Road Baton Rouge, LA 70817 225-753-3203


Apply in person or email resume to: dluquette@comm



MME, INC. Several positions open at this time. You must have a clear background and able to work 12 hour shifts. Night and Day shifts available. Apply in person on Tuesday and Thursday’s ONLY between 2PM and 4PM at 305 West Cornerview Gonzales, La Please fax resumes to 225-644-6163 or call 225-450-3026 for more information. DIRECT CARE STAFF to work w/disabled pts. FT/ PT & PRN. Pd training & mileage. Clear criminal rec reqd. Apply at 5850 Florida Blvd. M-F, 8:30-3:30 EOE

Elayn Hunt

Correctional Center Immediate Openings for Paramedic AEMT EMT Shift Work Insurance & Retirement For additional information contact A.W. Stephanie Michel @ 225-319-4513 Apply at


in Gonzales is seeking Experienced

LPN for an Intake Admission Position, After Hours

Interested applicants send resumes to or fax 225-644-7706. EOE. The Care Center is now accepting applications for a Weekend LPN to work the Weekend Special 7p-7a. Please apply in person or email resume: 11188 Florida Blvd. astrait@plantation



Needed for a pediatric clinic. Full time. Pediatric exp. preferred. Someone with a great personality, must be able to multitask. Great benefits for qualified applicants. Fax resume to Attn: Nurse Supervisor, 225-926-4409.


Must have good understanding of all phases of Medical Billing. Fax resume: 225-291-8254

Days/Nights Vent/Trach Preferred

Find A Career At! The NeuroMedical Center

Baton Rouge Orthopaedic Clinic is hiring

F/T Nurse Opening at chemical dependency facility. Previous CD or MH exp. a plus. 2p-10p shift, nights, & weekends. Good benefits. Email resume to kelly@

NURSE PRACTITIONER Large multi-specialty clinic is currently seeking a full-time Nurse Practitioner to provide general medical care and treatment to patients in a clinic setting. Individual will perform physical exams and preventive care within the guidelines and instructions prescribed by the Physician. Must have previous Nurse Practitioner experience. Current RN and NP license required. We offer a strong benefits package & salary is commensurate with experience. To apply, go to

Email your resume and salary requirements to

or fax to 225-246-9105 Attn: Employment Coordinator

The Baton Rouge Clinic

7373 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Mental Health Counselor PT or FT needed for BR nonprofit. Responsible for attempting to improve quality of life for people living with HIV/AIDS by reducing the psychological burdens influenced by their disorder(s). Requires Master’s degree in related field, current licensure, and 3-5 years of HIV/AIDS experience or equivalent. Send resume, references and salary requirements to mbeaman@haartinc. org, using BH0001. PT/FT FIELD NURSE with Home Health exp. Fax resume: 225-274-1244.

Ascension Oaks

Nursing and Rehab 711 W. Cornerview Rd. Gonzales, LA 225-644-6581 LPN FT 3p-11p PT Wknd 11p-7a PRN All Shifts CNA FT 2-10 & 10-6 DIETARY Cook & Cook Helper The Care Center Is Now Hiring For

Certified Nursing Assistants for 6/2, 2/10 & PRN Shifts Please Apply In Person 11188 Florida Blvd., BR NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE!

Immediate Opening MME, Inc. seeks


Supervisory experience a plus. Must be able to work 12 hour rotating shifts. Full Time Shifts available. ICF/DD experience a plus.


Large multi-specialty clinic in Baton Rouge seeks a highly qualified Medical Technologist to work as a generalist. Candidate must have necessary licensure. Hours are 9a-6pm.

Please send your resume along with salary requirements to:

The Baton Rouge Clinic Attn: HR Manager

Fax resume to 225-644-6163 or email For More information call 225-450-3026

Baton Rouge Health Care Now Taking Applications For


Full Time * 2P-10P * 10P-6A Weekends * 6am-6pm * PRN

7373 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, LA 70808 or apply online at

Treatment Nurse Weekdays

Medical Billing


Billing Service in S. Sherwood area has an immediate opening for experienced Medical Billing personnel. F/T w/benefits. Must be proficient in all aspects of medical billing and coding. CPC certification a plus. Good computer and organizational skills a must. Send resume and compensation requirements via email to or via fax to (225) 296-0063 Only qualified applicants should apply.


for Gonzales Community Home. Supervisory experience a plus. Must be available to work 12 hour rotating shifts. Full Time Shifts available. ICF/DD experience a plus. Fax resume to 225644-6163 or email For More information call 225-450-3026.

Please mail resumes to: Ad #C-745 c/o The Advocate P.O. Box 588 Baton Rouge, LA 70821

Send resumes to:


Immediate Opening MME, Inc. seeks

RN and LPN with experience in the ICF-MRDD field & Qualified Intellectual Disability Professional (QUIDD)

for Gonzales Community Home

Health Insurance Exchange Outreach & Education Specialist needed

High Tech Dental Office looking for Full Time Dental Assistant in the Dutchtown / Prairieville area. Must be Friendly with Great People Skills. Must be Capable of Learning Quickly & We Offer 401K Retirement Please Fax your Resume to: 225-6778906.

Now Hiring

● Certified Medical Asst. ● Transcriptionist

Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center, Now Hiring!

Please submit resume to For more information call Broderick D. Brooks, Sr. at 225-683-5292 ext 10209.

North Oaks Health System Hammond, LA (985) 230-5715

Call 225-273-0051

OPHTHALMOLOGY TECH IMMEDIATE OPENING Comp salary & benefits Fax 225-214-3400

High School Diploma and some college or vocational technical preferred but not required. Must have good interpersonal skills; strong communication skills; self starter; reliable transportation; clean record; strong computer skills; ability to complete online insurance enrollment forms; ability to lift at least 50lbs; and strong organizational skills. Position requires facilitation of groups and community educational presentations & entails some travel within a 20 mile radius of Port Allen. Must complete training & pass certification test.


Baton Rouge Heritage House NOW HIRING



Apply in Person: 5550 Thomas Rd. B.R., LA, 70811

Capitol House – Baton Rouge

Long Term Facility Seeking A

Treatment Nurse

To Work Our Weekend Program. Must Be An LPN or RN With 1-2 Years Experience. Also Need LPN To Work Weekends 6p-6a And Monday-Friday 10p-6a. Great Company, Flexible Hours And Great Benefits Apply in person @ 11546 Florida Blvd.



Full time Field & Mgmt Prestige Home Care Ph: 225-927-6727 Fax: 225-927-6722

Apply in person 1335 Wooddale Blvd

EXP. Office Nurse in Home Health. Good pay + benefits. Fax 225 344-6293 or Email:

The Advocate Medical


Office Clerical

Professional/ Administrative

Professional/ Administrative

Professional/ Administrative







Pinnacle Home Health– Baton Rouge, LA

Surgical Specialty Center Of Baton Rouge, If you are passionate about making a difference in health care please visit

ORDER PROCESSOR/ BACKUP RECEPTIONISTDiesel Specialists is a small family owned company is looking for the right candidate to fill an entry level position in our Parts Department. Applicant must be very organized, familiar w/ Windows programs and be able to work in a fast paced environment. Experience in some type of AP or purchasing position is a plus. Pay DOE, M-F 8am-5pm. Email resume to

Childcare Center hiring Afternoon Teacher 2:30-5:30 M-F. Perkins near College. Call 225-766-1159 or email:

Physician Assistant

Patient Registration Front Desk Manager

Experienced CNA’s, LPN’s and RN’s needed for home health visits M-F 8am-5pm for Baton Rouge agency. 1 year experience in home care or facility required. Benefits including PTO available for full time employees! Apply online at

Pediatric office seeking PRN M.A.'s. Please send resumes to: cwunstel.pedicons

Pointe Coupee Homebound Health Services ● Physical Therapist FULLTIME ● Occupational Therapist - PT/PRN ● CNA- PT ● RN & LPN - PT/ PRN (weekdays & weeknds)

New Roads & surrounding areas Send resume to: 350 Hospital Road New Roads, LA 70760 An Equal Opportunity Employer Physician-MD/DO needed to treat patients for pain and primary care. P/T. Partnership Avail. Top pay. Flex Sch. Please call James at 985-502-6585.

LIFE SOURCE SERVICES Hospice…Care With Compassion

THE BATON ROUGE CLINIC JOB LINE 225-246-5627 EQUAL OPPTY EMPLOYER LTC Transportation Van Driver - Exp. pref. Apply in person at 59215 River W Dr., Plaquemine Caring PRAIRIEVILLE ANIMAL HOSPITAL is an upscale Veterinary Hospital located south of BR. We are seeking an Experienced Veterinary Tech/Asst. Fax or email resumes to 225-677-5006 or prairievilleanimalhospital WOMAN'S HOSPITAL Visit us online

Office Clerical

1480 ARTICULATE Professional needed to handle incoming calls. Spanish A+. Call 225-765-4525.

Clerical Assistant (Temp) Several individuals needed to perform basic computing work. Basic computer skills required. Pay $10-$12 hourly; temporary position to last 1012 weeks. Hours per week flexible-great for college students. Send resume to The Baton Rouge Clinic, AMC Attn: Employment Coordinator. 7373 Perkins Rd. Baton Rouge, LA 70808, fax: 225-246-9105; email: employment@

The Baton Rouge Clinic

WEEKEND POSITIONS AVAILABLE 2 Yrs. Nursing Exp. Req'd *******

CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT PRN POSITION ******* Previous Hospice Exp. A+ Fax Resume To: 225-490-4231 or Apply in Person At: 11605 Southfork Ave Suite A Baton Rouge, LA 70816 Child & Adult Psychiatrist at various clinic sites in St. Martinville, Abbeville, Lafayette, New Iberia, Many, LA - excellent salary & benefits. Send CV to Iberia Comprehensive Community Health Center attn: Tamekia

RADIOLOGY TECH needed for local mobile X-ray provider. Evenings 5p-9p. Mon-Fri. Please email resume to: senda or fax to: 337-514-4268. Do you like people, are you pro-active and have good communication? Energetic front desk position available in progressive medical outpatient clinic in Baton Rouge. Competitive salary and great benefits. Email resume to

Tired of your present job and looking for something new & different? Above average pay for above average workers. NO NIGHTS!!! Residential Cleaning Company Hiring 6 people. Will train. Must have car with insurance and valid drivers license. Average $14/hr + Benefits. Call 1-888-491-5664 x86001. RN NEEDED to perform stress testing at busy cardiology clinic in Baton Rouge. Full-time days, Mon-Fri. Email resume to: treadmill@brcardiology. com. Att: Ashley Come Grow With Us! RN or LPN candidate must have pediatric exp, be team focused, good communication. Committed to delivering excellent care improving health outcome in medically fragile patients. We offer a competitive salary & bnfts pkg. Call 359-9777 or fax resume to 359-9798. RKM Primary CareLivingston has an immediate opening for F/T REGISTERED NURSE. Applicant must have 2 years experience in a healthcare setting. Must be reliable, organized, detailed, able to work with others and must be a self-starter. If interested, please submit resume to

RN’sBluebonnet Campus The Baton Rouge General Medical Center is currently seeking Registered Nurses for the Bluebonnet Campus. Positions are available on Telemetry, Med-Tele, General Surgery, Ortho-Neuro and Oncology. These positions are fulltime, day or night & twelve hour shifts. A current LA RN license is required; experience is preferred. Interested candidates should apply online at or apply in person at the Baton Rouge General Mid City.

ST. JAMES PLACE 333 Lee Drive St. Joseph Hospice, LLC Visit Our Website At

or fax to 225.926.9336.


A national mortgage loan servicer is looking for a post-closing specialist. Responsibilities include maintaining closed files, scheduling notary signings, scanning, recording, and tracking of closing documents. Real Estate and/or closing experience a plus. Full time, health, dental & 401k. Resumes to: F/T RECEPTIONIST position avail. to start immed. Fast paced work environment. Must be able to multi task. $11/hr. Apply in person at Lewis Companies at 9828 Bluebonnet Blvd. Ste F, BR, LA 70810 or email info@ Fax 225-766-8858 Hiring F/T RECEPTIONIST/ BOOKKEEPER. Rent to Own used Cars. Fax resumes to 225-412-4027


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Check our jobs! Advantage Personnel Clerk I (part-time) needed in our Parks & Operations department to maintain daily time sheets and prepare bi-weekly payroll, performs computer data entry of shop purchases, employee work hours and fuel usage, maintains inventory on repair parts, maintains shop office, performing routine typing and filing, ordering supplies, Pumps fuel and takes fuel readings, and carrying out other job duties as needed. Must have H.S. diploma or equivalent and 1 year experience in office setting with keyboard/computer experience. Apply at 6201 Florida Blvd. or

Call today to make your ad stand out!

1-800-960-6397 Snelling Personnel Serv. Please see our job listings:


1500 JANITORS needed-Geismar area. P/T evenings with exp. $8.50/hr. 225-405-9045

Professional/ Administrative


for more info. EOE.

18-27 CSR'S NEEDED NOW! New Office. Understaffed No exp. necessary. Entry level. Call 225-384-0533


Dynamic growing local company needs Customer Service Representative with exceptional phone skills. Min. 50 wpm. Must be mature, detail oriented and enjoy working in a fast paced environment. MUST have an upbeat inviting voice on the phone. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY without this voice quality. Excellent permanent, long-term opportunity. Salary $30K-$35K depending on individual’s voice quality and other mentioned values and abilities. Excellent benefits: paid health ins., 401K, paid vacation and holidays. This is an opportunity to work with a group who truly enjoy working with each other and the work they perform. This group strongly believes in giving excellent customer service and adhering to the highest ethical standards. Forward resume to: Home360, Inc.

Fiction Editor. Specify charges per 8.5x11 double spaced page. 12 cpi. Write: Literary agent, Box 70422, Baton Rouge, LA. 70874.


Hiring for front desk team. Must be friendly and have positive attitude. Must have high school diploma. Must include complete work history and work related references in resume. Dental knowledge is preferable. Duties include answering phones, scheduling, processing insurance, and more. lamendoladentistry@

JOB FINDERS LA Relay: Communication, Bilingual-Span/Eng- Communication & Captioning Assts all shifts. 225-2914500 LITIGATION PARALEGAL needed. 3 yrs. exp. req'd. Email: LOUISIANA STAFFING 225-621-3212 225-621-3210 - FAX Office Clerk/ Receptionist Office clerk needed for small law office in Addis, LA. Mondays and Fridays a must. 20 -24 hrs per week. Fax resume to (225) 749-8396 Part time Position


Admin Professional/Office Coordinator wanted for fast-paced therapy clinic in New Orleans. Must be motivated and efficient. Full Time M-F. Experience preferred. Please email resumes to ONLY RESUMES EMAILED TO BE CONSIDERED.

OMV Operator w/ exp. Fax resume to: 225-923-2374.


$124.20 per month

BATON ROUGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE ● Nursing Faculty-Frazier Site ● Director of Dual Enrollment ● Program Manager/ Instructor - Construction Management ● Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs ● Executive Director for Accounting and Finance ● Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement For more information: To apply online:

Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Employer BATON ROUGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE 5310 Florida Blvd. B.R. EOE

The World’s Leading Non-Medical Home Care company is seeking a Full time Care Manager. Work Friday through Monday receiving full time hours and benefits. Must be organized, detail oriented & customer service driven. Prior experience in Scheduling and Health Care with strong computer skills preferred. Submit resume to shull@ CASE MANAGERS/SOCIAL WORKERS needed for infant/ toddler population. Travel to surrounding parishes req. Bachelor's degree in social service field. New grads can apply. $2628K. DOE. Benefits. Fax resumes to 225-667-4886 or email to case_ CEO needed for local nonprofit. Must have exp in Economic Development. $100k + DOE. Email resume to Mona@Corporate The Louisiana Cancer Research Center, located in New Orleans, LA, seeks a highly qualified

Chief Administrative Officer to be responsible for the non-research administrative operations, financial planning, and management of the Center including working with LCRC Board, scientific leaders, and partner organizations to operationalize the strategic plan and build a structurally integrated cancer center. Qualifications: Five plus years of progressive leadership experience in a complex medical research environment; proven track record of leading initiatives to improve organizational performance, create productive relationships, and organize, develop, and implement information technology systems; proven financial and operational track record for demonstrating an understand of the key factors within the management of a complex research center; demonstrated ability to work effectively in a highly matrixed organization to achieve organizational goals.

Submit CV and cover letter to:

Class A Child Care Center. Seeking Teachers & Teacher's Asst's. CDA or degree in Child Development or Early Childhood Ed. Fax resume & letters of ref's. to: 225-344-7895. COORDINATOR OF STUDENT MARKETING AND PROMOTIONS ATHLETICS SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA UNIVERSITY Southeastern Louisiana University invites applicants for the position of Coordinator of Student Marketing and Promotions. For information on application deadlines, qualifications, and responsibilities, and to apply online visit applicants/Central? quickFind=57151 In order to guarantee review, applicants must submit all documents requested. Complete the entire application online and include all education and work experience and the names and contact information for at least three references on your application. Attach an electronic copy of your letter of application addressing qualifications and experience, resume, and copies of transcripts from all colleges/universities attended (official transcripts required upon employment). Applicants must be committed to working with diversity. Southeastern is an AA/ADA/EEO employer. Mental Health Rehab facility looking for a community based bachelors or masters level Counselor with a degree in social services. Fax resume to 225-590-3324 or email:

Director of Human Resources WBRZ-TV, locally owned ABC affiliate, is seeking a Director of Human Resources. The Dir of HR is responsible for directing and managing employee relations, administering company policies, extensive recruiting and applicant screening. Other duties include new hire orientation, facilitating the Internship program, preparing all required state/ federal HR reporting, administering group health benefits and managing medical leave. For a more detailed description, please refer to the station website at wbrz. com/employment. Must be adept at state/federal labor laws, including upcoming changes. Prefer 3 to 5 years’ managerial experience in human resources, and must have excellent people, communication, and organizational skills. Please include salary requirements when submitting resume. Email resume to or mail to HR Director, PO Box 2906, Baton Rouge, LA 70821. No phone calls please. Smoke-free and drug-free work environment. EOE.

EATEL Employment opportunities w/City-Parish Government visit

HIE Coordinator, -This position will be responsible for tasks related to HIE projects and support to the department’s executives and upper management. This includes but is not limited to contract review and tracking, coordinating schedules and travel arrangements, transcribe notes and compose memos, Research and create presentations. Skills & Experience: Proficient in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Access is a plus. Bachelor’s degree and or 5+ years in Healthcare office management. To apply email resume to


A national mortgage loan servicer is looking for a post-closing specialist. Responsibilities include maintaining closed files, scheduling notary signings, scanning, recording, and tracking of closing documents. Real Estate and/or closing experience a plus. Full time, health, dental & 401k. Resumes to:


The LSU Health Sciences Center School of Medicine is accepting applications for a Physician Assistant. This position will be based at LSU Health - Baton Rouge. Incumbent will assist in surgery, diagnose & treat illnesses, counsel on preventive health care, and other duties as required/necessary. Qualifications ● Graduate degree ● Current licensure to practice as a Physician Assistant in the State of Louisiana ● Two (2) years clinical experience in Orthopaedics Preferred Qualifications ● Five years of clinical experience in orthopaedics Applicant Instructions Qualified candidates may electronically submit a resume & cover letter to:; reference PA-BR. Applications will be accepted through April 10, 2015.

LSUHSC is an Equal Opportunity Employer for females, minorities, individuals with disabilities and protected veterans.

Our Lady of the Lake College in Baton Rouge, LA, a Catholic college founded by the Franciscan Missionaries of our Lady, with an enrollment of approximately 1700 students, is seeking an Instructional Technologist to work with faculty and staff to design, develop, and evaluate instructionally effective technologyenhanced strategies based on establish learning objectives. The successful candidate will act directly to assist faculty and programs to analyze curricula and identify areas where the use of academic technologies could enhance the student learning experience, and other duties as assigned. Applicants must have at minimum a Master’s degree in instructional design/technology or equivalent appropriate academic preparation, 3-5 years relevant experience in an educational or training setting, and comprehensive knowledge of education/instructional technology. Review of applicants will begin immediately, and the position will remain open until filled. How to apply: Complete the online application at: http://www.olol job-opportunities Email or mail cover letter, CV, unofficial transcript and letters of recommendation to Renee Bramlett Administrative Assistant, Our Lady of the Lake College, 5414 Brittany Dr. Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Email: renee.bramlett@

ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Job Advertisement Principal East St. John High Principal - Lake Pontchartrain Elementary Principal West St. John Elementary Minimum Qualifications: Secondary School Principalship/ Elementary School Principalship OR Educational Leader 1 or higher certification in accordance with Louisiana Department of Education Bulletin 746, Revised. Apply online ( March 24, 2015 through April 6, 2015 ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH SCHOOL BOARD IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, GENDER, AGE, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, VETERAN STATUS, DISABILITY, GENETIC INFORMATION OR TESTING, OR SEXUAL ORIENTATION.


Public Information Officer Starting salary: $65,732 Deadline: Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at noon Apply at /hire/index.aspx

Check our jobs! Advantage Personnel

SCREEN PRINTER Advantage Personnel

HIRING TEACHERS & Executive Assistant. Prior exp. is mandatory. No calls. Email resumes to:

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Call: 1-800-960-6397 Online:

Exp'd Infant, Toddler and Pre-K Teacher in the Baker area. Call 225-775-2722.

Please send your resume along with salary requirements to:

The Baton Rouge Clinic Attn: HR Manager

7373 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, LA 70808 or apply online at

Instructional Technologist

• At least five years of experience in managing communication efforts • Demonstrates the ability to work with a collaborative team of administrators, leaders and professional service consultants /providers • Demonstrates an understanding of managing social media and its various audiences

INTERIOR DESIGNER needed with experience. Full or part time. Apply in person, Persian Rug Gallery, 9125 Bluebonnet Blvd


Successful candidate will possess strong managerial skills, excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Must have previous experience in front office management. Individual will be responsible for the direct supervision of staff receptionists. Responsibilities include interviewing, hiring, and training new receptionists, determining work procedures, preparing work schedules, and expediting workflow; preparing daily/weekly/monthly reports and deposits as well as adjusting errors and resolving patient complaints. Bachelor’s degree from a four-year college or university; or one to two years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience is required. We offer a strong benefits package & salary is commensurate with experience.

Senior Development and Major Gifts Officer The LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Center is seeking a Major Gifts Officer to work in collaboration with the Chancellor and Director of Communications and External Relations to cultivate and solicit prospective donors with the potential to contribute major gifts aimed at meeting the strategic goals of the LSU Law Center and the John P. Laborde Energy Law Center. Essential functions include: Maintain a portfolio of major gift prospects and ensure the Center is engaged with high-level donors, prospective donors, and volunteers. Assist in managing the overall strategic vision of the Development Office and help to guide the advancement activities of the Office. Work with the Office to track and plan activities related to the identification, cultivation, and stewardship of donor prospects and existing donors. Work with faculty and administration of the Laborde Energy Law Center and its advisory Council on all activities related to the philanthropic endeavors of the Center. Assist in management of other activities related to the Laborde Energy Law Center Advisory Council and its working committees. Assist in management and recordkeeping for the Law Center’s fundraising efforts, including campaign planning, donor contact reports, and financial reporting. Perform related work as required. Will be required to work extended workdays, evenings and weekends, as needed. Will be required to travel frequently for development activities. Required: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university and three to five years of major gift fundraising experience. Administrative/ management public/ private experience. Track record of soliciting and securing major gifts. Preferred: Excellent interpersonal, administrative and organizational skills. Strong verbal and written communication skills. Experience working with an advisory board and volunteers. Administrative/ management experience in a university setting, a plus. Familiarity with electronic university advancement databases and other software programs. Apply online with cover letter, resume, and three references at https://lsusystem Applications will be accepted until position is filled. The LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Center is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Employer. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Job Advertisement TEACHER WITH CERTIFICATION IN VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS/BLIND K-12 PER LDOE BULLETIN 746 REVISED OR AN INDIVIDUAL CERTIFIED IN BRAILLE Applicants must apply online at www.stjohn.k12. under District Employment tab. References must be included. A copy of your Teaching certificate with Visual Impairments/Blind K-12 area or an individual certified in Braille. Must be uploaded into application.

Professional/ Administrative


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Professional/ Administrative


Minimum Qualifications: • A Bachelor’s Degree in a related field. • Excellent verbal skills are essential to communicate clearly with clients, staff, families, guardians, service coordinators and state surveyors. • Ability to under stand and follow directions and the ability to gain comprehensive knowledge of regulations and laws. • Ability to safely and accurately assess and care for consumers with medical and mental disabilities and to recognize and report any noted concerns. • Must be able to adjust in changing priorities and the various details of the job. • Must be selfdirected with strong organizational and time management skills. • Must be proficient in Microsoft computer applications. Essential Duties Include: Provide ongoing assessments, advocacy, case planning, financial planning, service coordination and monitoring of services for caseload of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Compensation: Based on qualifications and experiences. Fax Resume to 225-644-6163 or email

Manager, Nutrition Services Woman’s Center for Wellness Full-time Woman’s Hospital is currently seeking a Manager for Nutrition Services to manage Bariatric and Outpatient Dietitians, Health Coaches and support staff at Woman’s Center for Wellness. Will oversee and evaluate the efficiency of fiscal operations and department procedures, as well as being responsible for billing/accountingrelated tasks for Nutrition Services. Responsible for business development, new programming and community outreach. Maintains nutrition inventory system, develops and maintains marketing promotions and materials. Requires a Bachelor’s degree in clinical nutrition, food and nutrition, or related area, granted from a U.S. regionally accredited college or university. Master’s degree in nutrition is preferred. Completion of a didactic program in dietetics and supervised practice program approved by the Commission on Accreditation for Dietetics Education (CADE) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Requires at least three years experience in nutrition assessment and counseling, weight management programming and public speaking on health and nutrition. Supervisory experience is preferred. If interested, apply online: EOE

The Wilkinson County School District is seeking qualified applicants to fill the following position: ● Elementary / Middle School Principal ● Elementary Education Teachers Education ● Special Teachers – 1-12 ● English Teacher – 7-12 ● Biology Teacher ● Math Teachers – 7-12 ● Band Director ● Head Football Coach ● Head Baseball Coach ● Automotive Service Excellence Certified Mechanic ● Bus Drivers School Principal/Director applicants must have a Masters of Administration / Supervision and a minimum of an AA in School Administration. Teacher and Band Director applicants for aforementioned positions must hold a valid Mississippi teaching certificate in the area applying for, be a good disciplinarian, & be wellversed in subject area. Head Football and Baseball Coach applicants must hold a valid Mississippi teaching certificate and have prior experience coaching. Automotive Service Excellence Certified Mechanic applicants must hold a valid Mississippi Class B Commercial Drivers License with a “P” endorsement and have knowledge and experience in repair and maintenance of school buses and other district vehicles. Applications may be obtained from the Wilkinson County School District, Office of Superintendent, 488 Main Street, Woodville, MS 39669, or on the District website www.wilkinson.k12. Wilkinson County School Board does not offer interim/emergency certificates. Wilkinson County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, national origin, or disability, and is an Equal Opportunity Employer. THE DUNHAM SCHOOL seeks the following teachers for 2015-2016 Academic year • Middle School Art • Lower School Art Submit Resume with references to: Middle School Head Mary Theriot at: mary.theriot@ No Phone Calls Please.

LOOK TO THE STARS STARS make your ad stand out and get you quick results.


Restaurants/ Hotels/Clubs

1540 F/T Manager Upscale full service restaurant. Competitive sal. + bnfts. Email resume to: ourcompanyhr123

QIDP (QMRP) Medical Management Enterprises, Inc. is currently seeking a compassionate individual to join the team providing coordination of services for persons with intellectual disabilities in Adult Day Program and community home setting. Flexible hours, excellent pay and benefits.


F/T SERVER; Apply in person: Ruth's Chris Steak House, 4836 Constitution Ave. Monday-Friday DRUSILLA SEAFOOD REST. Drusilla Place Catering Seeks Exp'd Kitchen Help, Waiters & Banquet Room Help. Apply in person 3482 Drusilla Ln. 225-927-8844 Front Desk Clerk needed. Must be avail all shifts incl. weekends & holiday. Apply in person at: Audubon Inn Super 8 Port Allen. Looking for an exciting position, apply online at, FT MAINTENANCE TECH with make ready experience needed. HVAC certification not required. Applicant must know how to paint. Only experienced need apply. PT HOUSEKEEPING INSPECTOR NEEDED. Applicants must pass a pre-employment drug test and background check. Apply at Chase Suite Hotel, 5522 Corporate Blvd Mon-Thu, 8am-2pm ONLY. NO PHONE CALLS. Tired of your present job and looking for something new & different? Above average pay for above average workers. NO NIGHTS!!! Residential Cleaning Company Hiring 6 people. Will train. Must have car with insurance and valid drivers license. Average $14/hr + Benefits. Call 1-888-491-5664 x86001.

Residence Inn /Courtyard By Marriott

Food & Beverage Cook

Housekeepers Benefits: Medical, dental, 401k & more! Please apply in person at: Residence Inn Marriott Siegen Lane 10333 N. Mall Dr. Baton Rouge, LA 70809

Chick-fil-A in the

Mall of Louisiana

The growing Baton Rouge Metro Airport is looking for qualified applicants for Airport Development & Administrative Manager Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in airport, business, or public administration, or a related field, & 4 yrs of exp in business or real estate, including 1 yr of supervisory exp or any equiv combo of ed & exp. Preferred applicants will have exp with commercial real estate leasing and/or property development for prospective tenants. Salary: $52,474$88,454 annually. Excellent Benefits: Medical, dental and life insurance, defined benefit retirement plan, tax deferred compensation, generous paid leave & holidays, employee training & development, tuition assistance. Position may be eligible for a car allowance of $400/month Apply: Mar 27- April 9, 2015 8 – 5 pm

is hiring full and part time positions for the next two weeks. Come inside and apply for a flexible schedule, competitive pay and Sunday's off!

GINO'S RESTAURANT is seeking a Salad Person. Experience necessary. Please apply between 2pm-5p. Monday-Friday at 4542 Bennington Ave.

Hotel Workers, Servers, Dishwashers, Maids, Houseman

NOW HIRING: Grill Cooks, Servers, & Hosts. Fulltime, Part-time & weekends. Apply in person at Cracker Barrel, 10250 Plaza Americana Dr. Baton Rouge. SUBWAY Hiring Managers & Staff. Apply in person @ 4520 S. Sherwood Forest @ Coursey or I-10 Exit at Highland Rd. 4728 Constitution Ave. Baton Rouge, LA

Sales/ Marketing

1560 ACCEPTING Applicants For Call Center. $10 - $12 Per Hr, Benefits, $13 - $15 Per Hour After 60 Days With Bonuses. Call 225-224-6625

Apply to: HR Department, 1755 Florida St.

Equal Opportunity Employer

Restaurants/ Hotels/Clubs

1540 Ruth’s Chris Steak House in Baton Rouge Hiring for PM LINE COOK 2+ yrs min. exp. Apply In Person: 4836 Constitution Ave, M-F GINO'S RESTAURANT is seeking BUSSERS. Please apply between 2pm-5p. Monday-Friday at 4542 Bennington Ave.

Bethel Café needs Head/Reg. Cooks & Servers. Call 225-615-8211. COURTYARD by Marriott & Residence Inn by Marriott Apply: North Mall Drive FRONT DESK/ Housekeeping Person needed. Please apply in person at Quality Inn & Suites, 131 Lobdell Hwy, Port Allen, LA 70767

Dietary Manager needed


C.J. BROWN, Realtors LATTER & BLUM Inc., Realtors Van Eaton & Romero ABILITY TO SUCCEED IN REAL ESTATE SALES? We always have room at the TOP! Best People, Support, Brand, Commission Plans, Service & Tools! Join the TEAM that helps you accelerate your business. We know you have what it takes! Take a test drive to show us you do. or call 1-800-428-8294 and arrange an interview today! Exp. Used Car Salesman needed. Lrg. dealership. Huge inventory. 225-2728778, ask for Guy. FINANCIAL ADVISOR positions avail. We'll help you get licensed. Call 938-0696.



Hiring AM/PM Hot Food Host, P/T Bartender, Laundry Person & Housekeepers. Exp only. Top pay up to $10/hr. Great benefits. Call 225-766-2022.

SALES CONSULTANT POSITIONS Great opportunity to be part of Louisiana's premier independent preowned luxury automobile dealerships. Sales experience preferred however not necessary. Background checks required. Please fax resumes to: 225-218-4500

Put your logo in your ad! For details, call 1-800-960-6397

L'Auberge Baton Rouge Now Hiring - To Apply

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Call: 1-800-960-6397 Online:


The Advocate

Call For Information


Drury Inn & Suites


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Sales/ Marketing

1560 7 year old Industrial Electrical & Instrumentation Co. needs an Industrial Salesperson immediately. Experience a must. Call 225-261-1152 or email resume to Fax 225-261-1153. FT Inside Sales Person needed at Baton Rouge Police Supplies. $12/HR. Fax resume to: 225-924-4947 Only resumes accepted. Now Hiring Agents, Adam Campo Real Estate. High Comm. splits 225-295-3035 Well known and established Electrical Distribution Company is taking applications for an Outside Sales position. Applicant will need to have sales experience and/or extensive electrical work experience. Position will include a Benefit package, and is a salary position. Send Resume to Job Opportunity, P.O. Box 825, Natchez, MS 39121. REAL ESTATE AGENTS Needed to work with Nat'l Home Builder. Preferred Lenders, 504-654-9326.

General Help

1600 Administrative Assistant needed to work in fast paced Communications Department. Professional image and telephone etiquette; high-level of accuracy w/attention to detail & organization. Excellent public relation/ interpersonal skills w/strong oral & written communication skills; comfortable with computers. At least 2 yrs related exp, HS diploma or equivalent & business school or Assoc. Degree. Excellent benefit package incl., retirement, employee discount/privileges, medical ins, annual/sick leave, 12 pd holidays, life ins & more. Apply at 6201 Florida Blvd. or visit

for more info. EOE.

Auto Accessory Installer needed. Will train. Must have good driving record. Apply in person at: 11311 Cedar Park Ave. BR BREC JOBS Bricklayer and Plasters needed. $20 hr. plus benefits. Mason Support needed. $15 hr. plus benefits. 20 weeks of inside work. Please call Phillip @251-591-4409 or Jay @251-327-6964


+ Up To $15/Hr 24 New P/T & F/T Call Center Positions No Exp. Nec! 225-272-1833

ACCEPTING Applicants For Call Center. $10 - $12 Per Hr, Benefits, $13 - $15 Per Hour After 60 Days With Bonuses. Call 225-224-6625 BREC’s Summer Camp is now accepting applications for the following positions: • Camp Counselor • Camp Director Online Applications only

Benny's Car Wash and Oil Change. Apply Online


Want a rewarding job? Come join us & learn more about working with the elderly. Male & female CAREGiver & Administrative positions available. Home Instead Senior Care is located at, 5055 S. Sherwood Forest Blvd, Date & time is Tuesday March 31, 2015 between the hours of 9a-4p. Caregivers needed! www.absolutecare Full-time CASHIER NEEDED. Please apply in person, 1640 O'neal Lane. No phone calls. PT Front Counter CASHIER needed 2-3 days per week for Dry Cleaners. Apply at 5454 Bluebonnet, Ste S or call 225-292-5584. CASHIER needed at Fred's Foodmart. Must be honest, dependable, hard worker. Must pass drug screen. Apply in person at 44708 Highway 42, Prairieville, LA 70769. CASHIER needed at 24 hr. convenience store, St. Gabriel area. Must be able to work weekends, holidays and any shift. Call Wendy at 225-642-9999. EXP. F/T CHILDCARE ASST Baker area. Bkground chk. Mail: Childcare, P.O. Box 883, Zachary, LA 70791 Seeking Mature, Loving person to keep 4 mo old in my home. Send resume, & ref's to 9655 Perkins Rd. Ste C-191, BR, LA 70810 Background check req'd.


Immediate Openings!

JANI CARE - 225-751-2273

Apply online Cleaning technicians with previous experience. Rate of pay is DOE. Full time. Position requires a valid drivers license & reliable transportation. Please apply at 1976 Wooddale Blvd Baton Rouge La 70806


We are looking for 1 manager who is a self starter, able to manage work flow of 119,000 sq ft. building heavy traffic area / large volume site. Able to manage 8 part time employees. Must be able to operate cleaning equipment such as floor machine and KAIVAC. 225-939-2345.

General Help


BE YOUR OWN BOSS Independent Newspaper Contractor for

The Advocate In the N. Baton Rouge, Central and Zachary area Immediate opening available for carrier. Please call Reggie 225-588-8964. Leave detailed message. Experience preferred. Early morning hours. Must have reliable transportation. Liability Insurance Required.

BE YOUR OWN BOSS Independent Newspaper Contractor for

The Advocate In the VacherieDonaldsonville area Immediate opening available for carrier. Please call 225-388-0227. Leave detailed message. Experience preferred. Early morning hours. Must have reliable transportation. Liability Insurance Required. Jefferson Manor Nursing & Rehab now taking applications for


Apply within @ 9919 Jefferson Hwy No Phone Calls! Counter Salesperson for lumber yard. Must have some knowledge of hardware/lumber. 225-387-0382 $$$ CREW FOREMANS $$$ Commercial Lawn Landscaping Comp. Exp. w/ D.L. Call 225-752-9755. Construction Foreman sought. High School diploma or equiv and Votech or associate’s degree in construction or trade field is required. Valid LA driver’s license; 5 yrs related exp in construction or park maintenance field; 2 yrs supervisory exp; Thorough knowledge of construction practices and operations. Mechanical aptitude; Ability to prioritize, schedule and inspect work and organize other workers. Apply at 6201 Florida Blvd. or visit

for more info. EOE.

Trucking company seeks EXPERIENCED CUSTOMER SERVICE REP & SAFETY COORDINATOR. Mail resume: P.O.Box 1524 Gramercy, LA 70052 IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR F/T CUSTOMER SERVICE REP for Surplus Warehouse, a building material company. Retail sales exp. preferred. Responsible for selling, stocking, loading, unloading merchandise, & driving forklift. Heavy lifting required. Drug free work environment. Great benefits include Employee Stock Ownership Plan & health & dental insurance coverage. Apply online at, send resumes to human.resources@ or apply in person at Surplus Warehouse, 12152 Florida Blvd, Baton Rouge. DRY CLEANERS HIRING ALL POSITIONS. Please Apply at Sunshine Cleaners 16645 Highland Rd. or email donny@

Equipment Operator

Needed ASAP – Full-time, Excavator & Dozer Experience required. Call 225-751-2158. Exp. Auto Tech w/ own tools. Great pay & benefits. Pd vac. Mon-Fri. 7a5p. Start Immediately! Call 225-778-5575 or fax resume to: 225-778-5577 or Email to: Exp. Cook, Short Order Cook & Deli person needed! Call 225-247-1630 for more info. Exp. Lawn Care Personnel. Call 225-202-7256. **Counter Clerk & Exp.** Presser Needed!! Apply at Suttons Cleaners Marchand's Interior has an opening for a Custom Picture Framer. Responsibilities include taking orders, providing exceptional customer service, and the production of orders. Please e-mail your resume to

GROUNDS MAINTENANCE – Immediate Opening – seeking motivated worker with commercial landscape and grounds care experience. Full time, 12 month employment; MonThurs 6 am to 4 pm. Full benefits; drug free environment; must pass criminal background check. Apply in person only: St. George Catholic Church, 7808 St. George Drive, Baton Rouge. EOE BR Property Mgmt. Co. seeks skilled & experienced HANDYMAN to work M-F btwn 9 AM & 5 PM Tools, truck/van, references & background check req'd. 225-927-1975 OFFICE HELPER needed, Be reliable, honest. Good pay. Transportation. References req'd. 225-892-8517 F/T Supv/F tech needed for growing janitorial co. Must have vaild DL, 5 yrs. exp. & pass bckgrd-drug screen. call 225-675-3014

The Advocate

General Help

General Help



HOUSE CLEANERS WANTED! Earn up to $15/hr No night/weekends No experience needed Call 225-435-4260 Ext 3.

Wanted Licensed Plumber. Drug free and clean DMV. Call 225-262-2322.

Sterling Place Nursing Home is seeking: ● Experienced Part Time Housekeeper ● Floor Tech Please apply in person at 3888 North Blvd.

is offering an excellent opportunity For YOU to join our expanding team as a sales contractor in Baton Rouge or Lafayette Call 1-614-783-7191 and ask for Jim Or e-mail: bardenjim@ Ft/Pt Janitors for Gonzales & B.R. areas. M-F. Bkgd & drug test req. 225-675-3014

Global Industrial Contractors, LLC

We are seeking Janitors in the Plaquemine area that have their TWIC, Security Passport & OSHA Cards. Apply Online At

Or in person at 702 Lobdell Hwy, Ste 8 Port Allen, LA 70767 (225) 663-6770

HORTICULTURAL/ LANDSCAPE ASSISTANT position available. Weeding, pruning, spraying & planting. Must be able to lift 50lbs. Exp desirable. DL & drug screen req. Come join our quality group! Call 225-756-4321. Kidcam Summer Camps Hiring ALL positions!! Apply online at or email resume to: BR traffic control co. seeks


to work with const. crew. Driver Lic req. Benefits. Apply M-F, 9 am - 3 pm. 10442 S. Choctaw Drive.


1 year experience required with a commercial company. Valid Drivers license required! Call 225-273-9341 Large Property Management Co. is seeking a Groundskeeper. Please fax resume to: 225-927-0894

PORT ALLEN CARE CENTER has an immediate opening for a position in the laundry department. Split shift: 2AM shifts (6-2); 2 PM shifts (1-9). Apply in person at: 403 N 15th St., Port Allen, LA. Lawn Maint. Comp. hiring FT Lawn Tech. Must have 1yr. exp. and transp. Sal. DOE. Call 225-413-1115. Local Property Management Company is seeking a full time Leasing Agent for a busy apartment community in Baton Rouge. Property management experience is required. Please send your resume to: real Maid Service Needs Maids. Must have own transportation. Competitive Pay. Call DS office. 664-9056 Maintenance Helper wanted for utility company in the Baton Rouge area. F/T position with benefits. Must be 21 w/valid DL & HS diploma or equiv. Must pass drug screen. Apply in person at 1824 Ryder Drive, Baton Rouge. We are an EOE company. Prairieville area seeking Mechanic to work on small engines. Strong mechanical aptitude, dependable and teachable. capable to get TWIC card. Call 225-677-9213; M-F, 8am-4:30pm


Swimming Pool Company looking for both Maintenance technician and a Retail store associate. Heavy lifting required and must pass drug screen. Clean drivers record for maintenance tech. Exceptional customer service a must. Apply in person @ Central Pools 225-272-1800 Experienced Residential house framers, Must have own transportation. Leave msg. @ 225-445-1420. SQUIRES FORMAL WEAR Taking Applications For FT&PT Sales Associate at The Denham Springs Location, Apply within @ 1121 S. Range Ave., Denham Springs & @ 1145 Coursey Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA Large Outdoor power equipment store looking for FT, year round Salesman/Counter person. Motivated self starter preferred. Apply @ Central Outdoor Power Sales, 9156 Joor Rd. in Baton Rouge or Call 225-261-8021. SECURITY SYSTEMS Helper position avail - exp pref. Also, Tech position available - exp req. Allied Systems, Inc. 225-292-1212 SITTER/TRANSPORTER Mon-Fri 6A-8A & 4P-5P Split Shift * $150 bi weekly Criminal Background Check Req'd. 225-439-7536 NOW HIRING STOCKERS for local retail company. Apply in person, 12330 Florida Blvd. Suite 12. Baton Rouge. M-F, 7AM-9AM. LOOKING FOR experienced & licensed Hair Stylist. Call 225-247-3328 for info. BLUE BAYOU DIXIE LANDIN' Now Accepting Applications For Summer Employment. Must Be At Least 16 Years Of Age. Apply online at Technicians & Supervisor Wanted Fire/Water restoration Co. 1 - 2 years exp., must be reliable, honest, team player, drug free. $10 - $14 DOE + bonuses and benefits. Apply at 11811 Dunlay Lane BR. La 70809


Industrial Tent Rental Co. looking for full time employee for tent installations in LA/TX area for refineries and chemical plants. Above industry pay with bonus, vacation, and health insurance. Tent experience a +. Must be able to past drug test and carry a TWIC card. Translator wanted for flooring store. Must be fluent in English & Portuguese . Email resume to: EXP. PART TIME VET TECH needed. Send resume to: GEAUX CLEAN CAR WASH seeks P/T employees. Great for college student. Must be 18 yrs of age and pass bkground ck, physical & drug screen. 25+ hrs per wk incl wkends. Paid training. Immediate hire. Apply at 10603 Burbank Dr. WAREHOUSE WORKER Diesel Specialists, a small family owned company, is looking to fill an entry level position in our warehouse (shipping & receiving). Applicant must be very organized, familiar with Windows programs & be able to work in a fast paced environment. Warehouse (shipping & receiving) or inventory control experience is a plus. Pay $DOE. 8A-5P, M-F, 401K, Medical, Dental. Drop off resume at 8784 S. Choctaw Dr, B.R. or email to:


Job Information



THE ADS listed here are job information only, not specific job offers. In most cases, a fee is involved and in some cases, there is a charge for the phone call.


(866) 723-0448

Exp. Residential Painters drywall finishing & repair, exp. req. Call 225-448-1659

Pat's Home Center Looking for hardworking, dependable Individuals. Apply Within at our St. Francisville, Clinton & Central locations Personal Asst. Needed, M,W,F. Highly organized, able to multi-task & keep up w/ sched. & appts. For mgmt. Call 225-675-3014 DONATE PLASMA - Save a Life. You can earn up to $100 this week. Must have a valid Id and social security card. Call 225-354-0965 for an appointment.


10 Week Program Small classes. Pymnt plan 225-278-7729

Career Training


A Better Life Starts at ITI Technical College Over 40 years of career training in Baton Rouge Call Now! 1-866-313-1827


Instruction Private Lessons...........1760 Schools ..........................1710 Career Training............1720 Schools



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COASTAL TRUCK DRIVING SCHOOL - Baton Rouge 1-800-286-8066




Accurate Firearms

Pelican Point: (Gated Comm. on Golf Course) 1800sq ft. 3B/2B. $1700/mo +$1700/dep. 1yr lease.Gonzales. 225-278-5312.


2100 30" cooktop and vent hood $400. Dishwasher unused $250. Kohler Cast Iron double sink $150. Wall Oven $400 OBO 225.773.0606



2-Day Public Auction

Construction Equip., 60+ Tractor Trucks, Trailers, Autos, Tractors, etc…

Auctioneer: M. Henderson LA Lic# 136-15 B. Premium: 10% of the 1st $5000, 2% on the remaining balance of each item

Money to Lend



Companies that do business by phone can't ask you to pay for credit before you get it. For free info about avoiding credit scams, write or call the company listed below. Federal law allows you to correct your credit report for free. For more info about credit repair scams, write or call company listed below. Federal Trade Comm Washington, D.C. 20580 or call The National Fraud Information Center, 1-800-876-7060. City Pawn Shops. WE LOAN ON WHAT YOU OWN. 225-926-7296. 225-923-0008; 225-355-8090 CREDIT or MONEY PROBLEMS? For important, helpful INFORMATION call Better Business Bureau, 346-5222


Loan brokers, consumer lenders or other arrangers of credit should be licensed with the La. Office of Financial Institutions. For verification or further information call the Consumer Credit Division of LOFI at: (225) 925-4660.


On diamonds, gold jewelry, sterling flatware, etc. DIAMOND DISTRIBUTORS 8210 Jefferson Hwy. 927-6514

Merchandise Airplanes.......................2040 Antiques ........................2080 Auctions ........................2120 Appliances....................2100 Bikes-GoCarts-Wheeled Goods .............................2160 Boats & Motors ...........2200 Books..............................2210 Building Supplies........2220 Cameras & Photo Supplies.........................2230 Cemetery Plots............2265 Collectibles...................2240 Computers Home/Office .........................................2250 Crafts & Hobbies.........2260 Estate Sales..................2270 Farm Equipment .........2280 Exercise Equip .............2360 Garden Supplies & Plants .........................................2380 Household Items.........2400 Jewelry/Watches ........2420 Lawnmowers/ Lawn Tractors..............2440 Let’s Swap.....................2020 Machinery & Tools......2480 Medical Supplies ........2510 Misc. For Sale...............2790 Musical Instruments .2540 Office Equipment........2560 Pianos-Organs.............2600 Portable Buildings......2610 Restaurant Equip ........2620 Sewing Machines .......2640 Sportman’s Exchange .........................................2680 TV-Stereo-VCR..............2760 Utility Trailer.................2770 Want To Buy .................2010 Want To Buy

BERTRAND'S. Buy * Sell * Silver * Gold * Old Coins * Call Kathy, 225-933-9711. DIAMONDS TOP CASH for Diamonds, loose or mounted, Rolex watches, gold, sterling & coins. Diamond Distributors, Loan Brokers, 8210 Jefferson Hwy., Suite E. 927-6514.

I Buy Coins, Antiques & Art by Rucker, Wright & Hunter. Call 225-202-0465.

Let’s Swap

2020 DO you have some item of merchandise that you would like to swap for something else? If so, this is the right spot. Place your "Let's Swap'' ad in this column today and you will get fast results. Call Classified 383-0111 And Start Swapping.


2080 Antique Shop - Rosedale, Records, Slots, Jukeboxes, antqs. Buy& Sell 687-8076

CASH PAID FOR ANTIQUES 225-247-4980 KEN BUHLER, LA LIC 1760 ***VICTORIAN ODDITIES** Lagniappe Antiques 2175 Dallas Dr 225-927-0531 2 DEALER SPACES AVAIL. Aladdin's lamp Antiques Call Greg, 225-336-0969

Houses Unfurn. Area 9


Classes starting soon at ITI Technical College

Short Weekend CNA Class. 4/4/15. $430.00. (ALL COSTS INCLUDED) Kenner Health Careers LLC (504) 275-7000


EXMARK Comm. ZTR Rider, 100hrs. Like new! $3800. Call 225-202-7646

Medical Career Training

Call now!

Sportsman’s Exchange

2080 For all the details! 800-850-2252


Lawnmowers/ Lawn Tractors

WE SANDBLAST & PAINT Iron Beds, cast iron pots, patio furniture & more. Bellue's Welding, 3120 Scenic Hwy. 225-356-2698.

Wed. & Thurs. April 1st & 2nd – 9am


Need MA, cleaning lady, and Help for Elderly. Call 225-205-3262 leave msg "Can You Dig It"? Heavy Equipment Operator Training! 3 Week Program. Bulldozers, Backhoes Excavators. Lifetime Job Placement Assistance with National Certifications. VA Benefits Eligible!


EXMARK 46" Commercial Grade 0 turn, 19 HP, 125 hrs, well kept w/ canopy, 1 owner, $3,950. Gonzales, LA. Call 225-315-1469. John Deere 100 Riding Mower 19.5 HP 13 HRS, 2 yr warranty, Exc. Cond. $1050. Call 225-623-8124 2006 John Deere 5525 Asking $15,000, Cab, CD, Air Seat, 540 PTO Only, Toplink. Call 225-532-1363/ ZTR Craftsman ZTL 700026HP B&S platinum, 50" cut, 49 hrs. Like new. Pd $3700; sell $2700. 356-2094

Machinery & Tools

2480 20 ft & 40 ft. STORAGE/ SHIPPING Containers. New & Used. " Buy Direct" CONGLOBAL INDUSTRIES 504-246-7853

A Huge Estate Sale! Sat., March 28th @ 11am Southern Heirs Auction (225) 791-2440 #1060

Ever get the urge to place a Classified Ad at 2:00 A.M.?

Gilmore Auction & Realty Co. (504) 468-6800; Lic. #447

Try Our


Internet Submission Form!

Boats & Motors


22' BAY BOAT. New Cond. Only 60 hrs. Stored inside. Alumn Trailer, 150 E-TEK, Lwell, GPS sonar. $18,500. Call 601-248-1611 BayHawk 22 ft boat, as-is $8,900. Loaded w/1999 225 hp Saltwater Series Mtr. Magic Trailer inc. w/new tires, Bass pro on board charging sys. Riptide 70 24-volt trolling mtr, bimini top, other extras,

Colt, Python, Winchester Collector. Wants to buy old guns. 225-937-7133 CONCEALED CARRY CLASS XRing Protection Training State certified Instructor Call 225-937-4255 DEER SAUSAGE or Turducken po boys. Bellues's 356-7798, 3110 Scenic Hwy.


4415 S Sherwood Forest, Ste C., behind O'Hallorans Carbines/Pythons/Lugers AR's WE BUY/SELL/TRADE 225-296-3001. RECREATIONAL WINCHES TRUCK MOUNTED. DEALERS TRUCK, 926-1070. Wanted membership in quality hunting club. Call 225-752-6500*225-571-3229 WE SANDBLAST & PAINT Boat Trailers & Utility Trailers. Bellue's Welding, 3120 Scenic Hwy. 356-2698.

Utility Trailers

2770 New Line Of Buck Dandy Trlrs at Circle R Trailers. Thank you for 7 yrs of support. 647-0969 *MIKE'S TRAILER DEPOT* 5X10-15 $899, 6X12-15 $999. 3500# Axle, treated wood. w/ gate. We now inst. B&W GN 5th whl, & brk contrllrs @ both loc's. FLA. 225-275-0000, Air. 356-4000.


Click on


"CLASSIFIED" Then choose

"USE OUR SUBMISSION FORM" ---and you're on your way!


Recreational Vehicles


5210 2010 Honda SABRA 1300. $6500. Like new! Call 225329-4460 or 225-658-2764. 03 HD Dyna Low Rider, silver/black, 100 yr anniversary bike! Low mi. Exc. cond. $7,900. 713-304-1563 2004 Heritage Soft Tail 49,600 miles, well kept, runs, rides and looks great. $8,500 OBO. 225-978-5793 2006 KAWASAKI VULCAN. 2000cc, shed kept, ready to ride. $4500 FIRM! Call 225-236-8086.

Campers, Camper Equip.

5300 2013 Summerland/ Springdale camper for sale - 4 years left on warranty - excellent condition 2 flat screen tvs included $13,500. Call 225-719-7625 2006 Timberland Riverside 30ft. Slps 7. lots of storage New tires, $7500. 654-3655.

Motor Homes


Miscellaneous for Sale

2200 02 50 HP Merc, 2-stroke, w/ controls & SS prop, low time, $2900. 225-266-6000

COLT LE-AR6721 AR-15 $1068.99 225-929-6500

WILL MAKE your ad really stand out and get you even quicker results. ASK FOR your ad in BOLD TYPE. It only costs 35 cents a line more, per day.

2002 Holiday Rambler 34' Triton V10 35k, 2 slides. Exc. Cond. $35,000 Call 225445-2189 2013 Thor four winds Class C motor home. 31 ft. with queen & bunks, 9240 miles, 2 slides, exc. cond. housed in covered barn. in Central. $62,999. 225-202-0678

CALL CLASSIFIED 1-800-960-6397


2 Bridesmaids Dresses Never worn, sz's 4&8 Coral color. Orig. price $139 ea, asking $100 ea.225654-3655

16' galvanized boat trailer Recently refurbished with 13" wheels, pads, wire harness & rollers. Crank, strap & front wheel in exc. cond. $1100. 225-270-4047 17' CAROLINA SKIFF, 90 HP Merc Outboard Mtr., 24 vlt troll mtr., all new batt. $4800. Call 225-447-3303 98' 70 HP EVIN WITH CONTROLS, RUNS GREAT $1500. CALL 225-241-6074 (2) HONDA AQUAJET F12-X Jet Skis & Trailer. Exc cond., adult owned, dealer maint. Less than 100 hrs ea. $8,900. 225-937-8413. I Buy Outboard Motors & boats non-running & damaged cond. '1999 yr -newer CASH PAID$. 225-266-6000 Sea Nymph 15' flatbottom, 50 HP Mercury, low mileage, w/trailer & trolling motor. $3500. 917-684-6982 or 917-691-7372. 2012 Yamaha VX Deluxe Jet Ski, used 2 summers, 1052 CC, 2 yrs left on warr. Only 30 hrs $6500. 931-8353

Building Supplies

2220 DRY CYPRESS BEAMS. 10 pcs. 4X8 16'L. $780 for allwill divide. 225-625-2398. USED LIGHT POLES Treated lumber, Call 985-229-8361, Kentwood. WIRE MESH SECURITY CAGE / KENNEL FENCING, 5 FT. x 10 FT. x 8 FT. TALL, 3 FT. GATE W/ LOCK & TOP PANEL (985) 783-2210, $750.

SNORKEL UN041 MANLIFT4X4. Gas burner $11,000 Call Lattie, 225-405-5229 Need to sell 225 Miller WELDING Mach. Wrkng cond. 8000 watt gen. $1250. obo. Tom, 225-4452547. WELDING MACHINE - 2014 model Miller Trailblazer 275 w/approx. 300 hrs. $4,000 obo. 225-610-0291. 1 model 28-340 rockwell 20" vertical wood cutting bandsaw 2hp, 1 phase, 220v motor. $800. 1model 32-350 delta horrontal boring machine. 1hp 115-220v 1phase motor. Air operated hold down clamp. 2 head spindle. Comes with 6 bits and 10000 dowels. $1100. 5 speed radial drill press. floor model with new 1/2 hp 115v 1 phase motor. $250. $2000. 225-776-7642

Medical Supplies


Collector ready to sell! Marbles, cigarette lighters, swords, Nascar collect, & Chevron car collect. Call 225-802-6167. PAYING CASH for U.S. & Foreign Stamp Collection, Old Letters; Documents, etc. 333-2416 - mention ad

Cemetery Plots

2265 2 ADJACENT PLOTS in Resthaven (Garden of Peace) $6000. Call Clint at 225-439-5095 2 Plots- Resthaven, Good Shepherd. Valued $4125 ea. $5500 both. 225261-0595

Farm Equipment

2280 We sell & service Bobcat ZTR's & Earthquake Lawn Equipment, TYM Tractors; also we work on all brands of equipment. Our hours are 8AM-4:30 M-F, 812 Sat.

225-654-4220 Household Items

2400 ANTIQUE QUILT - full size, $100. Call after 5pm 225-892-1934. Wood queen bed frame, head/footboard, $200. Call Girish, 225-333-8366 Rattan Couch & Arm Chair w/3 stacked side tables; navy blue leather recliner, $500. 225-573-8955 Handmade Cypress Table - round, $500. Call after 5pm 225-892-1934. SOFA - slate grey, microfiber. Dual recliner. $150. Call aftr 5pm 225-892-1934.

Jewelry/ Watches

2420 NO ONE PAYS MORE! All Diamonds, Jewelry, Coins, & Antiques. Expert jewelry repair. DIAMOND DISTRIBUTORS 8210 Jefferson Hwy., St. E (225) 927-6514

Livestock & Pets Cats.................................2900 Dogs................................2940 Livestock Animals ......2810 Pet Services..................2960 Pet Supplies .................2980 Poultry and Eggs.........2880 Livestock Animals

2810 4x5 Round Bales of Hay. 25 outside. 35 in barn. Zachary area. 225-937-2667. FERTILIZED HORSE HAYSquare Bale & Round Bale. Call 225-933-5975


Discount Prices * Free Del 1-800-362-3390

Poultry & Eggs

Office Equipment

2560 Computer desk $50. Call 225-667-4692 please leave a message.

* * A SPECIAL * *

Denham Springs, 2Br/1ba WD, incl wtr, swr, trash & pest control. Gated. Call 225-324-1202 today for info Spacious 2BR/2B. W/D con fp, new flrs $695/m $300/d. Den Sprg. Trenika 292-2350 4390

Apts. Unfurn. Area 9


Pianos, Organs



"THE PIANO SPECIALIST" 11811 Coursey Bl 291-0404

Portable Buildings

2610 12x16 $2300; 12x20 $2600 12x24 $2900; 16x24 $3700 AAA Portable, 654-0345

New Apt. 3bd,2bth $805 mo w/wash/dry Magnolia Villas Call 225-319-2240 4780

Houses Unfurn. Area 8

Quality Building Systems Portable buildings all sizes. Rent to own, No credit check! We can build onsite and we move portable buildings. Call 225-445-6437.

3br/2ba Cent. heat/air, big lot. Storage building, Refrig., stove. $775. 413-6413

2620 3 compartment sink new deep freezer & stove. $1,000. 225-450-5968 DAIQUIRI MACHINES & Daiquiri Mixes. Call 225-274-1811.

Sportsman’s Exchange

2680 Concealed Carry Course Sr StateInstructor 335-1571

22 AMMO No limit. Big assortment. $6.97 up. Plant World. 225-272-7144.

Travel Trailers

5500 5th Wheel 3-Slides, new refrig.., never smoked in. $7,900. Call 225-349-6070 BLANCHARD TRAILER New & Used Travel Trailers & 5th Wheels. 6632 Airline 225-355-4449 Crossroads Travel Trailer 1 slide, sleeps 6. Excellent condition. $9,000. CALL 225-931-5294

ENJOY THE ADVENTURE OF RV TRAVEL 2008 38' 5-star New Horizons, 5th Wheel, Summit model. 3 slides, Rear Camera. Automatic leveling system. Raised panel cherry cabinet. $51,500 2008 Ford F550, 6.4L, V-8 Diesel 4x2 Crew Chasis, 5speed automatic. Ravelco security system w/ Bodywerks Conversion & Trailer Saver Hitch. 135,000 mi. $31,400 Total: $80,900 215-801-5474, Lafayette 2011 28' Keystone Hornet Like new, 2-slides, many xtras $14,900. 225-955-1535 2014 SANDPIPER 5th wheel 39 ft. 4 slide outs. Wood deluxe cabinets, 2 AC units, W/D, Every possible upgrade, priced at $37,000. Call 985-285-7125 32' 2013 Surveyor Select Anniversary Edition. Purchased new 5/28/14. Used 2x. Showroom cond. Options = loaded. $24,000. 225-766-8508; 225-335-9245.

4780 3Br, 2ba, 2 story home in Walker. Convenient to shopping & I-12, $1350 mo. Call 225-937-5106.

Restaurant Equipment


13030 Rebecca Dr

12x24 Custom Bldg $3295 6' door w/rmp, 2 windows Built On Site* 985-969-6191

STORAGE SHED, wood 8x16, free - must be moved. Call 225-356-3835


EASTER RABBITS $15.97 & up. Plant World.10131 Grwl Springs Rd 225-272-7144.


Jazzy Electric Wheelchair Hardly used. $2800. Call 225-505-0509



Apts. Unfurn. Area 8

Mobility Scooter for sale, brand new w/ warranty, $2500 225-385-3371


EASTER DUCKS, CHICKS & Geese, $2.97 & up. Plant World. 225-272-7144.




24ft Round pool, 4ft deep. 1.5hp Hayward pump & sand filter. Everything is in good shape, just needs new liner. $150 OBO. Call 225-776-2230

'07 31 FT HURRICANE - Like New, 2 slides, 38,275 mi, $38,000obo. Reduced price, Great deal, Act fast it will sell! Call 225-9375756

8071 Fitzgerald 3/2 $1500 Re/Max First Property Mgmt. (225) 291-1234 CHARMING, RENOVATED Nice 3BR/2BA renovated. frig., W/D incl. non smoke, pets ok $1150 mo. $1150 dp Avail Now. 225-572-5472 4790

Houses Unfurn. Area 9

4790 16X65, 2BR/2BA MH on a lrg. priv. lot. in P'ville. Newly remod. all appli. $700+$800/dp 225-268-3027 3BR/1BA w/ laundry room. Lrg. bckyrd. in Gonzales. $1200/mo. + $1200/dp. Call 225-324-0292. EXEC. HOME 3b/2.5bPelican Point Blvd.-Gonzales $2475/mo Golf access Nan Riffe, Broker Lane Real Estate. 225-644-7760

Automotive 4X4 Vehicles .................6800 Automotive Wanted...6100 Automobile Agencies 6010 Auto Parts - Tires, Accessories ..................6920 Auto Rentals.................6120 Auto Repairs.................6900 Autos For Sale....6200-6790 Trucks/Light Duty.......6810 Trucks/Trailers Heavy Duty ................................6820 Vans - Buses.................6840 Automobile Agencies

6010 ACURA of Baton Rouge 753-8400 BENNETT FORD 110 Ferdinand, St. Francisville 635-3887 or 383-5451 (B.R.)


Chevrolet - GMC Truck 7259 Hwy 61 North ST. FRANCISVILLE 1-800-547-7072 GERRY LANE ● BUICK ● GMC ● 225-926-7010

The Advocate Automobile Agencies




HOLLINGSWORTH RICHARDS FORD Get pre-Approved! 877-278-5121

NOW OPEN! CECIL GRAVES AUTOPLEX, LLC Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge Ram 7245 Hwy 61 North ST. FRANCISVILLE 1-855-506-2773

2013 Dodge Challenger R/T, Hemi, V8, clean. $26,948. Call 225-298-4100.



TEAM HONDA 6363 Siegen Lane 298-4100 Team Toyota I-12 & Oneal Lane 273-5880

Automotive Wanted

6100 HOLLINGSWORTH MAZDA Get Pre-Approved 800-206-1727




REASON #1 EXTRA INCOME... classified ads are a direct line to extra income. Look around your home. You're sure to find many items you no longer want or need. Somewhere there is a buyer for them. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING

1-800-960-6397 Cadillac

2004 Ford Mustang Sports Coupe, loaded, leather, clean. $5998. Call 225-298-4100. '07 FORD TAURUS, 1 owner, fully loaded, auto, $2,495. Call 225-650-4939


6720 '02 NISSAN ALTIMA, All pwr. cold air, auto. $2995. Call 225-448-2586.

GERRY LANE CHEVY 2011 Chevy Corvette Coupe, black, auto, like new, save $1000's. Call 225-926-4600.

Now Open 11955 AIRLINE HWY. fiatusaof

1-888-349-1340 Acura


TEAM TOYOTA 855-821-5047


6340 09 JEEP WRANGLER X - soft top, good cond., $14,000. Call 225-775-8342, lv msg.


6380 '93 Lincoln Town CAR Signature Series, lthr & powr, new tires & battery. 77k. mi. $3600. 985-257-8144 2008 Lincoln MKZ. 73K mi. Fully loaded. V6. $7990. Call 225-456-4757. 91' Lincoln Town Car. Runs great! New a/c. Tires, etc. etc. $2,100. 225-329-7189.

Over 60,000 vehicles to choose from wheels.

02 Cadillac Deville-Pearl white, low mi, Financing. avail. $4995. 225-963-0291.

2001 Acura MDX 3.5, 4X4, very low miles. $7,898. Call 225-298-4100.




Now Open 11955 AIRLINE HWY. fiatusaof

1-888-349-1340 Honda

6640 2006 Honda Civic. 99k mi, 4dr, snrf,. Looks and runs great! $6,600. 225-456-4757. '99 Honda Accord 2dr Auto cold air, like new. $3350 Call 225-448-2586. 2002 HONDA ACCORD, auto AC, 4 cyl, 137k $3,700. 225-571-0015


05 Grand Marquis, 4dr, auto, leather, all pwr equip, $7,988. Call 855-821-5047

07 Accord Coupe, V6 loaded. Silver/black 37k orig mi., nice car. $14,300. James 225-278-1202 07 HONDA ACCORD LX 4DR, super clean, low mi, free warr $7995. 225-4482586.

2006 Mercury Grand Marquis LS, immaculate, low miles. $8448. Call 225-298-4100. 2000 Mercury Gr. Marquis, 111k mi. auto, ac, loaded $2850. 225-369-1920 agt


'95 Accord Station Wagon - Runs grt! New tires, A/C, 200Kmi!$1995. 225-337-3250 2010 HONDA ACCORD EX-L Exc cond. 4dr, lthr, pwr, roof. 6disc cd, 85K mi. $12,500 obo. 225-892-7337 GERRY LANE BUICK 06 Honda Accord, 4dr. Nice $10,950. Call Judah or Tim, 225-926-7010. GERRY LANE CHEVY 2014 Honda Accord, only 8k miles, 4 dr, EX, white, like new. Call 225-926-4600.

2008 Chevy Impala- White, 4dr, Runs great! Financing. avail. $7850. 225-963-0291.


'03 Honda Accord 2DR EX Lthr, Roof, Low miles. $4995. Call 225-448-2586.

2012 IMPALA LT, Loaded. 39K, moonroof. $8900. Call 225-413-6893.

2007 Pontiac G6. 112K mi. Runs and drives great! $4,990. Call 225-202-4938.

'05 Chev. Imp, great cond. A/C, CD, New Tires, $4,200 504-373-4649

'03 PONTIAC GRAND AM, Looks runs & drives great. $2000. Call 225-955-0853.

wheels. Largest variety of vehicles at your finger tips

2003 Chevrolet Silverado LX, Extended Cab, V8, all power equip. $7,988. Call 225-298-4100.

Team Honda

855-313-8326 We Buy Used Cars $500-$50,000 Vans/Cars/Trucks Foreign/Domestic All Makes & Models



'99 SATURN SL3 - 3 dr, 4 cyl, 5 spd std, cold AC & heat. $2,299. 225-241-3259.

Sport Utility

6530 2010 CHEVY Crew Cab 2500 PW, Vortex V8, $17,995. Call Butch 225-405-9340 99 Chevy Trailblazer, 123k mi., auto, ac, loaded runs grt $2250 225-369-1920 agt 2010 Chevy Avalanche, very clean, loaded, 100K miles. $16,995. Call Butch 225-405-9340

CALL CLASSIFIED 1-800-960-6397 6800 4x4


6740 -All Toyotas and Hondas$4800 with Free Warranty! Very clean. 225-235-2978.

-All Hondas and Toyotas$4800 with Free Warranty! Very clean. 225-235-2978.


12 Civic LX, 4dr, auto, all pwr. equip., clean. Only, $13,488. Call 1-855-821-5047

05 Toyota 4-Runner, leather, roof, 4x4, very lean vehicle, one of a kind. $10,948. Call 225-298-4100. 1978 TOYOTA FJ40 Land Cruiser, Red/Blk, 77K, 35" tires, ARB, nice, $16,500. 225-343-7487 ofc hrs. Keith

Trucks/ Light Duty

6810 '04 Chevy Silverado 1500 V6, 4.3L, Runs Perfect. Cold a/c. $3800. 225-4368857

03 Avalon, 4 dr, auto, pwr equip, alloys, $6988, Call 225-298-4100.

07' Chevy Silverado Ext. Cab Z71, 4wd, loaded, 135K mi. Very gd cond. $13,700. Call 25-620-4834.


2003 Ford F250 Lariat. Super Duty Crew Cab 7.3 Turbo Diesel. 127K mi. $13,900. Call 225-715-7230.

2006 F-150 XLT, 4X4, 4WD, Great Cond. Diamond Plate toolbox 199k miles. Call Rickie for info. $7300 Call 225-202-4244


'00 CAMRY LE, well kept, new T-belt. Drives like new! $5,000. 225-665-0998

2009 Toyota Camry, All power, alloys, clean, low payments. $10,948. Call 225-298-4100.

FOR GOOD TRUCKS! 225-647-5501


GERRY LANE CHEVY 2014 2500 HD, 6.6L, only 20k, LTZ 4x4 Z71, silver & black. Save $1000's!! Call 225-926-4600. GERRY LANE BUICK 10 Chevy Silverado3500HD Crew, 4WD, Diesel, Flatbed, $36,000. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010.


2000 CHEVY SILVERADO, Xtended Cab, 3Dr, V8, 67K Mi, Exc. Condition. $7,200. (225)767-8465.


GERRY LANE CHEVY 2011 Chevy 1500 Silverado Crew Cab, LT, 20's, white, fully loaded, only 31k. Call 225-926-4600.


2010 Ford F250 Crew Cab XLT, high miles. Runs good. $13,995. Call Butch 225-405-9340

of Used Cars, Trucks, SUV CERTIFIED

07 Chev Silverado Ext Cab auto, super clean $7995. Free warr. 225-448-2586.

07 Camry, 4dr, Auto, pwr equip, alloys, $9788 Call 1-855-821-5047. 09 Camry, 4dr, Auto, pwr equip, only 58k miles, $11,888. Call 855-821-5047




05 CAMRY LE, well kept, new tires, very clean. Must see! $6500. 225-665-0036


08 Camry XLE, all pwr. equip., alloys, leather, sunroof, clean. $10,988. Call 1-855-821-5047.


08 Camry XLE V6, 4 dr, all pwr equip, leather, sunroof, navigation, $10,988. Call 1-855-821-5047.

00 Chevy Extra Cab, Mark III, auto trans, V8, loaded, high mi $3995. 225-4473303 '09 CHEVY SILVERADO LTZ Loaded, Blk. Orig. owner. 88K. $21,000. 225-610-3099 1963 Chevy C10, 350 cubic in., A/C. Pwr steering, pwr brakes, 1 extra bed. $16,500. Call 225-654-3655 GERRY LANE BUICK 07 CHEVY CC4500 Crew Cab 4WD Diesel Flatbed. $27,550. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010.

01 Honda CRV EXL. Clean, leather, alloys. $5948. Call 225-298-4100.


All makes and models. Offer made on the spot.

TEAM TOYOTA 855-821-5047

2002 Toyota Corolla, All power, automatic. $4988. Call 225-298-4100.

GERRY LANE BUICK 08 Honda CRV EX Leather $13,950. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010.


GERRY LANE BUICK 05 Hyundai Santa Fe, GLS 41,000 miles. $9,950. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010.

2002 Chrysler Concord LXI Sedan 4dr, 51,500mi, load, snrf. $5350. 225-753-2923

GERRY LANE BUICK 10 Jeep Wrangler Sahara, 55K miles Red Rock. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010.

2004 SEBRING CONVERT. Body sound, Ready for limited restoration. 113,500 mi $3995. Call 225773-7203.

GERRY LANE BUICK 12 Jeep Grand CherokeeClean. $21,750. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010. '96 PATHFINDER - runs good. Cold AC. Ready to go $2399. 225-241-3259. GERRY LANE BUICK 06 Toyota 4 Runner, Great Shape. $14,500 Call Judah Or Tim 225-926-7010 GERRY LANE CHEVY WE BUY CARS & TRUCKS 225-926-4600.

Sports Cars

6540 2001 Trans Am Convertible Candy apple red w/ white top, 37,029 mi., excellent cond. $17,500. 225-545-3282

Trucks/Trailers Heavy Duty

6820 GERRY LANE CHEVY 2011 Chevy 3500 HD Dually, 6.0, only 23,000. Red, like new. Call 225-926-4600.

76' Ford Tow Truck, Blue, 390 V8, AutoTrans, Runs, Winch. 64K, Money Maker. $900. Call(225)343-6641 1994 FORD SUPER DUTY F350 Diesel Flatbed. $2,000. Call 225-306-5130. 97' FORD F350 HEAVY DUTY 5.8L V8 4X4, 74K 4 DR. $4500 . Call 225-993-8296 '97 ISUZU NPR 14 ft box, gas, good cond., 205K, $6500. 225-343-7487 ofc hrs


6840 GERRY LANE CHEVY 2013 Chevrolet 15 Passenger Van, like new, only 38k. Priced to move. $23,988. Call 225-926-4600. 2000 CHEVY EXPRESS VAN 150K mi. Extra clean! Runs great! $4900. 225-642-0280 '05 Dodge Sprinter 2500 Cargo Van, 126k mi. Great work truck. Ready to roll. $7995 obo. 225-806-1437.

Auto Parts Tires, Access.

6920 2 - Cooper Discovery H/T Plus Tires. 265/60R18. 75% tread left. First $125 gets them. Call 225-573-9085

$300 & up for Junk vehicles


Mike Gerald's Trailer Depot

We now install B&W GN, 5th wheel, brake controller & hitches. Trucks Only. @ both locations. Florida 225-275-0000 Airline 225-356-4000 New Transmission, Torque Conv, Comp. for '03 Dodge Stratus, $500. 225-348-8513

LOOK TO THE STARS STARS make your ad stand out and get you quick results.


The Advocate


92 Cressida, 4 dr, auto, pwr equip, leather, sunroof, nice car. $2988. Call 1-855-821-5047


03 Highlander, auto, 4 dr., all pwr. equip, clean. $5,988. Call 1-855-821-5047


'08 DODGE RAM 1500 Quad, 29K, bed liner, tool box, clean, $16K. 225-315-3990. GERRY LANE BUICK 12' Dodge Ram 2500HD Crew, 4WD, Diesel. $34,500. Judah or Tim, 225-9267010. 98 Dodge Ram 1500 SWB 5.9L 360. AC, PW, PL. $2500. 225-931-5460 2012 FORD F150 Ext Cab, V8, auto, PW $116,995. Call Butch 225-405-9340

2003 Infiniti M45- Luxury sedan, loaded, 133k mi. $4495 225-369-1920 agt

GERRY LANE BUICK 13 Ford Explorer XLTLoaded. $29,550. Call Judah or Tim, 225-926-7010.

$500-$50,000 Vans/Cars/Trucks Foreign/Domestic All Makes & Models

2000 Blk 4DR Dakota SLT Magnum V8. 140k. $4200. 225-281-7639, Must see!

GERRY LANE CHEVY 2011 Ford Expedition XLT , loaded, extended, only 79k. $23,988. 225-926-4600. '06 Ford Escape, Like New V6. Cold air. $3995. Call 225-448-2586.

Team Honda


Auto, AC, runs great! $2495. 225-369-1920 agt


05 Dodge Caravan, Well kept van. Low mileage, affordable with all of the family room you need. $5,998. Call 225-298-4100.

WILL MAKE your ad really stand out and get you even quicker results. ASK FOR your ad in BOLD TYPE. It only costs 35 cents a line more, per day.

'08 FORD F150 XL, v8, 4.6L, Super Cab, White, 169K, $5,990. Call 225-276-5476.


GERRY LANE BUICK 10 Dodge Avenger, Nice car. $9,950. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010.

855-313-8326 We Buy Used Cars

'07 INFINITI G35S, only 59K, NAV, sun, Bose, loaded, $15,900. Call 225-278-3729.

1998 Ford Explorer

GERRY LANE BUICK 14 GMC Acadia 27K miles New body style Certified. $26,950. Call Judah or Tim, 225-926-7010.



'91 F250 Extra Cab, 7.3 Diesel. Looks, Runs & Drives great! $2200. 225-955-0853.

2006 Yukon XL Orig Owner, Exc Cond. All bells & whistles! $13,900. 225-572-9868






03 Xterra SE, loaded, 150k, Runs great, minor repairs needed $3900. 225-266-6000


GERRY LANE CHEVY 03 GMC Yukon XL 2500 SLT, leather, 4x4, only $12,988. Call 225-926-4600.


All makes and models. Offer made on the spot.


08 Trailblazer, 4 dr, auto, alloys, per equip, tow package, $8488. Call 1-855-821-5047

All makes and models. Offer made on the spot.


2008 CAMRY LE - leather, alloys, great cond., 91k mi., $9500. 225-603-3849.

'04 Oldsmobile Alero 4dr, All pwr, Like new. $2500. Call 225-448-2586.

Check out

03 Frontier, 4dr, Auto, pwr equip, alloys, $8988 Call 855-821-5047

Fiat of Baton Rouge

2006 Chevy Avalanche, Z66, leather interior, loaded. $11,988. Call 225-298-4100.

Looking for a new car?




'07 Chevy Impala 4dr, Like new, Cold air. $5995 Call 225-448-2586.

GERRY LANE BUICK 12 Nissan Altima, 37k miles. $15,950. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010.



2010 DTS CADILLAC, silver, 44,020 mi. $18,000 firm. Call 225-644-3448; 225-572-3416 1997 Cadillac Seville SLS 1 owner, 40k orig mi., Gold, Mint cond. $8500. 337-1140

'06 ALTIMA 2.5S SPEC ED. 126k mi. Cold AC. Runs good. $5699. 225-241-3259.

Trucks/ Light Duty



6240 GERRY LANE CHEVY 2014 Cadillac CTS CPE, Only 11,280 mi. maroon w/black leather, save $1000's over new. Call 225-926-4600.

'02 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5S, auto, 4 cyl., A/C, CD, new tires, shocks & brakes, 100K, $4850 OBO. 333-1107

Automotive Miscellaneous



All makes and models. Offer made on the spot.


2014 Corvette Stingray Coupe Z51, 3LT, Night race blue metallic. 11,000 mi. 2 tops, black int. $56,000. Call 225-933-8953

Fiat of Baton Rouge

ROBINSON BROTHERS FORD-LINCOLN 11455 Airline Hwy. 924-7068 SALSBURY'S DODGE CITY 9550 Airline Hwy. 926-5211

Sports Cars


6675 '06 Kia Rio 4dr, 120k miles, Runs great. like new $3650 Call 225-448-2586.


6680 2012 LEXUS IS350C - hardtop convertible, 5700 miles, like new. $38,000 obo. Call 225-921-0647


98 LS 400, 4 dr, auto, all pwr equip, alloys, leather, sunroof, super clean, $7488. Call 1-855-821-5047


6690 '03 Mazda 6, Low miles, like new. Lthr, Auto $3500 Call 225-448-2586. 2011 MAZDA CX7 SUV. Drives & look like the NEW 2015! Only 17.5K mi. Only $17,900. Call 225-252-3347. GERRY LANE BUICK 08 Mazda MX-5 MiataTouring-Hardtop. $12,950. Judah or Tim 225-926-7010.


2010 Toyota Prius, loaded, leather, premium sound. $12,448. Call 225-298-4100.

GERRY LANE CHEVY 2013 Toyota Scion TC, only 23k, auto, like new. $14,988. Call 225-926-4600 '96 TOYOTA TACOMA Extra Cab, 4 Cyl., 4WD, Clean, Perf Teen Car, $4,295 obo. Call 953-2239.


07 Tundra Crewmax 4x4, all pwr equip., 4 dr., auto, alloys, TRD off road, $19,988. Call 1-855-821-5047


All makes and models. Offer made on the spot.

TEAM TOYOTA 855-821-5047


6750 Southpoint Volkswagen 800-291-0025/225-291-6000 13940 AIRLINE HWY

Classic Cars


6710 2007 Mitsubishi Outlander 65K mi, 4dr, SUV. Like new! $6990. Call 225-456-4757.

'87 EL CAMINO - Low mi. Very clean! $10,000. Call 225-571-7008.


03 LANCER, at, AC, PW, exc work car! Gas saver, 134k MI. $2,900. 225-938-2557 Cleaning Out Your Attic? Garage Sales can turn your stuff into bucks. Call 1-800-960-6397 to place your ad

STARS make your ad stand out and get you quick results.


The Advocate

GERRY LANE CHEVY 2013 Toyota Prius, 4 dr hatchback, only 15k miles. Priced to move! Call 225-926-4600.

1990 Bayliner 25' Yacht with trailer. $12,500 obo or trade. 985-974-6102

12 Galant, 4 dr, auto, pwr equip, alloys, $10,988. Call 1-855-821-5047


1977 Ford Pinto Hatchback 4 cyl. Auto, Low miles. $4800. Call 985-974-6102

Automotive Miscellaneous

6790 GET PAID UP TO $700 FOR complete cars! (Varies on vehicle make, model & year) Free Towing!

Call 225-442-9076

2012 F250 4x4 Lariat, Orig. Owner, 32,900mi. Blk/silver Completely loaded. 60mo./ 100K mi. warranty. Perfect cond. $49,300. 225-275-6526 GERRY LANE BUICK 14 Ford F150 Crew Cab Lariat 4WD. $39,900. Call Judah or Tim, 225-9267010.

LOOK TO THE STARS STARS make your ad stand out and get you quick results.

07 GMC Sierra SLE Crew Cab, leather interior, bed liner, $12,948. Call 225-298-4100.


The Advocate

GERRY LANE BUICK 13 GMC Sierra SLT. All Terrain, Crew 4WD. $34,500 Call Judah or Tim 225-9267010. 02 GMC SIERRA - 125k, cold Air/heat, runs good. $3599. 225-241-3259 GERRY LANE BUICK 11 GMC Sierra SLT Crew, 4WD Leather $28,950. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010. GERRY LANE BUICK 07 Chevy HD3500 DRW. Crew Cab Diesel. $23,950. Call Judah or Tim 225-9267010.


2008 GMC SIERRA , 4-dr, 98K, $13,500. Call 225-9938296. 04 GMC Z71 Ext. Cab. 156k mi. $7,000. Call 225-278-5071



The key is to call CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 1-800-960-6397

Cleaning Out Your Attic? Garage Sales can turn your stuff into bucks. Call 1-800-960-6397 to place your ad

See our ads online:

Thursday, April 2, 2015


14G n Thursday, April 2, 2015 n n The Advocate








(225) 791-3551 | 432 SOUTH RANGE AVE.

(985) 543-0035 | 2741 W. THOMAS

(North of 1-12)

(In front of Walmart)



STORE HOURS MON-FRI 10am-7pm SAT 10am-6pm SUN NOON-5pm

*Delivery with minimum $699 purchase, within 30 miles, available on certain models. **For qualified buyers with approved credit, see store for details.

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