Lunches benefit museum It’s not too late to order a smoked pulled pork plate lunch to benefit the Hungarian Settlement Museum restoration project. The lunches are $8 and include pulled pork, coleslaw, baked beans, roll and dessert. Orders must be made before Tuesday for pickup and delivery on Friday, May 8. The benefit is set for 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 8 at the Hungarian Settlement Museum, La. 43, Albany. On-site dining will be offered, or delivery can be arranged for orders of more than five lunches in the Albany, Springfield and Hammond areas. For tickets, call (225) 6107475.
Dardenne promotes tourism
Lt. Gov. Jay Dardenne will be in Denham Springs on Monday as part of a statewide expedition celebrating National Tourism Week. Dardenne will travel in a minicoach wrapped in Louisiana Travel’s latest tourism marketing campaign and statistics. He’ll be at Old City Hall, 115 Mattie St., at 8:30 a.m.
Soccer tryouts scheduled
Livingston Parish Soccer Association will host tryouts for its competitive league Twister team in May and June. Tryouts will take place at the LPSA Soccer Complex/ Sidney Hutchinson Park, La. 1029, Walker. The boys and girls under-11 through under-13 teams will hold tryouts from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. May 9; 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. May 12; and 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. May 20. Players interested in the under-14 to under-18 teams can try out from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. June 4; 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. June 13; and 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. June 15. Visit or email for more details.
‘It really is like a big family’ Live Oak High hosts Special Olympics
Dakota Lang, like many of his classmates at Live Oak High School, has volunteered to help with the Special Olympics Regional Competition for Livingston Parish since he was a freshman. “I love it. I’m an only child, so I’d cheer on the athletes, and they’d hug on me and love on me. It was great. It really is like a big family,” he said. He keeps coming back every year because of that. “I see the same athletes every year, and I’ve gotten to know their parents, too,” said Lang, who is now a senior. This year, he turned in his paperwork to volunteer past the deadline, and when he realized he wouldn’t be able to help, he started “pestering my principal” every day until she finally agreed to put him on the list. Though they have only 12 full time employees, Special Olympics of Louisiana has a far reach when it comes to the community of people living
Advocate staff photos by BILL FEIG
ABOVE: From left, Kenneth McCoy, Andrew Ingraham and Zachary Johnson roll in the 25-meter wheelchair race Friday at the Special Olympics for Livingston Parish. LEFT: The event took place Friday at the Live Oak High School. High school and community volunteers, many wearing this T-shirt, helped out.
with special needs, said Charlie Courville, director of area management and outreach for the state organization. Livingston Parish athletes participated in the parishwide regional games on April 24 at Live Oak High School, and got through most of the events on the football field despite a lingering threat of rain. To Courville, who spent many years as president of an athletics association in LafayäSee OLYMPICS, page 4G
Rain, rain, go away
Women honored with trees in park dedication BY C.J. FUTCH
of flowers. The ceremony also served as a dedication for the new Sue Kissinger Wallner and park. Centerville is the eighth Lois Worthy Burton dedicated much of their lives to the natu- park to be added to the city’s ral world, and so it made sense park system, and was truly a that they be remembered with community effort, said Mayor a piece of nature in Denham Gerard Landry and former Mayor Jimmy Durbin. Springs’ newest park. “A lot of people have pitched In an emotional ceremony April 17, city officials and the in to help,” Durbin said, some Denham Springs Garden Club offering materials, some serdedicated two memorial trees vices and some volunteering in the new Centerville Park in to help with maintenance and upkeep. honor of the women. The park represents much Wallner, who died In February 2013, never went any- more than the people who where without a shovel, her helped make Denham Springs friend Jeanette Gatzman said, beautiful, Durbin said. It repand there aren’t many places resents an idea that the whole in the city that don’t have community believes in creata special touch of flora she ing and maintaining beautiful, litter-free spaces that the comadded. Burton, who died in January 2014, was known for her love äSee TREES, page 5G
Students of Year honored
Livingston Parish school leaders will honors the three parish Students of the Year during two May 7, events. The trio includes two regional finalists and the state äSee AROUND, page 3G Advocate staff photo by CHARLES CHAMPAGNE
Lu Smith, left, takes a photo of sister Gladis Moak outside Chandler’s Antiques on Saturday during the Antique District Spring Festival at the Denham Springs Antique Village. Rain forced many of the vendors to close their booths, but merchants were open for shopping. ä More photos at
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2G n Thursday, April 30, 2015 n n The Advocate
community TANGIPAHOA PARISH CALENDAR THURSDAY APRIL ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION: 8 a.m. to 9 a.m., Greater Hammond Chamber of Commerce, 400 N.W. Railroad Ave., Hammond. There will be a doughnut cake and coffee. GYM WALKING: 8:30 a.m., Hammond Recreation Department, 601 W. Coleman Ave. LINE DANCING: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Hammond Recreation Department. INTERMEDIATE TO POWERPOINT: 10 a.m., Amite Branch Library, 204 N.E. Central Ave., Amite City. BABY & ME: 10:15 a.m., Loranger Branch Library, 19451 La. 40, Loranger. STORY TIME: 10:30 a.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library, 380 N. Fifth St., Ponchatoula. GREATER HAMMOND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETING: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., North Oaks Julian Dufreche Center, Hammond. Louisiana University System Presidents will speak on higher education. $25. PAGETUNERS: 1 p.m., Hammond Branch Library, 314 E. Thomas St., Hammond. INTERMEDIATE TO POWERPOINT: 3 p.m., Amite Branch Library. ADVENTURE CLUB: 4 p.m., Amite Branch Library. TEEN CLUB: 4 p.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library. CPR CLASS: 5 p.m., E. Brent Dufreche Conference Center, North Oaks Diagnostic Center. The class incorporates demonstrations of the American Heart Association’s lifesaving techniques for choking, rescue breathing and CPR for adults, children and infants. Certification is available. (985) 230-7777.
FINALLY FRIDAY OPEN 4D BARREL RACE: Florida Parishes Arena, 1301 N.W. Central Ave., Amite City. COFFEE FRIDAY: 8 a.m., Amite Chamber of Commerce, 101 S.E. Central Ave. (985) 748-5537 or 4-H PET PARADE/FAMILY FUN FEST: 3:30 p.m., Chappapeela Sports Park, 19325 Hipark Blvd., Hammond. The 10th annual Tangipahoa Parish 4-H Pet Parade, Family Fun Fest and Glo-Run. Call (985) 748-9381 or visit MIKE VAUGHN MINISTRIES CONCERT: 6 p.m., 13101 La. 442 W., Tickfaw. (985) 974-0507 or
NBHA LA06 BARREL RACE: Florida Parishes Arena. HAMMOND FARMERS MARKET: 8 a.m. to noon, West Thomas Street, Hammond. dddhammond. com. AMITE CITY COMMUNITY MARKET: 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Catha Park, Amite. WII SATURDAY: 1 p.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library. RELAY FOR LIFE OF NORTH TANGIPAHOA: 1 p.m. to 8 p.m., Downtown Amite.
KNIT & CROCHET CLUB: 9 a.m., Amite Branch Library. KNITTING 101: 5 p.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library.
STORY TIME: 10:30 a.m., Hammond Branch Library; 3:30 p.m., Independence Branch Library. CINCO DE MAYO: 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., Adobe, 1905 W. Thomas St.,
Hammond and La Carreta, 122 S.W. Central Ave., Amite. EDUCATION COMMITTEE MEETING: 11:30 a.m. MANGA CLUB: 3:30 p.m., Amite Branch Library. ADVENTURE CLUB: 4:30 p.m., Hammond Branch Library. SOMETHING FOR SIBLINGS CLASS: 5 p.m., E. Brent Dufreche Conference Center, North Oaks Diagnostic Center. The class is for the new big brother or sister, ages 3-10, to help him or her adjust to the new baby. Registration required. (985) 230-7777. FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT: 5:30 p.m., Amite Branch Library. PRENATAL I CLASS: 6 p.m., E. Brent Dufreche Conference Center, North Oaks Diagnostic Center. The class focuses on preparing your home for your newborn, pregnancy anatomy, true and false labor, as well as hospital procedures. Registration is required. (985) 230-7777.
WEDNESDAY HAM’ND EGGS: 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m., 1514 Martens Drive, Hammond. BABY & ME: 9:30 a.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library. ADULT BINGO: 10 a.m., Amite Branch Library. STORY TIME: 10:30 a.m., Loranger Branch Library, 19451 La. 40, Loranger; 4 p.m., Amite Branch Library and 4:30 p.m., Hammond Branch Library. DIABETES EDUCATION MEETING: 3 p.m., E. Brent Dufreche Conference Center, North Oaks Diagnostic Center. A support group designed for those with diabetes, along with their family members and friends, to share experiences, motivate each
other, energize their outlook and renew their commitment. The topic is “Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight — Making Changes or Excuses,� with speaker Rachel Johnson. (985) 230-5723. ADVENTURE CLUB: 3:30 p.m., Independence and Loranger library branches. SAFE — SOUTHEAST ADVOCATE FOR FAMILY EMPOWERMENT: 4:30 p.m., Amite Branch Library. HEALTHCARE PROVIDER CPR: 5 p.m., E. Brent Dufreche Conference Center, North Oaks Diagnostic Center. The American Heart Association class is designed for health care providers. Certification is available. Registration is required. (985) 230-7777.
MAY 7 LIBRARY RESOURCES: 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., Amite Branch Library. The class teaches students how to use library tools to create resumes, prepare for interviews and the best ways to search for jobs over the internet. Registration is required. (985) 748-7151. BABY & ME: 10:15 a.m., Loranger Branch Library. STORY TIME: 10:30 a.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library. PAGETUNERS: 1 p.m., Hammond Branch Library. WGNO NEWS WITH A TWIST: 4 p.m., Collinswood Park, Ponchatoula. WGNO News with a Twist will film live in the park. wgno. com ADVENTURE CLUB: 4 p.m., Amite Branch Library. TEEN CLUB: 4 p.m., Ponchatoula Branch Library. JOINT AFTER HOURS: 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Florida Parishes Arena. Sponsored by Progressive Waste Solutions.
LIVINGSTON PARISH CALENDAR MOTHER’S DAY CRAFTS: Livingston Parish Library. Children ages 6-11 may create crafts for Mother’s Day at the following locations: Saturday: 1:30 p.m., Main Library Branch, 20390 Iowa St., Livingston. Monday: 5:30 p.m., Watson Library Branch, 36581 Outback Road, Denham Springs. Tuesday: 5:30 p.m., Albany-Springfield Library Branch, 26941 La. 43, Hammond; South Library Branch, 23477 La. 444, Livingston. May 9: 3 p.m., Denham Springs-Walker Library Branch, 8101 U.S. 190, Denham Springs. Acrylic paint will be used so children should wear old clothes or a smock. Registration is required.
STORY TIME: 10 a.m., AlbanySpringfield Library Branch, 26941 La. 43, Hammond. ART BY PAT ZELLER RECEPTION: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Arts Council Gallery, 133 N. Hummell St., Denham Springs. Refreshments will be served. FINANCIAL LITERACY NIGHT: 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., the Literacy and Technology Center, Florida Boulevard, Walker. The Louisiana Council for Economic Education will host the event. There will be workshops, games, food, prizes and entertainment. (225) 665-3303 or money.
COMPUTER BASICS: 10 a.m., Main Library Branch, 20390 Iowa St., Livingston. LPCC SPRING CONCERT: 7 p.m., Live Oak United Methodist Church, 34890 La 16, Watson. Livingston Parish Children’s Choir’s 24th annual spring concert. It will feature all LPCC choirs. Free childcare for youths younger than four. $5.
BELK’S CHARITY SALE: 6 a.m. to 10 a.m., Belk’s, 10075 Crossing Way, Suite 600, Denham Springs. To benefit the Arts Council of Livingston Parish. $5. FARMERS MARKET: 7 a.m. to noon, corner of Florida Avenue and Hummell Street, Denham Springs. BENEFIT GARAGE SALE: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., Covington Real Estate Office, 1110 S. Range Ave., Denham Springs. Proceeds to benefit needy families, women and children in Denham Springs. SPRING FLING FESTIVAL: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., French Settlement High School, French Settlement. There will be various races, antique car and bike show with awards, children’s activities, games, prizes, a petting zoo and pony rides, face painting, a dunking booth, food, music and more. (225) 698-3561. FIRE TRUCK PULL: 9:30 a.m., Ferrara Fire Apparatus, 27855 N. James Chapel Road, Holden. Teams of 10 patrons each will pull a 42,000-pound fire truck to compete for fastest time in Badges or Biceps divisions. Registration required. $25 per person. There will also be prizes, food, drinks and music. Proceeds to benefit 1,500 Special Olympics athletes in the Florida Parishes area. (225) 938-4902 or (225) 4459022. ESSENTIALS OILS 101: 2 p.m.,
Denham Springs-Walker Library Branch, 8101 U.S. 190, Denham Springs. An introductory session for adults who are interested in using essential oils for medicinal purposes or beauty products. Registration is required. SCIENCE SATURDAY: 2 p.m., Watson Library Branch, 36581 Outback Road, Denham Springs. OLD SOUTH JAMBOREE: doors open at 5:30 p.m., show at 7 p.m., 9554 Florida Blvd., Walker. Featuring music by Carlton Jones and His Red Hot Country Band. $10 adults; $5 children. (225) 9360349.
SUNDAY INTRODUCTION TO CHESS: 3 p.m., Denham Springs-Walker Library Branch, 8101 U.S. 190, Denham Springs.
MONDAY STORY TIME: Baby and toddler: 9:45 a.m., preschool: 10:30 a.m., Denham Springs-Walker Library Branch, 8101 U.S. 190, Denham Springs. MG ART EXHIBIT OPENING: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Livingston Parish Arts Council, 133 N. Hummel St., Denham Springs. An exhibit by Marc Girouard. Through May 29. Reception: May 9 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Arts COMPUTER BASICS: 2 p.m., Denham Springs-Walker Library Branch, 8101 U.S. 190, Denham Springs.
STORY TIME: 10 a.m., Denham Springs-Walker Library Branch, 8101 U.S. 190, Denham Springs. BEGINNERS OIL PAINTING: 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., Arts Council of Livingston Parish, 133 Hummell St., Denham Springs. The subject is brightly colored spring tulips. Participants may also bring a different piece. Supplies required: basic set of oil paints, brushes, palette, paper, canvas and turpenoid. Patrons may also purchase a complete supply kit for $25 extra. $50, or $45 for ACLP members. Registration required. (225) 664-1168. WORD BASICS: 2 p.m., Denham Springs-Walker Library Branch, 8101 U.S. 190, Denham Springs. Introduction to Microsoft Word. PUZZLE PALOOZA: 5:30 p.m., Denham Springs-Walker Library Branch, 8101 U.S. 190, Denham
Springs. TEEN ANIME CLUB: 6 p.m., Main Library Branch, 20390 Iowa St., Livingston. CHILDREN’S SPRING 2015 DRAWING AND PAINTING ART CLASSES: 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., room 602, South Live Oak Elementary. Students should bring No. 2 pencils and a drawing pad no larger than 16 inches by 20 inches. $40-$45. Registration required. (225) 9542700.
WEDNESDAY COMPUTER BASICS: 10 a.m., Albany-Springfield Library Branch, 26941 La. 43, Hammond. STORY TIME: 10 a.m., Watson, South and Main Library branches. REPUBLICAN WOMEN MEETING: 11:30 a.m., Big Mike’s, 123 Aspen Square, Denham Springs. The guest speaker will be Louisiana Secretary of State Tom Schedler. Reservations are recommended. (225) 337-0490 or darlasteagall@ CHILDREN’S DRAWING AND PAINTING: 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Arts Council of Livingston Parish, 133 Hummell St., Denham Springs. $45, or $40 for ACLP members per session. Students will be shown a famous work of art done during the postimpressionist period, give a brief history of the artists’ piece and their unique technique and then be asked to interpret the artwork in a different medium. Registration required. (225) 664-1168.
MAY 7 MAYOR’S PRAYER BREAKFAST: 6:30 a.m., Council on Aging, 949 Government Drive, Denham Springs. Mayor Gerard Landry, Denham Springs Kiwanis Club and West Livingston Kiwanis Club will sponsor the 13th annual Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast. There will be music and worship from community members and churches. BOOK BABIES: 10 a.m., Watson Library Branch, 36581 Outback Road, Denham Springs. STORY TIME: 10 a.m., AlbanySpringfield Library Branch, 26941 La. 43, Hammond. SIT AND SEW: 3:30 p.m., Main Library Branch, 20390 Iowa St., Livingston. PUZZLE PALOOZA: 5:30 p.m., Watson Library Branch, 36581 Out-
back Road, Denham Springs. SHIBORI TIE DYE: 6 p.m., South Library Branch, 23477 La. 444, Livingston. MYSTERY DINNER THEATRE: 6 p.m., Denham Springs-Walker Library Branch, 8101 U.S. 190, Denham Springs. Registration is required. (225) 665-8118 or
Advocate file photo by TRAVIS SPRADLING
Venessa Lewis, The Louisiana Mermaid, visits with children in July at the AQUA PARDs Water Park in Denham Springs’ North Park. Lewis, of Denham Springs, splashed onto the local scene this summer with her custom-designed, silicon neoprene mermaid tail, which is fully functional in the water.
La. Mermaid traveling to promote Livingston She is also doing several mermaid appearances at local water parks. Lewis was recently named Communicator of the Year by the Public Relations Association of Louisiana. She said her mission as the Louisiana Mermaid is to “inspire confidence and creativity in both children and adults by promoting imaginative play, positive role modeling and the belief in the power to achieve your dreams.� “The best part of my job is seeing the sparkle in a child’s eyes when they meet me and are convinced that I am a real mermaid. For many children that have very little magic in their lives and will likely never make it to a place like Disney World, it gives them joy and fuels their imaginations,� she said. For a complete schedule, visit Mermaid.
Advocate staff report Venessa Lewis, the Louisiana Mermaid, is traveling this year representing the Livingston Parish Convention and Visitors Bureau. Her travels will take her to 14 events around the state and will include a five-day expedition to Isla Mujeres, Mexico, for the annual Mermaid Portfolio Workshop — an event in which several “mermaids� from around the world meet to swim with the large, docile whale sharks during their spawning season, a release said. At the workshop, the women are trained by professional divers for the event and photographed and videoed by several expert underwater photographers, the release said. Most of her events are concentrated around the Baton Rouge and Livingston Parish areas.
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The Advocate n n Thursday, April 30, 2015 n 3G
community South Tangipahoa Port Commission hosts Manchac project groundbreaking
Horton tells Civil War history through music
Advocate staff report
Advocate staff report Musician Bobby Horton used a banjo and guitar to tell the history of the Civil War during an April 13 presentation at the Denham Springs-Walker Branch of the Livingston Parish Library. Stories and songs from the Civil War included themes such as sweethearts and families left behind, fallen comrades, the hope of going home, and the pride, bravery and patriotism of the volunteers who answered their country’s call, a news release from the library said. “I hope that people leave with an appreciation of all we have and the people who have made it possible,” Horton said. “They (soldiers) answered a call and came to fight for their rights and their country. They paid for it, and we benefited. That has always been the case, but in this one period, there was
Continued from page 1G high school Student of the Year. Victor Wade Rushing, of Live Oak High School, was named Louisiana High School Student of the Year during a ceremony April 22 at the Rushing Louisiana State Museum in Baton Rouge. Rushing is an accomplished musician who has played the piano since he was in first grade. He has received dozens of superior ratings and honors at state and district music competitions, a news release said. He is a member of Beta Club, Student Council, National Honor Society, National Society of High School Scholars, Mu Alpha Theta, Future Business Leaders of America and Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and is the senior class and Student Council president and chaplain for FCA. For the past four years, he has been a volunteer for Special Olympics. He plans to study political science and business, enter the Marine Corps and earn a juris doctorate degree. The process for selecting Student of the Year winners begins at the school level. All public and approved nonpublic elementary, middle and high schools across the state are asked to submit one candidate from fifth, eighth and 12th grade. These students then
Photo provided by EMMA JAMES
Musician Bobby Horton performs a Civil War song April 13 during a free concert at the Denham Springs-Walker Branch of the Livingston Parish Library. Horton showcased stories and songs from the Civil War, singing favorite songs of both Northern and Southern troops while placing each song in historical context. more sacrifice than any other. This (concert) is to pay tribute to them and to celebrate how they went about it.” Horton is a multi-instrumentalist, composer, producer and music historian. For more than
30 years, he has performed with the musical-comedy group Three on A String. He has also produced and performed music scores for 17 Ken Burns PBS films, including “The Civil War” and “Baseball.”
compete with their peers at the district level and may advance to the regional competitions, where regional finalists are chosen. Each finalist then submits a portfolio and completes a written composition the day of the awards ceremony. Rushing; Emily Seighman, who was the North Corbin Junior High, Livingston and regional eighth-grade Student of the Year; and Carson Jones, the Live Oak Elementary and
Livingston Parish fifth-grade winner, will be honored during a reception at 6 p.m. May 7 at the Livingston Parish Public Schools Special Education Auditorium and at the 7 p.m. School Board meeting. Contact Community Sections Editor Darlene Denstorff by phone at (225) 388-0215; by fax at (225) 388-0371; or by email at livingston@theadvocate. com. The deadline is noon on Friday.
The South Tangipahoa Parish Port Commission recently hosted a groundbreaking ceremony for its upcoming bulkhead and dredging project in Manchac. The new infrastructure project is part of a $3 million construction program primarily funded by the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, a news release from the commission said. Attendees included District 6 Sen. Mac “Bodi” White, R-Baton Rouge; Rep. Steve Pugh, R-Pontchatoula; DOTD Port Priority Program Manager Randall Withers; Tangipahoa Parish President Gordon Burgess; and members of the Port Commission. The $3 million investment program will include internal roadway, drainage and parking improvements, rail spur maintenance, storage area improvements, as well as bulk-head/harbor dredging improvements at the facility, the release said. The new infrastructure is part of the port’s master plan for future development that was originally developed in 2007 and designed to attract new industries and create new job opportunities for residents of the Tangipahoa Parish area. The current construction phase is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year. “It is exciting to begin construction on the series of infrastructure improvements
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Red beans and sausage link with brown rice, steamed spinach, grape juice, cornbread and fresh fruit.
Chicken breast filet sandwich with barbecue sauce on a bun, baked beans, apple confetti, coleslaw and pineapple crisp.
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Ham with white beans, brown rice, coleslaw, mustard greens, cornbread and apple juice.
Chicken and sausage jambalaya, green peas, Normandy-blend vegetables, whole-wheat bread and apple. yhe
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Livingston Parish and Tangipahoa Voluntary Council on Aging meal site menus. For meal site locations, call (225) 664-9343 in Livingston Parish or (985) 748-7486 in Tangipahoa Parish.
Chicken salad sandwich on whole-wheat bread, pickled beets, potato salad and cardinal citrus mold.
that have been engineered to Hammond re-develop the Port Manchac inter-modal terminal into a 12 state-of-the-art inland transPonchatoula loading facility designed to atTANGIPAHOA tract new industries and create new job market opportunities 55 Port for residents of the Tangipa- LIVINGSTON Manchac hoa Parish region,” Port Commission President Don Boihem Lake said. Maurepas The South Tangipahoa Parish Lake Port Commission serves as the Pontchartrain governing authority for Port N Manchac. The seven commisAdvocate map sion members are appointed by the governor to six-year terms and receive no compen- terstate 55 at the southern end sation, the release said. of Tangipahoa Parish. The 140-acre inter-modal terFor information, visit www. minal is located adjacent to In-
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4G n Thursday, April 30, 2015 n n The Advocate
community Livingston volunteers honored at annual luncheon Advocate staff report Members of the Livingston Volunteers for Family and Community Council gathered March 30 at Carter Plantation in Springfield to celebrate their contributions to Livingston Parish. The group, made up of 71 women and one man, also honored members at its annual appreciation luncheon, a news release said. These 72 Livingston Parish residents are part of four LVFC clubs in the parish: Albany Club, Can Do’s Club, Ladybugs Club and Port Vincent Club. They meet monthly and hold educational service projects in Livingston Parish, the release said. Gloria Flick, LVFC Council vice president and mistress of ceremonies, welcomed the members and guests to the “All Things Louisiana” luncheon. Each table was decorated with items from Louisiana including Elmer’s chocolate, Barq’s root beer, cypress knees, Jiffy cornbread, Manda sausage, Zapp’s Potato Chips and king cakes. The annual event began with the invocation by Madeline Maehren, president of the Ladybugs Club and Flick, introduced the speakers and guests. Gayle Miller, 2014 LVFC president, and Layne Langley, LSU AgCenter area nutrition agent, presented the awards. Receiving the New Member Award were Madeline Maehren, Learah Moss, Etta Parker,
Photos provided by LAYNE A. LANGLEY
Members of the Livingston Volunteers for Family and Community council and guests gather March 30 at Carter Plantation in Springfield after a Louisiana-themed appreciation luncheon. Renee’ Deaton, Dorothy “Dot” Kanada, Becky Cambre, Patricia Sziber and Patti Darby. The 2014 Perfect Attendance Award was presented to Sharon Teixeira, Carolyn Carpenter, Nelda Graham, Linda Cunningham, Mary Thornhill, Gene Ducote, Phyllis Mack, Jane Vizinat, Carolyn Giacone, Lillie Glascock, Mary Ann Kinchen, Flick, Bob Becnel and Helen Saxon. Recognized for their years of service were Mary Thornhill, 5 years; Sharon Teixeira, 10 years; Dianne Cambre, 20 years; Jonnie Dorris, 25 years; and Carolyn Brady, 45 years. Each club president presented a report including a brief overview of projects and services. Mary Thornhill, Albany Club president, said her the club donated 139 teddy bears to the Livingston Parish Sheriff’s Office and collected clothing and goods for homeless veter-
ans. More than $1,700 in items were donated, she said. Albany members held a baby shower and donated the items to Hammond Restoration House, donated 107 Raise a Reader bags to the Livingston Health Unit and adopted three families at Christmas. On behalf of the 2014 Can Do’s President Terri Latimer, current Can Do’s President Carolyn Carter said her group donated bingo prizes to the Denham Springs Council On Aging and assembled and donated 179 book bags to the Walker Head Start Center. The club also collected money for St. Vincent de Paul’s prescription campaign. The group’s annual quilt raffle affords them funds for projects and donations to charitable organizations. The club celebrated its 20th year participating in the annual Ornament Swap. Ladybug 2014 President Donna Bencaz talked about her
club’s contributions to the parish. She told the group that in addition to hosting the appreciation luncheon, members volunteered at school functions, served as vacation Bible school craft leaders and worked with a widow’s group. The members constructed prayer shawls and prayer blankets for the sick in the parish. A service the Ladybugs enjoy doing annually is collecting and donating toys to Livingston Parish Sheriff Jason Ard’s Christmas Crusade, she said. Jinx Berthelot, Port Vincent 2014 president, shared with the group that her club donated coats, sweaters, hats and gloves to Coats for Caring Project for the homeless in Baton Rouge. The Port Vincent Club constructed more than 70 pillow cases for the Creating Pillowcase Dreams Project benefitting pediatric units at area hospitals and assembled
Blue Star Louisiana Mothers Sarah Lewis, from left, LVFC council treasurer; and Mary Thornhill, LVFC council secretary, stand next to a table filled with club donations for Blue Star Mothers on March 30 during the Livingston Volunteers for Family and Community luncheon Carter Plantation in Springfield. and donated 117 Raise a Reader bags to the Livingston Health Unit. The club also collected 452 coupons worth $8,800 for military families and box tops for parish schools. Their annual Christmas basket raffle raised more $580 for Cancer Services of Baton Rouge. Linda Furr, with Blue Star Mothers of Louisiana, thanked the clubs for donating to her group. Blair Edwards, 21st Judicial District Juvenile Court judge, talked about her role and responsibilities as a juvenile court judge. Kenny Sharpe, Livingston county agent, expressed grati-
tude for the efforts and contributions of LVFC to Livingston. He said the clubs’ 30,007 volunteer hours equated to almost $300,000 in services. Nancy Buratt, Port Vincent Club member, and Barbara Koles, from the Ladybugs, led a memorial program to honor members who died last year. Patricia Arledge, LSU AgCenter administration coordinator, was honored for the support she has provided the club. For information on the Livingston Volunteers for Family and Community, call the Livingston Extension office at (225) 686-3020 or Layne Langley at
LEFT: Taking off from the starting line, Solomon Toney, foreground, and Darryl Robinson, background, head down the track in the 50-meter assisted walk on Friday.
Advocate staff photos by BILL FEIG
FAR LEFT: Zachary Johnson throws the tennis ball Friday during the Special Olympics time trials for Livingston Parish at Live Oak High School.
and he’s not talking about the athletes. Continued from page 1G Lang agrees. “I think everyone in high school should be required to ette, the athletes make it fun participate in events like this with their positive attitudes, and it spreads to everyone who one,” he said. “It makes you volunteers. He’s been a volun- a better person. It does way more for me than it does for teer for the games since 1989, and when they offered him the them, I think.” Courville pointed out that job running state outreach, he attitudes about students with couldn’t turn it down. special needs have begun to “It’s the pureness of the change, because of inclusionsport. When they compete, ary events like the games. there’s a huge spirit of com“They get to know the athpetition. They are giving it letes outside of the academic their all. The energy level is outstanding, from the athletes, setting,” he said, and that leads fewer instancthe families, “I love it. I’m an only child, es of bullying the volunso I’d cheer on the athletes, and less social teers. It’s a great atmoand they’d hug on me and isolation for sphere.” love on me. It was great.” everyone. Lang said And when DAKOTA LANG, volunteer he would inthe race is tervene if he over, so is the saw someone competition. That’s one of the things senior bullying anyone, especially a person with special needs, and Chandler LeGrange noticed. that’s exactly the kind of spirit “My athlete got a first-place and a third-place ribbon. She’s the Special Olympics spreads. Special Olympics events are just as proud of the third place as she is of the first place,” Le- divided up by regions. The Florida Parishes region inGrange said. cludes in Livingston, TangipaIt’s about doing one’s best, hoa and St. Tammany parishes. which drives other athletes There will be an event for to do their best, and that’s the each parish, Courville said, pureness of sport to which and winners will advance Courville refers. from there, ultimately to the LeGrange said he didn’t state games in Hammond. know what to expect when “We used to have one big signed up to be a buddy his event (with all three parishfreshman year. But since he’s participated the first year, he’s es), but that got too big, and tended to discourage people come to look forward to it. from participating,” Courville He plays football, so a comsaid. petitive spirit is something he They broke the big Florida can get behind. Plus, there’s never a grudge held afterward. Parishes event into three individual games, and that got a “I think it’s very important that these students at Live Oak lot more people involved, both have that connection,” he said, in athlete sign-ups and in vol-
Before throwing the softball, Trevor Murray, left, shows coach Madisyn Syms, left, watches as Gabriel Lockhart grabs at Fuzzy Kemp his fired up game face at the event. bubbles at the Special Olympics for Livingston Parish. unteers and the community. The participation at Live Oak has always been exceptional, he said. The games are part of a mission of inclusion of those with special needs into the community, Courville said. Separation leads to lack of understanding, and that leads to fewer opportunities for those with special needs, especially as students age out of the school system, when people with special needs tend to lose opportunities for stimulation and socialization, which is vital to every human. “There is no age limit for
LEFT: Ethan Johnson, left, hits the tape in the 25-meter dash as Kassidy Pierce cheers. FAR LEFT: Chandler Woodruff gets a hug from the Live Oak High School Eagle mascot on Friday.
Special Olympics participation,” Courville said. The state summer games start on May 22 at Southeastern Louisiana University.
The Advocate n n Thursday, April 30, 2015 n 5G
community Scholars honored
40 houses featured on Parade of Homes Advocate staff report
Photos provided by the Livingston Chamber of Commerce
Receiving scholarships from the Livingston Parish Chamber of Commerce during an April 22 luncheon, first row from left, were Cheyene Reyes, Doyle High; Breanna Gurzynski, Walker High; Cheyanne DeMars, Springfield High; Kathryn Bokun, Walker High; Joshua Stafford, Live Oak; Kaycie Bennett, Live Oak High; Macee Spencer, Denham Springs High; and second row, Logan Davis, Doyle High; Ryan Miller, Walker High; Jacob Pettigrew, Albany High; Tyler McMorris, French Settlement; and Victor Rushing, Live Oak High.
The Livingston Parish Chamber of Commerce presented college scholarships to students during an April 22 luncheon. Sponsoring the scholarships, first row from left, were Kathleen Abels, TARC; Marshal Jerry Denton, Denham Springs Marshal’s Office; Sandra Gross, Livingston Parish Federal Credit Union; Shelby Carnahan, Carnahan Andrews CPA, LLC; Shannon Bernard, Primerica; and second row, Tim Ard, Sheriff Jason Ard; Ronnie Foshee, First Guaranty Bank; Dean Williams, Our Lady of the Lake Livingston; Eric McMillen, Ochsner Medical Center; Steve Bernard, Client Technology Services; and Jeff Jarreau, North Oaks Health System.
Capital Region Builders Association continues its 2015 Parade of Homes with 40 new homes on tour throughout the area May 2-3. Four Livingston Parish homes are on this year’s tour. The tour is free and open to the public, with homes open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. A listing of homes on tour are available at www. as well as instructions for downloading a smartphone app that includes descriptions, drawings and driving directions for each of the homes. The Parade of Homes includes 40 homes built by 28 builders in 31 subdivisions, including 14 homes in Ascension and 22 in East Baton Rouge parishes. The homes range in price from $169,900 to $1.2 million. Call (225) 769-7696.
Continued from page 1G munity can enjoy. “This is who we are. This is what we are,” he said. A tree on the east side of the park is dedicated to the memory of Wallner, whom Gatzman met 30 years ago in Villa Del Rey, she said. They were in the Baton Rouge Garden Club together, and no one was more respected than Wallner, Gatzman said. “When she moved to Watson, she became a member of the Denham Springs Garden Club, and like a tree, she had strong roots. She had a strong faith in God, and a dedication to her family. Her strength was not in asking, but in giving.” Dolce McArdle, Burton’s daughter, said her mother had loved flowers for as long as she could remember and did the flowers at her own wedding. “We spent I can’t tell you how long looking for southernwood,” McArdle laughed. When her mom developed vision problems, she moved into a smaller cottage, and transformed her outdoor spaces into a garden of scents rather than sights. “One of the first things she did was plant sweet olive,” McArdle said. When she got to the point that she could no longer live alone,
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Photos provided by DONNA JENNINGS
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Virgina Bruce with the Denham Springs Garden Club addresses the crowd of supporters gathered to dedicate the new Centerville Park on April 17. McArdle said, her friends at the Denham Springs Garden Club brought her flowers in the nursing home, and that helped keep her spirits up. “She loved the garden club and she truly enjoyed being with you,” she said. Located at the corner of Centerville and Hummel streets near downtown Denham Springs, the project is a partnership among Denham Springs Main Street, Keep Livingston Beautiful, Denham
Springs Green and B&C Sheet Metal, Dale Zuelke, Jimmy Britton, Tom Lay, Jimmy Durbin and Rene Delahoussaye, all of whom who have donated money or services to get the project started. “It’s a great project coordinated through the city,” Durbin said. Brick walkways in the park lead to a centerpiece bronze statue of two small children climbing a rock and waving an American flag.
Harry Potter, Harper Lee among top selections Advocate staff report The most popular titles at the Livingston Parish Library in April were: ADULT FICTION TITLES: “The Girl on the Train” by Paula Hawkins; “Cold Cold Heart” by Tami Hoag; “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee; “Crash and Burn” by Lisa Gardner; and “Hope to Die: The Return of Alex Cross” by James Patterson. ADULT NONFICTION TITLES: “American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal
Sniper in U.S. Military History” by Chris Kyle; “Guinness Book of World Records”; “Unbroken: A World War II Airman’s Story of Survival, Resilience and Redemption” by Laura Hillenbrand; “The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness” by Dave Ramsey; and “The Real Paleo Diet Cookbook” by Loren Cordain. YOUNG ADULT FICTION TITLES: “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” by J.K. Rowling; “The Fault in Our Stars” by John Green; “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins;
“The Angel Experiment” by James Patterson; and “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” by J.K. Rowling. JUVENILE FICTION TITLES: “Amelia Bedelia” by Peggy Parish; “Princess Adventure Stories” by Disney Press; “The Ugly Truth” by Jeff Kinney; “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Seuss; and “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” by Jeff Kinney. DVD TITLES: “Gone Girl,” “Boyhood,” “Downton Abbey, Season 5,” “Game of Thrones, Season 3” and “Downton Abbey, Season 3.”
Amite cleanup project rescheduled for May 9 Advocate staff report The citywide cleanup project planned for April 18 in Amite was rescheduled to Saturday, May 9, due to weather conditions. Vince LaBarbera, spokesman for the Amite Pride Project, said that after coordinating with other officials and checking the weather forecast, it was decided to postpone the event. “I hate to do this, but with the uncertainty of the weather, we think it’s best,” he said. “We had so many commitments of churches, school groups and citizens that I hate this,” event coordinator Carol Brooke said. “But mark the new date, and we will try again. I appreciate the enthusiasm I have received.” For more information, call Amite City Hall at (985) 7488761 or call or text (985) 9695340.
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6G n Thursday, April 30, 2015 n n The Advocate
schools LSMSA students hold leadership retreat at Union lake Students from the Louisiana School for Math, Science and the Arts attended a retreat April 10-12 at Lake D’Arbonne State Park. Gathering, first row from left, are Emily Swisher, Nathalie Trow-McDonald, Jacob Harrison, Isha Sharma, Daven Lavigne, Sabrina Burkey, Ian Sager and David Rusk; and second row, Joshua Poche, Karleigh Gwyn, Maram Azmi, Tyler Cenac, MyChel Robinson, Jessica Zhang, Christina Arey, Timothy Shertzer, Seirra Harris, Mitchell Perron, Anthony Spedale, Glenda Winfield and Madeline Read.
Advocate staff report Students from the Louisiana School for Math, Science and the Arts spent April 10-12 at Lake D’Arbonne State Park in Union Parish to participate in a leadership retreat. The weekend included leadership activities, team-building exercises and social events. Chaperones for the retreat were Jim Willson, student life adviser in Prudhomme Hall; Victoria Kwentua, student life adviser in Caddo Hall; and Jenny Schmitt, coordinator of student engagement. Attending from Livingston Parish were Daven Lavigne, a junior from Port Vincent; Karleigh Gwyn, a sophomore from Denham Springs; Maram Azmi, a junior from Denham Springs; and Seirra Harris, a senior from Holden. Tangipahoa Parish senior Anthony Spedale, from Loranger, also attended.
Photo provided by CRYSTAL EVANS
Gifted students’ Camp Discovery at SLU explores life’s changes Advocate staff report
Photo provided by LINDA JOINER
Distinguished Gentlemen’s Club collects for nursing home
Hammond Westside Elementary Montessori’s Distinguished Gentlemen’s Club held a drive at school the week of March 23 to collect hand soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, tissue, lotion and hand sanitizer. The young men, under the leadership of Tom E. Pitts, distributed the items on March 28 to Belle Maison Nursing Home. Gathering at Belle Maison, from left, are Dorian Cafarella, Joseph Wilson, Pitts, Devaki Williams and Gustavo Cafarella.
Southeastern Louisiana University is hosting a summer camp for academically gifted students in first through sixth grades for the 2014-15 school year. Sponsored by the Southeastern Department of Teaching and Learning, the camp is scheduled from 8 a.m. to noon June 8-25 at the Southeastern Laboratory School, 1200 N. General Pershing St., Hammond, a news release said. The cost is $175 per child or $160 per child if registering multiple children from the same household.
“Ever wonder how something can start as a caterpillar and then emerge as a beautiful butterfly? Change occurs throughout all aspects of life,” said Susan Zimlich, camp coordinator. “There is change found in writing and literature, math, art, science, social studies and more. Look at our world through the lens of a scientist, an artist, a writer and others. We will have fun projects and activities that help students learn and explore the process of change.” Zimlich said students who are academically gifted or academically advanced are invited to attend Camp Discovery.
Students must be enrolled in a gifted program, be recommended by a teacher or have successfully attended camp before. Selection is based on academic qualification, grade level and the order that the application is received. Money will be refunded only if the student is not accepted into the program. Camp Discovery is not open on Fridays. Students can be dropped off from 7:45 a.m. to 8 a.m. and picked up between noon and 12:15 p.m. For more information or to register, contact Zimlich at (985) 549-5083 or at susan.
School honors highachieving student Hammond’s St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic High School Principal José Becerra, right, recognizes senior John Thomas Rohner for his composite score of 30 on the ACT College Placement Test. The Veritas ACT 30+ Award at STA is given to all students who receive a composite score of 30 or above on the ACT. Rohner is the son of John and Christy Rohner, of Amite.
Photo provided by MICHELLE CHAUVIN
Amite Warriors celebrate good behavior
Amite Elementary Magnet School honored students April 13-17 who exhibited exemplary behavior. Students received goodie bags filled with candy, treats and pencils. Teacher Lauren Battalora, back, honored, first row from left, Christian Quinn, Braydenn Ballard, Kendall Perkins and Jarvis Brider. Photo provided by LISA GROS
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The Advocate n n Thursday, April 30, 2015 n 7G
schools Livingston students win state auto skills challenge Advocate staff report A two-student team from Livingston Parish Literacy and Technology Center in Walker won the 2015 Louisiana Ford/ AAA Student Auto Skills challenge. Devan Bennett and Brandon House moved one step closer to becoming the best student automotive technicians in the country by winning the Louisiana competition on April 23 in Alexandria, a news release said. Along with their instructor, Joshua Murphy, Bennett and House advance to the 2015 Ford/AAA Student Auto Skills national competition June 7-9 in Dearborn, Michigan. The contest, designed to find the most talented young auto
technicians in the U.S., is open to high school juniors and seniors enrolled in automotive technology courses and encourages automotive technology students from across the country to pursue careers in the automotive industry by learning about high-tech equipment, the need to be well-trained and complex vehicle systems. At the national competition, Bennett and House will square off against teams from the 49 other states in a two-part contest that includes a written exam and a hands-on vehicle repair exercise. The hands-on repair portion requires competitors to accurately diagnose and fix identically “bugged” Ford vehicles. For winning the state com-
petition, Bennett and House earned scholarships to Ford Motor Co.’s ASSET program and more than $20,000 in other scholarship opportunities and prizes. Scholarships and prizes totaling more than $130,000 were made available to Louisiana teams participating in the competition, the release said. Bennett and House qualified for participation in the state hands-on portion of the contest by scoring highest among their classmates on an online exam. They then faced nine of the best two-person teams in the state in a race against the clock to identify and repair identically bugged parts. The state contest was held at the Alexandria Riverfront Center.
Livingston Parish high school students Devan Bennett, left, and Brandon House, right, flank their automotive technology instructor Joshua Murphy after placing first in the 2015 Ford/AAA Student Auto Skills challenge. Bennett and House moved one step closer to becoming the best student automotive technicians in the country by winning the Louisiana competition on April 23 in Alexandria. Photo provided by DONALD REDMAN
Students get creative
The first graders at Holy Ghost Catholic School in Hammond recently were given the task of creating a shoebox diorama book report. They were able to select any book within their individual Accelerated Reader level to complete this project. They used their shoebox to recreate their favorite scene, gave their book a star rating and shared their projects with their classmates by answering questions about their books. Pictured are, first row from left, Ella Bachemin, Rebecca Merritt and Isabel Flores; second row, Madeleine Smith and Patrick Balisteri; third row, Miley Smith, Macy Pittman and Josh Carballo; fourth row, Giada Gaudet, Khloe Castella and Jason Thompson; and fifth row, Parker Roubique and Blaise Muguira.
Photo provided by DELANEA GATES
Live Oak High School senior class officers who assisted in planning and conducting the Soaring Eagle banquet March 20, from left, are Kaycie Bennett, Mary Kate Andrepont, Joey Carroll, Corley Chutz, Brielle Pourcieu, Anna Robertson and Victor Rushing.
Live Oak High School students honored at banquet Advocate staff report Student achievement was celebrated March 20 when Live Oak High School hosted its annual Soaring Eagle banquet in the school gym. More than 300 students, parents, faculty and guests attended the catered banquet event
honoring high-achieving students, a news release said. Fifty-six students with a grade-point average of 4.0 or higher, 43 students with an ACT of 27 or higher, and 105 students scoring well in advanced placement classes were honored. Live Oak High Student of the Year Victor Rushing and
Teacher of the Year Delanea Gates were honored. Senior class officers Victor Rushing, Anna Robertson, Brielle Pourciau, Corley Chutz, Joey Carroll, Mary Kate Andrepont and Kaycie Bennett were also honored. A catered meal was provided and door prizes were awarded.
Photo provided by CINDY WAGNER
Environmental careers in spotlight this summer Advocate staff report Southeastern Louisiana University’s Zoom into Careers has received a sponsorship for one of its summer programs for junior high and high school students to be held this summer at the Livingston Parish Literacy and Technology Center in Walker. Bercen Chemical Company is helping to lower the cost of Zoom into Environmental Sciences, a new Zoom into Careers offering, a news release said. The workshop’s $295 fee has been reduced to $65 thanks to the Bercen sponsorship. Class size is limited to 15 students, so early registration is encouraged. Registration is available at Taught by Southeastern forestry expert Rebecca Effler, Zoom into Environmental Sciences ties into one of the goals of the Livingston Center: to increase the understanding of the environment by parish residents, the release said. Effler said students will have the opportunity to explore a wide array of career options available in the field of environmental sciences and within organizations such as the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Geological Survey, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Environmental Quality, nonprofit organizations and local universities. “Participants will receive hands-on experience through identification of forest and wetland plants, uploading local satellite imagery to obtain environmental information and through their research of the Combustion Inc. Superfund site
in Walker,” Effler said. A day trip is scheduled to visit Turtle Cove Research Center, Southeastern’s wetland research facility in the Lake Pontchartrain Basin, Effler said. All Zoom into Careers workshops are scheduled from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 15-18. Registration for all other workshops will be limited to small groups, some as few as six participants. To ensure participation, students are encouraged to register early. Participants can take advan-
tage of early bird discounts by registering before May 7. Registration will continue through June 4. Workshops are open to all rising seventh- through graduating 12th-grade students and are scheduled on the main campus in Hammond, the Livingston Parish Literacy and Technology Center in Walker, and at Southeastern’s St. Tammany Center in Mandeville, as well as NTCC’s Greensburg campus. For information, visit
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Questions? Call the Livingston Parish Chamber at (225) 665-8155 or email 248 Veterans Boulevard • Denham Springs
8G n Thursday, April 30, 2015 n n The Advocate
LIVINGSTON PARISH PRISON BOOKINGS The following people were booked into the Livingston Parish prison from April 15 - 21.
April 15
ANDERSON, JACQUELINE M.: 39, 18 W. Cross, Amite, probation administrative sanction. CARUSO, DEREK L.: 21, 12700 Danya Drive, Denham Springs, possession of marijuana, speeding. CASTLE, TALMADGE: 36, 32467 Clark White Road, Denham Springs, resting an officer with force or violence, resisting an officer, unauthorized entry of an inhabited dwelling. FATHEREE, DAVID: 43, 42553 La. 42, Prairieville, telephone communications, improper language, harassment. GARDNER, CHRISTOPHER RAY: 21, 23536 Jack Taylor Road, Livingston, five counts simple burglary. GARDNER, HUNTER: 17, 23536 Jack Taylor Road, Livingston, five counts simple burglary. GOLDEN, TANYA JOE: 43, 5327 Island Road, Jarreau, theft, two counts issuing worthless checks. ROBERTS, JOSEPH: 34, 25804 Marlbrook, Denham Springs, second degree battery, intentional serious bodily injury. SCALIA, PETER: 38, Homeless, fugutive. SHELDEN, MATTHEW CHARLES: 27, 23536 Jack Allen, Denham Springs, expired motor vehicle insurance. SHEPHERD, NATHANIEL: 20, 26475 Clyde Blount Road, Livingston, three counts forgery, three counts unauthorized use of access card as theft. SHOCKLEY, HILLARY: 23, 26821 La. 43, Greensburg, drug court sanction. SINGH, KAMALJIT: 24, 18865 Florida Blvd., Albany, speeding, traffic bench warrant. WARREN, KEVIN: 48, 153 N. 17th St., Baton Rouge, theft of goods, enter/remain in places/on land after being forbidden. WATSON, AARON: 23, 00401 Third St., Hammond, two counts unauthorized use of access card as theft. WATTS, DANNY: 26, 30619 Corbin Ave., Walker, domestic abuse battery. WILLIAMS, JOSEPH BRAIN: 49, 11513 Garney Hood Road, Denham Springs, failure to register.
April 16
CUCCIA, CHAD: 42, 14463 Hill Top, French Settlement, theft. DAVIS, STEVEN: 25, 3411 O’Neal Lane, D, Baton Rouge, speeding, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, evidence of compulsory motor vehicle liability security contained in vehicle. ELLESTAD, DESTINEY: 23, unknown, possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substances, possession of schedule IV controlled dangerous substances, aggravated burglary, exploitation of the infirmed, parish jail time. HAMMONS, TRAVIS T.: 29, 655 Bowman St., Denham Springs, parking spaces for certain disabled persons, switched plate, speeding, no driver license, evidence of compulsory motor vehicle liability security contained in vehicle, resisting an officer. HODGES, KAITLYN NICOLE: 20, 112 Traceway Drive, Natchez, Mississippi, second degree battery intentional serious bodily injury. HUGHES, ZACHARY: 21, 31994 Burgess Road, Denham Springs, probation administrative sanction. MEJIA, ALBERTO: 26, 1220 Marque Ann Drive, Baton Rouge, driver must be licensed, driving on roadway laned for traffic. MILLER, JEFFERY B.: 28, 30185 Lower Rome Road, Springfield, proper equipment required on vehicles, safety belt use, tags indicating exemption, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia. MIZELL, CODY: 22, 32020 N. Doyle Road, Holden, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, speeding, turning movements and required signals, view outward or inward through windshield or windows, obscuring prohibited, traffic bench warrant. SIMS, JODY: 46, 14685 Florida Blvd., Baton Rouge, seven counts obscenity.
CONTACT US LIVINGSTON-TANGIPAHOA ADVOCATE Published every Thursday Deadline to submit news items: Fridays at noon. 10291 Hwy. 190, Walker 70785 or P.O. Box 936, Denham Springs 70726 (225) 388-0215 (225) 388-0371 (fax)
SMITH, BRITTNEY: 30, 38462 Highland Terrace Ave., Denham Springs, illegal possession of stolen things, two counts operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, theft of goods, expired motor vehicle insurance, security required. TRICOU, JAMES R.: 40, 16 Timber Lane Drive, Hammond, probation administrative sanction. WALLACE, BALEIGH R.: 19, 12024 Florida Blvd., Walker, possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substances. WARE, KRISTINE ELIZABETH: 39, 27381 Tullier Lane, Denham Springs, safety belt use, tags indicating exemption, traffic bench warrant, two counts create/ operate clandestine laboratory for the unlawful manufacture of controlled dangerous substances, issuing worthless checks.
April 17
AULDS, KELLI MORGAN: 34, 20055 La. 16, Denham Springs, drug court sanction. BERGIN, CHRISTOPHER: 28, 14006 Oakwood Lane, Denham Springs, evidence of compulsory motor vehicle liability security contained in vehicle. CARUSO, BRIDGETTE: 27, 29398 W. Karen St., Denham Springs, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, headlamps for motor vehicles and motorcycles. CARUSO, IAIN MICHEL: 37, 29398 W. Karen St., Denham Springs, speeding, traffic bench warrant. CAUSER, BRANDI: 22, 20663 Bree Drive, Denham Springs, drug gourt sanction. COATS, CHARLES JOSEPH: 24, 17400 Florida Blvd., Holden, possession of marijuana. DENT, LARRY ALLEN: 26, 10247 Dundee Drive, Baker, theft. DONAGRICHE, LANDON C.: 23, 27631 Tall Oaks Drive, Walker, drug court sanction, parish jail time. FONTENOT, BENJAMIN T.: 20, 30674 Corbin Ave., Walker, manufacture, cultivation, distribution, possession with intent to distribute schedule II controlled dangerous substances, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia, simple battery, simple criminal damage to property, possession of marijuana. GREEN, ELISA: 64, 17966 Jack Allen Road, Livingston, four counts issuing worthless checks. HARPS, CODY: 28, 30972 Brown Bud St., Denham Springs, drug court sanction. HUNT, JONATHAN: 31, 8924 La. 190, Baton Rouge, traffic bench warrant, two counts speeding, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, registration certificates, improper display of temporary plate, switched plate. JACKSON, DENNIS: 43, 18169 La. 10, Kentwood, two counts aggravated assault with a firearm, stalking. JEROME, HAILEY NICOLE: 22, 22819 Lafourche Lane, Denham Springs, drug court sanction. JONES, COREY: 23, 19575 Aydell Lane, French Settlement, create/ operate clandestine laboratory for the unlawful manufacture of controlled dangerous substances. LAIRD, CHARLES AUSTIN: 24, 25927 Oakley Ave., Denham Springs, drug court sanction. LOUVIERE, LELA LORETTA: 52, 38030 Joe Lee Road, Walker, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. MAISONNEUVE, JEROME: 36, 23039 La. 22, Maurepas, domestic abuse battery, violation of protective orders. MAISONNEUVE, SHANNON: 36, 23039 La. 22, Maurepas, violation of protective orders, public intimidation. MAJESTY, PATRICK: 36, 29270 Bill McLin Road, Livingston, two counts possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substances. MCANN, MARC: 39, 10210 Hamsphere St., Denham Springs, fugutive. MCKENZIE, CLAYTON N.: 34, 36450 N. Walker Road, Walker, theft of a firearm. MCLIN, CODY: 22, 31460 Cade Lane, Walker, probation. MOFFETT, KEVIN: 33, 1189 Old Hammond Highway, Baton Rouge, driving while intoxicated, careless
operation, possession of alcoholic beverages in motor vehicles, two counts operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, obstructing public passages, expired motor vehicle insurance, security required, safety belt use, tags indicating exemption. RIKER, AUSTIN J.: 24, 33230 Walker N. Road, Lot 34, Walker, proper equipment required on vehicle, inspection tag required, criminal sanctions for operating motor vehicle not covered by security, registration certificates, no driver license, security required, expired vehicle registration, traffic bench warrant. TURNER, REBEKAH: 18, 30674 Corbin Ave., Walker, manufacture, cultivation, distribution, possession with intent to distribute schedule II controlled dangerous substances, two counts possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substances, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia, access device fraud. VANCE, WHYATT DALTON: 24, 112 Crescent Bay Drive, League City, Texas, reckless operation of a vehicle, licensee must give notice of change of address, possession of alcoholic beverages in motor vehicles, disturbing the peace, public intimidation, threatening a public official. WATTS, ARTHUR STEPHEN: 35, 22110 La. 444, Livingston, child desertion.
April 18
BOUDLE, JORDAN C.: 21, 6147 Petersburg Drive, Baton Rouge, traffic control signals, speeding, driving on right side of road, exceptions, expired motor vehicle insurance, driving while intoxicated. BRIDGES, RANDALL B.: 27, 30245 Bridges Road, Livingston, possession of schedule IV controlled dangerous substances, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia. CHAMBERLAIN, DANIEL: 24, 24668 Tammy Drive, Denham Springs, reckless operation of a vehicle, hit and run driving, three counts child desertion, theft of goods. HARDY, JULIE: 52, 30544 Strawberry Lane, Hammond, reckless operation of a vehicle, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, evidence of compulsory motor vehicle liability security contained in vehicle, illegal use of controlled drug in presence of persons under 17 years old, driving while intoxicated. HOPKINS, REGGIL E.: 40, 31100 N. Corbin Road, Walker, two counts resisting an officer, disturbing the peace. POOLER, CHARLES: 53, 31603 South Bell Road, Springfield, disturbing the peace, attempted home invasion, two counts resisting an officer, simple escape, aggravated escape, public intimidation, misrepresentation during booking. PRINZ, STARR: 33, 18459 LaTrace, French Settlement, failure to pay child support. RICKETTS, BRANDON TODD: 34, 17160 LakePark Ave., Baton Rouge, domestic abuse battery.
April 19
CAMPBELL, EDWARD PAUL: 26, 11367 Windsor Ave., Denham Springs, two counts child passenger restraint system, safety belt use, tags indicating exemption, speeding, stop signs and yield signs, traffic bench warrant. CASSADY, AMBER: 24, 30897 Ivy St., Denham Springs, simple battery domestic violence. COOK, PAIGE INGRAM: 25, 50062 E. Railroad Ave., Tickfaw, cyberstalking. CULPEPPER, JAMES: 46, 30800 Burgess Road, Denham Springs, domestic abuse battery. DEER, SHERRI STAR: 34, 31161 Blount Lane, Walker, felony theft, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, speeding, safety belt use, tags indicating exemption, child passenger restraint system. JIMENEZ, HILARIO NIETO: 28, 15821 Bryan Lane, Maurepas, sexual battery, enter/remain in places/on land after being forbidden, appearing in an intoxicated condition PREJEAN, BRIAN: 36, 644 Francis Area, Broadmore, disturbing the
April 21
ALLEMOND, DILLON: 22, 9876 Powell Ln., Denham Springs, two counts forgery. CHAFFER, CHRISTOPHER TALON: 30, 11274 Stewart Road, Denham Springs, simple battery. DAVIS, ROBERT: 18, 25235 Methant Road, Denham Springs, two counts simple burglary of inhabited dwelling. HOPKINS, REGGIL E.: 40, 31080 N. Corbin Road, Walker, probation. JOHNSON, ALVIN JOHN: 31, 7603 Oakmount Drive, Baton Rouge, theft. KINCHEN, WILLIAM CARTER: 51, 27516 Patterson Road, Springfield, simple assault. MONTELEONE, GERALD: 58, 27408 Patterson Road, Springfield, simple assault. SMITH, BRITNI: 23, 15432 Penalber Road, Maurepas, driver must be licensed, careless operation. SOILEAU, HOLLY MARIE: 34, 13350 Coyote Lane, Walker, parish jail time. STEWART, JACOB: 23, 22546 Walker South Road, Walker, domestic abuse battery. TAPLIN, RICKY: 26, 2810 Sherwood St., Baton Rouge, aggravated assault with a firearm, possession of firearm/carry concealed weapon by convicted felon. TEMPLE, ROBERT: 41, 31531, Denham Springs, parish jail time. WILSON, RONALD DALE: 58, 9830 Eve Drive, Denham Springs, resisting an officer.
/ # !-%
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BAYHAM, MICHAEL: 19, 206 Lasasue St., Denham Springs, criminal trespass, appearing in an intoxicated condition, careless operation, traffic bench warrant. BEATTIE, MARK DYLAN: 42, 30940 Honeysuckle, Denham Springs, department of corrections incarceration, parish jail time. BIHM, STANLEY: 65, 27991 Foxfire Ave., Walker, disturbing the peace, resisting an officer, municipal ordinances. CANNELLA, NICHOLAS: 18, 30983 Summer Breeze, Denham Springs, disturbing the peace, safety belt use, tags indicating exemption. CLARK, AMANDA: 25, 27200 Lakefront Drive, Denham Springs, procedure on approach of an authorized emergency vehicle, two counts operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, criminal sanctions for operating motor vehicle not covered by security, speeding, traffic bench warrant, expired motor vehicle insurance, driver must be licensed, evidence of compulsory motor vehicle liability security contained in vehicle. DIBENEDETTO, KEVIN: 50, 17644 Martin Lake Drive, Baton Rouge, illegal possession of stolen things, three counts operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, three counts evidence of compulsory motor vehicle liability security contained in vehicle, expired motor vehicle insurance, switched plate, improper display of temporary plate, speeding. FOLMAR, SANDRA: 54, 1021 Hatchell Lane, Denham Springs, evidence of compulsory motor vehicle liability security
evidence of compulsory motor vehicle liability security contained in vehicle. THOMPSON, JOSEPH ALLEN: 20, 11385 Burgess Ave., Denham Springs, stop signs and yield signs, evidence of compulsory motor vehicle liability security contained in vehicle, expired motor vehicle insurance. TYLER, BELYNDA: 37, 11190 Judalon, Denham Springs, manufacture, cultivation, distribution or possession with intent to distribute schedule I controlled dangerous substances. TYLER, RICHARD L.: 40, 11200 Judalon Drive, Denham Springs, possession with intent to distribute schedule I controlled dangerous substances, speeding, expired motor vehicle insurance. VANCEL, SPENCER: 46, 13004 Rouge Lane, Walker, aggravated assault with a firearm.
" ' &* 1 % 3 - 2 * ! & / % . *! . &*! % & & *&$
Darlene T. Denstorff Community section editor (225) 388-0215 Marshall Settle (225) 388-0249
April 20
contained in vehicle, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, theft. GUILLOTT, EARL: 72, 34601 Weiss Road, Walker, domestic abuse battery. GUY, TONY: 44, 30467 Milton Road, Walker, driving while intoxicated, reckless operation of a vehicle, possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substances, possession of schedule IV controlled dangerous substances, possession of schedule IV controlled dangerous substances. HARVEY, DOMINIC: 22, 2209 72nd Ave., Apt. 15, Baton Rouge, felony theft, attempted/aggravated battery with dangerous weapon. JOHNSON, JULIE SCARIANO: 43, 16292 Frank Ballard, Holden, driving while intoxicated, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, following vehicles. MAHER, MICHAEL DWAYNE: 31, 32519 Percy Young, Walker, department of corrections incarceration, proper equipment required on vehicle inspection tag required, operating vehicle with suspended license, other offenses, evidence of compulsory motor vehicle liability security contained in vehicle. MARPLE, JOSEPH: 35, 11293 La. 1033, Denham Springs, failure to pay child support. MITCHELL, BRANDON CHRISTOPHER: 30, 24150 Blood River Road, Springfield, contempt of court. MORACE, KEVIN CHARLES: 27, 10233 D. Tyler St., Denham Springs, probation administrative sanction. MYLES, LIONEL JAMES: 40, 13582 Dunn St., Walker, aggravated rape, aggravated assault, armed robbery, simple battery. NEAL, LEO J.: 73, 29540 Livingston St., Albany, disturbing the peace, resisting an officer, two counts battery of a police officer. PRESCOTT, CLINTON: 45, 00308 N. 11th St., Denham Springs, failure to pay child support. SHAFFETT, JOHN M.: 37, 31214 Hawks Cove, Denham Springs, sale/distribution/possession of legend drug without prescription, driving while intoxicated, obstructing public passages, possession of alcoholic beverages in motor vehicles. STEPHENSON, DELENA: 34, 456 Windside, Baker, headlamps for motor vehicles and motorcycles,
# % & # * . * & %. & #%!. 1 * . &*! % & * *$ & - & * ! !/ * & %. &
peace. SEALY, JACQUELYN M.: 30, 14379 La. 1064, Tickfaw, driving while intoxicated, careless operation. TALLANT, JEREMIAH: 34, 30267 Seth St., Denham Springs, possession of schedule II controlled dangerous substances, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia. WASCOM, DONALD G.: 56, 19596, Livingston, simple burglary, prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia, sale/distribution/possession of legend drug without prescription. WOOLAM, KIMBERLY: 21, 28955 L.J. Methvion Road, Holden, two counts prohibited acts/drug paraphernalia.
9156 Joor Rd. (at Lovett Rd.)
(225) 261-8021
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A&R Cleaning Services, LLC "Where our magnificent cleaning services meet your everyday needs."
EVERGREEN LANDSCAPE Weeding, Mulch, Plant, Trim, Sod 225-803- 5979
Onsite Pressure Washing LLC. Free Est. Res/Comm. High heat or cold water wash. Dan, 225-284-3476.
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I CUT YARDS, Do flower beds. Rake & mulch leaves Affordable. 225-266-1069
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CALL CALVIN'S Sales, Service, Installation 752-5014
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Basketball Goals Goals & Poles- Basketball Goal Sales & Installation Since 1982. 225-923-0622
Masonry By George Brick & tile, free est. 225-665-6187
INLAND Masonry, quality work, all phases, over 30 yrs exp, free est. 261-4914. BRICKWORK BY DON Small jobs, Brick & Block, Free ests. Call 225-938-8241
Bushhogging ZIEGLER'S BUSH HOGGING Free Estimates
Sergeant's Bush Hog, Stump Removal. Ret. Vet. Free Ests 225-276-2662 B U S H H O G G I N G Free Estimates Call 445-6437
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Computer Service Computer Doctor 25 years. House calls. NoFixNoPay $35-$75-$95 225-803-8241 Help with XP-Vista-Win7+8
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TOTAL CONCRETE WORKS. Grade, Form, Excavate, & Finish. Complete concrete breakout & replacement. Slabs, Driveways, Patios. State Licensed & Insured. 225-362-8278 * 413-4819.
Drew Concrete, LLC
Parking lots, Driveways, Breakouts, Patios, Sidewalks. Licensed & Insured Free Estimate 225-636-0269 All Types of Cement Work Reasonable Prices. Start to Finish. 225-803-2770 NS STAMP CONCRETE- Reg Décor, Driveway, Patio, etc Comm & Res 225-234-0808
Metro Electrical
New or Repair. Lic. & Ins. 225-774-7296 *225-270-0196 CALL CALVIN'S Lic. & Insured 225-752-5014 NO JOB IS TOO SMALL Elec/ Plumb/ Carp/ Paint Lic&Insured 225-571-1201
C&C FENCE SERVICES 30 yrs. Wood fence specialist. Repairs. Free est. 235-8006
we install laminate/ceramic /wood @ $1.50 sf *Carpet & Carpentry/Paint 225-272-7697
Dig * Pour * Form * Finish Breakout * Saw Cut * Haul Off *225-907-2106
CARPET, WOOD, CERAMIC 25 YRS. Free Est. Call Me 225-223-1555*225-359-6886
J.E.C. SERVICES INC. All Types, Dig, Form, & Pour. Call 225-610-0879.
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Counter Tops
GRANITE - Big Selection. Installed. Free Est. Lowest Price Guar. 225-936-8379
Gerard Furniture & Gallery Good Furniture That Lasts M-Sat 10-6 pm * 926-0250
Demolishing LICENSED DEMOLITION contractor. Demolition and removal, lot cleaning, debris hauling, dirt hauling 225-718-9312 Home Tear Down & Concrete Demolition. 20yrs. exp. Daryl May Construction. Lic. & Ins. 268-6915.
Dirt-Sand-Shell RICHFIELD RIVERSILT Bulk Mulch Products, Limestone, gravel, mason sand, fill sand, top soil & riversilt. Residential & contractors. 766-6091 DIRT, SAND, GRAVEL, Pine Mulch & Limestone. Evenly spread. Flwr. Bed Mix. Lot grading, mowing. 355-4051 anytime. H.C. Kinchen. DIRT, SAND & GRAVEL. Tractor avail. Lot grading, driveways form & finish, house pads. Swimming pool fill-in. Dave, 939-2192 DIRT, GRAVEL, LIMESTONE, Mason & fill sand. Tractor work, swimming pool demo & fill in. 225-261-3953 Crushed concrete; top soil limestone, mason sand, clay & gravel. 8 yard truck. Matt Waldrep 225-281-2111 DIRT, BASIN SAND, Gravel, Tractor work available. 225-931-4468/225-262-0961 Dirt Mason and Fill Sand, Gravel, Lime Stone, Same Day Service! 225-663-0710
Doors JIM JEANSONNE. 766-1268. Replace, adjust & fine tune doors. Lic/Bonded.
Drywall Finishing Sheetrock Repair 30 yrs. Exp- No Job Too Small. John Langlois 225-223-0790 Steve Sheetrock & Painting No job to big or small Free Est. 225-588-2468
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Call 225-921-2633
TRIPLE J - Res/Comm electrical. Generator sales / serv, appl repair & more. Lic, bond & ins. 573-1994
Gutters/Gutter Cleaning *Quality Gutters & Patios* Low Prices/Free Estimates Licensed/Insured 223-8848
Handyman CARP / CONC, elec, plumb, mtl bldg, mbl hm, dr inst, bthrm wk. 225-385-3853. HANDYMAN one call does it all. 24/7 service. Call Aaron at 225-239-3317. THE HANDYMAN, all your home care needs avail. 24/7 James @ 225-287-9499
Hauling LA CASH 4 Your Wrecked Or Junk Cars. $200-$300 More for Newer Running Cars. Call 225-715-4852. TRASH DEBRIS, Dirt work, BUSH HOGGING , concrete break-out and haul away. Call 225-252-6266 Trash Hauling, Debris Remov., Trailer Rental, Odd Jobs, Painting 225-235-1455 BIG CASH FOR JUNK CARS. FREE TOWING 225-302-6455
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Lawn Service & Landscaping, Maint. Call For Free Estimates 225-436-2757 AFFORDABLE LAWN CARE Commercial & Residential. Call 225-615-5133
Fencing IRON FENCES, Gates & Rails. Licensed & Insured. Call 225-753-1217.
LAMINATE $1.50/SF. Tile $2.00/SF. (Installer) 20yrs. exp. Free Est. 225-243-5540
MAGGIO CONCRETE Driveways, patios, sidewalks, parking areas. Res/ Comm'l foundations. Also breakout & haul away concrete. INSURED…After you call the rest, call the best.225-266-7764/448-0803
Prefer Small Jobs Lic & Ins 225-715-3064
DRIVEWAYS, SIDEWALKS, Patios, 40 years exp. Call Frank at 225-229-0851.
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Stevens Construction INC. Concrete, asphalt, dirt wrk Res./ Comm'l., 40 yrs. exp. Culverts, parking lot, drives. Found's, limestone. " WE DO QUALITY WORK " 225-647-7088 * 225-744-3925 Licensed & Insured Demo/Drainage/Trucking
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Kentucky Oaks/ Derby tickets w/ parking pass. Call 225-664-7316/953-2075.
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225-755-8383 A Christian Cleaning Lady Same person every time. Excellent references. Customized cleaning for you.
Charlene 225-776-8168
Serving the B.R. area since 1984. Lic., bonded & insured. Screened, trained, exp. maids. 225-664-9053 Triple D's House Cleaning Service - Holiday, moving, spring cleaning. No job too big or small. We'll get it done! 225-571-6187 PJ'S OFFICE & HOME Cleaning. "We do the cleaning, you do the rest." Lic. Bonded, Ins. 225-2362205
Locally owned & op 30 yrs. Ins./Bonded. 225-756-3900. LUCKY MAID- Move in/out, gen. & spring clean. 3 hrs/ $70 4 hrs/$90. 225-202-2894 TRY THE BEST! Also strip & wax. Apts starting at $50. Res./Comm. 225-590-6906
House Washing Ballard's House Washing Since 1973, 15K + houses washed. Call 225-921-4101.
Land Clearing DOZER WORK, LOGGING and PULPWOOD HAULING. Call 225-247-2719
Land Clear/Dirt *CLEARING * DRIVEWAYS* House Pads* Stump Grinding & EVERYTHING ELSE!! Call Lattie, 225-405-5229
Complete Site Prep. Clearing & Clean Up. 413-8385 Grubbing, Land Clearing, Dirt, & Pond. Dozier, Skidsteer, Escavation. 610-0879
Clearing * Good Prices!
Landscaping AA A MASTER GARDENER Landscape & Irrigation Service. Pruning & weeding Plant remove. Drainage Sod, Soils & Color We Do It All On A BudgetReg. Maintenance Senior & Vet's disc. 225-315-8356
Grounds Guys Landscape & Maintenance. Call 225753-9816 or 225-882-1797 MARTIN LAWN CARE Mowing, edging, Flower Beds, etc. Call 225-916-4802 QUALITY LAWN CARE Cut, trim, edge. Lawns start @ $25. Free Ests. 225266-3162 C&S Lawn Care, mow, edge, blow, weedeat. Free est. 225-279-1863
LAWNCARE South BR Gaston, 225-329-8737 Painting/Papering
Quality wrko25yr. Int/Ext Paint, carpentry, allflooring pressure wash, 225-272-7697
QUALITY WORK-PAINTER 25 YEARS EXP. 225-356-8338 6785
SteveThePainter 30 yr exp. Int/Ext. Sheetrock Repair, lite carpentry 225-268-7182 RETIRED TEACHER, Father & Daughter, Interior/Ext. 225-936-9256*225-654-8824 JT'S PAINTING *** Int. ext. Pressure washing & wall repair. Call 225-236-2976
Party Supplies CRAZY FUN INFLATABLES Space Jumps & Water Slides!! Call 225-328-6082
Covers, Scr. Rooms, etc. Fireman op., 225-2237249 or 225-276-5513 FOR BEST PRICES ON Patio Covers, Carports & Gutters call Mike at 225-572-9508.
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Free estimates. Kitchen & Bath repairs, leaky faucets 225-753-3538 *225-938-2487 NATHAN TODORA PLUMBFive Fold Maint., Sewer Repairs, Remodeling, Free Est. LMP #1310. 752-2819 CALL CALVIN'S Licensed/ Bonded/Insured LMP 1773. 752-5014
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Flower Bed Maint./Install, Trim, Bagging, Fence, Pres. Wash, & Painting. Save a lot of $$$. Call 225726-3787
TRIPLEJ- Elect, Appliance Repair, Generator sales/ ser. & more 225-573-1994.
weeding, trimming, mulching. Lawn & Bed Maint. Lic.
NO JOB IS TOO SMALL Plumb / Elec / Carp / Paint Lic&Insured 225-571-1201 Planning, Installations, Flowerbeds. Free Est. Call Daniel @ 225-627-3335.
ALL OUTDOOR Construction & Home Improvement, Call 225-292-4171.
BEAT ANY PRICE BY 15%, roof, carp, etc. Free elderly repair ($195). 225-9370018
House Leveling AFFORDABLE FOUNDATION Repair. House leveling & lifting. Pier homes or slabs. Level mobile homes Fully insured.
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FLOWERBED RENOVATION & Ins. Call 225-755-9016
SAMSON SERVICES, LLC Landscape, Irrigation, Drainage. Lic. horticulturist #3739. Ph: 225-938-6786 Spring Discount on Flower bed, cleanups, handcrafted arbors 993-9204
Samson Serv., LLC
Irrigation Repair & Install Irr. Lic. #0513. 225-938-6786 AMERICAN II LAWN SRVC Spring Clean-up landscaping. 50% off. 225-305-0571
TIM'S Proficient Plumbing LMP 2233. All plmbg, gas, repairs, WH's. 225-571-7853
Discount Prices * Free Del 1-800-362-3390
Pond Maintenance. Fountains, Aerators, & Vegetation Control. 225-247-3574
Pressure Washing *Action Power Cleaning* Res./Comm. Lic./Ins. Homes, buildings, patios, driveways,sidewalks, windows,decks,mobile homes & more. Free Est. 223-3206 See our ads online:
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Free est. Call 225-268-8330. DVD PRESSURE WASHING House or driveway spec. $199. Call 225-590-0267. Driveways, house, parking lots. Great rates - Starting @ $75. Call 225-936-6709 RES. and COMM. Pressure washing. 907-6946. Ask for MJ.
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Adam Campo
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RE/MAX First Prop. Mgt-Sales-Leasing 291-1234
Roofing Repair 34 YRS LOCAL EXP. in built up & all types of shingle roofing. Same crew 20 yrs., hand nail. 5 yr. leak free warranty. 225-3833072 $72/SQ. + FREE DELIVERY. Atlas archit. shingles. All other top brands at discount prices. Offer Ends 5/17/15. 225-975-1764
Any type Roof, Painting & Carpentry Wrk Over 40 yrs exp. FreeEsts. Jim 338-6809 SECURITY ROOFING LLC Free Est. Over 35 yrs exp.
SUNRISE Roofing & Const. Lic. * Fully Insured * BBB Free est. 225-272-2181 NEED ROOF? 225-975-1764 Est. R FREE. Best price!! 27 yrs. Local. Refs on reqst H O T L O W P R I C E S!! New Roofs, Leak Repairs Insured/guar. 225-405-0476 A-TEAM ROOFING Lic. Leaks, Repairs/Reroofing. 225- 907-3489 Expert roofer L.A.A. ROOFING Lic. & Ins. 10% disc 100% warr. 25 yrs exp. Free Est. 225-252-2958 METRO ROOFING & Repair.
Lic. & Ins. FREE ESTIMATES 225-774-7296 * 225-270-0196
Tree Service NOTICE TO READERS Sec. 6:386.1. Large material to be removed by contractor. (City) (a) Any person, business or other entity engaged in business of tree service who in the course of business fells or trims any tree, shall be responsible for the removal of the tree and its components from the premises where the tree was felled, and shall not place the tree or its components or other large lumber refuse on any part of the premises or adjoining servitudes or rights-ofway for removal. (b) If the contractor fails or refuses to remove a felled tree and/or its components, the owner of the premise shall be responsible for removing the material in accordance with subsection (a), (c) Anyone violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or six (6) months imprisonment or both. (Ord. No. 9838, & 1. 2-23-94) Cleaning Out Your Attic? Garage Sales can turn your stuff into bucks. Call 1-800-960-6397 to place your ad
Tree Service NOTICE TO READERS To the best of our knowledge, all ads under Tree Service in the Business Service Directory represent legitimate offerings by responsible contractors. However, The Advocate does recommend that readers exercise normal business caution in responding to ads, in particular where up-front money is requested. For license details visit
$50 Almost Any
tree removed minus stump. Most Stumps $20. Doug's Tree Svs. Lic/Ins. FIREWOOD Free Est. 225-333-8593 QUALITY TREE SERVICE Exp. Climber. Lot clearing. Bobcat on site. Fully Ins. & lic. Free Stump Grinding when tree is removed. Call Jay now 225-205-9875 Affordable TREE Service Sr. Disc. Free est. Jesus saves! Your work is a blessing 225-343-0670. ***A2Z TREE REMOVAL*** We make quality tree and stump removal affordable. 225-445-3723 Samson Serv., LLC * Cert. Arborist #6769A. Stump grinding. Affordable rates! Call 225-938-6786. Steve Robins Tree Service 50 Yr Exp * Lic. & Ins. Free Est- EBR. 225-925-0610 Professional Tree Service. $$ Reasonable Prices $$ Phone: 225-302-3193
Miscellaneous Information
Would you like to increase your business and increase your profits?
Put the Business Services Directory to work for you for as low as
$124.20 per month.
Give us a call at
1-800-960-6397 We'll give you all the details.
DEADLINE for Business Directory ads - 2:00 p.m. NOTICE TO READERS To the best of our knowledge, all ads in the Business Service Directory represent legitimate offerings by responsible contractors. However, The Advocate does recommend that readers exercise normal business caution in responding to ads, in particular where upfront money is requested.
BUSY SEASON? Need Extra Help? Call Classified to get the help you need. CALL 1-800-960-6397
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Computer Personnel
IT Helpdesk – Coordinator 1
(1 Position Located in Baton Rouge) POSITION #: 0288 CORE RESPONSIBILITIES: ● Provide statewide installation, configuration, maintenance and support for DHH owned: Workstations, Laptops, Thin client devices, Desktop printers, Network printers, Network communication devices, Video Conferencing Equipment, Software Applications, and all associated components, peripherals, and media. ● Manage user accounts on local PCs, select servers, and Active Directory in compliance of industry standards. ● Record service calls in web•based tracking system and utilize system to document ticket resolutions. ● Provide limited support for approved mobile devices which contain DHH’s proprietary data, including, but not limited to e•mail. Support shall be focused on ensuring that an otherwise functional device is properly configured for work related purposes. ● Train and assist end users on technical issues as a form of preventative maintenance. ● In the event of disaster, take appropriate actions to ensure continuity of operations in accordance with previously documented and Department approved plans. ● Travel to various sites as needed to carry out assigned duties. ● Identify, diagnose, and assist with resolution of network issues as related to end user problems. ● Restore data from backup systems using designated applications as needed for end user support. ● Manage all assigned issues being handled by other internal IT units or external contractors. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: ● Bachelor’s degree. ● Excellent analytical skills, effective organizational and time management skills. ● Great attention to detail and follow up, and verbal/written communications skills. ● Excellent problem solving/troubleshooting skills. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Applicants should submit a cover letter, resume (including salary requirement), a copy of transcripts (if applicable) and 3 letters of reference to Mark Smith at with the job title in the email subject line. Please see our complete ad at s All applicants will be considered for employment without regard to retirement status and without regard to an applicant’s having previously accused the UL System Board or any of its universities of unlawful discrimination. Retirement status shall not be considered in the hiring process by any University in the UL System.
The University of New Orleans is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity employer. Women, ethnic minorities, veterans and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply
Also Check our Business Services Directory Looking for a mature female to care for mother with dementia. Live in MF. Flat rate/month. For more info. Call 225-6033901
15 DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED NOW! Become a driver for Empire Express! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! New Drivers can earn $800+ per week! Call for details!
DRIVERS NEEDED. Class A or B license req. $650/wk + benefits. 25 yrs or older, 5 days/ 50 hr work wk. Able to work Saturdays. Apply in person. 2746 Berlin Dr., Baton Rouge, LA 70814 ASSOCIATED GROCERS 18/hr - Home Every Night $1,000 Sign-On Bonus Guaranteed 40 hours/wk Class A CDL w/6 mo. exp. Call 225-444-1262 Apply online at
Local, OTR & Tanker jobs at Schneider National NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! EARN $750 PER WEEK! Local CDL training!
CDL DRIVER NEEDED for loc. Chem. Co. Must have Class A w/X Endors. TWIC Card, & Clean Drug Scrn. M-F 7:30-4:30, very min. wkend or overnight. Exc. Benefits incl. 401K, Health, Vac, Holidays, Sick Pay. Pay DOE. Call 225-924-3405 CDL CLASS A & B DRIVERS needed. H-end. & TWIC helpful. Min 2 yrs exp. Baton Rouge, Port Allen & Hammond areas. Call Dependable Source at 225-930-9372.
Local Construction Co seeks CDL DRIVER. Apply in person 16444 Strain Road, BR. 225-272-4599 CDL Drivers needed (Class A OR B ) for flatbed with forklift experience and Class D Drivers for Box Truck. Clean MVR & Exc Customer Service skills required. Local Lumber yard. Call 225-618-3595 or 985-218-9438.
The Advocate
CRACKER BARREL STORES Accepting applications for: Qualified GASOLINE TRANSPORT DRIVERS Must have CDL with Hazmat Endorsement.
Competitive pay, 5day workweek, Quarterly safety bonus, Group medical, 401K and paid vacation. Home every night! Apply in person 12221 Industriplex, Baton Rouge, LA OR call Jim 225-756-6749
Engineers/ Chemists
Up to $80,000
Yearly Average $1,500 SIGN-ON BONUS ● Earn up to $20.25/hr + OT ● Average 60 cents per mile!!! ● 50 hours per week GUARANTEED ● 75% Out & Back Minimum Reloading ● Paid Vacations & Holidays ● Bonuses, Benefits & MORE! CDL-A w/X end., TWIC & 1 yr. chemical OTR exp REQ'D
To apply, call or go online w/your 3 yr emp history
800-366-4910 EOE
Visit our website for all job listings:
TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED CDL CLASS A REQUIRED CALL 504-415-5263 DRIVER CDL CLASS A - B.R. Constr. Co. Must have exp. w/ tri-axle dump truck & trailer dumps. Lowboy exp a plus. Good driving record. Fill out an application M-F 8-4 9143 S Tiger Bend Rd. 70817 EOE ***Appliance Delivery*** Drivers & Helpers Needed. Deliver and Install Appl's. 40+hrs, Benefits! Bckgrnd check req'd. 225-749-7818 Same Day Delivery Drivers Independent Contractors Immediate Hire Part Time Full Time. Must have your own vehicle, and smart phone. Applications by email
Heavy Hauler/Truck Driver Immed. FT position available in Port Allen area for truck driver w/ min. 3yrs. EXPERIENCE to pull lowboy, winching and able to operate/load heavy const. equipment. Clean CDL and TWIC card req'd. Sal. DOE, health ins, pd. hol., 401K. Marchand Construction, 1718 Lobdell Hwy., Port Allen, LA. HIRING Qualified Flatbed Drivers with Class A CDL. Medical card, clean MVR & forklift experience A+. Must be able to pass drug and background test. Min. age 23 w/2 yrs exp. Apply at Woerner Landscape. 13278 Airline Hwy. MIXER DRIVERS Baton Rouge and the outlying metro area. $16.57/hour. Class A or B. CDL (must have or be willing to obtain air brakes) & truck driving experience; good safety & driving records. Health insurance, PTO leave, 401k, &paid vacation & holidays. 8806 S. Choctaw Dr. Baton Rouge, LA M-F 8-4 EOE M/F
Owner /Operators WANTED ASAP!!! Gross up to $125,000 YEARLY MXD Group is offering enterprising people like you the opportunity to join us. Good MVR, credit, up front money & cust svc skills required along with ownership or the ability to lease a 26’ straight truck, will put you in charge of your Own Business in your area. For further assistance call Yohance Neal, 832-473-0559
Delivery Driver
Base Rate $12.00 - $14.00 per hour plus overtime (Depending on Experience) Applicant must have Class A, B, or D License, one year truck driving experience & a good driving record
TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVER needed for Flatbed Regional Operation. Positions in Houma & New Orleans, LA area. Must have 1 yr OTR exp. Call 504-920-7276
Local Class – A DRIVERS
Once employed, an opportunity to earn up to $18.00 plus overtime
Stable, steady work, good benefits package,
Quarterly/Annual Performance Incentives, Paid Holidays and Vacation, Medical Insurance and 401k Retirement Savings Plan
we will train experienced drivers to haul our products! CDL-A, 1-year experience required. Must have good driving/ work history. Call
Drug & Alcohol Free Workplace Apply Online @
to find out more!
Are you looking for employment? Do you like working with the public? Do you own a van? Please call 225-610-3090
Driver For Lowboy Pulling Hvy equip & dump truck driver $20hr. 664-4232 EOE
Become a driver for Stevens Transport! NEW DRIVERS CAN EARN $850/WEEK! NO CDL? No problem! We can help get you trained!
DRIVER WANTED to run team. Must have CDL with Hazmat and tank endorsement. Min. 3 yrs OTR exp. Call 225-394-8413, leave message. Driver/Laborer. $12 hour. Position requires a valid DL, reliable transportation, and insurance. Class A CDL Drivers- cross country. FT. ROP: 20+ per hour DOE. Position requires a clean driving record & valid medical card Call 225-930-0685 or email DRIVERS NEEDED Denham Springs, LA TWIC card required.
Call 225-333-8241
Livingston Parish TWP (Work Release) seeking F/T and P/T drivers. Must have class D License. Fax resume to (225) 686-3318. For more info 225-686-3315 CLASS A DRIVERS & OO. Must be 25 yrs or older with 3 yrs tractor trailer exp. Local NO/BR. Call 225-383-3100
Drivers CDL-A
Co-$2500 Sign-On, Excellent Pay Package & Outstanding Benefits! O\Op's-$4000 Sign-On + 76% of line haul! 855-252-1634
JM Test Systems DRIVERS
Delivery/pickup of equipment. Fax 225-927-0036 Class A CDL Drivers needed for local trailer spotting company. Must have clean MVR. Top pay and benefits! Home every day/night. For an immediate hiring possibility please call 678-771-2924. Cleaning Out Your Attic? Garage Sales can turn your stuff into bucks. Call 1-800-960-6397 to place your ad
● Must live within 35-50 mile radius of Hammond, LA & be willing to commute daily ● $.39 - $.40/mile starting pay ● Average $55k+ per year ● Home daily & weekends ● Excellent benefit & top of the line equipment ● Class A CDL and 21 years old – student with new CDL welcome to apply
or visit Local Environmental company seeking experienced
Must be willing to work weekends and have TWIC and OSHA cards. Apply in person at 3122 S. Ruby, Gonzales, LA 70737.
Engineers/ Chemists
1360 Engineer II in Baton Rouge, LA. Analyze critical piping systems & equipment loading on basis of petrochemical industry codes & standards. Mail resumes to R. Longo, Ref# 15621, CDI Corporation, 17177 Preston Rd., Ste. 300, Dallas, TX 75248. CDI Corporation 4041 Essen Lane, Ste 100 Baton Rouge 225-663-4600 TEQPRO Prof. Serv, Inc. Eng/Designer 225-292-9500 JACOBS ENGINEERING Local & Global Opport. CRA Engineering Group (225) 927-4249
FORD, BACON & DAVIS, LLC All Disciplines of Engr/Designers/3D Design.
ALL CRANE OF LOUISIANA Now hiring Crane Operators, Class A - CDL Truck Drivers, Mechanics, Crawler Mechanics & Erectors to join our team. Must pass drug test, competitive pay & benefits. Fax: 225-673-9099 Email: sb@ allcranelouisiana. com
TIG COMBO WELDER Must be able to pass a welding test (xray). Fitting is required. $20+ DOE. Submit resume to: jviccellio@savard and call 225-930-0685
Hargrove Engineers + Constructors H&K Engineering 225-448-5500 Hunt, Guillot & Associates 8555 United Plaza Blvd Job Title:
Seeking a
Baton Rouge based
Job Summary: Responsible for operating, maintaining and repairing systems and equipment to insure a high level of reliability that supports a mission critical facility. Duties & Responsibilities: ● Monitor, record and analyze logs & readings ● Respond to occupant service requests and projects as required ● Repairs and preventive maintenance to building systems ● Supervise all contractors ● Assist with Facilities projects as directed by Supervisor Requirements: ● High school graduate or GED and formal trade school or similar training required. ● Minimum 8 years experience performing building engineering operations & equipment maintenance with 3 yrs experience in a mission critical environment. ● Proficient in Microsoft Excel, Word and PowerPoint ● Experience in the operation of centrifugal chiller plants, VAV systems, computer room A/C units, building automation systems, UPS and battery systems, emergency generators and life safety systems ● Strong knowledge in general building maintenance. Interested candidates shall apply by sending resume to
CRA Engineering Group, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Conestoga-Rovers & Associates and has openings for the following:
● BSME and 10-15 years of experience in design support of pressure vessels, sizing and selection of rotating equipment, and piping systems for industrial plant engineering projects. ● Seeking balance of excellent technical skills and leadership ability to supervise engineers and design/ drafting staff. ● Registered PE in Louisiana required. ● Baton Rouge Office position
● BSCE with 5-10 years of civil/ structural design engineering experience across a wide variety of industrial facility applications. ● Registered PE in Louisiana required. ● Baton Rouge Office position.
LINK 225-275-7272 A/C INSTALLER. Must be dependable & have valid DL. (3) yrs. exp required. Call 225-266-9000 or fax resume to 225-791-6088. A/C Service Technician Person Needed. Must be dependable & have valid DL. (3) yrs. exp required. Call 225-266-9000 or fax resume to 225-791-6088. A/C Installer, Rough In, Change Out & Sheet Metal Specialist. EXP. ONLY! Top Pay & Benefits. Apply in person 7360 Tom Drive. Hiring A/C Installer/Helper Apply in person at 5204 Main St. in Zachary A/C SERVICE TECH. Pd vac, hol. + comm. Immediate start. Pol-Air, 225-926-7700. Accepting resumes for Senior DRI Process and Operations Specialist in Convent, Louisiana. Duties include day-to-day development and technical support for the commissioning, maintenance, and shutdown of DRI operations to supply EAFs; continuous improvement for safe production of the highest quality DRI while minimizing costs; maintenance of distributive control systems to troubleshoot failures, including pressures, gas mixes, and iron quality; development and implementation of DRI production training programs; ensuring ISO compliance for safe handling and store of DRI; and working with production, management, maintenance, and environmental personnel to formulate quality control standards and operational best practices. Must have technical, operation, and leadership experience of DRI process to supply EAFs, and with the Midrex DRI and Tenova HYL DRI process technology within a steel making process. Minimum requirements are a U.S. Bachelor’s degree or foreign equivalent in Engineering, Metallurgy, or related field and six years of experience in DRI production processes; or in the alternative, eight years of relevant experience in DRI production processes. Send resume to: Nucor Louisiana, Attn: Senior DRI Process and Operations Specialist Position, 9101 Highway 3125, Convent, Louisiana 70723. **NO HEADHUNTER OR THIRD PARTY AGENCY INQUIRIES PLEASE** Help Needed for air testing, smoke stacks & Ignition exhaust. Must have exp. Call 225-405-5229
AMMON Staffing 8116 One Calais Ave (225) 293-1171
We are looking for a residential Appliance Technician with a min. of 5 yrs. exp., who can troubleshoot and service most makes and models, including digital. You must take true pride in your craft and be able to meet high quality standards. Absolutely do not call unless you have excellent customer service skills and attitude. Also, only call if you are of high moral character and interested in far more than a job. This is a permanent, very high income opportunity. Home360, Inc. (225) 767-4000 EXP. AUTO BODY TECH wanted For Gonzales Shop. High Quality. Great Hours. Bnfits. 225-644-0057 AUTOMATION PERSONNEL 11445 Coursey Blvd 225-296-0605.
AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC Immediate opening for an auto mechanic with A/C experience. ASE certification a plus. Excellent salary and benefits package. Fax resume to Mechanic at 225-756-8005
●BS in Engineering and 5-10 years of supporting multidiscipline project scoping, developing funding estimates, and coordination of detailed design through IFC issuance for small-midsized petrochemical capital projects. ● Multiple locations available for plant assignments in Geismar and Convent areas. Qualified applicants should respond with resume to:
CRA Engineering
Group, Inc. 5551 Corporate Blvd. Suite 300 Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Telephone (225) 927-4249 Fax (225) 925-2897 Willbros Engineers, LLC. 225-612-6219
Financial/ Accounting
A/P Clerk Temp to Perm
Young, outgoing "u" needed; strong A/P handing large volume. Must have some college. Great opportunity. Call Toni at Job Temps, 225-937-3752, email or fax 208-1298
SJB GROUP, LLC Surveying CAD Tech
ACCOUNTANT, 3 yrs+ exp req, eng exp a+. $45-$55K+ benefits. Email resume to: Mona@Corporate
SJB GROUP, LLC Seeking Survey Field Personnel No exp req'd Survey Instrument Tech 2-3 yrs exp req'd Competitive salary & excellent benefits Apply online
has immediate opening for a Part Time Accounts Payable Specialist. Visit for more details and to apply. EOE
Industrial Tech. Skills
Furmanite Technical Sol. Ph: Number: 225-296-1506 web:
Industrial Tech. Skills
Campus Federal
FLEET BOAT PILOT SGS Petroleum Service Corporation is accepting applications for a relief fleet boat pilot to work on an as-needed basis. You must meet the following qualifications in order to apply: • • •
Have a current US Coast Guard Western Inland License; Have a current Radar Endorsement; At least 2 years experience as a river pilot.
View the full job description and apply online at or call 225-343-8262 ext. 255 for more information.
SGS Petroleum Service Corporation is an EOE/AA/M/F/Vet/ Disability Employer. CARPENTER NEEDED - Only Skilled With Tools Need Apply. MUST Email To
Carpenter w/ exp. in Commercial Concrete Construction. Must be able to layout & set forms. Competitive pay and benefits. Call 225-261-1683. MARCHAND'S INTERIOR and Hardware is looking for experienced Contractors to help with kitchen and bath remodel projects. Experience necessary in one or more of the following: plumbing, electrical, sheetrock work, and finish carpentry. Please email resume to
Combo Welders needed for job in Australia for turn-around. ROP: $40 per hour plus per diem. Travel expenses and meals taken care of. Working 6 days a week. Fitter Helpers. Baton Rouge. Full time. Understand fractions, tape measures, pie tape. framing squares, band saws, stationary drills and grinding wheels. ROP:DOE. Industrial Maintenance Technician with previous plant experience. Able to do maintenance on plant equipment involving gears, chains, barrings etc. Shift work. Full time. ROP $17 CARPENTER HELPERS. FT. Baton Rouge. Position requires a clean background. 40+ hours a week. Pay Rate starts at $10/hr. Email resumes to: and call 225-930-0685 James Construction Group Call 225-677-9023 or 1-800-995-5102 CONSTRUCTION JOB COST ACCOUNTANT METAIRIE OFFICE BARRIERE CONSTRUCTION CO., L.L.C. We are currently accepting resumes for the position of Construction Job Cost Accountant for our Financial Division. B.S. Degree in accounting & at least 2 yrs. experience in accounting a must. Must have good organizational & communication skills, a bookkeeping background required, construction cost accounting a plus, must be multi-tasked oriented, able to work in a fast paced environment & meet daily/weekly deadlines. Some data entry, auditing / balancing of daily job cost information. Must be proficient in Microsoft Word & Excel (MS Access a plus). Barriere offers an excellent benefit package which includes a 401(k) plan. Please email resume to or mail to: Human Resources Assistant, One Galleria Blvd., Suite 1650, Metairie, LA 70001, or fax to 504-5812270. Please see our website @
$2000 Sign On Bonus If you’re not earning the kind of income you deserve, call us. We are looking for Carpenters, with a min. of 10 yrs. exp., who would like to specialize in large, midsize and small Residential Remodeling and Repair work. You must take true pride in your craft and have excellent communication skills with the ability to meet high work quality standards. Must have a positive customer service attitude. This is a permanent, exceptionally high income opportunity. Only call if you are interested in far more than a job. Home360, Inc. (225) 767-4000
Home improvement company seeking Full Time Multi-Skill Craftsman for remodeling & repair work in the Baton Rouge area. Transportation, tools, background check, drug test req. Send resume to: Hiring Manager PO Box 82409, Baton Rouge, LA 70884
Industrial Tech. Skills
Overhead Crane Technician :
Required Skill Sets Sound understanding of theory and practical application of the following: Knowledge of 460v/3phase power. Read and draw electrical control schematics. Electric motor control circuitry. Rotating machinery & mechanical aptitude. Provide work history that demonstrates the above. Job requirements: Travel. Work at heights / elevated positions. Have own tools. Experience in servicing and repair of overhead Hoists & cranes and industrial elevators a plus. Email Jeremy.mansur@ Call 225-752-4884 or 225-955-0928 for more info.
Now Hiring Exp Deckhands For Appt Call 985-652-2551
Now Hiring Diesel Mechanic Helper w/Handyman Skills. For Appt Call 985-652-2551
Now Hiring Captains and Deckhands Pushing dry cargo and chemical barges on the ICWW and LMR. Steady work and benefit package. Fleet & Live On Positions. Call 225-343-1951 or Apply Online @ www.
We are looking for Electricians with a min. 5 yrs. exp who would like to specialize in residential and light commercial troubleshooting and service work. Must have or be able to obtain your LA State Elec. Contractor's License. Must have excellent communication skills & the ability to meet high work quality standards. Must have a positive customer service attitude. This is a permanent, exceptionally high income opportunity. Only call If you are interested in far more than a job. Home360, Inc. (225) 767-4000
Industrial Tech. Skills
Construction Electrician for facility located in BATON ROUGE, Experience in all aspects of industrial electrical installation & maintenance. Only experienced motivated individuals need apply. Must be a self starter with clean driving record. Willing to work overtime. Great benefits. Please send qualifications to fax # 985429-9011 or email to cathi.anderson@
MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN Full Time Electrical or HCAC Required
For more information call 225-231-3113 or email
APT MAINT - HVAC, Plumbing, Elect., Paint. $30-35K yr. Some Bnft. 225926-3440 HIRING! Certified HVAC Technician/Maintenance Man Call 225-292-2350
ISO QUALIFIED Manual Machinists
Calvin's Maint is hiring ● Electricians ● Handymen ● Plumbers Must have truck and tools. Apply at 14653 Terrell Rd BR 70816 or call 752-5014 BREC is seeking skilled equipment operators with CDLs; Experience with backhoes, tractors, loaders, dozers, and other related equipment; park/ lawn maint exp preferred; HS diploma or equiv req; FT yr round work; great benefits package;
or apply at 6201 Florida Blvd. EOE.
Equipment Operator
Busy industrial cleaning contractor needs motivated persons for hydro blasting and vacuum work. Experience welcome but not necessary. Must be able to pass extensive drug testing. TWIC and OSHA card required. Apply @5266 Gateway Dr, Geismar LA 70734 Monday thru Thurs 9 am to 2 pm, Mark Blanchard Local Construction Co seeks Excavator Operator Apply in person 16444 Strain Road, BR. 225-272-4599 EXCEL: Skilled Crafts positions.
Exp. Mechanic w/ Tools.
$$ Great Pay & Benefits $$ Call Eddie at 225-337-9148 Needed Immediately ● Vessel Fabricator w/10 years experience. ● Plate Roller w/burning table exper. Call Mark, 225-749-2871 ext 210 Concrete/Asphalt/ Utility Contractor, Looking for Foreman in BR/Hammond. Salary $52K-$60K with full benefits. Please call 504304-7794 OR email to: Heavy Equip. MECHANIC needed for local construction company. Great pay and benefits. Apply in person 9143 S. Tiger Bend Road. No phone calls please. EOE Heavy Equipment Op needed w/exp in all phases of new construction. Email resume or fax: 225-209-0465 Hiring Class A CDL Drivers EOE/M/F/Disabled/Veteran HVAC Certified Technician for commercial work. FT. Baton Rouge. Rate of pay is DOE Railroad Supervisor with construction and maintenance of track experience. Full time. ROP:DOE Railroad Track Laborers with previous exp. Scott Geismar, La. Full time ROP $16+DOE. Email resumes
Crane Operator Training Lift Tech and River Parish Community College will be hosting a Crane Operator Training Program Summer 2015. See ad under Schools
Industrial Tech. Skills
Diesel Equipment Mechanics: $17-25/HR DOE FT. Baton Rouge Structural Welders and Structural Fitters. Fluxcore welding. Full time. Brusly Louisiana. Please call 225-647-6800 Email resumes to: or call 225-930-0685 HVAC TECH & INSTALLER needed. Call 985-229-4112. *************************
for growing company. Long term position for career minded individual. Must be able to work as member of Team. Pump experience is a plus. Preferably mechanically inclined. Welder certification a plus. Reply to
Diesel Engine, Hydraulic & Electrical Systems Excellent Pay & Benefits Call Ken at 225-753-0541
SIMPLE SIMON CAR CARE Mechanic Trainee $14/hr to start if you qualify. Paid vacation & hospitalization. Call 225-756-7077Formosa Plastics, Baton Rouge Area Global Chemical Company Seeking candidates for the following Maintenance positions: Vibration TechnicianHigh School Diploma/GED and completion from a technical college or an associate of science from an accredited institution with a concentration in a mechanical or industrial environment. Preferable experience or certification as level 1vibration analyst. Collect, analyze and report status of route based industrial rotating equipment. Previous experience in Thermal imaging, ultrasound detection, field balancing, alignments are a plus. Millwright/Mechanic High School Diploma/GED with 6 or more years of industrial Mechanics/ millwright experience. NCCER Certification required. Refrigeration Technician High School Diploma/GED with a Certificate of Refrigeration, one to three years on York (Johnson Controls) YK Maxe Chiller. Company offers a competitive salary with an excellent benefit package to include: medical, dental, and prescription insurance, STD and LTD insurance, and life insurance. Benefits also include a cash balance pension plan, 401k plan and flexible spending account. Please mail resume to: Attn: Human Resources P O BOX 271 Baton Rouge, LA 70821 or Email resume to: employment3@
FRP Project Managers, FRP Superintendents, Fiberglass Techs and Rubber Liners wanted with at least 2 years’ experience. Valid Driver’s license, TWIC and OSHA required. Apply at Thorpe Plant Services Inc., 3605 Delta Dr., St. Gabriel, LA 70776 or call for more information 225-642-8060.
needed with experience in training new employees on job tasks and safety. Must be capable of developing training materials and must keep accurate training records. PowerPoint skills desirable as well as good computer and organizational skills. Job is located at a St. Gabriel Chemical Plant. Benefits include health, life ins, and 401(k). Apply in person only at Brown-Eagle 5330 Dijon Dr. Baton Rouge, LA Equal Opportunity Employer AA/M/F/D/V Industrial Painters needed! Exp. necessary. Must pass drug screen. Call 225-756-4593 for appt. to fill out application. EXP RES. INSTALLER & EXP SERVICE TECH. Clean driving record. Drug-free Envir. Pay DOE, Bnfts. Ascension Area. 225-644-3575 A & M Heating and Air Local business now hiring Utility Foreman. Exp. in all phases of new construction. Work mainly in B.R. area. Fax resume to: 225-209-0465 or email: Local Constr. Comp. seeking a Journey Carpenter. Immediate need for Roofing & Siding Crews. Earn $50k/yr. 650-6023/317-0409. LOCAL Business seeking exp'd Maint. personnel for large fleet of vehicles/ equipment. Must have good driving record. Send resume to P.O. Box 250, Denham Springs, LA 70727.
$$ Competitive Salary and Benefit Package $$. Apply in person at: 4110 US Hwy 61, St. Francisville (15 min. North of Baton Rouge) between 7:30 AM & 4 PM or email: humanresources@
or visit our website at
Requirements: Apply with any skill level. Must be able to pass a physical and drug screen and work well as part of a team. Tools and reliable transportation.
Samuel, Son & Co., Limited operates business units associated w/the distribution, transportation, processing & manufacturing of metals & industrial products. We now have an opening for a Foreman for our Baton Rouge, LA facility. Description: This position is responsible for managing & overseeing all the functions of the warehouse & ensuring smooth operations of all activities. These activities include warehouse operations, maintenance, shipping & receiving, delivery scheduling, warehouse supplies, & any related material to support the sales & marketing plan of the Samuel-Baton Rouge facility. This individual is also required to handle & manage warehouse workers & adhering to necessary safety & legal procedures of working. This position reports directly to the General Manager. The Skills & specifications required for this position are as follows: • The person needs to have the excellent leadership, management, planning, motivation, analysis & observation skills. • Ability to communicate/manage workers efficiently. • This person should have deep knowledge about Warehouse operations, shipping & receiving procedures & safety measures. The ideal candidate will demonstrate initiative, efficiency & be an effective communicator. We offer a competitive salary & benefits program. Samuel, Son & Co. Inc. 1848 Beaumont Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70806 c/o B. Victory Or via facsimile 225-927-0280 Via Email: NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE!
Samuel, Son & Co. Inc. will require a background check & drug screen for this position. Samuel, Son & Co. Inc. EOE MFVD
Sanitation Checker
Associated Grocers Full-Time. Second & Third positions available. Responsible for maintaining an inspection ready facility by leading the sanitation department. Knowledge of Warehouse Sanitation equipment, manpower & equipment utilization, and Microsoft Office Applications preferred. All-inclusive benefits package offered. Apply online at
Sign On Bonus!
Check our jobs! Advantage Personnel
Industrial Job Training Coordinator
Red Stick Armature has immediate openings for: Manual Machinists Electric Motor, Pump, & Gearbox Mechanics Electric Motor Winders Millwrights Electricians
DishNetwork Installation One-on-One Workshops Start A New Career Now!
Call 337-780-4065 or
PLANT SERVICES MANAGER The Plant Services Manager monitors the performance of the Maintenance Technician staff. Assists with routine repairs/maintenance, outside service vendors on major repairs, schedules fire drills campus-wide, monitors campus fire safety. Maintains inventory in maintenance shop. H.S. Dip./GED required. Formal education in AC repair is preferred; min. (5) years of supervised maintenance exp. with training in AC, plumbing, electrical and appliance repair required. Computer usage skills. Prior management experience preferred. Full-time, excellent benefits packet. Apply now at
Or visit our website at EOE/Drug Free/ Smoke Free Workplace
Exp Plumber
needed for service work. Call 225-664-7186 LIC. PLUMBER & HELPER Great salary & benefits. Apply at 15016 Florida Blvd or call 225-929-9510. Retired Plumber- work at shop to stock trucks, F/T & benefits. 225-929-9510 Shipping Rec. Inv Control Pkg. Good driving record CDL/TWIC. Clean cut. Bfts Drug free. Send resume to PO Box 45445, BR LA 70895.
If you’re not earning the kind of income you deserve, call us. We are looking for Licensed Plumbers who perform Drain Cleaning and would like to specialize in residential and light commercial service work, drain cleaning, sewer repair and replacement. Must have excellent communication skills and the ability to meet high work quality standards along with a positive customer service attitude. This is a permanent, extremely high income opportunity. Only call if you are interested in far more than a job. Home360, Inc. (225) 767-4000
Slotting Checker
Associated Grocers Full-Time. Perform daily product slot layout to ensure that all products are positioned in the proper area and the optimal product placement is achieved. Warehouse experience preferred. Knowledge of Microsoft Excel required. Ability to lift up to 60lbs required. Must be able to work as early as 3AM-5AM. Exceptional benefits package offered. Apply online at TOOL REPAIRMAN NEEDED Local distributor servicing the Contractor market seeking FT repairman. Experience preferred. Salary DOE, M-F. Fax resume to HR @ 225-755-8380 or email to
The Advocate Industrial Tech. Skills
Industrial Tech. Skills
Superintendent Safety and Health
Southland Steel Fabricators Inc.
PCS Nitrogen Geismar, LA
Greensburg, LA
Candidates needs to have a degree from a recognized accredited university, with a preference a Bachelor of Science degree in a safety related field. Prefer a minimum of 10 years of direct related and progressively responsible experience in safety and health. Other degrees may be considered depending on a minimum of 3-5 years of safety related work experience. CIH, CSP and other certifications are considered a plus but not required. Responsible and accountable for the planning, developing, implementation, maintenance and management of all activities and elements of the plant SH policy, process and programs in compliance with and according to company policies and governmental regulations. Must be knowledgeable in PSM standards and the ability to oversee/participate in all elements of the PSM processes (OSHA 1910.119). Coordinates and oversees emergency response drills and security activities. Participate/Lead teams in root cause analysis methodology. Must have excellent verbal and written communication skills to assist in training and procedure development. Assist with contractor training and selection. Must be available to work flexible work schedule and extended hours as needed. Send resumes to: GeismarHRes@ EOE/MFDV Southern Louisiana Industrial Machine Shop seeking results oriented supervisor to oversee repair department. Must be experienced millwrightmachinist with at least 5 years of hands-on supervisory experience. Strong organizational skills a must. Excellent pay and benefits including paid medical, vision, dental, 401(k) with matching. Send resume to: Ad No C-746, c/o The Advocate, P.O. Box 588, BR LA 70821
Supply Chain Specialist PCS Nitrogen Geismar, LA Candidates need to have 4 to 6 years of experience in Warehouse & Inventory Control process and high school diploma or equivalency. College degree in Business or industrial Technology preferred. Experience and/or familiarity with CMMS type systems such as Oracle, Maximo, SAP or Avantis Pro is a plus. Experience in industrial warehousing preferred. Ensure that inventory practices are followed, and that the values of these assets are maximized. Coordinate and be cross trained in activities within the cycle count, receiving, issuing/picking, delivering, warehousing, shipping functions, and equipment operation. Prepare physical count schedule and coordinate the counting process of warehouse/inventory stock and repairable materials while maintaining current and accurate records meeting KPI metrics. Must be knowledgeable in warehouse management of issuing, receiving and inventory discrepancy management. Coordinate the preparation of the proper documentation for shipment of outbound materials in accordance with DOT & IATA requirements and Site policies and procedures. This position may include supervisory or temporary supervisory duties for the Warehouse Operations. Coordinate all activities with fellow employees, PotashCorp customers, suppliers and departmental management while performing assigned tasks. Must be available to work flexible work schedule and extended hours as needed. Send resumes to: GeismarHRes@ EOE/MFDV
Immediate opening in Gonzales area:
Licensed Tankerman Responsible for loading & unloading of vessels Requirements 3 or more years of experience
Competitive Wages & Benefits Applicants please ask for Monica at Turner Personnel Office at
has immediate openings for the following positions:
Welders* Fitters*
*Need experience in structural steel fabrication and flux core welding and must pass welding test.
CNC Operators CNC Foreman Maintenance Mechanic We offer competitive wages and benefits. Email resume to: human.resources@ Or apply in person at: 251 Greensburg St. Greensburg, LA 70441 Ph: 225-222-4141 Drug –free workplace EOE
Deep South Crane & Rigging NOW HIRING
(NCCCO or NCCER) F/T+ overtime & benefits. All applicants must be willing to travel and pass pre-employment urine & hair drug testing. Apply online at
Stupp Corporation is actively recruiting experienced Welders for our state of the art Spiral Pipe facility in Baton Rouge. Successful candidates will hold a degree from an accredited welding school AND possess a minimum of two years of certified experience stick welding pressure vessels. We will also accept a minimum of five years of certified pressure vessel stick welding experience in lieu of a degree. In addition, you must be willing to work a rotating shift and overtime as needed. STUPP offers extremely competitive wages and a comprehensive package of employee benefits including company funded pension and 401k match. STUPP Corporation is one of the world's premier producers of custom steel API-5L line pipe for the energy industry. Our complex, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is the largest high frequency ERW and HFI mill in North America. It is augmented by our ultramodern two step helical pipe operation and coating facility. If you are a reliable, selfmotivated individual who wants to join a strong, growing company, you owe it to yourself to check out this opportunity at STUPP by sending your resume, which must include salary history and current requirements, in confidence to: STUPP CORPORATION Attn: Human Resources 12555 Ronaldson Road Baton Rouge, LA 70807 Fax: (225)774-9158
Only those being actively considered for employment will be contacted. For more information about STUPP, visit our website at STUPP is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer.
1420 Kenilworth Science and Technology School is looking for
MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHERS & STAFF for 2015 – 2016 in all areas. Qualifications: -Bachelor's degree in a related field (required) -State teaching credential (required) -Experience working in urban schools (preferred) Benefits: -Health, Dental, Vision, and Life Insurance -5% contribution for 403b Retirement Plan -Merit-based pay -Bonus available up to $4000 Apply online at www.kenilworth -> Careers
Or visit www.
Furniture UPHOLSTERERS Needed. Top pay. Call 985-969-1946 Cleaning Out Your Attic? Garage Sales can turn your stuff into bucks. Call 1-800-960-6397 to place your ad
COMPREHENSIVE BENEFITS PACKAGE * Health/hospitalization, dental, disability & life. * 401(k) plan and company-funded retirement program * Tuition assistance for personal development
If you desire more out of life and want to build a future with a qualitydriven company, please give me a call: Western-Southern Life Ins Co Mike Kotval, LUTCF Agency Manager 3636 S Sherwood Forest Blvd, Ste 420 Baton Rouge, LA 70816 OFFICE: (225) 295-9134 DIRECT: (225) 663-7793 E-mail resume to:
Managers/ Trainees Harley-Davidson NOW HIRING
All Departments + Managers Great Pay + Benefits Part-time / Full-time Apply In Person 5853 Siegen lane 225-292-9632
MANAGERS: Call Center Manager with 3-5 yr verifiable experience. Successful candidate will help train & motivate entry level and advanced CSR's. FT & benefits. 225-765-4525 SHIPPING & RECEIVING SUPERVISOR - Diesel Specialists, a small family owned company, is hiring a Supervisor for its growing fast paced warehouse operations. This position reports directly to the Vice President and is a member of our management team. The ideal candidate must realize that our main goal is to provide the best customer experience possible. Keeping with this philosophy we are looking for an individual who can lead a warehouse team that ensures our customers receive their orders in a professional and accurate manner. Candidates must be well organized, have excellent verbal & written communication skills, be able to recognize problems, issues and opportunities, leverage resources effectively and follow established policies & procedures. Prior experience in warehousing, product distribution, and inventory control is pref. Pay $DOE, 8A-5P, M-F, 401K, Medical, Dental. Email resume to:
Or by email to
Local Construction Co seeks UTILITY FOREMAN. Apply in person 16444 Strain Road, BR. 225-272-4599
POSITION HIGHLIGHTS * Performance based rewards. * Opportunity for advancement to management * Notebook computer technology
Drug screen required E.O.E.
We are seeking individuals with motivation to work with the public, independently and diligently; with a record of achievement; with excellent verbal and written communication skills; with a positive outlook on the future.
Looking for a Career Opportunity? - Now is the time! Stupp Corp. Baton Rouge is recruiting
Pipe Repair Welders
LOOK TO THE STARS STARS make your ad stand out and get you quick results.
The Advocate
or in person at 15324 Airline Hwy.
1430 apply-online
215 Highlandia
TWIC & OSHA Required
• • • • • •
LPN (Full Time) LPN (Part Time) LPN PRN RN (Full Time) RN (Part Time) CNA/Nurse Tech Full Time • CNA/Nurse Tech Part Time • CNA/Nurse Tech PRN • Physical Therapist PRN • Van Driver PRN For more information call 225-231-3113 or email
HELP KEEP OUR SENIOR LOVED ONES AT HOME!! We’re looking for experienced men & women CAREGivers who are caring, compassionate & pet friendly to work 12 hr day, 12 hr OVNs, 2 hr morning & afternoon shifts. 24 hr Live Ins to work 7 days & have the next week off. How about w/e only 4 to 12 hr shift? Clients available in Baton Rouge, Ascension, Zachary, special assignments in DENHAM SPRINGS, Watson & other surrounding areas. Apply on line or call 225-930-4790
NOW HIRING PCA's & Caregivers. Metro BR area. Weekdays, overnight & Wknds. Drug Screen. Bkgd check req. Apply at EOE
Physical Therapist - FT CNA - PRN (Nights) LPN - PRN RN - PRN LPN - FT (Days) Apply online at www.TheNeuro
LPN’s, CNA’s & Certified Activities Director needed
at ST. FRANCISVILLE COUNTRY MANOR New pay scale implemented
Gastroenterology Associates, LLC/ Louisiana Endoscopy Center, the largest gastroenterology practice in the surrounding area is accepting resumes for the following positions: ● F/T Certified Medical Assistant Baton Rouge and Livingston Office ● F/T or P/T Endoscopy Registered Nurse ● F/T Front Desk Receptionist Competitive salary and an excellent benefit package including life, medical, dental, LTD, 401(k) and profit sharing plans. Qualified candidates may fax resume to (225) 7061608 or email resume to
Assistant Director of Patient Care Will be responsible for supervision of nursing staff; interviewing, hiring, and training patient care employees; preparation of employee work schedules; assignment of employee duties; addressing complaints and resolving problems; evaluation of nursing activities to ensure quality patient care; ordering supplies for clinic physicians; and enforcing OSHA requirements and guidelines. Must be a RN with at minimum of 2 years medical office experience and 2 years supervisory experience.
Please send your resume along with salary requirements to:
The Baton Rouge Clinic Attn: HR Manager
7373 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, LA 70808 or apply online at ****CNA - ALL SHIFTS**** Apply at: Plaquemine Caring, 59215 Riverwest Dr.
needed for daytime hours & weekend work. Experience required. Call between 8a-3p, M-F.
Assistant Radiology Manager (Full-Time) Large multi-specialty medical clinic is seeking a candidate who possesses strong managerial skills and has previous experience in a Radiology management position. Individual will be responsible for overseeing work schedules and assign duties to workers to maintain patient flow and achieve production goals of the Radiology department which encompasses x-ray, fluoroscope, CT and MRI. In addition, responsibilities include demonstrating new techniques and procedures to staff, as well as implement and monitor radiation safety measures to ensure safety of patients and staff and comply with government regulations. Candidate must have current Louisiana Radiologic Technology license as well as current certification with ARRT. We offer a strong benefits package & salary is commensurate with experience.
Please send your resume along with salary requirements to:
The Baton Rouge Clinic Attn: HR Manager
7373 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, LA 70808 or apply online at LOUISIANA WAR VETERAN'S HOME Jackson, Louisiana CNA'S NEW RATE OF PAY! Salary based on experience. State benefits. Contact Human Resources 225-634-5265 Ext 215 or 252 225-342-8993 Ext 215 or 252 Equal Oppty Employer
Dental Office
Receptionist/ Administrative Assistant Bright energetic person with good people, phone & computer skills needed. Knowledge of dental terminology is a plus. FAX RESUME: 225-752-4162
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Office Clerical
A Medical Supply Dist. Co., is looking for an experienced service-sales liaison to provide support for sales staff. Duties: routine service calls, research product, bid, price quotes, work with manufacturer, implement product standards. Strong comm. & organ. skills. Ability to handle a full range of tasks with accuracy and minimal supervision. Additional college education preferred. 3 yrs. of Physician Office med. product knowledge or medical supply background required for consideration. Full Time M-F. Salary, benefits offered. EOE. Resumes to: regina.frey@
Must have nursing home exp. Apply within at 9919 Jefferson Hwy No phone calls, Please! ZACHARY dental office seeking front desk individual with exper. in insurance, collections, treatment plan presentation and scheduling. Fax resume to 225-654-3170.
Senior Coding Specialist The Baton Rouge General Medical Center has an immediate opening for a fulltime Senior Coding Specialist. Position will assign diagnostic and procedure codes to records of discharged patients for inpatient and/or outpatient surgery accounts. Must have previous experience with inpatient coding in an acute care hospital working with Medicare and other payors. CCS, RHIT, or RHIA certification strongly preferred. Remote coding opportunities available for this position. Qualified candidates apply online at or apply in person at the Baton Rouge General Mid City.
Dietary Manager needed
Days/Nights Vent/Trach Preferred
Call 225-273-0051
Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center, Now Hiring!
Large multi-specialty clinic in Baton Rouge seeks a highly qualified Medical Technologist to work as a generalist. Candidate must have necessary licensure. Hours are 9a-6pm.
Please send your resume along with salary requirements to:
Attn: HR Manager
7373 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, LA 70808 or apply online at
Check our jobs! Advantage Personnel
Medical Assistant needed for Prairieville Location. Need a team player w/initiative & professionalism, positive attitude, & work ethic. Req’d: 1+ yrs recent clinical exp. Prefer MA cert. Medicare & Commercial Ins helpful. Fax resume to 225-7613348 or email recruitment EOE
Medical Billers Needed!! Exp and non-Exp MSW needed for home health. Good pay. Email: Needed Exp'd Caregivers 225-930-4790 North Oaks Health System Hammond, LA (985) 230-5715 o o o o o o o o o o Now Hiring
CNA Coordinator RN Degree A Must
EARN TOP PAY TO JOIN OUR BRG Agency Program We are seeking qualified RNs who specialize in Medsurg & Telemetry to join our caring and dedicated team. We are currently offering 4, 8 or 12 week assignments. This opportunity gives you the benefits of travel assignment pay without leaving the comfort of your home. Once your contract is complete you will have the opportunity to sign for another or move into our Freedom Tier Program at the end of your commitment period. Please contact Judi Lefebvre, ManagerRecruitment & Staffing @ 225-381-6824 or judi.lefebvre@ for more information or apply on line. Find A Career At! The NeuroMedical Center
Certified Histo Tech (Full Time) Large clinic in Baton Rouge is currently seeking a Histologist for our new Histology Laboratory. The ideal candidate will have 3-5 years experience embedding, cutting, staining with small biopsies and other pertinent histology experience. Associates Degree or higher in a life science preferred but not required and must hold HT/HLT (ASCP) certification or eligible to sit for exam. Please send your resume along with salary requirements to Attn: Employment Coordinator, Fax 225-246-9105, or employment@
The Baton Rouge Clinic
7373 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Hospital Case Managers Career opportunities for experienced Acute Care and Med/Surg Case Managers at Our Lady of the Lake. Visit search keywords “Case Mgr" St James Behavioral Health Hospital RNs, LPNs, MHTs; FT, PRN Wknds. Full time LPN. Fax: 225-644-1070. Email:
JEFFERSON MANOR 9919 Jefferson Hwy 225-293-1434 LAB TECH Chemical Background w/wet testing experience helpful. Good pay w/benefits including 401K. Day Work. Send resume to PO Box 45445, BR LA 70895. Lane Regional Medical Ctr EQUAL OPPTY EMPLOYER ****LPN - ALL SHIFTS**** Apply at: Plaquemine Caring, 59215 Riverwest Dr. PRO CHOICE Clinic hiring a LPN & Medical Assistant to assist with receptionist and scrub tech skills. Fax resume to 225-924-4465. Experienced LPN or MA for physician office located in East Feliciana. Must have at least two years experience. FAX RESUME TO (225) 634 1445
Advanced Medical Asst Instructor LPN A Must Call 225-907-3310
PT/FT FIELD NURSE with Home Health exp. Fax resume: 225-274-1244.
Capitol House Family oriented company seeking energetic CNA’s to work our weekend program. Saturday/Sunday 6a-6p. Work 12 hrs & paid 16 hrs. Great company with great benefits. Apply in person @ 11546 Florida Blvd. Long Term Facility Seeking A
Monday-Friday 10P-6A. Great Company, Flexible Hours And Great Benefits. Apply In Person @ 11546 Florida Blvd.
Baton Rouge Health Care Now Taking Applications For
LPN BENEFITS 401K * PTO Apply in Person: 5550 Thomas Rd. B.R., LA, 70811
PCA - Greenwell Springs. Back Up Shift & Wekends Busy Client, 225-802-4831 *** RADIOLOGY TECH *** needed for local mobile X-ray provider. PT & PRN. Please email resume to: or fax to: 337-514-4268. Tired of your present job and looking for something new & different? Above average pay for above average workers. NO NIGHTS!!! Residential Cleaning Company Hiring 6 people. Will train. Must have car with insurance and valid drivers license. Average $14/hr + Benefits. Call 1-888-491-5664 x86001. FULL TIME RN needed for high volume OB/GYN clinic. Office hours 8:304:30 M-F. Must be dependable, energetic & able to multi task. Send resume to Ad No. C737 c/o The Advocate P.O. Box 588 Baton Rouge, LA 70821
RN Full Time & PRN Night Shift Interested applicants send resumes to or fax 225-644-1070. EOE.
Outpatient Program
Social Workers or Counselors
Positions are available on Telemetry, ICU, Emergency Room, Med-Tele, General Surgery, OrthoNeuro and Oncology. These positions are full-time, day or night & twelve hour shifts. A current LA RN license is required; experience is preferred. Interested candidates should apply online at or apply in person at the Baton Rouge General Mid City
St. Helena Parish Nursing Home Greensburg, LA
Nursing Home/ Billing Coordinator Resident Trust Fund Full Time Billing Coordinator needed. Must have experience in Medicare and Medicaid working with Resident Trust Funds in a long term care environment. St. Helena Parish Nursing Home is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. Candidates may fax a resume’ to: 225-222-3905 Or email a resume’ to: or or submit an application online to: www.sthelenaparish
After Bold...
Call 000-0000
1-800-960-6397 Snelling Personnel Serv. Please see our job listings:
has immediate opening for a Part Time Accounts Payable Specialist. Visit for more details and to apply. EOE College/Tech Students/ Retirees-Auto parts warehouse shp & rec. M-F 1PM5PM. Apply 6325 Airline Hwy 8am-12 noon. M-F.
The Office of Academic Affairs at the LSU Health Sciences Center of New Orleans is recruiting for a responsible, selfmotivated, organized, and knowledgeable Clinical Veterinarian for the Division of Animal Care. Incumbent in this position will have the responsibility of providing veterinary care and perform other related duties in the Division. Incumbent will serve as the Chief Clinical Veterinarian reporting to the Associate Director, coordinating and managing clinical care among various facilities. The successful candidate will be a member of the IACUC. Incumbent will collaborate with and advise investigators on model selection and development; participate in recruitment of new researchers; provide surgical support and training to investigators; participate in the development and instruction of in house education programs, including orientation for new investigators, faculty, and staff and additional duties as requested by Associate Director, Director, and Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs.
workers, need 47- stock help, 16-prepress, 23event & more! Work 4-8 hrs. Apply at Holi Services, 1415 Delplaza Dr, Ste D, BR, LA 70815, 8am10:30am & 1:30pm-2:30pm Mon-Thurs
Professional/ Administrative
● Construction Management Program Manager /Instructor ● Mathematics Instructor
1480 ARTICULATE Professional needed to handle incoming calls. Spanish A+. Call 225-765-4525.
BILLING CLERK, SERVICE WRITER, WARRANTY CLERK, CUSTOMER SERVICE REP, RECEPTIONIST & more! Apply at Holi Services, 1415 Delplaza Dr, Ste D,BR, LA 70815, 8 am10:30 am & 1:30 pm-2:30 pm Mon-Thurs
Customer Service Rep for locally owned Life insurance Co. Provide fast, friendly service in Agent Call Center. Assist with product information and requirements for new business. Perform clerical functions. Must have excellent customer service skills, the ability to learn quickly. Good communication and organization.
For more information: To apply online:
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Employer Exp Admin Production Asst for corp & media dept Email: Associate Attorney needed for firm w/ Foreclosure practice. Handle injunctions court hearings title probs etc. Some travel. Advancement, benefits, salary D-O-E. Fee Pd. Pls send confidential resume to: Beginning legal secretary for personal injury law firm. Full time. Fax resume to 225-927-7038.
Brilliant Beginning's Child Development & Learning Center (BBCDLC), 4338 Harding Blvd; Baton Rouge, Louisiana (225) 355-7008 HAVE POSITIONS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Work hours are from 6:30am to 5:45pm, Mon-Fri PLEASE APPLY WITHIN
LA Relay: Communication, Bilingual-Span/Eng- Communication & Captioning Assts all shifts. 225-2914500
LOUISIANA STAFFING 225-621-3212 225-621-3210 - FAX FT & PT Office Personnel. Exp in Transportation a plus; computer, typing & communication skills req; organized & detail oriented a must; data entry, filing & other office duties. Email resumes to
Check our jobs! Advantage Personnel OFFICE POSITION with local pharmaceutical co. Computer skills required. Send resume only to: careers@medecor
Production Clerk
to work with adults with mental health needs. Masters in Social Work or Counseling and 1 year mental health experience is required. Competitive salary, good benefits, EOE.
Temp to Perm Must have strong computer and inventory background to process all info that comes from in sales depts. Variety of duties, great references and longevity on job. Great company. Submit resume.
Interested applicants send resumes to or fax 225-644-1070. EOE.
Call Toni at Job Temps, 225-937-3752, email or fax 208-1298
Qualifications: ● Doctorate in Veterinarian Medicine ● Licensed to practice veterinary medicine in a state in the United States (Louisiana preferred) ● Eligible for USDA accreditation (accreditation preferred) ● Two years of veterinary experience in a clinical or research lab setting ● Excellent interpersonal communication skills Preferred Qualifications: ● Completion of a residency training program in laboratory animal medicine ● American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (ACLAM) board certification or eligibility ● Experience working at an academic research institution Applicant Instructions Qualified candidates may submit CV along with cover letter electronically to: This position is a period of appointment not to last more than one year. Position will close on 5/1/15
LSUHSC is an Equal Opportunity Employer for females, minorities, individuals with disabilities and protected veterans.
LITIGATION PARALEGAL needed. 3 yrs. exp. req'd. Email:
Clinical Veterinarian/ Surgeon
WBRZ-TV is looking for candidates for part-time Television Operations. Duties include editing video, operating teleprompter, audio, and studio camera during live newscasts. Flexible work schedule a must, including weekends and holidays. Non-linear experience preferred; must be able to work in fast-paced newsroom. Willing to train; Pre-employment drug testing required. Email resume to Lon Tegels, Asst. News Director at or Laura Sisemore, Director of HR at or mail resume to WBRZ-TV, PO Box 2906, Baton Rouge, LA 70821. Drug-free & smoke-free facility. EOE
Surgical Specialty Center Of Baton Rouge, If you are passionate about making a difference in health care please visit
Office Clerical
EXP'D DEBT COLLECTOR wanted. Must love money SEND RESUME TO: stonelouisiana@
This position is a period of appointment not to last more than one year.
WOMAN'S HOSPITAL Visit us online
PUBLISHER SEEKING TO FILL CUSTOMER SERVICE /FULFILLMENT POSITION Ideal candidate will have excellent professional telephone & organizational skills, a positive attitude, and attention to detail. Responsibilities include processing orders, handling customer inquires & fulfillment. Quickbook experience helpful.
TV Operations (PT)
Customer Service /Fulfillment
Call 000-0000
ST. JAMES PLACE 333 Lee Drive St. Joseph Hospice, LLC Visit Our Website At
Professional/ Administrative
Call today to make your ad stand out!
Before Bold...
For Style Only
The Baton Rouge General Medical Center is currently seeking Registered Nurses for the Bluebonnet Campus
For Style Only
Campus Federal
RN’sBluebonnet Campus
CONSTRUCTION MGMT GRADUATE NEEDED Busy developer needs strong individual to train in residential project management. Construction mgmt degree required. Will consider recent grad with 3.0+. Permanent, long term position in Ascension Parish. Excellent comp. package. Email resume:
The Baton Rouge Clinic
Camelot College
DIRECT CARE STAFF to work w/disabled pts. FT/ PT & PRN. Pd training & mileage. Clear criminal rec reqd. Apply at 5850 Florida Blvd. M-F, 8:30-3:30 EOE
LPN Neurology
Jefferson Manor Nursing & Rehab Now taking applications for
Call For Information
Gastroenterology Associates, L.L.C. Louisiana Endoscopy Center
City of Baton Rouge is looking for qualified applicants for Director of Criminal Traffic Division Min qualifications: Bachelor's degree in business, criminal justice, or a related field, & 5 yrs of exp in progressively responsible clerical work of a legal nature, including 4 yrs of supervisory exp or equiv combo of education and exp. Selective Certification: Must have staff & project supervision exp. Salary: $43,171 Annually + Benefits Apply: April 24 – May 7, 2015 HR Dept, 1755 Florida St. Visit
for more information Equal Opportunity Employer
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Call: 1-800-960-6397 Online:
Instructor Undergrad PT/PRN Our Lady of the Lake College in Baton Rouge, Louisiana is seeking adjunct instructors. Candidates must have successful and documented teaching experience in the disciplines of psychology, theology, sociology, or art history. Our Lady of the Lake College is a healthfocused Catholic institution with rapidly expanding demand for online courses. The College offers competitive compensation based upon experience. Education Master’s Degree, with at least 18 credit hours in their relevant discipline from an accredited institution. Ph.D. or M.D. preferred. Review of applicants will begin immediately. The anticipated start date for this position is August 1st, 2015. Email (preferred) or mail cover letter, CV, and unofficial graduate transcript to: Dr. Brian Rash Associate Dean, School of Arts, Sciences, and Health Professions 5414 Brittany Dr. Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Email: brian.rash@olol
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Professional/ Administrative
Professional/ Administrative
Employment opportunities w/City-Parish Government visit Ascension Catholic School, Donaldsonville, LA is accepting applications for the 2015-16 school year for a High School English teacher. Requirements include: --Practicing Catholic --Teacher certification Please send resume to sandy.pizzolato@ Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. Ascension Catholic School does not discriminate in its hiring practices based on race, color, national or ethnic origin. FT Position Coordinating All HR And Training Activities For Local Nonprofit, Including The Hiring Process And Paperwork, Payroll, Assisting In The Disciplinary Process, All Other Aspects Of HR And Coordinating Training Classes For Employees. Heavy Computer And Paper Work. Strong Verbal, Written, And Analytical Skills, With The Ability To Maintain Confidentiality And Professionalism. Bachelor's Degree or HS Diploma + 2 Yrs HR Experience. Salary + Benefits. Email Resume To Fax To 225-201-1792 Or Mail To 5850 Florida Blvd. BR, LA 70806. EOE ILLUSTRATOR/GRAPHIC DESIGNER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PUBLIC & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA UNIVERSITY Southeastern Louisiana University invites applicants for the position of Illustrator/Graphic Designer in the Department of Public & Governmental Affairs. For information on application deadlines, qualifications, and responsibilities, and to apply online visit applicants/Central? quickFind=57196 In order to guarantee review, applicants must submit all documents requested. Complete the entire application online and include all education and work experience and the names and contact information for at least three references on your application. Attach an electronic copy of your letter of application addressing qualifications and experience, resume, and copies of transcripts from all colleges/universities attended (official transcripts required upon employment). Applicants must be committed to working with diversity. Southeastern is an AA/ADA/EEO employer.
Now Hiring
Patrol Deputies, Corrections & 911 Dispatchers ASCENSION PARISH SHERIFF’S OFFICE GONZALES, LA
The Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office is accepting applications for career-oriented individuals for Qualified Patrol Deputies, Correction Officers and 911 Dispatchers Must have a high school diploma, or equivalent. College and prior military incentive pay offered. Availability to work a twelve hour day or night shift. Applicants must pass written test plus an extensive background and criminal history check before being considered. Corrections and Patrol positions must be able to pass a physical endurance test. Previous experience a plus. Benefits include Paid Vacation, Paid sick leave, Paid Pension, and Health Insurance. Applications can be obtained on line at
or in person at the Administrative Services Office at the Ascension Parish Courthouse 828 South Irma Blvd. Gonzales, LA. Applicants must reside in Ascension Parish upon employment Questions may be directed to Lt Joey Meyers at 225-621-8353. POSITION AVAILABLE We are seeking a qualified individual with knowledge of Notarial Acts. A background of title abstracting and/or mortgage loan processing is preferred and efficient data entry skills are required. This is a fulltime position upon completion of probationary period. Resumes may be sent by email to: hrdept@
FT PARALEGAL / LEGAL SECRETARY needed for Baton Rouge Firm. Positions start immediately. Call for company 24hr. job info line: 225-709-7979.
Our Lady of the Lake College (OLOL College), a Catholic institution with a strong health sciences focus in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, invites expressions of interest and nominations in this opportunity to lead the College’s Institutional Advancement division in the midst of exciting development and transformation. The College’s new President, Dr. Tina S. Holland, brings energy, enthusiasm, passion, and vision to her work in leading OLOL College. The next Vice President for Institutional Advancement will join Dr. Holland in this new era of the institution’s life. The Vice President will build on the successes of the past and lead the institution as it develops a new campus, grows its markets, adds new programs, and augments current offerings. The College seeks a Vice President for Institutional Advancement with demonstrated leadership skills and the vision, commitment, and energy to advance the mission of the College. The College is an integral component of the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady (FMOL) Health System in Louisiana, and the Vice President will possess a deep belief in and commitment to the mission of the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady. Our Lady of the Lake College is a whollyowned subsidiary of Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center (OLOLRMC) and is sponsored by the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady, North American Province. OLOLRMC is an academic medical center and serves as the primary clinical site for 17 residency programs including pediatrics, internal medicine, psychiatry, and emergency medi -cine. This is an exciting opportunity for an advancement professional who is energized by the prospect of guiding a young advancement program to a comprehensive program comprising development, alumni affairs, marketing, and public affairs. The advancement program will strengthen a culture of philanthropy among friends and alumni. The VPIA reports directly to the College President and serves as a member of the President’s Cabinet. The VPIA maintains close interaction with all important constituent groups across the OLOL College community, including the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady, The College Board of Trustees, faculty, students, and staff. The Vice President will work closely with the President, senior staff and faculty on donor prospect development for major gift solicitation and oversee the planning, coordination and execution of special events. The VPIA will prepare and implement a comprehensive advancement strategic plan; provide leadership and direction to solicit and secure funds and other resources that enable the College to accomplish its mission and strategic goals; increase donor support by identifying, cultivating and soliciting existing and new major donors as well as capital, annual and endowment gifts.
Non-Profit seeking Exp. Warehouse Manager. Must work Saturdays and have stable work history. 5 + years exp. Benefits. Mail salary requirements & resume to 2746 Berlin Dr. Baton Rouge, LA 70814 Notary Public needed Full Time. North Baton Rouge Grocery. Call 225-355-9818
For more information and/or to apply online visit
Office Manager Needed. No exp required. Must be reliable, honest & have references. 225-678-2107. /job-opportunities-2
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Call: 1-800-960-6397 Online:
The Advocate
Professional/ Administrative
Small law firm looking for FT Secretary, Fax resumes to 225-296-1120.
Professional/ Administrative
Professional/ Administrative
Restaurants/ Hotels/Clubs
Check our jobs! Advantage Personnel
SOUTHEAST COMMUNITY Health System, a thriving multi-site Health Center servicing four parishes (East Baton Rouge, St. Helena, Livingston and Tangipahoa) is currently accepting applications for the following positions:
TEACHERS NEEDED – 2015/2016 LA School for the Visually Impaired
Food and Nutrition Services Department of Womans Hospital is now hiring for a Patient Service Hostess position. Candidates must have good customer service skills and be team oriented. Preemployment background checks and drug screenings are required. Please apply in person at the Food and Nutrition Services department located in the main hospital on the first floor or online at
LOCAL ATTORNEY Needs P/T Legal Secretary Who Would Like To Work From Home. Must Have Litigation Exp. Flex. Hrs – Compensation Negotiable. Send resume to
Vice President for Institutional Advancement
The new VPIA will provide the vision, leadership and fundraising expertise to assist the President in attaining the College’s institutional advancement goals. Qualifications include a Bachelor’s degree and several years of successful advancement experience which includes success in fundraising for major and annual gifts, constituency building, and brand marketing. Experience in higher education is preferred. The College is seeking a strong individual who is a highly motivated strategist, a creative leader, and professionally active community member.
More information may be obtained by calling the Human Resources Department of the East Baton Rouge Parish Clerk of Court’s Office at (225) 389-5195.
Director of Campus Ministry Our Lady of the Lake College in Baton Rouge, LA. is seeking a Director of Campus Ministry The Director of Campus Ministry reports to the VP for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management. The Director is responsible for organizing a program of religious and spiritual outreach to the college community -students, faculty, administration, trustees and staff. In addition, the Director is also responsible for reaching out to and forming ongoing relationships with the greater community including, but not limited to the Diocese of Baton Rouge, the College’s many community partner organizations throughout the greater Baton Rouge area, the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady, and the family of services throughout the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System. The Director is expected to articulate for the College administration the spiritual and religious needs of the community. The Director assists the community to formulate a response to those needs. This response will be collaborative and open to all departments on campus (both inside and outside of the classroom). All ministry programming will strive to call forth the community into active dialogue with the mission of the college thus aiding in the holistic education of each individual. The Director of Campus Ministry is a committed, practicing Catholic. The Director must possess an understanding of the Church's formal teachings -e.g. through some formal theological training. The Director must demonstrate an openness and tolerance of other beliefs including a state of religious denial and should be capable of exercising patience and understanding with those currently rejecting a Christian response while holding out to them a positive message of hope and authentic hospitality. Additionally, the Director must show evidence of a strong sense of personal ministry, prayerfulness, and spirituality that is visible. The Director will possess good listening skills and will be cognizant of and responsive to the needs of others. The Director will be capable of delegating tasks to other leaders and efficiently managing resources including an annual budget. Some personal experience in a pastoral or counseling role should be evident. The Director should be skilled in team formation and should be flexible and adaptive, always open to a growing and expanding the role for Campus Ministry. The Director of Campus Ministry will develop and refine programs the purpose of which is to advance the Catholic Franciscan mission of the College. The Director will also research and pursue funding resources for such programs. Qualifications: ● Master’s Degree from a regionally accredited institution in Theology, Ministry, or related area. ● Demonstrated experience in campus ministry and college student development ● Demonstrated experience with best practices in young adult and adult ministry programming and leadership ● Excellent collaborative leadership ability ● Understanding of and appreciation for faith development within both pre-professional and liberal arts higher education traditions ● A commitment to enhance the Catholic, Franciscan mission of the College For more information about Our Lady of the Lake College and/or to apply online visit /job-opportunities-2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Call: 1-800-960-6397 Online:
● Dentist & Dental Asst. (Greensburg) ● P/T Dental Hygienist (Zachary) ● Revenue Cycle Manager (Zachary) ● Chief Information Officer (Zachary) ● PRN Pharmacist (Albany) ● LPN Care Coordinator (Zachary) ● LPN (Albany) ● WIC Nurse (Zachary) To apply, send email including cover letter and resume to the attention Katherine Ullrich, Director of Human Resources:, or fax to 888-620-5988. Or apply online: SHCHC.ORG The Central Community School System is accepting applications for the position of Supervisor of Food Services. The Supervisor of Food Services provides direction, instruction and technical assistance in sanitation, safety, equipment, and food production; supervises elementary and combination schools; coordinates activities for dietetics supervised practice students; participates in professional development; attends staff meetings; and supervises summer feeding programs. Minimum qualifications include, but are not limited to: ● United States citizen or authorized alien; ● Those requirements as outlined in Bulletin 746: Louisiana Standards of State Certification of School Personnel; ● Master’s degree; ● A degree in Food and Nutrition, Institutional Management, Hotel and Restaurant Management, or Dietetics; ● Dietetic Registration (R.D.) is desirable; ● Capability equivalent to that normally achieved through five to seven years of continuous professional experience. Qualified candidates should go to to download the Administrative Application packet located in the District Office/Human Resources/Employment Opportunities tab. Completed packets can either be hand delivered, emailed as an attachment, or placed in the regular mail and sent to: Gavin Vitter Director of Personnel Services and Operations Central Community School System 10510 Joor Road, Suite 300 City of Central, LA 70818 225-262-1919
Application packets that are not complete will be removed from consideration. Applicants should also include an updated resume and cover letter with the application packet. Applications will be received until the position is filled. F/T French Kindergarten Teacher available at the Lafayette Parish School System in Lafayette Parish, LA. 8AM-4PM, M-F. Teach in accordance with established curriculum; develop lesson plans, undertake classroom instruction, maintain discipline, monitor student progress through testing, interface with parents, students, faculty, and administrators, and other normal activities. Salary from $42,880.00 per year plus usual benefits. Bachelor’s degree in education required. Must be certificated to teach in the State of Louisiana by the Louisiana Department of Education. Send resume to: Recruitment and Employment Office
Parish School System Attn: Job Ref #: LAF76643 P.O. Box 56625 Atlanta, GA 30343
Business Education Elementary High School English High School Social Studies High School Spanish Mild/Moderate 1st – 12th PE Teacher & Coach – Boys & Girls Must hold LA teacher certification with VI endorsement or ability to obtain VI certification within 3 years of hire. To apply go to For assistance call (225) 757-3208 The Wilkinson County School District is seeking qualified applicants to fill the following position: ● Elementary / Middle School Principal ● Elementary Education Teachers ● Special Education Teachers – 1-12 ● English Teacher – 7-12 ● Biology Teacher ● Math Teachers – 7-12 ● Band Director ● Head Football Coach ● Head Baseball Coach ● Automotive Service Excellence Certified Mechanic ● Bus Drivers School Principal applicants must have a Masters of Administration / Supervision and a minimum of an AA in School Administration. Teacher and Band Director applicants for aforementioned positions must hold a valid Mississippi teaching certificate in the area applying for, be a good disciplinarian, & be wellversed in subject area. Head Football and Baseball Coach applicants must hold a valid Mississippi teaching certificate and have prior experience coaching. Automotive Service Excellence Certified Mechanic applicants must hold a valid Mississippi Class B Commercial Drivers License with a “P” endorsement and have knowledge and experience in repair and maintenance of school buses and other district vehicles. Applications may be obtained from the Wilkinson County School District, Office of Superintendent, 488 Main Street, Woodville, MS 39669, or on the District website www.wilkinson.k12. Wilkinson County School Board does not offer interim/emergency certificates. Wilkinson County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, national origin, or disability, and is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Restaurants/ Hotels/Clubs
WBRZ-TV is looking for a talented news videographer/editor who understands video photography. Prefer experience covering breaking news and packages. Should be a proficient editor with nonlinear experience a plus. Will operate microwave news vans, live cellular equipment, know or be willing to operate satellite news van and be required to fly in helicopter or plane as needed. Position requires ability to lift 25 pounds of equipment at times. Schedule can change as dictated by news events. Must have valid drivers license with safe record. Email resume and work sample to Laura Sisemore, Director of HR at or Chuck Bark, Director of News at Or mail to WBRZ-TV, PO Box 2906, Baton Rouge, LA, 70821. Drug-free & smokefree workplace. EOE.
Hampton Inn College Dr. has positions open for Room Attendants, Houseman and Night Maintenance. Must pass drug test and background check. Apply @ 4646 Constitution Ave. Looking for an exciting position, apply online at, NOW Accepting Applications for Exp Asst Restaurant Mgr. & Line Servers. Pd Wkly. Positive Work History & Bkgrnd Chck. Apply In Person, The Café Soul Food, Cortana Mall. Tired of your present job and looking for something new & different? Above average pay for above average workers. NO NIGHTS!!! Residential Cleaning Company Hiring 6 people. Will train. Must have car with insurance and valid drivers license. Average $14/hr + Benefits. Call 1-888-491-5664 x86001.
RUTH CHRIS NOW HIRING ● FT SERVER ● BROILER Apply at 4836 Constitution Ave. Monday-Friday GINO'S Restaurant seeking SERVERS. Please apply between 2pm-5p. Mon-Friday at 4542 Bennington Ave GINO'S Restaurant seeking BUSSERS. Please apply between 2-5pm. Mon-Friday at 4542 Bennington Ave. GINO'S Restaurant seeking LINE COOK/PREP PERSON. Min. 2 yrs exp req. Please apply between 2p-5p. M-F at 4542 Bennington Ave Food and Nutrition Services Department of Womans Hospital is now hiring for a cook position. Candidates must have good customer service skills and be team oriented. One year experience preferred. Preemployment background checks and drug screenings are required. Please apply in person at the Food and Nutrition Services department located in the main hospital on the first floor or online at EOE
COURTYARD by Marriott & Residence Inn by Marriott Apply: North Mall Drive
Dietary Manager
Residence Inn /Courtyard By Marriott
Food & Beverage Cook
Housekeepers Benefits: Medical, dental, 401k & more! Please apply in person at: Residence Inn Marriott Siegen Lane 10333 N. Mall Dr. Baton Rouge, LA 70809 GINO'S Restaurant Seeks An Exp Salad Person. Please Apply btwn 2-5pm M-F, 4542 Bennington Ave. Food and Nutrition Services Department of Womans Hospital is now hiring for all sanitation positions. Candidates must have good customer service skills and be team oriented. Pre-employment background checks and drug screenings are required. Please apply in person at the Food and Nutrition Services Department located in the main hospital on the first floor or online at
Hotel Workers Servers, Dishwashers, Maids, Houseman
Now hiring for a Storeroom driver’s position for local nutrition services department. Job responsibilities include driving meals and picking orders for production staff. Must be outgoing, smile, a dedicated worker and enthusiastic. Apply in person at Womans Hospital Food Service Department located on the first floor by the cafeteria or apply online at\careers
Pre-employment drug and background screenings are required. EOE. 4728 Constitution Ave. Baton Rouge, LA
Sales/ Marketing
1560 ACCEPTING Applicants For Call Center. $10 - $12 Per Hr, Benefits, $13 - $15 Per Hour After 60 Days With Bonuses. Call 225-224-6625 USED CAR SALESPERSON Needed for great loc. in BR No exp. needed. Will train. Guaranteed salary while training (w/benefits), avail when qualified. Great company to grow with & establish a career. Call 225-927-1574 or come by at 9828 Airline Hwy to set up an interview
Fred's Restaurant is looking for an experienced General Manager who will be responsible for all operations of its 24 hour restaurant. Competitive salary, benefits, achievable bonuses, and vacation. Please send resume to: or call 225-717-1977
Now hiring part time & full time Front Desk, and full time Housekeeping. Apply at 7061 Commerce Circle Front Desk Clerk needed. Must be avail all shifts incl. weekends & holiday. Apply in person at: Audubon Inn Super 8 Port Allen.
Growing Restaurant Now Hiring
Growing Family Restaurant now hiring Experienced Line Cooks (Fry, Grill, & Sautee') and Servers (Experience desired but not required). Please apply in person Tues.Thurs. 11 am-2 pm or 5 pm-9 pm and Friday, Sat. 11 am-9 pm. 9550 Hooper Road Baton Rouge, La. 70818 L'Auberge Baton Rouge Now Hiring - To Apply
Elgin's has an immediate full time sales position opening. If you're honest and hardworking, we want you to join our family. Apply in person: 10330 Airline Hwy., Bluebonnet Square Shopping Center, 9:30am-6pm, MonFri or email resume to or call 225-292-3355 for a confidential appointment. Exp. Sales Consultants needed for Automotive Group. Contact Brett (225) 753-4433 and email resumes: bkemp@
Baton Rouge Health Care Now Taking Applications For
MARKETING DIRECTOR 2-3 Yrs Marketing Health Care Exp Pref.
Apply in Person: 5550 Thomas Rd. B.R., LA, 70811
Flooring and Design Consultants
Drury Inn & Suites
Hiring P/T Bartender, Exp only. Top pay up to $10/hr. Great benefits. Call 225-766-2022.
Television News Videographer
Sales/ Marketing
C.J. BROWN, Realtors LATTER & BLUM Inc., Realtors Van Eaton & Romero ABILITY TO SUCCEED IN REAL ESTATE SALES? We always have room at the TOP! Best People, Support, Brand, Commission Plans, Service & Tools! Join the TEAM that helps you accelerate your business. We know you have what it takes! Take a test drive to show us you do. or call 1-800-428-8294 and arrange an interview today! EXP'D SALES PERSON. Cold calls a must. Base+comm. SEND RESUME TO: stonelouisiana@ Exp'd Used Car Salesman needed. Demo, Pay Plan, Vac, Great Hours. Call Mike at 225-235-0315 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Call: 1-800-960-6397 Online:
Established retail flooring company needs individuals to train to be flooring sales consultants. Join our winning team and be part of a local company with excellent earning potential. Sales experience necessary. Send resume to: lthibodeaux@ Hardware Store Associate NC Hardware is looking for another team player. We all help our customers with building maintenance, construction products & home improvements. Join us and be the helpful hardware person. Basic knowledge or experience in maintenance, home repairs and almost any trade is valuable to our business. 519 North Foster Dr, BR, LA or IMMEDIATE OPENING for Sales Professional. We are looking for a quality self starter with excellent sale skills. Idea candidate will partner with our distributor customers in Baton Rouge. Providing information to and riding along with distributor is a must. Candidate must be an effective communicator with strong customer service skills. Previous food service or meat market experience preferred. Excellent organization skills required. Extensive training provided for the right candidate. Monday through Friday work week, no weekends with full benefits. Please email your resume to: FT Inside Sales Person needed at Baton Rouge Police Supplies. Knowledge of guns & law enforcement equip helpful. $12/HR. Fax resume to: 225-924-4947 Only resumes accepted.
Sales/ Marketing
Tire & Automotive Service Sales. Salary, bonus + benefit pkg. For personal and confidential interview call L.J. Ross, 225-262-8473.
WANTED- COOKS/CASHIER 14111 Airline Hwy, Across street from Klienpeter Dairy.
General Help
Industry leading produce company experiencing tremendous growth seeks motivated individuals. Able to work weekends, holidays, and overtime. Must pass drug screen and criminal background check. ● Inventory Control Clerk (Base Rate - $12.00 with opportunity to earn up to $15.00) ● Night Order Selector (Base Rate - $12.00 with opportunity to earn up to $18.00) ● Logistics Routing Coordinator Holidays, Vacation, Medical Insurance and 401K Retirement Plan Provided Apply Online @
Auto Accessory Installer needed. Will train. Must have good driving record. Apply in person at: 11311 Cedar Park Ave. BR AVON - 30 REPS NEEDED Gifts, trips, bonuses & Insurance. 225-772-9174. ISR $$AVON$$ EARN EXTRA$$, Work from home. Free gifts! Call 855-685-2866, ISR ARTIST Blacksmith Helper - Can learn trade while working. Call 8a-5p M-F only. Call 225-678-0266. BREC JOBS Byron E Talbot Contractor, Inc is looking for skilled General Laborers, Exp'd. Heavy Equipment Operators, and Skilled Concrete Finishers for Civil Construction. Fax Resume 985419-9833 or drop off @ 24288 Hwy 190 Robert, LA 70455. EOE. 20 POSITIONS AVAIL $8/HR TO START + Bonuses & Comm. Pd Weekly P/T & F/T Available
Call 225-272-1833
ACCEPTING Applicants For Call Center. $10 - $12 Per Hr, Benefits, $13 - $15 Per Hour After 60 Days With Bonuses. Call 225-224-6625 BREC’s Summer Camp is now accepting applications for the following positions: • Camp Counselor • Camp Director Online Applications only
Benny's Car Wash and Oil Change. Apply Online
Now Hiring Agents, Adam Campo Real Estate. High Comm. splits 225-295-3035
HELP KEEP OUR SENIOR LOVED ONES AT HOME!! We’re looking for experienced men & women CAREGivers who are caring, compassionate & pet friendly to work 12 hr day, 12 hr OVNs, 2 hr morning & afternoon shifts. 24 hr Live Ins to work 7 days & have the next week off. How about w/e only 4 to 12 hr shift? Clients available in Baton Rouge, Ascension, Zachary, special assignments in DENHAM SPRINGS, Watson & other surrounding areas. Apply on line or call 225-930-4790
REAL ESTATE AGENTS Needed to work with Nat'l Home Builder. Preferred Lenders, 504-654-9326.
Leasing Agent-Established Local Prop Management Co. Seeking F/T Leasing Agent For Properties Loc. In The Baton Rouge Area. Exp. Reqd. We Offer Great Benefits + 401K. Send Resume To Fax 225-292-2351.
Marketing Rep
Full time position for medical clinic in BR area. Locally owned & operated. Please send resume to: receivables@health or fax 504-889-5370
● Overnight F/T Cashier ● Assistant Manager.
REAL ESTATE ASSISTANT to run office and assist Broker including all MLS duties. Salary +. Call 225337-1883
South Louisiana Hospice is seeking a part time or full time Chaplan. Fax resume to 225-924-6829. Email
Golden Flake Snack Foods is seeking aggressive, dependable people to hire in a Route Sales position. Related exp. helpful but not req'd. Exc. starting salary & competitive benefits. For further consideration Call 225-923-2870. EOE.
Part Time RETAIL CLERK/ DRIVER Needed For Neighborhood Pharmacy. Fast-Paced, Friendly Atmosphere. Weekdays 11-6 & Some Saturday Mornings 9-1. Call 225-344-8959.
NON PROFIT Seeking Experienced Sales & Marketing Person. Must Be Willing To Make Cold Calls, Promote Company Events. Must Be Exp'd In Microsoft Office. Must Work On Saturdays. $45-50K Per Year To Start w/Benefits. Mail Resume To 2746 Berlin Dr., Baton Rouge, LA 70814.
The Advocate is offering an excellent opportunity For YOU to join our expanding team as a sales contractor in The Greater Baton Rouge Area Call 1-614-783-7191 and ask for Jim Or e-mail: barden
Outdoor Powerhouse
needs aggressive
Sales Person
Must be experienced in ATV and Motorcycle Sales. 225-7912277 ~Sales Position Available~ Sales Exp Necessary. Sal+Comm. Email Resume To: Or Call 888-551-0612
General Help
BE YOUR OWN BOSS Independent Newspaper Contractor for
The Advocate In the VacherieDonaldsonville area Immediate opening available for carrier. Please call 225-388-0227. Leave detailed message. Experience preferred. Early morning hours. Must have reliable transportation. Liability Insurance Required.
Jefferson Manor Nursing & Rehab Now taking applications for
Must have nursing home exp. Apply within at 9919 Jefferson Hwy No phone calls, Please! EDIBLE ARRANGEMENTS is looking for Temp Help for Mother's Day weekend (5/5-11) for Cust Svc, Food Prep & Delivery Drivers. Apply in person at either location, 5720 Corporate Blvd. or 6725 Siegen Ln. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Call: 1-800-960-6397 Online:
WINGS OF GLORY Call 225-366-6447
COSMETOLOGIST - FT / PT. Paid vaca & holidays. Closed Sunday. No clientele base needed. Fantastic Sam's Salon, Zachary & Central loc. 225-235-2471. Cosmetologist / Barber Full time employment. Pd vaca / holidays. Closed Sunday. No clientele base needed. Fantastic Sams, 225-275-1144. Daycare Staff needed at Class A Daycare. Exp. req. Must have a high school diploma. 225-767-3228 F/T DRIVER/WAREHOUSE Position Avail. w/Wholesale Distributor. Must Have Valid Driver's Lic. Benefits Avail. Pd Holidays & Vac. Please Fax Resume To: 1-225-231-5147 Kean’s Fine Dry Cleaning Hiring ALL positions – Vets welcome. Apply online @
BE YOUR OWN BOSS Independent Newspaper Contractor for
The Advocate In the N. Baton Rouge, Central and Zachary area Immediate opening available for carrier. Please call Reggie 225-588-8964. Leave detailed message. Experience preferred. Early morning hours. Must have reliable transportation. Liability Insurance Required.
Exp. Landscapers Needed. 40 hours a week. Must have reliable transportation. Call 225-304-2146 Senior Water/Fire Technician. 1-2 yrs. exp., reliable, honest, team player, drug free. $12- $15 per hour plus bonuses and benefits DOE Apply in person 9a-3p 11811 Dunlay Lane BR,La.
Livingston Parish Fire Protection District 5 is hiring Part-Time
for 12 hr shift 7 days/wk. Min. req. are FF1 & EMR. Call 225-664-1679 for an application
Food Preparation Worker
Table Fresh Assist in the preparation of high quality foods for a supplier to restaurants while ensuring a safe and clean work area. Schedule to be determined. Must be open to working late shifts. Competitive pay. Excellent benefits. Apply online at Marchand's Interior has an opening for a Custom Picture Framer. Responsibilities include taking orders, providing exceptional customer service, and the production of orders. Please e-mail your resume to
FRAMING CARPENTERS needed. 5 yrs exp. req'd. 225-954-2434 lvg msg Now Hiring Granite Fabricator & Installer. Must have Experience. $16$20/hr. Call 225-445-0891 Leave a message detailing your granite experience. Bella Gente' Salone at 15255 George O'Neal Rd. Suite C. 70817 is looking for a Motivated Experienced & Dependable Hair Dresser to Join our Team Call 225-397-2284 or 225756-2801 Ask for Margie Seeking Lic Professional Hair Stylist, Commission structure. Apply in person 14241 Coursey Blvd,Ste B-2 Horticultural / Landscape Asst. position available. Weeding, pruning, spraying & planting. Must be able to lift 50lbs. Exp desirable. DL & drug screen req. Come join our quality group! Call 225-756-4321 HOUSE CLEANERS WANTED! Earn up to $15/hr No night/weekends No experience needed Call 225-435-4260 Ext 3. WAITSTAFF POSITION. Wait Staff position avail. in local retirement community. 6 am- 2:3 0pm. Must be able to work Holidays/ weekends. Background Drug testing required. Working with the elderly a plus. Compensation $9/hr. Air Control Engineering, Inc. is looking for A HVAC Service Technician with experience. Must have EPA Certification card. Please call 225-343-0218 or 225-687-6417 for more information. Ft/Pt Janitors for Gonzales & B.R. areas. M-F. Bkgd & drug test req. 225-675-3014
Global Industrial Contractors, LLC
Is seeking an Estimator/Project Manager with experience Estimating Municipal, Structural Concrete, and Industrial Projects. A Minimum of 10+ years experience required Construction Management Degree Preferred Salary depends on experience. Excellent benefits including Health Insurance, 401k Retirement Plan, Vacation, etc. Please send resumes to HR@Global
The Advocate General Help
General Help
Money to Lend
Boats & Motors
JOBS JOBS JOBS!!! Cust svc / fundraising coordinators needed ASAP. 225384-6844
VET ASST & KENNEL HELP Needed. All shifts Avail. Apply at 162 Staring Lane
Catalina 30' sailboat in Morgan City, LA. $10,900. 985-498-6218/706-632-6033
Lawn Care & Landscaping workers wanted. Exp. required. 225-366-3185. Maid Service Needs Maids. Must have own transportation. Competitive Pay. Call DS office. 664-9053 MAINT. TECH- 84 unit apt. community needs skilled tech. Great working conditions, great pay! Experienced techs only apply. Call 225-921-5371 LIC NAIL TECHS needed. FT/PT. Email resume TO teffani@medicalspa No Exp, Will Train! ●Cust Srvc Reps ●Fundraising Coordinators, ●Entry Level Mgrs NEEDED ASAP! Long Term Careers PT/FT Position Avail. Up to $500/week. Call 1-844-UNITY BR or 225-384-6844 NOW hiring for full & part time positions at Cupcake Allie, 225-302-7096 or email Exp. Residential Painters drywall finishing & repair, exp. req. Call 225-448-1659 HIRING EXPERIENCED PAINTERS. Up to $700 wkly. Call 225-330-5608. Part-Time Bartender Looking for a bartender that's experienced to any degree. INSIDE PHONE/ INTERNET SALES - Diesel Specialists, a small family owned co., is expanding & looking for our next outstanding addition to our Inside Sales team. The ideal candidate must realize that not only do we love a sale; our main goal is to provide the best customer exp. possible. Keeping with this philosophy, we look for individuals that can build lasting relationships w/our through a customers strong relationship based customer service selling style. Position req. highvolume email & phone lead handling, exc. verbal & written communication skills. Previous diesel or parts exp. is not req'd. Bilingual is a +. $DOE Salary based, 8A-5P, M-F, 401K, Medical, Dental. Email:
DONATE PLASMA - Save a Life. You can earn up to $100 this week. Must have a valid Id and social security card. Call 225-354-0965 for an appointment. Exp. Laundry Shirt Presser Needed! Lee's Cleaners. 225-292-7438. DELUXE CLEANERS Needs Exp Full Time Dry Cleaning Presser. Call 225-288-2440
YMCA SUMMER DAY CAMP COUNSELORS NOW HIRING! Responsibilities include care and supervision to campers as well as facilitating all games, activities, arts & crafts, and field trips. Qualifications: Candidates must be minimum age 18 & available to work Monday-Friday; highly motivated, dependable with knowledge & experience working with youth & children ages 4-16 yrs. Exp. working in a structured youth program preferred. Must pass preemployment background check and drug screen. Apply in person at any of the following locations: A.C. Lewis YMCA (225-924-3606) Paula G. Manship YMCA (225-767-9622) C.B. Pennington, Jr. YMCA (225-272-9622) Dow Westside YMCA (225-687-1123) Baranco-Clark YMCA (225-344-6775) Southside YMCA (225-766-2991) ExxonMobil (225-906-5424) Americana Zachary (225-654-9622)
Job Information
THE ADS listed here are job information only, not specific job offers. In most cases, a fee is involved and in some cases, there is a charge for the phone call.
Instruction Private Lessons...........1760 Schools ..........................1710 Career Training............1720
Now Is Your Time For Career Success! On Campus Daycare & Student Housing Available For Those Who Qualify.
Interested candidates should apply online at or apply in person at the Baton Rouge General Mid City. LOCAL window company needs Service Tech familiar with window glass install and servicing. Call 225-923-3198. SHOE REPAIRMAN NEEDED. Will Train. Militello Shoe Repair, 7474 Corporate Blv NOW HIRING STOCKERS for local retail company. Apply in person, 12330 Florida Blvd. Suite 12. Baton Rouge. M-F, 7AM-9AM. LOOKING FOR Experienced & licensed Hair Stylist. Call 225-247-3328 for info. BLUE BAYOU DIXIE LANDIN' Now Accepting Applications For Summer Employment. Must Be At Least 15 Years Of Age. Apply online at TATTOO ARTIST WANTED Call 225-209-5038 FT PREK-3 LEAD TEACHER Position avail. at loc preschool. Fax resume to 225246-2827, or call 225-7910555, M-F. for more info. The Holiday Inn Express of Port Allen is accepting applications for Housekeeping, maintenance, and front desk. Apply in person at 2860 N. Westport Dr. in Port Allen. Translator wanted for flooring store. Must be fluent in English & Portuguese . Email resume to: Trendy Salon $95 per week booth rental or commission. Ph/email 225.316.9670
Assist.: Heavy Lifiting,Forklift Certified, Clean Criminal,Drug Free, Furniture Assembly A+, $12-$15 per hour DOE! Apply at Holi Services, 1415 Delplaza Dr, Ste D,BR, LA 70815, 8am-10:30am & 1:30pm-2:30pm Mon-Thurs EXP. PART TIME VET TECH needed. Send resume to:
Airplanes.......................2040 Antiques ........................2080 Auctions ........................2120 Appliances....................2100 Bikes-GoCarts-Wheeled Goods .............................2160 Boats & Motors ...........2200 Books..............................2210 Building Supplies........2220 Cameras & Photo Supplies.........................2230 Cemetery Plots............2265 Collectibles...................2240 Computers Home/Office .........................................2250 Crafts & Hobbies.........2260 Estate Sales..................2270 Farm Equipment .........2280 Exercise Equip .............2360 Garden Supplies & Plants .........................................2380 Household Items.........2400 Jewelry/Watches ........2420 Lawnmowers/ Lawn Tractors..............2440 Let’s Swap.....................2020 Machinery & Tools......2480 Medical Supplies ........2510 Misc. For Sale...............2790 Musical Instruments .2540 Office Equipment........2560 Pianos-Organs.............2600 Portable Buildings......2610 Restaurant Equip ........2620 Sewing Machines .......2640 Sportman’s Exchange .........................................2680 TV-Stereo-VCR..............2760 Utility Trailer.................2770 Want To Buy .................2010
Want To Buy
2010 DIAMONDS TOP CASH for Diamonds, loose or mounted, Rolex watches, gold, sterling & coins. Diamond Distributors, Loan Brokers, 8210 Jefferson Hwy., Suite E. 927-6514.
I Buy Coins, Antiques & Art by Rucker, Wright & Hunter. Call 225-202-0465.
Call 225-928-3005
The Baton Rouge General has openings in its Security Services Department. Currently seeking qualified applicants for Public Safety Officers/Security Dispatcher Positions Full-time positions available; 12-Hour Shifts, Rotating Days Off.
Let’s Swap
Enrolling Now!
On diamonds, gold jewelry, sterling flatware, etc. DIAMOND DISTRIBUTORS 8210 Jefferson Hwy. 927-6514
COASTAL TRUCK DRIVING SCHOOL - Baton Rouge 1-800-286-8066
DO you have some item of merchandise that you would like to swap for something else? If so, this is the right spot. Place your "Let's Swap'' ad in this column today and you will get fast results. Call Classified 383-0111 And Start Swapping.
2080 ***VICTORIAN ODDITIES** Lagniappe Antiques 2175 Dallas Dr 225-927-0531 Restored Service Station Gas Pump Bennett Model 966 Serial #00005. $1,800. Call 225-665-2803. WE SANDBLAST & PAINT Iron Beds, cast iron pots, patio furniture & more. Bellue's Welding, 3120 Scenic Hwy. 225-356-2698.
2120 CRANE OPERATOR TRAINING SCHOOL Lift Tech and River Parish Community College will be hosting a Crane Operator Training program for the summer of 2015. Please contact Josh Leblanc for more information at: (225) 450-7605 or email at:
10 Week Program Small classes. Pymnt plan 225-278-7729
Ready to Start Your Career?
Electrical Apprenticeship Opportunities On-The-Job Training & Related Classroom Instruction
Earn While You Learn
2-Day Summer Contractor’s Auction June 10th & 11th 9am
13340 Florida Blvd. Heavy Equip., Trucks, Trailers, Farming Equip., etc… Consignments Welcome! Call Now to make the Brochure! 800-850-2252 Auctioneer: M. Henderson La Lic# 136-15 10% B. Premium 1st $5000, 2% on the balance of each item. A HUGE ESTATE SALE! Sat., April 25th @ 11am Southern Heirs Auction (225) 791-2440 #1060 Gilmore Auction & Realty Co. (504) 468-6800; Lic. #447
Scheduled Pay Increases Paid Health Insurance and Pension Call Today for Details (225) 752-4861
Career Training
Boats & Motors
A Better Life Starts at
1995 Chaparral Deck Boat 22' New 5.0 l Merc cruiser motor & Alpha OD w/ trailer $5750. 225-278-1848
ITI Technical College Over 40 years of career training in Baton Rouge Call Now! 1-866-313-1827
Money to Lend
Companies that do business by phone can't ask you to pay for credit before you get it. For free info about avoiding credit scams, write or call the company listed below. Federal law allows you to correct your credit report for free. For more info about credit repair scams, write or call company listed below. Federal Trade Comm Washington, D.C. 20580 or call The National Fraud Information Center, 1-800-876-7060. CREDIT or MONEY PROBLEMS? For important, helpful INFORMATION call Better Business Bureau, 346-5222
STAINLESS STEEL PROP. 19 fitch, FitS 70 or 90 hp mercury. $150. 225-921-2692. 2010 TRACKER TOURN V18, 90 Merc Optimax 32 hrs Exc. cond. + extras. $14,700 OBO. 225-296-0498 2015 90HP YAMAHA OUTBOARD with 6yr warranty. Still in box. $9000 firm. Call 504-908-3123
Building Supplies
2220 USED LIGHT POLES Treated lumber, Call 985-229-8361, Kentwood.
2240 John Wayne pocket watches & miniature movie statuettes. $50 & up. Call 225-291-1837 PAYING CASH for U.S. & Foreign Stamp Collection, Old Letters; Documents, etc. 333-2416 - mention ad
Cemetery Plots
2265 2 Adjoining Plots in Greenoaks Cemetery, Garden of Azalea. $3500 for both or make offer. Call 225-202-2330 Burial crypt located at Evergreen Memorial Park and Mausoleum in Denham Springs, LA. This is a single crypt located on the third tier. It normally sells for $5,830. Asking $3,800. 504-912-4334 Garden of Good Shepherd, 3 spaces side by side. Asking $9,000. Cash only. Call 225-926-4750. Greenoaks Garden of Freedom, 2 lots close to road & trees $3100 ea. Call 225-921-0432 HILLCREST MEMORIAL Baker, 1 plot, Section 1, plot 1 $600. 318-535-4489. Located in Garden of Peace. Paid $4100, asking $2000. 512-963-2601 Mausoleum Plots. Side by side, Heart level, last two at Hiilcrest Memorial in Baker. $3200/each. Call 225-572-5591. (2) CEMETERY PLOTS at Roselawn, Section B. $3000 for both. Call 225-939-9635 Two plots Resthaven in Garden of Good Shepherd in front of mausoleum. $8,200/ both. 225-571-6399
21 Ft. Larson Bow Rider 2010, five liter Volvo I/O with W/150 Hrs, custom tandem trailer. Great condition, much more. Call for more details. $19,950. 225-766-1509. Boat, motor, and trailer for sale. 18ft bay boat, fully equip. w/ extras. 115HP motor, built in marine batt. charger, troll motor, magic tilt trailer. $9,500. obo. Call 225-926-3553. 15' Boston Whaler, 75 HP Yamaha eng, galv. trlr & trolling motor. $5000 firm. 337-471-7033
Carver Santa Cruz 1986, 26 ft, Galley, Head, Flybridge, Trailer, great offshore boat $12,000 or trade hsebt or ctr consul. Call 225-264-0413
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2280 364 Internatl Tractor. W/4 ft Bush Hog. Low Hours. $4800. Call 225-936-9468
Household Items
2400 Brass Full Size Bed Frame, $25. Call 225-773-7974 Coffee & 2 end tables. Ashley Furn, good condition. $250 neg. 225-9360897.
Jewelry/ Watches
"THE PIANO SPECIALIST" 11811 Coursey Bl 291-0404
Portable Buildings
2610 10x12 $1,749;12x16 $2,449 12x20 $2,749 16x24 $3995 AAA Portable, 654-0345 12x24 Custom Bldg $3295 6' door w/rmp, 2 windows Built On Site* 985-969-6191
Containers - All sizes NEW, USED, CUSTOM BOASSO 888-375-0738
Restaurant Equipment
2620 DAIQUIRI MACHINES & Daiquiri Mixes. Call 225-274-1811.
Sportsman’s Exchange
2680 Concealed Carry Course Sr StateInstructor 335-1571
2420 .52K J,VS2 Diamond Ring 20 round accent, 14k white gold. $1,700. 225-252-8490
Boat Slip Gr. Isle PIRATES COVE, covered, lift, 25-28 Ft. for boat. $550/month. Call 225-933-4604
Rolex-Stainless & gold w/ date. New main spring & service. $2300. 769-3396.
Lawnmowers/ Lawn Tractors
2440 John Deere riding mower LA145, 48' cut 22hp. Exc cond. $1200. 225-315-5740. John Deer Riding Mower, 42in cut. B&S motor. 142/Hrs. $600. 225-241-0317 LT125 23HP Snapper Riding lawnmower, Has 28hrs & 42' deck. $1850 OBO. Call 225-347-8776
Machinery & Tools
2480 20 ft & 40 ft. STORAGE/ SHIPPING Containers. New & Used. " Buy Direct" CONGLOBAL INDUSTRIES 504-246-7853 BOBCAT 463 diesel, perfect shape, 2 buckets, $6400 obo. Call 225-721-0944 Rolling Tool Cabinet, 16 drawer, matco box builtin. $1400 OBO. 225-715-6859
Galvanized I-Beams 9 pieces; 39' 7" long to 21' 6" long x 13 ¾" x 3/8" . $1500 obo. 225-721-0944 I NEED A VERTICAL MILL. Call 504-881-1183
LOOK TO THE STARS STARS make your ad stand out and get you quick results.
The Advocate
Colt, Python, Winchester Collector. Wants to buy old guns. 225-937-7133 CONCEALED CARRY CLASS XRing Protection Training State Certified Instructor Baker Range 225-937-4255 NEW COON TRAP. Dog safe $15.97 Plant World, 225-272-7144 DEER SAUSAGE or Turducken po boys. Bellues's 356-7798, 3110 Scenic Hwy. Hunting club near Woodville, MS looking for members. 601-431-9149 Pelican Pointe Subd. Grand Isle, LA. Lot for sale. 112 ft. on the water. Call 225-718-2940. RECREATIONAL WINCHES TRUCK MOUNTED. DEALERS TRUCK, 926-1070. RUGER 10/22 RIFLE -very nice. Scope, lots of extras. Must see $350.225-2807706 Ser 70 Gov't mdl 1911. 98% cond. $1100, best offer, or trade for small cal. qual. rifle. 225-241-7515 aft 10am WE SANDBLAST & PAINT Boat Trailers & Utility Trailers. Bellue's Welding, 3120 Scenic Hwy. 356-2698.
TV, Stereo, Video, DVD
2760 60" RCA Projection TV, $100. Call 225-773-7974
Utility Trailers
2770 New Line Of Buck Dandy Trlrs at Circle R Trailers. Thank you for 7 yrs of support. 647-0969 *MIKE'S TRAILER DEPOT* 5X8 $799, 5x10 $839. 3500# Axle, treated wood. w/ gate. We now inst. B&W GN 5th whl, & brk contrllrs @ both loc's. FLA. 225-2750000, Air. 356-4000.
Miscellaneous for Sale
WILL MAKE your ad really stand out and get you even quicker results. ASK FOR your ad in BOLD TYPE. It only costs 35 cents a line more, per day.
CALL CLASSIFIED 1-800-960-6397
'00 39 ft. Allegro Bus Diesel Pusher, 1 slide out, 87K mi. $45,000. Call 225-413-4003.
1974 Restored Chevy Truck, original 50k miles, 2 sets of rims. Appraised for $19k, Asking $17,500 OBO. Must see to appreciate! Call 225-921-8472
Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 09 Jeep Wrangler, loaded, hard top, white with black top, right hand drive, only $85k miles, X package Only $19,995. Call 225-7731195 #J15218A.
CLOVERLAND STORAGE Store your RV's, Boats & More 225-572-4567
Livestock & Pets Cats.................................2900 Dogs................................2940 Livestock Animals ......2810 Pet Services..................2960 Pet Supplies .................2980 Poultry and Eggs.........2880
Livestock Animals
2810 30 Quarter Cross blk cows 2 to 5 years of age Call 225-933-5975 FERTILIZED HORSE HAYSquare Bale & Round Bale. Call 225-933-5975
Discount Prices * Free Del 1-800-362-3390
Poultry & Eggs
2880 Baby Chicks, Ducks,Geese, Bantums $2.97ea & up Plant world, 225-272-7144
Apts. Unfurn. Area 8
D.S., 2Br/1ba or 3Br/1ba WD, incl wtr, swr, trash & pest control. Gated. Call 225-200-4567 today for info Spacious 2BR/2B. W/D con fp, new flrs $695/m $300/d. Den Sprg. Trenika 292-2350 4780
Houses Unfurn. Area 8
4780 23702 Springhill 4/2 $1300 Re/Max First Property Mgmt. (225) 291-1234
39' Fleetwood Southwind Motor Coach, 2005, exc. cond. 35K miles. 3 slide outs, new awning, new tires. $35,000. 225-243-4639 1993 Fleetwood Bounder 34 ft, 454 Chevy, hardwood floor. $16,000. 225-9218850. 08 Holiday Rambler Endeavor, 40' Dsl pshr, 4 slds, loaded. Great cond. 48k mi. $122,500. 225-7175160
1-800-960-6397 Travel Trailers
5500 '01 Jayco 28.5 ft Eagle 5th Wheel, w/awning, bunks & super slide. Like new cond. $6,900. 225-788-5564. 2010 NOMAD Lite. 20' Like new Queen Bedrm, full sz sofa sleeper, slide out, kitchen, bath with tub, shower, canopy, $8500. Call 225-571-2698 2008 AMERILITE 24', slps 6, in good condition, $9600 nego. Call 225-931-4262 2013 41' Blue Ridge3710BH Fifth Wheel. Exc. cond. 4 slides, 2 kits, many extras. $54,000. Call 225-305-6107. 3Br/2ba Home In Excellent Neighborhood, $1100 Mo. Call 225-324-7049 4BR/2BA in DS off Rushing. Spac. kit. Lovely fnc yd. Grt fam-friendly neighborhd. $950 /mo. 225-275-7929. DEN. SPGS. 3 BR, 2 BA. Ref's & Deposit req'd. $1000mo. Call 225-791-0996 GREAT LOC, 2 min from I-12. 3 BR/1 ½BA, loc in D.S., fenced yard, large family room. $1200/m. 225-938-1872 Handyman Special 16x60 Mobile Home on 1 /2 acre. $55,000 obo. 225-788-7266
Beautiful Wedding Dress Size 4. Never Worn. Still in Bag. Paid $500 asking $400. Call 225-614-6772 or 225-573-9094.
Pianos, Organs
Thursday, April 30, 2015
* * A SPECIAL * *
Wheelchair for sale, great condition, elevated toilet seat, and shower bench. $400 OBO. Call 225-7737974
Motor Homes
HANDI-MOVE Model 2500 Ceiling Motor w/charger, spreader bar for hygiene sling. Approx 8' of ceiling track. Used 6 mo. $4000. Call 225-939-9635
HOSPITAL BEDS. (2) Electric. Like New. $500 ea. Call 225-229-0287
NO ONE PAYS MORE! All Diamonds, Jewelry, Coins, & Antiques. Expert jewelry repair. DIAMOND DISTRIBUTORS 8210 Jefferson Hwy., St. E (225) 927-6514
Miscellaneous for Sale
Medical Supplies
Farm Equipment
Loan brokers, consumer lenders or other arrangers of credit should be licensed with the La. Office of Financial Institutions. For verification or further information call the Consumer Credit Division of LOFI at: (225) 925-4660.
1 Plot in Veterans Section $2,475, in Greenoaks Memorial Park. 225-274-5558.
SERVICE TRUCK CRANE Model 3200. $3200 OBO. Call 225-715-6859 2004 Larsen 28 ft. Mid Cabin, 351 V8 w/ douprop I/O. new gen., A/C, 2 frig., microwave, flat TV, tandem trailer w/brakes, NADA: $41,730 1st $33k takes it 225-268-2112
Machinery & Tools
102 Secret Gate, $1600mo, 3BR/2BA. Call Lauren Johnson, RE/MAX Professional 225-445-5039 106 Secret Gate, $1600mo, 3BR/2BA. Call Lauren Johnson, RE/MAX Professional, 225-445-5039 4790
Houses Unfurn. Area 9
4790 10766 Rocky Rd. 1BR w/ loft. $750/mo. Nice yard! Call 225-726-7735 3br/2ba hardwd flrs, furn. Kit., $750 mo. $1000 damage dep, 1yr lease req'd. Avail April 29. 225-644-3616 41438 Creekstone 3Br/2BA in Prairieville, two year old home on the lake. $2,000/mo. starting May 1st. Call 225-266-9441 Remax Professional 225615-7755.
5289 Hemingway 3/2 $1350 Re/Max First Property Mgmt. (225) 291-1234 EXEC. HOME 3b/2.5bPelican Point Blvd.-Gonzales $2475/mo Golf access Nan Riffe, Broker Lane Real Estate. 225-644-7760
Recreational Vehicles ATV
5200 2011 Kawasaki Bayou 250 w/gun mount. Exc. Condition $1,600. 225-776-8808 Kawasaki diesel 4 seater mule. Runs & drives great! 4WD. $4,500. 225-205-0902.
5210 1970 Triumph 650 Tiger Motorcycle, lots of restoration done, extra parts. $10,000 OBO. Call 225-7737974 2006 HD Street Glide. Very sharp! $10,000. Call 225326-4115. 2008 Harley Sportster Custom 1200, Lots of xtras,Exc cond. $5400. 225-614-7046 2007 Honda VTX 1800 Retro 1 owner, low mileage, Great Cond. Helmets & cover incl. $8,000. OBO. CALL 225-773-7927
Automotive 4X4 Vehicles .................6800 Automotive Wanted...6100 Automobile Agencies 6010 Auto Parts - Tires, Accessories ..................6920 Auto Rentals.................6120 Auto Repairs.................6900 Autos For Sale....6200-6790 Trucks/Light Duty.......6810 Trucks/Trailers Heavy Duty ................................6820 Vans - Buses.................6840
Automobile Agencies
6010 BENNETT FORD 110 Ferdinand, St. Francisville 635-3887 or 383-5451 (B.R.)
Chevrolet - GMC Truck 7259 Hwy 61 North ST. FRANCISVILLE 1-800-547-7072 GERRY LANE ● BUICK ● GMC ● 225-926-7010 HOLLINGSWORTH RICHARDS FORD Get pre-Approved! 877-278-5121
NOW OPEN! CECIL GRAVES AUTOPLEX, LLC Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge Ram 7245 Hwy 61 North ST. FRANCISVILLE 1-855-506-2773
ROBINSON BROTHERS FORD-LINCOLN 11455 Airline Hwy. 924-7068 SALSBURY'S DODGE CITY 9550 Airline Hwy. 926-5211 TEAM HONDA 6363 Siegen Lane 298-4100 Team Toyota I-12 & Oneal Lane 273-5880
Automotive Wanted
6100 HOLLINGSWORTH MAZDA Get Pre-Approved 800-206-1727
REASON #1 EXTRA INCOME... classified ads are a direct line to extra income. Look around your home. You're sure to find many items you no longer want or need. Somewhere there is a buyer for them. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING
1-800-960-6397 Cadillac
6240 GERRY LANE BUICK 08 Cadillac CTS, only 55k miles. $17,950. Call Judah or Tim, 225-926-7010.
2006 HONDA VTX 1800C, Garage kept. Chrome everywhere. UltimateX seat. Cash or cashiers check. $6,400. Call 225-964-3610 2010 Vespa GTS 300 Super. Very clean, lots of extras $4,000. Call 225-252-0567.
Campers, Camper Equip.
5300 2013 Summerland/ Springdale 26' camper for sale - 4 years left on warranty - excellent condition 2 flat screen tvs included $13,500. Call 225-719-7625 Cleaning Out Your Attic? Garage Sales can turn your stuff into bucks. Call 1-800-960-6397 to place your ad
GERRY LANE BUICK 12 Cadillac SRX luxury, 23k miles. Save $! Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010. Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2014 Cadillac CTS Certified, pre owned, loaded, 12k miles. Only $36,965. Won't Last! 225-297-5377 Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2011 Cadillac CTS, x-clean, 40k miles. Priced to sell. Call today! 225-297-5377 Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2013 Cadillac SRX Certified, pre owned, only $28,968. 225-297-5377 Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2013 Cadillac XTS Certified Pre Owned. Fully Loaded. Only $32,975. 225-297-5377
2008 Dodge Avenger, 150k mi. Looks and runs great! Auto. $4990. 225-456-4757. 2010 Chevrolet Malibu LT, 136k mi. Looks and runs good. $6250. 225-456-4757.
'98 CHEVY BLAZER 62K miles, garage kept, $5200 225-235-2978.
2008 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR Elite, 101k mi. Royal Blue, fully loaded. Unbelievable fantastic buy. $15,950. Call 225-266-7285
GERRY LANE BUICK 12 Chevy Camaro 2SS, 18K mi, $29,950, Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010.
Over 60,000 vehicles to choose from
GERRY LANE CHEVY 2013 Camaro, auto, red. Only 39k miles. Sale Priced!!! Call 225-926-4600.
'00 CHEVY CAVALIER, 4 cyl. Cool A/C. Needs body work.$ 450. 225-772-5021
'02 CHEVY CAVALIER, 4 cyl. Cool A/C. Needs body work.$ 450. 225-772-5021
'01 CHEVY CAVALIER 4DR Auto, gas saver. $1,995 Call 225-302-1931 Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2014 Chevy Impala LTZ, looks new, low miles. Only $18,995. Won't Last! 225-297-5757. '05 CHEV IMPALA, Great cond. A/C, CD, new tires, $4,200. Call 504-373-4649
6400 06 Grand Marquis, all pwr equip., 4dr, only 87k miles, $7,988. Call 855-821-5047
6460 05' Pontiac G6, Leather, snrf, wheels, low mi. $5995. Call 225-448-2586
Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 14 Chevy Impala LTZ, loaded, low miles, leather, heated seats, Sat radio, sunroof, spoiler, silver. Call 225-773-1195 for price. #10505P.
07 SATURN ION, 85K, AC cold, runs great, $4495. Call 225-253-6991
'07 CHEVY IMPALA 4dr, Cold Air, Runs great. $4995. Call 225-448-2586
2001 SATURN - 5 spd std. Cold AC, 170k mi. Runs good. $2299. 225-247-7089.
Looking for a new car? Check out wheels. Largest variety of vehicles at your finger tips 01 Chevy Malibu, auto ac, runs great, very clean $2750. 225-369-1920 agt
Team Honda
855-313-8326 We Buy Used Cars $500-$50,000 Vans/Cars/Trucks Foreign/Domestic All Makes & Models
08 Trailblazer, 4dr, auto, alloys, pwr equip, tow package, $8488. Call 1-855-821-5047
All makes and models. Offer made on the spot.
TEAM TOYOTA 855-821-5047
6280 Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2013 Chrysler 300c, loaded, x-clean, call Grady for details! 225-297-5377. 06 Chrysler PT Cruiser, 95k mi, auto, ac, runs great $3995. 369-1920 agt '06 PT Cruiser low mile terrain edition cold air, auto, $3995. 225-448-2586.
6300 Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2014 Dodge Challenger, 9k miles, very sporty. Call 225-297-5377.
06 Charger R/T, 4dr, auto, pwr equip, leather, only 57k miles, $13,788. Call 1-855-821-5047. '05 Dodge Stratus 4dr, low miles, Runs great, Cold air $3250. 225-448-2586.
'02 Saturn L200 4dr, low miles, auto, cold air, $2500. Call 225-448-2586.
Sport Utility
6530 2013 Honda CRV-EX $21,500 Very Clean All Dealer Maint. Sunroof Prem. Wheels 36,500 mi Extras 225-636-2717 GERRY LANE BUICK 02 Chevy Suburban, 78k miles, $9,950. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010. 2010 CHEVY Crew Cab 2500 PW, Vortex V8, $17,995. Call Butch 225-405-9340 2010 Chevy Avalanche, very clean, loaded, 100K miles. $16,995. Call Butch 225-405-9340 04 Chevy Suburban LT, lthr All pwr, heated seats. Cold air. $3500. 225-448-2586 01 DODGE DURANGO, runs great, A/C, $2,899. 225-394-0587 2003 Dodge Durango, auto, ac, runs great, $1,995. 225369-1920 agt '03 FORD EXPLORER XLT 112,300 mi., navy w/grey lthr int., 3rd row, new trans., smoke free, 1 owner. Exc. cond! $8,100. Call 225-931-0499. GERRY LANE BUICK 08 Ford Edge, great SUV, $9,950. Call Judah or Tim, 225-926-7010. GERRY LANE BUICK 08 Honda CRV EX Leather $13,950. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010. GERRY LANE BUICK 10 Honda Accord Crosstour EX, leather SUV, $19,950. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010. GERRY LANE BUICK 10 Jeep Wrangler Sahara, 55K miles. Red Rock. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010. GERRY LANE BUICK 12 Jeep Grand CherokeeClean. $20,950. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010.
03 RAV4, auto, pwr equip, alloys, $6,788. Call 1-855-821-5047. GERRY LANE BUICK 06 Toyota 4Runner, nice touch, $14,500. Call Judah or Tim, 225-926-7010. GERRY LANE CHEVY WE BUY CARS, TRUCKS, SUVs. Call Jeff or Cecil. 225-926-4600
Sports Cars
6540 2009 Red Corvette Convert. LT4 pkg. Powertrain Wrrty. $39,900.225-620-3504
6320 2004 Ford Crown Victoria, leather interior, excellent cond. $5900 225-778-5257 1999 Ford Escort, 4DR, A/C, 57,500 miles, $3450 Call 225-667-3808 '03 Ford Escort. 2DR. 5 spd A/C. 63K MI. new tires & brakes. $3599. 225-667-3808 GERRY LANE BUICK 14 Ford Focus Titanium, leather, moon roof, $20,950. Call Judah or Tim, 225-926-7010. 07 Ford Taurus, 107k mi. Auto, ac, runs great $3495. Call 225-369-1920 agt Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 11 Ford Taurus SHO, loaded, 40k miles, silver, leather, AWD, keyless start, sunroof, $20,780. Call 225-610-2650 for more info. #C15001A.
All makes and models. Offer made on the spot.
TEAM TOYOTA 855-821-5047
Now Open
Fiat of Baton Rouge 11955 AIRLINE HWY. fiatusaof
1-888-349-1340 Audi
6620 Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 11 Audi Q7, gray, leather, roof, 3rd row, nav, 62k miles. Priced to move $36,499. Call 225-330-9474 for more info. #J15213TA.
6630 Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 12 BMW 328I, maxed in black, low miles, sunroof, leather, turbo engine, aluminum wheels, CD and more. Call 225-773-1195 for price. #10543PA.
6635 Jeep
6340 Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 11 Jeep Grand Cherokee, gray, black leather interior, V6, 33,363 miles, auto start, great deal. Call Don 225-229-9886 for price. J15413TA. 01 JEEP SPORT, body damage, runs well, good tires, A/C. $1,200. 225-771-8454 Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 11 Jeep Wrangler, ruff and ready, brown leather interior, rust in color, 2 inch lift with Terra Grappler tires, navigation, 54,357 mi, auto. $31,995. Call Don 225-229-9886. #15TL317AA.
Now Open
Fiat of Baton Rouge 11955 AIRLINE HWY. fiatusaof
1-888-349-1340 Honda
6640 2009 Honda Accord EX. 4dr, 150k mi. Runs Great! $7,990. Call 225-456-4757. '09 Accord V6, 94K MI. Very clean, Runs great. Loaded. $9000. Call 225806-6383
Thursday, April 30, 2015
The Advocate
Classic Cars
Trucks/ Light Duty
Trucks/ Light Duty
Trucks/Trailers Heavy Duty
'01 HONDA ACCORD LX, auto, new timing belt, A/C, 200K, $3750. 225-953-3401.
06 Infiniti G35 Coupe; $10,500. 110K, Excellent cond. Premium pkg. Call 225-772-1338
'02 MONTERO SPORT 4DR, cold air, auto, $2750. Call 225-448-2586
02 TOYOTA 4RUNNER SR5, Auto A/C, 6cyl, 1 owner, 111K mi $6900. 225.892.3011
'07 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER, auto, loaded, 4 cyl., 130K, Carfax, $6950. Call 225-9533401
1955 Chevy frame. No bodies. Frame Only! 327 w/ MSD fuel injection. 700R trans. Camaro frnt clip. Old school cragers. New tires. $8500. obo. Call John, 225-315-0617.
'07 CHEVY COLORADO LS, auto, x-cab, garaged, 1 owner, only 99K, $7500. Call 225-921-6383.
GERRY LANE CHEVY 2000 Dodge Dakota, auto, cold A/C, runs great. Priced to sell! Call 225-9264600.
97' FORD F350 HEAVY DUTY 5.8L V8 4X4, 74K 4 DR. $4500 . Call 225-937-0529
Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 08 Honda Accord, loaded, 50k miles, gray, leather, roof, spoiler, alloy wheels, $14,500. Contact 225-3309474 for more info. #J15374A. '02 HONDA ACCORD 4dr EX 131k miles, auto, $3995. Call 225-448-2586. '05 Honda Accord EX, Sunroof, wheels, low miles. $6995. 225-448-2586. GERRY LANE CHEVY 2014 Honda Accord, white, auto, non smoker, like new! Call for details. 225926-4600 **92 HONDA ACCORD LX** 62k orig. mi., garage kept Nice, $3800 225-235-2978 -All Hondas and Toyotas$4800 with Free Warranty! Very clean. 225-235-2978.
All makes and models. Offer made on the spot.
TEAM TOYOTA 855-821-5047
6650 Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 14 Hyundai Sonata, Venetian red, turbo, 4 cyl, great on gas, auto, sun moon roof, leather, rear spoiler. $22,995. Call Don 225-229-9886. Factory warranty, 9k miles. #14F167A.
$124.20 per month
GERRY LANE CHEVY 2008 Infiniti G35, very, very nice, auto, leather, loaded. Call for details. 225-9264600. '07 INFINITI G35S, only 59K, NAV, sun, Bose, loaded, $15,400. Call 225-278-3729.
6720 Gerry Lane's Payless Car Sales 2014 Nissan Altima, loaded, low miles. Only $18,989. 225-297-5377 GERRY LANE BUICK 10 Nissan Altima, loaded, low miles, $13,950. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010.
6675 '06 KIA SPECTRA EX 4dr auto A/C. 1 owner. 123K mi. $4600. 225.892.3011.
'00 LEXUS GS 300
Looks Good * $4,000 obo. Call 225-936-5180 GERRY LANE CHEVY 2007 Lexus LS 250, loaded, 4 dr, silver, nice, nice!! Call for details. 225-926-4600.
6690 2005 Mazda 6, 85k mi, 4dr, auto. Looks and runs great! $4,990. 225-456-4757. 2011 MAZDA CX7 SUV. Exc. cond. Must see & drive to appreciate. Only 18k mi. $16,500. Don, 225-252-3347.
Mercedes Benz
6700 1998 MERCEDES BENZ E320 - 192k mi. $4,550. OBO. 225-278-1149. 97' Mercedes F320. Big body, fully loaded. 130k mi. $3900. Call 225-354-5436 2002 Mercedes E230 Compressor. 88K mi. $6000 OBO. Call 225-603-3539
08 Altima, 4dr, auto, all pwr equip, alloys, only $8,788. Call 1-855-821-5047. Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 15 Nissan Altima S, white, cloth interior, Bluetooth, AmFmCD, gas saver, 4 door, ride in comfort. Call 225-773-1195 price. #10565P.
-All Toyotas and Hondas$4800 with Free Warranty! Very clean. 225-235-2978.
GERRY LANE BUICK 14 Toyota Camry SE. Low miles. $19,500 Call Judah or Tim, 225-926-7010. GERRY LANE BUICK 11 Toyota Camry XLE. Loaded. $14,950 Call Judah or Tim, 225-926-7010.
GERRY LANE CHEVY 2011 Nissan Altima, royal blue, auto, 4dr, priced to sell. Call for details. 225926-4600
of Used Cars, Trucks, SUV CERTIFIED
'99 TOYOTA CAMRY LE, auto, 4 cyl., loaded, new timing belt, Carfax, only 150K, $3500. 225-953-3401
03 Frontier, 4dr, Auto, alloys, $8,488. Call 855-821-5047 '05 NISSAN MAXIMA SL, auto, loaded, s-roof, lthr, new A/C, mint, only 109K, $6500. Call 225-953-3401.
10 Versa, 4dr, auto $7,788. Call 1-855-821-5047.
All makes and models. Offer made on the spot.
TEAM TOYOTA 855-821-5047
See our ads online:
I-12 @ O'NEAL
GERRY LANE CHEVY 2012 Toyota Camry, black, auto, loaded. Priced thousands below new!! Call 225-926-4600.
07 Camry, 4dr, auto, pwr equip. $9,488 Call 1-855-821-5047.
08 Camry XLE V6, 4dr, auto, leather, all pwr. equip., sunroof, navigation. $10,488. Call 1-855-821-5047.
06 Corolla LE, 4dr, auto, pwr. equip., only $7,988. Call 1-855-821-5047.
Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 05 Toyota Corolla, clean, low miles, great starter car. All power, auto, priced to sell, only $7,995. Call 225-330-9474 for more info. #J15427A.
03 Highlander, auto, 4 dr., all pwr. equip, clean. Only $5,788. Call 1-855-821-5047 GERRY LANE CHEVY 2013 Toyota Scion XB, like new, only 23k miles. Save thousands! Call 225-9264600.
All makes and models. Offer made on the spot.
TEAM TOYOTA 855-821-5047
09 Beetle, 2dr, auto, pwr equip, leather, $7,988 Call 1-855-821-5047. 2006 Volkswagen Jetta 4 dr. Sliver $5,500 Call 225993-8296. Southpoint Volkswagen 800-291-0025/225-291-6000 13940 AIRLINE HWY 2010 Volkswagen CC, 4Dr, 2.0 engine, 95,622k miles. Exc. condition. $17,000 OBO. Call 225-955-3561
Definition: A small gift. OUR GIFT TO YOU: ~Free Advertising~ The Advocate
*Items for sale under $1000
Automotive Miscellaneous
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GET PAID UP TO $700 FOR complete cars! (Varies on vehicle make, model & year) Free Towing!
Call 225-442-9076 Trucks/ Light Duty
FOR GOOD TRUCKS! 225-647-5501
03 CHEVY S10 , Auto, Xcab, S-side, v6, clean, 190K, $4750. Call 225-921-6383. GERRY LANE CHEVY 2012 Chevy Colorado, V8, 4x4, crew cab, leather, loaded. Nice! Nice! Only 25,128 miles. Call 225-9264600. GERRY LANE CHEVY 2009 Chevy Silverado Z71 4x4, auto, very nice crew cab. Save thousands! Call 225-926-4600. GERRY LANE CHEVY 2010 Chevy Silverado Z71 4x4, auto, crew cab. Black on black, only 40k miles. Call for details. 225-9264600. GERRY LANE CHEVY 2012 Chevy Silverado LT, ex cab, black, only 52k miles, auto, very nice. Come see today, over 25 in stock! Call 225-926-4600. 2002 Chevy Silverado Ext. Cab, V8, 350 Vortex, cold A/C, bedliner, new tires, sony CD w/Bluetooth. Exc. cond. $5900 225-931-5460
2012 FORD F150 Ext Cab, V8, auto, PW $116,995. Call Butch 225-405-9340 '03 Ford F150 King Ranch 1 owner, exc cond. $11,000. 225-892-4942 '04 Ford F150 2dr, 6cyl, A/C Auto. $2450. 225.892.3011. 2000 F-150. Ext. Cab. A/C, CD/ Runs. Great. $3500. Call 225-302-1931 GERRY LANE BUICK 11 GMC Sierra SLT Crew, 4WD Leather $28,500. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010. GERRY LANE BUICK 07 CHEVY HD3500 DRW, crew cab, diesel. $23,950. Call Judah or Tim 225-926-7010. 2008 GMC SIERRA , 4-dr, 98K, $13,500. Call 225-9938296. '08 NISSAN TITAN Extra Cab 4x4, cold air. $9995. Call 225-448-2586.
Team Honda
2010 Ford F250 Crew Cab XLT, high miles. Runs good. $13,995. Call Butch 225-405-9340
855-313-8326 We Buy Used Cars
GERRY LANE CHEVY 2014 Chevy Silverado LT, crew cab, mocha, only 4k miles, alloys. Thousands below new. 225-926-4600. GERRY LANE CHEVY Over 25 trucks in stock, 4x4, crew cabs. You name it, we got it! Call today! 225-926-4600 '05 CHEVY 1500 CREW CAB, auto, 5.3 v8, like new, garaged, 204K, $6850. Call 225-953-3401.
$500-$50,000 Vans/Cars/Trucks Foreign/Domestic All Makes & Models
'05 Ram 1500 SLT - Hemi, Quad Cab. 6 1/4' bed, 94k mi., $13K. 225-229-8412. '05 DODGE DAKOTA SLT, 1 owner, auto, quad cab, V8, 190K, $5750 225-953-3401 99 DODGE RAM 1500 - Ext Cab, AC. Good work truck! $2200. 225-302-1931.
Brian Harris Chrysler Jeep 05 Toyota Tacoma, all pwr, white, crew cab, great truck, only 42k miles. Priced to move, only $14,995. Call 225-330-9474 for more info. #J15045A. GERRY LANE CHEVY WE BUY TRUCKS & CARS. Call today. We Pay Top $. 225-926-4600
Place an ad in The Advocate Classifieds Call NOW! 225-383-0111 Toll Free 800-960-6397
6840 GERRY LANE BUICK 13 Chevy 12 passenger van, 26k miles, $26,500. Call Judah or Tim 225-9267010. '99 CHEVY VENTURE VAN. COLD a/c. 158k mi. $1,995 Call 225-302-1931 GERRY LANE CHEVY 2013 15 Passenger Express van, 2 in stock, low, low miles, rear A/C. Clean, like new! Call for details. Over $10,000 less than new. Call 225-926-4600. GERRY LANE BUICK 08 Toyota Sienna, 79k miles, $15,950. Call Judah or Tim, 225-926-7010.
Auto Parts Tires, Access.
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