The Zachary Advocate & Plainsman 03-19-2015

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Food Pantry seeks info on barrels Zachary businesses, organizations or schools that have a Pack the Pantry food barrel are urged to contact the Zachary Food Pantry to confirm its location. The Food Pantry is attempting to locate each barrel in an effort to maintain accurate records and coordinate pickups. Hunger is a year-round issue, and the food barrels provide a vital resource to those in need throughout the Zachary community, Reggie Dykes, Food Pantry director, said. Email your business, organization or school and location of barrel as well as contact information to Vince Giaccone at vpgicc@ or call (225) 301-6607.



1st Year, No. 23

Zachary City Council selects board members Historic Village advisers confirmed

Theresa Payment, Sharon Phillips, Ryan Southall and Bob Whitaker. At the Feb. 24 council meeting, the question was raised BY STACY GILL whether City Councilman my Womack’s initial appoinThe Zachary City Council tee, his sister Johnna Womack finalized appointments to the Roose, was a violation of ethics Zachary Historic Village ad- laws. The confirmation of appointvisory board at its March 10 ments was tabled at the Februmeeting. Confirmed to the advisory ary meeting so City Attorney board were Renee Beadle, Pat- John Hopewell could seek an rick Campbell, Jeanne Partin, opinion.

Hopewell said he spoke to a staff attorney with the Louisiana Board of Ethics who issued an advisory opinion that suggested Roose’s appointment would be a violation of state ethics laws. “Councilman Womack’s only interest in appointing her was that she had an interest in things historical and was willing to serve,” Hopewell said. The Ethics Board attorney said Roose would not be prevented from volunteering at

one of the Historic Village houses, however, simply prevented from being named as an appointment to the board. The Allison House, Bauman House and McHugh House, a barn, carriage house, pavilion, railroad depot and the Old Town Hall are part of the Historical Village, which is owned by the city, located in a two-block area on Virginia Street. In other council news: The council voted to adopt an ordinance declaring 13 bul-



Lane fish fry

The Lane Regional Medical Center Foundation is selling fried fish dinners Friday. Proceeds will be used for cancer treatment services at Lane’s Radiation Oncology Center in Zachary. Individual orders can be picked up at the Zachary City Hall parking lot from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mayor David Amrhein and staff will be frying the dinners, which are $10 per plate and include fried catfish, coleslaw, fries and hush puppies. The fish-fry fundraiser is sponsored by Braezeale, Sachse & Wilson LLP.

Advocate staff photos by STACY GILL

In an effort to prepare for this week’s PARCC testing, Cullen Cassard, Jules Patin, Haley Sink, teachers Leah Boulton and Staci Williams, Kelsey White and teacher Kathryn Gutentag, from left, joined the Copper Mill Elementary School students and teachers in dressing as rock stars Friday. The school usually holds a pre-testing pep rally but decided to have a Rock the Test day instead.

äSee AROUND, page 4G

INSIDE Police reports .........9G Sports ....................1H

äSee COUNCIL, page 7G

Chamber announces support for Zachary schools Advocate staff report

Farm Bureau dinner

East Baton Rouge Parish Farm Bureau members are invited to their annual dinner meeting beginning at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 19, in the Life Center at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, 3824 Lee St., in Zachary. Commissioner of Agriculture Mike Strain will be the guest speaker at the dinner, which also includes a beauty pageant and youth talent show.

letproof vests belonging to the Zachary Police Department as surplus. In addition to the vests, four vehicles belonging to the Police Department and the city were designated as surplus equipment and listed as being in fair or poor condition with issues ranging from excessive mileage to electrical and enginerelated problems. The vehicles include two 2006

In front is Copper Mill Principal Keisha Thomas; middle row, Kelsey White, Bruce Langley Jr., Cullen Cassard, Taliyah Jiles and Kyle Bouton; and back row, teacher Kathryn Gutentag, Haley Sink, Jenee Brown, teacher Leah Boulton, Jules Patin and teacher Staci Williams.

In an effort to rid themselves of pre-testing jitters prior to this week’s Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers or PARCC testing March 1620, Copper Mill Elementary School students and teachers dressed March 13 as rock stars. The day was themed ‘Rock the Test.’

The board of directors for the Zachary Chamber of Commerce voted March 10 to support the Zachary Community School District’s proposed 1-cent sales tax increase on the March 28 ballot. The chamber’s endorsement of the 1-cent tax proposition recognizes the importance of a strong school system to economic development in the city and comes after careful consideration of the impact on the community, according to a chamber news release. For several years, the Zachary School Board has been examining the district’s budget and finances with a focus on streamlining operations wherever possible, the release said. After seeking input from stakeholders in meetings held over a six-month period, the board voted unanimously in November to place a sales tax proposition on the March 28 ballot. The chamber said the School Board is committed to providing a high-quality education for students in the Zachary community and has based the decision on factors such as the overall cost of salaries, benefits, transportation, maintenance, utilities and technology. “The Zachary Chamber of Commerce believes education plays a vital role in ensuring economic prosperity and growth in our community and that we must ensure the school district has the resources necessary to continue to provide the quality of education our children deserve,” said Karl Kleinpeter, chamber president. “Good schools protect property values and make our community a safe and desirable place to live, work and do business.” The Zachary school district has demonstrated a history of success by ranking as the state’s top performing school district for the last 10 years, and the March 28 election will ensure the resources to continue that trend for years to come, Kleinpeter said.

Oil Changes, Brakes, Alignments, Check Engine Lights, A/C Repairs, Shocks, Struts, Tires

2G n Thursday, March 19, 2015 n n The Advocate

Northwestern, Copper Mill students excel at competition BY STACY GILL Margret Atkinson teaches literature to sixth-graders at Copper Mill Elementary School and English to gifted seventh- and eighth-graders at Northwestern Middle School. Her students have been conducting research on historical topics to prepare for National History Day — a national competition underwritten by the History Channel that has several qualifying rounds. “We have been working on this, incrementally, since August,� Atkinson said. “They’ve created a product about people in history who demonstrated great leadership and left a poignant legacy, and the amount of ownership the students have is inspiring.� Each year, the competition requires students to choose a historical topic related to an annual theme — this year it’s “Leadership and Legacy in History� — and conduct primary and secondary research that includes looking through libraries, archives and museums, conducting oral history interviews and visiting historic sites. After students analyze and interpret their sources, they draw conclusions about the significance of their topics and present the work in one of five ways: as a paper, an exhibit, a performance, a documentary or a website. “The intentional selection of the theme provides an opportunity for students to push past antiquated views of history as mere facts and dates, and allows students to really dig deep into historical content to develop perspective and understanding,� Atkinson said. Students can participate individually or as a group in the junior division for sixth- through eighth-graders or in the senior division for high schoolers. Atkinson’s classes at NMS and most of her students at Copper Mill entered on March 7 the regional round of the History Day competition representing the Baton Rouge district at the West Baton Rouge Parish Museum in Port Allen. Several of the students’ entries placed first through fourth, earning them spots in the state competition slated for April 11 at the National World War II Museum in New Orleans. Thirteen projects involving 25 students are advancing to the state competition. Northwestern Middle students advancing are: n Alexandra Barfield, first place, individual exhibit board n Colt Crain, Olivia Smith and Paige Veal, first place, group exhibit board n John Borg, Hayden Duplantier and Mikey Varnado, first place, group performance n David Robins, first place, individual website n Peyton Baronne, Caynan Byrd, Joshua Lavender and Samuel McCauley, first place, group website n Brailyn King, second place,

Photo provided by JANELLE YOUNG

Photo provided by JANELLE YOUNG

Northwestern Middle school eighth-graders who competed in the National History Day regional competition March 7, in front row, from left, include Emily Jullens, Carsyn Martel, Cassianne Musacchia, Paige Veal, J.J. Hantash and Daniel Lavinghouse; and back row, history teacher Margret Atkinson with Jazmine Bishop, Hannah Robertson, Collier Cranford, Elyse Duplantier, Colt Crain, Joshua Lavender, Bria Hitchens, David Robins, Samuel McCauley, Shelby Nealy, Lynndon Rushing and James Weatherspoon. Not shown: Brailyn King and Olivia Smith.

Northwestern Middle School seventh-graders who competed in the National History Day regional competition March 7, with teacher Margret Atkinson in front row, from left, are Mikey Varnado, Hayden Jett and Katy Knecht; middle row, Cole Johnson, Ja’Cory Hubbard, John Borg, Hannah Kelly and Celeste Cavell; and back row, Audrey Hanks, Jayden Williams, William Sanford, Walker Shows, Haydell Jett, Kylie O’Brien, Ella Thompson, John Thomas Hernandez and Rachel Leese. some of the entries that place. In 2014, Zachary students Madison Russel and Jessica Staggs won first place in the regional round, first in state and competed well at the national level for their group exhibit board about the Upstanders during the Holocaust, Atkinson said. In addition to the History Day competition, sixth-graders Brianne Bankston, Anna Dupre, Kylie Phillips and Parker Robertson will compete in a class-

room-level science fair April 1. Atkinson has arranged for three science professionals from Pennington Biomedical Research Center to judge the projects, which also include bibliographies and process papers. Atkinson said she’s coordinating to have an engineer and doctor judge the projects as well. For information about the National History Day competition, visit www.nationalhistoryday. org.

Correction A headline in the March 12 Zachary Advocate & Plainsman incorrectly said a senior’s CPR training helped him rescue his cousin. He actually rescued his nephew. The Zachary Advocate & Plainsman regrets the error.

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Most of Marget Atkinson’s sixth-grade class at Copper Mill Elementary School competed in the National History Day competition March 7. Sitting, from left, are Parker Robertson, Nick Nalepa, Mallory Kendrick, Nathaniel Turner and Susie Iannitelli; kneeling, Brianne Bankston, Landon Kennedy and Garrett Keaton; and standing, Anna Dupre, Eli Carr, Kylie Phillips, Benjamin Maas, Atkinson, Janae D’Arensbourg, Kennedy Jackson and Bailey Liner. Bankston, Dupre, Phillips and Robertson entered a classroom science fair. Not shown: Presleigh Stagg and Ian Venable. individual exhibit board n Raegan Douglas and Destiny Louis, second place, group exhibit board n Celeste Cavell and Hannah Kelley, third place, group documentary n Caleb Johnson, third place, individual website n Elyse Duplantier, Carsyn Martel, Hannah Robertson and Lynndon Rushing, third place, group website n Ja’Cory Hubbard, fourth place, individual documentary. Copper Mill students advanc-

ing are: n Ian Venable, first place, individual paper n Kennedy Jackson, second place, individual website. Atkinson said that in addition to the product, students were required to create an annotated bibliography and process paper. Winners from the state contest will advance to the national competition this summer, where winners from throughout the United States and international countries will compete,

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Atkinson said. Cash prizes are awarded to


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The Advocate n n Thursday, March 19, 2015 n 3G


ADVOCATE& Need to talk to a reporter, place an obituary or wedding announcement, inquire about advertising or discuss newspaper delivery issues?

Photos provided by DELORES SUTTON

Lane Regional Medical Center employees honored March 5 for Lane Regional Medical Center employees honored for five their years of service, from left, included Yonika Dotson and years of service include, from left, Melissa Tynes, Lorinda Kli- Marti Puckett, 10 years; Darlene Reynolds, 20 years; Tanya ebert, Meisi Monroe, Jerry Borskey, Margie Hill, Travis Pitre, King and Evelyn Schilling, 15 years. Kristen McGraw and Phyllis Jarreau.

Lane recognizes longtime employees

n To submit news items and photographs, contact the news department: Editor: Darlene Denstorff, (225) 336-6952 or email Reporter: Stacy Gill, (225) 993-0066 or email n For subscription or delivery issues, contact the circulation department at (225) 388-0200 n To place a death notice, contact the obituary department at (225) 388-0289 or n For ad inquiries, contact the advertising department: Kristi Lynch: (225) 247-1030 or Gary Miller: (225) 773-6056 or n For legal advertising, contact the legal notices department at (225) 388-0128 or n To place an ad in the Classifieds section, contact the classified department at (225) 383-0111 or go to n To place a wedding or engagement announcement, call (225) 388-0738 or email Send mail to P.O. Box 588 Baton Rouge, LA. 70821 USPS NO. 668-520

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The Zachary Advocate & Plainsman is published weekly in Baton Rouge and at additional mailing offices. Periodicals-postage paid at Baton Rouge, LA ISSN: 1061-3978 Capital City Press, proprietor The Advocate, 7290 Bluebonnet Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70810-1611 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Circulation Accounting, P.O. Box 588, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-0588

Lane Regional Medical Center employees honored for 25 years of service March 5 are, from left, Gwen Buxton, Susan Pearson, Billy Conerly, Flo Handrich, Dana Bellefontaine and Carrie Carney. Advocate staff report Lane Regional Medical Center honored 39 employees for their years of service March 5 at the hospital’s semiannual service awards luncheon. Employees, who represent communities from around the region, were recognized for employment milestones ranging from five to 35 years. Collectively, the group represents 510 years combined service, Lane officials said. Recognized for years of service were: 35 YEARS: Doug Lawton and Joanne Saale 30 YEARS: Edie Creel 25 YEARS: Dana Bellefontaine, Gwen Buxton, Carrie Carney,

Billy Conerly, Flo Handrich, Susan Pearson and Monique St. Romain 20 YEARS: Marti Herrington and Darlene Reynolds 15 YEARS: Burtaniel “Bre� Evans, Tanya King and Evelyn Schilling 10 YEARS: Yonika Dotson, Jason Gwyn, Joyce Jackson, Cherie Naquin, Marti Puckett and Christal Washington 5 YEARS: Jerry Borskey, Flo Carter, Kelly Curcio, Brian Dixon, Quincy Futrell, Margie Hill, Phyllis Jarreau, Lorinda Kliebert, Jessica Ladraa, Kristen McGraw, Meisi Monroe, Shantel Moore, Jason Partin, Travis Pitre, Peter Prevot, Rhett Robbins, Joyce Roberts and Melissa Tynes.

Honored for 35 years of service at Lane Regional Medical Center in Zachary on March 5 were Doug Lawton and Joanne Saale. The two were among 39 employees recognized at an awards luncheon.

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4G n Thursday, March 19, 2015 n n The Advocate locations in the Baker/Zachary areas: Baton Rouge Zoo, Church Street Park, Plank Road Park and Zachary Community Park for 4- to 5-year-olds. For information or a complete list of BREC summer camps, pick up the BREC Summer Playbook at any BREC facility or visit


Continued from page 1G Free delivery on 10 orders or more. For pre-ordering, call (225) 658-6699 or email

Football fish fry

Photo provided by ELIZABETH BASILE

Zachary High School’s French Club of ninth- through 12th-grade students attended the Association Louisianaise des Clubs Français des Ecoles Secondaires convention in Baton Rouge on Feb. 27-29. The ZHS French Club includes, in front, Ethan Sherrer; middle row from left, Nicole Mulkey, Jessica Staggs, Nicolas Gadbois, LeeAnn Law, Kelsey Schwenndiman, Amelia Parrenin, Lama Hantash and Dominique Ferguson; and back row, Michaela Guillot, Wilson Battley, Demetri Juino, Tyrece Wilson, Alvin Henyard and Grady Cunningham.

Zachary French Club attends convention While at the convention, 21 ZHS students communicated The French Club at Zachary in French with each other, their High School attended a Feb. 27- teachers and other French Club 29 convention hosted by Asso- students from schools throughciation Louisianaise des Clubs out the state. The ALCFES convention inFrançais des Ecoles Secondaires. ALCFES is dedicated to French cluded a French spelling bee education and the continuation and vocal competition, games, of the French language in Loui- a banquet, a dance and a visit to siana, Zachary French teacher the Louisiana State Museum. The convention wrapped with Elizabeth Basile said.

Advocate staff report

the presentation of awards and scholarships. French Club student Jessica Staggs won first place in the spelling bee for correctly spelling l’orthographe. John Carl Begley, Nicholas Gadbois and LeeAnn Law took second place in the vocal performance competition by singing “Le Bear Song” by Les Hay Babies while playing the bass,

guitar and mandolin. Lama Hantash was elected state secretary of ALCFES and awarded a scholarship to study in a five-week immersion program at Université Sainte-Anne in Nova Scotia. “The students are already looking forward to next year’s ALCFES convention,” Basile said.

The Zachary High School Bronco football team is hosting a fish-fry fundraiser March 20, March 27 and April 3. Dinners cost $8 per plate and include fried catfish, fries, coleslaw and bread. Dinners will be sold on the second floor of the ZHS Academic Athletic building behind the high school and are available for pickup between 10:30 a.m. and noon. Proceeds will help pay for equipment, travel and uniforms for the ZHS Bronco football team. For information, email chrissy.ashford@zachary

BREC registration

ZAG welcomes speaker

BREC is offering summer camp registration for East Baton Rouge Parish residents from 9 a.m. to noon March 21 and at 3:30 p.m. March 31 for out-of-parish residents. Parents may register in person at the facility of their choice or online at select locations through Webtrac, BREC’s online registration system. If you have never registered online, BREC recommends that parents make a login request on webtrac at least two days prior to registration. The system will ask registrants to set up a household on Webtrac. This is an easy process and must be completed 48 hours before registration begins. Online registration is available at the following BREC

Professional photographer and image creator David Humphreys will be the guest speaker at the Zachary Artist Guild’s general membership meeting at 6:30 p.m. March 24 at the Zachary Chamber of Commerce, 4633 Main St. Humphreys, who will be discussing marketing strategies for fine art, has spent 36 years as an image creator and specializes in print advertising and commercial photography, corporate portraiture, fine art, fine art reproduction and printing, as well as photo restoration. The community is invited to attend. For information, call Pam Kaster at (225) 921-3431 or visit to learn about Humphreys.

Black box theater

Zachary High theater students will present “Almost, Maine” in the black box theater at 7 p.m. March 24-26. According to ZHS theater teacher Jen Masterson, the black box is a flexible theater classroom painted black used for extra rehearsal space and as a venue for smaller, more intimate performances. Admission to the black box play in the Zachary Performing Arts Center is $5.

Send news and events for Around Zachary to Stacy Gill at by 3 p.m. Fridays or call (225) 993-0066.

Ask about 48 Months Interest FREE financing WAC

Photos provided by JEN MASTERSON

Zachary High’s Alexis Granville and Kyla Bates with McKinley’s Malik Smith, from left, finished second, first and third respectively March 7 at the Louisiana Poetry Out Loud competition at the Capitol Park Museum in Baton Rouge. Bates will advance to the national competition in Washington, D.C., in late April. Granville was Louisiana’s 2013 state winner.

Zachary High School senior Alexis Granville, left, with Danny Belanger of the Office of Cultural Development, Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism at the Louisiana Poetry Out Loud competition held March 7 in Baton Rouge.

Zachary High School junior Kyla Bates, left, is presented a framed commemorative poster of the event by Danny Belanger, director of Arts Education, Office of Cultural Development, Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism.

18 finalists compete in Poetry Out Loud contest Advocate staff report Eighteen finalists attended the Louisiana Poetry Out Loud state competition at the Capitol Park Museum in Baton Rouge March 7. The 18 students performed two poems each, with eight finalists performing a third, said Danny Belanger, director of arts education at the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism’s Office of Cultural Development’s Division of the Arts. Zachary High theater students Kyla Bates and Alexis Granville took home the top honors, finishing in first and second places, respectively. McKinley High’s Malik Smith finished third. Bates, a junior, recited the poems “To David, About His Education” by Howard Nemerov; “I’m a Fool to Love You” by Cornelius Eady; and “For the Young Who Want To” by Marge Piercy. As one of the eight state finalists, Bates received a $200 cash award, a $500 stipend for ZHS to purchase poetry books and an all-expenses-paid trip to represent Louisiana at the national Poetry Out Loud competition April 27-29 at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. As runner-up, Granville wins $100, as well as $200 for the ZHS library. The senior won Poetry Out Loud at the state level in 2013. Students are judged on accuracy, physical presence, voice and articulation, dramatic appropriateness, level of complexity, evidence of un-

Zachary High School junior Kyla Bates recited three poems to win the Louisiana Poetry Out Loud competition at the Capitol Park Museum in Baton Rouge held March 7. derstanding and overall performance, Masterson said. Poetry Out Loud uses a pyramid structure that starts at the

classroom level with winners advancing to a schoolwide competition and then to a regional round. This year, more than 300 students from more than 20 schools throughout Louisiana participated in five regional rounds prior to advancing to the state finals in March. A total of $50,000 in awards and school stipends is awarded annually at the nationals. Masterson said the program helps students master public speaking skills, build self-confidence and learn about their literary heritage. After successful pilot programs in D.C. and Chicago, Poetry Out Loud was launched in high schools nationwide in 2006 and has grown to involve millions of students. To learn more, visit

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The Advocate n n Thursday, March 19, 2015 n 5G

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6G n Thursday, March 19, 2015 n n The Advocate

Area independent insurance agency group recognized Advocate staff report The East Pointe Group, which consists of area independent insurance agencies, was recently named a Republic Regal agency for 2015 by Republic Group, placing it among the top 5 percent of all Republic independent agencies, according to a news release. “We credit our success to the partnership that we have with Republic Group, a company that reflects our philosophy of providing outstanding customer service and building long-lasting customer relationships,” said Charlie Williams, of Daly Williams, an agency partner in Jennings. Republic, one of the many companies represented by East Pointe, honored the agency’s achievement at a reception Feb. 19 during the group’s annual meeting. “Our Regal recognition program honors the best of the best of the 400-plus indepenPhoto provided by CHARLES WILLIAMS dent insurance agencies that represent us throughout the The East Pointe group, consisting of area independent insurance agencies, was honored Feb. 19 as a Republic Regal group. From left, are Louis Durand, St. southwest. We recognize the Martinville; James Castello, Zachary; Charlie Williams, Jennings; Deborah Tobias-Reid, marketing representative specialist, South Louisiana for the Republic members of the East Pointe Group; Bill Gassie, Port Allen; Will Andrews, Jennings; Trey Gassie, Port Allen; Bill Dart, Clinton; and Donald Cazayoux, New Roads. group for their excellent reEast Pointe Group is com- oux Insurance Agency, New Agency, St. Martinville; Gas- Insurance, Ponchatoula and sults and outstanding cus- Ron Lawson, vice president tomer service, which earned of marketing for Republic prised of Castello Insurance Roads; Dart Insurance Agen- sie Insurance Agency, Port Hammond; and Daly Williams Agency, Zachary; Cazay- cy, Clinton; Durand Insurance Allen; Powell and Associates Agency, Jennings. them our highest honor,” said Group.

Zachary banker re-elected as treasurer of ICBA group Advocate staff report Preston L. Kennedy, president and chief executive officer of Bank of Zachary, was elected treasurer of the Independent Community Bankers of America. Kennedy was re-elected during the 2015 ICBA national convention in Orlando. “Located in small towns, suburban areas and big-city neighborhoods, our nation’s more than 6,500 community

banks help fuel local economies throughout America by lending to small businesses and helping local residents and families build strong financial futures,” Kennedy said. “I am honored to be elected to this position and am privileged to work on behalf of the nation’s community banks, which work hard every day to make their communities and Main Street a better place.” Kennedy has served in many leadership roles at ICBA, ac-

for a second threecording to a news reyear term in 2011. lease. He serves as chairHe is a member of the man of the Federal ICBA Executive ComHome Loan Bank mittee and board of diTask Force, served as rectors. In 2011-12, Kenan appointed director nedy served as at-large from 1997-99 and was director on the execu- Kennedy a member of the Fedtive committee, was an at-large member of the board eral Legislation, Regulation Reof directors in 2013-14 and view and Lending committees. In 2010, he was elected to the served on the Federal Delegate ICBA Securities Corporation’s Board. In 2008, Kennedy was elected board of directors. “Preston is a dedicated comstate director and re-elected

munity banker who is very institutions, the release said. well respected by his financial industry peers,” said ICBA Incoming Chairman Jack A. Hartings, president and CEO of The Peoples Bank Co., Coldwater, Ohio. “We are fortunate that he will be generously offering his time and valuable professional talents to the service of the community banking industry.” ICBA is a national trade association dedicated to promoting the interests of locally operated community banks and savings

Your ad could be here. 225-388-0262

The Advocate n n Thursday, March 19, 2015 n 7G

St. John’s receives AED

Photo provided by SHARON PHILLIPS

Autism awareness in April

Mayor David Amrhein has declared April as Autism Awareness Month in Zachary. Amrhein encourages residents to participate in the Families Helping Families of Greater Baton Rouge’s sixth annual Active for Autism 5K run/walk and fun fest slated for April 18. The event brings awareness to autism. For information, visit Gathered, from left, are D.J. Cedotal; Amrhein; Penni Cedotal, an Autism resource specialist with Families Helping Families; and Charlie Cedotal. D.J. and Charlie, both Penni Cedotal’s sons, have autism.

Photo provided by JULIE MCLIN

As a thank you for hosting Lane Regional Medical Center’s 2014 Keep the Beat CPR training event, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Zachary received an automatic external defibrillator, valued at 2,500. The CPR training event in August was provided free by Lane’s medical professionals and was sponsored by Cardiovascular Institute of the South. Presenting the AED March 10, from left, was Lane’s Delores Sutton; the Rev. Jeff Bayhi, who accepted the AED on behalf of St. John’s; and Lane’s Laura Peel.

First South Farm Credit to issue refund checks Advocate staff report First South Farm Credit member/borrowers will receive approximately $15.8 million in patronage refund checks in April, Roger F. Chappell, chief executive officer, announced March 4. Patronage, which is a form of dividend payment, is based on First South’s year-end earnings. “First South Farm Credit had another year of strong business performance. As a cooperative, we are proud to continue our tradition of having our member/borrowers share in our success and profits,� said Dan West, chairman of the First South board of directors. “This is the 20th consecutive year we’ve paid a patronage refund. Over that period of time, First South has declared patronage totaling over $279 million to be paid to its member/borrowers

through patronage refunds and retirements of allocated surplus.� “When we distribute our profits to our borrowers, it reduces their effective cost of borrowing,� Chappell stated, “and it proves there are distinct financial benefits in doing business on a cooperative basis. We offer a competitive interest rate upfront, then return a portion of our profits back to our membership through the patronage program.� First South Farm Credit is a farmer-owned cooperative providing short, intermediate and long-term financing and related services to full- and part-time farmers, agricultural-related businesses and rural landowners in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. Of First South’s 12 branches in Louisiana, the Zachary branch serves portions of Ascension, East Baton Rouge,


“We send them to a police agency that refurbishes them Continued from page 1G and then sends them to other law enforcement agencies that Ford Crown Victorias, a 2001 can’t afford bulletproof vests,� Ford Taurus SE and a 2004 Ford said McDavid. The next Zachary City CounF-150 truck. According to the ordinance, cil meeting is at 6:30 p.m. the city believes the cost of re- March 24. moval, repair or required maintenance would exceed the value of the property. McDavid said the vests only last five years.

West Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, West Feliciana, Iberville, Livingston and Pointe Coupee parishes.



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8G n Thursday, March 19, 2015 n n The Advocate

History goes on display at St. Francisville pilgrimage Popular as the central focus of the Audubon State Historic Site for more than half a century, Oakley Plantation is a West Indiesstyle, three story structure that has been restored and furnished in the late Federal style.

Advocate staff report The 44th annual Audubon Pilgrimage set for Friday, Saturday and Sunday celebrates spring in St. Francisville. For more than four decades, the West Feliciana Historical Society has thrown open the doors of historic structures to commemorate artist and naturalist John James Audubon, who stayed in the area painting a number of his famous bird studies. Audubon also tutored Eliza, the daughter of Oakley Plantation’s Pirrie family, said Anne Butler, author and local historian. Four homes are featured at the Audubon Pilgrimage. Retreat Plantation was built around 1823 on property of Sarah Bingman and named Soldier’s Retreat by her second husband, Clarence Mulford, a U.S. Army captain at nearby Fort Adams. A 11/2-story Anglo-Creole home with architectural details set on a bluff overlooking Little Bayou Sara, it has been restored by present owners C.B. and Mary C. de Laureal Owen, continuing seven generations of Percy family occupancy since 1859. At the opposite end of the parish is Dogwood, in the Thompson Creek delta, on lands initially granted by Spain to Jean Cloccinet as part of a failed resettlement of Acadian exiles. The house was begun in 1803 by George Freeland, an early settler from the Carolinas. His initial hewn-log, shedroof house, two rooms flanking a hallway and topped by a sleeping loft, has been enlarged over the years and is home to the family of Rob and Missy Couhig. Also on the tour is The Oaks, built in 1888 by Judge Thomas Butler, a Confederate veteran, planter and police juror. From his family’s isolated plantation, Butler moved to be nearer to St. Francisville amenities, embellishing his new house with stained glass,

The reception will include flies flit among the ancient vintage dancers and young la- moss-draped live oaks. There dies modeling detailed 1820s is no place more inviting for Pilgrimage costumes, which a leisurely stroll,â€? Butler said. For tickets and tour inforhave been nationally recognized for their authenticity, mation, contact the West FePhotos provided by AMANDA MCKINNEY Butler said. liciana Historical Society at Built in the 1830s, Rosedown State Historic Site was part of a 10-year restoration project that The Saturday soiree, Light (225) 635-6330 or (225) 635salvaged Rosedown Plantation. Now a State Historic Site and National Historic Landmark, Up The Night, is scheduled 4224; visit www.audubonpilRosedown is part of the 44th annual Audubon Pilgrimage Friday to Sunday in St. Francisville. from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and will; or email sf@ feature music and dancing, Tickets can be purchased dinner and drinks. Prussian immigrant saddler. “The Historic District at the Historical Society MuIn the bungalow’s front room, her husband, Dr. Eloi around Royal Street is filled seum on Ferdinand Street. A Levert, practiced medicine. during the day with costumed package including daytime It is now the home of the Tom children singing and dancing tours and all evening enterthe Maypole, but in the eve- tainment Friday and Saturday Tully family. Other popular features of ning, candles flicker and fire- also is available. the 2015 Audubon Pilgrimage include Audubon (Oakley Plantation) and Rosedown State Historic Sites; Afton Villa Gardens; four 19th-century churches: Grace Episcopal, Mount Carmel and United Methodist in St. Francisville and St. Mary’s Episcopal in Weyanoke; and the Rural Homestead with demonstrations of the rustic skills of daily pioneer life. Daytime features are open Grace Episcopal Church was first established in 1827. The present church was completed in time for Easter Day 1860. 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and tours on Severely damaged in the Civil War by gunboats, Grace church Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. • Looking for career minded Sales Representative Friday activities are schedwas not consecrated until 1891. • Excellent pay plan uled from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. • Medical, Dental and 401K available fanciful gingerbread trim, looking St. Francisville’s and include old-time hymn • Will train right person dormers and turrets, Anne Ferdinand Street, the Levert- singing at United Methodist Bockel House was construct- Church, the Audubon play in Butler said. Apply in person 4303 Highway 19, Zachary, LA When the last of his nine ed in 1918 for Mamie Bockel Temple Sinai, graveyard tours children died, The Oaks be- Levert using materials sal- at Grace Episcopal cemetery, came home to the E.I. Daniel vaged from flooded Bayou and a wine and cheese recepSara properties inherited tion at Bishop Jackson Hall family. Perched on a hilly lot over- from her father, a prosperous from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.



SaleS RepReSentativeS

Drive 4 UR School event helps ZHS Advocate staff report Superior Ford is partnering with Zachary High School to present the Drive 4 UR School fundraiser from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 25. Ford Motor Co. developed the Drive 4 UR School program in 2007 to help raise funds for local high schools. With the help of a local dealership, schools organize, promote and hold a one-day Ford test drive event. For every qualified test drive that’s completed at the event, Ford donates $20 to the school with a goal of raising up to $6,000. ZHS Principal Joe LeBlanc said he needs 300 people to test

drive vehicles Wednesday. “We need the money. We’re having to pay for things now that we never had to before and between state mandates and what we’re losing, this helps bridge the gap,� LeBlanc said. “It’s not often a school has the

opportunity to receive $6,000 without having to sell something,� Superior Ford’s Brian Guidry said. “But that’s what we’re offering.� Dealership staff will be on hand to assist with the Fordmodel vehicles. $VKO\Q +LOEXUQ 1)$ 0%$ $GPLQLVWUDWRU

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The Advocate n n Thursday, March 19, 2015 n 9G

ZACHARY POLICE BOOKINGS The following people were booked into East Baton Rouge Parish Prison or issued a summons by the Zachary Police Department from March 6-11:

CALAMIA, CASSIE: 37, 6203 Woodside Drive, Zachary, disturbing the peace. CALAMIA, NANCY: 55, 13830 Spreading Oaks Drive, Baton Rouge, disturbing the peace. COLEMAN, ANDERSON: 36, 5625 Guice Drive, Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for speeding. COLLINS, TAMARON: 24, 4888 Hooper Road, Baton Rouge, felony theft. DREVECKY JR., TIMOTHY: 20, 13492 Greenwell Springs Road, Pride, contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile. DUKE, CHARLES: 34, 5157 La. 19, Lot 8, Zachary, fugitive charges from Mississippi Department of Corrections. FOSTER, KENDALL: 24, 131 Bethel Church Road, Townsend, bench warrant for failure to appear for two counts driving under suspension and speeding. HARRISON, TIMOTHY: 20, 12506 Kingston Drive, Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for careless operation with an accident. HAYES, ANDREA: 20, 6061 Plank Road, Lot 1, Baton Rouge, felony theft, resisting an officer and contributing to the delinquency of juveniles. HEBERT, ASHLEY: 27, 1735 Saul Ave., Zachary, fugitive charges from Baker Police Department. HOLIFIELD, CASEY: 26, 12093 River Road, Baton Rouge, resisting an officer and fugitive charges from East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office. KENNEDY, MICHAEL: 22, 3542 Magnolia Drive, Slaughter,


shoplifting. KINARD, JAMES: 61, 1320 Jordan St., Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for general speed law and driving under suspension. KUHN, JAMES: 36, 6720 Prescott Road, Baton Rouge, felony theft. LETEFF, DONALD: 58, 5151 Felix Lee Road, Ethel, second-offense driving while intoxicated. MOORE, RITA: 25, 5746 Avenue K, Zachary, bench warrant for failure to appear for theft. NEWMAN, CONTESSA: 25, 11177 Catalpa St., Baton Rouge, resisting an officer, fugitive charges through East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office, fugitive charges from Louisiana Probation and Parole. ORDONE, TAISEAN: 38, 14505 Commission St., Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for headlights required and driving under suspension. PALMER, CHRISTOPHER: 35, 8821 Airline Highway, Livonia, bench warrant for failure to appear for domestic abuse battery. PALMER, DARRYL: 40, P.O. Box 1724, Jackson, bench warrant for failure to appear for possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. SINCLAIR, HEATHER: 45, 13655 Brown Road, Zachary, disturbing the peace by intoxication. THOMAS, EDWIN: 43, 1395 N. 48th St., Baton Rouge, fugitive charges from Family Court through East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office. WALTON, CATHLEEN: 27, 3767 Robert St., Zachary, domestic abuse battery. WHITTINGTON, BENNETT: 24, 57986 Government St., Plaquemine, bench warrant for failure to appear for theft. WILLIAMS, MICHELLE: 32, 6747 Renoir Ave., Baton Rouge, felony theft and resisting an officer.

Landmark welcomes loan officer to Zachary branch a graduate of Zachary High School. Jessica Kling Ellis has She lives in joined the staff at Landmark Central with Bank’s Zachary branch. her husband Ellis has 11 years banking and three experience. She is a member children. of the Zachary Rotary Club Ellis Landmark and is enrolled in the Zachary Chamber of Commerce’s Bank has additional locations Leadership North program. in Clinton and Greensburg. Ellis, a Zachary native, is Advocate staff report

The following people were booked into East Baton Rouge Parish Prison by the Baker Police Department March 5-11:

ALLEN JR., DANNY: 26, 2201 Fairchild St., Baton Rouge, bench warrants for failure to appear for driving under suspension/revocation and improper equipment. ALMOND, TAYLOR: 17, 511 Day St., Baker, fugitive runaway from Alexandria. CAGE, ANTHONY: 43, 1024 Progress Road, Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for theft. COLLINS, LETITA: 38, 10950 W. Darryl Drive, Apt. 298, Baton Rouge, bench warrants for failure to appear for mirrors, expired license plate and driving under suspension/revocation. DAIGLE, TABITHA: 33, 24690 Brian Road, Zachary, bench warrant for failure to appear for attempted theft. DUNN, ROLAND: 43, 1539 Matilda

St., Baton Rouge, operating a vehicle while intoxicated, parking where prohibited, operating a vehicle with suspended driver’s license and possession of alcoholic beverages in vehicle. EGGLETON II, ANTHONY: 30, 6081 Gilead Road, Clinton, bench warrants for failure to appear for sale/possession of controlled substance and expired motor vehicle inspection. ESPADRON, MARIELLE: 21, 4888 Hooper Road, Apt. J101, Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for no driver’s license on person. FELKS, JANET: 54, 6350 Lavey Lane, Baker, disturbing the peace by intoxication, resisting an officer and public intimidation. FOLLINS, TYESHA: 25, 5949 Atlanta Ave., Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for theft. FOSTER, KENDALL: 24, 1947 Stone Gate Court, Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for

safety belt use. FRANKLIN, JASMINE: 30, 1626 Lobdell Ave., Apt. C, Baton Rouge, bench warrants for failure to appear for no driver’s license and improper lane usage. HEBERT, ASHLEY: 27, 1735 Saul Ave., Zachary, affidavit warrant for simple criminal damage to property. HIGGINBOTTHAM, JOSEPH: 31, 1248 W. Azalea Park, Apt. C, Baton Rouge, bench warrants for failure to appear for sale/possession of controlled dangerous substance and improper equipment. HOWARD, III, EUGENE: 34, 4608 Fausse Drive, Baker, domestic abuse battery. JOHNSON, BERNICE: 24, 4330 Jefferson St., Lot 5, Baker, fugitive through Mississippi Department of Corrections. JONES, RONALD: 30, 2911 North Blvd., Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for speeding and failure to change

address on driver’s license. MACKEY, FREDRICK: 22, 9327 N. Ridgewood Drive, Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for expired motor vehicle inspection and improper equipment. MCBRIDE, DWAYNE: 22, 2225 Hickory St., Baker, bench warrant for failure to appear for no driver’s license. MOORE, RITA: 32, 4410 Burgess St., Baker, fugitive through Zachary and East Baton Rouge. PALMER, DARRYL: 40, 5116 Rattle Snake Road, Clinton, bench warrant for failure to appear for expired motor vehicle inspection. ROBINSON, MITCHELL: 24, 7164 Poinsettia Drive, Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for safety belt use. STEWART, CURTIS: 21, 131 Gatebriar St., Alsen, bench warrants for failure to appear for stop lamps/turn signals, driving under suspension/revocation and no insurance.

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sports THE ZACHA Y





Zachary dominates Bronco Relays With their home track under repair, the Zachary Broncos track and field team played host to nine other squads Friday at the annual Louisiana Farm Bureau Bronco Relays on West Feliciana’s track, and the Broncos made themselves right at home, running away with the overall team title. Zachary lapped the field, winning the annual outdoor competition with a combined score of 295 points to outdistance St. Amant (175.5), West Feliciana (134), Brusly (116.5), Port Allen (94), Broadmoor (91), Wilkinson County (79), Central (71), Northeast (35) and East Feliciana (18). Field specialist and ninthgrader Kristian Jackson set the tone early, winning the shot put with a throw of 39 feet, 8 inches. Teammate Ashlyn Cole was third in the shot put (34-51/2) as the two picked up where they left off from the indoor season. The two teammates finished first and third at the LHSAA State Indoor meet in February. “Outdoors, the ball is a little different from the indoor shot,� said Jackson, who has been learning shot techniques since age 8 from her father, Adrian Jackson, who was a standout shot putter for Grambling. “He taught me to throw, and I got better and better at it.� Jackson won the state indoor shot put with a toss of 42-5 and Cole was third, giving the Broncos 16 points in the first girls event of the day. Zachary won with 52 points at the indoor meet. Broncos coach Chris Carrier said having such a dynamic shot put team gave ZHS early momentum in cruising to the state indoor title. “Being the first event of the day, starting with 16 points was a big boost for our team,� Carrier said. “We kept rolling all day.� Now that Jackson and Cole have been competitive so early in their high school careers, Carrier said he’s hoping they’ll dominate in the discus and javelin, as well. Jackson (94-11/4) was second in discus and fifth (85-31/2) in javelin, while Cole (87-10) placed fifth in discus at the Bronco Relays on Friday. “Kristian and Ashlyn are great additions to the team,� Carrier said. “Look what happened at the indoors (championships). Hopefully, they’ll be able to throw all three (shot put, discus, javelin) at some point in their career and master the discus and javelin, too.� Sophomore sprinter Janie O’Connor continued to dominate on the track, winning the

Advocate staff photos by STACY GILL

100-meter dash in 11.97 seconds, finishing 1-2 with teammate Kiara Bethley (12.90). O’Connor and Bethley joined Dakota Williams and Jennifer Brown to win the 4x200 relay in 1 minute, 43.16 seconds, and the same girls also won the 4x100 relay in 47.84 seconds. Brown and Bethley finished 1-2 in the 200-meter dash in 26.37 and 26.77 seconds, respectively. The 4x400 relay team of Sierra Johnson, ShaQuea Schiele, Lydia Johnson and LaQuea Schiele won in 4 minutes, 23.74 seconds. For the Zachary boys, winners included Chandler Derouen in the pole vault with a leap of 11 feet, 6 inches; Keidrick Haynes in the long jump with a 21-foot effort; Darryl Anderson in the high jump at 6-3; and Davis Hughes in the 110-meter hurdles in 16.31 seconds. John Paul Hardin and William Heidke finished first and second in the 1,600-meter run in 4:53.77 and 5:01.06, respectively; Christopher Goff won the 800-meter run in 2:12.45; and Hughes captured first place in the 300-meter hurdles in 42.87. Other girls scoring points for Zachary include Victoria Guidry and Amber Randall, second and third in the pole vault; Rhagan Rider, second, 1,600-meter run; Krislyn Bourgeois, third, 1,600-meter run; Stacy Clark, fourth, long jump; Janet Campbell, third, high jump; Lydia Johnson, fourth, 100-meter hurdles; Sierra Johnson, sixth, 100-meter hurdles; ShaQuea Schiele, fourth, 400-meter dash; and LaQuea Schiele, fifth, 400-meter dash. Other boys scoring points

Northeast’s Marqueon Minor, left, tries to keep pace with Zachary’s Davis Hughes in the 110-meter hurdles Friday at the Bronco Relays held at West Feliciana High School in St. Francisville. Hughes won the event in 16.31 seconds, while Minor finished third in 17.60.

Zachary’s Lydia Johnson competes in the 100-meter hurdles Friday at the annual Bronco Relays held at West Feliciana High School in St. Francisville. Johnson finished fourth in 18.10 seconds and eighth in the 300-meter hurdles. ZHS won the overall team title with 295 points.

Zachary’s Darryl Anderson leaps in the triple jump at the annual Bronco Relays held Friday at West Feliciana High School. Anderson jumped a distance of 40 feet, 2 inches to finish sixth. Zachary’s Keidrick Haynes took fourth in the event with 41-11/4. for Zachary include Haynes, fourth, triple jump; Anderson, sixth, triple jump; Dylan Hughes, fourth, high jump; Kelton Hollins, third, shot put; Grady Cunningham, fifth, shot put; Evan Landry, third, javelin; Christopher London, second, discus; Alex Qaddourah, sixth, 800-meter run; Bryan Bradford, second, 400-meter dash; Caesar Moore, fourth, 400-meter dash; Dominick Thomas, second, 3,200-meter run; and Thomas Dunaway,

fifth, 3,200-meter run. Haynes, Moore, Bradford and Christopher Carrier finished second in the 4x200 relay while Jarvis Hays, Carrier, Marvin Hamilton and Ty’wan Beardon were fourth in the 4x100 relay.

Minor shines for Northeast

Northeast’s Marqueon Minor captured first place in the javelin with a throw of 156 feet, 6 inches at the Bronco Relays. Minor also finished fifth in

the long jump and third in the 110-meter hurdles. For the Northeast girls, the team of Pearl Jones, May Butler, Joy Wade and Alicia Hayes were fourth in the 4x200 relay and fifth in the 4x100 relay. Also placing were Lauri Kight, third, discus; LaTravia

Fisher, fifth, long jump; Jones, fifth, 200-meter dash; Eleascia Douglas, sixth, high jump; and Lauren Kight, seventh, shot put. Send sports news, photos and stats to Howard Arceneaux at harceneaux@theadvocate. com.


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Zachary Public Notices

Zachary Public Notices




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zens of Louisiana, please visit click on Louisiana public notice button.“

Post from February 24, 2015 through March 31, 2015

Auction Bossier City Housing Authority Online Only Auction, closes Monday, March 30, 2015 starting at 6pm. Appliances and much more. For photos, lists, terms, and to place bids, click on www.lawler Danny Lawler, Auctioneer, La. Lic. # 1201. (318) 929-7003 U.S. Bankruptcy & Open Consignment Vehicle & Equipment Auction, Sat., March 21, 2015 at the Lawler Auction Facility, 7781 Highway 1 North, Shreveport, LA. For lists, photos, terms, and to place absentee bids, click on www.lawlerauction. com. Danny Lawler, Auctioneeer, La. Lic. # 1201. (318) 929-7003 Education AIRLINE MECHANIC CAREERS Get trained as an FFA certified Aviation Mechanic. Financial Aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Cell Aviation Institute Maintenance 877-902-6315 Financial Reduce Your Past Tax Bill by as much as 75 Percent. Stop Levies, Liens and Wage Garnishments. Call The Tax DR Now to see if you Qualify 1-800-916-6934 Sell your structured settlement or annuity payments for CASH NOW. You don't have to wait for your future payments any longer! Call 1-800-402-5744

Zachary Public Notices

10190 “To browse a searchable database of public notices published by the newspapers of Louisiana to inform you, the citi-

This database is provided as a free public service to the citizens of Louisiana by this newspaper and the Louisiana Press Association.

NOTICE --ZACHARY MUNICIPAL FIRE AND POLICE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING March 31, 2015 9:00 a.m. to be held in the Training Room at the Zachary Fire Station located at 4525 Main Street, Zachary, Louisiana The Zachary Municipal Fire and Police Civil Service Board will hold a public hearing to consider adopting revisions to Rule XII, Leaves of Absence, of the Zachary Municipal Fire and Police Civil Service Board Rules. Unless cause is shown at this time why these amendments should not be adopted, the board will proceed to approve the adoption of the amendments in their proposed or revised form. A copy of the proposed revisions to the board rules on Leaves of Absence – Rule XII, is attached to this notice, as required by civil service law. The board has provided an exact copy of the proposed set of rules in a binder at the Zachary Fire Station located at 4525 Main Street, Zachary, Louisiana. If you are not able to view a copy of the proposed revisions to the board rules, please contact Dana Poole at 225- 654-6873 prior to the March 31, 2015 public hearing. By direction of the chairman: ____________________ Dana Poole, Secretary Posted at all fire and police department stations and buildings and at the Training Room in the Zachary Fire Station located at 4525 Main Street, Zachary, Louisiana.


NOTICE --Posting Notice For A COMPETITIVE Civil Service Examination POLICE OFFICER A written examination will be given within approximately ninety (90) days, in the Fire Department Training Room, on a competitive basis to approve applicants for the purpose of placing names on the competitive employment list in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Fire and Police Civil Service Law and the rules of the Zachary Civil Service Board. Application forms may be obtained from Dana Poole at 4650 Main Street from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday thru Thursday. Completed applications must be received by the above-mentioned person at the address given by April 2, 2015. Approved applicants will be notified of any changes in date, time, or place of the examination at least five (5) days prior to the examination date. Qualification Requirements For Admission To The Examination Unless otherwise specified, all requirements listed below must be met by the filing deadline for application for admission to the examination. Must meet all requirements of the Municipal Fire and Police Civil Service Law, including being a citizen of the United States, must have and maintain a valid driver’s license, and must pass a civil service examination for that position. After offer of employment, but before beginning work in this class, must pass a medical examination prepared and administered by an authorized Doctor, designated by the appointing authority designed to demonstrate good health and physical fitness sufficient to perform the essential duties of the position, with or without reasonable accommo-

Zachary Public Notices

Zachary Public Notices





Must have a high school diploma or a valid certificate of equivalency issued by a state department of education. Must be at least eighteen (18) years of age.

Must have a high school diploma or a valid certificate of equivalency issued by a state department of education.

After offer of employment, but before beginning work in this class you must obtain a valid Louisiana driver’s license. Posted this 24th day of February, 2015. Do Not Remove until after the close of application deadline date of April 2, 2015 by order of the Zachary Municipal Fire & Police Civil Service Board and the State Examiner’s Office. 5099126-mar 5-12-19-26-4t

NOTICE --Posting Notice For A COMPETITIVE Civil Service Examination POLICE COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER A written examination will be given in approximately ninety (90) days, in the Fire Department Training Room, on a competitive basis to approve applicants for the purpose of placing names on the competitive employment list in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Fire and Police Civil Service Law and the rules of the Zachary Civil Service Board. Application forms may be obtained from Dana Poole at 4650 Main Street from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday thru Thursday. Completed applications must be received by the above-mentioned person at the address given by April 2, 2015. Approved applicants will be notified of any changes in date, time, or place of the examination at least five (5) days prior to the examination date. Qualification Requirements For Admission To The Examination Unless otherwise specified, all requirements listed below must be met by the filing deadline for application for admission to the examination. Must meet all requirements of the Municipal Fire and Police Civil Service Law, including being a citizen of the United States, and must pass a civil service examination for that

Must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. After offer of employment, but before beginning work in this class, must pass a medical examination prepared and administered by an authorized Doctor, designated by the appointing authority designed to demonstrate good health and physical fitness sufficient to perform the essential duties of the position, with or without reasonable accommodation. Posted this 24th day of February 2015, do not remove until after the application deadline on April 2, 2015 by order of the Zachary Municipal Fire & Police Civil Service Board and the State Examiners office. 5099127-mar 5-12-19-26-4t

City of Zachary, Louisiana INVITATION TO BID Project Title and Description: Computerized Lighting Display with animated effects and synchronized music for the Zachary Historic Village. Sealed bids will be received at 10:00 a.m., on Tuesday, April 7, 2015, at the Office of the Mayor, at Zachary City Hall located at 4700 Main Street, Zachary, Louisiana 70791. Bid packets will be available at the same address beginning on March 19, 2015. Non-sealed bids will not be accepted. Bidders must attend a mandatory pre-bid conference which will be held at 10:00 a.m., on March 31, 2015. Non-attendance at the prebid conference will disqualify the bidder. 5106249-mar 19, 26, apr 2-3t

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