The Zachary Advocate & Plainsman 04-30-2015

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Zachary, Baker, East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff area bookings ä Page 4G






School Board OKs budget revision

Stacy Gill



ZFest art show planned for Saturday Area artists are encouraged to prepare artwork entries for a juried art show sponsored by the Regional Arts Council of Zachary to be held Saturday during the ninth annual Zachary Arts and Musical Festival, April 29 to May 3, at BREC’s Zachary Community Park, 20055 Old Scenic Highway. A combination of cash awards, certificates and RACZ memberships will be awarded in four categories: under glass for adults (charcoal, pastel, pen and ink, and watercolor mediums); not under glass for adults (acrylic and oil mediums); children 11 and under; and youth/teens ages 12 to 17. A people’s choice winner will also be named. Ribbons will be displayed at the start of the art show and prizes awarded beginning at 5 p.m. May 2 in the pavilion at the park. Entry forms are available at, and artists wishing to participate should complete the form and bring it along with their artwork to the park pavilion between 4 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Friday. RACZ is partnering with the Zachary Chamber of Commerce to bring this art show to the ZFest line up. For information, visit www.

Lunch and Learn with Chamber set

The Zachary Chamber of Commerce will host its next Lunch and Learn event from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 6 at the Americana YMCA, 4200 Liberty Way, Zachary. The Chamber’s May speaker is Erin Monroe Wesley, chief operating officer and executive vice president of the Baton Rouge Area Chamber. Wesley oversees BRAC’s day-to-day operations, directs the implementation of its strategic plan and conäSee GILL, page 2G

INSIDE Classified ................3H Sports .....................1H

In the wake of an Election Day defeat on a tax proposition, Zachary School Board members decided to put a one-year freeze on step salary increases for employees for 2015-16. “If you do nothing, everyone moves up one step on the salary schedule and you would have to

find $500,000 to $600,000 from somewhere or transfer it from surplus,� Superintendent Scott Devillier said at the April 21 School Board meeting. Devillier said the step pay increases effect everyone from his position on down. “They deserve it and work really hard for it, but it would be financially irresponsible,� board member Heidi Vessel

said. “If they could just give us until next year.� The board also approved personnel changes within the district, including employment contract extensions, a few retirements and transfers, leaving vacancies that won’t be filled. “This is a result of mandatory budget cuts since the tax proposal was defeated on March

28,� Devillier said. One of the changes includes the promotion of Lorrie Wax to assistant principal of Zachary Early Learning Center. Martha Davis will remain as principal over both ZELC and Northwestern Elementary. Assistant Principal Rebecca Brian will transfer from Northwestern Middle to Northwestern Elementary, and Bianca

Brown will become an assistant principal at Zachary High. In addition to the step increases, the board amended the budget for the renovations to the multipurpose track and field at Zachary High School that was installed in 2007, said Athletic Director Jesse Cassard. In March, the board approved äSee SCHOOL BOARD, page 2G

Hand to Heart

Advocate staff photo by STACY GILL

Advocate staff photos by STACY GILL

Christopher Guillot, left, and Tre Hedricks practice hands-only CPR at Zachary High on April 22 thanks to a donation by the Professional Firefighters Association of Louisiana and the American Heart Association. The CPR kits are in an effort to adhere to the new law that all seniors learn hands-on CPR as part of their graduation requirements.

Students learn CPR as part of new state law CPR

BY STACY GILL Students in Jonathan McClinton’s class at Zachary High School were selected to take part in a special event April 22 — a hands-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation training event using 20 new kits that were donated through a partnership between the American Heart Association and the Professional Firefighters Association of Louisiana. Present at the training were the American Heart Association’s Stasha Rhodes, state government relations director; Cherelle Rozie, CPR in-schools manager; and Linzy Roussel Cotoya, public relations. Also in attendance were Chad Major, president of the Professional Firefighters Association of Louisiana, and Britt Hines, a CPR trainer. “Hands-only CPR, without mouth-to-mouth breaths, is recommended for people who see a teen or adult suddenly collapse in an out-of-hospital setting such as home, at work or out in the community, and consists of two easy

Carter Fancher, 7, is assisted by his uncle, Bo Myers, a senior at Zachary High School, in learning hands-on CPR during an event made possible by the American Heart Association and Professional Firefighters Association of Louisiana, which donated 20 CPR kits to students. steps: call 911 — or send someone to call — and push hard and fast in the center of the chest,� Hines said. The instructor played for the students a video that shared survivor stories of people who performed CPR or had CPR performed on

According to the American Heart Association: n Sudden cardiac arrest is not the same as a heart attack. Sudden cardiac arrest occurs when electrical impulses in the heart become rapid or chaotic, which causes the heart to suddenly stop beating. n A heart attack occurs when the blood supply to part of the heart muscle is blocked. A heart attack may cause cardiac arrest. n Effective bystander CPR provided immediately after sudden cardiac arrest can double or triple a victim’s chance of survival, but only 32 percent of cardiac arrest victims receive CPR from a bystander. them and demonstrated the handsonly technique. Students then followed along using the kits, mannequins that “clickedâ€? in the center of the chest indicating compressions were deep enough. äSee CPR, page 3G

Younger division winners from the Miss Zachary/ZFest Pageant, first row from left, are Alejandra Batarseh, Tiny Miss; Randee-Lynn Slaughter, Peoples Choice winner; and Chyenne Lowther, Baby Miss; and standing, Ress Palmer, Petite Miss; Mary Grace Amaello, Little Miss; and Rylan Kinbe, Toddler Miss.

Miss Zachary contestants crowned BY STACY GILL Victoria Jones, who was crowned Miss Zachary 2014, passed on her crown Saturday to Katlyn Riles at the annual Miss Zachary/ZFest Pageant. In addition to Riles, about 70 other contestants up to age 23 competed in divisions such as baby, pre-teen and teen. Winners from each division include: Chyenne Lowther, Baby Miss; Alejandra Batarseh, Tiny Miss; Rylan Kinbe, Toddler Miss; Ress Palmer, Petite Miss; Mary Grace Amaello, Little Miss; Elise Lathan, Deb Miss; Nalon Soileau, Pre-Teen Miss; Jacelyn Rasti, Teen Miss; and Riles, who is Miss Zachary 2015. An overall People’s Choice award was given to contestant Randee-Lynn Slaughter. Other contestants were awarded trophies for prettiest eyes, smile and hair; most photogenic and fashionable; and best personality. Everyone who received an award will appear in a fashion show beginning at 1:30 p.m. May 2 at the Zachary Arts and Music äSee CROWNED, page 3G

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2G n Thursday, April 30, 2015 n n The Advocate District including the district’s 2014-15 Students of the Year. Students of the Year are Carson Southall, Zachary Early Learning Center; Louis Martin, Northwestern Elementary; Isaiah Smith, Rollins Place Elementary; Skylar Campbell, Zachary Elementary; Christopher Masterson, Copper Mill Elementary; Talå Spates, Northwestern Middle; Eddie Veal, Zachary High School; and DeontrÊ Goodie, Zachary Ca-

Zachary School Board member Beth Kimmell, left, presents Jennifer Marangos with the 2014-15 Elementary Principal of the Year award at the board’s April 21 meeting. Marangos is principal at Rollins Place Elementary School.


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SCHOOL BOARD Continued from page 1G

a $975,000 budget to renovate the artificial turf and synthetic track, which had a warranty of eight years. The aggregate base and drainage system were guaranteed for six. At the March meeting, Patrick Jenkins, director of operations, and engineer Don Simpson, construction supervisor, gave a presentation showing the uneven subsurfaces, depressions, torn seams, ripples and spongy or soft spots on both the track and field. As a result, lanes on the track had to be closed due to deterioration and for safety reasons. The renovation work was recently awarded to the lowest of three bidders, Geo-Surfaces, which bid $1.15 million. The work would have an eight-year


Continued from page 1G tinues to manage BRAC’s political advocacy efforts at the state, regional and local levels. Prior to this role, she served as BRAC’s senior vice president of governmental affairs. Wesley also directs the organization’s lobbying efforts related to the Louisiana legislature, cultivates relationships among top business leaders and public officials throughout the Baton Rouge area, and manages FuturePAC, BRAC’s political action committee. “Erin is a dynamic speaker, and we’re happy to have her,� said Chamber Director Heather Prejean. Cost to attend is $15 for chamber members and $20 for non-members. Drawings, door prizes, lunch and networking will be featured. Register to attend by visiting

Baker joins BRCC for education, job fair

The community of Baker and Baton Rouge Community College are partnering to host a free education and job fair from 11 2 p.m. May 7 at the Baker Municipal Center, 3225 Groom Road. More than 30 companies from the Baton Rouge area will have booths presenting information on job opportunities, apprenticeship programs, education and training programs including BRCC Associate and Transfer degrees, and BRCC technical training and certification programs such as nursing, graphics, culinary

reer and Technical Center. Other honors included Elementary Principal of the Year, Jennifer Marangos, of Rollins Place Elementary; Math Olympiad students from Zachary Elementary and Copper Mill; Zachary High student Alexis Granville, a recent American Idol contender; and members of the Lady Broncos track team, who recently won the 2015 Girls Division I indoor state track championship.

Advocate staff photos by STACY GILL

The Zachary Community School Board honored the district’s 2014-15 Students of the Year at its April 21 meeting. Gathered front, from left, are Carson Southall, Zachary Early Learning Center; Louis Martin, Northwestern Elementary; Isaiah Smith, Rollins Place Elementary; and Skylar Campbell, Zachary Elementary; and back row, from left, are Superintendent Scott Devillier, Christopher Masterson, Copper Mill Elementary; Eddie Veal, Zachary High School; DeontrĂŠ Goodie, Zachary Career and Technical Center; and School Board member Hubie Owen. Unavailable for photo: TalĂĄ Spates, Northwestern Middle School. warranty. “If we don’t do this, we have a track and field just sitting there,â€? board member Beth Kimmell said. Members approved the

$175,000 budget revision to the general fund. The work is expected to begin May 1 and take 100 days to complete. “There’s no doubt it provides an amazing thing for our kids

and for our community. We don’t want to delay this,� board member Donna Grice said. School Board members made several recognitions on behalf of the entire Zachary School

arts, welding, air-conditioning repair, pipefitting, child care, information technology, electrical, instrumentation, millwright, drafting and more. College financial information, industrial craft training, resume writing, job-seeking skills and high school equivalency test programs for youth and adults will be featured. Lunch is free, as is booth space. Set up begins at 10 a.m. Thursday. To register your booth, visit for a registration form. Complete and email form to Tammy Brown at or fax it to (225) 685-5212. For information, call Brown at (225) 687-5501.

beverages, snacks, goody bags, T-shirts and trophies for the winning teams. Sponsorship opportunities range from $100 to $1,000. Proceeds will benefit the ZCL’s organizations for 2015, which include the Zachary Food Pantry, Zachary Reserve Officers and Zachary Volunteer Fire Department. The deadline to enter is May 1 or when spots are filled; entries are limited. To enter visit For information, call Carole Wilkins at (225) 324-0941 or email zacharycharityleague@

mulligan/red blast at $10 per golfer or $40 per team. Door prizes are needed and will be awarded during lunch, which is included in the entry fee. To enter, call Brandy Westmoreland at (225) 654-6674 or email bwestmoreland@

Charity League serves up tennis tournament

The Zachary Charity League is set to host its annual tennis tournament May 8-9 at Americana YMCA and Fennwood Hills Country Club, both in Zachary. Divisions include ladies doubles and men’s doubles. Entry fee is $75 per player and includes a crawfish boil, a continental breakfast and lunch,

Chamber, Rotary will tee off for golf tourney fundraiser

The Zachary Rotary Club and Chamber of Commerce will join together in hosting a golf tournament fundraiser beginning with an 8 a.m. registration and 10 a.m. shotgun start May 11 at Copper Mill Golf Club in Zachary. Cost to enter is $100 per golfer or $400 per team. Sponsorship packages are available including eagle for $1,000; birdie for $600; hole sponsorships for $100; and the

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Send news and events for Around Zachary to Stacy Gill at by 3 p.m. Fridays or call (225) 993-0066.

n To submit news items and photographs, contact the news department: Editor: Darlene Denstorff, (225) 336-6952 or email Reporter: Stacy Gill, (225) 993-0066 or email n For subscription or delivery issues, contact the circulation department at (225) 388-0200 n To place a death notice, contact the obituary department at (225) 388-0289 or n For ad inquiries, contact the advertising department: Kristi Lynch: (225) 247-1030 or Gary Miller: (225) 773-6056 or n For legal advertising, contact the legal notices department at (225) 388-0128 or n To place an ad in the Classifieds section, contact the classified department at (225) 383-0111 or go to n To place a wedding or engagement announcement, call (225) 388-0738 or email Send mail to P.O. Box 588 Baton Rouge, LA. 70821 USPS NO. 668-520

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The Advocate n n Thursday, April 30, 2015 n 3G

Advocate staff photo by STACY GILL

Zachary High students attend a CPR training April 22 thanks to a grant from the Professional Firefighters Association of Louisiana in partnership with the American Heart Association.


Continued from page 1G

Photo provided by RHONDA GERALD

Older division winners in the Miss Zachary/ZFest Pageant held April 25 at the Visual and Performing Arts Center at Zachary High School, from left, are Nalon Soileau, Pre-Teen Miss; Katlyn Riles, Miss Zachary/ZFest 2015; Jacelyn Rasti, Teen Miss; and Elise Lathan, Deb Miss.


Continued from page 1G Festival. Rasti and Riles will represent the community for one year, and winners from all divisions will appear at ZFest, in the Zachary Christmas parade and gain entry into the Miss Baton Rouge and Baby Baton Rouge pageants, Rhonda Gerald, pageant director, said. Additionally, Miss Zachary 2015 will compete in the Louisiana Association of Fairs and Festivals State Pageant in February. “The mission of the Miss Zachary/ZFest pageant is to be a positive experience for young girls. It offers so much Beauty contestants in the Toddler Miss division line the stage in the way of traveling, meet- pageant held for girls up to age 23. ing people, learning about poise and etiquette and what it means part, realizing what a great op- which is the largest fundraiser to be graceful,� said Gerald. “I portunity this is.� of the year for the Zachary wish more young women in the The event promotes the Zach- Chamber, as well as promotes older categories would take ary community and ZFest, community service and in-

Advocate staff photo by STACY GILL

Saturday in the Miss Zachary volvement, Chamber officials said. For a complete schedule of ZFest events, visit

ZHS Principal Joe LeBlanc stressed the importance of learning the skill and related the story of 14-year-old Burke Cobb, the Dutchtown student who died in 2012 while playing basketball in the school’s gym following football practice. It was later determined that Cobb had an undiagnosed heart condition, LeBlanc said. “There were no AEDs and no one jumped in to perform CPR. Most likely because none of the other students knew how,� LeBlanc said. Beginning next school year, ZHS will perform screenings on each student athlete, LeBlanc added. In 2014, Louisiana enacted the Burke Cobb Act, becoming the 17th state to pass a law requiring all high school students to learn hands-only CPR as a graduation requirement. The law mandates that students receive CPR and automated external defibrillator training, becoming ready and able to act whenever they witness an emergency, Rhodes said. From the school perspective, the hands-on training can be incorporated at practically no cost, thanks to opportunities with local hospitals, firefighters and emergency medical technicians, and teachers do not have to be CPR-certified unless the course results in CPR certification.



Taking a CPR certification class in high school earlier this year was ZHS senior Bo Myers, who later used the lifesaving skill. Myers found himself springing into action and performing CPR on his nephew, Carter Fancher, 7, following an accident. For his actions, Myers was presented the PFFLA Lifesaving Award during the April 22 event. “For your willingness to learn the principles of CPR, your courage to enact these principles in your nephew’s time of need, for the display of leadership you have shown and for the true act of heroism you presented for the greater good, we present you with this award,� Major said. Major attended the award presentation and participated in the CPR training but required assistance from Myers and Rozie. “Bo, his classmates and other 2015 graduates are the first under the new law to be required to learn hands-only CPR,� said Stasha Rhodes, who worked to get the Burke Cobb legislation passed. Along with other organizations, the AHA has been pushing state legislatures across the country to pass laws requiring the training, Rhodes said. “No one knows when or where a sudden cardiac arrest may strike, so training more people increases the odds someone will be prepared to give CPR,� Rhodes said.

4G n Thursday, April 30, 2015 n n The Advocate


ENGAGEMENTS Engagement, Wedding and Anniversary Announcements are paid notices in The Advocate. Go to The Advocate’s website at and click on the tab marked “Celebrations.� For more information, call (225) 388-0738 or e-mail

Laxton-Robinson Katherine (Kay) Lynn Robinson and David Lamont Laxton IV, both of Baton Rouge, will marry on May 9th, 2015 in a 6:00 p.m. ceremony at the home of the bride’s mother in St. Francisville. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. Paul Davis Robinson, Sr. of New Roads and Ms. Patricia Webb Robinson of St. Francisville. She is the granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Robinson of New Roads and the late Dr. and Mrs. George Webb of Tallulah. She is a graduate of West Feliciana High School, Vanderbilt University, the University of Tuebingen, Germany, and is currently pursuing a Ph. D. in Educational Research at LSU. Her fiancÊ is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Lamont Laxton III of Baton Rouge. He is the grandson of Mrs. Z. B.

Fry, Jr. of Vicksburg, MS and the late Mr. Fry and the late Mr. and Mrs. David Lamont, Jr. of Mobile, AL. He is a graduate of Episcopal High School, LSU and Southeastern University Graduate School. He is employed as the Family Program Manager at St. Christopher’s Addiction Wellness Center in Baton Rouge.

EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH SHERIFF’S OFFICE BOOKINGS The following Baker and Zachary residents were booked into East Baton Rouge Parish Prison by the East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office from April 1521.

BAGBEY, KATHLEEN: 26, 6628 Martin Drive, Zachary, theft. FRANKLIN, MONIQUE: 21, 4307

Wimbish Drive, Baker, theft. LEGE, CURBY: 22, 5444 Brownfields Drive, Baker, simple burglary, theft of a firearm, theft over $200 and simple criminal damage to property. PARKER, DARREL: 32, 2117 E. Azalea Ave., Baker, driving while intoxicated, possession of marijuana and careless operation.

The following people were booked into East Baton Rouge Parish Prison or issued a summons by the Zachary Police Department April 16-22. BEARDON, MONICA: 39, 21020 La. 19, Lot 23, Slaughter, bench warrant for failure to appear for child restraint, no proof of insurance and fugitive charges. BLUNTSON, SHONDA: 38, 5920 Main St., #1, Zachary, failure to appear for theft. CALLENDER, KASEY: 34, 8008 Bluebonnet Blvd., #1411, Baton Rouge, theft of goods, two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and fugitive charges from East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office. CARTER, HELEN: 36, 2908 Tecumseh St., Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for theft. CLAY, CHRISCELLA: 55, 1316 Pleasant Ridge Drive, Zachary, cyberstalking. ELLISOR, TIMOTHY: 27, 7650 Linda Lee Drive, Denham Springs, bench warrant for failure to appear for possession of controlled dangerous substance. GARCIA, KATIE: 22, 1811 Job Ave., Zachary, theft. HARRIS, LIONEL: 57, 5272 Lennox St., Zachary, domestic abuse battery, resisting an officer by violence and public intimidation. HAWES, COURTNY: 32, 4203 Thomas Road, Baton Rouge, disturbing the peace by intoxication. HILLS, KEVAN: 21, 10941 Malcolm Drive, Baton Rouge, domestic abuse battery, simple criminal damage to property and contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile. JOLLA, DERIUS: 56, 1069 Bayberry Ave., Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for vehicle license required. JONES, LAMONICA: 46, 5875 Stearns St., Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to

appear for driving while intoxicated. LANDINGHAM, BYRON: 22, 3547 El Morro St., Baton Rouge, possession of marijuana. MAGEE, JAMES: 43, 5281 Rollins Road, Zachary, criminal trespassing and criminal damage to property. REAUX, TAYLOR: 20, 5510 Lavey Lane, Baker, bench warrant for failure to appear for speeding. SALAZAR, COLTAN: 21, 5635 Lower Zachary Road, Zachary, criminal damage to property. SCOTT, EDWARD: 52, 6572 Titian Ave., Baton Rouge, criminal trespassing. STRAUGHTER, QUINTEN: 28, 4311 Stewart St., Zachary, simple assault. SUMMERLIN, BRYAN: 30, 9870 Battle Road, Ethel, bench warrant for failure to appear for disturbing the peace. SWICK, CORY: 26, 24994 Plantation Lake Drive, Denham Springs, fugitive charges from Baker Police Department and East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office. THORNTON, MONTRELL: 26, 5462 Cathcart Lane, Zachary, home invasion, two counts of failure to appear for possession of marijuana, disturbing the peace by intoxication and resisting an officer. TURNER, KEVIN: 24, 1439 S. Sherwood Forest Blvd., Baton Rouge, possession of a schedule II drug, criminal damage to property, possession of drug paraphernalia, criminal trespassing, driving while intoxicated and reckless operation of a vehicle. WILLIFORD, CHRISTINA: 33, 4201 Florida St., 13, Zachary, fugitive charges from East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office. WILLIFORD, JOSHUA: 32, 4201 Florida St., 13, Zachary, fugitive charges from Baker Police Department. WILLIS, LINDA: 53, 1241 North 38th St., Baton Rouge, failure to appear for theft of goods and contributing to the delinquency of juveniles.

Advocate staff photo by STACY GILL

The top three performers in the Z-Star singing competition held April 25 include, from left, Michelle Willis, first place; Bethany Godbold, second place; and Morgan King, third. The girls will perform on the main stage at the Zachary Arts and Music Festival on May 2.

Z-Star singing competition held April 25 in Zachary Advocate staff report In the spirit of American Idol and The Voice, Zachary held its own singing competition April 25 called Z-Star, which organizers hope will become an annual event in the days leading up to the Zachary Arts and Music Festival. ZFest began Wednesday and runs through May 3 at BREC’s Zachary Community Park. The Z-Star sing-off was held during another pre-festival event, the Miss Zachary pageant, at the Visual and Performing Arts Center on Zachary High’s campus. Both events were sponsored by the Zachary Chamber of Commerce. Open to males and females ages 11 to 23, about 10 contestants registered to perform initially, but heavy rains Saturday

likely caused some to cancel, organizer Rhonda Gerald said. As a result, five contestants — all females — took to the stage hoping to win the top prize and a chance to sing at ZFest. Performers sang one song each and were judged on singing ability, difficulty of song, overall appearance, stage presence and crowd response. Earning the most points were: Michelle Willis, first place; Bethany Godbold, second place; and Morgan King, third place. Willis won $100 and a pair of sunglasses donated by Williamson Allemond Eye Center, and Godbold won a $25 gift certificate. All three girls will sing on ZFest’s main stage beginning at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, opening up for the Safer Street Band at 4 p.m.

BAKER POLICE BOOKINGS The following people were booked into East Baton Rouge Parish Prison by the Baker Police Department from April 16-22: ABBOTT, DERRICK: 36, 3444 Toulon Drive, Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for motor vehicle inspection sticker violation. AGUSTUS, GERALD: 61, 1069 Cordova Drive, Zachary, bench warrant for failure to appear for parking in fire lane. CAGLE, JESSICA: 34, 9110 Hooper Road, Baton Rouge, bench warrants for failure to appear for theft and contributing to the delinquency of juveniles. CAMPBELL, ADRIAN: 29, 1120 Shilo St., Apt. B, Baker, bench warrants for failure to appear for disturbing the peace with offensive words and offensive or harassing phone calls. GEORGE, GARRISHA: 21, 1241 Jefferson Highway, Apt. 1411, Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for theft. GRAY, JOSEPH: 23, 3042 Denham St., Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for theft. GROSS, DEVON: 17, 1630 Alabama St., Baker, criminal trespassing and contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile. HAMILTON, VANESSA: 38, 2566 N. Magnolia Drive, Baker, bench warrant for failure to appear for failure to yield. HAWES, COURTNEY: 32, 4203 Thomas Road, Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for speeding. JACKSON, DEMETRIS: 23, 13582 Abraham Drive, Baton Rouge, bench warrants for failure to appear for sale/possession of controlled substances, no driver’s license, no insurance, no license plate and motor vehicle inspection sticker violation. JACKSON, MICHAEL: 30, 415 Cypress St., Baker, possession of marijuana, no driver’s license, open container and obstruction of roadway. JACKSON, SHEENA: 31, 2733 Pimpernel Ave., Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for theft and resisting an officer. JOHNSON, CLARENCE: 25, 1111

Seville Ave., Baker, peeping Tom, remaining in places after being forbidden and stalking. JONES, JOHNATHAN: 22, 1360 Doolittle Drive, Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for attempted sale/possession of a controlled dangerous substance. JONES, SHAMKEYSHIA: 30, 5204 Sycamore St., Baton Rouge, bench warrants for failure to appear for disturbing the peace by intoxication and obscenity. LEE, KENDRICK: 35, 4250 Blount Road, 48, Baton Rouge, possession of marijuana. LEMAR, IVAN: 46, 169 Millie Drive, Avondale, bench warrant for failure to appear for theft. LEWIS, STEPHANIE: 38, 3467 Clayton Drive, Baton Rouge, bench warrants for failure to appear for speeding, expired motor vehicle inspection and driving under suspension/revocation. LONG, CARROLL: 37, 1001 Patricia Drive, Baker, bench warrants for failure to appear for improper equipment, ran stop sign and fugitive through Zachary. MARTINEZ, POLLY: 42, 8851 Waters Edge Ave., Baker, hit-and-run driving, bench warrant for failure to appear for handicapped parking and fugitive through East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office. MASON, CHRISTINA: 39, 252 N. 15th St., Port Allen, hit-and-run, careless operation and following too close. MORGAN, MALIK: 19, 4358 Heath Drive, Baton Rouge, bench warrants for failure to appear for speeding and failure to change address on driver’s license. MUSE, ROBERT: 43, 2023 E. Azalea Ave., Baker, bench warrant for failure to appear for driving under suspension/revocation and fugitive through East Baton

Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office. NORTH, LINDSAY: 24, 10422 Red Oak Drive, Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for seat restraints. PARKER, DARREL: 32, 2117 E. Azalea Ave., Baker, bench warrant for failure to appear for simple battery. REAUX, TAYLOR: 20, 5510 Lavey Lane, Baker, fugitive through East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office and Zachary Police Department. SEPTS, LAKEISHIA: 31, 1657 Groom Road, Baker, fugitive through East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office. SHEPHERD, CURTIS: 23, 1323 Nichols St., Baker, bench warrants for failure to appear for child seat restraints, motor vehicle inspection sticker violation and improper equipment. SNEED III, ALBERT: 32, 1125 Shilo St., Apt. A, Baker, bench warrants for failure to appear for driving while intoxicated, driving under suspension/revocation, license plate lights and fugitive through East Baton Rouge Parish. STEWART, KERONIQUE: 30, 2450 E. Mason Ave., Baton Rouge, bench warrants for failure to appear for speeding and no driver’s license. SWICK, CORY: 26, 5116 Highland Road, Apt. 79, Baton Rouge, bench warrants for failure to appear for windshield/window view through, driving under suspension/revocation and motor vehicle inspection sticker violation. THORNTON, MONTRELL: 26, 5462 Cathcart Lane, Zachary, bench warrant for failure to appear for speeding. VESSELL, TRESA: 49, 542 Ray Weiland Drive, Baker, disturbing the peace and simple battery.

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WALLACE, CEIROD: 21, 13469 Abraham Drive, Baker, bench warrants for failure to appear for sale/possession of controlled substances, license plate light required, motor vehicle inspection sticker violation, mirrors, expired motor vehicle inspection and no insurance. WEBB, PETER: 47, 10389 Carolina St., Wilson, possession of marijuana. WIGGINS, ASHLEY: 23, 1677 Rosenwald Drive, Apt. 6, Baton Rouge, bench warrant for failure to appear for theft. WILLIFORD, JOSHUA: 32, 4201 Florida St., Zachary, bench

warrants for failure to appear for driving under suspension/

revocation, no insurance and improper equipment.





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The Advocate n n Thursday, April 30, 2015 n 5G


The Zachary Advocate and Plainsman’s Spotlight Class for April is English Language Arts teacher Stacey Hodges’ class of second-graders at Rollins Place Elementary School in Zachary. Each month, Zachary Community Schools will select a classroom for this feature. Students were asked the following question:

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING TO DO WITH YOUR FAMILY ON THE WEEKEND? DESCRIBE THE ACTIVITIES. CHLOE ANDERSON: We all love to go to my grandma’s house, go to my mama’s job at the YMCA and we all like to go to the pool. Going out of town is the best. TRENT AUGILLARD: My favorite thing to do on the weekends with my family is to play laser tag with my family and go to the quarters with my family. ACKLAND BANKSTON: We go out to eat at a Chinese place and eat till we get full. We watch movies, and we eat deep dish pizza. When it is a sunny day, we ride our bikes. NOAH CARTER: I love to go on vacation and have lots of fun with my family. I also like to spend time with my family and play video games, and I also like to read and go to my friend’s house. LILLIE CHAMBERS: I like going to Mississippi to see my dad’s parents. I also like having sleepovers with my cousin Hamed Hayden. SUMMER DORSEY: I go out of town, swim with my cousins, go shopping for clothes and go out to eat with my family. DILLON EAST: I like to play the game Vector with my family on the table. It is black and white. It is very expensive, and it has its own case cover. ABIGAIL GISINER: We love to go play with the cats. We love to play outside. We love to play with the cats because one just had kittens.

Advocate staff photo by STACY GILL

Stacey Hodges’ second-grade class at Rollins Place Elementary School is the Zachary Advocate and Plainsman’s spotlight classroom for April. Sitting in front row, from left, are Chloe Anderson, Jared Poe, Dillon East, Trent Aguillard, William Nelson, Abigail Gisiner and Noah Carter; middle row, from left, are Jasmine Tate, Lillie Chambers, Summer Dorsey, Ainsley Johnson, Emily Maas, Skyler Vickers, Marlaejah Rogers and Charli Jaksic; and standing, from left, are Dalaynee Pope, Ryker Sherman, Nathaniel Vessel, Martell Major, Zoe Louis, Ackland Bankston and Hodges. We love to play outside if we have a chance to. CHARLI JAKSIC: We go play baseball with my dad. We also go to my Nanny’s house and swim, and we play tag in the pool, too. AINSLEY JOHNSON: My favorite thing to do on the weekend with my family is go get fruity-flavored delicious smoothies and go on a hot summer relaxing vacation and go get in the cool relaxed, light blue, salt watersmooth pool.

ZOE LOUIS: I like to go to the Tangled (Tanger) Outlet Mall, Ambrosia, cookie store and Wal-Mart because they’re fun, but all that walking hurts my feet. Sometimes my mom does not go in my favorite store that I love. EMILY MAAS: On the weekends my family and me sometimes go to my older brother’s soccer games, and it’s very fun for my family and me because we get to count the goals that the different teams make in the game.

We also like overtime so we can count the extra goals they make. If my older brother makes a goal we usually go out for ice cream. MARTELL MAJOR: We go out of town to see my uncle. We go to Baton Rouge to ride stuff. We go out to eat at Chili’s, go skating at the skating rink, go to the go-cart place, and we go to the roller coaster place. WILLIAM NELSON: I like to play board games with my giant family. I play army and cars video games sometimes. I stay inside my loud and crazy house. I go to my Nana’s and my Jojo’s old rusty houses. DALAYNEE POPE: I like to go with my dad to the park and the water park on hot days. JARED POE: We went to the LSU spring football game. They are good. I do nothing except watch movies. MARLAEJAH ROGERS: I like to watch TV with my family. I like to do makeup with my family. I like to eat smores with my family. I like to go to sleepovers with my family. I like to ride bikes with my family. I like to get in the pool with my family. RYKER SHERMAN: We usually go on walks and explore new places of Louisiana. Sometimes we ride our bikes around our house. I love New Orleans, it’s my favorite. We go there all the time. JASMINE TATE: We go to the Sandy Ground Park and play with toys, and I ride my bikes and get on the swings. Then we leave, and I begin to cry, but the next morning I ride my bike to the park. NATHANIEL VESSEL: I like to go to Pizza Hut and get some pizza. I like to go to McDonald’s and get some chicken nuggets. SKYLER VICKERS: I like to go to the fun park, go swimming in the blue pool, ride my bike on the bumpy road, watch TV on my comfy chair, play in my room with my toys and go fishing at my pond.

Zachary High School junior Bates making poetry come alive at competitive level BY STACY GILL Since becoming one of eight state finalists and taking home the top honors in the Louisiana Poetry Out Loud state competition in March, Zachary High School junior Kyla Bates has been perfecting her ability to recite poems. Arts integration specialist Elizabeth Foos, a state coordinator for Poetry Out Loud, works with state finalists to prepare them for Poetry Out Loud, one of the nation’s largest youth poetry recitation competitions. Foos visited Kyla on April 21 to ready the student, helping her improve upon the poems she’ll recite in Washington this week. “In D.C., you take the stage, and what a long stage it is. I’m working with her on everything from stage entrance to breathing and pauses to bringing her own voice into the lines,� Foos said. “This is poetry folks, and we love it, right?� Several theater students perched in the front row of the performing arts center at Zachary High answer back. They’ve been asked to sit in on Kyla’s practices, offering their constructive criticism and feedback. “What works here? Pauses? Inflection? We need to take it line by line ...word by word,� Foos said of Kyla’s recitation of “I’m a Fool to Love You� by Cornelius Eady. Kyla takes the instruction and suggestions in stride, reciting the line again and again. “Good, now let’s bring Kyla’s voice back into it,� Foos said. “Bring yourself back into it.� Kyla, who is not a fan of social media, believes her background as a theater student has helped. “There is an understated strength Kyla conveys when belting the lines out or barely whispering a word. I think she has experienced more than most kids her age,� Foos said. Kyla’s mother died in 2011, and the 17-year-old is one of seven siblings being raised by her grandmother and father. “I’m not nervous but still kind of up here,� Kyla said, waving

works for many at the state April 27-29. Results of Kyla’s in Clinton, LA level doesn’t always work at performance was not known at the national level, so that’s press time. why I work with these students. Many of them do not have a theater background like Kyla. Some just have an English or literary background.� Judges look for evidence of complexity and evidence of understanding at nationals, Foos said. Bates advanced from a field of more than 365,000 students nationwide to 53 finalists competing in Washington. Students and their schools will receive $50,000 in awards, including $20,000 for the national champion. The trip for Kyla and her grandmother Rosia Armstrong is being funded by the National Endowment for the Arts, which partners with the Poetry Foundation to present Poetry Out Intimate in-patient Skilled Care in spacious, private rooms. Loud. The program encourages the study of great poetry by ofPatient centered care includes Physical, Occupational & fering educational materials and a dynamic recitation comSpeech Therapies, one-on-one patient & family education and petition to high school students across the country, Foos said. complete discharge planning by a Licensed Master “This is open to all students Social Worker. Wound Care, IV Antibiotics, central line care and schools that would like to participate next year. All they & 24 hour skilled nursing services. have to do us contact their state arts agency through poetryout� The national competition was

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Advocate staff photo by STACY GILL

Arts Integration Specialist Elizabeth Foos, left, works with Zachary High junior Kyla Bates, one of eight state finalists competing in the National Poetry Out Loud competition held April 27-29 in Washington, D.C. her hand near her head. “It’s uncontrollable joy. This is where I found my home.� Students get to choose from an anthology of poems for the contest, and as a state finalist, Kyla will recite two poems in the semifinal round and the third poem if she makes it to the championship round. Her selections include Eady’s poem, pre-20th century poem and “I Felt a Funeral in my Brain� by Emily Dickinson. “I’ve been doing this for nine years,� Foos said. “What

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Quality Care In Your Community

6G n Thursday, April 30, 2015 n n The Advocate

Lane Regional Medical Center Auxiliary members gathered April 22 for an appreciation breakfast. Front row from left, are Ramona Dyess, Hazel Hagan and Liz Owen; and back row, Cynthia Carter, Mary Whittington, Diane Annison, Eva Jones, Jeanette Carroll and Pauline Rushing. Photos provided by DELORES SUTTON

Lane Regional Medical Center Auxiliary members gathered April 22 for an appreciation breakfast. Front row from left, are Vickie Munn, Dee Hebert, Frances Normand and Emmy Brister; and back row, Gladys Sims, Velita Benjamin, Brenda Fisher, Mabel Case and Sarah Vincent.

Photo provided by KRISTEN HOGEN

Julie McLin, left, marketing director of Lane Regional Medical Center in Zachary, receives the Marketing and Communications Professional award from Katie Guasco, president of Women In Media, at the Awards of Excellence luncheon held in Baton Rouge April 16.

LRMC’s McLin receives Women In Media award “I was surprised but also very honored and very grateJulie McLin, of Lane Regional ful to have received the award,� Medical Center in Zachary, has McLin said. McLin resides in Livingston received Women In Media’s 2015 Marketing/Communica- Parish with her husband, Curtions Professional award for tis. her work as marketing director. McLin received the honor by Women In Media President Katie Guasco on April 16 at the Women in Media Awards of Excellence luncheon at the Crowne Plaza in Baton Rouge. McLin has worked at Lane RMC for nearly 10 years and was nominated by co-worker Theresa Payment. There were two finalists in each category and winners were announced just moments before receiving their awards. Advocate staff report

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(QUROOPHQW 1RZ 2SHQ Lane Regional honors auxiliary volunteers ing volunteer service and financial support to the hospital. Last year, the auxiliary proIn recognition of the volunteers who share their time and vided more than 8,000 hours of talents to support patients, volunteer service to the hospifamilies and the Zachary com- tal and donated $20,000 to the munity, Lane Regional Medical Lane Foundation, Delores SutCenter on April 22 hosted its ton, Lane marketing coordinaannual Auxiliary Appreciation tor, said. Lane volunteer opportunities breakfast. The Lane Auxiliary has been are available by calling the hosin existence since 1960, provid- pital gift shop at (225) 658-4309.


Advocate staff report

# $ " $ !




sports THE ZACHA Y




Zachary teams dominate District 4-5A track meet

The Zachary High track and field teams continued to dominate the competition with convincing victories April 22 at the District 4-5A meet at Broadmoor High School. The Lady Broncos amassed 201 points to outpace Denham Springs (81), Live Oak (78), Walker (77.50), Scotlandville (51.50), Broadmoor (57) and Central (23). The boys squad rolled up 157 points to beat Scotlandville (108), Walker (85), Central (75), Denham Springs (62), Broadmoor (57) and Live Oak (12). Janie O’Connor set the pace for the Lady Broncos, winning the 100-meter dash, 200-meter dash and the 400-meter run. Also capturing firstplace finishes were Sierra Johnson in the 100-meter and 300-meter hurdles, Kristian Jackson in the shot put ZACHARY SPORTS and discus, and Lydia Johnson in the triple jump and the 4x100, HARCENEAUX@THEADVOCATE.COM 4x200 and 4x400 relays. For the Bronco boys, earning first-place finishes were Davis Hughes in the 110-meter and 300-meter hurdles, Keidrick Haynes in the long jump, Christopher London in the discus and Chandler Derouen in the pole vault and 4x200 and 4x400 relays.

Howard Arceneaux

Northeast squads finish second

The Northeast High School boys and girls track and field squads both earned second-place finishes at the District 6-2A meet April 22 at Episcopal. The hosts scored 221 points to cruise to the boys title followed by Northeast (94), East Feliciana (81), Capitol (63), Dunham (50) and Redemptorist (27). The Episcopal girls scored 229 points to defeat Northeast (78), Dunham (71), Mentorship Academy (64), East Feliciana (44), Capitol (30) and Redemptorist (18). For the Viking boys, Darryl Adams won the 200-meter dash and Marqueon Minor finished first in the javelin. For the Northeast girls, LaTravia Fisher claimed first in the long jump as did Briana Haney in the shot put and Lauri Kight in the discus and 4x200 relay.

ZHS girls second in metro golf

Zachary’s Lady Broncos finished second in the metro golf tournament at Beaver Creek Golf Course in Zachary. Coach Kenny Langlois’ squad fired a 192, seven shots behind winner St. Joseph’s Academy and two shots ahead of University High. Runnels senior Taylor Kennedy claimed her second singles title in three years, firing a 3-over-par 75, three shots ahead of second-place finisher Jessica Varner, of St. Joseph’s. The victory keeps Kennedy unbeaten in her senior season. Third-place finisher Paige Johnson, who carded an 88, led Zachary, while Kennedy’s Runnels team placed fourth at 205.

Tanner makes All-metro soccer

Zachary’s Kailey Tanner was named to The Advocate’s All-metro girls soccer team. Tanner, a forward, had 35 goals and 12 assists as ZHS advanced to the playoffs after posting a 7-1 record in Division I, District 4.

Advocate staff photos by STACY GILL

Zachary pitcher Robert Burke, on the mound for the Broncos, helped his squad defeat the Destrehan Wildcats 6-1 in a make up game played April 24 at Zachary Youth Park.

Broncos honor seniors BY STACY GILL The nine senior players on Zachary High’s baseball team and their parents were recognized April 24 during a Senior Night ceremony. The Bronco players honored their fathers by giving them a signed baseball and their mothers by presenting them with a red rose prior to the squad’s non-district game against the Destrehan Wildcats. Zachary won the game, a weather-related make-up, 6-1. Following the ceremony with their parents, the nine seniors presented coach Jesse Cassard with a signed collage of photos taken by Zachary photographer Sharron Ventura, who frequents the Bronco games and works in administration at Zachary Elementary School. “These guys have committed themselves to four years of rigorous workouts, academ- Coaches rush to the aide of junior P.J. Cannon, who was hit in the shoulder by a baseball during the Broncos game against Destrehan on Friday. The athlete, who also plays football äSee BRONCOS, page 2H for ZHS, shook off the injury, helping his team defeat the Wildcats.

Johnson an All-metro wrestler


ZHS junior Sam Johnson was named to The Advocate’s Allmetro wrestling team. Johnson, who wrestled in the 145-pound class, was a newcomer this year, finishing with a 47-7 record and a second-place finish at the city meet. He also finished third in Division 1 at the LHSAA championships.

Jones earns basketball honor

Northeast’s Pearl Jones added another accolade to her impressive résumé. The 6-2 senior was named to The Advocate’s Allmetro girls basketball team. A post player with ball-handling skills, Jones averaged 15 points and 9 rebounds as she led the Jones Lady Vikings to their first playoff win in a decade in Class 2A. She is also a volleyball and track and field standout.

Anderson signs with Demons

Zachary senior Darryl Anderson has signed a track and field scholarship with Northwestern State University. Anderson will compete in the high jump and triple jump for the Demons. ZHS will host an official signing ceremony this month. Send sports news, photos and stats to Howard Arceneaux at

The nine seniors on the Zachary High baseball team signed a framed collage of photographs depicting the players in action for coach Jesse Cassard, presenting it April 24 prior to their game against Destrehan. The collage was made by Sharron Ventura. Broncos, from left, are Bo Myers, Zach ‘Turtle’ Moore, Corey Musselman, Mikey Rider, Micah McHugh, Cassard, Brennan Booth, Evan Pace, Gabe Hannum and Brandon Dufour.

2H n Thursday, April 30, 2015 n n The Advocate

Photo provided by KRISTEN HOGAN

Zumbathon in Zachary

The Americana YMCA in Zachary held a Zumbathon event April 17 that included more than 40 participants and 10 Zumba instructors. Zumbathons are extended length Zumba classes that run from two to three hours but with breaks, and are held to support a worthy cause. The events feature more than one instructor teaching. The Zachary Zumbathon raised $270 for children to attend YMCA summer camp.

Advocate staff photos by STACY GILL

The nine senior players on the Zachary High baseball team, their parents and coaches form a family huddle prior to the Broncos game against Destrehan on April 24 at Zachary Youth Park. ZHS defeated Destrehan 6-1.


Continued from page 1H ics, community service and the game of baseball,” Cassard said. “They’ve made the program better by not only playing the sport but through leadership at school.” The group of varsity student-athletes have a combined grade-point average of 3.5 and all plan to attend college. Brennan Booth, son of Cindy and Richard Booth, said his plans after graduation include attending Northwestern State University to play college baseball. Brandon Dufour, son of Keli and Dwayne Dufour, has plans to earn his pilot’s license so he can fly helicopters. Gabe Hannum, son of Brandy and Trevor Hannum, is the team’s captain and was voted Mr. ZHS and prom king. His plans are to attend LSU-Eunice on a baseball scholarship and study electrical engineering as well as attend a four-year college. Hannum, a four-year letterman, was named all-district his sophomore and junior years. Micah McHugh, son of Staci and Jeff McHugh, said he will

Zachary High School’s nine senior baseball players and their parents were recognized during Senior Night April 24 prior to the Broncos’ game against Destrehan at Zachary Youth Park. Four of the players and their families, front row, from left, include Cindy Booth, Dwayne and Keli Dufour, Brandy Hannum, Staci McHugh and Jeff McHugh; and back row, from left, are Richard and Brennan Booth, Brandon Dufour, Gabe and Trevor Hannum and Micah McHugh. attend the University of Mississippi on an academic and athletic scholarship. Zach “Turtle” Moore, son of Sheryl and Chip Moore, said he plans to attend University of

Louisiana at Lafayette to obtain a degree in political science and eventually go to law school. Corey Musselman, son of Kelli and Darren Musselman, said he will attend Northwestern

Zachary High School’s nine senior baseball players and their parents or relatives, were recognized during Senior Night April 24 prior to the Broncos’ game against Destrehan at Zachary Youth Park. Five of the players and their respective families, front row, from left, included Mac Moore, Zach Moore’s brother; Marie McGee, Moore’s grandmother; Kelli and Darren Musselman; Mello and Danny Myers; D’nean and Tommy Pace; and Mikey Rider; and second row, Zach Moore; Corey Musselman; Bo Myers; Evan Pace; and Mike and Rachel Rider. Moore’s parents, Chip and Sheryl Moore, were out of town and could not attend.

State University on a baseball scholarship. He was named alldistrict his junior year. Bo Myers, son of Mello and Danny Myers, said he will attend LSU-Eunice on a baseball

scholarship. Evan Pace, son of D’Nean and Tommy Pace, said he will play baseball at Southeastern University on a full academic and athletic scholarship.

Baseball also is in the future plans for Mikey Rider, son of Rachel and Mike Rider, he said. Rider plans to play baseball at Baton Rouge Community College.

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Zachary Public Notices



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PUBLIC NOTICE --Public Hearings will be held at Zachary City Hall 4700 Main St. during the Zoning Commission meeting Monday – May 4, 2015- 6:30 PM and the City Council meeting Tuesday –May 26, 2015-6:30 PM for the purpose indicated: Rezone Lot C-1-A, Hwy 964 from RE to CG. 5117077-apr 16-23-30-3t

PUBLIC NOTICE --Public Hearings will be held at Zachary City Hall 4700 Main St. during the Zoning Commission meeting Monday – May 4, 2015- 6:30 PM and the City Council meeting Tuesday –May 26, 2015-6:30 PM for the purpose indicated:

Zachary Public Notices

10190 PUBLIC NOTICE --Public Hearings will be held at Zachary City Hall 4700 Main St. during the Zoning Commission meeting Monday – May 4, 2015- 6:30 PM and the City Council meeting Tuesday –May 26, 2015-6:30 PM for the purpose indicated: Rezone Lot X-1-B of the Ivy Barksdale Tract from UC to I. 5117081-apr 16-23-30-3t

PUBLIC NOTICE --Public Hearings will be held at Zachary City Hall 4700 Main St. during the Zoning Commission meeting Monday – May 4, 20156:30 PM and the City Council meeting Tuesday –May 26, 2015-6:30 PM for the purpose indicated: Rezone a portion of Tract C-2-B-2-D-1-C Proposed Lots C-2- B-2- D-1-C-1 and C2- B-2- D-1-C-2 of the Marshall Hughes Tract from RE to CG.

Zachary Public Notices

Zachary Public Notices

10190 Rezone a portion of Tract C-2-B-2-D-1-C Proposed Lots C-2-B-2-D-1-C-3 and C2-B-2-D-1-C-4 of the Marshall Hughes Tract from RE to CS. 5117084-apr 16-23-30-3t

PUBLIC NOTICE --Public Hearings will be held at Zachary City Hall 4700 Main St. during the Zoning Commission meeting Monday – May 4, 2015- 6:30 PM and the City Council meeting Tuesday –May 26, 2015-6:30 PM for the purpose indicated: Rezone Lot Z-1-A-1 of the Copper Mill Business Park from CS to CG. 5117088-apr 16-23-30-3t

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10190 PUBLIC NOTICE --Public Hearings will be held at Zachary City Hall 4700 Main St. during the Zoning Commission meeting Monday – May 4, 2015- 6:30 PM and the City Council meeting Tuesday –May 26, 2015-6:30 PM for the purpose indicated: Rezone Lots A-1-A-1, A-1-A2, A-1-A-3 of the Charles W. Harelson Tract From CS to CG. 5117089-apr 16-23-30-3t

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Rezone Tract C-2-B-2-D-1-B of the Marshall M. Hughes Tract from RE to CG.

Zachary Public Notices

5117079-apr 16-23-30-3t

10190 “To browse a searchable database of public notices published by the newspapers of Louisiana to inform you, the citizens of Louisiana, please visit click on Louisiana public notice button.“





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Thursday, April 30, 2015

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