13 minute read
Bulletin Board by Kathleen Donner
neighborhood news
Photo: Kristina Noell, Anacostia BID
Anacostia Starbucks Opens
The Anacostia Business Improvement District joined Mayor Muriel Bowser (D), community leaders, small businesses, residents and members of the business community in celebrating the grand opening of the rst free-standing Starbucks east of the Anacostia River. The new co ee bar is on the ground oor of Maple View Flats at 2228 Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave. SE. anacostiabid.org.
Ward 8 Farmers Market Opens
On July 4, The Ward 8 Farmers Market opens for the season on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The market is in the parking lot behind Martin Luther King Elementary School, 3200 Sixth St. SE. ward8farmersmarket.org.
DGS Relocates to Ward 7
The Department of General Services (DGS) is moving to a new location on Minnesota Ave. NE in Ward 7. In accordance with the Mayor’s Order directing the O ce of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development and DGS to identify potential relocation properties in Wards 7 and 8, the District has signed a Letter of Intent to build a new headquarters at 3924 Minnesota Ave. NE.
Summer Crime Prevention
The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) has identi ed six focus areas this summer for the 2020 Summer Crime Prevention Initiative (SCI): Columbia Heights (PSAs 302/304); Benning Road/ Rosedale/Langston-Carver (PSA 507); Fort Dupont/Minnesota Avenue (PSA 603); Benning Ridge/Marshall Heights (PSA 604); East Congress (PSA 704/705) and Washington Highlands (PSA 706/708). The SCI, which runs from May 1 to Aug. 31, focuses all available MPD resources and the latest technology to help eliminate violent crimes in speci ed areas. mpdc.dc.gov/page/ summer-crime-prevention-initiative.
Rodney McLeod Joins Martha’s Table to Distribute Masks
On May 13, Ward 7 Councilmember Gray and Philadelphia Eagles Safety and Washingtonian Rodney McLeod distributed 200 donated, handmade masks to seniors and young adults living in Kenilworth Courts, Mayfair Mansions and Paradise Acres in Ward 7. Courtesy of McLeod’s Back of House USA and Todd Patrick, the custommade face coverings were accompanied by hot meals provided by a partnership with Martha’s Table, Clydes Restaurant Group and Knead Hospitality & Design. The event was organized by Ward 7 Councilmember Vincent Gray (D), Carlos Gray and Training Grounds Inc., a nonpro t organization in Ward 7 that assists youth and adults with personal, career and leadership development.
Ward 8 Rent Help
Washington Wizards All-Star guard John Wall, in collaboration with the John Wall Family Foundation (JWFF), has launched the 202 Assist program. 202 Assist is aimed at providing rent assistance to Ward 8 residents impacted most by the COVID-19 pandemic. The JWFF has set a goal to raise $300,000 to assist in relief e orts. Donations are sought at housingetc.org/202assist/. All proceeds will bene t the 202 Assist initiative and provide rent relief to hundreds of Ward 8 residents in need. Applications for help have opened at lh4us.org/forms.
Get a COVID Test
CVS Health has opened three new COVID-19 testing sites at drive-thru locations in DC. The testing sites are at 845 Bladensburg Rd. NE, 6514 Georgia Ave. NW and 110 Carroll St. NW. Selfswab tests will be available to individuals meeting Centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria. Patients must register in advance at cvs. com/minuteclinic/covid-19-testing to schedule an appointment. They are required to proceed in their vehicles to the pharmacy drive-thru window where they will be provided with a test kit and given instructions. A pharmacy team member will observe the self-swab process to ensure it is done properly. Tests will be sent to an independent, third-party lab for processing and the results will be available in approximately three days. cvs.com/minuteclinic/covid19-testing.
102 Affordable Homes Preserved
The DC Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has closed several loans from the Oramenta Newsome Predevelopment Loan for two a ord
able housing projects in Wards 5, 7 and 8. The program o ers nonpro t developers and housing cooperatives access to capital for predevelopment costs. In March, Manna Inc. received $100,000 in nancing for Park Place Apartments, two buildings comprised of 21 units at 2530 Park Pl. SE in Ward 7; and $100,000 for Courts at South Capitol Street Apartments, a ve-building, 48-unit complex at 3800 South Capitol St. SE in Ward 8. The loan program, named in honor of Oramenta Newsome, a key District housing advocate, was established by Mayor Bowser with $1 million in funding from the Housing Production Trust Fund (HPTF) and $1 million from DC Housing Finance Agency (DCHFA). Financing from the program will cover a portion of the expense for architectural fees and other predevelopment costs. dhcd.dc.gov.
Watch the Ward 7 Economic Vision Debate
The Ward 7 Democratic Candidates’ ‘Virtual Economic Vision Debate’ was on May 16. The debate was moderated by Saymah Nah, Marshall Heights Civic Association’s Vice-Chair of Economic DeACM Launches Resilience Page velopment and Fenit Nirappil, a local journalThe Smithsonian’s Anacostia Community Museum (ACM) has launched the “Moments of Resilience” online initiative in ist for The Washington Post. Those who missed response to the COVID-19 pandemic. By gathering and sharing the stories of everyday people coping with this unprecethe debate can see it on YouTube at youtu.be/nDdented crisis, the webpage seeks to give voice to the community’s resolve to survive an epidemic that is disproportionate33NUBK6Q. ly impacting communities of color. The initiative also serves as powerful vehicle for the collecting of real-time documentation of current events, a cornerstone of the museum’s work and identity. anacostia.si.edu/collection/moments-resilience.
COVID-19 Testing at Grubb’s
Grubb’s Pharmacy at 1800 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. SE now o ers free COVID-19 testing in partnership with to the north (westbound) bridge sidewalk during conavailable on their college campus. They will support the Department of Health (DOH) and Human Services (HS). Pastruction. The reopened north bridge will have a new and check in with students regularly throughout the tients can make appointments for testing at DoINeedACovid19Test. wider sidewalk, a pedestrian and historic bridge rail rst two years of their college experience. dcpsgoestocom. Grubb’s will provide drive-up COVID-19 test collection for ing and a new deck overlay. This tra c con guration college.org/dcps-persists. pre-screened individuals. Results are ready in three to ve business will be in place through the end of the project, anticidays. DoINeedACovid19Test.com. pated for late Summer 2020. The speed limit has been reduced to 30 mph to ensure public and worker safeUber Hourly Booking Select DPR Outdoor Facilities Open ty. Fines are doubled in construction zones. eastcapbridge.com. Uber riders are now able to book a ride for $50 an hour for up to seven hours. Use the app to request this trip The following DPR facilities are now open, with social distancas you would any on-demand ride, while setting multiing safeguards: parks; athletic elds; walking paths, trails and tracks; dog parks and tennis courts. Read more at coronavirus. DCPS Persists ple stops as needed. Look for a match with a driver who has a more spacious and newer vehicle type. uber.com. dc.gov/phaseone. DCPS Persists, an innovative program that will provide
Traf c Changes on the East Capitol Bridge
students in the Class of 2020 with a guaranteed support network as they embark on the next chapter of their educational journey. The program is the nation’s rst
Convention Center Becomes Alternate Care Site
The DC Dept. of Transportation (DDOT) has changed the tra c college persistence initiative led by a traditional public The Walter E. Convention Center has been convertpattern on the East Capitol Street Bridge. The south bridge is fully school system. Eligible students who plan to go to coled into an alternate care site to support the District’s closed. All has been shifted to the north bridge, where three lanes of lege will be provided with a support network that encoronavirus (COVID-19) medical surge response. The tra c will be maintained at all times. A reversible middle lane will sures they have the guidance and resources they need Convention Center’s Hall A can now accommodate be employed to allow two lanes of inbound tra c during morning to succeed in earning a degree. Starting with the Class 437 beds and is ready to accept 100 patients. The site is rush hour and two lanes of outbound tra c during evening rush of 2020, 750 college-bound DCPS graduates will be fully stocked with general medical and emergency medhour. On the east side of the bridge, temporary ramps will be used able to connect to a DCPS Persists coach to help them ical supplies, including: items from two federal medito maintain connectivity to the I-295 north bound and I-295 south navigate the transition to college. Coaches will assist cal station caches, 50 Cardiac Monitors and 50 AEDs, bound on-ramps. Bicycle and pedestrian tra c will be detoured students with academic, nancial and other resources pharmaceuticals from the Strategic National Stockpile,
ability to do onsite radiology and ultrasounds, multiple nurse stations with easy access to patient rooms and Nurse call system that alerts staff to emergencies in each care space, shower or bathroom. The site also includes dedicated patient showers; dedicated staff showers and lounge area; dedicated fire alarm system; dedicated IT networks for staff, patients and equipment; dedicated oxygen system and multiple redundant power backups. coronavirusdc.gov.
DC’s COVID-19 Hotline
District residents who are homebound due to CO VID-19 can request support from the District for food and other essential items. Call 1-888-349- 8323 or visit coronavirus.dc.gov/gethelp.
National Book Festival Goes Online
The 20th Library of Congress National Book Festival will celebrate “American Ingenuity” in 2020, featuring the creativity and inspiration of some of the nation’s most gifted authors in a reimagined virtual festival the weekend of Sept. 25 to 27. loc. gov/bookfest.
AWS RiverSmart Applications Open
The Anacostia Watershed Society (AWS) is partnering with the Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE) to administer the District’s RiverSmart Communities grant program. This program provides complete financial and technical support to houses of worship and non-profit organizations for installing small-scale, river-friendly landscape features that will beautify their property and provide numerous benefits to the environment. doee. dc.gov/riversmart.
Student Loan Relief Announced
District residents who are struggling to pay private education loans due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) public health emergency can take advantage of expanded financial relief options. Qualifying residents can obtain loan forbearance and other protections. Options include providing a minimum of 90 days of forbearance; waiving late payment fees; no negative credit reporting; ceasing debt collection lawsuits for 90 days and other borrower assistance programs, such as income-based repayment. To get details, visit the US Department of Education’s National Student Loan Data System at nslds.ed.gov, or call Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-433- 3243 or 1-800-730-8913 (TDD). Borrowers with private student loans should check the contact information on their monthly billing statements.
DC Water Assistance
DC Water is providing emergency relief to District residents struggling with unpaid water bills during the coronavirus (COVID-19) public health emergency and 105 days thereafter. DC Water residential customers can apply to the DC Department of Energy and Environment for help from the fund established for the Clean Rivers Impervious Area Charge (CRIAC) to help pay all or part of an outstanding water-bill balance and for ongoing monthly CRIAC discounts. doee.dc.gov/service/criac.
Financial Services for Returning Citizens
Capital Area Asset Builders has partnered with the DC Mayor’s Office on Returning Citizens Affairs (MORCA) to launch a series of Financial Education Workshops and provide One-on-One Financial Coaching Sessions to DC returning citizens. MORCA clients interested in taking advantage of these virtual services, register at orca.dc.gov/services.
Online Smoking Cessation
Breathe DC, a non-profit organization supporting clean air and healthy breathing, has launched free online cessation services to help smokers kick the habit. Virtual classes run for four weekly sessions. Participants can choose from morning, afternoon or evening classes. Classes are hosted on Zoom and offered throughout June on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays. Sign up at breathedc.org/cessation.
Online Teen Alcohol Awareness
Washington Regional Alcohol Program’s (WRAP) popular Alcohol Awareness for Students has moved online. The multi-media outreach effort features an interactive PowerPoint presentation, video and Fatal Vision goggles to educate teenagers and young adults about the dangers of underage drinking. Visit youtube.com/user/WRAPSoberride/videos. wrap.org.
Have an item for the Bulletin Board? Email the information to bulletinboard@hillrag.com. u
The District of Columbia Housing Authority (DCHA) is providing notice of a Public Hearing and Comment Period to solicit comments on the agency’s proposed 2021 Moving to Work (MTW) Plan. MTW is a HUD program that allows select public housing authorities to design and implement innovative programs and policies with the intent to: 1) reduce costs and improve efficiencies; 2) encourage residents to obtain employment and become economically selfsufficient; and 3) increase housing choices for lowincome families. The Public Hearing will take place online on Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 6 p.m. Email MTW@dchousing.org to register.
COMMENTS Written comments will be accepted through Tuesday, June 16, 2020. Email your comments to MTW@dchousing.org. Alternatively, you can mail comments to:
Hanna Koerner, Policy Analyst DCHA 1133 North Capitol Street NE, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20002
To request a copy of the MTW plan, please call (202) 918-1965; send an email to MTW@dchousing.org; or download from the DCHA website at www.dchousing.org/mtw2.
REQUESTING A REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION DCHA is committed to providing equal access to this event for all participants & residents with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation or sign language interpreter service, please contact our ADA/504/Language Department at 202-535-2737 or ADA504@dchousing.org with your complete request. Please allow at least 3 business days to make the necessary arrangements.
If you need a foreign language translator, please contact our ADA/504/Language Department at 202-535-2737 or email ADA504@dchousing.org. Please allow at least 5 business days to make the necessary arrangements.
AVISO IMPORTANTE Este documento contiene información importante. Si necesita ayuda en Español o si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este aviso, por favor llame DCHA al (202) 535–1000. Infórmele al representante de atención al cliente el idioma que habla para que le proporcione un intérprete sin costo para usted. Gracias.
# CLASSOF2020!