East of the River Magazine – December 2021

Page 16

neighborhood news

Ward 7 Activists Force Redistricting Changes

Kingman Park and Rosedale Will be Part of Ward 7 by Elizabeth O’Gorek


ver the last ten years, Ward 7 and Ward redistricting plan. Kingman Park sued to be returned to the Subcommittee’s map, putting it more in line with 8 have not experienced the kind of ecoWard 6, but the effort failed. W7REC’s recommendations. nomic growth that the rest of the city The Subcommittee’s map added no commercial corhas,” former Advisory Neighborhood ridors to Ward 7. In their report, the Subcommittee acDissatisfaction Commissioner (ANC) 7B Villareal Johnknowledged the lack of significant economic activity on The Redistricting Subcommittee voted to approve a son said at a meeting of the DC Council Subcommitthe Capitol Hill area east of Eighth Street SE. However, Draft Map on Nov. 19. It expanded Ward 7 into Ward tee on Redistricting on Oct. 23. “The best way to help they justified their action by pointing to major develop6, increasing the population of Ward 7 by 5,742 people. Ward 7 and Ward 8 is increasing the population. You say, ments expected at Reservation 13 and on the RFK Stadi‘How does increasing the popuum Campus over the next decade. lation help Ward 7 and Ward 8?’ The map was a comproWell, it’s about power. It’s about mise, Silverman told ANC 7D. political power. It’s about giving “There were last minute concesthem more voters,” he said. sions made, and that’s what imIn the public meetings on repacted Ward 7’s population.” Inidistricting, many Ward 7 residents tially, the Subcommittee map put argued for the inclusion of a comthe border between Ward 6 and 7 mercial corridor and a significant at East Capitol Street, uniting the expansion in their ward’s populamajority Black neighborhoods of tion. Redistricting, they said, proRosedale and Kingman Park in vided an opportunity for historiWard 6. “Toward the end when I cally Black communities to secure previewed the map to colleagues, an increased voice in District polthere were concerns and I made itics and economic development. some adjustments,” Silverman However, when the Subcomsaid. “And that’s what impacted mittee voted to approve its draft Ward 7’s population.” map on Nov. 19, Ward 7 exited the Ward 7 residents made their first phase of the redistricting prodissatisfaction clear. cess much the same way it came “I want to send a message to in. The scheme left the ward with Silverman and my dear friend the lowest population. It also apAnita [Bonds],” Ward 7 resident portioned it no additional comBarbara Morgan said at a Monday mercial corridors. Ward 7 activnight press conference organized ists chose to fight. by W7REC. “Those of you who Under the banner of don’t support this plan: don’t exWard 7 Redistricting Equipect support from Ward 7. We Image: Ward 7 community leaders and residents at a Dec. 6 press conference. Groups united as the Ward 7 Redistricting Equity Coalition to demand changes to the redistricting plan submitted by the DC Council Subcommittee. ty Coalition (W7REC), ressaid what we wanted, we held that Photo: E.O’Gorek/CCN idents successfully chal meeting over at Marshall Heights. lenged the Subcommittee map. Either you do what we ask, or we Ward 7 remained the smallest ward, however. At a proLed by W7REC, all Ward 7 Advisory Neighborwill meet you at the ballot box.” posed 81,997, it was 2,663 smaller than Ward 4, the next hood Commissions (ANC) voted to request that DC In a Nov. 30 letter to Mendelson, Ward 7 Councilmemsmallest. The Subcommittee also chose to return KingCouncil increase the ward’s population by retaining ber Vincent Gray (D) added his voice, calling the Subcomman Park to Ward 6, rather than keeping it in Ward 7. Kingman Park and annexing Rosedale from Ward 6. mittee plan “unacceptable.” He described the SubcommitKingman Park had been annexed to Ward 7 in the 2001 In response, DC Council voted on Dec. 7 to revise tee’s drawing of Ward 7 as “unnecessarily and ill-advisedly 16

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