7 minute read
Delayed DDOT Response to ANC Concerns
for the area, showing photos of the varied nature of the alley including some two-story accessory buildings. Appearing at the meeting, the property owner said she needed more living space and said adding a deck in the rear of the house is the only spot that gets sun due to the three-story apartment building just to the south. She also described privacy concerns, as the residents of the apartment were able to look down into her yard.
The owners and a tenant of that apartment building voiced their opposition, citing privacy concerns as the roof deck would nearly be on the same level as one of the rear decks and people on the roof deck would be able to look into the back windows. They also voiced issues around the cumulative impacts of two two-story accessory buildings abutting their rear yard.
The ANC Voted to Support:
• A letter to Mayor Muriel Bowser and the Directors of the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) and the DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) requesting that improvements to the south side of Garfield Park begin in the next few months. The letter notes that although funds have been committed to these improvements, work has been delayed for years despite needed structural and safety improvements. • A letter to DC Council asking that encampments located at 11th Street SE near the I-695 and the Third Street Tunnel be added to the
CARE Program, which provides accelerated access to permanent housing for encampment residents. The program began in late 2021 with a pilot program targeting three encampments, none located in ANC 6B. • A letter to DDOT and DC Council asking that funding for construction on the Penn-Potomac intersection be included in the FY23 budget.
Engineering designs for the project are 90% percent complete and undergoing an internal review expected to conclude by May 2022. A construction budget of $20 million was requested for FY23 but may be deferred to FY24, delaying the start of construction • Testimony to DC Council for the Feb. 18 DC
Council DDOT Oversight hearing on the topic of the Southeast Boulevard and Barney Circle
Project. Transportation Committee Chair Kirsten Oldenburg will testify. The ANC sees the project as an opportunity to transform 18 undeveloped acres into a new urban space with eq-
uitable access to the Anacostia River. The commission has been working with DDOT on the renovation, asking them to redesign the area to allow for more equitable multi-modal vehicles and establish a few blocks on the site of a neighborhood demolished in the 1960s. The ANC will ask Council to encourage DDOT to release the draft Environmental Assessment and to ensure funding to complete the EA in FY23. • Changes to ANC bylaws that would allow resident members to be appointed at regular meetings throughout the year, rather than only at the
February meeting, with all terms ending the following February regardless of the month they are appointed; to explicitly allow for two members of the commission to co-chair a task force; and to formally add the Transportation Committee as a standing committee.
In Other Matters
The ANC voted to reinstate all standing committees and task forces, re-electing the current chairs. They also voted for the appointment of ANC 6B Resident Members: 1. Floyd Brown – Transportation Committee [6B01] 2. Lauren Freedman – Planning and Zoning Committee [6B01] 3. Kevin Morarity – Transportation Committee [6B02] 4. Katherine Szafran – Alcohol Beverage Control
Committee [6B03] 5. Gerardo Mijares-Shafai – Planning and Zoning
Committee [6B03] 6. Brian Kirrane – Transportation Committee [6B03] 7. Ellen Opper-Weiner – Alcohol Beverage Control Committee [6B05] 8. Ken Jarboe – Planning and Zoning
Committee[6B05] 9. Raman Santra – Alcohol Beverage Control Committee [6B06] – New Nomination/Returning
RM (previously RM for 6B08 – 2019-2020) 10. Ryan Danks – Planning and Zoning Committee [6B06] 11. Matt LaFortune – Transportation Committee [6B06] – New Nomination 12. Bill Ferguson – Planning and Zoning Committee [6B07] – New Nomination 13. Stefan Katz – Transportation Committee [6B07] 14. Chander Jayaraman – Alcohol Beverage Control
Committee [6B08] 15. Amanda Thomas – Planning and Zoning Committee [6B08] 16. Carol Grissom – Transportation Committee [6B08] 17. Ryan Fochler – Alcohol Beverage Control Committee [6B09] 18. Daniel Garry – Planning and Zoning Committee [6B09] 19. John Ten Hoeve – Transportation Committee [6B09] 20. Francis Campbell – Planning and Zoning Committee [6B10]
Attending were Commissioners Jennifer Samolyk (6B01), Gerald Sroufe (6B02), Brian Ready (6B03), Kirsten Oldenburg (6B04), Steve Holtzman (6B05), Corey Holman (6B06), Edward Ryder (6B07) and Alison Horn (6B09). Commissioners Denise Krepp (6B10) and Peter Wright (6B08) were unable to attend.
ANC 6B will hold the next meeting of the full commission virtually at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Mar. 8, 2022. Get up to date information on meetings at anc6b.org u
ANC 6C RepoRt by Elizabeth O’Gorek
At the Feb. 9 meeting of Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) 6C, Commissioners voted to designate Commissioners Joel Kelty (6C05) and Drew Courtney (6C06) to testify at the DC Council Oversight Hearing for the District Department of Transportation (DDOT). The pair will ask the agency to prioritize forms of transportation other than automobiles and point out that the agency has not provided either response or action on matters noted by ANC 6C. These includes particularly commission correspondence about road safety on H Street NE.
Commissioner Mark Eckenwiler (6C04) pointed out that, some years ago, ANC 6C sent the agency a letter flagging safety issues along the H Street NE corridor and making specific recommendations for improvements, notably at intersections like that
at Third and H Streets NE, where a high number of accidents occur. The agency did not respond for a year-and-a-half, Eckenwiler noted, and largely dismissed suggestions made in the commission’s letter.
Courtney said testimony will rely on contributions from ANC 6C Transportation Public Space (TPS) Committee Chair Michael Upright and a document created by former TPS Chair Christy Kwan that tracks the commission’s correspondence with DDOT.
2020 VPP Placards Effective Until April
Commissioner Eckenwiler highlighted emergency legislation signed by Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) extending the validity of the 2020 Visitor Park Pass (VPP) placards until April 14, 2022. This legislation is designed to allow residents to get familiar with the new ParkDC system. The new, centralized digital system is designed for DC residents and their visitors to manage visitor, temporary, home health aide, and contractor parking permits via a single online portal. Visit the site at parkdc.com.
Consent Calendar

Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the consent calendar which included motions to: • Support a concept Historic Preservation Application (HPA) to demolish an existing one-story rear addition and construct a new two-story addition and screen porch at 638 E. Capitol St. NE. The
ANC rst saw the application in January to consider zoning matters. The majority of the work is in the rear of the structure and not visible from public right of way. • Approve a Board of Zoning
Adjustment (BZA) applica-
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