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ANC 6E • Pleasant Mann

Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) 6E held its monthly meeting for June 2022 on Tuesday evening, June 7. Commission Chair Michael Eichler (6E01) called the meeting to order with Alex Lopez (6E02, Secretary), Frank Wiggins (6E03, Treasurer), Rachelle Nigro (6E04, Vice Chair), and Denise Blackson (6E06) in attendance. Patrick Parlej (6E05) and Kevin Rogers (6E07) joined later. There was a quorum to conduct official business.

Police Service Area (PSA) Reports

Lieutenant Donigian of the First District said that crime in the Mount Vernon Triangle had “cooled off.” There were still problems in the North Capitol area with gunfire incidents, one of them leading to a fatality. Patrols there have been increased. There was also an aggravated assault in the Walmart parking garage on H Street.

Lieutenant Daee of the Third Police District reported incidents had started to diminish. There was gunfire reported on the 1200 block of Fourth Street, detected by Shotspotter, and a shooting in a domestic-related incident on the 1700 block of Ninth Street three days before the meeting. Commissioner Wiggins said he heard that someone had gotten shot in the head. Daee replied that it was the domestic incident, where the victim had a graze wound. Nigro asked about a robbery on Ridge Street and a hitand-run on Fifth Street. Daee said that both were under investigation.

Nigro also stated that fireworks season is starting, asking what will be done about it since nothing was done last year. Daee objected to the statement that nothing was done. Nigro also asked about the news conference Mayor Bowser held announcing the arrest of a drug gang in Shaw. Daee said that he could not comment beyond the printed press release. She asked how to give a community impact statement to the court on the case. Daee said that people interested in making a statement should contact Anita LaRue of the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Zoning and Development Committee

1100 Sixth Street NW, DC L&6 LLC. Request for support for a Map Amendment application before the Zoning Commission that would change the lot from residential to a higher density mixed use zone. The owner plans to build corporate housing on the site. He stressed the need for higher density on the lot by pointing to the fact that there has been no development there for decades. While map amendments do not need to have specific development plans, there was a presentation of the proposal for the site. It will have 70 units of housing, each with a kitchen and washer/dryer. Occupants can book a unit for up to 30 days. A hotel is not feasible for the site, since even the smallest ones usually have 100 units. The owner added that if the building was converted to rental units or condos in the future, 20 percent of the units would have to be affordable. The project, which has a historic portion along with a seven-story addition in the back, has already gotten approval for its massing from the Historic Preservation Review Board.

Commissioner Nigro said that there is always an issue of parking when density increases, but that this project is not large enough to affect the neighborhood. She was pleased that someone bought the property since it had been blighted for a long time. Commissioner Wiggins said that he believed that the building had been vacant for at least 30 years. The owner added that the historic building had been the location of a law office associated with the historic Brown v. Board of Ed. Supreme Court decision, and that they intended to place a plaque relating this fact on the renovated structure.

A motion was made for the commission to support the map amendment. It passed unanimously.


by Pleasant Mann

Alcoholic Beverage Licensing Committee (ABC)

Alexander Padro, ABC Chair, started by stating that all the cases were for restaurant license renewals.

Beau Thai Shaw, 1550 Seventh Street NW. A motion to support renewal passed 7-0.

BKK Cookshop, 1700 New Jersey Avenue NW.

Same proprietor as Beau Thai. Support for renewal passed by a vote of 7-0.

Oyster Oyster, 1440 Eighth Street NW. Padro mentioned that Oyster Oyster had been nominated for the nationally prestigious James Beard Award. It has a summer garden. A motion to support renewing the license passed 7-0.

A Baked Joint, 430 K Street NW. ABC supported renewal. Renewal was supported by a vote of six yes, one abstention.

La Betty, 420 K Street NW. Motion to support renewal passed 7-0.

Bartaco Mount Vernon, 1025 Fifth Street

NW. No recorded violations. Parlej made motion to support renewal, which passed 7-0. dLena, 476 K Street NW. Only violation was a late filing. Committee supported renewal. Motion to support renewal passed 7-0.

RASA, 485 K Street NW. Motion to support renewal passed by a vote of 7-0.

Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC)

There were two requests for support for public space permits. TAC Chair, Commissioner Alex Lopez, noted that they did not have a quorum at their last meeting, so that it could not issue recommendations.

Stellina Pizzeria, 508 K Street NW. Application for unenclosed sidewalk café. The owner talked to Commissioner Parlej about the permit, which led to some modifications of the application. Some tables were moved from the street, which made the proposal acceptable to Lopez, as well as Parlej. Commissioner Rogers noted that the sidewalk already has barriers that make mobility difficult for the disabled and that the addition of the outdoor café could make things worse. Commissioner Wiggins suggested removing a table from the space to provide more access. Commissioner Eichler proposed delaying a decision on the application. The restaurant owner joined the meeting, suggesting changes that he could make. Lopez made a motion to give conditional approval to the public space application. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0.

Petite Cerise, 1027 Seventh Street NW. Application for an unenclosed patio. Commissioner Nigro had a concern that two tables in the plan might not fit. She said that the owners were warned that noise would be a concern, since they are planning to serve three meals a day. The restaurant should open by the end of September. A motion to support the public space application passed unanimously.

ANC 6E will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, July 5 at 6:30 p.m. Plans are to hold this meeting as a virtual conference. Visit www.anc6e.org for more information. u

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