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ANC 6E • Pleasant Mann
Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) 6E held its monthly meeting for October 2022 on Tuesday evening, October 4 as a virtual conference. Commission Chair Michael Eichler (6E01) called the meeting to order with Alex Lopez (6E02, Secretary), Rachelle Nigro (6E04, Vice Chair), Patrick Parlej (6E05), Denise Blackson (6E06) and Kevin Rogers (6E07) in attendance. ere was a quorum to conduct o cial business.
ANC Commissioner Resignation
e meeting started with an announcement that Commissioner Frank Wiggins (6E03, Treasurer) had submitted his resignation, due to his leaving the area. Any issues arising from his single member district will be addressed by the ANC, since there are only three months left in his term. e ANC still had to appoint a new treasurer for the period. Commissioner Eichler nominated Commissioner Nigro to serve as Treasurer for the rest of the term. e commission unanimously approved Nigro as Treasurer.
Police Service Area (PSA) Reports
Captain Roth reported for the First Police District. He said that overall crime during the previous 30 days had decreased 50 percent from the year before, with a 20 percent decrease for property crimes. ere had been three violent crimes, including an October 2 homicide outside Tyler House. Motor vehicle thefts were trending down due to police deployments and warnings to the community about the threat of carjackings.
Captain Moore of the ird Police District reported that robberies were a big issue in his area, but that they were starting to go down in the previous 30 days. Burglaries had increased. Violent crime was down seven percent, property crime down 11 percent. e last homicide was on Sept. 9 at 1313 Fifth Street, where an adult male was found shot in the head. e 3D police are focusing attention on North Capitol Street, New Jersey Avenue and Wiltberger Street, which has recently become a hot spot for robberies.
by Pleasant Mann
DC Water Presentation
DC Water came to discuss recent ooding in DC and the Northeast Boundary Tunnel (NEBT) project that is under construction from North Capitol Street to Sixth Street along Rhode Island Avenue. Northeast DC saw ooding in August from a storm that dumped two inches of rain in the rst hour. e NEBT should help avoid such ooding when it is completed in 2023. A resident asked about what was planned for the Cooper/Gordon triangle park at Sixth and R. DC Water promised to restore the park and put in a $75,000 sculpture.
7-Eleven Presentation
Jim Evans, the Regional Director of Operations, Northeast for 7-Eleven, returned to the ANC to reply to questions that had come up in his appearance the month before. He announced that the corporation was committed to restoring the 7-Eleven in Shaw at 1622 Seventh Street NW back to a fullservice store. e store has been closed for over a year after it was damaged in a re. Construction on the store is to start in a couple of months, with reopening early next year.
Alcoholic Beverage Licensing Committee (ABC)
e only case this month was renewal of the nightclub license for e Cloakroom at 476 K Street NW. e establishment, which has a rooftop lounge, wanted to renew its license, which includes a summer garden operation. ABC Chair Alexander Padro said that the establishment had two ABRA infractions since the previous renewal, one for operating outside of established hours, the other for employees having sexual contact with customers. e infractions were resolved with a ne. Padro said that the ABC Committee recommended supporting the renewal of the license.
Commissioner Parlej said that he had gotten complaints of occasional noise. e owner of e Cloakroom replied that he thought that he was a good neighbor in the area. He has his own security outside the club and has not heard complaints about noise on the rooftop since it opened a couple of years ago. Parlej made a motion to support renewal of the license. e motion passed 4-1.
Zoning and Development Committee
1001 Sixth Street NW. e proposed development on the vacant block west of City Vista is largely by-right, although Steuart Investment Company and Boston Properties are seeking some zoning relief. e developers are considering a 500-unit residential building or a mixed hotel/residential project. e zoning relief would allow a wider setback from the sidewalk at the building’s entrance and a modi ed penthouse.
Parlej asked about the requirements for affordable housing. e developers replied that the family-owned site did not have an a ordable housing requirement attached to it because of excess a ordable square footage at another building nearby. e bene ts of the project would be to reanimate the area. Construction of the project would start at the beginning of 2024 with completion in two years. Parlej made a motion to support the requested zoning relief, which passed 6-0.
Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC)
e TAC had three resolutions that it wanted the ANC to address. First, it wanted to send a letter to the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) to convert an alley on the 600 block of K Street from two-way to one-way. e alley currently creates a problem for delivery trucks when vehicles come from both directions. e request is to make the alley one-way going south. A motion to make the request passed unanimously. e second issue was a request to convert the bike lanes on Q and R Streets to protected lanes. Commissioner Rogers asked if the new bike lanes would be family friendly. He characterized the bike lanes on K Street as a disaster. A motion to make the request passed 6-0. e third issue was a resolution requesting that DDOT study and design a protected bike lane for 11th Street NW, between Pennsylvania Avenue and Spring Road. A motion to support this resolution passed 6-0.
ANC 6E will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 1 at 6:30 p.m. Plans are to hold this meeting as a virtual conference. Visit www.anc6e.org for more information. ◆