Mid City DC Magazine – September 2021

Page 18


Shaw Streets by Pleasant Mann cies, along with a number of community groups. Children received free backpacks and enjoyed face painting, costumed mascots and a large bounce house set up in the Kennedy recreation field. Complimentary food and beverages were available for all. Approximately 500 people attended the event over the course of the night.

Art All Night Returns to Shaw

Events DC Reveals New Convention Center Interior

On Tuesday morning, Aug. 3, Events DC held a Retail Grand Opening at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, spotlighting renovations to bring the center out of its pandemic hibernation. The event started at the new Shop Made in DC location inside the first-floor L Street entrance. Shop Made in DC promotes District-made products, and its new location, its sixth outlet in town, is perfect for introducing visitors to what DC has to offer. Mayor Muriel Bowser led the event, noting how the renovations in the convention center illustrate that DC is open for business again. The grand opening moved upstairs to the new outpost of Ben’s Chili Bowl, the venerable DC pur-

Art All Night, the annual overnight celebration of neighborhood arts and Police Chief Contee addresses the crowd at Shaw’s National Night Out. culture, returns to Shaw the evening Photo: Alexander Padro, courtesy of Shaw Main Streets of Saturday, Sept. 25. Last year’s event, in the middle of the panNational Night Out, the annual event to strengthdemic, had to be conducted virtuen ties between law enforcement and the commually. This year’s marks a return to a nity, came to Shaw the evening of Aug. 3. Memlive celebration in Shaw, with the bers of the Third District of the Metropolitan theme “Welcome Back.” Police Department (MPD) came to the Kennedy The center of this year’s event, Recreation Center to hold this year’s event. BeParcel 42, on the northwest corner sides Third District Commander Han Kim, the of R and Seventh streets, will have event was honored by the presence of MPD Chief an open art market along with art Robert Contee and Deputy Mayor for Public installations, video projections and Safety and Justice Christopher Geldart. live entertainment by Christylez National Night Out featured booths and disBacon and Ace Ono, fire dancplays by District and federal law enforcement ageners, drummers and steppers. The Watha T. Daniel Library across the street will offer do-itInaugurating the new Shop Made in DC store at the Washington Convention Center. Photo: Pleasant Mann yourself art programs for children, teens and adults. Rayceen veyor of hot dogs and half-smoke sausages. A ribPendarvis will emcee a night of cabaret entertainbon-cutting was conducted with the mayor and the ment at the DC Housing Finance Agency auditoAli family, owners of the brand, including Virginia rium. The Batala Washington, DC, female drum Ali, the family matriarch. corps will lead a parade along Seventh Street. August also marks the revival of the convention Fashion shows, dance parties, street performers center’s schedule of large events, with Oktakon, a and visual art installations, indoors and out, will celebration of Asian pop culture, and Awesome celebrate the fact that the neighborhood is again Con, DC’s version of the Comic Con geek conopen for business. ventions. More retail is coming in October when All the events at Art All Night in Shaw are four outdoor kiosks are completed along the Ninth free and open to the public, and no tickets or resStreet side of the convention center. ervations are required. For more information, visit Approximately 500 people attended the National Night Out event at the Kenwww.artallnightdcshaw.com.

Shaw Celebrates National Night Out

nedy Recreation Center. Photo: Alexander Padro, courtesy of Shaw Main Streets

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