CalderCask - Issue 32 - Dec 2014 to Feb 2015

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The Magazine of the Halifax & Calderdale CAMRA Branch



Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale

2 | Issue 32

Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale



Chair: Nigel Robertshaw reasurer: Alan Fearnley Social Secretary: Rodger Bentley Membership: Richard Lee Pubs Officer & Webmaster: o in Phi ips

• Main Branch Contact & Secretary: Edward Lee 01274 672165 / 07946871124 e: • Caldercask Editor: Allan Whitehead e: POSTAL ADDRESS:

Halifax & Calderdale CAMRA, 11 Stainton Close, BD6

WEB: DISCLAIMER - iews e pressed in this pub i ation are those o their individual authors and are not necessarily endorsed by the ditor bran h ommittee or the ampai n or Rea e nationa ai a a derda e R a epts no iabi it in relation to the accuracy of advertisements; readers must rely on their own enquiries. It should also be noted that acceptance of an advertisement in this publication should not be deemed an endorsement o ua it b a i a a derda e R The Editor reserves the right to amend or shorten contributions or pub i ation editoria op ri ht ai a a derda e R

TRADING STANDARDS - hort measures mis eadin

advertising and other consumer complaints? radin tandards est or shire oint er i es P Bo epshaw ane outh or e P t: www w s or u


t bans erts t: e:

PUBLIC TRANSPORT INFORMATION Metro: www w metro om ravel Line: www tra e ine o u National Rail: www nationa rai o u PUBLISHED BY

apita edia roup entra Bui din s idd e ate ewar on rent ottin hamshire t: e: © 2014/2015 Capital Media Group. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be transmitted, reproduced, recorded, photocopied or otherwise without the express written permission of the copyright holder.


Our forthcoming meetings

All Branch & Committee Meetings start at 8pm. Social event times vary. Please check website for more info. NOVEMBER 2014 20th Branch 29th Social DECEMBER 2014 4th Branch 19th Social

Queen Victoria, Northowram. The Murgatroyd, Skircoat Greem. Drop Inn, Elland. Christmas Social - Long Chimney, Sowerby Bridge.

JANUARY 2015 8th Branch Works, Sowerby Bridge. 15th Committee TBC. FEBRUARY 2015 5th Branch

Three Pigeons, Halifax.

ADVERTISING: Reach 6500+ Readers

Advertising costs as little as 6 for months a der as distributes to a bran h area pubs in the ai a a derda e area it s ne er been easier to rea h o er peop e with our ad ertisin



at at

Book 4 e ditions & receive 1 0% disc Free desi ount. gn. If you wish to advertise in future

editions a



edia on 016 6 0


ARTICLES FOR CalderCask? Local beer related articles are always welcome! Please submit your copy to be considered for use in future editions via e-mail. Please keep items succinct and o spe i a ai a a derda e o a interest. Please note that for legal reasons that a full name and postal address must now be submitted with any contributions.

Please Recycle your copy of CalderCask! -

Why not pass to a friend, take it to work or leave it for others to read and enjoy. Issue 32 | 3

Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale

The Staff of Life Inn at Eagles Crag

Nestled ‘neath the shadow of Eagles Crag we offer good real ale with constantly changing guest beers and great innovative meals from a themed weekend menu, supported by seasonal main menus on which we try to support local producers of quality products.

B&B - Recently renovated double en-suite rooms available

550 Burnley Road, Todmorden, OL14 8JF For Bookings & Accommodation

call 01706 819033



We are proud to list the quality real ale pubs and clubs below as local members of the OBE Club, honoured for serving the perfect pint of Ossett Brewery beer. COCK & BOTTLE, Common Lane, Southawram, Halifax, HX3 9PA COMMERCIAL & RAILWAY, Gooder Lane, Brighouse, HD6 1HF NEW INN, Sowood, Halifax, HX4 9LB AL’S DIME BAR, 10 North Parade, Bradford, BD1 3HT FANNYS ALE HOUSE, 63 Saltaire Road, Shipley, BD18 3JN Ossett Brewery Pubs are also members of the OBE Club, check the website for locations. For further details about Ossett Brewery Beers or the OBE Club please contact the sales team on 01924 261333 or visit 4 | Issue 32

Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale

BAR THOUGHTS... Welcome To The Re-Launched CalderCask


ne of the most noticeable things that you have probab spotted is ore d ertisers es the new editoria team at the a i a a derda e ampai n or rea a e Bran h wi be usin an out sour in ompan a ed apita edia or produ tion and printin o our a ship pub i ation m sure the new editor wou d be pleased to receive comments both good and bad on what ou the reader thin o the han es ind ou perhaps not to many bad, as its embarrassing seeing a grown man crying into his pint plus he could be charged with waterin down beer whi h is a rimin a e o en e orr or that one In the coming editions some other slight changes may come in – new features and articles giving you an insight to ow R or s and the Bran h Peop e that ma e thin s happen ommittee positions who nows you might even fancy a go at one of these in the near future, applicants are always welcome. ou an dippin in our toe to see i bein a R Bran h member is somethin ou ou d be how about he pin to distribute the a der as pub i ation to the local pubs and bars in your area? with many hundreds

opies to et out an he p e en i it s on to de i er a couple dozen copies or so your assistance would be mu h appre iated p us it s a reat wa to meet the branch and get involved – if you feel this is something you can help out with the please contact the editor at the email address - s with an pub i ation it s on ou the reader and advertiser that keeps it going, the editorial team would be pleased to receive articles and photos for inclusion in future editions, please send any material no matter how short to the editorial email address on the contacts page a so on this pa e ou nd how to p a e ad ertisements ia our partners apita edia

OUR MAGAZINE COVER... Boarded up pubs, a sad sight ur ma a ine o er shows pi tures o ust some o the man osed and boarded pubs in the a i a and a derda e R Bran h rea an o whi h that have possibly closed for good, with recently released ures rom ampai n or Rea e R revealing the number of pubs disappearing from our high st, towns, villages, yes from our communities has in reased on e a ain to a stead pubs per wee o put that into some t pe o onte t it wou d be i e e er i ensed premises in ebden Brid e that s bars pubs so ia musi enues sports ubs rom ri et to ru b a bein shut down in then a o odmorden the wee a ter then a o owerb Brid e the wee a ter then a o Bri house e ou et the pi ture hat are these pubs to be rep a ed b press tores ini ab o es Pi a oints ast ood out ets or the perennia a ourite obi e Phone shops hen did ou ast de ide to meet up with our wor o ea ues or a beer in the a ers press tore r meet up with the ootba ads in

the ini ab e or meet the ir s or a ni ht out in the obi e Phone hop and when did ou ast attend a wedding or funeral wake in Fast Food outlet. Pubs and ubs are mu h more than ust a p a e that serves beer, spirits, wine and ciders, they are places etched into local society, places where you ma ha e met riends or partners e en uture wi es husbands, places where you have toasted good health and happiness or commemorate the passing of loved ones, places to meet up with work mates and escape the drudgery of modern day life over a game o ards darts or poo p a es o e ebration o th st retirements and a in between o hristmases and ew ear s o sportin e ents o or d ups th eti s ummer etes and a oween r perhaps ust uiet p a es or re e tion o er a pint or two to read to re a to en o i e es pubs mean so mu h to a men and women don t et them o or tomorrow the ou d be one

Issue 32 | 5

Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale

6 | Issue 32

Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale

THE FRONT COVER 10 Pubs Closed - 2 Pubs To Be Demolished


he ront o er o this edition o a der as shows a montage of photographs of closed pubs in a derda e his is a sma se e tion o pubs osed in our area, some are closed awaiting a new owner, perhaps a new licensee to resurrect the fortunes of the pub, but for most it will be change of use, maybe to a shop, café, residential or in some cases demolished and new developments built. These two photos are of pubs that are to be demo ished one or a road widenin s heme Pump Room a i a and one bein demo ished at present or new residentia properties the ormer ountr riends in ourha hi h abo e odmorden the photos on the cover shows them in their heyday, quite a contrast to the photo s now ur o er shows a tota o pubs osed that s about a third o the p us pubs that ose in the ea h wee a ordin to ures obtained b the ampai n or rea a e R he atest ood Beer uide R s a ship pub i ation now boasts a ure o independent breweries urrent brewin in the with new breweries opened in the last year. This accelerated growth in breweries is to be welcomed with the choice, style and a ours a ai ab e to the British drin er ne er been reater but with traditiona out ets pubs disappearin


from our cities, towns, villages and countryside at an alarming rate, soon we could have a situation of oo man beers not enou h pubs


oodpe er (Gauxholme) Bird th and (Walsden) o ins Bush (Walsden) o e in the a (Hebden Bridge ro e (Brearley)

• • • • •

hite ion (Mytholmroyd) oa h orses (Luddenfoot) Pump Room (Halifax) ountr riends (Sourhall) oodman (Eastwood)

Your local brewery update

n order to e pand our new eature and eep ou up to date on our o a Breweries p ease emai an Brewer news for future editions to

Owenshaw Mill Brewery

notes followed by a long bitter finish. wenshaw i is an eight barrel micro-brewery in owerb Brid e They started brewin in a he ha e re u ar beers

Katy’s Blond (ABV 3.6%) A good example of a light summer ale. The taste has strong fruity and hoppy

Skinny Duck (ABV 3.6%) American and Czech hops combine to give this a distinctive aroma. Salt Road (ABV 3.9%) Modern style citrusy pale ale with a lingering bitterness in the aftertaste. Gollem’s Revenge (ABV 4%) Golden lager style bitter. Black lightning (ABV 4.5%) Dark brown smooth mild with a rich roast flavour balanced by a raisiny fruit aftertaste.

be added in More Breweries to this space! future issues, watch Issue 32 | 7

Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale

EARLY BREWING IN CALDERDALE - PART TWO A Series of Articles Looking Back


n part one of this article I wrote about brewing within the area o present da a derda e rom the period when it was rst sett ed up unti the ssi e o Bread and e in wi now e p ore some o the e iden e for individual brewers that is to be found within the court re ords o the anor o a e e d I have already mentioned that the principal type of grain used in this area would have been oats, and there are several references to the grain contained within the record, the most conclusive reference to its use for brewing purposes is contained in roll of the Brighouse ourt o o ember when ebbe ape was found guilty of stealing three quarters of oat malt from ohn a s and had to pa one mar to redeem the the t wo re eren es a so e ist to a e tasters one in whi h re ords the appointment o a e tasters or ea h ra eship an area ontro ed dire t b the ord o the manor and administered on his beha b a rea e and more re ea in a re ord o when the a e taster o prum ipperho me was ned s d p or not reporting delinquents to the court. Even very minor transgressions under the terms of the ssi e were punishab e b a ne o a ew pen e Often the same names appeared repeatedly at court after court, and although the legislation was aimed at ensuring that both

The Halifax Moot Hall, which formerly stood in Nelson Street close to the Minster Church; one of the buildings in the Halifax area where the representatives of the Lord of the Manor of WakeďŹ eld held their courts and handed down ďŹ nes for illegal brewing under the Assize of Bread and Ale

8 | Issue 32

the quality and price of the two staples, bread and ale, were ontro ed or the bene t o the onsumer it is a so ear that the nes e ied were not intended as a deterrent to those who brewed, but rather acted as a form of ta ation or the bene t o the ord o the manor he rst re ord o brewers bein ned are at the two manor ourts he d in Bri house durin and their names and nes are set out be ow i e o Ro er son o ohn senior a ota de hep a wi e o dam arpentare wi e o i o endinare wi e o Ri e ai our a ned d to d i e o Ri e he wi e o Ro er de Bri houses wi e o i i ner wi e o Ri e ai our a ned amounts not stated. he rst thin that wi stri e ou about this ist rom the ourt o is that a the de endants are women The dominance of women in this role led to the coining of the term brewster a word whi h sur i ed unti the atter part o the twentieth entur to des ribe the a istrate s annua session to dea with trans ers o pub i an s licences. The almost total absence of male brewers from the record, is because both brewing and baking at this time were considered to be part of the domestic duties of the household, and since they could more conveniently be incorporated within the framework of other household tasks, such as child rearing, cleaning and the preparation of ood tended to a to women in e the price of both bread and ale was strictly controlled, there was little opportunity for substantial income to be derived from it, and as a result it remained a low income, low status occupation. Nevertheless it did provide many women with the ability to obtain a small additional income for the household, and could provide a subsistence income for unmarried women, particularly widows. urin this period married women had no

Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale

independent legal status from that of their husband, who was held to be responsible for their actions, hence the fact the appear in the ourt ro s under the tit e wi e o atin u or in e married women ou d not own propert in their own right, and furthermore were entitled neither to a t as urors at the manor ourts nor to ho d pub i o e their names tended to appear in the manorial records hie or their brewin a ti ities and as a onse uen e it o ten pro es di u t to estab ish pre ise where the i ed re uent these women an on be identi ed b reference to their fathers, brothers and husbands, whose names appear more frequently within the rolls, and by this means it has been possible to tentatively suggest the homesteads at which some of these early brewsters carried on their craft. Those women who brewed purely or the bene t o their own househo d do not appear in the ourt Ro s on those who so d a or a portion o their produ tion to others an o the names appear only once or twice, perhaps creating a brew especially for some e ent or re i ious esti a but a si ni ant number o ur at ea h o the herri s ourts ear a ter ear and it must be assumed that these women were operating a regular business. n the ne t part o this arti e wi ta e a more detai ed look at some of the brewsters who lived in and around the township of Northowram.

REAL ALE & GREAT PUB FOOD Always the warmest welcome


- Rotating selection of Guest Ales & 3 Farmhouse Ciders on handpumps plus a wide selection of bottled ciders BAR OPEN EVERYDAY: 12 noon to 11pm FOOD SERVED ALL DAY, EVERY DAY Mon - Sat: 12 noon to 9pm, Sun: 12 noon to 8:30pm King Street, Hebden Bridge, Halifax HX7 6LU Tel. 01422 844 107

By P. W. Robinson

Find us on Facebook & Twitter


Little Valley Brewery Turkey Lodge Farm, New Road, Cragg Vale, Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire HX7 5TT Tel: 01422 883 888 Fax: 01422 883 222 @LittleValleyAle

Issue 32 | 9

Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale


We sell Specialist Bo le Beers from Yorkshire & Beyond, Specialist Ar­san Spirits, Loose Leaf Teas, Coffee & Speciality Mixers & Tonics Opening Times: Wednesday to Saturday 11am - 7pm & Sunday 11am - 4pm 15 Market Street • Hebden Bridge • HX7 6EU

10 | Issue 32

Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale



he ew ood Beer uide shows that Britain now has more breweries per person than anywhere in the or d a ter two ears o ontinued rowth • er rowth in breweries or the ast two years running • Britain now has more breweries per head than an other ountr in the wor d • new breweries eature in R s ood Beer uide • ma independent breweries be omin increasingly popular with drinkers • ow breweries in the new breweries ha e started up in the in the ast months a ordin to the ood Beer uide pub ished b the ampai n or Rea e R in eptember here are now breweries operatin in Britain and the country can boast that it has more breweries per head o popu ation than an other ountr in the wor d t s the bi est number o British breweries sin e the s and s and the industr is rowin at o er a ear with nearly all new breweries producing cask-conditioned real ales as their core products. he ood Beer uide ditor Ro er Prot had this to sa on the state o rea in the Rea a e is the only success story in a declining beer market. New breweries, making handcrafted beers,


Fully revised and updated featuring pubs across the UK that serve the best real ale. Completely Independent with listings based entirely on nomination and evaluation by CAMRA members

continue to come on stream while many long-standing re iona and ami breweries are e pandin with new equipment and new brands. Real ale has almost doubled its market share over the past decade.” he ontinued rowth a ross the who e o the has been driven by small independent breweries which have been popping up all over the country, many of whom are e perimentin with the beers the brew eadin to e en greater choice for drinkers, ith e er re ion in the ountr seein an in rease in breweries it means even more choice for real ale drinkers, particularly as breweries are becoming more adventurous in the beers they brew, adding herbs, spices, fruit and chocolate to beer – while a growing number are ageing beer in oak casks bought from whisky, wine and rum produ ers to i e new depths o a our to their produ ts Protz also believes because smaller breweries have a better abi it to e periment the an adapt to the e er changing trends in the world of brewing more quickly, ndependent breweries with sma and more e ib e plants are able to follow trends with ease, allowing them to meet the demands o rest ess modern drin ers ith some re ions ha in up to di erent breweries to choose from there is no end to the variety of beer on o er i e Benner ana in ire tor o the o iet o ndependent Brewers said his atest ood Beer uide portra s a British brewin industr in e e ent hea th New brewery openings over the last year take the total number o brewers in the to o er a ure that would have been almost unimaginable to readers of this uide in the s s we we ome this rowin wa e o new brewers we a so than the pioneerin mi robrewers who in ounded the o iet o ndependent Brewers and so set in motion the brewing revolution which today pro ides British drin ers with the most di erse e itin and inno ati e se e tion o beers en o ed an where in the world.” Issue 32 | 11

Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale



or many years I have been the tasting panel coordinator or a i a and a derda e R t ne er occurred to me that this could qualify me to be one o the ud es he pin to de ide whi h beer wou d be the hampion beer o Britain t m own e pense tra e ed down to ondon boo ed in to a heap B B and made my way to Olympia where I received my ud in name bad e and was ta en to a ar e room u of empty tables. he ass was as ed to ud e was Golden Ales. The beers are pale amber, gold, yellow or straw with a powerful aroma hop, low to strong bitterness, light to medium body and a strong hop presence, often with tart citrus fruit tastes creating a refreshing character. There should be little or no malt character or butterscotch. hen a the ud es were present we were shown how reate ma imum aroma b swir in the beer in the glass and the necessity to swallow the beer to access the mouth ee e were as ed to s ore the beer rst be ore i in our opinion he ud in pro edure was e p ained e were to taste beers and were as ed to enter a s ore out o or our impression o ea h parameter appearance, aroma, taste and aftertaste. Taste was regarded as the most important and would be weighted accordingly. Only the winner in each category would go throu h to the semi na n m tab e there were R ud es and three uest ud es an P a brewer and an internationa ud e e introdu ed ourse es

and rst beer arri ed in a ha ass the beers had a read won re iona heats and were e e ent but beer was a ront runner ter tastin a beers we ou d as for another glass of any of the beers to make sure we had made the right choice. The chair collected our scores, and as we had drunk quite a lot of beer in a short time, someone who was sober would add up our scores. I had no idea i the rest o the ud es had hosen the same beers st nd X rd V was tota ama ed to nd out later that the same beers had scooped the top prizes. • a ham Citra • R X aw shead Cumbrian Five Hop • BR V a opian Hop Twister Oakham Citra a so ame se ond in the na and there ore was runner up to the hampion Beer o Britain imoth a ors Bolt Maker. an urrent a i a and a derda e R Bran h member would like to become a trained taster yes I now trained to taste beer am wi in to o throu h the syllabus at a local pub or suitable venue. The beer will be Free ou an et in tou h with me b emai By Richard Lee

With an offer of Free beer I shall be putting my name forward for this essential training, I just drank beer because it tastes good but training to make it taste even better! - where do I sign up - Editor 12 | Issue 32

Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale

Issue 32 | 13

Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale




ampai n Pubs atter was aun hed b R ampai n or rea a e at the reat British Beer Festival in August. It was hoped to see thousands o esti a oers obbin their P as the pub osure rate rises to a whoppin per wee he R Pub ra er ures were re eased as part o R s new Pubs atter ampai n whi h a s on the o ernment to re o nise that pubs matter and make a simple change to the law in England so a planning application is always required before a pub is demolished or converted into another use. urrent pubs an be demo ished or on erted to supermar ets estate a ents and a ran e o other uses without planning permission. Popu ar and pro tab e pubs are bein e t u nerab e by gaps in English planning legislation as pubs are increasingly being targeted by those wishing to take advantage of the absence of proper planning control. It is utterly perverse that developers are able to demolish or convert a pub into a convenience store or many other uses without any requirement to apply for planning permission. pub is an entire di erent proposition to a on enien e store, estate agent or funeral directors and the planning s stem needs updatin to re e t this a t t is wron that communities are left powerless when a popular local pub is threatened with demolition or conversion into a Tesco store om tainer R ead o ommuni ations R was en oura in esti a oers at the reat British Beer esti a to ta e a tion and obb their P using specially designed postcards – these were posted into bo es around the enue to be sent to the re e ant Ps b R who in the past ha e had hu e su ess with similar campaigns such as the scrapping of the Beer ut s a ator re ent e amp e tephen an don is part o a roup o o a s tr in to sa e the aiden er pub in Readin which has been threatened with conversion to a Tesco supermarket, Please visit the website NOW and sign up f the petition gains 100,000 signatures, it will force the government to respond. 14 | Issue 32

e ound out ust a oup e o wee s a o that our a ued o a pub is shuttin rst thou ht on earnin that Tesco were involved was that they would struggle to get planning permission for change of use – I was stunned when I learned that there was no requirement for this at all. The reality is that our local pub, a genuine community venue and the only public meeting place within a large residential area, is very likely to disappear, and the local community has had scarcely any opportunity to voice an opinion on the matter.” tephen s roup are not a one with man other indi idua s and roups around the ountr htin pub closures. Planning laws need to change and soon, do your bit and lobby your local MP to support the Early Day Motion 208.


Why Pubs Matter...

Pubs support o er mi ion obs and in e t an a era e o into their o a e onom each year.

pubs ose e er wee with resear h b R ound that pubs are on erted to supermar ets e er wee between anuar

o pub oers be ie e that a we run ommunit pub is as important to community life as a post o e o a shop or ommunit entre

o a adu ts be ie e that pubs ma e a a uab e ontribution to i e in Britain

he wee ure o pubs osin per wee rom as o e ember and in mar h o the same year –with many suburban areas being worst hit with o the nation s suburban pubs bein ost o er the ast si months

Ps ha e a read si ned a Par iamentar a otion in support o osin the p annin oopho es www par iament u edm


*TNS CAPI Omnibus Survey June 2010 **TNS CAPI Omnibus Survey June 2012

Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale

BREWERY ITEMS Especially Halifax & Huddersfield Breweries E Esp

DO YOU D Y U REMEMBER REMEMBE REEMEM MB R W WHITAKERS, WH HIITTA HIT H TA ERS ERS RS, W WEBSTERS, EERS S RAMSDEN, HEYS, BREARE & BROWN, PUZZLE HALL BREWERIES? THESE WERE JUST SOME OF THE BREWERIES LOCAL TO HALIFAX. Over the years they produced a wide variety of advertising and promotional material such as: Beer Mats, Beer Labels, Bottle Openers, Pump Clips, Bill Heads, Brewery Glasses, Advertising Show Cards, Playing Cards, Brewery Ties, Pens

I am trying to save our local heritage, so if you have any of the above items I would like to hear from you. Please contact Andrew on 01422 648285 or 07974 218547 I can be contacted most times at the Jubilee Refreshment Rooms, Sowerby Bridge Station.

Issue 32 | 15

Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale

16 | Issue 32

Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale

REAL ALE, REAL MUSIC Good Beer, Good Music, Good Times

REAL ALE hilst the increasing spread and widening presence of real ale is to be applauded, I do think that too much choice can be a bad thing. a in in to a pub or the rst time to be reeted b a bank of hand pumps stretching as far as the eye can see is ertain a si ht to ma e the pu ses ui en hat de i hts are there on o er ome rare assi rom a ar un part o the ountr r the rst brew o a ed in start-up? Or maybe a collaboration between two of the rising stars of the brewing scene? he sad truth is that er ew p a es an pu it o he he e d ap an he atermi at n s on the approa h to the a e istri t an owe er on e ou et abo e beers it an be ome in reasin di u t to mana e and maintain the ua it o the beer un ess the oot ow is regular and sustained, or the range of beers is well balanced in terms of style and strength. ne o m re u ar haunts not in a derda e is a ood e amp e o what an happen Pa ed to the unwa es at wee ends it nonethe ess has a stead ow o ustomers in udin m se durin the wee hat o ten happens is the most popu ar beer et s sa i stone i er Rut se s in vast quantities to the more transitory weekend crowd, meaning that it tends to be the less popular beers that get left for the regulars on the weekdays. And when a i stone or simi ar pa e and hopp beer oes on durin the week, it ends up being the only beer that most people are drinking, so when that goes it is still the same group of less interesting beers that are left, but in a poorer condition. ou then et those pubs that rest on past ories nother pub isit rom time to time a ain not in a derda e has a wa s had a hoi e o or more beers on or ears t used to be a p a e to nd those hidden gems. But as time has gone on and more pubs have caught up in terms of choice, it never seems as busy as it used to be and all in all it has an increasingly tired feel about it. The last couple of times I have been in the beers I have had have been very poor and it sadly seems like that un ess ou re drin in the house a ourite ou re oin to be disappointed. n simp isti terms i the ustom doesn t usti di erent beers then don t o er that man on the bar we ba an ed hoi e o sa beers is better than that in ude a oup e that turn o er too s ow hi st

most pubs wi han e a pint without an di u t not everybody likes to complain, and it is quite possible that the ustomer who doesn t i e the ua it o their beer will not return. Now I realise that it is never quite that straightforward and popular beers will inevitably sell out faster, but those pubs who know and care about their ustomers tastes wi enera be ab e to ba this up with the right beer styles and quantities as far as possible.



n the local music scene, over here in Brighouse we were treated to fantastic weather and musi at the Bri house ana and usi Festival at the end of August. Two stages featuring some of the best local - though not e usi e artists o erin a who e spe trum of genres. This ranged from legendary local singerson writer Ro er a ies and the smo oi ed o o Brad ord s Be a a ne to the hi h ener ro o the a e ma bones Band and the run e o Bri house s e usi e a mar assi e ta in in s i es o re ae rish and a ousti stu on the wa n e e ent e ent and am a read oo in orward to the ne t one In the meantime... keep on rockin’ in the free world.... By Chris Dyson

Issue 32 | 17

Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale

A VERY WET WALK Wainstalls to Luddenden


wander around ainsta s had been arran ed b the two so ia se retaries or aturda the th o eptember n the da s be ore this the weather had been largely warm and sunny needless to say, on that aturda it de ided to rain near a da n spite o the unpropitious ore ast e intrepid o a R members au ht the hrs bus rom a i a to the rossroads pub near ainsta s On arrival, the weather looked even worse than the forecast had suggested, with steady drizzle and foreboding depressing grey clouds. Not to be deterred, we samp ed the beer on o er in the Crossroads - Timothy Taylors Dark Mild and Golden Best, both of which met with our approval. Beers consumed, then a decision - a walk down the steep hillside to the Cat i th Well or have a short walk to the Delvers. As the weather was still, let us sa to be po ite in ement we isited the e ers rst and ha e another pit h inspe tion a ter a pint or two n e in the e ers the ra t an Naked Runner had ust one o the beer that is there was one we had missed him or her But sure not in this weather n wa as the-afore mentioned Naked Runner was not available, we settled on the splendid Thwaites Wainwright. The writer of this piece decided food was essential but it seemed that was the on one so in ined ow an peop e drin on an empty stomach? I consumed a tasty hot beef sandwich and chips which kept me going for a while. The very friendly harmin landlady regaled

18 | Issue 32

us with conversation to keep us there till early evening arri ed he in ormed us the pub wou d then be soon full of nubile young ladies wearing skirts shorter than underpants, her words not mine, alas we were too tired to return later that day. ow an imperious de ision had to be made wo o our wiser members in our small band elected to catch the ne t bus down to Pe on and isit the New Street Hotel. The others, somewhat foolishly decided to descend to the Cat i th Well. I was inveigled into this and before long to re ret not ta in the wise ounse o messers o man and Bateman m sure the en o ed themse es in the ew treet he remainin three set o in the pourin rain rep ete with ma s and umbre as h h do we do these thin s ow shou d e p ain ha e serious a ersions to steep descents at the best of times, but in the pouring rain n wa with mu h trepidation somehow mana ed to ne otiate m wa down to the at i th e n e sa e inside we had a oup e o pints en o in the re ent oted hampion Beer o reat Britain a ors Boltmaker followed by Taylors Landlord before determining our further course of action, ur ne t de ision or our travels would depend on whether to continue down to the ne t pub the Lord Nelson at Luddenden, or take the eminently much more sensible option to climb back up to the main road and catch a bus. Our glorious leader assured me that the walk down to the Nelson would only take about half an hour and was easy and gentle, mainly on a tarmac path. Looking out from the pub the gloomy weather seemed to have cleared

Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale

up somewhat. Our leader suggested we make our way down to the ord e son ith the words ha an hour and gentle descent on mainly tarmac paths ringing in my ears, so along with the other member I reluctantly agreed. hat o owed was a seemin end ess tortuous tre along a narrow, slippery elevated path. To my shame I was occasionally reduced to scrambling on my hands and knees, eventually the terrain became somewhat more hospitab e But it e t more i e two hours be ore we na arrived at the pub in a disheveled state, certainly for me an wa t seems our eaders ha an hour e uates to hours o an bod e se s I made my displeasure felt saying that had I known what was in store I would not have come on this crazy e pedition In his defense he said it was sometime since he had done this walk and it seemed that the tarmac path had been osed o t was u or our eader that the wonder u tod o d Blonde B beer was on o er at the Lord Nelson and after a few more pints I felt a little better disposed toward him the food there was very good. eart eat and Potato pies with mush peas and tea and idne Pie with mash and e etab es a in uen hed our ra in thirst and sated our appetites we au ht the ne t bus weari home and not to worry - the social secretaries are still the best of friends By Rog Bentley

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Issue 32 | 19

Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale



That’s A Good Idea

re ent re ei ed m op o the ood Beer uide throu h the post usin the R s ampai n or rea a e pre orderin ser i e ensurin ot m op be ore it hit the shops ui i throu h the pa es re-assured me that many of my favourite haunts are still isted p us the e er e pandin breweries se tion ist no ewer than breweries now in the an in rease o rom the pre ious ear est or shire is hi h in the brewer sta es with a mi ht breweries p us m aware of a couple of more micros or should that now read at least three starting up. s s rutinised the te t on entries noti e that some new s mbo s had appeared and a what oo ed i e an anima print do paw print what s this thou ht thumbed back to the front cover always a good place to start but i ou re i e me a wa s start readin throu h anything half way through especially instructions. The inside front cover revealed the information I required, the do paw print in the a i ities means o s e ome nside he pub ippee thou ht that s a ood idea no more shi erin in the beer garden in winter or bitten to death by midges

on those cool summer evenings. Those leisurely strolls with my faithful friend by my side will take on a new dimension, no more walkies before the pub visit he can now come with me. o whi h now means that m usua wa ies routes will inevitability change, hum I mused searching out my we used e p orer series map outh Pennines opening it up on our over large kitchen table - I could go up there, then over here and then call in there, then round this o er that down here and a in there this is too eas thou ht Planning a few routes I soon found out that I could encompass quite a few good pubs in our weekly walks with a ni e stro around ebden brid e and odmorden with eptonsta in between ou d mana e an eas si or seven pubs, this is where my enthusiasm for those e ursions was brou ht down to earth b she who must be obeyed – hang on a minute, she said, I got you the do to eep ou out o the pub she or e u e p ained shouted he see more o wooden oors and arpets than o the ountr side o he won t rep ied es he will - I know you too well, unfortunately I had to agree yes she does know me too well, but, but I tried to answer, no more than two was her stern rep two e aimed or none ta e it or ea e it hat was her na word sma i tor thou ht but two e there ou have it, as I spoke to the dog, its two lad but which two... now then is that two pints in two pubs m ad he an t talk otherwise...

CAMRA: THE CAMPAIGN FOR REAL ALE A Volunteer Organisation - The Only Body Speaking For All Pub Users

CAMRA is the most successful consumer organisation of all time; The voice of the consumer can make a difference, even against uncaring Big Business. We are all doing this in our spare time, because we care about real beer & good pubs. WE CAN’T DO IT WITHOUT YOU; WE NEED YOUR HELP. New members are always very welcome. If you have joined but not shown yourself yet please feel free to get in touch so you can join in with the campaigning and the fun.

Most of us are house-trained and we like to have a good time, so what are you waiting for a new dimension to your social life could be around the corner.

We are a friendly bunch of lads and lasses who like a good pint and campaign to keep those pubs and beers we love. 20 | Issue 32

Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale

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Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale



his summer one o a derda e s most harismati and colourful brewers passed away on Thursday u rd short a ter bein dia nosed with cancer. re or was born near ei h in and spent mu h of his early life travelling around the country until moving to Ba up in when his mother and ather too o er the rown nn ter marr in his wi e ath in the two o them too o er the runnin o the rown in and it was a re u ar entr in the ood Beer uide urin this time they also opened up the Bare Arts Gallery in rom whi h to se ath s paintin s ter se in the rown in and with time and money to spare, Trevor decided to start up a brewery in odmorden barre p ant was ommissioned and the rst beer made a ai ab e in rom the outset the focus was on his passion for strong beers – in the early da s it wou d be rare to nd an thin under and a ter a brie period produ in as re or and ath de ided to concentrate on bottle conditioned beers. If you needed to usti the term ra t or beer here it was othin was standardised ea h brew was di erent be it re ipe or stren th and no an immi names ust the st e the hop a wa s sin e arieta and the ab with an e pe tation that bott es wou d be returned to be washed and used again. Various of his beers have been featured in e an s ood Bott ed Beer uide and Ro er Prot s ore Beers o r Be ore ou ie si and are brewed to age and mature over many years. re or s bod departed in a ardboard o n adorned with a large Bare Arts label - which references both the good humour with which he approached the news of his illness and also his legacy. re or s ast brew was one intended to be kept for his retirement in ears a typically strong beer o is wi e 22 | Issue 32

and business partner ath has de ided to re ease a limited number of bottles as rev’s Beer in his memory, ommemorated with a rep i a abe rom the o n t is on sale in the Bare Arts shops; interesting to sample now but really to show the potential it has for long term keeping. o sto up with a ew bott es Bare Arts has taken a break from brewing since then. In the shop, stocks of their speciality strong and vintage a es are ood and ath passes on her than s to im and Little Valley who are helping out by brewing some i hter session beers as ade Best Bitter and ast ent o din s are rom them Bare rts is due to start brewin a ain ne t ear but in the meantime ath is open to o ers rom an one who wou d i e to rent the barre p ant interested p ease onta t her one o e perimenta brews are not a prob em indeed we omed – after all it is how Trevor started brewing. So cheers, Trevor. Your enthusiasm, humour and presence will truly be missed. By D. O’Neill


From the Halifax & Calderdale CAMRA Branch e wou d i e to than the o owin pubs or a owin us to hold our regular meetings in their establishments – Catholic Club, Halifax. Big 6, Halifax. Cross Keys, Siddal. Old ship Brighouse. Stubbing Wharf, Hebden Bridge.

& From the Editor of CalderCask

Allan is grateful to the following for their contributions to this edition o a der as P W Robinson. M Sykes. R Bentley. D O’Neill. E. Lee. A Grant. C Dyson. AP J. M Watters. R Lee. A Whitehead.

THE REAL CIDER COMPANY Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale

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Don't tell we've also anyone but s draught ci tarted doing d too. More er in kegs news follow. to

Loads going on so to p up with all our news keep and event events you'd best pay us a visit at w www.therealcider You can give us a tinkle on 01422 881315 o or email us at info@ Issue 32 | 23

Halifax & Calderdale Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale

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food now being served 24 | Issue 32

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