ctva ohv fun run camp out & clean up single track too
Sponsored by Capital Trail Vehicle Association
JUNE 22-24, 2012
Registration & activities start at noon • June 22 POT LUCK FRIDAY NIGHT Fun Run • Saturday • June 23 Clean Up Day • Sunday • June 24
Hellgate Campground Area East side of Canyon Ferry Reservoir $5 Donation • Buy one or more tickets. Cash drawing, 50-50 drawing and door prizes will be awarded on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Fun Run & Safety Course will be held Saturday on Helena National Forest land and Sunday will be a voluntary trail clean up day and ride. and have a maximum width of 50” or less. Drivers must also have a valid drivers license. Bureau of Reclamation camping sites will be available at the Group Use Shelter Area “A” on a first come basis and at the Hellgate Campground on the lake for the standard fees. Concessions will be available. For more information, visit www.ctva-ohv.com, e-mail capitaltrail@gmail.com or call Dave Koch at 461-4674 or Gary Petersen at 459-2664.