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Welcome to the 156th edition of the CY Magazine.

Believe it or not, we have now delivered more than 3.5 million copies of this wonderful magazine to households around Perth.

During this time the efficacy of print publications was often under scrutiny, with media companies and the general public questioning whether hardcopy magazines were a thing of the past. However, nationwide studies and our own research has shown that print still has incredible cut through and the ability to deliver excellent results in the modern marketplace.

In these times of fast-paced online listings, some properties - particularly high-end and unique homes - can get lost in the heavy competition of the internet. This magazine gives our clients an unfair advantage, putting their property in front of qualified buyers while other sellers are jostling for a position online. After all this time, we are still the only agency in Australia that can offer you FREE advertising in a magazine that is delivered into 85,000 letterboxes, directly to the buyers you want to target.

Every edition of the CY Magazine to date has showcased the premium properties in the premier suburbs of Perth, and this issue is no exception. Inside, you´ll find a carefully curated selection of the very best properties on the market to rent or buy right now.

We´ve also introduced a new agent profile feature, which you´ll find on the inside of the back page. Each edition going forward we will showcase the incredible talent of one of our team members, and give readers a little glimpse into their journey to becoming a part of Perth´s premier property agency. So sit back, relax and enjoy this new edition of CY Magazine.

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