Agency Catalogue Fall 2022 Non-Fiction

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Fall 2024 Cappelen Damm Agency

Representing some of Norway’s leading contemporary authors.


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Cappelen Damm is Norway's largest publishing house, publishing approximately 1000 titles a year within the genres of fiction, non-fiction, educational books and children's books. Cappelen Damm is owned by Egmont.

Cappelen Damm Agency is an in-house agency. We represent the rights of all of the authors in this catalogue, in addition to a rich backlist.

The Agency is responsible for all foreign book rights, as well as rights for TV, film, radio, anthologies, electronic media, etc. We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our authors and the sales of foreign rights.



The planet’s vital lungs, the fraglie life in the deep sea, and how to conserve it.

Join us in the depths and get an insight into the wonderful life teeming below the surface of the sea, as well as the changes that are slowly happening there.

In Rising Tides, Even Moland conveys the most up-to-date knowledge about our seas and oceans. What role do the world’s oceans play for life on this planet? How are the radical changes taking place in the ocean linked to the way we have exploited its resources? What are the most important threats to a healthy, abundant and wellfunctioning ocean?

The oceans are the planet’s lungs, as well as a valuable source of food. Our ecological and climate crises mean that we have to readjust the way we use the oceans. Can we manage the transition from resource exploiter to attentive caretaker in time?

Even Moland, who is a diver and researcher, takes readers on a lively and knowledgeable journey below the surface of the ocean.

En sjanse i havet 130 x 205 mm / 261 pages
Even Moland (b. 1974) is a marine biologist and a diver. He's a marine scientist at The Institute of Marine Research, and associate professor in marine conservation science at The University of Agder.

40 uker, en menneskegraviditet og 81 andre måter å få barn på 148 x 210 mm / 248 pages


It takes 40 weeks to grow a human baby, and along the way the relationship between the foetus and the pregnant woman bears resemblance to that of a parasite and its host. One takes and takes, while the other one almost dies in the process. Why do we as humans carry our babies inside our bodies for so long, and is there a reason that we are throwing up and feeling nauseous? Are there any better ways to reproduce? Does any living being reproduce in a stranger way than us humans?

Throughout the 40 weeks of a human pregnancy we meet another being who’s finished reproducing each week. The spotted hyena gives birth after only 16 weeks, but she has to give birth through

a penis-shaped clitoris, which cracks open during labour. Do they have it easier? The common Surinam toad doesn’t have a uterus, but instead has evolved to have a swollen piece of skin on their backs where the eggs sink in. This way she can carry the offspring with her, instead of leaving the eggs in the water. Are there any signs that it’s actually quite clever how the human body handles it?

This book gives evolutionary comfort throughout the troubles of pregnancy and an explanation as to how we ended up here, as the smartest species with the most tiresome, but nonetheless not such a stupid way to reproduce.


«There is no better literature than great non-fiction. Written by specialists who are unbound by strict terminology or publication pressure, but in a liberal and relaxed language. The biologist, journalist, writer and columnist Blix is incredibly good here. […] the most amazing stories about mating, pregnancy, gender and sexuality.»




As a parent, it’s not always easy to be the best version of yourself. We’ve all been there; scrolling on the phone instead of joining in with the four-year-old’s roleplay, serving the kids plain pasta ford sinner several days in a row, and who hasn’t let them have a bit too much screen time in exchange for a sneaky lie-in?

It might be a relief to know that there are worse parents out there. You probably haven’t tricked anyone else into thinking that your child is theirs so that you can skip the whole child-rearing thing. You haven’t rolled over and accidentally squished your distraught youngsters, or let them fight their way out of a rotting corpse. Your kids didn’t come out of an egg, to discover that you had already abandoned them for the rest of their lives. You haven’t killed their half-siblings, or simply left them because the job of looking after them became too exhausting. You haven’t let a youngster starve to death. And not least: you’ll be surprised how many species actually eat their own children.

Animals Who Are Worse Parents Than You, gives an insight into the strange and often disturbing ways that some animal species relate to their offspring. Ultimately their strategies work, just like ours, but it must be said that human children have a lot to thank us for.


Anna Blix (b. 1985) is a biologist, author and political advisor in the Norwegian Parliament. She has long experience as a writer and communicator, and writes a regular column about science for the newspaper Morgenbladet.

Dyr som er verre foreldre enn deg 130 x 205 mm / 160 pages


From Forest to Ocean with the Vessel that Changed the World

While the Covid-19 pandemic led to closed borders and a break lasting well over two years, Torolf E. Kroglund built his own boat – without any experience. It was going to be a rowing boat – a pram. It gets built following a traditional clink-build method, just like the Vikings did and which is now declared a world heritage by UNESCO. At the same time both the author’s and the planet’s health worsen dramatically. Building a boat becomes a way to build a way out.

This book looks at the history of the boat, from African migrants who at the dawn of time left the continent by boat, to the present boat migrants, and the complicated culture of the coast. With a personal approach the book digs into the core of what the boat has meant, both internationally and for Norway as a nation. The boat as a specific vessel between land and continent, moving towards freedom and free time – but also in the less literal meaning; the method of communication which carries humanhood. We’re all in the same boat.


«Contagious storytelling from someone who isn't born with skis on his feet, but with oars in his hands.»


«The boat floats, and then some, in Tororlf E. Kroglund's The History of the Boat. Kroglund writes brillianty well.»


«One who reads it [the book] with an open mind and heart for the people's existence alone and together with others, will be enriched.»


Historien om Båten 130 x 205 mm / 320 pages


A Journey Through the Gardens of Eden

Where did the apple originate, and what does it tell us about humanity? The apple is central in myths, fairy tales, religion, literature and art. From being the forbidden fruit of knowledge, to being the symbol of one tech’s most recognisable brands.

The journey of the apple started in the Far East and follows us through the emergence of Western society. The Apple is a riveting story that takes us through gardens, literature, and history. It also says something about the hope of a better balance between the wild and the cultivated, between human and nature.

The history of the apple is, in many ways, also the history about us, as the apple is so closely tied to humans.

Torolf E. Kroglund (b. 1974) is an author, journalist and angler, who has written books and articles about nature and culture. He has been the director of Sørlandets Literature Festival.

Eplet 130 x 205 mm / 282 pages

Jervesporet: Jakten på dyret, meningen og minnene i en krympende natur

130 x 205 mm / 224 pages


Chasing the animal, the purpose and the memories in a diminishing nature

One day in February 1972 Dag O. Hessen is on a ski trip with his father in the mountains, when they come across a wolverine track in the snow. The young Dag convinces his father to follow the trail, but after half an hour of searching, the imprints of the predator disappear down a steep passage and they have to give up on their hunt.

50 years later he’s back at the same place to pick up on the trail of the animal that escaped him. His father is now long gone, but the mountains are still there. And somewhere out there is a wolverine.

The wolverine, and the desire to meet the wild animal, is the framing of the story taking place in the mountainous nature. But this is also a story about time passing and changes we cannot prevent. About everything that slips through our fingers. The things we cannot completely catch and tame: A childhood long gone, close family members who have passed, the wild nature and a natural diversity which is about to weather away. And at the bottom of all of this lies a deep affection and respect for nature and biology, presented by one of Norway’s most respected non-fiction authors.


«He is our Thoreau, anno 2023.»


«Dag O. Hessen’s Tracking the Wolverine will place as one of this year’s best non-fiction books. ... The book deserves a place next to the author’s own favourite cabin reads: Zappfe, Thoreau, and Ingstad.»


Dag O. Hessen is a Professor of Biology at the University of Oslo. He has written many scientific works on themes like ecology and evolution. He has also published ten popular science books about evolution, biology and the environment. His work is found at the crossroads of biology and philosophy. He has received several awards for his promotion of popular science, among them the Riksmålsprisen in 2008.

Rights sold to: USA (Greystone -- World English), Switzerland (Kommode Verlag – German)

Kjetil Østli and Simen Sætre


«Underholdende innblikk i et industrieventyr, men dessverre like nedslående som å miste en storlaks.»

A global history of salmon farming

bård tufte johansen, komiker og laksefisker

da vi temmet villaksen og satte den nye fisken ut i naturen, begynte store ting å skje. Steder langs kysten fikk nytt liv, folk fikk arbeid og flere ble milliardærer. Staten så på det som et eventyr, og velsignet fortsettelsen.

Forfatterne Simen Sætre og Kjetil Østli skapte høye bølger med en artikkelserie i Morgenbladet og Harvest om laksenæringen. Nå tegner de et større bilde, i en bok som favner hele fortellingen om oppdrettslaksen.

De spør blant annet: Hva skjer hvis man plasserer et nytt dyr i fjorden? Hvordan påvirker det de andre fiskene og artene, fjordene og elvene? Hva skjer med forskerne som roper varsku, med dyrevelferden, føre var-prinsippet og skattepolitikken når myndighetene ønsker vekst?

In the early 1970s, a group of scientists wanted to make more food for the world. They looked to the sea. They sampled genes from 41 Norwegian and Swedish rivers, and designed a salmon that was fatter, more docile, and faster growing. This was the beginning of a new industry, salmon farming.

Forfatterne skriver om de utilsiktede konsekvensene av den fantastiske oppfinnelsen, laksen. De underlige, provoserende, oppsiktsvekkende, mektige og tragiske følgene.

Dette er oppdrettslaksens historie.

The industry spread from coastal Norway to all corners of the Globe. Jobs were created, business boomed, salmon farmers became filthy rich.

««Jeg er vilt begeistret. Denne boken vil bli lagt merke til.»» kjersti sandvik, mangeårig fiskerijournalist og forfatter av Under overflaten

ISBN 978-82-430-1236-3

isbn 978-82-430-1236-3

9 788243 012363

A new type of food, the salmon sushi, spread across the world. But as soon as the new fish was let loose in nature, unexpected things started to happen. Wild salmon stocks disappeared, diseases spread in the salmon farms, salmon louse swarmed, and the new industry became highly contested.



Om temmingen av laksen og alt det forunderlige som fulgte

Den nye fisken 130 x 205 mm / 255 pages

In a prize-winning, five-year investigation, the authors Simen Sætre and Kjetil Østli take a closer look at the global salmon industry. For the first time, the whole story of salmon farming has been told. The result combines nature writing from Norwegian fjords with classical muckraking and character-driven literary non-fiction. The authors start out with a question: What happens when you place a new animal in the fjords? This book gives you the answer.

«... 365-page exposé in the vein of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring ...»


«Lies and torture – This book about salmon farming is exceptional investigative journalism.»


Kjetil Østli (b. 1975) is a journalist and author. He co-runs the online magazine Harvest, specializing in nature writing. He has received several prizes and awards for his reporting and his four books, and his debut Cops and robbers earned him the prestigious Brage Award.

Simen Sætre (b. 1974) is an investigative reporter who has been published in many languages. He has written six books, on themes including the international chocolate industry, oil states, and a spy in the Norwegian army. His thought-provoking books have been acclaimed and nominated for prizes.

Rights sold to: Finland (Gummerus), USA (Patagonia Books – World English Rights), China (China Worker)


A love letter to the wilderness

Jannicke was an A&E nurse, looking after traffic accident victims and others whose lives had taken a sudden turn. Seeing them on the operating table had a powerful effect on her. The serious injuries were one thing, but even more unbearable was the grief over all the plans and dreams that were now unattainable. Patients told her how they had let life pass them by, planning for a quieter future where they could enjoy themselves. One day she decided that she wasn’t going to end up like that. She had to live now.

Jannicke Øien is an adventurer and wilderness guide. Live Outdoors is a tribute to the wild and untouched beauty that surrounds us. It contains personal reflections and stories about her experiences in nature, and how nature can affect us as humans. She writes about climbing some of the world’s highest mountain peaks, walking through dense forests and being in contact with the rich diversity of wildlife. We get to go to some of the most incredible places on the planet, such as the Himalayas, Alaska and Kilimanjaro.

But this is also a book about something more: the importance of living our dreams while we can, while we have the health to do so.

Leve ute, leve nå 130 x 205 mm / 190 pages
Jannicke Øien is an explorer, wilderness guide and one of the founders of Polarjentene AS, an online community inspiring women to spend time outdoors.


Sailing in the Arctic Ocean

Only by travelling the sea way can you truly understand the coast. For three years, Veronica Skotnes has sailed along the coast of Northern Norway, searching for people stories and nature experiences from the country's most remote and windswept region.

Windbound depicts a journey by boat, as well as an inner journey. Veronica Skotnes travels through polar nights and under the midnight sun, on the calm sea and through storms. She's all by herself on the deck of an old sailing boat.

The book emphasises a beautiful and dwindling part of Norway's coastal culture, alongside the author's own reflections, experiences and challenges from sailing in the Arctic.w

Veronica Skotnes (b. 1998) took to the sea at seventeen, as crew on a schooner in the North Sea. Since then, wind and ocean currents have taken her north of the Arctic Circle, where she now steers her own ship. For the past three years, she has been sailing and living in a boat along the coast of Finnmark, in the very north of Norway. Skotnes has a bachelor's degree in Arctic Outdoor Activities.

Vindfanget 130 x 205 mm

Veronica Danielsen NORTHERN LIGHTS

Aurora borealis, the people, the myths and the science

The Northern Lights have fascinated humans throughout times. When the colours dance across the sky, it almost seems like magic. In more recent times the interest in the Northern Lights is increasing with the introductions of technology that can forecast the lights and analyse the magnetism of the atmosphere. And all signs point to us being able to see a lot of Northern Lights in the years to come. The sun is entering an active phase and makes the night sky light up in green, turquoise, purple and red. With a little help from this book, it’ll be easier to find the lights on your own. You’ll also learn what the Northern Lights can tell us about the world around us.

Most people cannot see neither atoms nor galaxy clusters in their daily lives, but everyone can see the Northern Lights. And both the colours and the shape of the lights tell a story about what’s happening above our heads. After reading this book, you’ll be able to gaze up at the sky and know how the Northern Lights are put together that night. In addition to this, the book addresses incredible myths, how animals experience the lights, how the lights affect us and our technology – and even Northern Lights on other planets!


«... friendly, enthusiastically and informatively conveyed.»


Veronica Danielsen is a physicist, science communicator and a real aurora geek. She loves learning new things and sharing what she has learned with others, including through science shows and in her work as an encyclopedia author.

Aurora Borealis: Nordlyset og menneskene under det 151 x 226 mm / 192 pages


Stine grows up in a small village in Western Norway. At home, her mother walks around with hearing protection to keep out the noises from her children. Child protection services try to help the dysfunctional family.

One night, Stine logs online on her phone, and sets up a profile on a chat site. For the first time, she experiences positive attention. Some weeks later she writes in the group: «What is the least painful way to die?». Before admin can delete the message, the eleven-year-old gets a response: «You're not allowed to leave this world before you get to know me. Everything will be ok, I promise.»

The man presents himself as Otto. A man of thirty-seven from Eastern Norway. After some months of contact, Otto visits Stine. It's the start of a nightmare of abuse which will continue for years. The psychic power the man holds over the little girl is ruthlessly depicted by author Anne-Britt Harsem. Stine was afraid of Otto, she felt shame and guilt, while simultaneously being addicted to him and caring for him. He placed her in an impossible situation.

Many years later, Stine looks back at her situation. She understands Otto must have other victims than her. And that she must stop him. The roles have flipped: For two years she hunts her serial abuser, collecting evidence to take to the police. The investigation uncovers many more victims, and thanks to Stine the police is able to arrest the man, press charges and get him convicted.

«... a book you cannot possilby put down unaffected.»


Anne-Britt Harsem (born 1961) is the author of Mum’s Betrayal (2013) and the Alvdal trilogy. She works on a freelance basis for the office of the County Governor of Oslo and Viken as a temporary guardian during the facilitated questioning of children and young people.

Jakten på en serieovergriper 130 x 205 mm / 192 pages


The Fabulous Narcissist offers a new look at one of the personality traits we seem most focused on and fascinated by in modern times, and explains why the selfabsorbed not only cause damage to their surroundings, but move the world along.

At the beginning of the 2000s, Espen Skorstad fell upon a project that was highly unusual for a psychologist at the time. He was fresh out of university and has just started his own business, but he had neither money nor clients. A celebrity psychologist he knew took pity on him, and asked if he wanted to help choose candidates for a couple of reality TV shows. What was Skorstad to answer? Reality TV? Was that really how he should put his six-year-long education to use?

What he didn't know then was that reality and celebrity TV was about to blow up. That in a few years, the Norwegian princess Marta Louise would be attempting to flee prison for our entertainment. That science journalists would be dancing shirtless on TV. Or that a politician would find the opportunity to run his election campaign from one of our most popular reality TV shows. Without knowing it, in 2001 Skorstad wandered into narcissism’s ground zero.

Twenty years later, narcissism is in focus in popular culture and media. We are fascinated by antagonists, egoists and people who treat other people poorly. There is reason to questions this presentation. Not only the demonising of narcisissm, but also how it is being described. We must discuss: when is narcissism damaging, and when is it not? Even ask: when is narcissism constructive? If we cannot see the positive aspects of a personality trait, or cannot recognise them in ourselves, will we ever be able to deal with darker sides?

Espen Skorstad (b. 1970) is a psychologist, author and business man. He works with organisational psychology, and has previously published the book Right person at the right time (2015).

Den fabelaktige narsissisten 130 x 205 mm


And Other Feminist Quotes

Are men wiser and funnier than women, since they are quoted more often? Of course not, it's just that the microphone has been easier for men to grab. For years, feminist and author Marta Breen has collected quotes from authors, artists, activists and politicians – all which are now gathered in this book.

There are classic quotes and old favourites from the first women rights activists, and apposite comments by current politicians, pop artists, activists and more. A well-formulated phrase inspires action. Perhaps best said by actress Phyllis Diller: «Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight.»


Marta Breen (b. 1976) is a writer, journalist and one of Norway's most profiled feminists. She made her debut in 2006 with the book Girls, Wine and Song, about Norwegian women through times in Music. She has since established her self as a notable non-fiction author. Her book Women in Battle (2018), illustrated by Jenny Jordahl, has been sold to approximately 30 territories

Får jeg ikke danse, er det ikke min revolusjon 202 x 135 mm / 128 pages


A Story about Expectations and Secession

Nadia Ansar was named after the Romanian gymnast Nadia Comaneci. She was the symbol of the “perfect 10”; unattainable, flawless, and perfect. On the outside she was the immaculate daughter, the good immigrant and the well-integrated psychologist, an expert in feelings such as shame and guilt. What no one could see was that she carried with her a heavy rucksack of shame and dark secrets.

Through the book My Shame she now wishes to use her own personal and professional voice to tell the story about the talented minority girl’s fight to be able to be herself. About growing up in Oslo as the daughter of the local grocer and the only girl in her school class with a minority background. About her dad’s breakneck split between the equal Norwegian society and the patriarchal expectations of their culture. About the

fight for equality in her marriage, after marrying the love of her life.

As an adult Nadia Ansar has often witnessed several well-educated sisters of minority backgrounds give up on the painful balancing act in the supposedly equal Norway. They become housewives with hijabs, and some move back to their parents’ home country. Nadia Ansar believes it is the feelings of shame which primarily prohibits them from leading free lives. NOMINATED TO THE

Nadia Ansar is a psychologist, specialist in emotion-focused therapy and specialist in clinical family psychology. For the past 19 years, she has worked as a psychologist and project manager in, among other things, Alternative to violence, in child and youth psychiatry, in family protection, and as department head in the Blue Cross Compass. For the past 6 years, she has worked at the Institute for Psychological Counseling in Oslo and has recently completed a doctorate in emotion-focused skills training for parents, under the auspices of the Norwegian Institute for Emotion-Focused Therapy, the Research Council of Norway and the University of Oslo.

Min Skam: En Historie om Forventninger og Løsrivelse 130 x 205 mm / 256 pages



A Personal Journey through Muslim Europe

A topical and deeply personal book shedding light on several aspects of one the greatest societal challenges of our time.

At a young age, Abid Raja and his father were estranged. Now, as an adult, Raja accepts his father's plea for reconciliation, and a new world opens up for him. Relatives he has not seen for 16 years embrace him, and invite him back into a community that, as an integrated Norwegian, he had long ago opted out of.

It starts with a wedding in Pakistan, and ends with invitations from uncles, aunts and cousins across Europe. The experience is a wake-up call, which makes Raja wonder what his life could have been if his father had chosen another country to migrate to when he left Pakistan in the 1970s.

In the bestselling book My fault, Raja brought the readers inside his childhood home in Oslo. This time he travels to notorious ghettos, hospitable homes as well as the gilded corridors of power in England, France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Sweden and Denmark. In a Europe that has become polarized, he encounters people working for and against migration. He also encounters very different solutions to the challenges with integration.

After this, Abid Raja sees his own country with new eyes. How could he have been blind to these issues? Is there still time to turn the tide, before the Norwegian integration project finally falters? And what challenges do Muslim boys and girls who grow up in Norway face today?

There might be some answers in his own reconciliation, in the communities he meets - and in the story of his mother, who fell between two worlds. Who lived behind closed curtains in her Oslo apartment, and who is now buried in a cemetery in Mohri Sharif.

Abid Q. Raja (b. 1975) is a lawyer, a social thinker and a Venstre (Liberal) Party politician. He organised the Dialogue Meetings and, in 2009, founded the think tank Minotenk. In 2010, his work was rewarded with the Free Word Prize .His book My Fault (2021) was is a major bestseller, and won multiple awards, including The Bookseller Award 2021.

Vår ære og vår frykt 130 x 205 mm / 270 pages

Trond Bakkevig JERUSALEM

Church History and Politics

The author follows Jerusalem’s dramatic story as it is reflected in the Christian communities in the city, through 2000 years.

Bakkevig himself has worked for many years to facilitate conversations between Christian leaders in Israel and Palestine, and possesses a unique combination of theological and political experience from his time on an interdenominational council, as an adviser to Norwegian religious ministers abroad, and as a member of the World Council of Churches.

The book is a fascinating journey through politics, culture, faith, and the eternal conflicts in the Holy Land.

Trond Bakkevig is a dean in Vestre Aker, Oslo diocese. He has previously been the personal adviser to two foreign ministers, written a essays and a regular newspaper columns, and authored multiple books on the topics of politics and religion. His doctoral work has been published under the title Ordnungstheologie und Atomwaffen (Oslo, 1989).

151 x 226 mm / 250 pages


The Fight for Taiwan and the Future of Democracy

The Island in the Storm takes the reader into the heart of disputed Taiwan - a country caught between the ambitions of superpowers, struggling for democratic values.

China stands on the threshold of possible invasion. The US is ready with promises of defence. The Island in the Storm not only explores the potentially catastrophic consequences of military confrontation in Asia, but also poses an existential question: What is the future of democracy?

Kristoffer Rønneberg dives into Taiwan’s complex history; from “Ilha Formosa”, as Portuguese navigators called the island, to the hyper-modern and well-developed democracy it has become today. The book draws parallels between Taiwan today and pre-war Europe, while reflecting on the West’s reactions to authoritarian regimes both historically and in the present.

With personal testimonies from residents - their hopes, fears and dreams - Rønneberg paints a vivid picture of a people determined to preserve their identity against external pressure. Taiwan is more than just an island; it is a testimony to the fact that democracy can flourish, even in the shadow of threatening and autocratic forces.

Kristoffer Rønneberg (b. 1978) is a journalist and author. Since 2005 he has worked at the major news paper Aftenposten, as a foreign correspondent in China and the USA amongst other roles.

Stormens øy 130 x 205 mm / 317 pages


Before we can answer the challenges posed by Artificial Intelligence, we must answer the question: What is intelligence?

With this as his starting point, Norway's best-known investigative journalist approaches one of the most important and mythical phenomena of our time. Vassnes shows how real intelligencelike real creativity - is deeply connected to the human, and cannot be reproduced or replaced by computers.

As always, the author links a number of subject areas, art and history in a book that is as well written as it is thoughtprovoking about one of the most important topics of our time.

Bjørn Vassnes grew up in the Norwegian Arctic, one of the coldest places on Earth. He is one of Norway’s leading science journalists, has won national and international writing prizes including the Fritt Ord Honorary Award and the Golden Pen. He has a science column in one of Norway’s top daily newspapers and has written several popular books and produced television programs with scientific and environmental theme. His book The Kingdom of Frost - The Cryosphere and Life was published in 2017 and sold for translation in several territories.

KI. Den menneskelige faktor 130 x 205 mm / 120 pages



AI is the Doctor's New Superpower

Artificial intelligence both shapes and changes our society. It affects all parts of our lives, from social media to the industries and not least the health services. Artificial intelligence may seem difficult to understand for most people, but in order to shape our own future with the technology, and ensure that it’s used in a smart manner, it’s important that we try to understand and manage it.

In this book the author show how artificial intelligence can be used within healthcare, where it helps doctors to solve their tasks in a better way. Artificial intelligence can offer the doctors superpowers, give patients better access to good healthcare, and even save lives. In this book, real stories are shared as well as experiences from Norway and the rest of the world, amongst other things from the author’s own research within medicine and technology.

The book also offers an introduction to what artificial intelligence really is, how it works and how it can improve our lives, as well as which challenges it brings along with it, such as several ethical dilemmas.


Kunstig Intelligens Redder Liv 151 x 226 mm / 280 pages
Ishita Barua (b. 1988) is a medical doctor with a PhD in artificial intelligence in medicine. She’s been named one of the foremost women in tech in Norway and has done research at Oslo Universitetssykehus and Harvard Medical School.

Birger Emanuelsen BEFORE THEY GROW UP

An Attempt to Understand What Children Are

Are our children small wonders and mysteries or just stepping stones to adulthood? How have we perceived and treated children throughout history? And how can we get closer to our own children before they grow up?

Birger Emanuelsen investigates and explores our perceptions of children. Through a wealth of sources, he writes about the value and importance of children, how we decide how to treat them, and what it really means to be a parent.

Before They Grow Up is a wellinformed documentary novel about the responsibility parents have to prepare their children for the world, and how they can approach doing this. But it is also an up close and personal tale about one of the most fundamental questions of life: What is a child?


Child-rearing for connoisseurs

«This is for those of you who can't stand another banal self-help book.»


Moving book

«Birger Emanuelsen has written a poetic and scholarly book about childhood.» MORGENBLADET

Birger Emanuelsen (b. 1982) made his author debut in 2012, and has received several awards for his novels. He's from Southern Norway, where he lives with his wife and three kids. Before They Grow Up is his first non-fiction book.

Før de forsvinner 130 x 205 mm / 286 pages


Four out of five blended families split up within five years. What is it that makes this type of family so challenging?

The Guide for Blended Families presents well-documented advice and useful measures to ensure that adults and children in blended families can live well together. Although this type of family is becoming more common, not everyone knows all they need to know to improve family life when things get difficult. With an awareness of the classic hurdles, your family will be better prepared to handle them. In this way, family members can focus their attention on the joys and benefits of a blended family.

Research suggests that many blended families give up at the wrong time. Adults and children get on better when they know how to establish a blended family in a good and effective way.

Bonusfamilieguiden 151 x 226 mm / 240 pages

In The Guide for Blended Families, experienced family therapist Liv Anniken Berg shares useful measures for young and old to live happily together in a blended family. This book gives you constructive advice and new knowledge about a type of family that is becoming more and more prevalent, in which research-based insight has so far been lacking.

Liv Anniken Berg is a family and psychotherapist with over 20 years of experience. She is chairman and initiator of the Blended Family Association and is passionate about spreading knowledge about the family form and the tools of family therapy. She also gives lectures and courses for professionals and families.

Fredrik Skavlan is best known from Norwegian and Swedish television, but he has also had a prolific career as an illustrator.


An Adoptive Mother's Story

One night before Christmas in 1998, child K 98/135 journeyed from Seoul to Oslo. Kristin Botnmark, who was to become the child’s new mother, was waiting at the airport. In 20 years, her son will seek information about his origin and story. Through a personal and poignant narrative, Botnmark questions the true motivations of adoption: does it serve the interests of the child, or of the adoptive parents?

This book is a complex story that shows how transnational adoption touches people deeply and stretches across continents. It expands our understanding of family, identity and justice. By challenging the previously idyllic image of foreign adoption, the story raises important questions about the practice’s underlying motivations and whether it really serves the child’s best interests, rather than the adoptive parents’ wishes.

An adoption doesn’t stop once it has been completed. It lasts a lifetime, for generations.

Adopsjonsoppgjøret 130 x 205 mm / 299 pages
Kristin Molvik Botnmark is senior lecturer and sociologist attached to the Department of Management and Organization at Kristiania University College. She has written several non-fiction and specialist books.



An indispensable first aid guide for parents with small children!

This book gives parents the security they need to support and protect small children in nearly all possible situations. Concrete, clear guidance will help you if something happens to a child, if an emergency arises or if you have to deal with less serious accidents, such as scrapes or small cuts. The author’s simple, accessible and targeted information is conveyed through useful illustrations and easily understood text.

First aid is not just about reacting to emergency situations, but also about preventing accidents and handling the daily minor incidents that inevitably occur.

The book has a handy index to help you quickly find the relevant information you need.

Ida Grimstad (b. 1983) is a public health nurse, and lives in Oslo with her husband and children. In addition to her nursing work, Ida also runs Liten & Trygg (Small and Safe), a company which, among other things, holds live online first aid courses.

Liten & trygg 148 x 210 mm / 190 pages

Gunhild Therese Melleby


Do you ever wonder where your energy has gone, and why you so often feel tired and inadequate? Do you feel that everyday life is controlling you, instead of you being in control of your own life? Are you ready for a life where you have energy to spare, so that you can really live and fill your days with what brings you joy?

In Why Am I So Tired?, doctor and psychiatrist Gunhild Melleby takes us on an exciting journey through our own bodies so that we can better understand the factors that lead to tiredness, exhaustion and a lack of energy. Melleby shares new and exciting knowledge to help you understand the importance of energy conversion in your cells and the lifestyle that can help you stay healthy and have more energy and joy in life.

Why Am I So Tired? maps the various energy thieves present in everyday life.

Diet and lifestyle tips and measures help you to improve your health, and useful stress management tips and insights better equip you to create a good life full of energy, joy and vitality.

The knowledge in this book can give you better concentration, less brain fog, better blood circulation and normalised blood pressure, a healthier body weight and less depression and exhaustion.

Gunhild Melleby is a doctor, psychiatrist and entrepreneur and is particularly concerned with preventing disease. She spreads knowledge about how we can optimize health through an anti-inflammatory lifestyle, with more plant-based food and movement and good stress management.

Hvorfor er jeg så sliten? 130 x 205 mm


A practical guide to losing weight and getting rid of lifestyle ailments

In The Carb Trap, Pål Branæs, a specialist in general medicine, addresses some of the things he encounters most frequently in the doctor’s office. His patients struggle with obesity and loss of energy, in addition to a number of other lifestyle ailments which lead to a poor quality of life. This stops people from doing what they want and create resentment.

We are witnessing a global pandemic of lifestyle diseases and ailments, according to Branæs. Difficulty maintaining weight, headaches, digestive problems, low mood and sleep problems are common complaints. This is all brought about by consuming more and more carbohydrates. Carbohydrate intolerance/insulin resistance has become increasingly widespread. It is a precursor to diabetes, and Branæs thinks we need to talk more about this condition.

In this book, The Carb Trap, you will learn to understand how carbohydrates take control of you, and how you can take the necessary steps to improve your health. You will also see that dietary changes not only affect weight and energy levels but can also reduce the risk of serious lifestyle diseases in the future.

Pål Branæs is a specialist in general medicine, but also has a background in internal medicine, medical biochemistry and pathology. In addition, he has helped patients with health issues through an online health service.

Pål Branæs
Karbofellen 148 x 210 mm / 295 pages




Advent Comforts and Christmas Spirit Indoors and Outdoors

Dark green wreaths and Christmas red fruits. Green pizza on the barbecue and orange garlands in the window. Angels made of icing on the tree and breaded Christmas ham on the table. And of course, a gingerbread house in the windowsill.

Garden designer and interior design enthusiast Victoria Dam is full of creativity when Christmas is near. It begins with homemade advent décor, flower decorations and ornate candles. It continues with edible Christmas ornaments and presents, hot drinks and spiced Christmas bakes. Before it all ends with an abounding table of Christmas goods and, a little later, a tempting table for New Year’s. Just like the pictures in the book will show you, Victoria does a lot of these activities with her twin daughters.

In this extensive, picture-rich inspirational book Victoria Dam shares recipes for food, Christmas snacks, Christmas ornaments, flower decorations, wrapping paper and much more – everything that makes Christmas a cozy and evocative time for the whole family.

Swedish-born Victoria Dam is Head of Marketing for a media company, and in her spare time a garden and interior design enthusiast who assists with anything from idea sketches to complete garden designs. She frequently shares pictures of gardens, interiors and cooking on @hagebyen with her 48,000 followers.

Rights sold to: Germany (Frechverlag)

Jul i hagebyen 210 x 277 mm / 240 pages


Gardening, Baking, Decorating and Cooking for All Seasons

Gardening and interior design enthusiast Victoria Dam bubbles with creative energy all year round. She is inspired by her own garden, by a bottomless well of creativity and by the recipe books of her Swedish grandmother, Ingrid.

Seasonal Scandinavia follows the course of the year from early spring to winter, with a focus on joy, wellbeing, sensuousness, prosperity and enjoyment in the garden and in the kitchen. Victoria Dam shows you what you can make, bake and do all year round. Find out what flavour bombs you can make using rhubarb, apples, plums and cherries. Celebrate Easter with naturally coloured eggs. Prepare for Halloween with bats and pumpkin lanterns, and say merry Christmas with a wonderful gingerbread house inspired by the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel.

Seasonal Scandinavia will inspire anyone with an urge to create, whether in cooking, gardening or DIY projects, all year round, year after year.

Victoria Dam
Året i hagebyen
210 x 277 mm / 256 pages

Vaskehjelpen 148 x 210 mm / 240 pages


Natural and Efficient Cleaning Advice Against Dirt and Stubborn Stains

A neat, tidy, clean home is essential in Scandinavia, where we spend most of the dark, cold winter months inside. Cleaning is often associated with chemical detergents, but you don't have to fill your home with fumes and toxins to keep it spotless. In Get Clean, Caroline Heyerdal shows you the Scandinavian method of natural cleaning - meaning you won’t have to hold your breath while getting the job done.

You’ll learn how to tackle dust, stains, nasty smells and toxins with simple steps. Caroline Heyerdahl knows how to get that t-shirt back to a bright white, and how to get rid of the stink in your laundry machine. You will find recipes for products you can make at home, with ingredients from your kitchen cupboard. She also shows how using weather, such as sunlight or freezing temperatures, can become part of your cleaning routine. The result? A better indoor climate, a better conscience and a better mood.

Get Clean is a fun, inspiring and practical book that teaches you how to clean effectively and environmentally friendly, the Scandi way. With this book, you will gain more time and energy to do what you like best – which probably isn’t cleaning.

Caroline Heyerdahl is owner of Csoaps, a brand of natural, green soaps. She is enthusiasitc about efficient and environmental cleaning, and knows how to get rid of any type of stain.

Bakke & Berit Vildalen


Christmas by Halvor Bakke and Berit Vildalen is the ultimate guide to a magical and memorable Christmas celebration.

This magnificent book takes you on an exclusive tour into the private homes and holiday cabins of two of Norway’s most stylish personalities. Each home oozes Christmas spirit in its own unique way, and it abounds with personal Christmas traditional and creative decorations that are sure to inspire you.

210 x 277 mm / 282 pages

Halvor Bakke is an interior and furniture designer and a well-known host for TV programs on redecorating. He has written several books.

Berit Vildalen is a interior stylist, with experience from hands-on projects and magazines.





The most tempting and inspiring Yunnan food!

Michelle Zhao runs the successful restaurant Banzha. She is also native to the Chinese province of Yunnan, known for its flavorful dishes with medium spice, richness and an excellent balance of sweet and sour. In this tempting and colorful book, Michelle shares the very best dishes of the region: From quick and easy dinners to local classics, and delicious Yunnan Street food.

Try dishes like bbq eggplant salad, the festive dish Lion’s Head, everyday favorites like fried rice, or even classic wontons. No Sweet Sour will inspire you to try new flavors and methods, spark your creativity and give you brand new ideas for your home cooking!

«This is a flavor bomb of a “travel cookbook”, overflowing with great taste, culinary history and accessible recipes. … a supreme guide to authentic dishes that can be recreated in any kitchen.»


«Festive Chinese fireworks in the kitchen»


«You won’t find a cookbook with easier, better or more authentic dishes – and I have tried them all!»


Michelle Zhao (b. 1984) is from the Chinese province Yunnan. Through her concept No Sweet Sour, consiting of a blog, social media, courses and catering, she is helping Norwegians get better acquainted with the flavours of China. She's lived in Norway since 2012, where she now also runs the restaurant Banzha.

Hjemmelaget kinesisk 195 x 250 mm / 216 pages


195 x 250 mm / 200 pages

Frode Kristensen, Christian Larris

Honstad and Arnt Steffensen


The History, the Journey, the Recipes

Salt cod is a jewel of Norwegian food culture that deserves more attention. In Norway, salt cod has been made since the 1600s, and it has become popular far beyond our borders.

This book has the answer to any and all questions about salt cod. How it is made, how to use it, how minor and major events in its history have given it a unique status in parts of the world. And, not least, this book also provides over fifty varied and exciting recipes.

You will find recipes for classics such as fish and chips, the salt cod stew bacalao and the salt cod fritters bolinhos. But we also bring salt cod into current favourite dishes, in recipes you might never have considered using salt cod in before. Try salt cod tacos, quesadillas, burgers, calzones and pasta, and much more.

Frode Kristensen has a degree in civil economics and also has a degree in food culture at the University of Bergen. Founder and general manager of Salgslaget AS, which runs competence development for local producers of food and drink. Good food and drink are Frode's lifestyle, job and hobby.

Christian Honstad, known as Christian Larris, is the head chef at Brasserie Hansken in Oslo. He's a former Commis at the Norwegian National Chefs' Team and chef at the Junior Chefs' National Team.

Arnt Steffansen (b. 1968) is a chef and President of the Norwegian Diet and Nutrition Association in Delta, a trade union for chefs and kitchen staff working in the public sector. He is a former canteen manager and Norwegian master of the institutional culinary arts. Knowledge of drinks, wines and spirits is an important part of a chef’s training, and Steffansen has written several books about spirits and food culture.


Why should we eat more moose - and how can we make use of the whole animal in the best possible way?

Astrid Regine Nässlander answers this question with 50 easy, healthy and delicious recipes in this cookbook dedicated to the king of the forest.

This prize-winning chef also explains how to cut up the animal, how the meat should be salted and stored, and a guide to what type of meal each cut of meat is best suited.

195 x 250 mm / 168 pages
Astrid Regine Nåsslander (b . 1992) is an award-wining chef with her own butchery, where she receives game and makes sausages. Moose is her first cookbook.


Sandberg TRINE’S


Do you want to eat healthy, delicious dinners every day?

Trine Sandberg has compiled ten of her very best weekly menus, consisting of 25 brand new recipes and 55 of the best and most popular recipes from Trine’s food blog.

Always written with easy-to-follow instructions, these recipes are clearly marked with symbols to help you find budget-friendly dinners, vegetarian dishes and quick meals.

Trine Sandberg wanted to pass on the family recipes to her daughters when they moved away from home. That was the start of her food blog In Norway, no one sells more cookbooks than Trine.

Trines beste ukemenyer 210 x 250 mm / 240 pages


From Salty to Sweet

Hooked on Sourdough is an inspiring and gorgeous book showing the extent of everything you can bake with sourdough. Not only are the baked goods fluffier, juicier, more flavourful and with a crunchier crust – sourdough is also gentle and good for the tummy.

In Hooked on Sourdough you get delicious and well-tested recipes for everything from the most gorgeous breads and bread rolls to cakes, sweet bakes and tasty pizzas. You’ll get the best tips and tricks to succeed with your sourdough baking, as well as inspiration for expanding your sourdough repertoire with new favourites.

If you thought baking with sourdough is just for the especially dedicated or interested, think again! Sourdough is easy and lots of fun – and it is very easy to become hooked!

Hekta på surdeig 195 x 250 mm / 224 pages
Martine Sletmoen lives in Skillebekk in Oslo, where she shares sourdough baking tips and tricks through her Instagram account @skillebekksurdeig.


With and Without Alcohol

Warming Winter Drinks is the book that will make those cold seasons a little cozier and a lot warmer! The recipes are a mix of well-known classics, forgotten classics, and exciting innovations. The most gorgeous hot chocolates both children and adults will love. The best recipe for gløgg. Hot toddies which will cure your winter cold. Warm punches to make even the coldest January nights nice and soft. And a long list of other exciting warm drinks you may have never heard of before, but which you’ll definitely be tempted to try out. How about an Aperol punch, the recipe for King Olav’s hot chocolate or a Harry Potter-inspired Butterbeer? Or could we maybe tempt you with a Mexican Atole with peanut butter?

Something warm and tasty will help you through the dark winter times. Whether it’s a delicious drink around the campfire with good friends, in front of the fireplace on a groggy and dark winter’s night, or on a sunny ski trip with your whole family. As well as recipes, you’ll also learn about the history behind several of the warm drinks: how did Bosse Bergstrøm make Hot Shot a Swedish hit? Does a 300-year-old drink recipe still hit the spot? What is a bouillon pair? And which warm drink put Gwyneth Paltrow on everyone’s lips in 2015?

Arnt Steffansen (b. 1968) is a chef and President of the Norwegian Diet and Nutrition Association in Delta, a trade union for chefs and kitchen staff working in the public sector. He is a former canteen manager and Norwegian master of the institutional culinary arts. Knowledge of drinks, wines and spirits is an important part of a chef’s training, and Steffansen has written several books about spirits and food culture.

Varme Vinterdrikker 151 x 226 mm / 152 pages


Farger & fluff

195 x 250 mm / 200 pages


Pop Colour Knitting is a collection of delightful pattern compositions and delicious color combinations that take you straight back to the fashion of the 80s.

Are you tired of the same old color palette, and difficult recipes with no room for error? Do you want to knit funky and colorful garments that the whole family will love? Pop Colour Knitting gives you fun patterned knitwear for both young and old. The garments are wide, short, narrow and long, in everything from fluffy mohair to merino wool and hand-dyed yarn. The authors particularly want to inspire you to use leftover yarn from other knitting projects, and give you several tips on what to do with it.

The book also realizes the authors' big knitting dream, namely patterns and designs for men, and you get completely new recipes for adults and children that have never been published before. The degree of difficulty varies, and the book is therefore perfectly suited to both beginners and more experienced knitters.

Behind the wonderful garments of Embraknit are two creative and colorful creatures, Anne-Grethe and Julie, and together they create a knitting universe that differs from most others. Embraknit (@embrajulie, 112,000 followers on Instagram) rarely has a strict plan for her knitting projects, here the garments and patterns are created along the way, and gut feeling is the compass.

Rights sold to: Denmark (Lindhardt og Ringhof), Germany (GeraNova Bruckmann), Finland (Minerva Kustannus)

Hvem er Embraknit?

Embraknit består av mammaen min, Anne-Grethe, og meg, som heter Julie. I denne boken er det jeg (altså Julie) som fører pennen, men det betyr ikke at mamma ikke er med. Hun har et ord med i alle prosesser og beslutninger som tas, men liker seg best i kulissene. Sånn sett har vi en fin og avklart arbeidsfordeling. «Vi»-et i boken er altså mamma og jeg.

Fizzy Pop

Fizzy pop er en gøyal genser å strikke. Både fargene og mønsteret oser av 80-tallet, og hos noen vekker den kanskje minner fra barndommen? Navnet kommer fra de sure turkise og rosa godteriflaskene med tyggegummismak – men det er lite som minner om surt

Hele arbeidet strikkes i glattstrikk foruten vrangbordene. Den gule versjonen er blant annet


Garnfargene er kun forslag, bruk gjerne de fargekombinasjonene som passer deg best. Andre garntyper med samme


195 x 250 mm / 176 pages

Knitting Jumpers presents 24 patterns for year-round jumpers made from soft wool yarn, in fresh and muted tones, with varying degrees of patterns, shapes and knitting techniques.

Not only will you learn to knit some magnificent jumpers, you will also learn a lot about knitting: casting on, purling, and different techniques for making sleeves and neck openings. The author’s ‘mini knitting class’ provides several pages of tips, advice and guidance on yarn, colours and tools, attaching threads, picking up stitches and finishing completed garments.

Knitting Jumpers is clear and educational. Garments are gathered in chapters according to technique, going from the simple to the more demanding. If you are a beginner with needles and yarn, you will get the guidance you need to become a knitter. Experienced knitters will be able to get inspiration and fine tune their knowledge from the author’s impressive knitting universe.

Nina Granlund Sæther is a journalist and editor. She trained as an arts and crafts teacher and has written several books on handcraft. She contributes patterns to the weekly press and gives lessons on knitting.

Kristiane Wågnes Skodde


Small, creative projects for everyone

At 15 years old, Kristiane Wågnes Skodde is already a seasoned craftswoman. This precocious knitter’s passion is to inspire other young people to experience the joy of creating.

Simple seams, no-fuss knits provides an easy introduction to get started on knits and seams, big and small. In this book, there are no huge patterns or complicated calculations. Instead, you will find 30 instructions, which you may adapt to suit your personal taste, and a comprehensive guide to basic techniques for sewing and knitting.

You will learn how to make re-usable makeup wipes, hair ties and beauty bags, purses and dog outfits – or how use your imagination and creativity to create something entirely new. Like the Kristiane hat, which can be turned into a small circle scarf or handbag if you lose progress on the way.

All instructions have a step-by-step guide with simple photos displaying the process. You will also learn about the different types of fabrics and yarns, and Kristiane shares her very best tips along the way.

Simple seams, no-fuss knits is a compact and handy book for anyone with the beating heart of a creative, whether you are just beginning to sew or knit, or looking for inspiration to some small, new projects.

Kristiane Wågnes Skodde is a fifteen-year-old girl who loves sewing, knitting and design. The creative hobby has resulted in her very own craft book, Sew and knit easy things

Rights sold to: Germany (GeraNova Bruckmann)

Søtt og smått 170 x 240 mm / 176 pages


Create amazing knitted garments and accessories by adding embroidered motifs!

In Embroidered Knits, Diana Loug (@gollestrikk on Instagram) shares exciting embroidery motifs and knitting patterns for adults, as well as her best tips for succeeding with embroidery on knitting garments and accessories.

In Embroidered Knits you’ll learn how to embroider large and small floral motifs, berries and hearts, Nordic and clean motifs – and other distinctive details. Some are colourful, other garments and motifs have more of a muted expression. There is something for everyone in this book, regardless of age. You’ll learn simple techniques mixed with patterns for knitting sweaters, jackets, vests, headbands and hats. You’ll also get tips on which types of yarn are most suitable for the garment you’d like to embroider.

By embroidering knitted garments and accessories you no longer wear, or that perhaps are stained or in need of some patching up, you can extend the lifecycle of your clothes. You’ll also get a completely unique piece of clothing.

So get comfortable, have fun and create simple embroidery art! Maybe you’re already a knitting addict? With this book you’ll run the risk of becoming infected by the embroidery virus too!

Diana Loug is known as @gollestrikk on Instagram, where she impresses and inspired with her beautiful knits and accesories with embroideries. Embroidered Knits is her first book, and easy step-by-step guide to decorating your own knitwear with emborideries.

Broderi på strikk 195 x 250 mm / 200 pages


Ida Wirak Trettevik has been designing knitting patterns under the name of Witre Design since 2018. Her patterns are primarily for women, with some items for children and men. A Knitter’s Year contains a total of 30 patterns, many of them new and exclusively designed for this book.

Knitted clothing has become important for many people in a time of increasing focus on slow fashion and sustainability. Because we take extra good care of clothes we make for ourselves, choosing materials and colours we are fond of and will want to wear for a long time. And because a person who knits knows how much work goes into every single piece of clothing. A Knitter’s Year is a result of this: the desire to knit your own wardrobe, with clothing for every season.

The book covers a whole year, and the photos show Ida and her family in wellknown locations in Oslo and eventually at their new home on the island of Engeløya in Nordland, Northern Norway.

Ida Wirak Trettevik (b. 1989) is the woman behind Witre design, a website of knitted clothes and patterns. She is followed by more than 30,000 Instagram users. The first patterns launched in 2018, and from the start, Witre design has been about finding a modern expression for knitted garnments and designs, creating patterns that will inspire to knit one's own wardrobe – piece by piece. A strong motivation behind the concept is also to help knitters create pieces of good quality and longevity, adjusted to the individual knitter's own preferences.

Rights sold to: Denmark (Turbine), Finland (Tammi), Germany (Frech Verlag), UK (Search Press – World English))

Witre design 210 x 297 mm / 208 pages

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