STAY POSITIVE AND FOCUSED Despite inflation & cost-ofliving pressures, the future looks good. PROTECTING THE FUTURE OF AUTOMOTIVETHEINDUSTRY Supporting 4th year apprentices is key. CAPRICORN MUTUAL’S $100 MILLION MILESTONE CAUSE FOR CELEBRATION IS YOUR SERVICECUSTOMERKEEPINGUP? How to keep pace with customer expectations. For risk protection you can trust, talk to our expert Risk Services team today. GOT WORKS?INSPANNERATHE COVEREDGOTWE’VEYOU
At Capricorn Risk Services, we know how important your business is to you – and how essential it is to have the right risk protection when unexpected problems arise. Available exclusively for Capricorn Members, Capricorn Risk Services offers a range of insurance and protection products designed specifically for the motor trade industry. We’ll protect every corner of your workshop.
Products sold through Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd (ABN 93 111 632 789) are: (i) discretionary risk protection products issued by Capricorn Mutual Ltd; and (ii) general insurance products issued by a range of insurers and brokered through Capricorn Insurance Services Pty Ltd. Before deciding to acquire any product you should consider the Product Disclosure Statement available from Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd to see if the product is appropriate for you. Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No. 460893) of Capricorn Mutual Ltd (AFSL 230038) and Capricorn Insurance Services Pty Ltd (AFSL 435197). Capricorn Mutual Ltd has published a Target Market Determination for its protection which is available at 1800 007

CEO’s message
Almost 2,000 Members across Australia and New Zealand took part in this year’s survey and two-thirds of respondents said they were either extremely or very happy with their careers in automotive.
David Fraser Group CEO Are you feeling happy with your lot in life? If the responses we received to our third State of the Nation report are anything to go by, you probably are.
State of the Nation has lots of fascinating insights and data. I hope you’ll take the time to read it and that you’ll get something out of it. The full report will be out in midOctober, so look out for more info in next month’s Ignition and online.
CONTENTS SEPTEMBER 2022 5 $100 CapricornMILESTONEMILLIONMutualhassetanewsales record. 10 ALL I NEED IS THE AIR THAT I BREATHE AND AN O2 This car is a meeting point between technology and art. 8 SupportingINDUSTRYTHETHEPROTECTINGFUTUREOFAUTOMOTIVE4thyearapprenticesiskey. 9 STAY POSITIVE AND DespiteFOCUSEDinflation&cost-of-living pressures, the future looks good. 12 WorldAnSEVENTHWORLDSTUDENTSAUSTRALIANTOPTHEFORTHETIMEAussiewinattheAramcoF1®inSchoolsChampionship. 14 WHO’S WHO IN TextCOLLISION?isrepeatingfromthe previous session. 16 IS CUSTOMERYOUR SERVICE KEEPING UP? How to keep pace with customer expectations. 7 RISK MANAGEMENT IS SMART MANAGEMENT Prevention is definitely better than a cure for workplace risks. CAPRICORN IGNITION SEPTEMBER 2022 3
Once again, making customers happy was the top positive given for working in the industry, with the satisfaction gained from solving problems a close second and a passion for auto coming in third. Above everything else State of the Nation tells us this year it’s the data around happiness that I find most reassuring. With all the challenges we face — from finding qualified staff to shortages of spare parts to Covid-related absenteeism to the switch to electric vehicles — it’s always good to know the overwhelming mood in the industry is positive. When we’re happy, when we love what we do, we’re more inclined to come up with innovative and real solutions, to grow and evolve, and to face challenges head-on. That kind of energy can only be good for our businesses and for our industry. Confidence has also grown since last year, with significantly more people (four per cent more than 2021) saying they were either very or extremely confident in their business’s future. There’s an interplay between happiness and confidence, obviously, but it’s great to see Members’ belief in their businesses shining through. This is especially important considering the period of transition we’re entering as an industry. The challenges I listed above are growing. It’s becoming harder to find staff and get spare parts. But it’s the long-term structural changes ahead that may challenge us most. Members saw far more electric and hybrid vehicles this year than last year, or in 2020. The electric revolution is coming and we need to adapt. The other big challenge we face as an industry and as business owners has actually been the number one challenge every year for the last three years: we are finding it too hard to get away from work and take a break. This is a worrying trend. Getting away and recharging our batteries is one of the most important things we can do for our mental and physical health. It’s also important to prioritise spending time with our families and friends. No one lays on their deathbed thinking, “I wish I’d spent more time under the bonnet of a Toyota Camry”. Even if we love our work, we work to live, not live to work. That’s the true secret to Thishappiness.year’s
Yours in cooperation, David GroupFraserCEO All information, material and content in this edition of Ignition is provided or sourced by Capricorn Society Limited (“Capricorn”) for general information only and is not intended to be advice or comment on any particular matter or subject. Before acting on any information in this edition of Ignition you should consider the relevance of it to your own circumstances and, if necessary, take professional advice. Any opinions expressed in an Ignition article are those of the relevant individual author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of Capricorn. Capricorn makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any material (including without limitation, any third party authored article or supplier advertisement in respect of which Capricorn merely acts as conduit) included in this edition of Ignition. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Capricorn, its officers, employees, agents and representatives disclaim any and all liability to or any other person for any loss or damage whatsoever connected on any material in Ignition; or ii. any inaccuracy, error or omission in any material in Ignition.

NEWS CALENDAR of events South Australia Ceduna Tradeshow 28th September 2022 GALA DINNER AND TRADESHOW 5th November 2022 Victoria GALA DINNER & TRADESHOW 12th November 2022 Western Australia GALA DINNER & TRADESHOW 29th October 2022 WA Golf Day 9th December 2022 Queensland GALA DINNER & TRADESHOW 8th October 2022 CAIRNS TRADESHOW 16th November 2022 New South Wales GALA DINNER & TRADESHOW 19th November 2022 Login to today and select Events to register your attendance. For further information please call our Events team on 1800 327 437 or email Calling CallingRides!allallRides! Want the world to know about your classic car, racing vehicle or other automotive passion piece? If you have a story or a ride that could be published in Ignition, email it to Ensure you include Member Ride in the subject line! DINNER & TRADESHOW Capricorn 4 CAPRICORN IGNITION SEPTEMBER 2022

Capricorn Mutual has reached more than $100 million in sales for the first time in the not-for-profit’s 20-year history, despite paying out record sums for claims in 2022.
The Mutual was launched in 2003 to offer Capricorn Society Members a competitive alternative to insurance and provides protection tailored to the motor trades industry, through Capricorn Risk Services.
“In particularly good years where claims costs have been lower than we expected, we return excess profits directly back to Members in the form of a Loyalty Rebate — reducing the out-ofpocket cost of protection. The remaining profits are reinvested back into the business in the form of additional services and improved pricing to ensure our Mutual provides a product our Members need, at a competitive price.”
This is a well-established business that pays its own way and will be there for its Members well into the future.”
Jim said Capricorn Mutual Members could take comfort from and celebrate the $100 million milestone, precisely because it meant they could be confident in Capricorn Mutual’s ongoing health and value to their lives. He said the milestone means not only that the Mutual continues to have the support of its Members but that it has a solid financial base on which it can continue to grow into the future.
“Being a Mutual — whereby Members are the owners of the business as well as its customers — means we can focus solely on our purpose, which is to support our Members in their greatest times of need without having to worry about external investors wanting their share of the profits.
If you’re not protected with Capricorn Mutual, give us a call and speak to one of our Risk Assessment Managers. Discretionary protection products are provided by Capricorn Mutual Limited (CML). You should consider CML’s product disclosure statement (PDS) before deciding whether any discretionary protection product offered by CML is right for you and in deciding whether to apply for such product. You can obtain a copy of the PDS from or by calling CML on 1800 007 002.
Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No. 460893) of Capricorn Mutual Ltd (AFSL 230038). CML has published a Target Market Determination for its protection which is available at about/capricorn-mutual
Jim said a prime example of Members needing Capricorn Mutual was seen in the first months of this year, when more than 200 Members were affected by flooding in New South Wales and Queensland. He said Capricorn Mutual will pay out about $35 million to those Members to help them get back on their feet. “This kind of sum shows the progress we’ve made over the years, where we can demonstrate that we are there to protect our Members’ livelihoods even for large-scale events,” he said.
“It is recognition of the sustainable nature of our Mutual operating model, which relies on a focus on the automotive industry, face-to-face service and the support of our Members,” he said.
Capricorn Mutual’s $100 million milestone cause for celebration
Over 10,000 Capricorn Members, just under half of the entire membership, are also Capricorn Mutual Members. Jim said, “with the support of our Members, Capricorn Mutual can boast a strong financial footing with higher than 10% annual growth and the capacity to pay claims when Members need us most.
Capricorn Risk Services Chief Executive Jim Glossat said the $100 million milestone was a huge achievement for the Mutual, with the business growing by $50 million in sales in just the past five years.
Jim said reaching this kind of major milestone was “even sweeter” because the Mutual only offers its products and services to Capricorn Society Members. “This limits the opportunity to grow but conversely it allows us to tailor what we do to the needs of our Members without having to cater for people who are not in the industry.”

Enjoy the finals from the comfort of your own home FRENZYFINALS *Products subject to availability. Participation in the Capricorn Rewards Program is subject to the Capricorn Rewards Program Terms and Conditions which can be found via the Capricorn website. Whatever finals you’re counting down to, make sure you have the best setup to enjoy the last games of the season. Finals is the perfect excuse to get together with a couple of mates and have a BBQ, making it a great time to upgrade your home viewing setup using your Capricorn Rewards Points. Capricorn Rewards has everything you need to make the game even more memorable, regardless of whether your team wins or not (we hope they do!). Head to Capricorn Rewards website to upgrade your TV setup, secure a new BBQ or improve your sound system to replicate the stadium experience in the comfort of your own home. Rotomoulded-DometicCoolIce22LWCIIcebox Husky130L CocaCola Fridge ProjectorLaserCosmosNebula4K OztrailBig Boy ArmBlackChair WeberSpirit II E-310 LP Only BBQ - Black PizzaBenchMasportSteelStainlessMasportPatioHeaterTopOven LG SMARTLED-LCDUQ90434KTV(2022) JBL - 9.1 WithWirelessSoundbar3DSubSurroundSpeakers-Black 6 CAPRICORN IGNITION SEPTEMBER 2022

Our State of the Nation research has once again highlighted that finding and retaining qualified staff is a major challenge for Members. It’s now easier than ever for people to find work elsewhere, so it can be assumed that people will be less likely to tolerate an unsafe work environment and are more likely to leave and find employment working for a business they feel is willing to invest in their safety and wellbeing.
As a business owner or manager, you should be aware of the risks specific to your industry. For example, almost half of all injuries in motor vehicle workshops are to the shoulder, lower back and knees, often caused by handling heavy or awkward objects, heavy lifting and working in awkward postures.
If you would like further information, speak to your Capricorn Risk Account Manager about other ways to reduce risks in and around your workshop. *AutoBoost is a third party service provider. The terms of use for the version of AutoBoost made available to Capricorn Members is autoboost---terms-and-conditions.pdfcsl/capricorn/terms-and-conditions/common/
Some risks, such as vehicles falling from hoists or jacks, are easy to identify. Others, such as illnesses caused by long-term exposure to chemicals like solvents or paints, are not as immediately obvious.
These risks can be mitigated by providing (or having a third party provide) your staff with training that can help them avoid or minimise activities that might result in injuries. Investing in PPE and other ergonomic/assistive equipment can also pay dividends in the long term.
Basically, the more pleasant and enjoyable you can make your premises, the better it will be for everyone (yourself included).
When injuries or accidents happen in the workplace, workers’ compensation and other types of business insurance can provide business owners with a financial safety net. But no amount of money can compensate for a death or serious injury, so ‘prevention is better than cure’ is without doubt the best approach to take to workplace risk management. If you want to ensure you protect yourself and your staff while also minimising disruptions to your business, make sure you check out the following steps you can take to effectively manage risks in your business. Smart Management Staying on top of potential safety hazards in the workplace is your legal duty as an employer. But it is also smart management. Less risk means fewer unnecessary incidents, and a happier, healthier and more productive work team.
Another very common category of injury is slips, trips and falls, which are often caused by floors in bad condition or by poor housekeeping. These can be reduced by simple steps such as maintaining slipresistant surfaces, keeping leads off the floor and stored away when not in use, cleaning up spills immediately, and not leaving objects extending into walkways or work Goodareas.housekeeping generally reflects good management and pride in the workplace. Messy and disorganised workplaces don’t instil confidence in others, including both staff and customers. Creating a culture where everyone looks after their workspace is also smart management because it can lead to higher productivity and increased repeat business.
It can also help you retain staff. As we referenced before, the skills shortage has led to increased competition for qualified technicians and mechanics, so you don’t want to be in the position of losing people because they disliked working in messy, cluttered and unsafe conditions.
Good Housekeeping
You can ensure you’ve done everything possible to manage risk in the workplace by working through a checklist appropriate for your business. Capricorn’s AutoBoost has a range of checklists to help you make sure your workshop is safe.* Log in to your myCAP Portal to access resources that will help you to identify risks and take steps to minimise them.
Complete a Risk Management Checklist

However, lack of diversity and challenges in the workplace were seen as areas for improvement. Understanding the opportunities available for a long-term automotive career, and role modelling from the successes of other women in the industry are where female apprentices look for inspiration and set goals for their future.
Offering more support to fourth year apprentices has been identified as a key opportunity for policy makers and the automotive industry, as an extraordinary industry wide skills shortage grips the country. The experience for fourth year apprentices, and other crucial apprentice insights have been revealed via the unprecedented nationwide Automotive Apprentice Survey, a joint project by the Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association (AAAA), Australian Automotive Dealer Association, and the Motor Trades Association of Queensland, in conjunction with ACA “Theresearch.automotive
The Apprentice Survey offered a welcome insight into the perspectives of female apprentices.
Encouragingly, females are generally satisfied with their career choice and are committed to the profession long term.
Training opportunities around new vehicle technology for apprentices and recently qualified technicians is an investment in a workshop’s ability to repair, service and maintain these new generation vehicles.
“Our industry and the economy depend on having enough skilled automotive technicians to service and repair vehicles. There is no silver bullet, however collectively as an industry we will continue to make inroads on this critical industry issue, said Lesley Yates, Director of Advocacy and Government Relations, “ForAAAA.workshop owners and managers, I encourage you to download the free Automotive Apprentice Survey report, and consider the findings as you work to attract great talent and retain great staff,” said Lesley.
Automotive Apprentice Survey report – visit
First year apprentices were also targeted in the survey. With a passion for automotive 75% were satisfied with their situation despite some challenges around pay. Youth remains a dominant source of industry new-starters, with 68% of apprentices starting their career path during, or straight after completing school studies.
Amongst all apprentices, satisfaction is lowest amongst those in their 4th year. As these apprentices are just reaching the launching point for a career in automotive, they are disengaging and considering other options. It is critical that we retain these talented and committed individuals in the industry they are passionate about and that desperately needs them. Encouragingly, 88% of 4th year apprentice respondents are keen to receive further support beyond the completion of their apprenticeship in the areas of training, career prospects and development. This clearly signals both a commitment to and passion for the automotive aftermarket. Technology based training is at the top of the wish list for 4th year apprentices and includes specialisation areas such as hybrid or electric vehicles, programming and diagnostics, and advanced driver assistance systems technology. Younger generations are known as digital natives, having grown up with computers, internet and software, so it’s no surprise that apprentices are interested in these areas.
industry is experiencing an unprecedented skills shortage and we must tackle it head on. This groundbreaking research is a practical way to learn, and develop strategies at government, industry and workshop level to attract and improve retention of apprentices in the future,” said Stuart Charity, CEO of the AAAA.
As a clear opportunity to introduce more and new skills into the automotive industry, providing improved career pathways for women was highlighted as an important piece of the puzzle.

From 2017 to 2020 car ownership was on a declining trend in Australia. The COVID pandemic quickly changed that, and from 2020 to 2021 car ownership increased by 1.7 per cent, to 20.1 million. In addition, the average vehicle age in Australia has increased from 10.2 years prior to the pandemic to 10.6 years in 2021. The Australian Bureau of Statistics is yet to release its 2022 report, but it’s expected that the number of registered vehicles in Australia will increase, as will the average vehicle age.
Don’t for a minute think that this means you can sit back and the work will just flow in. More than ever before you will need to be highly active in marketing your business, communicating with your customer database and providing exceptional service.
With the current buzz about rising inflation, interest rates and petrol prices, you would be forgiven for thinking that Australia is in the depths of a severe recession. But as I draft this article, the reality couldn’t be further from the truth. Both the Australian and New Zealand economies are still booming with nearrecord-low unemployment rates. The rapidly rising inflation is a concern, and the reserve banks of both countries are sensibly raising interest rates to slow the spending to get inflation under control. In Australia, inflation is forecast to peak around 7 per cent later this year and then decline to more manageable levels in So2023.what does this mean for the average person? We can all agree that we are going to see a period of rising cost of living pressures brought on by higher interest rates, fuel prices and food prices. This will no doubt force many people to curb and reprioritise their spending. The million-dollar question is how will rising interest rates and cost of living pressures affect auto workshops? That is a hard one to answer, but what we do know is that not all industries will be impacted in the same way. There will always be Havingabnormalities.saidthat, there are many reasons workshop operators should maintain a positive outlook that the industry will get through the next couple of years fairly COVIDunscathed.really knocked around the production of new cars and, coupled with extra demand, caused long wait times for new cars. Demand continues to significantly outstrip supply, with wait times for most manufacturers stretching between three and 14 months. It’s fair to estimate that the new car shortage will likely continue for at least the next 12 to 18 months.
Australian government statistics have the number of motor mechanics slightly increasing from 109,000 in 2019 to 111,000 in 2021. However, the current five-year forward forecast is for a fall of 0.7 per cent. On its own, a stagnating workforce doesn’t mean much, but it’s compounded by the fact we have a growing and aging car fleet. Put simply, more vehicles will need to be worked on by fewer technicians.
The net result of the new car shortage is that many customers will be forced to spend significant money repairing and maintaining older vehicles. Rising cost of living pressure will also further propel people to repair older vehicles rather than buy a new one.
The industry has been super busy and when bookings have to be made several weeks in advance, customer service may suffer. It’s time now to review service standards and start wowing your customers again. Rising costs to your business will need to be closely monitored. If costs are left unchecked, there could be a rude shock in a year’s time. Don’t just roll over with the same supplier every year. Invest some time to check out alternatives to ensure the workshop is getting the best value that it can find for the dollar. And finally, if you haven’t put prices up in the last few years, review them again now, because you will find that many of your competitors have struck more realistic prices that match the value of the services and expert staff they deliver. A final word – keep your chin up, stay positive and don’t let all the negative talk about the economy get you down. There is good reason to believe that the industry should be optimistic about a prosperous 2022-23.
Simply put, a growing and aging vehicle fleet is good for the service and repair It’sindustry.achallenge
to get real stats on how many legitimate registered mechanical repair workshops there are in Australia and New Zealand. My gut instinct tells me they are slightly decreasing.
Just as when COVID started back in 2020, your database of customers will see you through tougher times. It’s therefore imperative that workshops maintain regular contact with their database. With tightening budgets, there might be a drop in vehicle servicing. The consequences of putting off or skipping vehicle services are well-known to the trade, so you would be doing the right thing by your customers by sending second and third reminders to those whose vehicles reach three or six months overdue for servicing.
It is easier to get an accurate picture of how many people work in the industry.
Stay positive and focused — the future looks good by Geoff Mutton

Here’s how designer Maximilian Missoni puts it: “This car is a meeting point between technology and art, between precision and sculpture, with a determined but not aggressive stance.”
In other words, it’s beautiful. But there’s more to it than that.
“Polestar O₂ is our vision of a new era for sports cars,” Missoni says. “By mixing the joy of open-top driving with the purity of electric mobility, it unlocks a new mix of emotions in a car. But as with all our cars, we are about more than just straightline sprints. It’s when you turn the steering wheel that the fun Thisbegins.”aconcept so, in reality, no-one actually knows how it will drive. But Polestar promises the O₂ is designed to be “lively, light and full of confidence”.
“The high quality and rigidity of the bonded aluminium platform are geared towards heightened dynamic response,” the company said. “Handling dynamics are taut, thanks also to small roll angles and high roll damping, and the agile, direct steering feel is linear, with great steering torque build-up.”
All I need is the air that I breathe and an
There’s also a fair chance the O₂ might just simultaneously revolutionise both the car manufacturing plant and the wrecker’s yard. The Polestar’s interior is largely made from a new thermo-plastic mono-material, which means it is much easier to recycle (compared to interiors made from different materials bonded together).
Stop for a moment. Take a look at the picture of the Polestar O₂. Remember this moment. In the future, you might find yourself talking about the first time you ever laid eyes on this car. You might find yourself storing the memory in your brain alongside other major firsts, like the first time you met your partner or the first time you held your child. We know what you’re thinking: this is hyperbole, surely? Yes, obviously. But we’re not alone in getting excited about the O₂. It seems the entire auto industry is losing their cool over an electric car that’s been named after the very air that we Afterbreathe.the concept car appeared at Goodwood in June this year, Autotrader’s headline on their coverage was, “they MUST build this car”. Auto Express’s headline was “why has it taken THIS long?” Even Top Gear tagged their article about the Polestar O₂ with the words “the petition to make it starts here”. So, what is it about the Polestar O₂ that apparently has every automotive journalist around the planet ready to sell their granny to get one? Well, as electric 2+2 hard-topped convertibles go, it’s certainly pretty. The O₂’s design is based on the Polestar Precept but it has a low and wide body, a compact cabin, minimal overhangs and a long wheelbase. They’re classic sportscar proportions but it also has a really modern and electric feel.

The goal is to make reusing and recycling as easy as possible, which the company says is “a significant step towards greater circularity, while also reducing weight and waste”. Even the different grades of aluminium on the various components within the car are clearly labelled to make recycling easier. But we know what you’re thinking: “yeah, yeah, but it’s just a concept. We’ll never see it on the roads.” Hold onto your hats. Polestar CEO Thomas Ingenlath seems absolutely serious about making the O₂ a reality. He’s calling the O₂ the “hero car” for the Polestar brand. In July he told Top Gear, “My ambition is to make it a production car” alongside other models that have made the jump, including the Polestar 5. “This is a taste of what we can design and engineer with the talent and technology we have in-house,” he said. “It looks incredible and being able to lower the roof and not hear an engine promises a superb sensation.” So, remember this moment. Remember where you were when you first laid eyes on the Polestar O₂. May it be a long and happy relationship.

Team Blackout from Wales took the runner-up honours in the competition, with SBA Avidity from the United Kingdom completing the podium for the 2022 F1® in Schools competition host Andrewcountry.Denford, Founder and Chairman of F1® in Schools, commented, “I am always blown away by the work of the students taking part in F1® in Schools. Just as in the sport of Formula 1 we see teams pushing the boundaries of the rules and regulations in their determination to produce the best car, they put many hours into testing and perfecting it. Hydron developed an outstanding car and showed fantastic teamwork to earn a well-deserved victory.” by Paul Marinelli
The Trinity College team’s miniature F1 speed machine also won the Fastest Car Award, which was supported by the Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team, and the Best Engineered Car Award, supported by the Williams Grand Prix Team. The Australian team was also nominated for three other awards: Scrutineering Award, Best Pit Display and Best Application of Project Management.
2022 marked the seventeenth year of this global high school based STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) initiative. ‘Hydron’, with team members Will Johnson, Benjamin Noonan, Alexander Liu, Andrew Yeang, Timothy Crichton and Alastair Murphy, fought off intense global competition to take this Formula One based engineering title.
The Aussies headed off 52 teams from 25 countries to win coveted university scholarships to study at UCL Engineering in London, along with taking the prestigious F1® in Schools World Champions title.
“It is not one person; it is a real team effort. The teamwork and the relationship between us and our shared ambitions all going for one thing made it so special.
Taking the 2022 F1® in Schools World Champions title was a very proud moment for the Australian team, with Will Johnson, the Team Principal saying, “When we set out it was our dream to make it to the World Finals and it’s crazy to think how far we’ve come. We can’t believe that we’ve done it.
This year a team of six 17-year-old students from Trinity College in Melbourne became the seventh Australian team to win the Aramco F1® in Schools World Championship Trophy.
“Our engineers did a fantastic job of designing our cars, devoting hours and hours of work, thousands of hours doing the CAD modelling in fact, but it was the gelling of the team and cooperation that made our car the best, too.
“Some of us are keen to look at the opportunity of the scholarship, which is great, too. We’ve put in so much work, late nights staying back at school, getting through to the end was a big challenge, but it has paid off for us. We’re just over the moon!” Will Johnson said.
The F1® in Schools competition provides an opportunity for teams of students to research, design, test, manufacture and race a miniature Formula 1 car, using some of the advanced technology applied within real Formula One teams. All of the teams competing spent hundreds of hours producing their models using 3D CAD/CAM/CAE engineering design software, with proficiencies required in Coding, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Finite Element Analysis.

In 2017, Australian high school teams came first and second in the world, and back in 2008 Australia placed second and third. Aussie teams finished second, third and fourth in 2009 as well.
As Australia’s student performances on this very high-profile global platform have clearly proved, we have STEM talent within our high school students that is as good, if not better, than anywhere in the world. Something for all of us to be proud of and excited about what these talented people can achieve for the world in the future.
“But it is not only the academic excellence that we have seen at the World Finals,” adds Denford. “F1® in Schools changes lives around the world and these boys and girls will have formed friendships that will last a lifetime. I know that they have all learned life skills which will be invaluable throughout their careers.”
Australia also boasts a total of nine Best Engineered Car Awards, six Best International Collaboration Awards and seven Fastest Car Awards in this global competition.
Since the inaugural F1® in Schools World Final in 2003, Australia has been a dominant competitor. The Aussie trophy cabinet contains seven world championships, five runner-up trophies, four third places and a trifecta of fourths, along with six fifths.

ALBERT BENNETT (AB): It all began in 1964 when my dad, Bert Bennett (Snr), who was a mechanic by trade, repaired his first car, a Valiant owned by the Ampol Oil Company. At the time, he thought being a business owner was better than being a mechanic, so he hired a spray painter and panel beater and established the business at the rear of the property on which the family home stood.
My mum, Pat, was the head spray painter for the first few years. Coming from an artist background, matching colours was her specialty, with other shops often asking for her to make the colour. Watching how our whole family worked together was just how it was. I was born in 1970 in that very house at 14 Ruse Street, which, believe it or not, is now my new office, so we’ve been on the same site since day one. Over the years, we bought the adjoining properties and now the business is located from 6 to 14 Ruse Street and has grown to 26 staff processing 80 cars per week. We’re aiming to get to 100 by year-end. We really have a very disciplined process.
NCR: And it’s a real family business?
: By way of introduction, take us back to the beginning.
NCR: Tell us about your key suppliers. AB: Regarding our paint, we have relatively recently switched to AkzoNobel’s Sikkens Autowave 2.0 waterborne basecoat, which was triggered by an assessment by Jourdan Calvert here in Perth. Jourdan identified an opportunity to improve our quality and our efficiency and reduce our cycle time – and he was as good as his word. The Sikkens Autoclear clearcoat looks to be cleaner, and we’ve seen a 10 to 15 car improvement, predominately due to the introduction of the Sikkens Autosurfacer UV primer. In the workshop, we run mainly Car-O-Liner benches, and the EVO 3 universal system for anchoring, measuring and holding. We also run several Car-O-Liner welders that we believe do the job with a minimum of fuss.
AB: Yes, Dad ran the business for over 30 years, and after I’d completed my panel beater apprenticeship in the late 1990s, he “threw me the keys”, and I’ve been running it ever since. My son BJ (Albert Jalyn) is a second-year apprentice panel beater who won the Young Achiever of the Year in the national Bodyshop Awards in 2021. BJ always wanted to be in the business, so he’s doing what he loves. I am very lucky to have a great relationship with my son, whose thirst for the business has re-engaged me somewhat. My elder sister, Julie, is also intimately involved and runs the admin function, and my very-supportive wife, Carrie, has also been involved in the business over the journey. All of this is only possible with Carrie’s unwavering support. She has been my rock throughout the journey. Running a large business puts a lot of pressure on your family, but Carrie constantly makes it all work. I am very fortunate. In addition to my son BJ, I also want to mention my older daughter, Teal, who has just finished her occupational therapy degree while juggling being captain of the West Perth Women’s football team, and my 13-year-old twins — a boy, Jhett, and a girl, Morgan — both of whom are great at sport and school as well. Anyone who runs a family business really does understand how inextricably linked the family unit is to the business. Without all of them, I couldn’t do what I do.
My father, Bert Senior, is still actively involved in the running of the business today, ordering all our parts and taking care of parts suppliers, albeit from home with the ever-changing COVID landscape. My youngest sister, Kellie, has also always been happy to assist Bert Senior with technical issues as they arise. We also have many long-term employees. Most of our staff have over 10 years’ service. Although we’ve seen some people move on over the years, we are really happy with the high staff retention rate, especially when there is the spectre of big money on offer from the mining sector here in WA. We provide all the necessary equipment and training, and we really do have an excellent team. All the staff get on well with each other, so it makes for a great family environment.

NCR: What does the future hold for Bert Bennett’s Panel Centre?
NCR: What can you tell us about your association with Capricorn?
AB: We are a rapid shop, so we tend to get most customers back on the road in one to three days, even if it’s a bit more complex. We have the resources to throw people in when we need to. One of the benefits of being such a large business is that many of the parts suppliers will prioritise us, so we keep things moving. In addition, our staff are dedicated enough to work through the night if that’s what it takes. Of course, we never compromise our quality in our rapid-repair business model. We offer a lifetime guarantee on all of our work. It’s all about making it as seamless as possible for the customer in what is a stressful time for them.
We have been a big fan of the 1Q1 workshop management tool, which is just fantastic, with iBodyshop recently added on to give us a quoting system. Our main work providers are Allianz and RAC, who are both very good to us, allowing us the opportunity to keep up the workflow and maintain our efficiencies.
NCR: So, what really differentiates your business from others in Perth?
AB: Our association with Capricorn goes all the way back to the early days when my dad was running the business. They made an approach, offering various discounts through the strength of their purchasing power. As reluctant as he was, Dad signed up and found there were even more savings than he Ofexpected.course, as a cooperative, Members are the owners of the organisation and as shareholders we are entitled to any dividends that may be declared from year to year. I just love everything about Capricorn. We put everything through the account, and I’ll even encourage potential new suppliers to contact Capricorn and get on board. I also want to make mention of Capricorn Mutual, which takes care of all my insurance needs. Sue Walker, who is the local Capricorn Area Manager, is so great to deal with, and she has become more of a friend than just a business contact. Sue just makes everything so seamless. As we expanded the footprint, we continued to grow our relationship with Capricorn, which has been a real partner to our business for decades.
NCR: How has the growth of MSOs impacted the business?
AB: Because we were with Suncorp, we had an arrangement whereby we would do their Capital S.M.A.R.T out-of-scope work, and the relationship worked well. Since RAC came on board, we have moved on from this arrangement.
NCR: Let’s talk about technology. AB: Historically, we have not actively sought OEM approvals but have a great relationship with the broad network of manufacturers’ dealers in the north side of Perth, which allows us to keep up to date with their latest onboarding technology. Regarding the plethora of collision avoidance technology on today’s vehicles, we use Snap-on scan tools and are assessing the latest Snap-on developments while awaiting their release in Australia. Until then, we outsource to independent calibration subcontractors, and, of course, there is always the dealer network.
AB: We’ll keep doing what we do to the best of our ability and apply a continuous improvement philosophy. In particular, as the industry embraces electrification, we aim to be at the forefront of electric vehicle repairs in Perth. At a personal level, not unlike many collision repairers, I have an attraction to project vehicles, so in the longer term, I can see the day when my son takes over the business, and I can retire to my project cars.
Regarding Repairhub: thus far, we have yet to see them in WA, but as we don’t do much work with IAG, we are not expecting them to impact our business to any great degree. However, time will tell.

The huge advancements in automotive technology over the past two decades have required workshops to invest in tools and knowledge if they want to stay in business. All well and good for the practical tasks of fixing vehicles, but by contrast, research has shown that the customer service experience many workshops deliver has not kept pace with this change.
This is still a step too far for some workshops, but you can trust the fact that some customers will appreciate it. Today’s consumers are used to booking haircuts, gym classes, doctor’s appointments and just about everything else online. The industry needs to get with the times and start making this service available. IS YOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE KEEPING UP WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS?
Modern technology, such as email and SMS, makes keeping in contact easier than ever. The time to contact customers could include service reminders, 24-hour booking reminders, registration and WOF reminders (location dependent), repair progress updates, repair images, monthly specials and holiday Thismessages.allsounds
1. Keeping in contact*
Whether it’s just human nature or people getting stuck in their ways, lots of workshop owners prefer to stick to the same methods they’ve always used. However, it’s important to realise that these new customer experience products are emerging as a direct result of customer demand. While adapting to change can sometimes be a challenging process, it’s important for business owners to understand that it’s not about them; it’s what the customers want.
A very successful workshop owner admitted that the only thing he does differently from 25 years ago is email customers their invoice and sends SMS service reminders. While good old faceto-face customer service is still just as important ever, there is a range of new products and technologies that enable businesses to improve the customer service experience, but they are not being readily embraced.
2. Educating your customers through videos
The greatest asset in any business is the customer database. A neglected database means the workshop depends only on customers finding and using the business. The sensible alternative is to regularly keep in contact to keep your customers close and out of reach of your competitors.
obvious, but the number of workshops that fail to carry out these basic communications is quite astounding. If your point-of-sale software doesn’t have these features, a great starting point is Capricorn’s AutoBoost, which has an SMS facility.+
That means that if you want to deliver the kind of experience that lives up to your customers’ expectations, chances are you might need to start changing your ways and update some of your out-of-date notions about how to relate to customers and keep them happy.
Customer education videos are all about educating them on why certain repairs or maintenance is required, with the idea being that the video will do the selling for you. The key with educational videos is to make them part of your process.
Modern customers have different desires and expectations that are shaped by other kinds of customer experiences that they go through on a daily basis. It’s not just other workshops that you’re being compared to – it’s other businesses like banks, dentists, doctors and e-commerce operators.
3. Online bookings

+ AutoBoost is a third party service provider. The terms of use for the version of AutoBoost made available to Capricorn Members is conditions/common/autoboost---terms-and-conditions.pdf
Obviously, running a fleet of loan cars is a significant cost. That’s why it’s called a loan car and not a courtesy car. One option is to hire your loan cars for a small nominal fee of say $10 to $20 per day, so that it becomes cost neutral.
Washing, vacuuming, cleaning tyres, deodorising, cleaning the dash or reattaching a loose mud guard are all examples of visual triggers. They might seem like a pain to you but it’s something your customer will notice and appreciate. Convenience and trust are the main reasons customers choose a workshop. The little extra things are what makes it harder for them to leave you. Taking the time to review your customer service experience and update your processes is something that can pay big dividends over the long term. Are you keeping up with the times and grasping new technologies, or are you still doing things the same way you did 20 years ago?
What could be easier for a customer at home browsing the internet and receiving an SMS service reminder containing a direct link to an online booking form? It’s a one-minute process that’s faster than a phone call and more inclined to be acted on immediately rather than the customer having to follow up.
5. Loan cars
6. Visual triggers
* Applicable privacy legislation may constrain or prevent the use of an individual’s personal information for certain purposes. Applicable spam legislation may also operate to impose restrictions on the sending commercial electronic communications in certain circumstances. Members who have questions regarding the implications of these laws on their business should seek independent advice.
Most workshops believe customers push service due dates because they can’t afford the service. In many cases, the real reason is that the customer is too busy and they will be inconvenienced if they don’t have their car for a day.
4. Finance solutions
Most franchise groups and dealerships are now offering some form of finance facility. Don’t confuse this with offering direct credit. With their finance facility, they outsource the collecting of the payment to a third-party finance company. The dealership gets paid up-front less a small, agreed commission. Such organisations include Ezypay and AfterPay. Offering this payment option helps those customers who may not have the funds available today and hence removes the ‘I can’t afford it’ objection.

Jefferson Automotive is one of Australia’s largest authorised genuine parts and paint distributors. The multi-franchise distributor offers brands comprising of Ford, Toyota, Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Subaru, Skoda and Jefferson Paint Supplies. The Automotive Group holds a large inventory of over $9 million at their warehouse facility, allowing them to provide customers with excellent order fulfillment. The company offers a continuous and reliable delivery service, with metro runs at least 3 times a day and interstate freight collected daily. Jefferson’s promises customers competitive prices and great service and support. The introduction of technology, including RF scanning, ensures accuracy and provides reduced order lead times. Their recent move to a new warehouse has been paramount in driving efficiencies and demonstrates their long term commitment to the automotive industry.
Mercedes-Benz Geelong is an award-winning dealership, which has operated in Geelong for 42 years and is one of the largest regional dealerships in Australia. The new state-of-theart showroom is complimented by a well-equipped service centre, with the latest in diagnostic technology and a fully stocked parts department. Their parts team offer an extensive range of Mercedes-Benz Genuine Parts and Accessories for both passenger cards and vans. The company employs leadingedge production technologies and strict testing procedures to deliver optimum results. The sales team is familiar with all details of each part and are the people to talk to when it comes to trade business, offering everything from expert assistance in identifying parts to sourcing them quickly and offering tips on installation. 20 PREFERREDYEARSSUPPLIER
Maughan Thiem is a family owned and operated car dealership with over 100 years’ experience in the automotive industry, providing customers with a service that brings enjoyment and excitement back into their car buying experience. Serving the Adelaide community since 1912, the company offers genuine automotive spare parts and accessories and can service all crash and mechanical inquiries for Members. Maughan Thiem prides themselves on providing support to not only the automotive trade, but also to community groups and sporting associations across the state. Their experienced staff are ready to go above and beyond to keep your business moving, understanding the importance of customer service. Their team is equipped with expertise, knowledge and a thorough understanding of the automotive industry, so they can help you with all your vehicle needs.
The expert team at Masons Prestige have been providing expert services and repairs to drivers since 1990, specialising in Volvos as a former Volvo dealer. With over 120 years of combined professional experience, Members can rely on Mason Prestige for help repairing any Volvo model. Members can also contact the company for new or second-hand Volvo parts. The team at Masons Prestige is committed to providing clear and friendly service for their customers. The company enjoys seeing customers returning for all their automotive needs. Masons Prestige offers dealer quality servicing at competitive prices. The company’s services range from logbook servicing to roadworthy inspections, parts replacement and a host of other mechanical repairs. As a small business, Masons Prestige is eager to help customers with both knowledge and support.

CAPRICORN LAST MONTH'S ANSWERSLAST MONTH'S ANSWERS LAST MONTH’S WINNERS 1st Prize - 4,000 points Hillside Auto Wreckers 2nd Prize - 2,000 points Kelmscott Service Centre Find the 15 words hidden in the jumble. They could be horizontal, vertical, diagonal or backwards. See if you can find them all! WORD Email your answers to before the 25th of September. Winners will be selected by a lucky hat draw of correct entries. Please ensure you include your Member number and email address when submitting your entry. WORKSHOPSMARTQUALIFIEDONLINEFINANCESUPPLIERSREUSINGPOLESTAR INDUSTRYCONCEPTFOCUSEDSUPPORTCAREERVEHICLEMUTUAL CAPRICORN IGNITION SEPTEMBER 2022 19

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