Check your flood protection now. Flooding events often cause devastation across entire regions. Recently the flooding in New South Wales highlights the havoc flooding can cause, disrupting both family and business life. Expert data shows 10 per cent of Capricorn Mutual Members are at high risk of experiencing a flood event. Now is an ideal time to plan, prepare, and protect yourself, your family and your business. Here are some basic precautions you can take. •
Get a copy of your local council’s flood plan. It’ll help you identify the areas most likely to experience problem flooding and it will show evacuation routes and relief centres. Develop an evacuation plan for your home and business, and share this plan with your family and staff.
Subscribe to receive emergency warning notifications from your local emergency services and authorities.
Ensure you have a well-stocked and waterproof emergency kit and a list of emergency telephone numbers in a prominent position in your workshop.
Identify expensive equipment and electronic equipment that would be damaged by flooding and consider your options for moving them to higher ground if you receive a warning a flood is coming. (For example, to a mezzanine floor.)
Check your flood coverage with Capricorn Risk Services. Flood coverage may, depending on your circumstances, offer coverage for business contents as well as protection against interruption to your business caused by flooding.
Flooding causes an average of $377 million in damage across Australia each year. In New Zealand, the Northland floods in July alone affected more than 2500 homes and 360 businesses, with insurers paying out more than NZ$37 million in claims. Only four per cent of Capricorn Mutual Members currently carry flood protection, despite 10 per cent being in high-risk areas. In Australia, most floods occur between November and February and take three forms: slow onset flooding, where the water level rises and stays high for weeks; quick onset, which typically happens around river headwaters and areas with steep topography; and flash flooding after a big storm or dam burst. Those with businesses on river flood plains – like those of the Hawkesbury, Hunter, Clarence, Brisbane, Fitzroy, Yarra, Murray, Derwent and Collie rivers – are particularly at risk. In New Zealand, flooding can also be exacerbated by snowmelt, although heavy rain is the usual cause of flooding. Checking and updating your protection is easy. Contact your Risk Account Manager today.
Contact Capricorn Risk Services 0800 555 303 I I Products sold through Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd (NZBN 9429041139813) include discretionary risk protection and general insurance products. Discretionary risk protection is issued out of Australia by Capricorn Mutual Ltd. Before deciding to acquire discretionary risk protection you should consider the Product Disclosure Statement to see if it is appropriate for you. This can be obtained from Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd by phoning 0800 555 303 via email or by visiting website General insurance products are issued by a range of insurers and are available through Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd as a member broker of PSC Connect NZ Limited. Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd is a registered financial services provider (390446) and a corporate Authorised Representative (No. 460893) of Capricorn Mutual Ltd (AFSL 230038). C A P R I C O R N I G N I T I O N M AY 2 0 2 1 9