Ignition Magazine New Zealand | May 2022

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Mobile mechanics being targeted by burglars

“Don’t forget, once things get stolen from a vehicle through forcible entry, the business is basically at a standstill until everything can be repaired and replaced.” “A small business cannot incur a loss like that,” Mike said. Mike encourages all Members with mobile workshops to create a thorough inventory. “Do a checklist of the things you have — the tools, the fixtures and fittings — to work out exactly what you’ve got and then talk to your Risk Account Manager about your protection,” he said. “I know some people can become a little bit disillusioned about adding an extra $10,000 worth of equipment onto their coverage, thinking it will cost them an arm and a leg. “In actual fact, it might be nominal amount. You might be looking at a few hundred dollars difference across 12 months. That’s less than a cup of coffee a day.” He said creating a checklist is also important if Members haven’t updated their protection recently.

Mobile mechanics are being urged to protect their businesses and property, as new figures reveal they are being targeted by burglars. Capricorn Risk Services Sales Manager for New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, Mike Sale, said it makes sense thieves would view mobile mechanic vans as rich targets. “Generally, they’re jam-packed with tools and equipment,” Mike said. “The thieves go for the big-ticket items, things like scan tools and held held tools, EFTPOS machines, laptops — things they can potentially flog off. We have found that they don’t tend to go for everyday tools, like spanners.” While many Members likely take obvious precautions — like taking expensive equipment out of their vans at the end of the day and garaging their vehicles overnight rather than leaving them parked in the driveway of their home — Mike warned that burglaries no longer occur just in the middle of the night. “Thieves operate during the day and they will commit their crimes in plain sight,” he said.

“As your business grows, so should your business protection,” he said. That goes for general property, public liability and commercial vehicle protection, too — all of which may be impacted by a claim. Mike also urges Members to consider business interruption protection, as theft from a mobile workshop could easily take a Member off the road for weeks. Capricorn Members receive Rewards Points on their protection through Capricorn Risk Services. Additionally, because Capricorn Mutual is a mutual, Capricorn Mutual Members may be able to save on fees and levies charged by traditional insurers.

To check your coverage or to find out more, talk to your Capricorn Risk Services Risk Account Manager.

“We have found many instances, where they’ll smash a window and just grab what they want. They’ll even follow you. In saying that, I don’t want to cause worry. But, ultimately, it’s important that anyone with a mobile workshop protects their business properly. Participation in the Capricorn Rewards Program is subject to the Capricorn Rewards Program Terms and Conditions which can be found via the Capricorn website.

Contact Capricorn Risk Services 0800 555 303 I info@capricornrisk.com I capricorn.coop/risk Products sold through Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd (NZBN 9429041139813) include discretionary risk protection and general insurance products. Discretionary risk protection is issued out of Australia by Capricorn Mutual Ltd. Before deciding to acquire discretionary risk protection you should consider the Product Disclosure Statement to see if it is appropriate for you. This can be obtained from Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd by phoning 0800 555 303 via email info@capricornrisk.com or by visiting website capricornrisk.com. General insurance products are issued by a range of insurers and are available through Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd as a member broker of PSC Connect NZ Limited. Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd is a registered financial services provider (390446) and a corporate Authorised Representative (No. 460893) of Capricorn Mutual Ltd (AFSL 230038).

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