The Curated Expedition to the Baltic Sea invites to experience the sea at the borderlines of art and science The cross-disciplinary ‘Curated Expedition to the Baltic Sea’ invites Finnish and Estonian artists to study and to marvel at the Baltic Sea, its natural phenomena and their personal relationship to the changing environs. The project will be part of Turku’s programme for the European Capital of Culture year in 2011. Artists, researchers and other cultural agents are invited to join the expedition, straddling the borderline between art and science. The project is intended to spur new works of art and inspire the public to take part in different creative processes. The project call aims to attract new and unpublished proposals, which essentially involve an expedition to the Baltic Sea. It is wished that the proposals gain their inspiration from science, but they will be intepretated and viewed in an art context. One of the key aspects of the marine expeditions is to travel slow, using methods of transport that only moderately burden the environment. A canoe, a hot air balloon, a jolly boat, marine research vessel or a rowboat are only a few examples of some possible means of seafaring, used by artistic sea explorers. The works created should utilise artistic methodology to draw attention to the state of the Baltic Sea and to arouse awareness among those living within the rim as concerns responsibility for the future of the sea. The planning and realization of the project are in the hands of Capsula and Bioart Society Finland. If necessary, the Expedition working group will help the artists to locate scientific partners to assist in the working processes. The projects can be multidisciplinary or performative expressions, or can be carried out in the form of workshops. The project should take a stand and place emphasis on ecological and social approaches, and the importance of engagement. The proposals should specify the geographical area planned for the implementation of the project. The hope is that this area would be located within the region between Southwest Finland and Estonia. Project proposals will be accepted until 21 December 2009. The selected art projects will be realized during 2010 and will be presented as part of the Turku 2011 Capital of Culture programme. lisätiedot: Ulla Taipale projektipäällikkö 040 5110214 tai +34 653795456
Merja Markkula +358-40-5803901
Suvi Innilä ohjelmajohtaja Turku 2011 -säätiö p. 050 5590 186
Turku 2011 -säätiö Läntinen Rantakatu 15, 20100 Turku
Stiftelsen Åbo 2011 Västra Strandgatan 15, 20100 Åbo, Finland
Turku 2011 Foundation Läntinen Rantakatu 15, FI-20100 Turku, Finland
APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS The selected project proposals will be implemented during 2010. A total of € 7,000 / work will be reserved for the implementation process.** This sum is intended to cover material costs, the artist’s fee and any necessary insurance. The travel and accommodation expenses of the artists will be covered as possible by the funding. Artists residing outside of Finland or Estonia must cover their own travel expenses to Finland or Estonia. The artists will commit to participate in the ‘Curated Expedition to the Baltic Sea’ event as part of Turku’s programme for the Capital of Culture in 2011. **Right to changes reserved
The applicants are requested to present their proposals in writing by e-mail either in Finnish or English in pdf-format. The application (max 2 x A4 sheets + photo attachments) should include: · the project proposal · the timetable, which specifies the duration and intended dates of the expedition during 2010 · the sea area in which the project will be implemented · the means of transportation used on the Baltic Sea expedition
- cost estimate, which itemises the estimated production costs and the artist’s fee
(max 1 x A4 sheet) - artist’s or working group’s CV (max 2 x A4 sheets)
Please clearly enter your contact information, e-mail address and possible website. In the subject field of the message, please write: Tutkimusmatka Itämerellä / Curated Expedition to the Baltic Sea The last entry date is 21 December 2009. E-mail address: If you wish to mail additional material related to the proposal by post, please send it to: Suomen biotaiteen seura ry c/o Markkula, Auvaisbergin rantatie 37 FIN-20760 Piispanristi Suomi - Finland Write “Tutkimusmatka Itämerellä / Curated Expedition to the Baltic Sea” on the envelope. Any posted material must be postmarked by 21 December 2009 regardless whether the material is sent domestically or from abroad. Complete instructions can be found in: TOTEUTETTAVIEN TÖIDEN VALINTA A jury of four will make a selection of work in the end of February 2010. The proposal applicants will be notified personally of the results in February 2010, and they will be published on the websites of Turku 2011, Bioart Society Finland and Capsula.
Ulla Taipale project manager 040 511 0214 tai +34 6537 95456
Merja Markkula +358-40-580 3901
Project backround The ‘Curated Expedition to the Baltic Sea’ project is a continuation of Capsula’s first crossdisciplinary expedition, which was carried out during summer 2008 from Finland to the zone of total solar eclipse in Siberia. The base of the expedition was set up at the Novosibirsk Zoo, from which it continued onto the Altai wilderness and all the way to the Moon. The expedition was organised by Ulla Taipale/Capsula and the artists participating were Agnes Meyer-Brandis, a German media artist, Mireia C. Saladrigues, a Catalonian visual artist, and Tommi Taipale, a Finnish photographer. The project produced three novel works of art, which were presented for the first time at the Expedition to the Total Eclipse exhibition displayed as part of Pixelache festival at Kiasma Mediatheque from 6 March - 7 June 2009. The exhibition and Eclipse Happening event at Kiasma Theatre and the URSA observatory in Kaivopuisto formed one part of the programme for the International Year of Astronomy 2009. More information: