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y name is Chelsea Bilek and I am a graduate of Loyola University Chicago. I hold a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies with minors in Arabic and English. Since graduating, I have worked as an intern at the South African Consulate, an outreach coordinator at SCORE Chicago, and a volunteer Staff Writer at ChicagoMSDC. M
I found ChicagoMSDC through my volunteer efforts at SCORE Chicago. I began attending ChicagoMSDC events and writing articles for the magazine in January of this year. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with ChicagoMSDC, as the council has enhanced the knowledge I took from my university studies. When I was in school, most of my classes focused on how bureaucratic, international institutions drive change through international laws and customs. My degree aides me in understanding how international laws and customs affect development
efforts in local communities, but I believe my classes left out some key factors in development.
ChicagoMSDC has taught me how the private and public sectors can work together to improve communities that have been neglected. The Council, which receives funding from the U.S. Department of Commerce, works to connect corporate members and MBEs that bring vibrant and necessary economic growth in their neighborhoods and beyond. I have been inspired by ChicagoMSDC and the MBDA Centers to look not only to laws and institutions to solve problems, but to people investing in each other.
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