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Black Women Vote: Special Edition They Can’t Break Our Souls!

The Black Women’s Health Imperative’s 2022 Midterm Elections: Voter Education & Issues Guide


September 2022

To our valued friends & supporters,

For many Black women, 2022 has been one of the most soul-challenging years in recent history . Each day has brought about new hindrances to the sustainability and progression of our community . A seemingly endless pandemic and the shocking reversal of federal protections of our right to access safe abortions have occurred alongside historically high gas prices, food insecurities due to supply chain issues, increasingly high interest rates, rising inflation rates, poor water infrastructure due to zoning and access to clean water funding, and ever-present economic uncertainties . All of which seem to target our most vulnerable in the greatest capacity . While the physical, mental, emotional, and economic toll is immense—and all too familiar—this November, we can make our voices heard at the polls as we vote in those who are invested in the survival of our communities, and vote out those who seem to be working against us . As our President & CEO, Linda Goler Blount, MPH, has said before, “Black women have navigated oppression in America for centuries . Our humanity, our safety, and our rights are devalued in the workplace, doctor’s offices, classrooms, and our own neighborhoods .” Racially motivated violence, as seen in Buffalo, New York; Southern California; and more recently against the students and teachers at Robb Elementary School in Texas have heartbreakingly proved that there is an urgent need for change, in and across every system . At the Black Women’s Health Imperative (BWHI), our stated mission is to lead the effort to solve the most pressing health issues that affect Black women and girls in the U .S . Through research and evidence-based strategies, we deliver bold new programs and advocate for health-promoting policies within the workplace . In line with that mission, and with the 2022 midterms approaching, BWHI is releasing its new midterms voter’s guide: They Can’t Break Our Souls! The Black Women’s Health Imperative’s 2022 Midterm Elections: Voter Education & Issues Guide .

This guide will provide information on policymakers who are up for national and state elections in your respective areas . This information will also coincide with those who represent the issues and policy pillars we, at BWHI, have championed over our nearly 40 years of existence . We are also re-releasing an update of our Black Women Vote: National Health Policy Agenda, which aims to provide Black women with a blueprint for change, and deliver a call to action for policymakers, practitioners, academics, and community leaders . You can download a copy here: Black Women Vote: The 2020-2021 National Health Policy Agenda . This election will be one like no other and will send a clear message about the future of our country . Just this month, Senate Republicans introduced a national bill to ban all late-term abortions usually done in emergency rooms to save the life of the mother . These types of legislative assaults on our rights to live healthy and productive rights will be on the ballot across the country this midterm season .

Black women must rise up and take the lead in setting the country’s direction, as we have historically done so many times before . With our very bodily autonomy at the center of this current political climate, it is time to do what needs to be done . It is our moment to be the heroes of our own story . Join us in achieving our vision for all Black women to enjoy optimal health in a society that promotes health equity and social justice by registering, representing, and exercising your right to vote . Yours can be the one that makes all the difference .

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