LIVE Magazine December 2008 Issue

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From the Editor’s Lounge


ver the past few weeks the Senior Pastor of the church I attending in Maryland has been teaching on the “blessing” and what it means when you not only carry the blessing, but also how to activate the blessing in your life. He has also been teaching that the activation of the blessing is not only for your life, but it is trans-generational. It is activated for your children and your children’s children. We as believers talk about prosperity, wealth, lack, etc; however, how many of us have activated the covenant blessing in our lives by keeping the commandments, judgments and statutes of God. If you truly want to experience the blessing in your life which is the empowerment on your life which creates others to respond to you favorably, there are is some fine print which you must read and act upon. This is about God’s covenant with His people. This covenant is not corporate, it is personal! In this season of giving, if you carry the blessing on your life, then use your empowerment to empower someone else’s life. We all are seeing the impact of the investment in the world’s economic system. However, if you possess the blessing then your economy is based on your covenant promise with God the Father. Use your empowerment to to be a blessing to another person, family member or stranger. As a child of the King you have been blessed to be a blessing. Blessings. Empowerment. Wealth. Prosperity in every area of life. It all belong to you! Merry Christmas,

Cheryl A. Pullins Founder/Editor-in-Chief 4


This Issue

Glam, Gorgeous & Green............................................6 Lavish Gifts on a Budget.............................................8 Because of His Mercies..............................................10 Attach My Name To It.................................................14 Who Gets The Credit..................................................21


Ask Shelby: Relationship Empowerment Coaching The Power of Relationship Coaching......................12

Healthier Living with Coach Collins: Surviving the Holiday Frenzy...................................23

Eagle Thoughts: Lay Aside Every Weight...and Wait.........................25

LIVE! Destinations: Experience Austrian Luxury....................................30


GLAM, Gorgeous & So you've made the environmentally conscious choice to be green this year ... but with the holidays just around the corner, how will this decision impact your entertaining? Maintaining discipline can be difficult during the "season of indulgence." Just as many diets might go out the window; so may your environmental selfdiscipline. However, maintaining a green focus during the holidays doesn't have to mean bland food and brown, recycled napkins. Organic food can be delicious -- special enough to serve at parties -- and sustainable table linens can be glamorous. Green choices can actually enhance your guests' experience in your home; rather than inhibit it. "Green products are far from plain and unattractive. The 'green movement' has been embraced by the architecture and design community -- so there is an abundance of smartly styled, design-forward items that are also eco-friendly," says Judy Riley, vice president of design at Moen Incorporated. Here are some suggestions to keep in mind as you plan this year's holiday party, starting with the two rooms your guests are sure to see -- the kitchen and the powder room. Some changes are quick and simple; while others have a longer-term impact that you can enjoy long after your guests are gone.

A Gorgeous, Green Kitchen It's a fact -- whether you're entertaining two guests or 20 -- the one spot they'll most likely congregate is the kitchen. And fortunately, making a green impact in this room is easy. If you need to purchase a new table and chairs to accommodate a large dinner party, look for second-hand tables and refurbished chairs with character. And if you're looking for a "green" kitchen remodel, Riley suggests: * Installing cabinetry or built-ins made with certifiable, ecofriendly wood (meaning they were not made from rain forest materials or endangered woods). * Using Zodiaq quartz counters, which are more eco-friendly than granite and are available in a palette of beautiful colors. * Installing bamboo wood flooring, which provides the natural beauty of wood while also being environmentally friendly. * If you're setting up the bar for guests, a Moen AquaSuite filtering faucet in the kitchen will provide filtered water at your sink -virtually eliminating the need for bottled water.

The Perfect Powder Room After the kitchen, the next most-visited room at your dinner party is the powder room, or guest half-bath. To add a green flair here, Riley recommends: * Enhancing the mood of your soiree with candles -- not only do they soften the lighting and add a festive flair; but they also are electricity-free. * Incorporating ceramic tile in floors, countertops and walls. Some ceramic tiles are made from recycled products, such as discarded bottle glass. * Installing electronic faucets or faucets certified to meet WaterSense criteria to conserve water. The hands-free Destiny electronic powder room faucet from ShowHouse by Moen features a sleek, minimalist design and a distinctly-styled spout that produces a sheeting water flow -- providing water only when it is needed. Another earth-friendly option, Moen's new Rothbury bath faucet, allows water to flow at an optimized 1.5 gallons per minute (gpm), versus traditional aerators that flow at 2.2 gpm. This faucet, certified to meet WaterSense criteria, not only reduces water usage by up to 32 percent, but it also is extremely stylish and available in a number of on-trend finishes.

Earth-Friendly Entertaining Once your decorating is complete, it's time to add a few, final green touches to your event: * Invite an acoustic guitarist to play at the party -- not only will it give your event a more intimate feel, it will also conserve energy. * Buy beverages in aluminum cans and glass bottles that can be recycled; and create a "festive" reminder for guests to dispose of these items in a recycling bin. Finally, remember that every little bit counts -- and by showing your guests a glamorous -- and green -- experience, you can empower them to follow in your eco-conscious footsteps. For more information on Moen's eco-friendly faucets or to request a Moen sustainability brochure, visit or call (800) BUY-MOEN (800-289-6636). Courtesy of ARAcontent


Merry Christmas from the staff of

LIVE Magazine


Lavish Gifts ON A



t's holiday shopping season again, and for those of us that love to give life's little luxuries as gifts, the economic downturn may affecting our plans. But luxurious doesn't necessarily equal expensive. With a little ingenuity you can give lavish gifts on a limited budget. Luxuries are the items that go above and beyond the necessities. They make life more comfortable and can take your troubles away, at least for a little bit. Spirits, jewels and personal care items are all wonderful holiday gifts that can fit into even a small giving budget.

Candles: Everything -- dinner, a bath, reading a book -- is better by candlelight. Candles make great gifts, but the high end versions are priced anywhere from $60 to $600. Why pay for a designer candle when you can design your own to fit the style of your gift recipient? Find a gently scented candle in an inexpensive clear or frosted glass container. Embellish the outer glass with beautiful paper, small faux gems or natural items for a one-of-a-kind gift.

Jewelry: Pearls are among the more affordable, and appreciated, holiday jewelry choices. Freshwater pearls are the most versatile of all pearl varieties and come in many shapes and colors such as white, pink, lavender and even black. offers freshwater pearl necklaces, bracelets, earrings and sets starting at just $19. For a different look, try cultured akoya pearls. Every woman, no matter what her age or style, should have a beautiful strand of pearls. is the first western company in the world to own an akoya pearl farm, enabling them to produce the highest quality pearls. A classic strand of black or white akoya pearls from starts at just $170.

Spices: What better way to add a pinch of luxury to your everyday dinner than with rich, exotic spices? In the case of spices, less is more and small containers go a long way. Check out local Asian, Indian and African markets for affordable options (as well as recommendations on how to use them) or shop online for great deals. Hot chilies, vibrant yellow saffron, Indian garam masala and sage are all high-impact and versatile spices.

Designer goods: Plenty of designers are lending their names to collections sold at discount retail outlets. So, go ahead and buy a designer jacket as a gift, but make sure it's from your nearest big box store instead of a pricey boutique. You'll get the name and the label without spending thousands of dollars.

Soap: Boxes of "luxury" soap can cost $50 or more. Visit your local natural foods store and purchase a few bars of creamy goats' milk soap. Find some beautiful fabric remnants to wrap the soap in and seal up your package with a fleur-de-lis sticker for a low cost replica of boutique soap. Look for sales at your favorite store and surf around for great deals online., for example, offers pearls up to 80 percent off retail price. When it comes to luxury, go with quality over quantity. Instead of a leather coat, buy a pair of cashmere lined leather gloves. Instead of a designer satchel bag, scale down with a small designer clutch. And remember, time is the ultimate luxury. A "gift certificate" promising to make a candlelight dinner or to watch the kids so someone can have a relaxing bubble bath is often the best and most heartfelt luxury of them all. Courtesy of ARAcontent


Because of His Mercies "It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in Him. The Lord is good unto them that seeketh Him." Lamentation 3:22-25 I’m just in awe of God. When I think what a wonderful gift the Father has given us, I am grateful beyond words. Everything we know and love is supported by this gift. It’s called the Gift of Life. It is God’s giving of Himself. He is life, a conscious understanding of existence. In the beginning there was nothing else but God, and He alone knew the possibilities, for he alone possessed them. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. The Bible says that the light shined out of darkness, and darkness comprehended it not. Darkness had no way of knowing the possibilities life possessed. The life of God expresses itself as “light” in the lives of every believer, but darkness will never comprehend it. Light was saying in essence, you only exist to be a backdrop to my potential. Never able to fully understand where this unshakeable love, never ending peace, and overwhelming joy comes from. In a world, ( the backdrop) that is full of pain, fear and despair life gives us the opportunity not only to see but to be seen. God intended for our light to be glaring. Literally blinding our view and the view of anyone else 10

by Dr. Dora Sanders Hill

curious of what darkness was behind us. If we didn’t testify others would have no way of knowing. One writer said, “I don’t look like, what I’ve been through.” Glory to God! No one else in the entire universe has the ability to give a gift of this magnitude. Life, a collection of days, each comprised of a collection of moments, each moment transforming into a series of events. Each event producing a circumstance that will ultimately become a destiny. Eternal life, a destiny that has been divinely ordained and perfectly selected by the Father Himself. No need for us to inquire any further when the question of “why” arises. For He alone is the author and the finisher of our Faith. The answer can only be found in the mind of God, and we understand His ways are past our finding out. But there is one clue as we search for the reason which leads us to an ultimate conclusion... Lamentations 3:19-23 - The thought of my suffering and homeless is bitter beyond words. I will never forget this awful time, as I grieve over my loss. Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. Dr. Dora Sanders Hill ©2008. All rights reserved.

Relationship Coaching by 11

Shelby M. Hill, CEC


ove…what does it mean? There are so many definitions and a platitude of variations of love, how do we know how to receive it or give it? The dictionary has 28 definitions the word Love. It defines Love as verb (with object), Love as a verb (without object) and as a noun. The common definition for Love is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. A passionate affection for another person…what about yourself?

complete understanding of the intangible things that are important to you that you can appreciate the values of others and exchange love accordingly. By loving yourself, you are in total control of what kind of life experiences you have and the quality of relationships you embrace. You accept total responsibility for whom you allow in your space and why. It is only because you love yourself will you likely attract the most comparable people into your circle of friendships, professional relationships and romance. I’m not saying that you will share the same exact values as all of the people you encounter but, you will have a common foundation of many things that matter and that is how healthy relationships are developed and sustained.

Most of us are raised to think of others first, be aware of how we make others feel, make sure we demonstrate “love” and affection to others. We are not shown truly how to love ourselves in the essence of Love. For this, we become adults that do not understand how to give or receive love. Our distorted view of what love is follows us from relationship to relationship, to heartbreak, abused, used, mistreated and hardened. Remember we are taught to treat others with love and respect but, we do not know how to treat Ourselves with love and respect. It is only until you learn what it means to Love Yourself, can you truly give and receive love. We master the way we act very easily. We practice it daily. We’ve master how we treat others, we’ve been program to do so within specific guidelines. When someone says hello to you, you say hello in return. When you do something to hurt someone, you say you’re sorry. However, you are challenged to learn yourself. When someone hurts you emotionally you try to understand why and you try to change your behavior to prevent them from hurting you again.

Take a moment and write down 10 of your most important values regarding a relationship. Then think about whether you apply those values to yourself regularly. When you’re done, think about your mate and speculate if your mate has similar values. Then, ask your mate to do the same. Once he/she is done, share your values with one another and discuss the ones you have in common, and discuss the ones that may not be on the list. But before you share please tell yourself, “Self, I have not loved you as much as I should. From this day forward I will Love you FIRST” and then you will understand how to give and receive Love. Mother Teresa once said, “It is not how much we do, but how much love we put into doing it. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.” Love Yourself, you deserve it!

Imagine if you really knew how to Love Yourself. Most likely another person could not hurt or disrespect you. Imagine that you have established and mastered your values, and you’ve enhanced your consciousness to love you in addition to how you give and receive love. How would that feel? It is because of your

Shelby M. Hill © 2008. All rights reserved. 12



by Dr. B. J. Relefourd



raciously accepting the challenge of finding the perfect gift will have a much different tone this year. I believe this to be a season of giving with planning and purpose.

Don’t allow yourself to get caught up in the holiday music, and over-spend. Remember your name is attached to whatever bills you accrue and when December 25th is over, and all of the feasting is done, you don’t want to be in debt to creditors.

Mind you, I still see the little boys and girls eyes sparkling as the commercials of the numerous “hot items” are flashed across the screen. I still smell the fragrance of excitement in the air, as children are preparing for this most exuberant season.

So become wise men and women:

Yet with wisdom and purpose, consumers this year must make some very crucial decisions. These decisions which reflect the economic status of our nation. It brings to mind the statement we hear so often, that sadly in some cases, it has become a cliché :


Pray for wisdom


Set a budget and stick to it


Become Creative


Don’t stress

Jesus Is The Reason For The Season. What has happened to knitting the perfect item for a child? Preserving that special fruit for a friend ? What has happened to making coupons for a family member to be redeemed throughout the year? What has become of the season which has Jesus’ name attached to it?

These few tips may seem elementary, yet if applied properly, you will have a good name in the coming year. Your name shall be called blessed. You will not have debt hanging on to you. You will walk into the new year with a changed attitude, and ready to conquer what lies ahead. We don’t know what the future holds for our economy but we know who holds the future. And his name is attached to it..

When the wise men came, they brought gifts unto the King. This season has provoked many to become wise men and women. We must never forget that Christmas has the name of Christ first and foremost.

Dr. BJ Relefourd ©2008 All rights reserved.




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An Interview with

Robin Ware




obin M. Ware, CMP, is the President of The Ware Agency – ATLANTA. The Ware Agency – ATLANTA is a full service agency that assists churches and ministries with conference planning, marketing and leadership training. Though she launched her agency full time in 2005, Robin has had the pleasure of conducting workshops, speaking at conferences and serving as an event consultant to churches and ministries for almost 15 years. A graduate of Purdue University’s Hospitality Management program, Robin has had the pleasure of working in her field since graduating with her Bachelor of Science degree. She worked for Marriott Hotels for 10 years in Sales, Kennesaw State University as the Director of Special Events to the President for 5 years and New Birth Church Atlanta for Bishop Eddie Long as the Director of Events and Conference for 2.5 years. In June 2006, she released her first book, The Administrator which is a tool for church administrators to serve their Pastor and ministry leaders in excellence. In October 2006, she released her second book, Hosting Church Folk which is a resource manual for hospitality professionals and hosted her first conference, The Administrator and Hosting Church Folk with 22 attendees. In 2007, she recorded her first DVD, Lady Etiquette presents Fine Dining which is a creative resource DVD that presents a hands on approach to preparing for a fine dining experience. Later that year, she hosted her second annual conference renamed The Excellence Conference with 88 attendees and authored her third book, Excellence in Event Planning which is quickly becoming a must have conference planning manual for all event and conference planners. In 2008, she heard the word of the Lord, and produced her first cross over DVD for business professionals and the church community titled Lady Etiquette presents Business Etiquette and Professional Decorum. This business tool presents all the tips to launch a marketing campaign and conduct business using professional etiquette. Always planning ahead, she is currently working out the details for her 3rd Annual Excellence Conference which will be held November 13-15 in Atlanta and a new website, An avid reader, she enjoys reading 2-3 books a month, going to the movies, traveling and shopping!


LM: You served as Director of Events and Conferences at New Birth with Bishop Eddie Long. What was that experience like?

LM: What inspired you to start The Ware Agency? RW: I always worked with clients on the side when I worked my full time corporate jobs. In 2003, I was downsized and decided to step out on faith and launch the Ware Agency ATLANTA full time.

RW: Awesome! I had a ball and thank God for the opportunity.

LM: What products and services does The Ware Agency provide?

LM: How did you connect with Pastor William H. Murphy, III?

RW: We provide Hospitality, Administration, Marketing and Event Planning training and products. Our products include books, DVD's and on-on-one training. We also host and sponsor The Excellence Conference every November for church leaders, workers and small business owners.

RW: We met at New Birth. He was the Praise and Worship Leader. He and his wife asked me to serve as their Personal Assistant – they were one of my "on the side" clients – and we have been together ever since! LM: Lady Etiquette, who is she and how was she developed?

LM: How did "excellence" become your craft? RW: From a young age, my Mother and Grandmother taught me to always be the best and do the best at whatever I was doing. Literally, if it didn't meet their specifications, they would make me start over. I learned quickly that it paid to do whatever the task with an excellent spirit and in an excellent way.

RW: Lady Etiquette is a new brand that I created because of my love for etiquette. I teach Etiquette workshops and have written a book on the topic as well. My friends tease me and call me Lady Etiquette so the name just stuck. I launched a new website this fall introducing her to the world –

LM: Tell us about the Excellence Conference you hosted recently in Atlanta, GA

LM: As a woman entrepreneur what has been your biggest challenge? Greatest accomplishment?

RW: Incredible! This was our 3rd year and it just keeps getting better and better. I invite speakers to join me and we teach on our core specialties of Hospitality, Administration, Marketing and Event Planning. The conference is attended by those in ministry that serve in the Helps area – Hospitality, Security, Event Planning, Armor Bearers and Administrators. This year we added a focus for small business owners.

RW: My biggest challenge has been wearing the hats of Owner, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Marketing Officer and Public Relations Specialist. I am everything! My greatest accomplishment is making my clients happy! I love teaching and working with clients that have a heart to do better and be better. LM: Is there anything you would do differently if you were to start your business all over again?

LM: A day in the life of Robin Ware, what does that look like?

RW: To be honest, no. I have enjoyed every step so far and I know it is from these experiences that have made me who I am today.

RW: I'm an internet junkie so 99% of what I do, is done online so I get online immediately and check email and begin working my To Do List. I always have a To Do List so that I can handle my business needs and those of my church, The dReam Center church of ATLANTA where I serve my Pastor, William Murphy, as the Executive Administrator.

LM: Are there any plans for The Ware Agency to go global? RW: Absolutely! I am going to introduce a network for ministry workers and small business owners to go to and learn the latest tools and network for future opportunities.


It’s A New Day In Design

by Teresa Perkins process. A professional Interior Designer (I.D.) will ask what colors they like, what style (classic, trendy, modern, etc.), and what size furniture they have, for starters. The I.D. will consider if their furniture will fit properly in the allotted space, what type of treatment the windows will need (wood blinds or shutters, etc.) and floor treatment options (carpet or tile and if so what kind).

Have you noticed lately how interior decorating is everywhere from magazines to commercials to special cable networks dedicated strictly to home improvement and design? The world of decorating has become a new phenomenon. It’s fascinating, there are decorating shows on every hour of the day, it’s a wonderful thing and I’m excited to see that so many people want to live their best life.

In most situations, a client has just purchased a home or they have been in the home for five to ten years and realize it’s time to add some spice to their surroundings. In the past, interior design was primarily for the wealthy; it was intimidating to most consumers. Service fees are based on your needs and they may be more reasonable than you think. Every client has different needs, some may need to add new paint, pillows, window treatments and custom furniture; others may only need to have existing furnishings rearranged.

Consumers are going back to the good ole’ days and spending more quality time with family and friends, using their homes for movie and game night, birthday parties and holiday functions. Decorating has become the new fashion trend. In the last five years, Interior Design has evolved into a huge industry and a world of its own. For every room, there are hundreds of styles, colors and fabrics to choose from which makes the process of designing a room or an entire home more challenging. A good way to start decorating is to create a dream board. Go through different magazines and circle what you like. Cut out your selections and put them on a cork board (or something similar). Discuss it with your family to get a consensus before you begin.

Then there are some clients who just don’t have the time or patience to select color schemes, or shop around town for that perfect sofa to match those fabulous accessories they bought six months ago. At any rate, you may find that interior design fits your budget. When selecting an Interior Designer, be honest and advise them of what colors and styles you really like. You’re paying for a service and your happiness is important. A Designer’s job is to implement the client’s vision and incorporate that with their individual expertise. Remember they are hired to service you, the client, creatively and professionally. For a professional consultation, please contact Teresa of Royal T Interiors at or call, 1-888-372-1555.

If you choose to paint, try a splash of paint on an area that no one can see but you—trust me, you’ll surprise yourself! Have fun with your choices. Remember, if you find it’s too challenging for you, there’s no need to panic. Contact a professional and you can sit back, relax and let them do all the work. This is when training, experience and education is essential. When a client decides to decorate, they need to understand the 20

Who Gets the by Zachary Pullins, Sr.


on’t you just hate it when you’ve done all of the heavy lifting to complete a project and your boss takes all of the credit for your hard work and gives you none of the credit? How about when you’re playing an important game, you throw a key block, make a game saving tackle or pass the ball to the open team mate and the game is won on your skill and decisiveness? Then the team hoists the other guy upon their shoulders. All these things upset us, but nowhere near the level of disappointment of God.

lord thy God is a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generations of them that hate Him and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love Him and keep His commandments. You may be asking yourself what, if anything, this has to do with you or Christmas. For many years the confused people of the United States of America, as well as confused people across the globe have neglected to remember the Lord. How so you may be asking yourself? When the anointed blessings of God are considered luck, then you have forgotten the Lord. When credit is given to everyone but the Lord, you have failed to remember the Lord. When you fail to reflect on your last breath, step, touch, sight or taste you fail to remember the Lord. Christians can be the biggest hypocrites at Christmas time. We forget Deuteronomy 8:18 says: But thou shall remember the Lord thy God: for it is He that gives thee power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore unto our fathers, as it is this day. What does this mean? It is Christmas time when we elevate Santa Claus, also known as Satan Claus, above God and His only begotten Son. We even elevate this mythical figure above ourselves and tell ourselves it is really alright.

In Deuteronomy chapter 8:11 God says; beware that you do not forget the Lord your God, in not keeping His commandments, His judgments and His statutes that He commands this day. The first of the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:2-6 warns us as follows; I am the Lord thy God, which have brought out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto you any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for the


Continued from the previous page


don’t believe I have ever seen this mythical figure work by the sweat of his brow to provide for his family like mankind so often does. How can so many of us give credit for the hard work and sheer God-given genius to a fictitious character. We do it with the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy. We continue to allow our children, which are a heritage from God, believe that which is spun from whole cloth. Who gets the credit is more about you than it is about God. God doesn’t demand credit, He asks for something much more valuable and that’s the honor, praise and worship. Nothing you do is possible without God, His power and His love. Psalms 24:1 says: the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.

belongs to God. If your children observe you putting God first, they will as well. Lets break the world’s model and call God’s blessings; God’s blessings and not chalk them up as luck. God gave us His Son; He’s the reason for the season, every single season in your life. Let’s celebrate ourselves, our families, our friends, our loved ones, the gift of Christ and most importantly our loving God and His continued blessings.

What’s my point? It’s really very, very simple. Ephesians 6:4 states: and, ye fathers provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. It means putting God first in thought, speech, mind and deed. Basically, giving no one the honor, glory, praise, majesty and worship that

Zachary Pullins, Sr ©2008. All rights reserved.

Until next month dear hearts, friends and loved ones, keep it real and keep it Christ!



Surviving the Holiday


t’s that time of year again! As people around the globe plan for the holiday season, they’ll be surrounded by an array of sumptuous calorie-laden and unhealthy food offerings from late November through New Year’s Day. From office parties to traditional get-togethers at home, many look forward to their holiday favorites. If you plan to partake in the holiday offerings, now is the time to evaluate your options for reducing the impact, or look forward to piling on an additional five to ten pounds.

is because her doctor says she is in need of a lifestyle makeover. She was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Her doctor says she needs to modify her eating habits and start exercising to control her blood sugar levels and to lose a recommended fifty pounds.” “Thanks for sharing my business, li’l sis,” Dorothy said, sounding irritated. “It’s okay, Dorothy. There are millions of others facing the same challenges and health concerns as you. Your doctor is absolutely correct,” Coach Collins stated, “eating the right foods prepared the right way in the right amount, along with exercise will assist you in controlling your diabetes.”

Coach Collins, a renowned fitness consultant, offers her observations and insights into the plight to implement or sustain healthier lifestyle habits during the holiday season. An excerpt of a dialogue between Coach Collins and two sisters interested in acquiring her services, Betty and Dorothy, will help you relate to and understand those common struggles shared to live healthier.

“Coach, for now, I’m just looking for some healthy eating tips that will help me make it through the holiday season,” Dorothy admitted. “I’ll address exercising after the New Year.”

“Hi Coach Collins,” Betty and Dorothy said, entering Coach Collins’ office suite.

“I can definitely share some tips,” Coach Collins said, “but it’s important for you to understand that the pursuit to live healthier should be an integral part of one’s life throughout the year. And, hopefully, that is your intent.”

“Hi Ladies,” Coach Collins responded, as she motioned for the two sisters to have a seat. “It’s great to finally meet you, Coach. Betty’s co-workers have said some wonderful things about you,” Dorothy said. “That’s why she’s been pressuring me to start a fitness program with her. With holidays like Christmas and New Year’s occurring in the next few weeks, I’m not sure this is a good time to do so.”

“I know that’s right,” Betty stated. “Food and festivity will always be a major part of the holiday season, but a little planning can go a long way in helping you to implement and continue healthy habits,” Coach Collins said. “For now, my goal is help you survive the holiday frenzy. If you’re like most, you’re facing a holiday season that will be busy and stressful.”

Betty quickly interrupted, “Coach, it’s more to the story than what my sister is telling you. The reason I’ve been pressuring her 23

Continued from previous page

“Dorothy has a husband and three kids and a lot of obligations vying for her attention which probably contributes to poor lifestyle habits. It’s harder for her to figure out how to eat healthier and devote time to becoming physically active. Her day starts at five o’clock in the morning and ends at midnight. As a single person, I don’t have the daily challenges and struggles she’s expected to manage,” Betty stressed.

“Give yourself an early gift. Make it a priority to do some type of activity every day that increases your movement. Physical activity is a major factor in both stabilizing your weight and preventing weight gain during the holiday season,” Coach Collins said. “Coach, what are some good tips for eating healthier?” Betty asked.

“With all of those things under consideration, it’s all about time management,” Coach Collins responded.

“One important tip is not to skip breakfast. Skipping breakfast causes you to spend the rest of your day trying to play catch up, and that usually results in overeating. Beginning your day with breakfast will jump-start your metabolism, and may fill you up better so that you'll eat less during the day. A good start is a bowl of whole grain cereal or oatmeal with low-fat or soy milk, and fresh fruit like a banana, apple or orange.”

“Time management is hard enough without the consideration of the holidays,” Dorothy said. “Although we’re in the height of the holiday season, you can start making modifications to your unfavorable lifestyle habits,” Coach Collins said. “Before I talk to you about eating, though, I want to stress the importance of becoming physically active now, which will help you maintain and/or reduce your weight and control your blood sugar. Once the New Year arrives, you will be in a better position to take your fitness to the next level.”

“All that sounds good, but when we’re at Aunt Sally’s for Christmas it’s one big pot-luck – a festivity with fried turkey, ham, roast and all of the trimmings – cornbread dressing, potato salad, candied sweet potatoes, and broccoli-rice casserole and an array of desserts like German chocolate cake, pecan pie, and apple pie. And, for New Year’s we eat an array of Soul Food to include chitlins.”

“Coach, how can I just keep it simple? Like I said earlier, I’m not interested in the exercise component right now,” Dorothy reiterated.

“I understand. During the holiday season, there’s food everywhere – healthy and unhealthy. To establish the discipline you’ll need to let the healthy prevail, start eating more nutritious foods every day by centering meals on seasonal vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans and low-fat dairy products. Eat smaller servings of the high-fat, high-calorie foods you love, or eat them less often, or try healthier substitutes. When the time arrives for your family dinner, neighborhood get-together or an office party, you will be better equipped not to pile your plate as high with the unhealthy foods.”

“Coach, she might not be interested, but I am,” Betty interjected. “Don’t think of it as exercising. Think of it as taking small steps to get you moving more. One option is make a commitment to move ten to twenty minutes each day while at work. You and/or a group of your co-workers can get started by walking around the inside perimeter of your office building (or outside, if weather permits) during lunch breaks. Not only does this help you and others to get moving, it will also help give you a mental break that can reduce stress caused by the thoughts and activities surrounding your holiday undertakings. Other options to help you get moving include parking your car the farthest distance you can from the mall; taking the stairs instead of the elevator; taking a walk before a meal, and another one afterwards; dancing to your favorite holiday tunes before it’s time to start getting ready for your day.”

“You’ve given us some great tips to think about, Coach,” Betty said. “Thank you so much for taking the time to visit with us. We’ll look forward to working more in-depth with you the first of the year to expand our coverage of healthier living.” “Sounds like a plan. For now, with some planning, you can make it through the holidays without gaining weight. So, don’t be afraid to attend that holiday brunch, eclectic potluck, or traditional feast. You can be healthy and enjoy the holiday season.”

“Coach, I think we can definitely do some of those things,” Betty said, looking at Dorothy for confirmation. “Yeah, right,” Dorothy responded.

This health and fitness dialogue is provided for your consideration only. It is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care provider. Please consult your health care provider for advice about your specific health and fitness needs.

“To help you maintain your commitment and consistency, schedule those times you plan to get moving on your calendar and don't let anything brush them aside. One excellent way to gauge how successful you are with moving more is to start wearing a pedometer. Your goal is to walk 10,000 steps per day,” Coach Collins stated. “You can purchase one at your local Walmart or sporting store.”

Fitness coach Bridgette Collins is the author of Imagine Living Healthier and Destined to Live Healthier, two entertaining and inspiring novels that uses fictional characters to motivate readers to make healthy lifestyle choices. For more healthy living tips, go to For general health and fitness questions, please feel free to email Coach Collins at

“I’ll do good to walk one hundred steps per day,” Dorothy said, laughing.


LIVE Literature




AND... by Rhonda White, CNHP Many saints in the Kingdom are dealing with EXCESS Body WEIGHT,Mental WEIGHT, Emotional WEIGHT, RelationSHIP WEIGHT and Financial WEIGHT, as well as stress from WAITing for your new job or promotion, WAITing for your Boaz, for a Financial Breakthru and WAITing on the fulfillment of God's promises to you!

READ: Is. 54:17; Rom. 8; Colossians 2:15 and Luke 10:18-19

Remember these truths : RELAX, God is in charge, for if He allowed it, then why are you worried about it? He knows all, hears all and sees all, for NOTHING catches Him by surprise! You're in a FIX, for your life has been pre-recorded so chill out. KNOW that you are victorious and can never lose, no matter what is happening all around you. Keep your eyes on the Light and know You're in a FIXED Fight!

If you are really READY to find out How to GET RID of the burden of the WEIGHT and WAIT in your Life, keep reading! NO MORE WEIGHT WEIGHT - means heaviness, burdens, something loaded down on someone, to carry, to be oppressed, pushed down or excess "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses (people are watching you) to the life of our faith, let us strip off (lay aside) every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us!" (Hebrews 12:1-2 NLT)

I Corinthians 6 says we are the Temple of the Holy Ghost and we must get rid of the excess weight and bloatedness. If you can't control your eating and discipline yourselves enough to want to take care of the body God entrusted in your care, people may wonder how can you train and teach them what they should do. Whether you like it or not, people are looking at some of us getting out of breath preaching, standing, with swollen feet and sick healing the sick. Scientists have found 80-90% of diseases are preventable and begin from a bloated colon/belly! Excess weight can also cause other burdens on your body organs (heart, liver, kidneys etc). I was a size 20 and God blessed me to go to a size 14 (see my website).

What are you concerned about and Mentally WEIGHTed down with? What's bothering and frustrating you? Want a mate? (become the type of mate you want to attract first) Want your current mate to act better? (become the change you want to see smile).... Whatever is bothering you, YOU MUST GIVE IT TO GOD TODAY because your mouth and hands can mess it up.

continued on the next page


Continued from the previous page Cleansing your INNER body (colon, blood, liver and de-worming yearly) is just as important as showering the outer twice a day! (When John Wayne died of colon cancer, his colon Weighed over 79 lbs. with old waste). We de-worm our dogs/cats, but forget ourselves, although some of our parents gave us worm medicine each year!

get discouraged! Help them with prayer, money, counsel, sales, referrals, ideas, marketing, advertising and whatever else is needed. If everyone mentored one person a month to help them Soar2More, our world would be a much better place. With the economy drama now, God is making us help each other more and use our creativity to birth witty inventions because jobs and the stock market are not certain.

Cleansing then building the immune system = A HEALTHY BODY ready for Kingdom Work!

Also as God told me a few years ago, begin to "CREATE While you WAIT, for Creativity is a form of Intimacy with God!"

There child Jesus grew up HEALTHY and Strong. He was filled with Wisdom beyond his years, and God placed His special Favor upon him. Luke 2:40 NLT

God wants to take you higher, are you ready in your Mind, Body and Spirit? THIS IS YOUR TIME, YOUR SEASON AND YOUR TURN to Lose all the “weights” and the stress from waiting out of your life once and for all.

It is hard to run the race that is set before us and to progress if we are WEIGHTed down. When mind, body and spirit become weighted it is all related and affects each other!

"My people are Destroyed for a lack of knowledge...but some rejected it..." Hosea 4:6-7

Be Encouraged in your WAITing! WAIT - sitting in one place doing nothing, looking out for something or hoping for something or to serve. (WAITress on God through serving others) But those who WAIT on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly (soar) high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 (NLT)

I love you and believe in the God in you. The devil wants you to move slow and weighted down. To be in the bed sick, to cancel appointments/opportunities because of colds, sore throats, hoarseness, weak immune systems, diabetes complications, eye problems, headaches, asthma attacks, high blood pressure & etc., but you are healed and you will help you stay healthy!

Now, about WAITing on the Lord; begin to shift from worry, weary sitting WAITing and start WAITtressing - Serving and Waiting on the Lord through helping and serving on others!

God bless you and don't dare give up - just GO UP, for someone out there needs your gifts, anointing and your light. LET IT SHINE, LET IT SHINE, LET IT SHINE!!!

Commit to mentoring and help at least one person or minister each month to make sure the vision God has given them is not aborted, miscarried or still born. Also to make sure they don't give up and

Rhonda White ©2008. All rights reserved.





Austrian Luxury HOTEL SACHER

by Cheryl A. Pullins


At the Hotel Sacher we combine tradition, luxury, style and Viennese charm with comfort and pleasure. We are very much looking forward to welcoming you as a guest in one of our 5-star Austrian Hotels or in one of our Original Sacher Cafés!

Since 1934, the hotel has been run by the Gürtler family. They are dedicated to maintaining the tradition of the world-famous hotel. In the spirit of tradition, two women are running the 5-star hotels, Elisabeth Gürtler and Alexandra Winkler. They are putting a lot of love and effort into the business.

The only thing remaining is the changes. Both the hotels in Salzburg and Vienna are particularly classical in character. This does not at all mean that they are steeped only in tradition; in fact, the Sacher Corporation prides itself on its steady development and its adherence to the most modern standards within the luxury hotel class.

The glamour of the hotel attracts today, as in the past, numerous prominent and important personalities into the Hotel Sacher. Our hotel enjoys a great deal of popularity during state visits and audiences. Also our proximity to the Vienna Opera House regularly attracts "VIPs" into the Sacher. Anna Sacher, the legendary first Manager of the hotel requested any particularly prominent guest to sign the tablecloth in the reception and begin with this a tradition which is continued even today. Since the 19th century, four tablecloths have been filled, densely signed and embroidered with interesting names. They are carefully treasured in the Hotel Sacher.

The Sacher cafés are much more than mere coffee houses: in addition to the main café in the Hotel Sacher in Vienna, there is a Sacher Café also awaiting you in Salzburg, Graz and Innsbruck. These cafes are our “embassies”, as here you do not only enjoy coffee culture at the highest level and get to taste our Original Sacher-Torte but can also obtain the numerous Original Sacher products on offer. In 1876, the Hotel Sacher in Vienna was established by Eduard Sacher, son of the creator of the Original Sacher-Torte, a unique chocolate cake with a thin layer of apricot jam. In 1880, Eduard’s 21-year old wife took over the hotel and established its noble reputation. “I am the Master in the house,” the Grande Dame of the Sacher-dynasty is known to have said. She loved cigars and little dogs; some say she owned several hundreds of them!




For Art’s Sake

COLUMNS HAVE NAMES On this adventure we're going to talk about Greek Architecture and how we use this architecture today in our modern world. I have a question to ask. Did you know columns have different names and styles; names such as Doric, Ionic and Corinthian. columns in ancient Greece were a prominent feature for Greek temples. The ancient Greeks constructed these temples along very specific lines with modified meanings both religious and secular connotations. Over the centuries the Greeks used three different styles of columns on their buildings, which are also called Oders. The earliest and the most easiest recognized column is the Doric. The Doric column was known to have a plain base or no base at all. Doric columns were used in 19th century America during a phase known as Classicism. These columns appear on government buildings to suggest justice. A great example of this style of building can be seen at Thomas Jefferson's Monticello in Charlottesville, Virginia. The next phase of the column was a more elaborate style called the Ionic Order. This column is known by a decorated base, elaborate scroll (Volutes) at the top, and a continuous frieze ( a horizontal band of decoration of a room, building, mantel, etc). These types of columns are used at museums and libraries. Public institutions chose these columns to convey an image of being learned and civilized. If you are ever in Cincinnati Ohio, locate the Cincinnati Life Insurance headquarters, this is one of the best examples of the Ionic column. The last and the most elaborate of all the columns would be the Corinthian style which originated in the city of Corinth in the late 5th century. Corinthian columns are similar to the Ionic columns except for the capitals (capitals are the top of a column or pillar), which have and leafy floral design. This order would become most popular under the Roman Empire and continues to be used today in context with ostentatious designs (done for a display intended to impress). The most wonderful example of a Corinthian column with the best capital is the General Post Office in New York City. So the next time you see a museum, government building, library or a church try to guess what the order is on top of it's columns. Is it a Doric, Ionic or a Corinthian column, you make the call. If you don't know what the order is, you still looked at the column and recognized it as a piece of art. Until next time as we continue on our adventure for Art Sake, look up.

Lea M. Lucas Š2008. All rights reserved.



LIVE Magazine Luxury Living for Kingdom Lifestyles A PUBLICATION OF THE PULLINS 32 MEDIA GROUP

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