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million, and LGU Placer P300,000. Three Farmer Cooperatives and Associations
As we continue to actively respond to COVID-19, we must ensure routine immunizations continue, in order to stop vaccinepreventable diseases like measles, polio, and meningitis, and avert
xx the risk of multiple disease outbreaks. #VaccinesWork to bring us
closer. (WHO/DOH)
The Philippines maintains its Tier 1 Ranking in the United States’ 2022 Trafficking in Persons Report. The country is among the 30 countries in Tier 1, “whose governments fully meet the Trafficking Victims Protection Act’s minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking.” The report mentions various efforts of the Philippines including identifying more victims than in 2020, drafting standard operating procedures (SOPs) on the identification and monitoring of trafficking-related corruption cases, sentencing nearly all traffickers to significant prison terms, creating an executive-level Department of Migrant Workers, establishing the Integrated Case Management System, and holding virtual focus group discussions with trafficking survivors to seek feedback on protection services, among others.
The High Value Crops Development (HVCD) Program is one of the banner programs of the Department of Agriculture created to help address food security, poverty alleviation and sustainable growth. It helps to promote production, processing, marketing and distribution of high value crops. Strategically, HVCDP helps to increase income, creates livelihood opportunity and contributes to national agricultural development of the Philippines.