PCOO Mulls virtual media convention to highlight breakthrough on news delivery amid pandemic Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) Secretary Martin Andanar on Monday said that the PCOO is considering the conduct of a virtual media conference patterned after the first National Information Convention held last 2018 in Davao City.
radio, television and online news portals,” he added. On February 19, 2018, In a radio interview, PCOO launched the very Secretary Andanar urged media practitioners to take first NIC in Davao City which aimed to strengthen part in this “collab” where the state of the information the partnership between public and private sector and communication communicators. technology in the country may be discussed. With the restrictions posed by the COVID-19 “I think it would be very exciting to hear the insights pandemic, Secretary Andanar said that they of everyone, especially will consider a virtual that the first National conference that will be Information Convention broadcasted live on-air by was about three years partner media entities for ago,” he said. the public to witness the said event as well. “I am sure that there are new breakthrough ideas that our media partners have implemented, including best practices that they have applied in news delivery through Caraga INFOCUS
The PCOO chief added that it was through the NIC where the government was able to gather information on relevant
issues that need to be addressed in order to upgrade the capability of government media and public information officers. One of the results of the NIC was PCOO’s decision to build the first Government Communications Academy. a “The NIC led to the creation of the Government Communications Academy because the overwhelming demand raised during that time was upgrading of skills for government information officers and strengthening the relationship between government and private media,” he said. September 18-24, 2021 |