Carambuco ediciones El Cep i la Nansa edicions
EL CEP I LA NANSA / CARAMBUCO is a publishing house with more than 30 years of experience in publishing books known for their quality and proximity. From the very beginning its essence is to be an accessible culture referent. The collection of books for children is growing rapidly within last few years and based on three leading lines: Infant books (board books) Picture books Fairytales adapted to sign language (Catalan and Spanish) In Spain we are the reference in terms of inclusion and accessibility of reading.
Carambuco ediciones C/ Santa Eulàlia, 3, bajos 08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú Barcelona Tel: (+34) 93 814 10 88 CESCA MESTRES Editor XAVIER AROLA CEO International Rights Manager
TODDLER 1 - 4 years |
p. 14
ILLUSTRATED POETRY +2 years | p. 20 PICTURE BOOKS +3 years | p. 26 SIGN LANGUAGE +3 years | p. 48 MIDDLE GRADE +8 years | p. 56
Respectful parenting | Bienvenido, señor Malestar Stories to help kids grow up respectful and happy.
NEW! Jealousy
Welcome Mr. Upset Míriam Tirado | Joan Turu
Board book | 1+ | 26 pages | 17.5 x 22 cm | 978-84-17766-22-1 Ever since Max’s little sister was born, his character seems to have changed. He can’t figure out what has happened to him. Sometimes he feels sad, other times he gets angry and every day he has some clash with his Mum. She is having the same problem, she is struggling to connect with her son. It gets to such a point that, suddenly, a little elf appears out of nowhere with a suitcase and a hat and introduces himself as Mr. Upset.
Baba no quiero dormir | Respectful parenting
2nd Edition +8.000 copies sold
Sleepy time
Baba I don’t want to sleep Míriam Tirado | Joan Turu
Board book | 1+ | 26 pages | 17.5 x 22 cm | 978-84-17766-14-6 Baba is the owl in charge of the night who protects all the world’s children while they are asleep. But there is a problem: many children do not want to go to bed, and all for different reasons. That is also wearing out their parents. Baba tells us an infallible secret to get children off to sleep through breathing exercises and relaxing the body. And the story is accompanied by songs from the group Xiula.
Respectful parenting | La fiesTeta
5th Edition +12.000 copies sold
Bye bye breast
Míriam Tirado | Joan Turu Board book | 1+ | 26 pages | 17.5 x 22 cm | ISBN: 978-84-947414-1-8 A story to help children leave off breastfeeding. Noah’s mum decides it’s time to stop breastfeeding her. This story is an ideal tool to help ease this moment for both mother and baby. To celebrate the end of the breastfeeding phase, they hold a big party.
Tengo un volcàn | Respectful parenting
7th Edition +23.000 copies sold
I have a volcano Míriam Tirado | Joan Turu
Board book | 1+ | 26 pages | 17.5 x 22 cm | ISBN: 978-84-948206-9-4 A story to help children deal with their anger. Alba does not know it, but inside her there is a volcano. Sometimes, the volcano ignites. Then that fire burns up everything, and Alba both suffers from it and is frightened by it. But one night, a tiny fairy tells her what she can do when she gets angry, and that little trick will help her discover unexpected sensations.
Respectful parenting | Los pendientes que perdí
The earrings I lost
Sandra Alonso | Cristina G. Cintado Board book | 1+ | 26 pages | 17.5 x 22 cm | 978-84-17766-11-5 Emma and George are very good friends. George wants to wear a pair of earrings, but the terrible reaction of his parents saddens the two friends, who do not understand why they are so negative about it. But then they draw up a plan that will allow George to express his freedom and wear the earrings he wants. A story about friendship and equality.
El SuperNÓ | Respectful parenting
The superNO
Montserrat Balada | Màriam Ben-Arab
Board book | 1+ | 26 pages | 17.5 x 22 cm | 978-84-17766-12-2 Among all the “NOs” in the world, Mia’s was the smallest, weakest and most timid of all. But she is determined to turn it into a big, strong and brave NO! But, how can she do it?
Respectful parenting | ¡Pórtate bien!
The meaning of behave
Susana Peix | Julilustrador Board book | 1+ | 26 pages | 17.5 x 22 cm | 978-84-17766-02-3 This book shows how important is to keep a less authoritarian tone and keep it more respectfully. Moms and dads usually repeat this sentence, time and again to our children: Behave. But, to them, behaving doesn’t have the same meaning as it has to us adults.
¿Dónde está mamá? | Respectful parenting
Mother of a separation
Where’s mummy?
Olga Cercós | Mariona Cabassa
Board book | 1+ | 26 pages | 17.5 x 22 cm | ISBN: 978-84-947414-9-4 A poor little miserable worm has lost his mummy. He looks in the apple where they live, but she is not there! He goes out to look for her and finds different animals along the way who will help him. Where is Mummy?
Respectful parenting | ¡Al ataque!
Let’s board them! Agustín Comotto
Board book | 1+ | 26 pages | 17.5 x 22 cm | ISBN: 978-84-941225-9-0 An ideal story in which boys and girls can use their wild imaginations. Marcos is a pirate who tells us about how, everyday, he tries to be a great pirate in the real world of his home, the park, the bathtub, etc.
Toddler | Hacemos las paces Short stories for the littlest ones, with diversity as the main theme.
Let’s make peace Glòria Fort
Board book | 0 - 4 | 14 pages | 18 x 18 cm | ISBN: 978-84-17766-00-9 A story about dealing with conflict resolution for the littlest ones. With guidance from psychologists, this story sets out the different stages in conflicts between children and how we can help solve them. This is handled through the story of a boy and a girl who both want the same ball.
Mi familia | Toddler
My family Glòria Fort
Board book | 0 - 4 | 14 pages | 18 x 18 cm | ISBN: 978-84-948206-7-0 A story about family diversity for little ones. We all have a family and each one is different. It is a tale that introduces our youngest readers to the fact that there are different family structures: a family with a father and a mother, a family with two mothers, a family with two mothers and two fathers, one-parent families, etc.
Toddler | Voy a la escuela
I’m going to school Glòria Fort
Board book | 0 - 4 | 14 pages | 18 x 18 cm | ISBN: 978-84-948206-4-9 A story about dealing with adapting to school for those going for the first time. For the youngest children, beginning school is exciting, but it also a time of doubts and worries. This story tells of a first day at school: arriving, hanging up our coats, classes, games and toys, stories and painting, fun in the playground and, at the end of the day, being picked up from school.
Mi cumpleaños | Toddler
My birthday
Glòria Fort
Board book | 0 - 4 | 14 pages | 18 x 18 cm | ISBN: 978-84-947414-8-7 A story about birthdays for the littles of the house. A birthday is one of the most exciting days of the year for kids: a day for celebrations and a party! Page after page, this story explains all of our most popular birthday traditions.
Toddler | Feliz navidad
Merry Christmas Glòria Fort
Board book | 0 - 4 | 14 pages | 18 x 18 cm | ISBN: 978-84-947414-3-2 The Christmas story for our youngest children. We discover the most representative traditions: decorating the tree, singing carols, receiving the Three Kings of the Orient, right up to the end of the holidays when we say farewell to Christmas until the next time.
Mis amigos | Toddler
My friends Glòria Fort
Board book | 0 - 4 | 14 pages | 18 x 18 cm | ISBN: 978-84-947414-2-5 A story about diversity aimed at little ones. We have all kinds of friends. We are all different, and at the same time we are equal. With this book little readers will recognize the small differences between humans through normal habits.
¿Qué estoy haciendo? | Illustrated poetry Poetry for our youngest.
What am I doing?
Salvador Comelles | Gibet Ramon
Board book | 0 - 6 | 14 pages | 15.5 x 23 cm | ISBN: 978-84-17766-13-9 “What am I doing?” is a collection of poems that introduces 14 illustrated animals performing an action. Each is accompanied by a small poem of between two and four verses written in a san serif typeface. Each describes these actions in a rhyming and musical way.
Illustrated poetry | Poemas de flores y abejas
Poems of flowers and bees Núria Albertí | Mercè Galí
Board book | 0 - 6 | 14 pages | 15.5 x 23 cm | ISBN: 978-84-17766-04-7 Seven poems focused on spring. They describe funny and curious scenes that are typical of this season: flies and bees, flowers in bloom, Easter, variable weather, rain, as well as outdoor activities and hobbies.
Poemas de frío y manta | Illustrated poetry Text available in English
Poems of cold and blankets Núria Albertí | Mercè Galí
Board book | 0 - 6 | 14 pages | 15.5 x 23 cm | ISBN: 978-84-948745-1-2 Seven poems focused on winter. They have resonant rhymes and magnificent illustrations and are about everything that happens when the cold arrives: snow, Christmas, indoor games, colds, etc
Illustrated poetry | Els meus primers Haikús Text available in English
2nd Edition
My first haikus Núria Albertí | Mercè Galí
Board book | 0 - 6 | 14 pages | 15.5 x 23 cm | ISBN: 978-84-946346-1-1 Seven haikus dedicated to the baby’s natural environment. Images, habits or emotions close to their surroundings. An easy way to interact with your baby!
The Extra Ordinary Library
Bona nit, Lluna | Illustrated poetry
2nd Edition
Good night, Moon Núria Albertí | Mercè Galí
Board book | 0 - 6 | 14 pages | 15.5 x 23 cm | ISBN: 978-84-946346-2-8 Seven lullabies which will bring comfort and sleep to little ones. An excellent way to lull a baby to sleep. All the songs are original and they have different themes.
Nunca dejes de brillar | Picture books Delicate Picture books for exploring the world.
Never stop shining Sandra Alonso | Pilar Muñoz
Picture book | 3+ | 32 pages | 24 x 24 cm | ISBN: 978-84-17766-21-4 One night, at summer camp, Nora meets Totopo, the brightest glow worm in the world. They become inseparable and when they are together, both shine brighter than ever. Will that last, or will it change? A story that, through the relationship of Nora and Totopo, can help kids cope with emotions such as jealousy, anxiety, sadness and loneliness.
Picture books | África y sus colores
Africa and her colours Anna Obiols | Subi
Picture book | 6+ | 36 pages | 24 x 24 cm | ISBN: 978-84-17766-19-1 For days now, Africa, the youngest in a family of elephants, has been feeling sad. Her friend the jungle bird suggests they build a hot air balloon so she can fly off and discover new horizons. The bird gives her five little glass jars which she can fill with the things that excite her most on the journey. They will be how Africa brings the colours of the world back to the jungle.
Grande grande | Picture books
Big big
Gracia Iglesias | Susana Rosique
Picture book | 3+ | 32 pages | 24 x 24 cm | ISBN: 978-84-17766-20-7 One night, just after supper, Nora stretches and stretches until, suddenly, she finds herself a big girl while everything else is now tiny, tiny! A story about Nora, her Dad and three tiny, tiny animals: a mouse, a spider and a bird.
Picture books | ¿Feos y feas?
Really uglys? Lola Casas | Gusti
Picture book | 6+ | 60 pages | 21 x 26 cm | ISBN: 978-84-17766-24-5 From Gusti’s hand and ballpoint pen we are given 45 strident illustrations of fun and suggestive faces. They are accompanied by a text in rhyme by Lola Casas and, at the end by a quote from Roald Dahl that invites us to reflect on whether the faces are really ugly, or they just show beautiful, natural people. This catalogue of faces is sure to kick off a debate, but will also certainly be a fun ride for readers!
Hermanastra | Picture books
Picture book | 5+ | 40 pages | 22 x 23 cm | ISBN: 978-84-948745-9-8 A funny and surprising story that breaks the mold of classic tales about palaces, princesses and greedy sisters, about a prince looking for a wife or some crystal shoe... And with an unexpected ending!
Picture books | El bostezo viajero
The Travelling Yawns Núria Cela | Mercè Galí
Picture book | 6+ | 32 pages | 24 x 24 cm | ISBN: 978-84-17766-01-6 Late at night, Lu is stretched out on her bed unable to sleep. She amuses herself by watching Minina, her cat, playing at the window. To help her sleep, her grandfather tells her a magic story about the travelling yawns. Explaining how they leap from mouth to mouth, from person to beast bounding from faraway lands until they reach our mouths. Will he get Lu off to sleep?
Agapito. El sapo que quería ser príncipe | Picture books
Jode. The toad who wanted to be a prince
Alicia Acosta | Pablo Pino
Picture book | 3+ | 36 pages | 24 x 24 cm | ISBN: 978-84-17766-10-8 Jode is an ugly and slimy toad, but he thinks that he is the prettiest of the pond. Believing that he has a prince inside of him, he embarks on the search of a princess to kiss him and break the spell, without caring in nothing else. But the princess will teach him a lesson: girls are smart, trust themselves and know what that want better than him.
Picture books | El sol llega tarde
2nd Edition
The sun is late
Anna Llenas | Susana Peix Picture book | 3+ | 24 pages | 24 x 24 cm | ISBN: 978-84-947414-6-3 Have you ever thought of what will happen if one day the sun slept in? This book tells us the story of the sun. One day it goes to sleep and leaves the planet earth in total darkness. How will the sun manage to brighten the planet earth again? The sun will return to the sky and with really hard work will try to fix this situation.
El sol llega tarde | Board Book
3rd Edition
The sun is late
Anna Llenas | Susana Peix Board book | 0 - 4 | 20 pages | 18 x 18 cm | ISBN: 978-84-948206-0-1
Anna Llenas An illustrator who has a fame for more then 7 years of her beautiful work. She has 11 works published and traduced in more then 20 countires like: UK, USA, Italy, German, France, China...
Picture books | Dibujar a caballo
Drawing horses
Germán Machado | Anna Aparicio Català Picture book | 6+ | 36 pages | 24 x 24 cm | ISBN: 978-84-17766-16-0 This Picture book tells the story of Nadia and her toy horse, Hipi. One day they decide to go to a horse riding club to see horses up close and learn how to draw them.
Nona | Picture books
Esther Voltà
Picture book | 3+ | 32 pages | 24 x 24 cm | ISBN: 978-84-17766-17-7 An Picture book that tells the story of Nona and her friend Mariona. Through dream landscapes and travels to the stars we uncover a unique story based on friendship and respect for the environment.
Picture books | Sedafín. Historia de un gusano de seda
RIGHTS SOLD to Portugal
Silky. The story of a silk worm Pep Molist | Christian Inaraja
Picture book | 3+ | 36 pages | 24 x 24 cm | ISBN: 978-84-17766-06-1 An ideal story in which to discover these insects that so impress our littlest ones. Silky is not just any old silk worm, he is red, not grey like the rest of his companions. He has just arrived from the Far-East, he walks upright, using only his back legs and he is admired by all his other box-mates.
El último centauro rojo | Picture books
The last red centaur Agustín Comotto
Picture book | 6+ | 36 pages | 25 x 28 cm | ISBN: 978-84-17766-07-8 An Picture book that speaks about the necessity of our memory to preserve and keep remembering them. Through the story of our protagonist, a girl and his imaginary friend, the last red centaur, the last of his kind because nobody thinks about centaurs anymore. That we don’t remember or we don’t recall, banishes. A masterpiece made by Agustín Comotto.
Picture books | En las nubes
In the clouds Subi & Anna
Picture book | 3+ | 28 pages | 24 x 24 cm | ISBN: 978-84-948745-2-9 When you’re a giant on the Earth, everything is too small. Even in stories: you need more space on the page!Time to build a house in the clouds!
¿Hoy quién soy? | Picture books
Now who I am?
Ricardo Alcántara | Màriam Ben-Arab Picture book | 3+ | 36 pages | 24 x 24 cm | ISBN: 978-84-948206-6-3 Every morning, before she opens her eyes, Julia asks: “Now who am I?”. Sometimes she is a Princess, others times, a pirate, a fairy, etc. She never stops dreaming because she knows that, sooner or later, dreams can come true.
Picture books | La canción del bosque
The forest’s song Àlex Tovar | Àfrica Fanlo
Picture book | 6+ | 32 pages | 24 x 27 cm | ISBN: 978-84-948206-5-6 This fable teaches us to learn to love nature. It is a story of trees, birds and a human tribe, all united by the same fate. Through the eyes of a young girl, we discover why it is so important to respect the natural cycles of the earth; avoid wasting resources and live harmoniously and sustainably.
La buscadora de tesoros | Picture books
The treasure seeker
Montserrat Balada | Núria Feijoó
Picture book | 6+ | 28 pages | 24 x 24 cm | ISBN: 978-84-948206-1-8 Lola wants to be a treasure hunter. One day she finds a map showing where some treasure is hidden. She doesn’t even have a compass to show her which way is North, but, determined to find it, she sets off on the path that crosses the unknown lands of Inertia, Merrymaking and Dread to make her dream come true.
Picture books | Allí arriba todo es diferente
Up there everything is diferent Pep Molist | Anna Clariana Picture book | 6+ | 36 pages | 24 x 24 cm | ISBN: 978-84-947414-4-9 A picture book that recounts a dialogue between grandparents and grandchildren, from the points of view of different generations. An evocative and poetic way to view and live life. A grandfather tells his grandson how you can feel emotions in a different way, if you climb up to the top of an old oak.
La peluquería del señor Calabacín | Picture books
Mr Courgetter’s hairdresser
Oriol Toro | Ricard Aranda
Picture book | 6+ | 28 pages | 24 x 24 cm | ISBN: 978-84- 947414-5- 6 In a hidden corner of the garden there is a courgette. Every night, Mr. Courgette takes out his scissors, his comb and a hair-dryer and puts the “Open” sign up on his door. But Mr. Courgette likes to criticize his customers when they are there. A habit that leads him into all sorts of trouble. A story full of essential values for children, such as respect for others and the importance of healthy food.
Picture books | Mentides?
Lola Casas | Cristina Losantos Picture book | 6+ | 36 pages | 24 x 24 cm | ISBN: 978-84-17000-01-1 A very visual book with beautiful illustrations and a really clear message: children, unlike adults, are free to use their imagination! It is the story of a little boy who has been sent to the attic by his parents for telling lies. there, inside an old box, he founds an abandoned Pinocchio. They become friends and laugh, play and sing together.
Bestiari salvatje d’estar per casa | Picture books
Wild beast Sebastià Serra
Picture book | 6+ | 36 pages | 24 x 24 cm | ISBN: 978-84-945624-4-0 If you want to enjoy a wild experience with some very original creatures and magical scenarios that will bowl you over, then this is your book! A poetry book for little ones. Each verse deals with a different animal or creature.
Sign language |Un pastel muy especial
A very special cake Laia Massons | Albert Pinilla
Picture book | 3+ | 40 pages | 28 x 21 cm | ISBN: 978-84-17766-15-3 This funny and surprising story tells of the birthday of Queen Luna for whom her son decides to prepare a very special cake. Throughout the story we discover how the cake is made, what the ingredients are and the steps you need to follow. At the same time, we learn the corresponding signs for each item. However, soon after, it all turns into a huge disaster, because an ogre arrives determined to spoil the birthday party. But the story has an unexpected and fun twist up its sleeve.
La cola de sirena | Sign language
The mermaid’s tail Clara Berenguer | Cèsar Barceló
Picture book | 3+ | 36 pages | 28 x 21 cm | ISBN: 978-84-948745-8-1 Carla wants to be a mermaid and checks every day to see if her feet have begun to turn into a tail. But they never have. As she has always heard that “you are what you eat,” Carla decides to only eat fish to help her grow the longed-for mermaid’s tail.
Sign language |Todos los besos del mundo
All the kisses in the world Montse Panero | Mercè Galí
Picture book | 3+ | 22 pages | 28 x 21 cm | ISBN: 978-84-941225-1-4 There are all sort of kisses, gift kisses, surprise kisses, friendship kisses,… Do you know the feeling of a soft butterfly kiss? What about a strong crocodile kiss? Or a cow kiss, how do they kiss?. Sito, the smallest of the Kiss family, is on a journey to discover all kinds of kisses. Would you like to join him in his magic adventure?
La princesita | Sign language
The little princess
Marta Plans | Valentí Gubianas Picture book | 4+ | 32 pages | 28 x 21 cm | ISBN: 978-84-947414-0-1 The little princess is lost and can’t find her way back to the palace. Various people try to help her, but she is not a person who lets people help her easily.
Sign language | El ratoncito Pérez
Perez the little mouse Montserrat Balada | Julilustrador
Picture book | 5+ | 24 pages | 28 x 21 cm | ISBN: 978-84-941225-8-3 This text is adapted to the easy reading system. *The little mouse Perez’ is the equivalent in Spanish of the tooth fairy in other cultures. The little mouse Perez was really happy in his work. Night after night he would go from house to house picking up children’s teeth, until one day a little mouse Gimenez appeared, proclaiming that he was the new teeth mouse! What a mess! Who will be the new little mouse of the teeth: Perez or Gimenez?
El elefante Mainú y la amistad | Sign language
The elefants Mainu’s friends Montserrat Balada | Òscar Julve Picture book | 3+ | 22 pages | 28 x 21 cm | ISBN: 978-84-941225-2-1 Mainu is on a journey, on his way he will find a zebra without stripes, a penguin who sneezes, a turtle who cannot swim, a dishevelled monkey,… will they become friends? A very funny and tender story that teaches us the values of friendship.
Sign language | Un rey muy testarudo
A very stubborn king Montserrat Balada | Pep Boatella
Picture book | 5+ | 22 pages | 28 x 21 cm | ISBN: 978-84-937794-8-1 Tolot is the most stubborn king in the world. If someone thinks differently he locks them up in the prison. He imprisoned his cooks, the royal advisors and even the Queen! Find out more about the boundless stubbornness of this king!
La magia de los colores | Sign language
The magic of colors
Ricardo Alcántara | Sebastià Serra Picture book | 4+ | 22 pages | 28 x 21 cm | ISBN: 978-84-937794-9-8 Mariana is discovering the magic of colours, thanks to the clothes that she chooses every day when getting dressed. Pink turns her into a princess, green into an elf, black into a brave pirate,… Why don’t you travel with her to this imaginary world? From colour to colour, from adventure to adventure, with thousands of magic things to be discovered.
Middle grade | Científc @ s Guides of fundamental knowledge about great characters in history.
Sergio Belmonte | JuanolO Guide | 10 + | 68 pages | 19 x 22 cm | ISBN: 978-84-948745-3-6 Mothers, fathers, teachers... how many times have you asked teenagers about sportsmen or famous people you admire? What happens? I know: blank looks. Ah, but ask them about YouTubers, actors and actress, singers, Pokemon, or else about characters from their favourite TV series or videogame? What do they know then? EVERYTHING! When knowledge is related to their interests they remember every single detail, don’t they? Ask them now about Julius Cesar, about Albert Einstein, Charlemagne, Dickens, Magellan, Van Gogh, even e Beatles. What do they know about them? What do they remember? Surprised? Now, imagine a book full of fundamental knowledge and anecdotes about the great characters in history.
Históric @ s | Middle grade
Carlos Rull | JuanolO
Guide | 10+ | 104 pages | 19 x 22 cm | ISBN: 978-84-17766-18-4 Second entry as the Young collection and first of the famous historical figures, biographies collection, some of them painfully overlooked, like Apasia. Illustrations, fundamental information, anecdotes and the questions of the reader combine seamlessly to form a rigorous way of learning about the world.
Middle grade | El Tuerca. El parque encantado Illustrated novels about the environment and friendship.
El Tuerca
The Haunted Park (2) Giacommo Pucci | Valerio Chiola Illustrated novel | 8+ | 88 p. | 14 x 20 cm | ISBN: 978-84-17756-51-2 For the last few days, strange robberies have been happening in the park: swings and benches have vanished. The authorities have failed to find the culprits. It is rumoured that it was a mafia gang, a giant rat or the old caretaker. This is the second instalment in the Tuerca series, where bullying forms the backdrop of the adventures of this gang from the town of Pedicello.
El Tuerca. Apretando tuercas | Middle grade
El Tuerca
Tightening Nuts (1) Giacommo Pucci | Valerio Chiola Illustrated novel | 8+ | 64 p. | 14 x 20 cm | ISBN: 978-84-948745-5-0 After their latest shenanigans, Tuerca, Dandi, Aleta, Caña and Sabelotodo, the most famous “naughty boys” in school, unwittingly and reluctantly become a special squad at the head teacher’s orders. Together the five of them have a lot of adventures that show readers that we are all nuts: small, but unique and irreplaceable pieces which, when harmoniously connected, form part of a bigger mechanism.
Middle grade | La Bundi i els seus amics. Salvem el bosc!
Bundi and friends Let’s save the forest! (1) Montse Roca | Julilustrador Illustrated novel | 8+ | 99 pages | 14,5 x 22 cm | ISBN: 978-84-17756-30-7 In the forest where Bundi and her piglet lives is upside-down; lots of men and machines have arrived and they are starting to work the ground. The animals are worried. What’s going on?
La Bundi i els seus amics. Missió Delta | Middle grade
Bundi and friends The Delta mission (2)
Montse Roca | Julilustrador Illustrated novel | 8+ | 90 pages | 14,5 x 22 cm | ISBN: 978-84-1775-31-4 Plom the Crow has gone to the Delta to visit his friend Pinki, the Flamingo. When he arrives there, he discovers that the marshlands are drying up and the bird colony is in grave danger. Are humans responsible? Bundi and his friends won’t stop till they find out!
Middle grade | Vali la valenta
Vali the Valiant Ramon Grau | Julilustrador Illustrated novel | 8+ | 122 pages | 14,5 x 22 cm | ISBN: 978-84-17000-63-9 Poor little Vali was thrown into the sea when she was only a day old puppy. but she survived and from that moment on, her only thought is how to get home. Trying to do so, she meets new friends and has lots of adventures and although she is only small and weak, she shows a lot of courage. That’s why she becomes known as Vali the Valiant. Along the way she discovers the less acceptable face of humans and struggles to ensure that the values that make them decent people prevail.
En Drobnic vol ser lliure | Middle grade
Drobnic Wants to be free Núria Maeso Salvà | Pilarín Bayés Illustrated novel | 8+ | 74 pages | 14,5 x 22 cm | ISBN: 978-84-17756-13-0 Drobnic, a dog that has only known family life in the heart of a rural community, wants to start out on the road to freedom. So he sets off on a journey that will help him grow, bravely facing, alone, the uncertainty of the world and learning from his mistakes. But he also discovers lots of positive things, such as the big city, music and, above all, friendship. Chance will bring him a companion for part of the trip in the form of another dog called Pelroig, whose character is very different from his. Until, finally, Drobnic meets Alex.
©Illustrati on by Ch “Sedafín. ristian Ina Historia raja de un gusa no de sed a”