Fast Food Factory

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Fast Food Factory

By Cara Miller Almeida, 6th Period

Fast Food Factory

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The Menu

SSA Super Spicy Salsa AAA Astounding Apricot w/Asparagus SAS Sassy American Swiss SSA Super Sour Apple ASA Angus Salami Appetizer AAS Amazing Alfalfa Sprouts HL Hamburger Love

*Suggested Subtractions


$4.99 N/A $4.49 N/A $3.89 $4.69 $4.29

The SSS (Super Spicy Salsa)

Should we showcase the SSS?

8 inches

If 3 sides of one triangle are equal to 3 sides of another triangle, then the triangles are congruent.

The SSS has been proved congruent by our company think tank of 7th period.


(Astounding Apricot w/Asparagus)

Should we showcase the AAA?

2 13/16 inches

The AAA is not a good sandwich to serve because the angles can equal the same, but the sides can always be different.

The AAA has not been proven congruent by our company think tank.

The SAS (Sassy American Swiss)

Should we showcase the SAS?

6 inches

If 2 sides & the included angle of one triangle are congruent to 2 sides & the included angle of another triangle, then the triangles are congruent.

The SAS has been proved congruent by our company think tank of 7th period.

The SSA (Super Sour Apple)

5 inches

Should we showcase the SSA?

6 7/8 inches

The SSA is not a good sandwich to serve because there are multiple combinations of sides & angles to fit the requirements of a SSA, causing multiple sandwich sizes.

The SSA has not been proven congruent by our company think tank.

The ASA (Angus Salami Appetizer)

Should we showcase the ASA?

8 inches

If 2 angles & the included side of a triangle are congruent to the 2 angles & the included side of another triangle, then the triangles are congruent.

The ASA has been proved congruent by our company think tank of 7th period.

The AAS (Amazing Alfalfa Sprouts)

Should we showcase the AAS?

9 ½ inches

If 2 angles & the non-included sides of 2 triangles are congruent, then the 2 triangles are congruent.

The AAS has been proved congruent by our company think tank of 7th period.

The HL (Hamburger Love)

6 inches

Should we showcase the HL?

7 inches

If the hypotenuse and the leg of 2 right triangles are congruent, then the triangles are congruent.

The HL has been proved congruent by our company think tank of 7th period.

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