Media release
For immediate release 21 November 2011
Business-friendly guide to Australia’s carbon market Australia’s peak body for carbon market professionals is guiding the way for business to participate in Australia’s new compliance carbon market. The Carbon Market Institute today launched Australia’s Clean Energy Legislative Package: A Guide for Business, a comprehensive guide which will inform and educate businesses about how the scheme operates and what it will mean for different scheme participants. “Businesses are more likely to achieve the best outcomes from a national carbon price mechanism if they have a solid understanding of the content of the scheme and are able to easily navigate their way around the Legislative Package that underpins the scheme,” says Carbon Market Institute executive director Mike Tournier. “The more informed businesses are about the scheme, the better their business decisions.” The carbon price mechanism and accompanying legislation establishes a carbon price by way of an emissions trading scheme similar to that in Europe and New Zealand designed to provide price signals to incentivise new behaviours and encourage the adoption and consumption of low carbon energy alternatives. The scheme will transform the business landscape, creating new risks and opportunities to which business leaders will need to understand and respond. “A thorough understanding of the relevant implications of the legislation will enable an organisation to develop the most appropriate strategy to respond to the changes,” says Tournier. “In the worst case, failing to do this may result in unexpected and undesirable impacts on the financial and market position and performance of an organisation.” The CMI Guide is authored by leading climate change lawyers Baker & McKenzie, led by Martijn Wilder, head of the firm’s Global Environmental Markets and Climate Change practice. Australia’s Clean Energy Legislative Package: A Guide for Business is available via the CMI website at The guide for business will be presented at CMI Business Roundtable Meetings in Melbourne and Sydney on 23 and 25 November. For more information, contact ends
Media release
For immediate release
For more information, please contact: Communications Manager Gabrielle Callahan Phone: 03 9245 0960 or 0408 997 486 Email:
The Carbon Market Institute is Australia’s peak industry body providing leadership and information for businesses and professionals in rapidly evolving carbon markets through a program of research and market analysis, business networking and information services, education and training, professional standards and accreditation, and international engagement. As a membership-based not-for-profit organisation, our aim is to assist Australian businesses in meeting the challenges and opportunities associated with the developing national and international carbon markets and thereby build capacity to grow in a low-carbon world. Established with support from the Victorian Government, our Asia-Pacific wide membership encompasses a broad range of professionals, organisations and industry providers for whom carbon will have a direct impact on their businesses both in terms of liabilities and potential opportunities.