Carbon Cycle Crush - Notable Name for Natural and Nutritious Expeller-Pressed Canola Meal Their quality-centric approach enables Carbon Cycle Crush to use Canola seeds and simply create highly nutritious and natural expeller-pressed Canola meal which is rich with omega -3 content and pure with no hexane. These all-natural products are a result of an effectual extraction procedure that excludes any use of excessive heating or cooling. The company, based out of Washington, has carved a niche for itself by retailing premium grade Canola oil and meal at reasonable prices. Pressed Canola meal by Carbon Cycle Crush is the growing and now first choice of many ranch and cattle owners in the country as, time and again, the regular consumption of these meals have resulted in improved health for dairy animals, poultry, horses and pigs. In fact, many studies show that in comparison to the soy based or cotton seed meals, Canola meals are richer in protein and their regular intake has helped with better turkey breeding and with increasing the production of eggs and milk.
For Carbon Cycle Crush, leading provider of expeller-pressed Canola oil and meal, pecuniary interests are not on the top of the priority list, rather, these come long after their supreme goal of creating avenues for sustainable and environment-friendly growth. As one of the representatives from the company states, “We care about the planet and what it’s going to be like for their grandchildren. We care about long-term economic health and sustainability. We care about creating livable-wage jobs that will reinvigorate a stagnant job market. Even better, we don’t support greed. Or making a buck at the expense of others. Or winning if it means someone has to lose.” About Carbon Cycle Crush is helping local farmers and ranchers create economically, socially and environmentally sustainable businesses by driving a consistent demand for crops, providing educational support, creating local jobs and selling high-quality expeller-pressed Canola oil and expeller-pressed Canola meal. They are driven by a vision to re-balance the carbon cycle in agricultural communities. They aim to create jobs, drive consistent and reliable demand
for oil-seed crops and introduce sustainable business practices that stimulate economic growth, foster social equality, and accelerate environmental stewardship.
To know more about them please visit or call 1(509) 242-3036.