World landforms, a leading educational portal, provides facts and details about volcanoes

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World Landforms, a Leading Educational Portal, Provides Facts and Details about Volcanoes There are a number of geographical features that are present on the surface of the earth. Out of these, volcanoes are the most interesting kind of landform. To provide interested readers with precise information, World Landforms, a leading educational portal, provides information about volcanoes all around the world. There are five different kinds of volcanoes including shield volcanoes, cinder cone volcanoes, composite volcanoes, complex volcanoes and spatter cones. These volcanoes erupt when there is tectonic movement. The portal also has interesting pictures to help readers understand the information. Besides this, the portal also provides vast information about landforms and their formation. The various landforms that people witness today have been created due to forces exerted by the movements of the earth’s crust like tectonic activities, climatic changes, soil erosion and various other actions. This has led to the creation of a number of prominent landforms all over planet Earth such as Archipelagos, Bays, Buttes, Channels, Coves, Deltas, Glaciers and Mountain Ranges, etc. The facts and details that have been provided on the portal are accurate, and readers and students can refer to it for academic purposes and school projects. Speaking more about volcanoes, one of the representatives of World Landforms stated, “Volcanoes can be devastating. They can destroy land in many different ways. One example is the submarine caldera called Kuwae. A huge island was once connected that is now two. A huge eruption took place and collapsed the land in the middle underwater. The collapse associated with caldera formation may have been as much as 1,100 meters. Around 32–39 cubic km of magma was erupted, making the Kuwae eruption one of the largest in the past 10,000 years.” About World Landforms:World Landforms is a leading portal that provides information about different types of landforms. The portal has been created with an aim to provide people with authentic information about landforms. The portal also has its social media pages on various social media channels. The main motto of the portal is helping people discover the landforms of the world. To know more, please visit

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