World Landforms is an Informative Portal that Provides Information about Major Landforms of the World Intending to provide interesting information to cater to readers, World Landforms is an informative portal that provides information about the major landforms of the world. The website educates readers about the origin of landforms such as lakes, oceans, reefs, volcanoes, rivers, deserts, bays and continents on the surface of the earth. These geographical features were formed over a period of billions of years. Due to multiple climatic and tectonic activity, these splendid landforms were created. Eventually due to erosion, wind and deposition of soil, different areas of the planet formed into different prominent features. The portal also provides landform lesson plans to readers. Out of the various landforms, volcanoes are one of the most interesting types of geographical features on the planet. As the tectonic plates converge or diverge, the hot magma present in the core of the earth escapes, rupturing the mantle and the crust in the process. There are various kinds of volcanoes like shield volcanoes, complex volcanoes, composite volcanoes, spatter cones and cinder cones, etc. The shield volcanoes form with effusive volcanic eruptions which lead to flowing of magma in various directions forming a shield-like structure. Talking more about the shield volcano facts, one of the representatives of stated, “The magma chamber that is located at the base of the volcano is the reservoir of the magma that flows out during eruptions. The magma conduit is the main pipe that delivers the magma from the magma chamber during eruptions. The dike is a secondary pipe forming on the side of the shield volcano through which magma flows from the magma conduit. Sill is a tubular intrusion in the lava sheets fed by dikes and lie parallel to the lava sheets.� About World Landforms: World Landforms is a leading portal that provides information about different types of landforms. The portal has been created with an aim to provide people with authentic information about landforms. The portal also has its social media pages in various social media channels. The main motto of the portal is helping people discover the landforms of the world. To know more, please visit