1 minute read

Breaking man stereotypes



Do you know what are the stereotypes forced onto the male gender? Here is a “BRIEF” list: - Heterosexuality/Homophobia - Masculine Gender Roles - Physical Attractiveness - Self-Sufficiency - Hypersexuality - Acting Tough - Aggression and Control



When it comes to gender, stereotypes cause unequal and unfair treatment based on this particular aspect. This is called sexism.

The most important thing we have to realise is that bias and stereotypes impact us all equally - it doesn’t matter if you’re a man, a woman or non-binary.

All of us are constricted by stereotypes and punished if we function past our orthodox gender roles. As a society, we expect men to be strong and tough, “be a man” and “suck it up”.

We have all heard someone say to a guy: “you’re being a girl” or “crying is for girls”. This particular type of expression affects men’s vulnerability. It expresses this idea that men are not allowed to cry or to express their feelings.

Men are also more vulnerable to the third-person effect, in which individuals see media as having a major influence on others than on themselves.

We see gender stereotypes and men being judged all around us every single day. It’s our job to rise and come together to battle against what is the norm.

You can start the fight today with basic and simple steps such as: being a living example of what you are against; speaking up whenever you see these rules being applied and used against someone; and most importantly, giving it a try - you never know how good you might feel when you step out of the box the world has placed you in.

We all deserve to feel EQUAL and VALUED as a person.

B Rak e the n o r m

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